I,IST ur f & , . , . ppceluxl At the Oxford Library jvcct i txi Recently. crthearts Unmet Berta Ruck, f J-ln-law Gertrude Atherton.. . J aA' Girl-Hope Merrick. . I?!; Qtreet Sinchair Lewis. "i e Dreamer Elizabeth Kirby. Strangers-Berta Ruck. -III White Moll Frank Packard ; Back to God's Country James Oli- -pr Curwood. KindiHl of the Dust Peter B. Kyne. K v lilt TT T?Tri1lTl- Qntt Zona Gale. UnnoO J. k " n;,. T.llla BUU- .V.r niira Hartley. ?i of raradise Virgie E. Roe. 'J-;, brimming Cup Dorothy Can- field.. . :.,.,v ... x Jacob's Ladder- Phillip'. Openhur ' hier. ' , '; God's Country and the Women--James Oliver Curwood. v Tarzan the UntamedEdgar Rice Burroughs. , i-.y The Lightening Conductor Discovers , America C. N. and S- M. William The Eyes of Roche. Moon Calf Floyd Dell. the Blind Arthur S. Henderson's New Mayor. A. A. Bunn, former service man was elected mayor of . Henderson at the election held Tuesday. The vote was light, and litte interest was evident. REPORT OF CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IT OXFORD IX THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS OX APRIL 28, 1921. !1,006,045.74 45,000.00 70,650.00 RESOURCES t nun? and Discounts Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. Bonds uar value ...".T. . .". All otter United states uov. oecuriues . .... . - 70,650.00 115,650.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities etc . ; . . 20,518.35 wanting House $17,000; Furniture and fixtures $5,000. ... . . 22,000.00 Cash-in vault ... . . .7. . .. . .'V. I ..... . . . . . . . 40,521.75 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 54,584.62 Set amounts due from national banks . . . . . . . ; . ... ... 169,555.6V Net amount due' from banks," bankers and-trust companies (ther than included in Items 9, 10 or 11) 4,309.12 Checks on other banks in the same , city , or,,.., , , town as reporting bang (other than Item 13) . . Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. : .". . .230,454.45 Checks on banks located outside of city -: of '' r reporting bank and other cash items . . . Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 2,005.14 2,710.04 2,252.50 Total . . . $1,440,152.83 LIABILITIES; ; ---v- " ? ? " :. .- Capital stock paid in .V. .". ."$100,000.00 Surplus fund ,. 50,000.00 Undivided proftts . . .. .". : . . v. . . . .49,868.21 Reserved for int. and taxes accrued. . . . . .. ....... 11;104.56 Reserved for unearned int ... 38,752.12 99,724.89 Less current expenses and taxes paid ...... 16,664.32 Circulating notes outstanding ....... .... ......... Net amounts due to State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the U. S. and foriegn countries . . . : Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding Total of Items 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. 29,316.35 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) : Individual deposit subject to check Dividends unpaid . Total of demand deposits (other than bank de posits) sub. to Reserve Items 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 ' 392,942.48 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Other time deposits . ; Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, .Items 33, 34, 35 and 36 . ....739,833.43 OXFORD PUBLIC LTnaF.1? rmm a v M y fi ml PEOPLE AND THINGS SEABOARD AIR LINE 4 COMPANY'S SCI EDI LE 83,060.57 45,000.00 26,395.12 2,821.23 392,937.48 5.00 88,047.84 61,785.59 Total : $1,440,152.83 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, ss: I, W. H. Hunt, . President of the above named bank do- solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and oeilef. W. H. HUNT, Pres. Subscribed and sworn to before , CORRECT Attest: me this 5th day of May, 1921 'J. W. MEDFORD, Notary Public. My Com. expires June 11, 1922. C. W. BRYAN, M. P. CHAMBLEE, A. H. POWELL, Directors. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A. ND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE Unee dapiscuit ,JL nMiiiwwiwinimiiiHimmiiiiiiHmniiiiH v r AND OTHER GOOD GROCERIES 10c packages 8c All 20c packages 16c. sugar ., ; . 'i . . . . .&c LB. Best water ground Corn Meal, ground at Cheatham's old mill No, 485 Ar. Oxford from Hender son 7:45 a. m. ' . !! 1 . No. 413 'Ar-.from Durham . 1:00 p. m. No. 411 Ar. Oxford from Hender son 4:00 p. m-' ' t No. 421 Ar. Oxford from Durham and Henderson 8:25 p. m. Departure. No. 486 Lv. Oxford for Durham 7:50 a. m. No. -412 Lv. Oxford for Henderson 12:15 p. m. . .' No 414 Lv. Oxford for Durham 3:20 p. m. ; No- 420 Lv. Oxford for Henderson ijjMPm Services at Salem Rev. R. C Craven will conduct ser vices at Salem church on next Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Every body is invited to attend. Special Service The Crown Cafe makes an interest ing announcement oh the 5 th page of this paper. They have succeeded in securing the services of one of the best cooks in the State, and it will be interesting to read their ad. Fine Farm Fo Sale In ahdthei4 eolUmn will be found advertisement of Granville Real Es tate & Trust Co., offering for sale on May 21st, 1921, the L. D. Franklin farm, which is located near Mr. Bob Daniel's farm near Berea. N. C- Lady Found Dead Mrs. W. A. Murphy, an aged lady. 'was found dead in her bed Wednes day morning at her home near Gosh en Chapel. Her husband, who is em ployed on the public works of the State near Raleigh, was notified, of her death. Electric Cooking Demonstrate11 The Carolina Power & Light Com pany will give an electric cooking demonstration on next Monday, Tues day and Wednesday at 3 p. m., under the supervision of Mrs. Winn, Home Economist Edison Electric Appliance t'Pri 177-0 -r-irVinrHr io fwirfliaTlv invited to attend. Read their announcement on another page of this, paper. Victory Medals-Mr- A. G. Lewis, of the Bank of Stovall, requests the Publi Ledger to state that former service men of North Granville can save time and aj lot of correspondence by bringing their discharge papers to the Bank of Stovall, where an application will be made out in due form for the Victory Medal. Cleaning and Pressing W. M. Cherkas, merchant tailor, has installed an up-to date steam pressing machine and is now prepar ed to do first-class cleaning and, pressing. Mr. Cherkas will call for and deliver all work. He has also just received 1000 new summer pat terns in the latest styles and will be pleased to take your measure.. Read his advertisement on another page of this paper Boy Sustains Broken Leg Master W. S. Currin, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. W- S. Cur rin had the misfortune to fall Sun day morning while playing and broke his leg above the knee- Doctors Can- nady and BuiiocK was caneu imme diately and dressed the wound- The little fellow is resting nicely consid ering the fact that he must lay flat on his back with a heavy weight at tached to his leg. Xotice, R. F. D. Men! The Rural Letter Carriers of Gran ville, Vance, Warren and Halifax counties will meet at the Chamber of Commerce in Henderson at 10:30 A. M. May 30th- There are brighter days ahead if we can nly get the carriers to do their par'- . - It is the duty of evry carrier in all of these counties to be present and join the Association. Should it be impossible for you to come, keep your conscience clear by sending $2.00 that day to pay your dues fr one year. - We will look for you at Hender son. H- C- Tuc'cer, Warren Plains. President. By D. N. Hunt, . Oxford, Chaplain. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF UNION BANK & TRUST CO. at Oxford, in tne State o' No"th Carc'na at the close of business, April 28,' 1921. Resources Loans and Discounts. . .$133,248.39 TJ. S. Bonds and Liberty Bonds 2.722.50 Banking House $17,000 Furniture-Fixtures $5,000 Church v Sujaylfay 8th, I Mothers Day. Appropriate Services at 11 a.mTSd Ch?iSimon b ' tne' Ptor. to ISS?6??5 Sun S. 9:45 a. m. Everyone cordially invited to worship with us - Esteemed Lady Dead Mrs. F. J. Veasey of 'the Knap of Reeds section was found dead in bed Tuesday morning of last week. wrt.,aUnre-te- believed,to have a hU6 Ca?Se 0f her deati' te was mni ly ?steemed lady 111 the com munity where she lived. She was it yfa"'of age and is survived by her husband and six children. Parolled To Attend Wife's Funeral. t0 Undly granted ?.?aI?ie t0, W. A: Murphy to attend uuerai or nis wife in Granvilh cofinty .yesterday. Murphy is a trus trfn allWed t0 make the trip without guard. mm'illlir II II III! iimi--itirmfinimmiiilniMiMnii '.nTit " You are cdr(h'ally invited Jo;anln ELECTRIC COOKING 7bK at our office Monday, Tuesday and Wediies- dayy May 9, 10 and 11, 1921 3:00 p.m. ELECTRICALLY COOKED LUNCHEON . SERVED : Ifll Under supervision of Mrs, Winn, Honied" EconomistCarolina Power & Light Cor: 3;. n TRY PUBLIC LEDGER WANT ADS. I ft i n inn I betogiimg fol. B. FraimMiE. - As Agent for OwiwiVVe Shall 0 ii BAT., RAY .-f at 12 Olock M. Sell to the Highest Bidder by PubUc Auction at the Court House Door in Oxford, N.C., the Following Described Tracts of Land: Lying and being situate in Granville County, State of North Carolina, anymore particularly described as follows: 1st Tract: Begin at a stake corner No. 2 N. -85 :W. 13,53 chains to a stake corner No. 4 i thence with line No. 4. N. 6 E 18 chains to a stake . corner N. 4 W. H, Dean's line; thence with this line S. 85 E. 13.3,chains to the? stake corner No: 2; thence with line No, 2 S. 6 W. 18 , chains to the beginning conUining 24 acres, more or less and being tract . No. 3 in the division of the Estate of Mrs. Alice D. Franklin, deceased. . ? ... , . 2nd Tract: Begin at a stone in ; an oak stump B. B. Slaughter's corner on Fox Creek; thence up said. gr;N58J4: W. 1.29 chains, N. 75 W. i : 1.35 chains N. 33 W. 1.07 chains SW, 5 63 links to a stake Dean's cor- - v net; thence with this S85& ''E.'-it,6' chains to corner No. 3; thence ,' ' ;, . with line No: 3 S. 6 W. 18 chains to a stake corner No. 3; thence 85 W. 14.21 chains to the creek; Thence with B. B. Slaughter's line N. 86 W. 7.66 chains to a stone, his corner; thence his line N. 2 E. 15.21 chains lirj,-,,, to a stone, his corner; thence' nfrj.S. 86 E. 10.94 chains to the be- ? ginning containing 38 acres more orFess and being tract No. 4 in the di vision of the land of Mrs. Alice Dyv.Franklin, decaesed. Terms of sale $1000.00 cash, balance one and two years, said de ferred payments to bear interest at 6 per-cent per annum and to be secured by a Deed in Trust on sat&land. Other terms may be ar ranged prior to the sale. TKe riiWI to sell this property privately before date of sale is reservedrWe will be glad to show these properties to parties interested; For further particulars call to see 21 mn . . . . 45c .18c and 30c . ..... ! . .30c . . . . . . .$1.00 Hay, Cotton per peck ....... Sliced Pineapple Very best No. 3 Peaches . . : .: .... vr.. . . . ; . . Best Potorica Molasses per gal . . . . . .. ... , 4 . Plenty Flour, Corn Meal, Bran, Shipstuff, , Red-dog, Seed Meal, Molasses Feed, Oats and at right prices. Come to see us before buying. CAR OF BEST HAY AT RIGHT PRICE. .... . ? . i. r . .- Yours to serve. X l'- ' ':;:-'iv,y AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE HillsboroSt. Oxford, N.C. G.N.Daniel, ; H. B. Harris. iHjiimirpW( All other real estate own ed .. ... . .-. ; Cash in va'ilt and net nmts du from banks, trust companies ....... 22,000.00 482.50 33,676.95 Total .$194,180.34 LiabiUties Capital stock paid in. . .. $20,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. . . . . . 9,318.80 Dividends unpaid '30.00 DEPOSITS . . . . . . . 161,831.54 Accrued, int due deps.. . . 1,000.00 Unearned interest . 2,000.00 s ' Total . . . : $194,180.34 ' . State of North Carolina. County of Granville. ' May 28, 1921, I, J. P. Harris, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. P. HARRIS, Cashier. ; Subscribed and sworn to before mie, this 4th day of May 1921 J: W. Medford, Notary Public, My Commission Expires June 11-22 Correct Attest: v J. S. KING, . . JAS. W. HORNER, y W. H. ' HUNT, directors. framlle lealisite I frost Co. ' AGENTS - ; ' : I' z ' I Ill i.;iim 3 I iniioim -:"i;J We wish, to announce to our many customers that we have been p successful in securing the services of Dave Hall (Gol.) cheff who J was with us when we first opefted our place, and we assure tjfe B public that no better service can be had in the State, Try our Regular Dinners and our Sunday Specials. div dob' : . ttr 9 ,;; . txiemsar;-' GROWNt ; mi t ; . m ih. Qxford; N. G J. G. Roygfterf 1 11 11 ." ".: f ,5i