.v I OXFORB PUBLIC imGM item AY.-MAY 6.1921 THE PUBLIC LEpGEK PUBLISH SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE - Editor and Manager . C. EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTIONS On Year ti. ...... .."."I" SIX Months Three Month .' 1.00 .60 Entered at the Post Office at Oxford. North Carolina, as second-class mat ter. Correspondence on all matters of in terestnews items notes or sugges tions for better methods of f rm or in dustrial developments, improvement of roads, schools, etc. is earnestly so licited. NON-DELIVERY OP PUBLIC LEDGER Please notify us of railure to get the Public Ledger at any time. We use the greatest caution possible I in mail ing out and wish to know of failure In delivery. OBITUARY NOTICES Brief news items of deaths, immed iately after decease, of .twenty to thirty words without cost. Life Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of l-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send cash, stamps or check with the copy. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION HUMANIZING THE MAILS Regarding the department over which he presides, Will H. Hays is engagingly vocal. Doubtless other .postmasters general have sensed Their responsibilities, hut not all ot .them have succeeded In making them appear attractive' "and even inspiring. The Burleson method was'instinct with a challenging testiness. Mr. Hays adopts the other tack, and when he says nice things about the necessity of delivering newspapers on time he repudiates the distorted notion that the postoffice is a censor of the press. When he promises a straightforward, efficient adminis tration he renders decidedly easier the fulfillment of these programs. Heading a department always im periled by red tapery and the intri cacies of political preferment. Mr. Hays asumes theTole of anything but a bureaucrat. His crisp and cheery outline of his intentions, given the other night to the American Associa tion of Newspaper Publishers, fur nishes an "excellent standard for pro gress in the mail service. THE NEW MOONSHINER Moonshining, under the stimulus of the Volstead law, has spread from the mountains of the South to the fashionable Back Bay district of Bos ton. Revenue officers have discov ered a still in operation in a room ad joining the ballroom on the top floor of the residence of one of the Boston aristocrats who amuses himself by serving as an assistant instructor in applied physiology in the Harvard medical school. Five gallons of whisky and ' fifty gallons of mash were siezed. The owner of the still has main tained a private physiological re search laboratory at his residence. When accused of moonshining he pleaded not guilty. What his defense will be has iiot been disclosed, but it may be that he will insist that he was engaged in physiological re search on a large scale in order to discover the effect of whisky on the motorr organs- He certainly has found it expensive to get whisky in the open market for his researches, and it may be that he found it cheaper to manufacture it At any rate, it will be interestingg to learn what defense a Harvard medical pro fessor will offer when charged with moonshining. CITIZEN WANTS TO SCOTCH THE WHEELS OF PROGRESS ONE WHOLE MONTH "I want a vacation." ;' It was our friend, the Plain Busi ness Man, who thus unburdened him-, self. We had noticed for some time; fthat his morning salutation was not as brisk and cheerful as it mignt have been, A more careful scrutiny confirmed our first impression. Yes, there was a harassed expression around his mouth, lines of worry across his forehead, .and a hunted look in his eyes. We agreed with him that he need ed a vacation. "Where do you ex pect to go this summer? Will it be to the mountains or the seashore?" "Don't want to go anywhere.'' snapped the p. b- m. "I want to stay at home." "Yes, but I thought "you said you wanted a vacation." "That's what I did say." "Well, then," said he, talk plain American. Explain, expound, expli cate, elucidate.'.' And then the flood gates opened. "I want .a real rest" said he. "I want to come down town and devote the whole day to selling goods at the store. I want a whole month in ,1, J T 1 i -11 - wuicu uoDoay win asK me tor a con-4 tnbution to the Society for the Dis tribution of . Garden Seed among the Cannibals of the Congo. I want to know that for thirty days I'll not be expected to help 'entertain the dele gates of the Association for the Su pression of Loud Noises in the Re mote Districts of Khamachatka. I want a month in which I'll not have to listen to a lecture. on How to Pre vent the Spread of Phthisic by Swatt ing the Fly and Cleaning up the Back Yard. I want" "But, hold on," said we, "you want to put a stop to all progress, all cul ture and all reform." : "You guessed it the first time, said the p. b. m. "That's exactly what I do want. . I'm tired of hear ing folks talk about 'progress' : and the 'development of the town.'' I'm tired of being solicited to ' support every conceivable cause under the sun. I'm tired of trying to be good, of falling for every movement that some gink starts, just because the man on the corner does, and he's tired of it too. I'm tired of being eternally unselfish, and trying to serve everybody except the wife and children. I want to be selfish for a while, and forget that there's any body to work for but the family. 1 want a whole month in which I can stay home o'nights with the children, a whole month in which I'll not have to go to any meeting of the church, rhe school committee, the town coun cil, the Chamber of Commerce, the lodge, or anything else-", "Oh, Lordy, wouldn't that be great? Just a whole month in which the righteous cease from troubling and the selfish are at rest. Do you reck on you can help me?" We told him that we didn' know, but we would write a : piece in the paper about ''him kiid see what the others had to say And so here it is, folks J Too Late la Classify. IP ITS ROOFING GALVANIZED Shingles, Galvanized V Crp, Red r Cedar shingles or Rubber roofing, - Samuel Davis will save you money. r He has the goods and he pays the freight. . I HA VE HAD LV MY POSSESSION a red Duroc Jersey, i male; shoal " weighing ; about ? seventy five ; pounds. The "6 whet will pleasel call for it : ,. AMOsTW ALLER, Oxford," Route 6 At the' Mrs. Clay ton place. N s , 5-6-3 to LOST LAST TUESDAY- MORNING on the streets cf Oxford a jgptd watch., plalnr open face 17 jewel Howard. Finder will reqeiyWf-; ward ff. returned 'in XT' f ' Ahhntt fvfti'A ' rT T .a A crry fiffinfl 4-29-3tx . ..... "-.:"' FOR SALE, GAS RANGE IN GOOD condition. Price reasonable. . pan .' be seen at Mrs. D. E. Coinptbn, 83 Front Street, Oxford, N. C. 2tc hi Mi ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PLAC ES IN OXFORD. As agents for the owner we offer for sale the very attractive and splendid seven room cottage, corner of High and Gilliam Sts. Modern con- : veniences, beautiful shade trees, splendid garden, superior location. ; Properties of this ; class are seldom on the market and this is an oppor tunity to buy a life time home. We are also offering a number of de sirable .building lots for residences two on Broad street one on Alex ander Avenue thr.ee did' King street ; --Ridley Park. ' :. ; Granville Real Estate & Trust Company Our Servise Insure Your Satisfaction . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS . Telephone 88 Main St. , Oxford, N. C. LOST LAST WEEK A TAFFETA silk umbrella. Ring in handle. Return to Public Ledger. 5-6-ltc Weaker iThecord' kept by Mr. Moss at th Granville County Test Farm for th month; of ApWshows; rainfall J' 1.41 inches. ,.Th'e- greatest amoun of rainfall in 24 hours was .48 inch on the 14th; maximum tenn)erateS 86 degrees on the 26th; temperature 32. degreres on th and 11th, slight flury of snow or tl0' 10th; killing frost on the 11th- IS ber of clear days 21. num- SUBSCRD3E TO PUBLIC LEDGES 1 - REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF GRANVILLE AT OXFORD IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON APRDL 28, 1921. ANNUAL MMIBOAL DAYPJROCLAMATION ISSUED BY HARDING Washington, "Say 5!" The annual Memorial day proclamation, setting a side May 30 as a holiday was issued by President Harding. The text fol lows: 1 "Whereas, this nation has been, con ceived in prayer and 4evotion of men and women who' Were moved under God to found a nation where princi ples of right should form the lasting corner stone; and, whereas,w these principles purchased at the price of great sacrifice have been fostered by a worthy posterity; and, whereas, the great war has lately laid its cost ly demands upon our land: RESOURCES. : Loans and discounts ... ..1,125,134.85 Notes and bills rediscounted with Fed. Res Bank . . .62,410.40 Notes and bills rediscounted other than with Fed. Reserve Bank ......... 12,500.00 74,910.40 1,050,224.45 U. S. Government Securities Owned: . ; Deposited to secure, circulation (U. S. Bonds par valj 115,000.00 All other U. S. Gov'. Securities . . ..... ...... .V.'. .87,020.00 102,020.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities etc.: 117,800.00 Furniture and fixtures 3,012.32 Cash in vault . , 17,252.12 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 60,442.84 Net amounts due from national banks 140,676.50 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies CHS 1 During the month of May GDLMERS INC., Durham, N.-C., will conduct a series Qf One-Day Sales. The merchandise presented will be seasonable and wo will give you ' u n in the U. S. (other than included in Items 9, 10 or 11) ... . Checks on other banks located' outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items. . ......... Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. and due from U. S. Treas. 13,473.06 26,166.24 250.00 Total. .$1,531,317.53 therefore, I, Warren G. TTo innr FALSE PEACE . - Under the impression that the De partment of State was handling the foreign affairs of this government in rather competent style, the pub lic as a whole seems to have been content to view Senator Knox and his pet peace restorative with -comparative unconcern. Not the least of the reasons for this indifference is the obvious futil ity of an instrument whi'i declares peace without making i' which spurns the Versailles treaty and at the same time demands ? '-hare of the benefits with which that pact is in part concerned Unfortunately, the absurdity of the . ;Knox resolution is not harmless. The possibilities of mischief which it con tains are more menacing now than ever before, since the resolution passed Senate. Should it eventually - pass both houses Mr. Harding will be faced with the: necessity of squaring practically and realistically the peace prograrm which he and Mr. Hughes ' hf.ve heen working out with Sen ator Knox's remarkable procedure. I It is difficult to see how these two policies an be reconciled.' The de ; bate on the resolution has caused di , vision in the Republican ranks., . Senator Nelson, of Minnesota,: who -Tii- fic o T-Aservationist dur- 1 ing the treaty fight under the last administration, is sticking spiritedly ) to his guns, and his denunciation of ; the resolution revealed insight and broad, constructive patriotism.; , : "I amhot a diplomajt," he told his 1 iconfre tne otner a ay. "ana per haps Hot that reason I am unable to ' concur in the resolution the passage of which will encourage Germany to . vcntinue with her reluctance to com ply with the treaty of Versailes as to 'disarmament and reparation." LIABDLITD3S. . . Capital stock paid in . . 60,000.00 Surplus fund : 100,000.00 nowlReserved for interest 40,501.50 President of the Unit d St t d ' uwo uuidiauuiug xi,uuu.vu hereby proclaim Moiidaxr the thir i Amount due to Feaeral Reserve Bank (deferred credits) 10,567)96 tieth day of May. a day already Net arats due to banks, bankers and trust compan rreightea with sacred ana stimulated I ies in tne u s- and foreiSn countries, (other memories, a day of public memorial. 1 tnan included in Items 22 or 23) 40,906.01 I invite my fellow-citizens fittingly Net amounts due National Banks 5,559.73 iy udy riomage on tnis day to a noble Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding: 3.944.07 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposit subject to check 727,289.55 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits subject to Reserve Items 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 .. 727,289.55 SPECIAL ONE DAY PRICES-- Every day will have its quota of big, important Money-Saving Specials. Every, special will be in itself worth coming" miles to get and there will be no attempt to unload undesirable merchandise dur ing these sales. . EVERY OFFERING A REDUCED PRICE What we mean by "reduced price" is that the price in each instance will be radically reduced from our already low marking. Each day's specials will be sold at, and below cost and profits will be en tirely disregarded. Come to DURHAM several times this month YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY ATTENDING THESE MAY DAY SALES Durham, N. C. dead who sleep in homeland, beneath the sea or on foreign fields that we who survive might enjoy the bless ings of peace and happiness and to the end that liberty and justice, with out which no nation can exist, shall live forever. An invitation has been extended Hon. Victor Murdock of the Federal ! Dill 1 raae commission to address ; the North Carolina Merchants Associa tion in Greensboro June 21-23 bv secretary -aui Leonard of States ville. The invitation is backed by Senators Simmons and Overman. . ? A farmer in - Saskatchewan., has y found clay deposits on his land from V which' he has been-manufacturing firelighters on a small scale- The Slighter is in the form of. a brick.. If v soakOTcIerqsene ,a few minutes ; '.n& iftoifea the brick will burn for a igialf hour. wijthi a, steady . IJame; and exhauitd catt:hetenlehislled with kerosene and used indefinitely. LEGAL NOTICES SALE OP SCHOOL HOUSE BONDS . Sealed., bids, . accompanied by . a certi fied . check for Five Hundred Dollars, will be required by The- County Board of Education of Granville County, North Carolina, at the office of the Su perintendent of Schools- for Granville County, in tha Court Housein Oxford, N C, at any time prior to 12 o'clock noonMonday, June 6, 1921, at which time all bids will he; opened for the "following described bonds: Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25.- 000. 00) of School-House Coupon Bonds of Sassafras Fork District Number 2, known as Stovall District, dated May 1, 1920, : and to mature twenty .. (20) years . rrom date, to-wit: May. . 1st 1940, and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum,, interest pay able semi-annually on the 1st days of May and November, at The -National Bank of Granville, Oxford, N. C., 'in such denominations as the purchaser may desire.; y h' ; ; ' i No bids for less' "than par and ac crued interest will be considered. The said bonds are to be Issued by the Btfard of Commissioners of Gran ville County. The right to reject all bids is reserved, h , r. W c l:. By order of the County Board of Edu cation of Granville County, North Ca rolina. This 'May 5th, 1921. The Board of Education of Granville Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Other time deposits payable with Federal Reserve Bank Total. 158,868.19 339,180.52 30,000.00 .$1,531,317.53 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, ss: I, W: T. Yancey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. T. YANCEY, Cashier. ill - ,L ...... ..... S 1 1 ItaMW ' CORRECT Attest: H. G. COOPER, B. S. ROYSTER, W. B. BALLOU, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May 192 1 C. H. TIMBERLAKE, Notary Public. My Commission Expires Mch 10-23. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Oxford Savings Bank and Trust Company AT OXFORD, IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE BUSINESS, APRIL 28, 1921. : ;;: RESOURCES. . Loans and Discpunts $289668.89 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages ........ 25,000.O Cash in Tault and, net amounts due from banks, bankers and Trust Companies .... . . . .5 ... ... 38,849.34; Total .$353,518.23 -f LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. .,.... . : .; ..... . ... . .f. .16,300.00;. Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ( ...... . ; 33,709,05 SavingsDeposits . . . ,7. . .I . 4 y ..K., . 303,509,18. Total ...... .....v... $353,518.23 I J. P. Wbb, Clerk. " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, 6s: ? ! 1 ) ' L W. T. Yancey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . - if ? W. T.. YANCEY Cashier. : CORRECT Attest: ;. u : H. G. COOPER, Subscribed tfnd . sworn me this 3rd day of May 11& II before )Hc. ft. B, S. RQYSTER,' v Wi'B. 7BALXOU, Directors. ft fDELOO-UGHr fgl NO BELTS VS?L'r ' i T S I CXTTERY I X Jf, ItlStS KCKOSOC I (TVlM I T I naNtnmmk1a14 DELCO-LIGHT Increases Farm EFficinrv 1'35 thousand Delco-Light plants in op peration on, American farms are saving at the most conservative estimate, an hour a day or over 48,000,000 work hours a year. That is equal to an army of 160,000 men working ten hours a day for a full month. . Delco-Light is a complete electric US and power plant for farms and subur ban homes. It furnishes an abundance of clean, safe economical light, and operates pum. rhnms " cream, separators, washing chines, and other appliances. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, SEE OR WRITE Farm imeileciric Service Co, conduit worK, : viAii Kinas 01 eieeiricai nyyiitujiceii, wiriu, kuuuuu ww.i m.w- . fans,