Dr. J. K. Bryan DENTIST Office in Brown Bldg. .Whitehall Court, the home of th National Liberal Club, is 11 feet high, the highest building in Loadon. 660 quickly relieves a cold. "CASCARETS" 10c FOR BOWELS IF CONSTIPATED wels without cramping or overacting, take Casca 'rets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, maigesuuu, ouui, uyoct.Bwm ach, and all such distress gone by mornng. Nicest physic on earth for grown-ups and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy. . Gotten l he A Christmas Spirit Yet? Jf you have'nt it is getting high ime you were getting it. - . For the Christmas Holiday trade we hare such things as the fol lowing: Stationery, Christmas Wrappings, Holly Boxes, Cards, Tags and Seals, Wreaths, Garlands, Kodaks, Kodak Albums, Films, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, One Night Sets, Military Sets, White Ivory Mirrors, Smoking Sets, Razors in Celluloid Sets, Picture Frames, Books, Brushes, Candies, Cigars in 25s and 50s, Combs, Dolls, French Ivory, Perfumes Pipes, Soaps, Toilet Preparations. Please do your buying as early as possible then you will have put your worries behind. Wishing each and every one of you a Tery merry Christmas and a bappy and prosperous New Year. Uttman's irng Store IS THE PLACE Phones 50 and 116. r 8i 45s U The Early Buyer Avoids The Rush Now only two weeks until Christmas. The best toys and gifts are being sold early this 7 vear and it will be to your advantage to buy NOW! You can get a suitable gift for any age, from baby to grand-daddy, at HALL'S DRUG STORE We have a full stock of toys of all kinds and prices. V 7 White Ivory Goods, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Perfume Sets, etc. 7 . All the best perfumes, toilet waters, face powders, compacts. Fine Christmas Sta tionery. ";f;'';' :;;:.' .; v Come on NOW and let us help you. , . Don't Forget Some Sparklers. j. The REXALL Store .. .Ml,,,,,.,,, Ill !i .We Want You For o Customer O B I T,U A R Y MRS. mary l. hargroVe ; . i 1 .'.;'ft,;;;v--.v .1..;' In - many: obituaries nty the dates of birth and death, and mention;. Of surviving relatives are given, bui the life an6 triumphant death of this good woman deserve more, tban.a! passing notice. She was born I in U Camden Co., N. C, rsb. 10th, J846; educated at the Oxford Baptist Col lege and Greensboro College! became a christian early in" life ; married Col. Tazwell .Hargrove -March 18th, 1868, and after a quiet, - peaceful term of seventy-six years was taken from-our midstDec. J7th, 1922. , w Quiet and lady-like "In manners? sweet and lovely in. disposition, she easily made friends of- children and old people as well as her equal asso ciates, and servants, after years iri her service, bear testimony to' her . goodness and kindness. Faithful in her Christian duties she was much interested in Sunday5 School, teaching from her earliest Christian profession and in the parlor of her home was or ganized our Baraca Class, grown from a small beginning to its present nUm-' ber. These young men were ever near her heart. Nothing Vould bring a smile to her face quicker thaif a sight or mention of one of them. She said, 'Give my love to my boys and all the church people tell them , I loved them.". She conquered by love the greatest of all virtues, which ran as a beautiful thread through her every action. Submissive, without a murmur or cmplaint amid severest suffering,' thoughtful for the comfort of others, appreciative of the least attention from anxious friends "she taught a lesson which will awaken deeper aspirations in our hearts to so live as to meet Death, undismayed willingly, trusting in the Blessed Savior. .A friend bending low said, "God will take care of you." She replied, "Yes I have trusted him too often not to know that," In great pain of body she expressed a wish for Sleep and softly murmured, "He giveth His Beloved Sleep." Shf asked to be tpldi truly and honestly if the doctor said she was going. Receiving for answelr "Yes he has wondered that the end tarried so long" in a clear voice she over and over again answered, "Bless the Lord Bless the Lord." . " Her favorite hymn was: ' "Father, whatever of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted at a throne of grace, . Let this petition rise: f Give one a calm, a thahkul heart. From every murmur free; The blessings .of thy grace impart, t And make ,me liye for theer" y r. A short service was held inf the Mothnrtist rhnrch and her body borne V V v.- W j ' to the family burying ground near Townsville and laid beside her hus band Col. TazwelLHargrove to await the resurrection morn. May her mantle 5fall upon those who loved her and mourn, not with out hope of meeting her again in the Eternal Home. , C P Women and the Prohibition Vote. (Presbyterian Standard.) ;. The Federal Director of Prohibition for Massachusetts, in a public ad dress, said, before the election,, that it was his opinion, based upon exten sive observation, that 60 per cent ,of ' the women of Massachusetts would vote against prohibition. When one examines the returns, he will ,? find that something of that kind must be true. .-'V' We, iiuwevci, lane wujiv" -- i i "LIT-. .,,U mnir Vi r ,1 nCiTXr taCt inai WUlitJ sucu may u-c v" dition of affairs in a section, where the foreign element is so .large, in other sections, such 'as the Southern States, where it is & negligible quali ty, the'eontrary will be the, case. ?, " Wherever you find wine-drinking women, do not count on their support." Besides the natural disposition M.0 safeguard their own Interests, it is always true that drink of any kind blunts the. moral sensibilities, which il only another way of saying that the conscience is seared, and therefore will fail to do its appointed work. Let us not count always on 'wo man's support of "dry" ;aws, but first find out whether? drinking), among them is prevalent ornot, and also, what per cent of their section is of foreign birth Let us remember that, thorfc- Jve vcEien. and women. ; STOMACH MISERY 'V GAS, INDIGESTION Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once It is recorded that in the desert 78 degrees or Aragia north of Hail, in the foot hills of the Skammar Mountains, in February, the thermometer fell from a little ut. Agrees a, uartr Cf a ' ,0 Variation, of frl f hour H " ou 10 40 de an uuur are not unusual "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief : for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness. .' mentation .or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few 'tablets give al most Immediate stomach relief. . Cor rect your stomach and digestion now for a few cents.. Druggists sell mil lions of packages. Guaranteed for . ... , One -Year A substantial as surance of com plete satisfaction. GARDNER 2 Granville Motor Co. D-52 : 0. Rub-My-Tism, ah antiseptic. " " "' " " SUBSCRIBB TP PUBLIC LEDGER I 9 m is THE pHRISTMAS GDpT.FOR HER! Select her Christmas gift from our col lection of f asinating Jewelry, and her smile of appreciation willrival the bril liancy of the gems. It is designed according to fashion's most recent decree for smart Jewelry. 3 1 I 1 J. W. KNIGHT. A S1 tin imL "is bib x!u w i nr kk mm M ivuaa. 'ti.Ut M.J -Zebras are to be bi ed on. A regular customer, and to get you Ave offer you Fair Treatment, Quick Service," Dependable Merchandise and Right Prices. We handle everything car ried in dk first-class up-to-date Drug Store. Phone us your next order and let vis proye to you that our service is all that any one could ask for. Phones $0 and 116. ; ; Pittman's Drug Store "I& The Place.'? .yijil 6; til rV tyjl-ri'y'. near Mllbrock a farm MAKES-' y PAY Shows the Way. To Get Winter Some hens take a long time to moult. Many pullets don't belin lay ing until 7 or 8 months when they should be laying at five. The result is that ' poultry raisers , do not get eggs at the very time wnen they are worth the most, X ; ' j- Science has found a way to increase the output of winter eggs by using i product made from peanuts. H ; If you wanf winter eggs, get a bag of Guberhut Laying Feed that makes mash unnecessary and insures each hen getting enough protein to quick- ly grow new feathers makes pullets lay at five months. . Just on feed to buy, for it contains all the vital elements tnecessary to egg , ; prouucuuD-reieiueuia mm urumai.v poultry ; feeds . lack. .The cracked peanut cake and fish scrap which gb, into - every bag turn.: loaf ers into lay- j era. - Growing and laying records are bott being, made withthis feed, For sale by Lyon -Winston Co., Ox-J fordf.N. ' C distributors, p Money u t i m -r'x xi.a ,'-. i- ' A. Copy ight 1922 Hart Schaffner & Marx Bud good dot 1 . ; THE FIlfE WOOLENS GIVE LONGER WEAR. THE EXPERT NEEDLE WORlt . GIVES YOU BETTER STYLE AND MAKES IT LAST.' THERE'S NOTHING BETTER FOR THE MONEY THAN THESE HART SGHAFFNER & MARX SUITS. : v . ' 4 r -V EM CO C ij-JJ-'jff .n- fi'V II , ., ,.fj .v.f-Vl ?' Ml hi r - To prevent a Cold, take 660. : , - . ' '

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