OXFORD Pt3LIC LEDGER FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921 One of the greatest butter cen ters in the' world is Cork, Ireland One year's export of butter amounts to nearly 750,000 tons. Rheumatism Dangerous Anyone having the slightest taint of rheumatism should drive it out quickly. Rheuina has done it for thousands and should give you the same results. Money back if it fails, says J. G. Hall. No red tape to this offer CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years , BARB WIRE, LIGHT MEDIUM AND IT iXJVEKS MOST 1, heavy. Hog wire, 26 in 30 in 32 & 36 in at rices lower than the catalogue houses even sell for SAMUEL DAVIS, the man' who pays the freight. least gallons and ! THe brands that can be bought ot bes & Williams and Masun Se Write or wire for tmL Paints. LDAVIS,ClarksV IF ITS THE BEST ENGINE AND wood saw its Hercules and we have them ready at reduced prices 5- 7 9 & 12 H. P. SAMUEL DAVIs! Clarksville, Va. LIME, CEMENT, BRICK, & BUILD- ing material sold close at SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. . Always bears the Signature of SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER &HIL'HEsi&& PILLS Ivcaies! Ask your Ira-stst for , CH-chcs-ter a Juamond rtrand PHla in Kefl and Mold metallicN boxes, sealed with B!-.e Ribbon. Tnko no other. Buy of your tattt. AskforCHLCIfES-TEnS DIAMOND PILLS, for S5 years known as Best, Safest, "ays Reliable SOLS BY DRUGGISTS EVlRYVVKERE NOW IS THE TIME FOR MOWERS Rakes and binders, and we have i the pne that will get your busi ness. Samuel Davis the man who sets the price. COMMON VEH more PI SEVERE Symptoms of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles Mild in Early Stages But Serious Results Develop Often, Says Specialist. 1 FAMOUS PRESCRIPTION USED BY HOSPITAL FOR INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, TORPID LIVER AND AS GENERAL TONIC NOW OFFERED PUBLIC FOR HOME TREATMENT. In the opinion of a member of medical staff of the United Medico Chemi Hospital, if the public could be made to realize that the seeming ly slight ailments from which almost every adult persons suffers, to some extent, are actually more serious in their ultimate results than manv of the more severe diseases, untold suf fering and a large, percentage of un timely deaths would be avoided- It is in the ccmparativelv mild symptoms of pvery-day disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys that lurks the real dancer, according to this specialist. When one contracts malaria, ty phoid or pneumonia the symptoms are- so severe that the sufferer is confined to his bed, and, in alarm, promptly secures medical attention. Wiih the average sufferer from indigestion, dysuepsia. constipation, torpid liver and similar ailments, however, the case is just the reverse. No one thinks of going to bed with a disordered stomach, and very few of us bother with taking the proper steps to correct the trou ble. With most of us, "spells" of indigestion or dyspepsia are of such frequent occurrence that we have come to accept them as a matter of fact, and to trust to our much abus ed and over-Worked stomach to straighten itself out Tho result is the attacks become more frequent, the digestive organs become badly deranged and fail to extract the proper nourishment from our food, wast matter clogs up and accumulates in the intestines, pois oning the entire system. Soon the condition becomes complicated and the sufferer is doomed to a life time of chronic mysery, or velse, with health and vitality reduced to a low ebb, he falls easy prey to some serious, deadly malady. However mild the symptoms may appear in the beginning, disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys are, directly or indirectly, the underlying causes of nearly all sickness, and should therefore be of the most se rious concern to every one so afflicted. An Endangered Charter. (Philadelphia Record.) Hartford, Connecticut, is in danger of losing its charter. The Charter Oak has perished, so there is no pro per hiding place for th,e document if the State shall start out to get it The State, being run by farmers, who are a small minority of the popula tion but control a maority of the tewns, has rejected daylight saving. which would oblige the farmers to ! get up an hour earlier to milk the cows, and they complain that they have to get up too early for comfort now. But the city of Hartford de fies the authority of the State by en acting a daylight saving ordinance, and the Legislature can't think oi' any suitable way to punish the re calcitrant city except to take its charter from it. o If your tongue is coated and your brer.th foul if food sours and turns to zcsj in your stomach if you have a "stuffed," heavy, drowsy feeling alter eating, and breathing is short and difficult if you have shortness of breath, rapid palpitation of the heart, heart-burn or dizzy spells it you have sharp pains in the stomach, back, sides or under shoul der blades if you are dejected, de pressed or sleepless at nights if you are constipated if your appe tite is poor and food does not taste right if you are weak and nervous and becoming thin, pale and hag gard looking if you have lost all energy and ambition for work and pleasure, and life seems hardly worth the living then there is no time to be lost in taking steps to help nature correct the trouble- A remarkable discovery of medical science now makes it virtually un necessary for any one "to suffer from these disorders. This discovery was made some years ago by staff physicians, and chemists of the United Medico Chemi Hospital, who, after ion,? study and experimentation, produced a formula of drugs which nrovpd remarkably effective in the treat- ment 01 stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Hundreds of sufferers have re ceived this treatment at the hospital and in practically every instance, ex cept where complicated conditions cf other organs existed, the patient was promptly and permanently re lieved. So great was the success of the msuicine and so insistent the de- niuuu lor 11 by tnose who could not vioiL iue uusyiuu uiai u was decid ed to offer the prescription to the public for home treatment. The formula was given the name of Sa11 'ux, and is now prepared on a large scale in the hospital's private labo ratories, just as it was formerly compounded for individual patients. Sanux aids digestion, acts as a mild laxative, gently cleansing the system of impurities, stimulates a natural, healthy appetite and builds up and strengthen the whole system- So confident are the directors of the hospital that Sa"ux will do everything claimed for it that, to any, one who is not completely re lieved, after taking the treatment as directed, they offer the entire fa cilities of the institution in making a thorough examination and diag nosis, and will fully advise the pa tient without charge or obligation. Sanux is sold by most of the lead ing druggists in this section in 8 ounce bottles. Take a bottle or two home with you today ahd com mence this splendid "Hospital Home Treatment" at once. Do not accept a substitute, or something offered as "just as good." . The genuine prescription used by the United Med-ico-Chemi Hospital is plainly brand ed Sanux. Look for this name on the carton and on the bottle, as shown below, and insist on the genuine- If no druggist in your section has it in stock, the hospital will supply you direct on receipt of price $1.25. (Sold by J. N. Pittman, Druggist) A searchlight, sixtv inches in diameter, will be installed on Mount! Tamalpais, .near San Francisco, to il luminate an amusement park on the mountain. The rays of the searcn light will pick up a battleship twelve miles at sea and is five hundred tim es stronger than a locomotive headlight. New tAl .-.-1 ... v . vr?.-. .... n. - I have put in a high-class cleaning and pressing ma chine, which affords the very best service and quick deliv ery. Pressed Suits 50c Cleaning and Pressing. ... 75c HATS CLEANED AND RE- BLOCKED All work made to look like new. Bring your Panama to YOUR SUMMER SUIT 1,000 latest patterns to select from. . Cherkas MAIN STREET Tax Listing Notice Beginning on the 3rd- day of May and continuing during the month tax-payers must list all the property owned on the first day of May 1921. For the first twenty davs of the month, you may list with your Town ship list-taker, according to the schedules given below, and, unless prevented by sickness or accident, you must list with him. Tf sn nru. vented, but on no other condition, you may list with me during the last ten days of the month. AH farmers are requested to come prepared to tell the list-taker the number of acres cultivated, number of acres plowed, and number of ac res planted to each crop. I want to emphasize that Ihis information will be kept confidential and will not be used for tax purposes. FISHING CREEK C. R. Gordan. Home, May 3rd-9th. inclusive. Knott's Grove, Tuesday, May 10: A. P. Overton's Store, Wednesday, May 11. Fairport, Thursday, May 12. Bethel School House, Friday, May 13. Dickerson, Saturday, May 14- Rayner's" Store, Monday, May 16- Oxford Court House (for Cot ton Mill), Tuesday, May 17- Shady Grove School House, Wednesday and Thursday. May 18 and 19- R. M Tunstall's Store, Friday, May 20- BRASSFIELD W. B. DIXON. Wilton, Tuesday, May 3 and Satur day, May 7. Jones' Store, Wednes day, May 4. Grissom, Thursday, May 5- Mt. Evergy, Monday, May 9. Baily School, Saturday, May 14- DUTCKVILLE J. L. Peed. Hes ter, Tuesday, May 3. Lyons, Wed nesday, May 4. Knapp of Reeds, Thursday May 5. Creedmoor, Fri day and Saturday, May 6 and 7. Northside, Monday, May 9. Creed moor, Friday and Saturday, May 13 and 14. TALLY HO J. M. Bullock. - Tar River, Tuesday, May 3. Enon, Wed nesday, May 4. Stem, Friday and Saturday, May 6 ,and 7. Culbreth, Monday, May 9. Providence, Tues day and Wednesday, May 10 and 11. Stem, Saturday, May 14. WALNUT GROVE W. M. Thorp. Sun Set, Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7. Howard, School House, Monday and Tuesday, May 9 and 10. Berea, Wednesday and Thursday, May 11 and 12. W. L. Hick's Store, Friday, May 13. Babe Evan's Store; Saturday, May 14. Satterwhite, Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17- OAK HILL Jno. S. Watkins. Oak Hill, Tuesday May 3. R. L. Eake's Store, Wednesday, May 4. Pollard's Store, Friday, May 6. Farmers' Hardware Co., Virgilina, Va-, Saturday, May 7. Wilbourn's Store, Tuesday. May 10. Elliott's Store, Friday, May 13. ornwall, Saturday, May 14. SASSAFRAS FORK F. H. Greg ory. Stovall, Wednesday and Thurs day, May 4 and 5. Bullock, Satur day, May 7. Mountain Creek School, Monday, May 9. Grassy Creek School, Saturday, May 14. SALEM La, G. Breedlove, Sal em School House, Tuesday, May 3. Huntsboro, Wednesday, May 4. Dex ter, Thursday, May 5. .J. E. Gris som's Store, Friday, May 6. Lewis', Saturday, May 7- Burnett School House (Pine Ridge) Tuesday, May 10- Gregory's Mill. Wednesday, May 11. Dexter School House, Sat urday, May 14. OXFORD W. P. Stradley and R. B- Hines at Mavor's Office during the month of May-4-22-3 W. P. STRADLEY, County Supervisor. $100 Reward, $100 Thereaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh beine ereatw influenced by conaUtunSfgJjuSffi- rrh M0itl-tuti?llal treatment Hal?s uatarrh Medicine is taken internallv and faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving thf patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting natufejS doinf i?s 7-' ,Jh rPrietors have so much faith in the curative power of Waive rBVhli the "er One SUcnudrreed 8S&2S&IUto Address F. J. CHENEY A ffl tL Jhio. Sold by all" 75c TIe3a 'INDIGESTION' If you are troubled with indigestion fill m name and addrdss below writ ing very plain, take, it to J. N. Pitt man Drue Store and he will give vou relieve it is the best made. Use it ;tVre?ednSren,.te11 yur neighbors aout it. The first twelve persons Tin be served free, hurry, 4-8-2tc 7, la. .01 etter Fart buildings Pay Farm implements are too valu able nowa-days to have them ruined because of a leaking roof. Live stock is worth money, too. Take it all around, it's mighty good economy to put barns and sheds into first class shape. How about your granary space? If you need more room, why not see us now about material for building? Remember, we carry every thing in lumber, including that handy wall and ceiling material Beaver Board and our prices an right Why not ask us to give you estimates and help you plan vour work? Phone or call anytime. 5 Byatiim TRY PUBLIC LEDGER WANT ADS. The W 1WM Yoir Sous! YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT . BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. BilillBIlll N. A. Maydanis A. G. Maydanis f he lome of Good Things Visit Our Fountain, it is Clean and Sanitary. f Let the kids come to our Ice Cream Parlor for their, cones and when you your self are Ice Cream hungry, drop in and get good Ice Cream with Good Service. v Our Candy is unapproached in this section in quality. We specialize Ion Home-Made Candy. The prices are most reasonable. Oxford Candy Kitchen Oxford, N. C. Henderson-Oxford Candy Kitchen Henderson, N. C Nme Address ......