V mmsn WANT WANT ADVER iTaXTSOJA DEANS WE HAVE a -ood supply on hand and will be "dad to fill your wants-5-lS-tj HORNER BROS. CO. ELKAIS STRAW HAT CLEANER is the best for cleaning straw hats or for iron rust and stains ?n clothing. HALL'S DRUG STORE. 3-18-tf HAVE TOU A HOCSE TO PAINT? Use Acme Quality Paint. You can depend on it. The test Is tteapest in the long run. We can nipply you. tan c & SQN UVE YOU A HOUSE Tx EtJTLD? Bu'ld it with our material. You snow "It's right when you get It r Ray's." tt C. D. RAY & SON. rEP TOP STEEL FENCE POSTS are time saver? labor savers, raorey havers, Jast indefinitely and look good -t C. D. RAY & SON, Distributors. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO COVER? See us aboit it. We handl Cort right Metal Shingles, Paroid Roof ing and every other kind of roof ing of best uuality. :f C. D. RAY & SON. WXEWAUE. FRUIT JARS, Flower Pots. Crockery, Glass ware, Tinware, Enamelware, Al luminumware, etc, at C. D. RAY SON'S HARDWARE STORE July 2-tf UST VISIT OUR HARDWARE Store. We have what you are looking for. We have r. clean store and a clean stock of Hard- tf " C. D. RAY & SON. I AM GLAD TO ANNOUNCE TO MY customers and friends that I have filted out a clock repairing de partment and secured a man that is ready to do clock repairing all the timo. Thanking the public for past patronage and solicting a con tinuance in the future, I am your? fnr service. M4-tj. J. W. KNIGHT. $5 GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS for $2-98 while they last. Get ycurs. HORNER BROS- CO. 5-18-tj TRY PUBLIC LEDGER want ads, only lc per word FMES! FLIES! FLIES ! THAT A- bominable fly! Make him stay -ut doors by the use of our t SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS. 4-1-ltw-tf. C D. RAY & SON. GUAXO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for the best gua no you can buy, common tobacco o will ?e;i cheaK" 3- t.i- HORNER BROS., CO. FARMERS BE WISE YOU WILL find our FARM IMPLEMENTS right in price and that they will t do the work right 4- 1-1 tw-tf. C D. RAY & SON. A XFAV HAT FOR 25 CENTS ITSE Chlorite. Any color. HALL'S DRUG STORE. 2-18-tr GLAXO PRICES REDUCED. PLACE your orders now for th best gua no you can buy. ccmni.n tobacco 1 m sen cneaD- 3-1.1. HORNER BROS.. CO. ( OOKIXG IX SUMMER CAN MORE Pleasantly be done bv the use of our NEW PERFECTION OR K' chard Oil Stoves-4-1-ltw-tf. C. D. RAY & SON. SLH VICE IS A HOBBY OF OURS v are more interested in the good will of tomorrow than in the sale of Joday.We fully realize that our r'usinpss must be built sauarely on service. Trusting to receive your orders for any thing in the drug .me and assuring you of th. best possible service at all times, We remain Faithfully yours. Pitt- man's Drug Store." 3-2 2-tf. THK BEST ICE CREAM ON 'J.!-th. the Velvet Kind, Where? it Pittman's Drug Store- 5-10-tf i - - HART SCHAFFNER & MART suits. Another shipment just re-cf-ived. HORNER BROS. CO. 5dMj YOUXc; MENWE HAVE JUST ff -reived another shipment of Hart Sohaffner & Marx suits. Come in 9,1,1 lock tbera ovor. 18-tj HORNER BROS- CO. REGISTERED BERKSHIRE BOAR ready for service at. mv for. r - n J. N. HICKS,1 j'A'-2tx.- Oxford. Route 1. SIA BEANS THE GREAT HAY and meat producer. Large ship rnent received laet week. -ib-t hornet? nuns, rn I WAN ADVERTISING ONLY flc PER WORD PUBLIC LEDGER Phone 28 $5 GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS for $2.98 while they last. Get yo.urs. HORNER BROS. CO. 5-18-tj FOR SALE A FINE FRESH MILK cow. Apply to MRS- ROSA RAG LAND, Oxford Route 7. 5-17-2tx PLANT SOJA BEANS WE HAVE a good supply on hand and will be glad to fill your wants. 5-18-tj HORNER BROS. CO. YOUNG MEN WE HAVE JUST received another shipment of Hart Schaffner & Marx suits. Come in and look them over. s 5-18-tj HORNER BROS. CO. WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE OF ABOUT 4 ROOMS MUST BE IN TOWN. ADDRESS P. O- BOX 103. OXFORD. N. C. 5-13-2tc SOJA BEANS THE GREAT HAY and meat producer. Large ship ment received last week. 5-18-tj HORNER BROS. CO. Lecral Advertising NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having been appointed by the CWk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County as administrator of the estate of E. L. Morrissette, deceased, late of the County of Granville, the undersigned hereby notifies all per sons, holding- claims against said es tate, present the same to me for pay ment on or before the 12th, day of April, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settle ment. This April 11, 1921. HOWARD M. MORRISSETTE. Ad ministrator of E. L- Morrissette. deceased. , 4-19-6w pd Royster & Royster, Attorneys. Fake pearls, to the' amount of nearly a million dollars' worth, have i-een imported by London jewelers from Japan. The pearls are prro duced by live oysters covering a mother of pearl bead with a thin ve neer exactly resembling the true oriential pearl. It is impossible tc expose the fake except by breaking the gem which is an expensive pro cess. Further importations are pro hibited. I The United States Department, of Agriculture is experimenting with a tree which gives off a peculiar poi son fatal to flies. If the experiments prove a success, the seeds may be distributed throughout the country to exterminate the pests. A Modern AHc. No secret seems to have been made of the method of construction adopted by Noah in building his ark: On the contrary, the specifications are given in detail in the Bible. Imitations of it have been attempt ed now and then in recent times Thus, in the year 1609, a Dutch mer chant name Peter Jansen built a Hoorn a ship on the same model, though not of corresponding size. It was 120 feet long, 20 feet broad and 12 feet deep. The vessel was found to be remark ably well adapted for freightage, a:i3 it is said would hold one-third more lading than other ships of like size without requiring more hands to work it. Much more recently several so called "fleuten," or floats, were built after the model of the ark in Denmark. The members of the Wof Chester.. VFp ssachusetts, Interdenominational Ministers' Association have agreed to refuse to solemnize the marriage of any couple when they d-.em unfit for its sacred responsibilities, and to re fuse remarriage to the guilty party in divorce proceedings. o How it harts: throbs. a tin or a and afhaa $rw i nab wuuiuu i yuu uu ' w Siv '.vi ui ti, aiiu cu- joy perfect foot ease! Here is instant relief. ADVERTISING A wonderful yet simple home remedy which relieves you in stantly of pain, removes the cease of the bunion, and thus the ugly deformity disappears all this while r an wear as tight eboee as ever. FREE TRIAL foot today. If not satisfied, return and get your money back. Tht Fact Thai Pains Mod t' Xteds FAI2YFC0T Most J. N. PITTMAN. Druggist. OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER PURSUED BY GHOSTLY SHIP Tradition of Modern Flying Dutchman That Massachusetts Fishermen Firmly Believe In. The burial of John Winters, recalled to old-time fishermen a tradition of a modern Flying Dutchman with its ghostly crew that was believed to roam the seas in pursuit of a ship that had sent them to the bottom relates a correspondent from Gloucester. Win ters was the last survivor of the crew of the Gloucester schooner, Charles Haskell, which in a storm in March, 1869, ran down and sank a Salem schooner and its entire crew on Georges fishing banks. He died at the Fishermen's Snug Harbor in his eighty-second year, repeating almost to the last the tale of the ghost ship supposed to have pursued the Has kell throughout its career as a fish erman. Once off Eastern point, at the en trance of Gloucester harbor, Winters said, a schooner ran down the wind, hove alongside the Haskell, and its phantom crew climbed the rigging, de claring themselves the ghosts of the Salem fishermen. Winters and others of the Haskell's crew refused to fish in the ship again and a new crew was taken on. These returned with a similar story of ghost ly visitations at sea, took their dun nage bags and quit Another and still a fourth crew were shipped, but each came to port with a renewal of the story of a ship shrouded in white and a specter crew, and the Haskell was hauled up, unable to get men. It fin ished its seagoing as a sand freighter, and the Salem ship was not heard of again. URUGUAY RICH IN AMETHYSTS Gems Found in "Goedes," Which . Is Nature's Way of Storing Precious Stones for Posterity. The northwestern part of Uruguay Is a newly discovered field for the pro duction of amethysts, which occur in "geodes." The geodes, so plentiful that they are picked up in the fields, are carried on mule-back or in carts to the nearest railway station and shipped in barrels to Salto, whence they are transported by river boat to Montevideo. Naturally, it will be asked, What is a geode? Originally, it was a hole in rock. Water percolating through the rock deposited silica, making a lining for the cavity. The lining grew thick, er and thicker, and after a long time, if the rock were broken nr "weath ered" to pieces, a hard nodule would drop out. The nodule is a geode; and if, as sometimes happens, the silica has formed crystals inside of it, colored by metallic salts, the goede is a little jewel bpx containing ame thysts. A beautiful statuette, eight inches high, of a woman dancing, has re cently been placed in the Morgan Gem hall of the American Museum of Nat ural History, in New York city. It is carved out of a perfect block of translucent sapphire (blue quartz) from Uruguay. Climate and Agriculture. The surprising idea that an arid climate is the most favorable for ag riculture is explained by a report on j the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project ; in the state of Washington. In such a climate plant growth is stimulated by almost continuous sunshine, th?e is no night chilling of the soil' following cloudy days, and crops are harvested promptly without spoilage by ru:n. th products being greatly improved and the harvesting cost lessened. The chief advantage of all, however, is control of the water, which by arti ficial irrigation can be supplied at the best time and in the quantities needed by the crops. The scant rainfall of the Columbia basin area has been a preparation for the new method, for the moisture has not been sufficient to leach away the stored plantfood, but there has been drainage enough to prevent the accumulation of alkali salts, the most soluble of the earth's constituents. President Obregon, of Mexico, has ordered the return of all proper ties siezed by past governments in Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, including that of the Mormons in Chihuahua, tracts owned by Luis Terrazas and land: abandoned by Americans when revo lutions broke out Despite diking and channeling the Hoang River of China has, in one thousand years, drowned more hu man, beings than have been killed in all the wars of the same tim The only preventive of floods is in the re forestation of .the , denuded slones which border the river valley. After you .eat always take (FOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKp ATOMIC Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bleated Geesr 'elinc. Stop indigestion, food soaring; re weting, and all the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC it the best remedy. Tens of theo tandt wonderf ully benefited. Positively goar lateed to please or we -win refand money. 3sil and get a big box today. You will aet. J. N. mTOlAN, Drags! TUESDAY. MAY 24, CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an acting corn, in stantly that corn staps hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone'; for a few cents, suf ficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses without soreness or irritation. They Will Learn. In Washington and before various State Legislatures lawyers to the big railroad lines and the trolley systems continue to explain the ris ing costs of their service and their diminishing revenues. They do not seem to have observed that the costs of gasoline, motorcars, motor bicycles, bicycles and rubber tires have been tending for some time steadily downward. Granville Williamsboro St. Kill That CASCARA FOR Colds, Cough; Neglected Cc2ds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy fqr the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves ' ; Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this fenn dees not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative--No Opiate in Kill's. ; ' ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGI NEERING SUMMER SESSION June 14th to July 27th Courses for High School, Elementary and Prospective Teachers. Courses for College Entrance and College Credit. Catalogue upon application. Apply for Reservations at Once to VW. A. WITHERS, Directors ITH PAID LESS THAN JONES! PAINT FACTS They are simply adding linseed Oil to L & M Semi-Paste Paint mFOR ACME HDW. CO. 1921 HAS NEVER SEEN THE EQUAL OF IT Danville Man Tells Of 'Wile's Won derful Recovery Since Taking Tanlac. "Well, sir, I have never in my life seen anything to equal the way Tan lac restored my wife's health after everything else had failed," said R. B. Taylor, of 129 East Stokes St Danville, Va. "At the time my wife began tak ing Tanlac," said Mr- Taylor, "she was almost past going. For three months she had been unable to eat or sleep, to do any good and was so weak and nervous she felt miserable all the time. Her muscles ached constantly, she could hardly walk from one room to another and her feet burned like fire. Many a night she got up and sat in a chair because she couldn't sleep. Nothing helped her and she became very low-spirited and I was completely at a; loss what to do next. "But the turning point came when I got her a bottle of Tanlac. for she improved right from the start- She has now taken three bottles, is strong and well, has gained several pounds in jsgight, is in fine spirits and never complains of an ache or a pain. Actually she looks better and says she feel better than ever before in her life. There is nothing too good for us to say about Tanlac." Crusts, Silly! In Russia, observes Mrs. Clare Sheridan with enthusiasm, the artis tic spirit is very much alive. How in teresting it would be to know what it is living on! Lynn, Mass., has a twelve-year-old schoolboy who spends his time sobbing because there is so much sin in the world- Poor little codger! He won't be happy till he' gets some of it Ever notice you always have to wait to get a haircut in the chair of a good barber? Most people who do their jobs well have all the work they can do. 5v REDUCTION IN GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES! Motor Co., Oxford, N. C. Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe Raleigh, N. C. TONES paid $5S for 14 Gallons of "ready for use" Mixed ?AINT SMITH made 14 Gallons of the Best . Pure Paint, for $39, by buying 8 Gals. L & r.l Semi-Paste Paint and 6 Gals. Linseed Oil to mix into it SMITH SAVED $17 L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT Sara cf . In km over SO yean SALE BYm Oxford, N. G; The Facts About Rheumr.tism. More than nine out of ten cases of rheumatism are either chronic or muscular rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treat ment AU that is required is to massage the affected parts freely with Chamberlain's Liniment. You will, be surprised at the relief which it affords. Eighty-two per cent of the people who died or were injured by fire in this country last year were mothers and children under school age. The farmers own and operate half of the automobiles and trucks in the United States, the total of which is more than nine million. A Chicago judge recently sen tenced two alleged pickpockets to at tend church regularly for six conse cutive months. Treatment Of Common Colds. , "If all who catch cold could be persuaded to remain in bed for the first twenty-four hours of such an attack" says a well known physician "there would be fewer cases dragr ging on with distressing symptoms for weeks and often ending in some more serious disease." To make sure of a prompt recovery you should also take Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. Whether sick or well the bowels should move each day. Money back without Question If HUNTS Salve fall in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TBTTER or other itching akin diseases. Try a 75 cent box et oar risk. jsri3aifj TTVH !) 'f TRY LEDGER WANT ADVS. THEY PAY! Dr. 0. B. BONNER of DRS. BONNER & BONNER EYE, EAR, XOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N. C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of each week OFFICES IN BROWN BLDG. -- J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANK HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Low Oxford- - - - N: C Practice in State and Federal Courts. A. W.Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. C. Practice in the State and federal Courts. P. W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public. Old Fellows' Bldg. Oxfcid. N. a DR. S J. FINCH DENTIST office in Brown Buikiing. i mice hours: 0-12 a. m. 1-5:80 p. m. JOE N. PITTMAN I ' I r r ' I ! f PT1 OS 1 R VW .'1ST (,;! Fellow's Building -HrvW is Our Mottf. 7'e striv o i1fase. JNO. W. HfJSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in Britt Building, room formerly occupied by Union Bank & Trust Co. D. O. BRUMMTTT Attoraey-at-Law ' Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC TJSIXCT ' MAVfww