OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1921 ! nM) YOU KNOW OXFORD HAD A tii ' -- . nir stnrA and e-fit. fl.nv book vou want to read at the small cost j of 2c a day. Apr.-5-tj FLKAYS STRAW HAT CLEANER is the best for cleaning straw hats or for iron rust and stains in clothing. HALL S STORE. DRUG 3-18-tf HUE TOU A HOUSE TO PAINT? Ve Aemo Quality Faint. You can depend on it. The test in vieapest in the long nm, We ran cupply yu ti C. 3D. RAY & SON. alYTTYOU A HOUSE To BOLD? BuUd it with our material. You !;nov "It's rifcht when you get it at Ray's." a C. D. RAY & SON. FFT) TOr STEEL. FENCE POSTS are time saver? labor savers, J wor-ev savers, Jast indefinitely j and look gooc tt C- D. RAY & SON, Distributors. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? e us logiS it. We handle Cort rurtvt Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every other kind of roof ivg of best quality. H t. D. RAY & SON Fit LIT JARS, Ftover Pols. Crockery, trlass v.are. Tinware, Enamelware, Al luminumware, etc, at C. D. RAY SON'S HARDWARE STORE July 2-tf I ST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have , clean store and a clean stock of Hard- it C. D. RAY & SON. i AM GLAD TO ANNOUNCE TO MY customers and friends that I have tilted out a clock repairing de partment and secured a man that is ready to do clock repairing all tht? time. T nankins: the Dublic for I-ust patronage and solicting a con- j tmuance in the future, I am yours for service. 1-14-tj. J. W. KNIGHT. KILL ALL THE FLIES YOU CAN Use Black Flag and Bee Brand, pet them at PITTMAN'S DRUG STORE. , 4-8-tf TRY PUBLIC LEDGER want ads, only lc per word. FLIES! FLIES! FLIES! THAT A- bominable fly! Make him stay out dcors bv the use or cur . M-ltw-tf. C D. RAY & SON. GUANO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for the best gua no you can buy, common tobacco v'i)l se.il cheap. o-T.I. HORNER BROS., CO. FARMERS BE WISE YOU WILL fin 'I our FARM IMPLEMENTS right in price and that they will do the work right-4-1-1 tw-tf. C D. RAY & SON. A XEW HAT FOR 25 CENTS USE Colorite. Any color. HALL'S DRUG STORE. 2-18-tr 1 .... I T fil'AXO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for the best gua-i-o you can buy, ccmm.n tobacco v ill sell cheap. Hi- HORNER BROS.. CO- COOKING IN SUMMER CAN MORE pleasantly be done bv the use of fur NEW PERFECTION OR t jchard Oil Stoves- 4-1-ltw-tf. C- D. RAY & SON. KEXEW THAT OLD HAT OF vours with Colorite, 16 colors in stock. Get it at Pittman's, the Drug Store of Quality and Ser vice. 3-1-tf SERVICE IS A HOBBY OF OURS ve are more interested in the Kood v-Hl of tomorrow than in tbe sale of today. We fully realize that our business must be built sauarely on service. Trusting to receive your orders for any thing in the drug .me and assuring you of the best possible service at all times. We remain Faithfully yours. Pitt man's Drug Store. 3-2 2-tf. HE BEST ICE CREAM ON oarth. the Velvet Kind, Where? at Pittman's Drug Store- 5-10-tf FOR SALE FOUR MILK COWS ".e fresh and three soon will be. VVill sell or trade for dry cows. Also have litter of pigs, about 6 weeks old, for sale. GUS ADCOCK, v irgilina, Veu Rt. 2, near Cornwall, N- C 5-3-4tx s2 IRISH POTATOES AT HALLS UUUG STORE. 3-18-tf. adii ONLY PER WORD PUBLIC LEDGER Phone 28 WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 4 ROOMS IN TOWN FOR LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 103. OXFORD, N. C. 5-13-2tc WANTED TO REN1 SMALL HOUSE OF ABOUT 4 ROOMS. MUST BE IN TOWN. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 103, OXFORD, N. C- 5-13-2tc LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION, DRY Lime-Sulphur, Bordeaux Mixture, Arsenate of Lead, Paris Green, Bug Death, Slug Shot. Pittman's Drug Store. 3-15-tf OVER 20,000,000, BOTTLES OF Tanlac sold. Get yours today at Pittman's Drug Store. 4-15-tt THE ATLANTA SCHOOL ROW Two Women Members Of the School Board Had Iii Their Resignation. (Charlotte Observer) The Atlantic city board of educa tion, it would appear, is in somewhat of an embarrassing position, judgin from the information at hand a to at this distance. Without much warn ing, it appears, the board elected M. L. Brittain, State Superintendent of the Atlanta schools, without knowing whether he would accept. In thus deposing City Superintendent W- F. Dykes, the board not only incurred his displeasure, to put it mildly, but aroused something of a storm of i protest on the part of his friends which resulted in the resignation of the women members cf the board. Now, it turns out, Superintendent Brittain declines to accept the Atlan to job, preferring to hold en to the State post, and the Atlantia board will have to select another man for city superintendent, else reconsider its action in dismissing Superintend ent Sykes, who is quoted as having told the board that he would "not fire even a ccok without notice." As English "Is Spoke." The following letter appeard in the "One Minute Interviews" of the Charlotte Observer: "We hear much these days of the peculiarities of the English language How many people do you suppose, speak absolutely correct English and haw many pronounce the words cor- rectly and distinctly? "At a recent choir rehearsal the following hymns were 'tried out,' an- requested to make prompt settle nouned bv the pastor the following i ment. i Sunday and 'sung' by the congrega tion: " 'I am Thine, no Lord.' " 'Bring them, Min.' . " 'Sweet, buy and buy.' " 'Praise Sim, Praise Sim-' " 'Grace, enuff for me-' " 'Have Thy known way.' " 'Beautiful Lisle.' " Tis the Blessed Dower of Pray er.' " 'That Sweet Story of Fold.' "ONE WHO DOESN'T." Will Print Newspaper In Air. Initial trials will soon be made in I the publication of a daily newspaper from airplanes in flight, a new phase f iournalism. says & dispatch from London. Airplanes will leave Paris and London daily- Machines from ris will print editions of the Aerial Mail in French and those from Eng land will print their copies in Eng lish. Batches of the papers will be dropped by parachute in Boulogne. Rouen, Amiens and other cities thpo prp Riihsfribprs. Thfi machines will be eauiDned with wire-! less in addition to complete printing i plants and will issue news of poli-! Ho. flnao snnrt atirl tM nf a PPti-I tics, finance, sport and that of a gen eral character. Wanted. A sheet for the bed of the river. A ring for the finger of scorn. A glove for the hand of fate. A boot for the foot of the moun tain. A sleeve for the arm rf the law. A set of teeth for the mouth of a river. A lock for the trunk of, an ele phant A feather for the wings of tii3 wind. Scales for the weight of years. Buttons for a coat of paint- A rung for a ladder of fame Reigns for a bridal tour. A medicine o keep th ink well a meaicine ao kw j ui. iu. wen- To know what makes the weather 10 Know wnai mtuteb iue vcaiut.i vane and the roads cross. The key for the lock of hair. An Apostle Of Equality. "I am always strong for the wom en." said the husband of a very charming wife, yesterday, and ac cordingly endorse an idea expressed by a Knoxville man in the town pa per. He says: "Nowhere on Uncle Sam's green backs, except by the fanciful figure of the Goddess of Liberty, are wom en represented. "Men there are in plenty men all down through the years since the davs of Washington. "If women are to be made equals in the government, it's only fair that some of the noted mem Ders oi meir sex should appear on the country's paper money." Legal Advertising. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power oi sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me on the 15th day of December, 1919 by Nathan Rice and wife Hallie Rice, which said deed of trust is dulv recorded in deed of frust Book No. 142 at Page No. 16 of the Registry of Granville County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the note thereby secured and at the request of the holder of said note, I shall sell by Public Auction in frrmt nf tVio fmir-t TTmisA Donr. in Ox- J ford, N. C, on May the 21st, 1921 at 12 i o'clock noon, for cash, the following i described tract of land: Lying and being situate in Salem I Township, Granville County, State of ; North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Ephram Gregory, N. Crews Estate, B. E. Parham and others and more par ticularly described and bounded as follows: Beginning at a white oak tree, corner in Ephram Gregory's land, and running thence S. 8' 45" W 948 feet to a stake on New Plantation Road; thence west along said New Road 1138 feet to a stake on the north side of said Road; thence north along the line of Tract C 1685 feet to a stake in line of Tract A; thence east along line of said Tract A 830 feet to a stake in Ephram Gregory's line, thence along said Ephram Gregory line S 4" 15" W 726 feet to a stone; thence S 86 E 506 feet to a white oak tnee, the beginning point, containing 39 acres more or less and being Tract D of the Knott farm on plat made by Harvey R. Bullock, December 18th, 1917. For further reference see Plat Book 1 at Page 42 of the office of j the Register of Deeds of Granville County. This April 18th, 1921. E. B. HOWARD, Trustee. F. TV, Hancock, Jr., Attorney. 4w pd NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All Whom These Presents May Come Greetings: Whereas, Tt appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record , of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office that the Oxford Mo tor Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situa ted in the town of Oxford. County of Granville, State of North Carolina (R. C. M. Calvert being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom may be served), has compiled with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal ot 1905, entitled "Corporations," preli minary to, the issuing of this Certifi cate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I J. BRYAN GRIM ES, Secretary of the State of North said corporation did, on the 11-th day of March, 1921, file in my office a dul executed and attested consent in writ ing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed, by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the re cord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office ts provid ed by law. j In Testimony Thereof, I have hereto j set my hand and affixed my official ! seal at Raleigh, this 11th day of j March, A. D. 1921. (paid) J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. XOTiCE OF ADMINISTRATION , Having1 been appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran- j ville County as administrator of the j estate of E. L. Morrissette, deceased, ' late of the County of Granville, the j undersigned hereby notifies all per- J sons, holding1 claims against said es- j tate, present the same to me for pay ment on or before the 12th, day of April, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are J.I11S pill 11, HilJL. j HOWARD M. MORRISSETTE, Ad ministrator of E. L. Morrissette, deceased. 4-19-6w pd mi. : 11 1001 . rvrPte'" & Royster, Attorneys. SALE OP VALUABLE LAXD Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned by Louisa Mitchell, bearing date of Jan uary 30th, 191S, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 125, page 117, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County, default having been j made in the payment of the indebted I r.ess thereby secured, the undersigned will on MOXDAT, MAY 23HD, 1021, about the hour of noon at the court house door of Granville County in Oxford, N. C. offer for sale at public auction for cash a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Tally Ho Township, Granville County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a beach on the south bank of Pauls or Rowland's Creek, and running thence down said creek about 7:20 chains in a direct linfi in a. stake and pointers on the south bank of said creek; thence S ic 1-2 W. 24.50 chains or 23.50 chains to the rignt or way or ne u . thence along said R. R. 1-2 rhains to Hunt's line; thence along his line from the center of the rail road N. 16 1-2' E. 35.10 chains to the beginning, containing 20 acres, 2 rods and 10 poles, more or less, being the same land conveyed to the said Louisa Mitchell by E. B. Mangum by deed dated October 12th, 1899, and re corded in Deed Book 56, page 359, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. This 15th day of April, 1921. A. W. GRAHAM, Jr.. Trustee. Tomato Plants. A thrifty tomato plant left, to itself will spread over a space from ivis to six feet in diameter and will pro duce a peck or more of tomatoes If staked and pruned it will ! about the same quantity of f nil tne - ... . . .iMr,01. kp tomatoes will be larger, cleanei, Dei , finA nr.A nmormr in ovorv re a kq n- I . i . J.T, .-m served to accomodate . nve oiuci plants cared for in a similar m?nner. say garden specialists of the United States Department of ' Agriculture. The staked and pruned plants are easily sprayed and will continue to produce fruit later in the fall than plants which are allowed to spread naturally. As a rule also the prun ed tomatoes will mature earlier. On the scale on which tomatoes " are grown in the home garden, staking and pruning require little trouble and will fully repay, the effort. Brazilian railroads are burning wood for fuel. A modern locomotive fitted with a water-tube and fire brick arch with a correct proportion of firebox and boilerbnrnr wood with no serious waste of the fuel. NAPOLEON DIED ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO N His Unequalled Career Briefly Out lined From the Cradle to the Grave. 1769 Born in Ajaccio, on the is land of Corsica. 1793 Distinguished himself at the siege of Toulon. 1796 Married Josephine Beauhar nais. 1797 Successful in his campaign a gainst the Austrains. 1799 Set up new government in France, with himself at the head. 1800 Led successful campaign in Italy and gained Lombardy. 1804 Proclaimed hereditary Em peror of the French. 1805 Crowned King of Italy at Mi lan. 1806 Made his brother Joseph King of Naples and brother Louis King of Holland. 1808 Made his brother Joseph King of Spain and his brother-in-law King of Naples. 1808 Controlled practically the whole of Europe, excepting Great Britain, Russia and Turkey. 1809 Divorced Josephine. 1810 Married Maria Louisa, arch duchess of Austria. 1 1810 Annexed Holland to his em pire. 1812 Made a disastrous invasion of Russia. 1813 Defeated by the Allies at Leipsic. 1814 Abdicated his throne and sent to Elba- 1815 Returned from Elba and be rr the "One Hundred Days" cam paign. 1815 Defeated bv the British and Allies at Waterloo. 1815 Banished to the island of St. Helena. 1821 Died at St. Helena 1840 Ramains returned to France pnd entombed in the Invalides in Paris. The Old Statehouse. (Charlotte Observer) It appears now definitely determin ed that the new home for the State Agricultural Department is co be erected on the present site on one of the street corners across the square, from the Capitol. Embraced in its equipment will be office ac commodations for the various com mittees of the Legislature. That is a mighty good idea, as everybody i who has had business relations with i a legislative committee of any kind will admit. One difficulty has sxii in locating the committee, itseir, while another has been to find a seat or to get into any sort of orderly touch with the committee meeting. Frequently two and three and even four committees would be undertak ing to transact business in the same open hall, to the establishment of approved conditions -of confusion. But the Legislature is generally in session during the meanest weather of the year, and the location of com mittee rooms in the detached build ing is likely to create conditions of exposure that may not be exactly healthy. ' Wonder if the State could develop money to connect Capitol and Department building with a tun nel, as the United States House of Representatives is connected with the House Office Building? We would not suggest the more elaborately-equipped Senate tunnel, with its thundering electrical merry-go-along. But if the basemeni ct thR Statehouse could be excavated for restaurant and other purposes and the two houses connected with an un derground passageway, the periodi cal talk about a new Capitol, to the destruction of the most classic piece oi architecture in the United States, would be effectively stopped. rae ola Capitol would De maue to sere the purposes of the biate lor many years to come. some Hi n couple of wings may be added to the picturesque old State building, but when that is cone the beauties of t,he original structure j should be carefully preserved. But : meantime, the digging under and out from, ought to open the way to prac tical by a permanent preservation of the State Capitol as it stands. Every architect who has examined the old building has not hesitated in the op inion that any move to dismantle it ! would be one in the direction of dese cration. BRIEFLY TOLD A bill imposing a fine on land lords . who refuse to admit tenants with children has passed the New York Assembly. A daily newspaper is to be printed on the airplanes 'traveling ! Paris and London. They will be dis tributed by means of parachutes. Miss Edith Philip Smith, the first woman to receive a degree from Oxford university, has arrived in the i United States to take a special course in botany at Radcliffe college. Cant. John F. Williams. Jr.. of Charlotte, has received notification ! that the king of Belgium has confer l red on him the cross of chevalier of the order of the crown. Captain Williams in daylight and unaided destroyed a machine gun nest and captured a number of prisoners dur ing the war. Marcus Edwards. Raleigh wife ?laver serving a life-term in the State Prison, escaped Wednesday morning at the prison farm near Method, a few miles west of the city, ffter he had been saved from the electric chair by Governor Bickett. Sentenced to die for his crime. Ed wards was given a life-term by the rovernor " upon the promise that he would never apply for a pardon. The first full-blooded Indian ev er admitted to citizenship in the United States in Thomas Blackbird. 23 years of age. of the Sioux tribe and a veteran of the World War. fie was admitted to citizenship under an act of Congress by the provisions of which any. Indian of legal age who served in the war may, upon applica tion, be admitted to the rights of citizenship. , CAN PLOW ALL DAY NOW, SAYS REISCH Winston-Salem Farmer Reports Gaining Forty Pounds In Weight "It may sound unreasonable, and you may believe it or not, but after taking four" bottles of Tanlac I gained forty pounds," recently said J. H. Reisch, a well-to-do and high ly respected farmer whose address is Winston-Salem, N. C- R. F. D. No. 10. "I was pretty near knocked out last summer by an attack of malaria, and even after I got out of bed I kept losing weight and strength For two months I wasn't able to hit a lick of work on my place and I was beginning to think I was down and out for good. "I began to take Tanlac just in the nick of time, for I couldn't have held out much longer without help of some sort. I was down to 140 pounds, but, this medicine took hold of me in such a way that in forty days exactly I had gone up to 188 pounds, which is just my right weight, and I quit taking Tanlac be cause it had done everything I need ed. "I hadn't been taking the Medicine a week before I was able to go to work, and now I can plow all day. I eat anything I want, sleep like a log and in the morning roall out-of bed feeling as fit and fine as I ever did in my life, I don't need any medi cine myself, but I came to Winston just to get a bottle for my wife, who is complaining of being run down. "I never believed a medicine could do for anybody what Tanlac did for me, and I'm going to do my best to spread the news that there is one medicine that does all they say it will do." Periodic Bilious Attacks. Persons subject to bilious attacks at regular intervals know about when to expect an attack. .They find that they have no desire fcr food when an attack is due but us ually eat because it is meal time Skip one-meal and take three cf Chamberlain's Tablets and you may be able to avoid the attack. Persons subject to periodic bilious attacks should not drink tea or coffee at any time. Canada has the largest forest in the world. It is in the Labrador and Hudson bay district, and is, roughly, 1,000 by 1,700 miles- A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 3 5 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with (MUD MEM 4 The tvo.-ld'tJ sunda4 rsmady fcr kidney, live., bi-.iLUr arri uric acid troubles sine iOi'd; cui'etfc disorders: stimulates vital otgaos. AU druggists, three sizes. ' f- CaM Mwldos every box After you .eatalways take f FOR YOUR STOMACH S SAKfci TnaontW relieved Heartburn. Bloated Gastr ?eeling. StopB indigestion, food souring, re lating, and all the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC ia the best remedy. Tens of thoa iand9 wonderfully benefited. Positively guar mteed to please or we will refund money. 11 and get a big box today. You wU set, J. N. IMVTMAN. DrugJdKw Insure Your Live Stock AGAINST Insect Parasites and Disease BY USING Kreso Dip No. 1 (STANDARDIZED) Effective Uniform Economical Kills Lice, Mites and Fleas. For Scratches, Wounds, scab, and Common Skin Troubles. Prevents Hog Cholera Expenmenb on live hcas prove that a 254 dilution of Krera Dipro. I will kill Virulent HogCholeraVirosm5Eiinutesby contact We will send you free a booklet on tbe treatment cf mange, eczema or pitch mange, arthritis, sore mouth, et We will send you free a booklet on bow to buOd a bog wallow, which will keep hogs clean and healthy. We will send you free a booklet on bow to keep your hogs free from io Sect parasites and disease. - Write for them they are free, Kno Dip No. 1 fat Original Packages ForUt, Lyon Drug Co. MAN'S i TIME TO FACE THE FACTS "So much has been said, against, the use of patent medicines that I have had a strong prejudice against them. But after four years doctor ing with six different doctors, with out results; for acute indigestion, gastric, constipation, appendicitis and other ailments, I was said to possess, I was encouraged to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, seeing what it had done for a friend similar ly afflicted. I also was entirely relieved of my trouble, and am sure this medicine will do all and more than it claimed for it" It is a sim ple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the in flammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. Sold in Oxford by J- N. Pitt man and all leading druggists. mas Money back without question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent bos at our risk. J. G. HALL, Druggist Dr. L. T. Buchanan, Jr. Practice limited to ASTHAMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS and TUBERCULOSIS. K Woodard Building, Raleigh, N. C. Hours by appointment only. TRY LEDGER WANT . AD VS. THEY PAY! Dr. 0. B. BONNER of DBS. BONNER & BONNER EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N. C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of each week OFFICES IN BROWN BLBG. J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. C Practice in State and. Federal Courts. A. Vi. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT liAW Oxford, N. O. r i Practice in the State and federal Courts. F. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Odd Fellows Bldg. Oxford, N. O. DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown Building. OTice hours: 9-12 a. m. 1-5:150 p. TO. JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGftlST Odd Fellow Building Service is Our Motto. We ecriv' to please. JNO. W.HESTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Britt Building, room formerly occupied by Union Bank & Trust Co. D. G. BRUMMITT Attorney-at-Law Ilillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LI