OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1921 ' V Do You that the Want Ads are just as useful in, the household as in business? That they will provide for your unusual needs just as they do for your commonplace ones That they will serve you at any time, any hour? That they are not just for emergencies, but for everyday use? REMEMBER, THE WANT ADS ARE WAITING TO SERVE YOU! Public Ledger are read by 10,000 people semi-weekly, and they get RESULTS!! II ADVERTISING yorXG MEN WE HAVE JUST received another shipment oi Hart Sehaffne' & Mirx suits. Come in and look ther.i over. r,.18-tj HORNER BROS. CO. Automobile Painting and Upholstering H'TOMOIHLE PAINTING AND UP HOLSTERING DONE "TO THE QUEENS TASTE," WORKMANSHIP D MATERIAL THE BEST, SAT ISFACTION GUARANTEE, "YOUR BUSINESS APPRECIATED." GRAN VILLE MOTOR C03IPANY. rOUXG MEN WE HAVE JUST received another shipment of Hart Schaffner & Marx suits- . Come in and look them over. 5-18-tj HORNER BROS. CU. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX suits. Another shipment just re ceived. HORNER BROS. CO. 5-18-tj WANTED MECHANICS TO WORK on Truck Bodies apply to Mr. Mainor at our office. 2t THE OXFORD BODY CO. FOR SALE DWELLING HOUSE. Well located. Can give imme diate possession. D. E. COMPTON, Corner Front and Gilliam Sts. c oi r. ,r 9tx HART SCHAFFNER & MART suits. Another shipment just re ceived. HORNER BROS. CO. 5-18-tj THE UURCHETT PROPERTY NEAR the body factory is in my hands for sale. If interested, see or write me. P-9-tf D. G. BRUMMITT. SEED RYE I HAVE A NICE LOT of home-grown Abruzzi Rye for pale. H. GRADY HARRIS, Ox ford. X. C. 9t13-4x I OR RENT I CONNECTING rcor;ls with water in kitchen and bath. Phone 49-W 9-16-2tc Tin: ee r cheap, HOUSES FOR SALE with water and lights. GARMAN WHEEL CO. WANTED TO BUY 1,000,000 OAK R. R. ties, also oak lumber in car n load lots. 9-13-4t GARMAN WHEEL CO, (See L. S Garman) GOOD FARMS FOR SALE OR vent, on easy terms. These farms are located about 15 miles south of Fuouay Springs. Nice loamey iand, clay subsoil self drained. They are well watered, good mea flfws, buildings, npar churches, schools and on good roads. HOME LAND CO., 5-23-2tx Dunn, N. C. FOR SALE GOOD PIANO; PRICE r 235. Call Public Ledger Office. HiFCES BACK TO WHERE THEY were before the war. The well known Greely Harris will begin serving oysters Friday, Sept. 23. Prices per plate 35c; stews 25c! raw 20c. All oysters cooked to order. 3-2 H. GREELY HARRIS. 1 flt SALE DUROC JERSEY PIGS two months old. Entitled to reg istration grand sire. Joe Orion Scissors. C. L. LEWIS, Stovall. N- C. 9-23-4tx ' i'ER WHITE GRANDIFLORA Narcissus, Single White Hya cinths, Single Sunerfine Early Tu jps. Double Superfine Early Tu lips. Prices Right Too. p, J- N. POTMAN, Druggist. i'hone 50116 9-23-tf . Realize ll- IE I T G IF ITS GALVANIZED V CRIMP, galvanized tin shingles, roll tin, rubber roofing, or any kind of Roofing, then you can always save by coming to see SAMUEL DAVIS. Clarksville, Va. ORNAMENTALS FOR HOME AND school grounds. Now Is the time to give me your order ror orna mental shrubbery, roses and plant . ings. Landscape gardner on re quest. Also agent for cut flowers. Phone 279 W. MRS. IRA N. HOWARD. DON'T FORGET US ON BUILDING material which we have recently added to our line. We have bought at the bottom, everything we have and we will sell accord ingly. SAMUEL DAVIS, the man who leads. ' GENUINE ABRUZZIE RYE SEED from Dr. White's farm for sale at HALL'S DRUG STORE. 9-13-tf REDUCED IN WALL PAPERS 10 to 40 per cent. Let me nave your order. L. W. TINGEN, Phone 100-J 9-23-2tx LOST MONDAY SEPT. 12TH AT Graded School or on the way there one ladies purse containing small amount of money, return to Mrs. A. B. Overton will be appreciated. 9-20-2t ABRUZZI RYE, $3.00 BUSHEL; grown from pedigreed seed; made over thirty, to one last season, on our farm on Highway near Gela. SIMPSON & SON, 9-23-4tx Oxford, N. C DON'T FORGET US ON BUILDING material which we have recently added to our line. We have bought at the bottom, everything we have and we will sell accord ingly. SAMUEL DAVIS, the man who leads. WANTED SECOND HAND GAS stove in good condition. Apply T. G. HOBGOOD. Oxford, N. C, Route 1. , 2tt The Beautiful Grass. (J. J. Ingalls) Lying in the sunshine among but tercups and the dandelions of May, scarcely higher in intelligence than the minute tenants of tnat mimic wilderness, our earliest recollections are of grass; and when the fitful fever is ended and the foolisn wranr gleof the market and forum is closed, grass heals over the scar which our descent into the bosom of the earth has made, fcnd the carpet of the infant becomes the blanket of the dead. Grass is the forgiveness of nature her constant -benediction. Fields trampled with battle, saturated with blood, and torn with the ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass, and carnage is forgotten. Streets abandoned by traffic become grass grown like rural lanes, and are ob literated. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is immortal. Beleagured by the sul len hosts of Winter, it withdraws in to the impregnable fortress of its subterranean vitality and emerges again upon the first solicitation of Spring. Sown by the winds, by the wandering birds, propagated by the subtle agriculture of the elements which are its ministers and servants, it softens the rude outline of the world. It bears no blazonry of bloom to charm the senses with fragrance or splendor, but its homely hue is more enchanting than the lily or the rose It yields no fruit tin earth- or 'air, and yet. should its harvest fall for a single year-famine would depopu late the world. SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER IK 1 LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF CREEDMOOR SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS Sealed bids for Eighteen Thou sand Dollars, Creedmoor School Dis trict Bonds, Creedmoor, N. C, will be received by The County Board of Education of Granville County on or before Monday, October 24, 1921, at twelve o'clock noon. These bonds will be issued pursuant to an elec tion held in said School District on August 12, 1921. The bonds will be issued in denomination of Five Hun dred Dollar.s bearing date or October 1, 1921, with interest at tne rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of April and October of each year after the issue of said bonds. The prin cipal of said bonds wilL be payable in annual installment of One Thou sand Dollars each, beginning with October 1, 1922. The principal and interest on said bonds win oe pay able at the First National Bank of Creedmoor, N. C. Sealed bids should be forwarded to F. M. Pinnix, Chair man, County Board of Education, Ox ford, N. C, and certified check for Nine Hundred Dollars must accom pany each bid. The bids will be opened at the Office of the County Board of Education of Granville County in Oxford, N. C, on Monday, October 24, 1921, a twelve o'clock noon. The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. This September 23, 1921. F. W. PINNIX, Chairman, The County Board of Education of Granville County. 9-2 0-4 w J. F. WEBB, Secretary ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. J. H. Booher, de ceased, County of Granville, the un dersigned hereby notifies all persons holding claims against said estate, present the same to me for payment on or before the 13th day of Septem ber 1922 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will make prompt settlement. This September 13. 1921. (paid) I. M. BOOHER, Admtx. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION .The clerk of theSuperior Court of Granville County has this day ap pointed me administratrix of tne es tate of Henry M. Tally, deceased. All persons holding claims: against said estate will present them to me within one year from the date here of, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make settlement with m.. This September 14. 1921. MRS. LUCY J. TALLY Admr. of Henry M. Tally, deceased (paid) NORTH CAROLINA GRANVILLE COUNTY Robert Richardson, Vs. 3Iary Richardson In the Superior Court November Term 1921. Notice Of Summons. The Defendant, above named, will take Notice, than an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Granville County, North Carolina for the purpose of divorce; And said Defendant will fur ther take notice that she is required to appear before the Cleric or the Su perior Court for said County on or before the 12th day of October 1921 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action ror the Plaintiff will appljr to he Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 12th day of September 1921 D. C. HUNT, Clerk Superior Court. 6t paid GRANVILLE COUNTY, N. C. ROAD BONDS FOR SALE Sealed bids for One Hundred and Fifty Thousand (150,000) Dollars coupon road bonds may be filed and will be received at any time prior to noon Monday, October 10th, 1921, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, in terest payable semi-annually, said bonds to mature twenty-five years from the date thereof ana to be is sued by The Board of Commissioners of Granville County, North Carolina. All bids must be accompanied by cer tified check in the sum of One Thousand (1000) Dollars. Bids may be filed with Charles G. Powell, Clerk to The Board of Commission ers of Granville County, address, Ox ford, N. C. All bids will be opened at twelve o'clock M. Monday, Octo ber 10th. 1921. The Board of Com missioners of Granville County re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened at the time above-mentioned in the Com missioners' Room in the Court- House m Oxford, North Carolina. This the 5th day of September, 1921. The Board of Commissioners of Granville Co. By J. E. DAVIS. Attest: C. G. POWELL. Register of Deeds of Granville County and ex officio clerk to The Board of Commis sioners of Granville County. NORTH CAROLINA GRANVILLE COUNTY Ella Bailey Vs James Bailey -In the Superior Court Before the Clerk NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been begun in the Su perior Court of Granville County against him for divorce and the cus tof'y of the children of said plain tiff and defendant, and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear ef ore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville, County on or before the 7 th day of October 1921 and answer or de mur to the Complaint filed In said action or the relief demanded there in will be granted. This 3rd day of September 1921. JEANNETTE LONGMIRE. (paid) Dept. Clerk Superior Cfurt. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION N Having, this day, qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. C. F. Cannady, deceased, late of Gran ville County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September 1922 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . , AJ1 persons indebted 'Iff said es tate will please mak immediate pay ment. This the 3rd day of September 1921. aid . GEO. L. CANNADY, Administrator. TT Co Do Eay &: Oxford, N. C. V Lumber, Building Material, Hardware, Coal It comes quick and it comes right N when you get it at SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Pursuant to an order of sale made by the Superior Court ot tne County of Granville, in the Special Preceding therein pending, entitled "J. L. Clark and others Vs. W. H. Clark and oth ers." we shall on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3RD., 1921, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, the same being the first Monday in October, 1921. sell to the highest bid der by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Oxford, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of land: Lying and being situate in Salem Township, said county, about five miles north of Oxford, adjoining the lands of the late John R. Wilson, Reddern Perry, R. T. Clark and oth ers, containing: about 126 acres, more or less, and known as tne tract of land owned by Mrs. Jennie Clark at the time of her death, less 36 acres sold off to R. T. Clark. The said tract of land will be di vided into two smaller tracts, with the Public Road leading through said, tract, as the dividing line, and Plats of each tract will be made and exhi bited on the day of the sale. The land will be sold' first by the sepa rate tracts and then as a whole, in accordance with the order of Court. This SeDtember 1, 1921. A. A. HICKS. B. S. ROYSTER, paid Commissioners. SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me by J. G. Royster on the 28th day of April, 1920, and at the request of he owner and holder of the bonds secured thereby, default having been made in the payment of the said bonds. I shan on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3RD, 1921, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, sell to the highest bidder by public auction for cash at the Court House door in Oxford, the following de scribed lot or parcel of land,; .... . ' Lying and being situate in Oxford Township, near the northern limits of the town of Oxford, fronting 505.5 feet on Delacroix street and running back therefrom along the line of Prospect Avenue, and the lands of R. L. Knowles to Albert street, and being lots Nos. 1 to 10 and 19 to 28 inclusive of the R. L. Knowles or Delacroix property, as shown by plat thereof made bv W. A. Peterson, Ci vil Engineer, of record in Plat Book oage 96 of the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Granville county and being the lots conveyed to J. G. Royster by Mrs. Mary R. Delacroix. This SeDtember 1, 1921. 'aid) D. G. BRUMMITT, Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to authority vested in me by a certain deed of trust executed by Sidney Taylor and wife on the 8th day of March 1919 and recorded in book 130 at page 346 in the Office of the Register of Deed for said county, default having been made ir the payment of the bonds secured thereby and being requested so to d by the owner of said bends I shall; ON MONDAY THE 3RD DAY OF OCTOBER 1921 AT 12 M, sell at Public auction at the Court House door in the town of Oxford to he highest bidder for casii two cer tain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in said county in Fishing Creek township, the two forming one tract of land and being bounded and described as follows. First tract i Beginning at a dog wood Bobbitts corner, in Montagues line; Thence E 60 poles to a sweet gum on a branch; Thence down said branch as it meanders to an alder bush. Bobbitts corner; Thence by his line North 99 poles to the beginning, containing 21 3-4 acres more or less. Second tract: Beginning at a Black oak on Mrs. Aliens Mill Pond and runs North with the line f Lot No 4 41 chns and 50 lkns to a hick ory and Pointers. William Montagues line; Thence an easterly direction, a """"ltef" are 5 chns and 79 lkns to a dead Hickory, ' Montagues corner and corner of Lot No. 1 ; Thence due east 15 chns and 68 lyns to a dogwood corner of Lot No 2; Thence south 41 rhns and 50 lkns to a planted stone and Pointers. N. Brummitts line: Thence with his line west 15 chns and 68 lkns to the beginning con taining 68 acres more or lesu. This the 29th day of August 1921. (paid) T. LANIER Trustee. GIRLS! BLEACH SKIN WHITE WITH LEMON Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounce? of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and dePghtful le mon bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and.white ness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use thi: lemon lotion to bleach and bring tha' soft; "dear, rosy-w!hite complexion also as a freckle," sunburn, aridta bleach because it. doesn't irritate. SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER ASIATICS HAVE FOLK TALEl Popular Stories Prove That Kumar Nature Is Very "Much Alike the World Over. Sme hundreds of years ago therty lived in Agshelin, a little town in Asu. Minor, an imam, or village parson, tlu Khoja Nasr-ed-Din Effendi, concernic,. whom some interesting tales are toid One day, it appears, a camel ya&&i along the street in which the khojt lived, and one of the khoja's neighbors who had never seen a camel before ran to ask him what this strange beast might be. "Don't you know what that is?" said the khoja, who also had never seen a camel, but would not betray his ig norance. "That is a hare a thousand years old." A great man once gave a feast, to which, with much condescension, he caused the khoja to be bidden. Ac cordingly, on the appointed day the khoja repaired to the great man's house and found himself in the midst of a fashionable and richly clad com pany, which took no notice of the poor imam in his threadbare black gown. No one greeted him or spoke to him. and eventually he was shown by a servant to the lowest seat. After a little, while the khoja slipped away unobserved and went into the hail, where some of the mighty ones hz. left their outer garments. Selecting a magnificent gown richly lined with fur, he put it on and returned to the room. Nobody recognized this re splendent personage, whose arrival ex cited universal attention. The com panyrose ta.salute him, and the host, who had previously ignored him, ap proached, bowing, and inquiring after his honorable health. The khoja stroked the sleeve of his borrowed garment, "Answer, fur," he said. Milwaukee Sentinel. LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY FE'; v'agrar.ts in East End of London U: an Ancient Celtic Tongue Among Themselves. Shelta Tharl Is a language used se cretly among people of the tinker clash and principally to be met with in Scot land and Ireland. Its use was first dis covered and made known in 1876 by Charles K. Leland, an American anti quarian, and Prof. John Sampson of Liverpool. One day, while walking by the seashore at Aberystwyth, thej encountered a tramp who addressed them in an unknown tongue. Both were versed in the Romany or gypsy language and were much surprised to meet one who spoke a tongue of which they knew not a word. They collected a number of phrases from this man and found on inquiry that he had acquired this strange speech from his wife, who was a tinker. The tinkers, he said, kept their knowledge of . the language a se cret, speaking it only among them selves. Later Leland encountered many other persons who spoke Shelta. He found thatch many of the drinking places In the East end of London, where vagrants often congregate, the language was freely employed, but that when an outsider made his ap pearance, it ceased at once to be spok en. Scientific; methods applied to the study of Sheltaproved that.it is no mere system of back slang or cant, but an ancient Celtic speech. Romany, the language of the Eng lish gypsies, is still spoken by a large number of persons. Among the ma jority of them It has become corrupt, but the older gypsy folk still speak what is known as "deep" Romany, that is, the gypsy language in Its pure state. e dialect of Shetland, although Its grammar is Lowland Scotch, is very largely Norse and as spoken by the Shetlanders among themselves is scarcely understandable by the aver age Scotsman. On the Isle, of Man, a Celtic tongue different from Gaelic or Welch is still used by a number of tfe$ Inhabitant mssacm Money back without question iLHUPTS GUARANTEED SION DISSASB REMEDIES (Hun? Salve and Soap),failln the treatment of Itch. Eczema. Rintrworm,Tetterorotherltch Ina akin diseases. Try thie treatment at our risk, J. G. HALL, Osf ord, N. C. mi Time to Prepare Your Turnip' Patch. Sow the right kind of seed Get 'em at Halls Drug Store 'The Rexall Store" Oxford, N. cj DR. W. A. KIRKSEY Brown Building. ' OXFORD. X. C;. Telephone Res- 205-J. Office 301 231 Memories Fade r Photographs Stay if made by Rrinkley. Bring or send in your kodak films. Von can't get them finished better anywhere. Dr. O. B. BONNER, of ' DKS. BOXNEIt & BONNER m EYE, EAR, KOSE AND THROAT Raleigh, N C. Will be in Oxford on Friday of each week OFFICES m BROVVX BLBG. . J. P.HARRIS Notary Public AT THE UNION BANS HICKS & STEM ttorneys-at-Law Oxford- - - - N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. A. W. Graham & Son ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oxford, N. O. Practice n the State and federal Courts. Fc W. Hancock, Jr. Lawyer, Notary Public Odd Fellows Bldg. Oxford, N. d. DR. S. J. FINCH DENTIST Office in Brown BulMing. Office hoars: 9-12 m. 1-5:C0 p. m JOE N. PITTMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Oud Fellow' Building -Jervic 5s Our Motto. We strtre o please. 4 f JNG. W.HESTER J ATTORNEY AT UAW Offices in Britt Building, room formerly occupied by Union BanSr. ft Trust Co. D. G. BRUMMITT Attoroey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA i