if MSSBBPHBLjCLEDGER TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1921 THE PUBLIC LEDGER PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY Piano Recital. A large audience of admiring friends greeted Miss Hazel Thompson in her graduating piano recital at Ox ford College Friday night. With , a program on, works by Beethoven, Cnopin,, iaydn,;,et6 She displayed many musicianly - qualities, playing cital there was much enthusiastic ar plause. The stage looked unusuallv Too Late to Classify; READY SPROUTED BRONZE CAN na plants for sale by Miss Hettie Lyon, College Street, Oxford, N. C- , 5-10-2t LOST SILVER HANDLE FOR ; riding crop, initials M. C: 0. on streets of Oxford Saturday April TTTT,?Teward returned to A. ri. POWELL. 2tx ukuitvuic niiu 11.0 yiCLiy IlOWe POTO RICO AND NANCY HALL a tobacco transSantpt , An ed priCe to clofe l' redj? 5-10-2 Lyon Winston rn rs ttuu lestuuus oi green. sweet potato plants for sale- All vvou wan)Lready in a few days & SIRS. A. S. PEACE, ltx - Phone 291 W DISC SPIKE HARROW S, GRAIN Binders, -Movers and ecc; reduced prices. , 5-10-2 LYON WINSTON CO. FOUND ONE AUTOMOBILE TIRE. Owner see W. H. Averett, Pitt man Drug" Store. it DAN A. COBLE Editor and Manager C. EDWARDS COBLE Advertising Manager The death of Dr. K. M. Furee son, of Moore county, who diea in Indianopolis. Ind., on April 24, marks the passing of a very efficient pro fessional man. MOWERS, RAKER TTT" ers, Guano Distributor ,i,m-D. at reduced price. a11 gom-5-10-2 -' LYON WINSTON C0. i with a quiet dignity and simplicity ! with no hint of ostentation. She has a bright elastic touch and phrases with commendable clearness and de- SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year Six MonUtn MOWERS, RAKES, GRAIN BIND ers, Guano Distributor, all feomg .92.00 . 1.00 . .60 ONLY TW O GRAIN BINDERS AND a tobacco transplanter left; reduc ed price to close 5-10-2 LYON WINSTON CO- DISC SC SPIKE HARROW Binders, Mowers and It?'. ,GlV Three 3Ionth ; cision miss Kiun vviiiiams, reaaer, T-YON Winston nr prices 5-10-2 1 educed LYON WINSTON CO Kntered at the Post Office at Oxford. North Carolina, as aecond-class mat ter. Parts I and II of Frances Hodgson THE BEST ICE CREAM ON earth, the Velvet Kind, Where? at Pittman's Drug Store. 5-10-tf Burnett's "The Dawn of a To-morrow." The program closed with the Haydn Concerto in D, first piano be ing played by Miss Thompson and Correspondence on all matters of in terest news items notea or sugges tions for better methods of f rra or In CARPENTER to Mrs- H. street. second piano by her teacher, Miss limtrnl developments, improvement ; Brueser of ronds. schools, etc. is earnestly so- j Throughout the entire re- Mcited. NOV-l)RLIVf!RV OF ITItl.IC LEDGER Please notify ua of failure to get the Public Ledger at any time. We use the greatest caution possible in mail ing: out and wish to know of failures In delivery. llil!;Tii,,i!i'!l!li!,i!W'i!,iP!M WANTED APPLY C Pinnix, College M ' ' v-..' V . OllITUAUV NOTICES Brief news items of deaths, immed iately after decease, of twenty to thirty words without cost. Lifts Life sketches (obituaries) at rate of l-2c per word. To get prompt atten tion count the words in copy and send nsb. stamps or check with the copy. Foreign 'Advertising Representative "HE AMF.R TAJ PR17.?? ''".nr: nrv One strike is enough man's business out- to put a Now that the staff of life has come down we know that the H. C. of L. is hard hit A gun that shoots around the cor ner has been invented by a Detroit man. He probably got the idea from a movie comedian. Secretary Hughes apparently the idea that language was made to express rather than to conceal thoughts. Dancing masters declare that the toddle is all right if it is all-right toddle. But isn't that what they all say? It has not been seriously urged by anybody, so far as we have been able to learn, that the building strike is going to help the building shortage- Who can say that the South Caro lina hnv who cnvc hp rcrppVpri n train i ra for fun has not in him the making of i a United States Senator? ! :. Oxford ' j Yoa I Hndlre(D)E WW w giaHMB L.l "mi ll inn, ii ii-iiL - 1 ' Wf lack. . UIH , V lj I m CTfstr m 2ZZ v I x mi Ultra-Smart instep strap effects with hand-turned soles, Full French or Baby Louis heels. SUEDES in Gray, Brown and Black. . : and R A clergyman says women in New York are more profane than women elsewhere. Well, where the else where is there is more causs for i profanity. I Ten thousand people bound f&x Europe left New York on Saturuay Americans who shed their 'blood thus being suceeded by Americans willing to he bled. OXFORDS in Black and Brown Kid and Black Calf skin also Smart Com binations. Military, Cuban and French Heels. Shoes at New Prices. SHOES EXCLUSIVELY Many women who learned to knit during the war have continued the good work we are told. They doubt less feel that they have acquired a purl of great price. GAME GALLED AT 3:30. AT HORNER PARK. The There is an ex-soldier in the Jef ferson Hospital who has a fighting chance for life because an army pal j gave him some of his blood and a nother stands ready to perform a like service- And again we have ! heartening' illustration of just .what i a "budy" is. Shoe Department Next Door to Oxford Jewelry Co., Oxford, N.C. illlllii i I i I Ml I II III it H i i h ll'IM.IH.IIII' Everybody come out and help Oxford win the first game of the Series. ADMISSION Adm- 35. Childrc : -15c. Watch for Announcemen t of Next Game. IE laps Spinach brings the Taxas farmer five dollars a ton; the consumer in the north buys it at the rate of $300 a ton. This kind of thing is what gives the middleman girth. The Baltimore woman who demon strated her ability as a packer by locking her quarrelsome husband in a trunk ran true to form by discov ering that she had forgotten some thing and had a policeman open the box to give the man air. Bless their dear hearts, it is their failings that make us love them. The average intelligent, r:.trictic farmer is not asking for special pri vileges. If proper regulatory laws insure him a free and open field for the exercise of his ability, ne will establish a place in the commercial world which will . be not only a source of redit and profit to himself - but also to the country at large. All the American farmer w suits, and has a right to have, is an equal chance , with their business men. a fair and just reward for labor performed. Every man in every business is en titled to a profit for the contribu tion he makes to the sum of ftuman happiness, as happiness is represent ed in better living. m n Home brew When a distinguished member of the faculty of Harvard University is arrested 'for operating " a large and ! beautifully made still" and taken from his fashionable Back Bay man sion to answer a charge of moon shining, home brew may be said to have arrived as a new and important factor in the general question of pro Jhibition. : '. - Moonshine used to be a theory. It was supposed to exist only in the imagination, of fiction writers and the newer; school of cartoonists. But has to be reckoned with now as a strange reality. . "All the folk around here have stills," said Prof. Louis Agassiz Shaw,1 Harvard's first moonshiner. He spoke with frank gayety. He didn't seem to mind his arrest in the least. And the reve nue officials spoke with unmeasured enthusiast about the Quality of his product. "It was," the1 said, "very fine." Your only care is the cooking WITH just ordinary care in the cooking you can make the most delicious biscuits, waffles or hot cakes that ever went on your table. You buy the skill and the ingredients in Occo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flour. Your baking is bound to be successful when you make Occo-nee-chee Flour your standby. Salt, baking powder and soda are already mixed in it and cost less than when bought separately. By adding water or milk and shortening you get fine flavored batter that bakes wonderfully light and tender. It surely takes the guess out of baking. See how much simpler and easier baking -0 - vjruig vvvu-iivv-mivv sack with the Indian Head. Your grocer has it. Always use Peerless when you need good plain Hour, AUSTIN-HE A TON COMPANY Durham, ' North Carolina Every sack of Oeco. nee-chee Flour carrios this Indian Head OCCO-NEE-CHEE V Self -Rising Flour tw 1 'r '-m.i, V M " T ' T 1 - ' laKestneuitt&M w at Damn? ana jmvbs wu wuwy 5 3 The Chevrolet won its Rep, the same way Methuselah won his 3y -Outlasting All Others! r- mm 490 We have just received another .carload of these cars and are ready to make immediate delivery. Call on us at once. You will be sur prised to know how cheap the Chevrolet is in price this season. Ev erybody can own one now!! We have anything in the automobile line. Come and see. This is truly headquarters for the autoi&t. MAM CI Hillsboro Street Oxford, N.C. m if