OPp.PUBLICJiEP a- i i:" I'd c'l'lT" S 3JJt' Till"5 -. t 3 of the poWers 1 '-nvr.ed in a deed-of-trust '"'o'me on the 28th day of ,-n by Sallie Barnes, which 1 ..oicrpiPd in Book 142 'r':n the office of the Reg- . I ill Hi. flnfv flo 'JlV-'U' vi:'' - ..oim11p Countv. ae , oeeii niau ... ---- - ,c;t' '"'. ... hv ssam Deed ;,, at the request of the ,v,. bond I will sell for cash l,.",rtion at the Court-House :n of wv t at land described and ' ' deed in trust, to , in Fishing Creek 1 , vmv Pallie' Barnes lately v bounded on the ':'.';,l'-d of Thomas Smith A;., T-m-s Howell place,) ' ' .V ix'at hv Fishinff Harris and others and , '''.r.Miti." and containing: 84 ".. .,','...,: description see , -; r Royster. Comrrission ,.' Tivia.s. registered in "in the office of the ' r, of Granville County. HICKS, Trustee. ,. xVm. Attorneys. " nrjoncn apWA S3K a ,, ninn on entering the .iM? Wellesley college prepa- school, Dana nun, wuai Vmelves to wear evening ix-vi Ions sleeves and dress-,'in-r to the ankes, according i atory SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Pursuant to an order of sal, made by the Superior Ccmrt of Granville County, in the Special Proceeds therein pending, entitle "M. L. uak ley and wife, Allie Oakiey, Vs Em- mett Hedgpeth, I shall on, SATURDAY, JULY 2ND, 1921, AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, sell to the highest bidder by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Oxford, N. C., the following described tracts of land: First Tract. Situate in Tally-Ho Township, and moi'e particuic . - descrioed ha ioijov Beginning on t'-e Old Providence Road at a Post Oik, .Ferrell's corner and running thence by his line, N. 33 W. 32.70 chains to stake, John H. Webb's corner; thence by his line S. 47 1-2 W. 12.65 chains to spring branch; thence up said spring branch to White Oak at the Spring. John H. Webb's corner: thence by this line S. 14 1-4 E. 23.92 chains to the Providence Road; thence with said Road to the beginning, also two rods and 10 poles on the opposite side of the Providence Road, on which is situate the Pack House and Barns, containing 74 acres, more or less, and bein,g the same tract of land conveyed to Thomas Roberts by R. I. Deven and wife, by Deed dated July 24, 1902, see Deed Book page of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Granville County. Second Tract. . Sitvate in Tally-Ho Township, said 1 paiJ) County of Granville, adjoining th lands vif R. B. LonBmire, J. H. Webb Thomaa;.., Roberts . and otr ers, and bounded as .ollows: Beginning at a stone, South 65 1-2', E. 80 chains to stone. South 21 West 5.55 chains to a stone:- thence North 65 1-2' 1.25 chains to a stone; tronce So'-th 79 West 7.87 chains to Webb's line in Providence Road; thence by Webb's line South 14 1-4' E. 8.83 chains to a Hickory, Webb's and Longmires corner; thence by Longmire's line North 84 1-2' E. 16.27 chains to a White Oak, Long mire's corner; thence 41' West 4.00 cnains to a stone; thence North 37 1-4" W. 11.64 chains to Providence Road; thence along Providence Road to the fc beginning, containing thirty-two ascres nore or less, -less one-half acre oppo site said Thomas Robert's dwelling, hat is especially reserved for bury ng ground, said half acre includes :he burying- ground now. used!, for Lthat purpose, and being the same tract 3f land conveyed to Thomas KODens by India A Burtchett. by Deed" dated ijAugust 22, 1906, see Deed Book 62, page 429, of the Office of thte Register of Deeds of Granville County. These two tracts of land ar situate on the National Highway from Oxford to Durham. Parties desiring to examine these lands may. apply to Mr. M. L.. Oakley, who lives a short distajtw from the two tracts. This May 31, 1921. B. 'S. ROYSTER, Commissioner. NOTICE OF ADMlMSTRliON Hav the auperior Couyt of Granville -ouiity as Administratrix of JC. G. "wiier aecise 'it satr "unr the underrsigned hereby notifies all persons having claims against the es- to present samettome on or before the " V. y A -ants, or tnid noiioc will be pleaded in bar of their recov- All naronnc inAklJ t A tate are requested: to make prompt mis June 20. 1921. ELEANOR L. ROYSTER, Administra- j r. Rovster. deed. Royster fit Royster, Attorneys Geraauxj-'a casualties iit the World War are; placed at 6,888.982 tn commander or the American. Oil SALE LARGE, STRONG 650. pc-und. bank3r pony, good buggy, and harness for sale. Pony plows veil,, puils 1000 pound load, is mocBcai; sag& . f aound' Plnty of pel -What's become of the man. who A UiiiS.aiU. j i ; t u usea ui yaiisu. am, uwu buucs;. AOION UPCHURCH, JR. EWIN UPCHURCH. SUBSOUBE. TO PUBLIC UCDGEB: NOTICE of nMiifSTn ATirnw Havinff been nnrintf1 hv the nlerlf of the Superior Court, of Granville County as Administrator of W. R. Ivimball deceased, late of said county, the undersigned hereby notifies all persons having claims against the es tate of the said W. R. Kimball deceas- - --v h saf o me er befftcx th. 2Tth day of June, 1922 o .." ..Ot,..rf , ui uc pleadea in bar of v,.. af..rr M1 DersonJ, indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt betnement This June 20, 1921. W T. Yancey, Admr. or W. R. KEtsc ball, deed. vater & Royster, Attorneys The healthy stomach is nothing if not conservative. Few redicats have good digestion. Samuel. But ler. i NORTH CAROLEVJA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STiMION IZALEIGU, N. CM Technical Education; enables yoiaig men tosucwed! iattieir chosen profusions vtd: TocatjioQS. Stato College adu.ties arorfipatadi foe sexsaaat success and fcleadetailip in industrial progress. Tu& college oSs, FOUR YtAR CfiURSES LM: i Agriculture inclujBfiS General Aertcultare.' asdi SpecstBzed CourKS.lcaFarnuOPps, Aerkmltural Engineering Animal Hisbiindry and'. Paixyina. Biology, HsrUflAtuc;. Bouir tsy Science, Soils, Vetesicary Mediciaaj.VocaftfenallldJiJcattoiiL Chemistry. Agricultural Chemistry, Ttestilfr Chaastry and Dyeing. Civil Engineerinta Arcaltecfaej. and Highway Eoyneering. Electrical Engcwnring. Mechanical Eittjftteertng. , Textile TextiEnsineerin&UaMaiutfiiring; Textile Chsusrr; anABReln. TW YEA ffiQf?SES IW: Afcultnre, Jlechanic Actsw Textile 3ranufacturi5;. One Team- Goujse in Auto McchaBics. Winter Caar.se in Arlcciture for Farmers.:. Summer Session for Teatfters. for College Entrance and foc-Sllegft Oedit, Excellent stimnent in deniirtments Session H2-22 hcjrins Septenler Entrance uffiuirenients fr FreshmaR CTass, 15' 'units-Tiglish, Fistotji, Zi Mathematics, ?l-2; Science, t ; Elective, 61-2. - For catalog, illustrated eirculajs,. and entrance blanks, write E. B. OWtN, RfitC&W.. I 1 " 8 Q e a : s 1 h I ins iw pk . . lj 3' ) a,: lrOT.i-.inuli...i -si S b: t:f -ia-!t 0-. s s m gi- J s iyi ' - ? -2 1 ' 522 ; w lit a 85 H - d 2 S ""- J Is -fea J i.g - SS b 2 m g flj ot i si- ff. g a ' w I I a- hi H ui s i o? J 9 11 I Vrry . I "ri rrni tmi ii ... i i ?5 ea . I J m WT U I d 3 Z a I TS I S d eg l -s g a i SS9 s T (53 m Tls to u . j g i ! W S i i !!e2 20 3 : 0 ? ZfT) - -J gill -s .s2. u Sit 3 S'JJ f S' O 2 o ;M ' 1 ei: tJ. cc j J tj i I v z ' L g Q. O . s -, gg 8 ? :S X. ? r- 3 S s M. s S i s, Pfl r S-'! J iWiW ; A- - I , f I v 2 I fi 3 I ..JUlBI'llir , I TIT II I I I aaaWSsnaBWW""" I I lW-- - ' : ill