OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1921 j - , Children Cry Gor FlettchoF'o D o "n I i r s v i V 7 cO n (I FORMER COMMISSIONER HARRIS ADVOCATES DRESS REFORM The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision smce its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourselt What is GASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature of v3 In Use for Over 30 Yars The Kind You Have Always Bought THe CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, Membership in a certain gun j land recently. At present, the well club in California costs $150,000 i is yielding thirty thousand barrels of since a gusher was brought in on the ! oil daily. Editor Public Ledger: I have seen quite a number of ar ticles lately in the News and Observ er on the fashions and dresb of our American women, in our -oivilized and said to be Christianized, land, which are all too true- In the , issue of May 13th, one of our leading and well known citizens, Maj. N. A. Greg ory, has an article under the head: "The Designers of Women's Attire," and I blush with shame when I have to admit to its truthfulness. I shall ask our County paper to publish it, which I hope it will do, and I hope our people will read it carefully and seriously, and do as the Major sug gests. "Let North Carolina with its homogeneous population stem the tide of demorlization and get back to higher grounds." And he further asks: "Why not have models and fashions of our own that are decent and not injurious to health, corrup tive of morals and against the laws of our Lord?" Again he states, "it passes my understanding (and- so it does mine) how any sensible, Chris tian mother who has been taught to say, 'from sin and temptation Lord, deliver us,' can subject her daughter to the snares and wiles the model makers set up and decree as fash ions." I have yet to see the man. it matters not his standing, morally or spiritually, but who blushes with shame at the indecent dress of our women, l cannoi see auj wumou cv whatever in our women Do you know u can roll .Ogooc! cigarettes for lOcts from ono bag of GENUINE Contrary to popular belief, thfs Polynesian people as a race are not dwindling, but are being reinvigorat ed by the infusion of alien plood. The offspring of the mixed marriages are taking wives from among the full blooded Hawaiian strain, thus pre venting the Hawaiian blood from los ing its identity. Prominent Japanese women have decided to organize a woman's peace association to promote world peace. It is the intent of the organi zation to co-operate with similar as sociations in other countries. Yalo ilinfrtra v . life and tiWof undeSrTe j. . About Digestion? V claimed that only half much food is required when it ? thoroughly masticated. A " s begins in the mouth and a thnr?10? mastication of the food is nf greatest importance. When L ?le taka Chamberlain's Tabl!eded strengthen the digestion and 4" a regular movement of the bowels n "t ' TM'DURHAM TOBACCO Crumbs for Lazarus (Raleigh News and Observer) Rich man, poor man, beggar man, Vi -fVk nrv noo run o c 1 r-n cr net up the fashions of today, which are . men haye feeen carrying their tpadi usquesuonaDiy cun uyt auu A tions. and the beggerman has been immorality, and, at the same ume j asking the crumbs from the table of Irvine to hold up Christ iwno is un- Tiirae Viq Ti i Vad Kami nnnniv- l7"??! E to get the belonging of men who itnan to a lost and dying worm conclusios, I will quote from another article in the News and Observer a few weeks ago, discussing women's dress: "Now, where does so much of this short dressing come from any- i have what he covets, The world is by no means new. In early Roman days a kick against the tariff of eight per cent was an active amusement of the people, and in the way?. 1 mean by that, snort at me L"c A . uaur bottom and also at the top; and to tax all goods that passed by their sometimes 90 per cent thin interme- Places so that rivers and highways diately. It comes vom the maga-! were lined with toll gates to collect zines and fashion books which floM i transittariffs. A hundred years ago almost every home continuously. The the election of John Taylor a high hoinp- thP Standard Ot tne t"1" wau, uo opcaaci ui liic iiuus'; WV1", women. d tba fi-lorv of the land, if she would just read the Bible as much as she reads these fashion books, then it could not be said that there would be no good works in any home. I? such disgusting clress of representatives, gave New Eng land manufacturers their start in a century of plunder that Congress is trying now to fasten more complete ly than ever on the yaople by the of fering to the farmer of the crumbs t i j it . . . , . i in :i rnnr nrp r. nnncpn m ne rwpht rrnm uirr ? noip to DUiia morais, or win h i 7 f ,7 hin Jmmnmii-tv anH onntimiP to hp. a ' we proiecteu taoie- Kill That Cold With CASCARA Colds, Coughs 'OM 11p QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form dce not affect tho head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT -iiri!c welcome to crime. iviotners. hink seriously on thepe, thines. E. C HARRIS. entmet Of Common Colds. "If all who catch cold could be -' r-mded to remain in bed for .the first twenty-four hours of such attack" says a well known physician "there would be fewer cases drag ging on with distressing symptom for weeks and often ending in some more serious ' disease." - To mako ".lire cf a promnt recoverv you should "isn take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Whether sick cr well the bowels should move each day. Three hundred or more ai- ! 'ced marine strikers and sympathiz ers stormed the do ors of the custom house at Baltimore in their efforts to sret a partv of negro strike-breakwis -ho had fled into the Federal build ing for protection. Several of the negroes were severely beaten bp forp thp arrival of police who, with drawn pistols, drove off the rioters. The Chevrolet won its Rep0 the ' & same way Methuselah won his By Outlasting All Others! ' I mtJLZv r, ' ' ' I ' Hi . . . . n " ' 490 l ! The farmer is a producer of basic material. His market is the world. He is in competition with all farms everywhere: A tariff cannot protect him in any scheme of legalized rob bery of his customers. Therefore he j has always been waved aside at the tariff councils by the-assurance that protecting the manufacturer allows the manufacturer to pay the farmer a higher price than would be the case otherwise. But now the farra- i er is to have his prices raised by a tariff on farm stuff. The farmer ! has protested , so long that he is be ; lieved to be tired of paying tariff on ! what he buys without getting some- thing in return. So we a.e to put the whole United States on the basis of paying more for everything we buy in order that the man who sells mav get more This might work all right if it would work, but it still remains the fact that the farmer has to pay more for what he buys, but he cannot raise nr price because he sells in the market of the world in competition with ev erybody, and he must meet the world prices. The beneficient tariff sav? he mav charge ' more". But it does not tell him how to collect the bill or sell the goods where the world wi not buy. But it does prevent him from buying at world-wide prices for while he finds no tariff on what he sHls Pbroad he is met bv a tariff cn what he buys abroad- Dives pro poses to put a protective tariff on th" crumbs he throws to Lazarus and ex pects Lazarus to be hapny and con tent. That is the principle of protection. THE MONTHS Sheridan's Rhyming Calendar runs thus: January, snowy. February, flowy. March, blowy. April, showery, May, flowery Jnn, bowerv. July, rnoppv. August, croppy. Steptember. poppy. October, breezy. , November, wheezy. -December, freezy. CORNS" Lift Off with Fingers We have just received another car load of these cars and are ready to make immediate delivery. Call on us at once. You will be sur prised to know how cheap the Chevrolet is in price this season. Ev erybody can own one now!! We have anything in the automobile line, Come and see. This is truly headquarters for the autoist. ILElffl mm Hillsboro Street Oxford, N. C. A A 1 re Doesn't hint a bit! Drop a little ' Freezone" on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fin gers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bcttle of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGI NEERING SUMMER SESSION June 14th to July 2,1th Courses for High School, Elementary and Prospective Teacher Courses for College Entrance and College Credit. Catalogue upon application. Apply for Reservations at Once to W. A. WITHERS, Director Raleigh, jr. C. J WITH PAID LESS THAN JONES! paint facts JONES paid $56 for 14 Gallon nf ready for use" Mixed PAINT SMITH made 14 Gallons of the Best Pure Paint, for $39, by buying 8 Gals. L& M Semi-Paste Paint and 6 Gals. Linseed Oil to mix into it SMITH SAVED $17 They are simply adding Linseed L& M SEMI-PASTE PAINT Saves monev Oil to L & M SemiPata Pain n ... . r-n - hie vvcr o ii VP fir. sale er ACMEHDW.CO. - - - Oxford, N.G 3? "iDIGHT WE'RE ALWAYS READY!! Medicines required in the night can always be obtained. There's a night bell at the front door and a night clerk in attendance. Serious needs of medicines, requiring a drug gist's attention will be appreciated by prompt and wakeful service. Bring your prescriptions to us day or night, we are always ready to fill them always willing always capable J. N. PITTMAN Day Phones 50 and 116 Night Phones 304 and 303 m Get thrice-daily belief it from In this low-cost aid to ju M appetite and digestion II It keeps teeth white II breath sweet lllll and throat M . t Makes your lllll better Kvl !' !!! ! 111 111 111 1,1 111 ,!! !" '" ' iJ flavor (Lasts