OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1921 DEMOCRATIC POST3IASTER HAVE A FIGHTING CHANCE If They Can Get Two Other Demo crats To Stand the Examination. Red Buck Bryant, Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server says: "North Carolina demo crats now holding postoffice jobs can give the aspiring republicans a run for their money. If they can get two other democrats io stand the ex amination and odtrank republican applicants they will be certified, and one of the three must be appointed. If the postmaster is the only demo crat to stand, he will be ousted, for three eligibles must be certified for the postmaster general to pick a winner from. "Postmaster can serve out their four years under the Harding ex ecutive order relating to first, sec ond and third class appointments No one will be thrown out without "cause," but those in must walk the chalk line, lest somebody file charg es against them. Any little irregu larity may bring about a vacancy." Wisdom of the Bankers. (Richmond Times-Dispatch.) Resolutions adopted at the final session of the annual meeting of the executive council of the American Bankers' Association, Show a com prehension of public needs that is a splendid tribute to the wisdom which marked its deliberations. Among commendable resolutions adopted were those opposing Government ownership and operation of rail roads, approving American represen tation on the Supreme Council and Reparations Commission, ... opposing further issuance of tax securities, ap proving the budget system for hand ling Government finances, and sug gesting the need for bringing into operation at the earliest possible moment financing machinery for the extension of long-time credit to re store foreign credit. SHORT CUTS Gold assaying ninety-one dollars to the ton has been discovered in the Gatineau- district, Quebec, about fifty miles north of Ottawa. Haiy . e II Of Quick 'Me Qflong Stanfa Troubles Real Power of Hospital's Home Treatment Shown fey Results in Chronic Disorders of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, As a result of many years of study, a machine has been developed in Lyon, France, to make raised em broidery in gold and silver. The stitch is a copy of an ancient form of embroidery and gives an impression of handwork. The machine uses the metallic thread. . ' -A London man placed a plum pudding in a tin box embedded in a sack of lime. Tying a rope to it he lowered the sack ten feet below the surface of the Thames. When rais ed to the surface at the expiration of two hours the pudding was found to, be cooked thoroughly. On contact with the water the lime slacked, causing sufficient heat to cook the pudding. I Three Cases Typical of Scores of Others Reported at Hospital from points Where Sanux is Now Being Distributed Perhaps the most striking evidence of the remarkable power of the pre scription now known as Sanux, which was used at the United States Med-ico-Chemi Hospital for indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, torpid liv er and stomach complaints arising from stomach, liver and kidney trou bles, is found in the speedy manner in which chronic, long standing dis orders respond to the treatment. A great many of those who re ceived the treatment at the hospital during the past several years were suffering from severe and complicat ed troubles, and it was the seeming ly miraculous recoveries in many of these cases which created so much comment and caused the fame of the medicine to become widespread. Thus it was that the demand for the prescription became so great that the directors of the hospital decided to offer it to the public for home treatment. The following statements which have recently been reported to the hospital are typical of scores of cases in which Sanux has promptly reliev ed disorders of long standing, in many cases after all other means had failed. R. R. 3Ian Is Relieved After Long Suffering Vinton, Va. "I suffered for years with chronic indigestion," says Mr. S. E. Settle, a well-known railroad man of Vinton. "I had headaches all the time, was nervous and could hardly sleep at night. Food soured in my stomach and didn't seem to do me any good and I lost flesh and got in a terrible run-down condition. I tried many medicines, but nothing seemed to do me any good. "Then I heard about Sanux and began taking it I am now on my second bottle, and it has done me a lot of good. My digestion is better, I am not troubled with headaches any more, I sleep better and feel stronger and have more energy. My son is troubled with constipation and I've started him taking Sanux also, and it has helped him. Sanux has helped me after other medicines had failed, and I am glad to recommend it to others who suffer as I did." is improving, and I sleep fine .rest ing better than in many years. Those smothering spells have ceased en tirely, and I am relieved for once of constipation troubles. It has brought such quick relief I know I am now on the road to good health. I gladly endorse Sanux." Seeds from the chaulmoogra tree of India, the oil of which forms the base of a treatment successfully used in treating leprosy, have been received in the Philippine Islands uy the Bureau of Science. An attempt will be made to grow the tree for this purpose. Mrs. Robertson Says She 1 Suffered For Seven Years Roanoke, Va. "For the past sev en years I have suffered with consti pation and indigestion, and one bot tle of Sanux has given me relief I was never able to secure by any IPited Medico-Chemi Hospital, 10th and Clay Sts., Richmond, Va. means," declared Mrs. G. T. Robert son of, 1710 Norfolk avenue, this city. "My indigestion was so bad when I lay down nights, I would almost smother, but today I'm looking bet ter, have a good color, my appetite N. C. Farmer Relieved Of Three Years1 Suffering Pelham, N. C- Mr. R. H. Jones, a well-known farmer living on Route 2, near this place, has been the vic tim! of a severe case of indigestion for three years, and what Sanux ac complished in his case testifies to the remarkable power of this great Hos pital Home Treatment to relieve dis orders of a chronic nature. A"I had suffered from indigestion for three years," says Mr. Jones, when I heard of what Sanux was do ing for others, so I decided to give it a trial. I have taken three bottles of the medicise and it has done me lots of good. My indigestion has been relieved and I feel stronger and better in every way. I gladly recom mend Sanux as a fine tonic." Sanux aids digestion, acts as a mild laxative, gently cleansing the system of impurities, stimulates a natural, healthy appetite and builds up and strengthens the whole sys tem. Sanux is sold by most of the lead ing druggists in this section in eight ounce bottles. Take a bottle or two home with you today and commence this splendid "Hospital Home Treat ment" at once. Do not accept a sub stitute, or something offered as "just as good." If no druggist in your section has it in stock, the hospital will supply you direct on receipt of price $1.25. Sold by J. N. Pittman, Druggist, and J. G. Hall. The prison population of the Middle and Southwestern United Sta tes decreased 12.4 per cent in the last six pears. This falling off in prison population of this section is equivalent to more than the combin ed prisoners of Kansas, Iowa, Wis consin and North and South Dakota in 1914. Photographs by the Air Route. (Arkansas Gazette.) A group photograph of twenty-six people, six women and twenty men, was dropped into the yard of M. E. McCowan's home at DeRoche last Friday when tornadoes were tearing up a part of Arkansas. Mr. McCow an thinks the photograph was brought a long distance by the wind. The photograph was made in Due West, S. C- Some years ago a pho tograph was lifted by a tornado high in the air and carried from Hot Springs to Searcy before it floated to the ground. A California hri, v. . a device which itT.r lnstai ned is believed rom the most of mustard gas have been8;,.??! side the heaw sti "vea m. "u'vu 11 is he ptc vu protect its vault from tK5 ed of safft pmoV- e mst skill. Tt0: . ttuge botn 1 side the heavy steel -P1!c ranged that the slightest , So ar" break them, allowing the dJm m tents to escape. eadljr con- 7uhl famous railroad car which the armistice was &igS been transported to the aSl has seum in the Invalides. The ,mU chairs and cabinet are arrnL , e it exactly as they stood on S h ing of November 11, 19i8. e mQT' Something New I have put in a high-class cleaning and pressing ma chine, which affords the very best service and quick deliv ery. Pressed Suits . . 50c Cleaning and Pressing 75c HATS CLEANED AND RE BLOCKED All work made to look like new. Bring your Panama to J V' ijjj '-"" Many New York families are planning to eliminate rent bills dur ing the summer by erecting tents in state and municipal parks which are thrown open to campers. For $2 a week one is permitted to erect and live in a tent not larger than 10 by 12 feet and containing not more than four persons. "Carrying coals to Newcastle" has actually been accomplished oy c firm of French exporters, who sent a direct shipment not only to New castle, but also to Cardiff, the cen ter of the South Wales coal fields The coal was sent in response to a aemana oy English industries suffer ing on account of the coal strike. Six skeletons, believed to be those of white soldiers who lost their lives in combat with the Indians during the early wars in the Oregon country, were unearthed by excava tion crews working on the Columbia River highway near the Deschutes River. Army accounterments were found in the graves. A concert sung by members of the Chicago Grand Opera Company into a wireless telephone at San Francisco was heard as far east as Salt Lake,, as far north as Southern Alaska, as far west of Honolulu and as far south as Point Loma, close to the Mexican border. Ships on the Pacific within a radius of fifteen hundred miles also heard the concert. EXAMPLE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE DEFIANCE OF LAW YOUR SUMMER SUIT 1,000 latest patterns to select from. tf.lt (Mas MAIN STREET (Charlotte Observer) The tragedies precipitated on Greensboro and the surrounding community through the agency of an automobile loaded with whiskey, cannot fall to impress upon the minds of the people the extent to which the law-breakers are to rule in North Carolina. The occurrences I of Wednesday afternoon were of the kind that might have been consider ed extremely improbable, if not im possible, in any other than an Out law community and among an unciv ilized people. The scenes were enact ed in no isolated community nor were they under cover of darkness. With defiant boldness, three men in charge of a large quantity of contra band product drove into the center of a busy city, and when a police of ficer attempted to place them under arrest, he was shot down in his tracks. Then the outlaws bolted in to the country, and no military tank would have proved a greater menace to the traffic that might have been encountered. The furiously reckless party was bent on escape and they would have fired on anything in the way as quickly as they would have run it down. The Greensboro occurrence was the most impressive example of the spirit of defiance of the laws that has developed v in this State in many years, if, indeed, it has a parallel. It affords the best argument yet devel oyed for an abandonment of the fine in dealing with liquor cases, and a fixed and an immovable determina- Ktion on part of the courts to adopt md adhere to the prison sentence. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is gen uine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for ov er twenty years. Accept only an un broken Bayer package" which con tains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few gents. Druggists also sell larg er Bayer packages." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon oaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Ai if Price! We have discontinued one of our stores and must sell these Mattresses quickly. Opening date of sale WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. Matoi?;f ade Felt now -wwo Mattrtf nW tti.50 MaS00 17 now 88.50 IStton. 12-$6 Don't fail to see these bargains! Hughs-Smaw rum. 0. wmammmam BEAVER BOARD FOR BETTER WALLS & CEILINGS M ake a Clean Job of It WHEN YOU REPAIR OR REMODEL See how easily you can cover up old clingy crack ed walls and build-in permanently new rooms all over the house all without muss or litter. Quite a contrast between doing your repairing and remodeling with clean panels of Beaver Board than trying to get a permanent job with . messy lath and plaster. Now you can use Beaver Board and put it right on top of the old walls and ceilings. With Beaver Board you can make usable rooms out of useless spaces in attic and basement. Then, too, it is as good for the new home as it is for re modeling the old one. Beaver Board is a new from of lumber. It's built up from the strong clean fibre of the spruce tree into large sturdy panels of knodess, crackless manufactured lumber. It's moisture-proofed by a patent Sealtite process thav prevents warping. Beaver Board will last as long as th( -building. You owe it to your home, old of new, to see us aboi Beaver Board now. YOU can't expect Beaver Board results unless this trade-mark is on the back of the board you buy. mm Byinraii - Mnanult Co F- Ti-V. V:,.;r:;v:;-T:;,rr;;r,: , The W YOUR EYES. KEEP THEM RIGHT BY GETTING GLASSES FROM J. W. KNIGHT, THE OPTOMETRIST, 6 COLLEGE ST. 0