iTlERilSING m TESH COWS FOR SALE. T Vi ol Iv to me on Route. 7, near C. C CXTRRIN. 4-l9-2tx .r.r rvmr ftYFORn HAD A 1)11 -riilitinff library? Go to Pitt C1 n; Drug Store and get any book read at the small cost 0f 2c a day: Apr- 0 13 TTTTyS STRAW HAT CLEANER ' . - . a nlajtilncr straw 13 hats or for iron rust ana stains clothing. HALL'S DRUG V O 1 O i-C in ,.-nnl)V.. O-JLO-Li --rrrrTKv a house to paint? Use Acme Quality J,-.nnrJ nn it. Paint You The test is can uryciu cheapest in the long run. We t have vou a hodse io bjild? BuUd it with our material. You Know "It's right when you get it it Ray's." tr C. D. RAY & SON. FED TOP STEEIi FENCE POSTS are time saver? labor savers, money savers, last indefinitely and look good. tI C. D. RAY & SON, Distributors. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us aoo-it it we nanan cort right Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every other kind of roof ing of best tiuality. tf C. D. RAY & SON. STOXEWARff. FRUIT JARS, Flower Pols. Crockery, Glass ware, Tinware, Enamelware, Al luminumware, etc, at C. D. RAY & SON'S HARDWARE STORES July 2-tf JUST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have f. clean store and a clean stock of Hard- tfV e' C. D. RAY & SON. f AM GLAD TO ANNOUNCE TO MY customers and friends that I have fitted out a clock repairing de partment and secured a man that is ready to do clock repairing all the time. Thanking the public for past patronage and solicting a con tinuance in the future, I am yours for service. M4-tj. J. W. KNIGHT. KILL ALL THE FLIES YOU CAN Use Black Flag and Bee Brand, pet them at PITTMAN'S DRUG STORE. 4-8-tf TRY PUBLIC LEDGER j steering wheel from twelve to f our T.TOV.f oru lTT 1 no teen inch, and that these changes Wallb dUb, Ulll.y J5L I wiii continue, to eo through from word. FLIES! FLIES! FLIES! THAT A- bominable fly! Make him stay out doors bv the use of our SCREEN BOORS AND WINDOWS. 4-1-ltw-tf. C D. RAY & SON. GO NO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for the best gua no you can buy, common tobacco will sell cheap-3-tj. HORNER BROS.. CO- WAXTKD AX EXPERIENCED Life Insurance man to take a Dis trict Manager's contract for well established company- Good terri tory including Granville and ad joining counties. I have an un usually good proposition for the right man. Address- G. T. Coch rane, General Agent, Thomasville. X. C. FARMERS BE WISE YOU WILL find our FARM IMPLEMENTS right in price and that they will do the work right 4-1-1 tw-tf. C D. RAY & SON: A XEW HAT FOR 25 CENTS USE Colorite. Any color. HALL'S DRUG STORE. 2-18-tr GI AXO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for the best gua no you can buy, common tobacco v.ill sell cheap. 3-tj. HORNER BROS., CO- COOKIXft IX SUMMER CAN MORE Pleasantly be done bv the use of our NEW PERFECTION OR t Richard Oil Stoves- M-lt7.--tf. C D. RAY & SON. RENEW THAT OLD HAT OF yours with Colorite, 16 colors in stock. Get it at Pittman's, the Drug Store of Quality and Ser vice. 3-1-tf DAVIDS SALVE FOR ECZEMA, Itch, Poison, Tetter, or any sore is a guaranteed preparation. Try it at our expense. Large box 52 cts DAVID CHEMICAL CO., Hender son, N. C. Oxford Druggist. 0 LR 20,000,000, BOTTLES OF laniac sold. Get yours today at Pittman's Drug Store. 4-15-tt SKI S VICE IS A HOBBY OF OURS He are more interested in the good iu of tomorrow than in the sale of today .We fully realize that our business must be built sauareiv on service. Trusting to receive your f.rders for any thing in the drug 'ine and assuring you of tha best possible service at all times, We remain Faithfully yours. Pitt man's Drug Store. 3-22-tf. K-E ( REAM YOU CAN MAKE IT ffigy and easily with our HIOST FREEZERS. j-ltw-tf. C- D. RAY & SON. S1;D IRISH POTATOES AT HALLS DRUG STORE. 3-18-tf. MORE FRESH COWS FOR SALE, JMll sell for cash, on time, or tntde for dry cattle. C. H. CHEATHAM, Oxford, Rt 3. AVERY CORN PLANTERS. ASK rer who owns one. 4-12-4? RD HARDWARE CO. AV ERTISING LYON DRUG COMPANY sive agent for Tanlac . EXCLU-4-1 2-tf LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION, DRY Lime-Sulphur, Bordeaux Mixture, Arsenate of Lead, Paris Green, Bug Death, Slug Shot. Pittman's Drug Store... - 3-15-tf LOST ON 10TH DAY OF APRIL old gold breast, pin. Lost be tween Walter Bragg's store on Oxford Route 2 and Baptist cuurcn at uxiora. get reward. MRS. DANIEL." OXFORD V. A AX auu G. NORMAN N. C. FOR SALE BRAND NEW EDISON Talking Machine, with records, latest model, cylinder type, equip ped with Diamond Stylus Repro ducer, price cheap, if interested address P. 0. Box 304 Oxford, N. C or call at Public Ledger Office. 4-25-2tx. NOTICE Ail persons are hereby notified not to employ or harbor my son, Sam Critcher, 19 years of age. who has left my home without my consent. Any person employing or harboring my said son will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law. 4-26-tf. W. N. CRITCHER. NEW CAR RUMOR . FALSE SAYS FORD Will Make ; No Changes In Models This Year. "We do not contemplate making any changes in our present car mod els" stated W. A. Ryan, Central Sal es Manager of the Ford Motor Com pany, Detroit, in denial of the many rumors circulating throughout the country to the effect that Ford in ended to change the design ,of the present car. . The, statement was addressed to the Ford branches in the United States, and reads as follows: "Sev eral branches have reported persis tent rumors in their territory to the effect that a change in body design is contemplated during the year, ev en going as far as to say some of our assembly plants are already re ceiving shipments of new body ma terial. "We have never considered it good business judgment to make any j guarantee covering a definite period on matters of this nature, but you may advise your dealers that those alleged rumors are fase, as we do not contemplate any changes in our present car models It was also pointed out that many I minor cnanges had been made in the car during the past jear, such as in stalling a slightly different gasoline i tonir oni nVinrip-inp- thp si7P nr the time to time as they are recommend ed by Ford's engineers- Ancient Pompeians had both primary and general elections, simi- j lar to those we have in every town and citv each spring. They were in I tte Sldst oT an exciting local elec- tion, it is indicated, when Pompeii j was destroyed in 79 A. D. The Krupps firm of Germany has succeeded in perfecting a pro cess by means of which fuel values cen be recovered from cinders. The process utilizes the magnetic pro perty of the iron compounds contain ed in the cinders. Approximately twenty-five per cent of the weight of the cinders is recovered. M.IaKllliU'uiili.'A'i mmmimm Insure Your Live Stock AGAINST Insect Parasites and Disease BY USING Kreso Dip No. 1 (STANDARDIZED) EffectiveUniform Economical Kills Lice, Mites and Fleas. For Scratches, Wounds, bcab, and Common Skin Troubles Prevents Hog Cholera Experiment on live hogs prove that a 2H dilution of Kreso Tip No. I will kill Virulent Hog Cholera Virus in 5 minutetby contact. We will send you free a booklet on the treatment of mange, eczema. or pitch mange, arthritis, sore mouth, et We will pen d! you free a bccklet on now to build a hog wallow, which will keep hogs clean and healthy. We will send you free a booklet on how to keep your hogs free from in sect parasites and disease. Write for them they are free. Kreso Dip No. 1 in Original Packages for Salm by Lyon Drug Co. a, iivm't smell ;xtei Dead for Three Months "I swear it was dead three months." writes Mr. J. Fykes (N. J.). "I saw this rat every day: put some Rat-Snao behind a barrel. Months afterwards, my wife looked behind the barrel. There it was dead.'! Rat-Snap sells in three sizes for 35c. 65c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by J. N. PITTMAN, Druggist - f pa wi! lm nit m m w OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER Eegal Advertising. SALE OF LAND Under and hv virtue of the power- i of-sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed to me on the 11th day : of June. 1918. by Zan Edwards and , wife, Mary Edwards, which is duly registered in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Granville County in Deed of Trust Book 130, page 469, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the bond secured by said Deed of Trust, and at the request of the owner and holder of said bond, I will sell for cash by public auction, at the Court House door in Oxford on MONDAY, MAY 23, 1921, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, that tract of land conveyed by said Deed of Trust and bounded and des cribed as follows: Lying and being situate in Granville County, State of North Carolina and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, H D. Eaton's corner, running North one hundred and eighty feet to a stake; thence East seventy-five feet; thence South one hundred and eighty feet; thence West seventy-five feet to the beginning. This April 20, 1921. paid B. S. ROYSTER, Trustee. SALE OP HOUSE AND LOT By virtue of the power-of-sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted to me by W. S. Currin and wife on the first day of January, 1920, and at the request of the holder and own er of the Ijond secured by said Deed of Trust, I shall on, ' MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK! NOON, sell to the highest bidder by public auction at the Court House door in Oxford, a certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being situate in Oxford Township, Granville County and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone, corner of R. H. Currins lot in Jeff Daniel's line, and running thence S. 29 1-2 E. along Daniel's line 152 feet to Alexander Avenue; thence along said Avenue 99 feet to E. J. Nance's lot; thence 29 1-2 W. along E. J. Nance's line to a stone,. R. H. Currin's corner; thence S. 63 W. along a ditch to the beginning, and being the same lot or parcel of land conveyed to the said W. S. Currin by R H Currin and others by Deed dat ed August 21, 1919. B. S. ROYSTER, Trustee. 4-15-4t paid. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having been appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville County as Administrator of the estaw of William Pettiford, deceased, late of said county, I hereby notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same to me for payment on or before the 1st day of April, 1922, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery; all persons indebted to sail estate are requested to make imme diate settlement V W Hancock. Jr Administrator of William Pettiford, deceased. 4-8-4tc TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the autho rity conferred upon me by a certain; Deed-in-Trust executed to me on the I 17th day of March, 1920, by J W. Davis and wife, Sallie Davis, and I. H. Young and wife Annie Young, which is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County in Book 142, at page 111, default hav ing been made in the payment of thb bonds secured by said Deed-in-Trust, at the request of the holder of said bonds, I will sell for cash by Public Auction at the Court Kous door , MOKDAY the second day of may 1921, AT 12 M. that tract of land conveyed by said deed of Trust and bounded and des cribed as follows: Bounded on the West by the lancu. of Dr. G. T. Sies, on the South by the lands' of J. Wesley Davis, dec'd., bounded on the East by the estate or the late E. G. Davis (now owned by Braxton & Ellis Davis) the lands of W. H. Garner, and bounded on the Norm by the road from Grissom to Frank linton, containing one hundred and two (102) acres more or less and known as the Caleb Allen place- Said tract is composed of two tracts of which seventy-two acres thereof was known as the Turner land and thirty acres of which he acquired of W. H. Garner. This is a very valuable ''arm and persons desiring a home will do well to examine it before the cay of sale. March 25th, 1921. A, A. HICKS, Trustee. Hicks ' & Stem,' Attorneys.' 4-l-4t-pd. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE The undersigned, having been ap pointti by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville County as admin istratrix of the estate of the late Thomas Roberts, deceased, hereby no tifies all persons holding claims a gainst the said estate to present tne same to me for payment on or before the 4th day of March, 1922, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This March 1, 1921. ' ALL.IE OAKLEY, Administratrix of Thomas Roberts, de ceased. 4t paid. Royster & Royster, Attorneys. SERVICE OP SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, Granville County In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk John W. Hedgpeth and others, Vs Noi Boilard, Charley Boilard, Glenn Boilard, Bescie Boilard, Boilard and Boilard. NOTICE To the Defendants above named: You will take notice that a Special Propeeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court ol Granville County for the purpose of selling a certain lot or parcel of land situate in said County and formerly owned by the late W. H. Hedgpeth, de ceased; for partition amongst his heirs-at-law; and the said Defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County on Monday, the 4th, day of April, 1921, at Eleven o'clock, A. M. and answer or demur to the Petition filed in said, Proceeding, or the Plain tiffs will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said Petition. This March 2, 1921. D. C. HUNT, Clerk Superior Court. Royster & Royster Attys., for Plain tiffs. 4w paid. There are exceptions to every rule.. But Hospitality is an unplea- RIDAY,APRIL 29. 1921 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE thJUif ? qualIfied as administrator ol ttfs if 0tJ' U Ca"ington. dec'd, mis la. to notffv nil i . . f claims Tao-i-V;. " viiw nMB -"t me estate or the de- ed on Sw 1 the Under" ?e J r f ore March 5, 1922, or " " yea m Dar or iCCOVerV. All nmnno tAtA to me said estate win . i prompt settlement with the undersign- This March 5, 1921. tno w RMNGTON. Administrator. JNO. W. Hester. Att.'y. 3-8-6w I? 2 LUTI0N OP PARTNERS HIl notice is hereby given that the part nership lately subsisting between the undersigned S. H Pot an t noi,,. j oeck, carrying on a general dry goods aim uuming business at Number 20 Hillsboro Street in the town of Oxford, North Carolina, under the style or firm of Fox & Galumbeck, was on Marcu 8th, 1921, dissolved by mutual onsent, and that the business in the future wil be carried on by the said S. H Fox alone, who will pay and discharge all the debts and liabilities, and receive all moneys payable to the said late firm. This 8th day of March, 1921. I. GALUMBECK . S. H. FOX A. W. GRAHAM & Son, Atty's 3-ll-4w Administrator' Sale Of Land. Under and bi virtue of the authority conferred upon me by a certain decree of the Superior Court of Granville county m a special proceeding therein pending entitled "R v. n.n E. D. Currin. dec'd and nthorc iro tIov. i Sherron and oth firs. .iitVirtn ino- a .7 I of the land described in the petition J filed in said proceeding, I will sell for cdt,n oy public auction at the Court house door in Oxford the tract of land described in said petition on MONDAY, THE 9TH DAY OP MAY, 1921, AT 12 M, the said tract of land is known as the residence place of the late E.D. Cur rin containing forty (40) acres more or less and is bounded on the North by the lands of Lewis W. Parham. bounded on the East by the lands of Joseph Newton, bounded on the North by the Stovall and Mountain Creek road and on the West by the lands of Joe Newton. Said sale will be made for assets with which to pay the debts of the said E. D. Currin. E. E. CURRIN, Admr Hicks & Stem, Attorneys. (paid) A Minden, Nevada, hotel pro prietor, unable to open his safe con taining valuables belonging to de parting guests, wired to the Nevada State Prison for a safe expert. A convicted burglar was sent at once and promptly opened the vault. Our Prescription Department Good As Any In The State- When you need medicine yQii need pure medicine. Drugs, like seed, can be bought for less nioney by taking those that test a lit tle below standard. You don't want that kind for your life may be at stake. We don't sell that kind reputation are both at j Get your medicine here and you HI best. S Druggist On to Chattanooga ' Via ; :. I SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY 1 THROUGH SLEEPING CARS FROM 1 P RALEIGH. H Account Southern Baptist Convention May p 12th to 18th, 1921. Lower berths $6.08, up- j per berth $486, -drawing room $22.68. J Reduced rates at one and one-half the one- m jj way fare for round trip. Tickets on sale 1 May 9th to 12th inclusive. Final limit May 1 21st. j Ask your ticket agent to route you via Ral- m j eigh and S. A. L. Ry. For further information and reservations H ite to. 0 I JOHN T. WEST, ; H Division Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. g F.H. WILLIS, 1 1 . T; P. A., Raleigh, N. C. flUSflEt CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of NORTH CAROLINA, GRANVILLE COUNTY, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. John W. Hedgpeth, etal, Vs. Noi Bollard, et al. Order of Sale. Tnt: above entitled Proceeding com ing on for hearing apon the Petition of Plaintiffs an Answer of the Guardian and Litem of the Defendants, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the lot or parcel of land mentioned and. described in the said Petition cannot be actually divided, and that a sale thereof is necessary in order to have partition amongst the tenants in common: It is therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that the said lot or par cel of land be sold to the highest bid der by public auction for cash on Sat urday, the 7th, day of May, 1921, at twelve o'clock noon at the Court House door in Oxford, after due advertise ment of the time and place of said sale m me uxiora uDiic Ledger, at the Court House door of said Countv and at (v ! ... . three other public places of said f!min ty as is Provided by law; and the Court doth further order and adiudere that T5 S. Royster be and he is hereby appoint ed a Commissioner of this Court to sell the said lot or parcel of land as here in before set out, and the said Com missioner is ordered and directed to re port the said sale to this Court within ten days from the date of the same. And this proceeding is retained for further orders. This April 4, 1921. D. C. HUNT, Clerk Superior Court (paid) Standard-Bred Poultry. Here are five reasons given by spe cialists of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture for keeping standard-bred poultry: Standard-bred poultry is more uniform in size, type and color. Standard-bred poultry is more at tractive in appearance and appeals more strongly to purchasers of stocK and eggs. Standard-bred poultry offers a Is mi for your life and our stake. H can be sure that you get the m As HALL" and Seedmen - ....MiiiiiuiMiimnitinnmHiiniinmmn;Hmiitimimi "3 greater combination of practical and useful qualities to the needs of the farmer and poultry keeper. The products of standard-bred fowls are more uniform in quality, are in greater demand; . and bring better prices. Standard-bred poultry means greater success and better profits. It is believed that the experi mental camphor groves which have been planned in Florida will be-developed to commercial importance within a few years. state ol' Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, anu that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, 4. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in fernally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Dr. L. T. Buchanan, Jr. Practice limited to ASTHAMA, HAY FEVEft, BRONCHITIS and TUBERCULOSIS. Woodard Building, Raleigh, N. C. Hours by appointment only. 1- TRY LEDGER WANT AD VS. THEY PAY! Dr. 0. B. BONNER of DRS. ROXNER & RONER EYE, EAR, KOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N. C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of each week OFFICES IN DROWN BLDG. J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK HIGKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N: C Practice in State and Federal Courts. I A. W. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. O. Practice in the State and federal Courts. F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. I Odd Fellows Bldg. Oxford, N. 0, D&. S. J. FINCH DENTISX Office In Brown Building. OTice hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-6:30 p. m. r JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Odd Fellow' Building A Service is Our Motto. We strive to please. JNO. W. HESTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Britt Building, room formerly occupied by Union Bank & Trust Co. D. Q. BRUMMTTT Attorney-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTR CAROLINA SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER i SUBSCRD3E TO PUBLIC LEDGER sant duty to most men.