-A X m v OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27. 1921 .PageJI ...iiiiiiiin in ii'nrni i "ii:; i i i i ! nii in m n i n ra u iumwmiinmmimnrnni.i.-,.. - . .. . , - - r T HI I M 1 I t I if III II H II Mil H I nil I I 1 HI 1U H111HIII III I It Illl mum 11 mil HHimmHuini mnmiiHwmfc.. - . . , . . , . - . v . ... . . . . . , ml II 1 1 II I Mi I 1 HI I I III, Ml ' m WIII'IHII llllllllll mi mmiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ; ,,..,,,..... ., !t - . " 1 ; ' AT COHN & SON'S SALE i f"""" 1 f ! " : . : , . o - 'iii Percales, yard wide, neat patterns at yard 13c Knitting yarn, Fleisher's Knitting varn, all desirable shades, .2 ounces 5c grade at ball 32c We knew that the people would appreciate the big bargains and this week we price to make this event hum with Bargains. Just such new merchandise as everyone needs, Clothes for men, Women and Children, Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery at less than wholesale prices. Come bring your friends. Tell your neighbors. Tell . everybody you meet. They will all save money in this Big Sale. Wfe only list a few of the hundreds of Bargains. Come come to Cohn & Son's Sale. DKESS GINGHAMS Beautiful patterns, the new checks and stripes, 27 inch wide, the 17c grade. Our price, per yard 10c J. & P. Coats Spool Thread, 150 yards, all numbers, at per spool 4c APROX GINGHAMS Best quality, 15c grade. Our, price per yard 9'c WOOL SKUGES Navy and blaclf, at, per yard 69c Yard wide all . wool blue storm serge at yard 89c Ladies' coat suits of fine serges and wool poplins, the newest styles, worth $22.00 at . suit .$13.75 Boys Caps It 39c New Fall Skirts, pretty plaids and stripes, $7.00 values at ; 4.98 Ladies all wool tricotine suits, new est styles, $ Ztf.OO grade at 17.50 CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS Heavy quality Union Suits at ' 9c Women's union suits, extra fine qual ity of winter weight, worth $1.50 at 98c Boy's school pants, good material af 98c One lGt blankets, big size at $2.59 1 lot ladies' extra fine suits at $21.50 Ladies' all wool serge dresses, Beaded or embroidered! at $5.98 MEN'S KHAKI PANTS Jig lot of men's khaki pants, good weight, Sale price pair $1.69 Arrow Collars, all sizes, all styles at 20c $15,. 00 ladies' all wool tricotine dresses, at $9.98 1 lot children's sweat ers at $1.69 Brassiere, flesh color at 25c SHOES! SHOES! Bargain counters Ladies Shoes, all kintis,, will go at, per pair' f - 1.98 ! .! Bargain counter Ladies' Shoes, sold up to $5.00, will go at, per pair $2.98 US OUTINGS 5 .rtf ;s - .'lJiII ' a-iil'' Best grade, extra hreavy, 27 inc&. jjp wide. White, pink and bluel at?. -0JillM Per yard -fl flktt. 07 IK I2c: Men's hard finish: all' wool Suits of worsteds different colors $16.75 A'V Men's and Young Men's Suits-i--ris nicely tailored at per suit $19.75 Men's Good Overalls Cohn & Son's price 85c 'nllij SUGAR Best granulated sugar at, lb. 6c LIMITED OCTAGON SOAP at, cake 3c LIMITED MA : 7 ,:oi t )-.l!J Men's winter union suits, ribbed, UNION SUITS pure white, per suit 98c Men's winter underwear, ribbed Men's Work Shirts, heavy Cham- shirts or drawers, pure white bray at . cd 55c ; .59c . i : I f ,i; ) Oil ov. '.ii re- Yard wide Bleaching, nice soft Quality, fl bn72 per yard 12,2c 40c grade Romper Cloth, solid col ors, at, per yard 29c Men's Hose, while it lasts, per pair SHIRTING Heavy shirting for work shirts, solid colors and checks, at, per yard 10c Table Oil Cloth in standard qual ity. Our price, per yard 27 c Table full of fancy Dress Ging hams, at, per yard 19c Colored Outings, fancy stripes and small checks. Our price, per yard isc CURTAIN GOODS ' White and ecru, double insertion border, the 15c grade, at, per yard. Children's ribbed Hose, per pair 10c Ladies' silk hose, triple seam back at pair 79c Men's all wool good suits at $15.00 LADIES' DRESS SHOES $4.00 Ladies Dress Shoes, medium heel, conn Son's Price $2.98 $5.00 Ladies' black kid dress shoes with rubber heel Cohn & Son's price. $3.49 $5.00 Ladies' brown hoes, mili tary rubber heel Cohn & Son's price $3.75 Black English Walking Shoe Cohn & Son's 5Ck price t$WMJ $6.00 Ladies' black kid solid leath er imitation cap English Walking Shoes, rubber heel, at ' 4.50 $6.50 Ladies' tan English walking shoe with medium rubber heel $4.90 $6.00 Ladies' black or brown kid lace Louis heel Shoes Cohn & Son's price $4.25 $6.00 Ladies' Brown Calf imitation, ball strap, military rubber heel walking shoe Cohn & Son's price $4.75 Ladles' new fall tan Oxfords, imi-. tation ball strap, military heel, $5.00 grade Cohn & Son's price $3.98 $7.00, Ladies' brown calf, rubber- 1. i ti i ii T. mmm mm nuei, .ringiisn waiKiug shoe ; - $5.75; OO A A J- a 1 j J-c t U f ' newest make ' ,Cohn & Son's price $4.50 Ladies' medium weight shoes -' ' . Cohn & Son's price $3.25 Children's ' black kid shoes 98c $2.50 Children's good school shoes Cohn & Son'a price " $1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHOES ON SALE Men's tan English Shoes, with rubbebr lieei ---Cohn & Son's price $4.49 Men's tan blucher cut dress shoes Cohn & Son's price $4.25 Men's fi,ne tan English shoe, with !witli rubber heel- Cohn & Son's price ', :: ' $5.75 v ' : 9-4sheeting, 81 inches wide at. per yard . 35c 27 inch Diaper Cloth, (Red Star), V 3 at per K bolt $1;39 One lot yard wide Taffeta, black only, per yard 98c MILLINERY MILLINERY At Cohn & Son's store where prices are , the lowest. For years , the women have learned to go to. this store to supply their millinery wants. . Because this is the only store in this section showing the biggest stocks, and quality, the low est prices. This season is no excep tion and we are showing ail the -newest and. better styles at the low est possible prices. Ladies' Trimmed Hats rrom $1.98 TO $6.98 COME LOOK THEM OVER The Leader" 2 Big Stores on Plain Street. in -1 ft L ? 1 . 1 It' m IS .1 i J It' i t IB. IBQBISiHiiB "mm,