iN OLD PEtWSA€OLA " State of Florida is a virtual paradise for the bird and animal jovf,'- This is partly due to the won ^rfui scenery and partly due-to the iany varieties of winged and four footed hie io be found there. Wild oys nmy stiil be seen there, and oc ^.sionaily other wild creatures. Flor iJa's chief asset in this connection, , r. is the marvelous bird life, y ;]ie birds live in perpetual sun ^hine. flying amongst the trees and iow rs. while balmy breezes blow in iron? the Gulf and Atlantic. Pensa cola. one of the oldest cities in the ^ate. otters historic and scenic ob -icrtnnhies for sight-seeing, as well as cool chances to observe and study iHo ia- ny varieties of sea and shore Gulls follow the ships into j ^ nay and cranes may be observed ! vading in the marshes. There are! innumerable varieties to please the ,yo. One person took the trolley iron! Tensacola to the Naval Air Sta*^ non seven miels^out at the head of ibc Bay, and counted more than thir ty varieties of birds seen on the ride. Never Had a Chance. (LouisviHg Courier-Journal.) For 30 years, Morris Sheppard had qualified for his filibuster fedt. In Texas and elsewhere, he has always beerf ready and prepared to talk on any subject with or without notice, and with or without limitation. He can unveil a monument and lay a cor nerstone in alternating seconds and with alternating sentences. He can, in one breath, praise the Union or Confederate soldier's heroism and in the next breath expound the human itarianism of the Woodmen of the World, the Y. M. C. A., the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Pythias, the Elks, the Eagles, the Lions and thg .Owls. If ever he drops the Lea gue of Nations,and opens up on Grant or Lee, Sheridan or Jackson, K C's K. P's, Elks, Eagles, Lions or Owls, Mr. Jones of Washington might as well take the ship subsidy bill back to the White House and lay it out with flow ers. SUBSCRIBE TO OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER $1.50 Per Year in Advance New Spring Stetsons Tips on Hats For Spring! The newest creations have arrived, in fact everything that's good in Headwear is offered by this Store for your review this spring, fn our pleasing stock you'll find new color tones, new texture treatments and new trimming embellishments. You'll find as interesting a selection as you've seen in recent years. The Long Co. 'THE EE4DEVG SFORE" OXFORD, . : W. C. This Store Is a Cheerful Flace When you come in you're greeted pleas antly. While you're here you get courteous/ cheerful attention. When you leave you've got the feeling that you've been treated as a customer is en titled to be treated. That's the kind of a store this is! " Oh, yes—our prices will make you cheerful. You'll be pleasantly surpris ed when you come here and see how far a few dollars—say six or seven—will go. Those ;'M7TER SHOES" for men, Wom en and Children. _———— Full line of Spring Clothing for Young Men and Men. The Hub COX !S ELATED OVER B!G GAMS I Declares Taulac Ended Stomach Trouble And Built Him Up 25 Pounds. - M. E. Cox, of HapeviHe, Ga., valued employee of a large Oakland City manufacturing concern, is still another who declares he has found the Tanlac' treatment a safe and sure road to health, strength and working efficiency. In telling his experience ! he said recently: "For three years I suffered from stomach trouble and was in an awful run-down condition. I had indiges tion so bad I couid not eat anything but what it caused the worst of pains in my stomach. My nerves were all undone, and altogether I got no rest day or night, and could do no wsork. "When I started on Tanlac 1] weighed a hundred and twenty I pounds, but now I tip the scales at a ' hundred and forty-five, a gain of! twenty-five pounds. After taking sev eral bottles of Tanlac I am sound and well, working steady every day,; and I am glad to make a statement for the good it might do others. Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Take no substitute. Over 35 million bottles sold. THE FARMER AXg) THE TAX tiATHERER (Utah Educational Review.) Once upon a time there lived in a rich and fertile valley a thrifty farm er. His three children, a girl and two hoys attended a nearby school where they were taught daily by a {splendid woman of much learning and real worth. Now it so happened that the tax gatherer became very oppres-, sive to the farmer, in so much that j he groaned aloud and called out; lustily /against those that did thus ! oppress him. But instead of his bur den being lifted, his tax became heayier. At last he cried out in his anguish.^ "This teacher of my chil dren is robbing me. Imust withhold one-tenth part oT her salary." So he Called upon other farmers, and they did positively decide that the tenth part of the teacher's wage should not be paid to her. Now the total sum of this farm- j er's taxation amounted to one hun-! dred dollars in coin of the realm. Itj so happened that one half part of ] all this sum was expanded for learn- j ing of various kinds, and the other j half part for other matters. Out of j the fifty dollars expended for learn-j ing, thirty dollars was the sum paidj to teacher for their wage. ] Now this farmer wailed bitterly j and the wise men of the country did ! reduce the wage of this teacher one-; ! tenth part. In this way the farmer { was greatly enriched to the extent of j one-tenth of thirty dollars which he ha^l paid for teachers' wages and his! heart was gladdened because of "the enrichment. Now it so happened that this good , teacher of much learning and real j worth discovered that she could not live on the nine-tenths part of her, wage, for tne total would scarce j serve to keep her from the public house for the poor. Therefore, with much sorrow in her heart, she leftj the school and* the children she lov- j ed and journeyed to another city,; where they received her gladly. But it followed that a school mush needs be kept, and the people search ed the highways and byways and found a person to keep the school for the sum of money offered. But! she was not trained, neither did she know the art of teaching. The farm er's two sons became rebellious and would not go to school and the daughter failed to learn many things that she should have learned, and she leaned mny things she ought not to have learned. And when the farmer said bitterly ' in his heart, "O that we had again < for our children the splendid teacher ] that.went away from us," the only! solace he had was that in the days of oppression he had saved three whole dollars, although by doing so he had deprived his three children of The inspiration that a good teacher } imparts. —Gold bar mothers of America, ! with Mrs. Ben S. Boyd, of Knoxville, Tennessee, as leader, are rallying to prevent another world war. Mrs. Boyd said, "Enough hearts and homes have been broken. We felt it was a privilege to give our sons for a great cause. But if the peace they won is not lasting thej^ we feel that our sac rifice was in vain." LAUGHING IN HIS SLEEVE "I was told nothing but an opera tion would help nry stomach trouble, and was getting ready for the opera tidn when a friend advised me to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. The! first dose helped me. I am now as! well as ever in my life, and am laughing up my sleeve at the doc-[ tors." It is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which caus es practically all stomach, liver and! intestinal ailments, including appen-^ dicitis. One dose will convince or! money refunded. For sale by all j druggists. ^ j REMEDIES ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR '' - (Durham Herald) t Along about this time of the year when the weather begins to take on a balmness heralding the ap proach of spriiig, the fiyst thing that half of us folks do, after finding it warm enough to leave the old over coat on the rack in the ofice when we go to the postoffice, is to walk by the seed store and take a sneak ing look at the big posters showing beautiful red tomatoes, bright green snap-beans, and peas and other gar den truck rigged out in such color that nature never endowed them with. But they are allurihg, to the average city dweller. After a few stealthy looks at the seed advertise ments, and when the days get a bit warmer, you are likely to see the aforesaid citizen drifting home about the middle of some afternoon bear ing a package of seed and A shoulder loaded with tools for garden-making. It's no use to argue with him. There is no form of insanity as insurable! as the annual garden fever, that isj the only cure is to let it alone and! it will soon wear itself out when the hands are 'blistered and warmer weather arrives. There is nothing dangerous in gardenphobia, in fact, it is a most harmless form of insan ity. It is fortunate that it is harm less, for there are so many people afflicted with it that were it sepious there would be great danger to civ ilization. These who are hardly enough to keep it up through the whole summer usually get nearly enough garden truck to pay for The seed they planted. But most ofus give it up long before the hot weath er arrives, and the proudly pictured garden becomes really a fine crop of wild hay. "Widow Woman." (Houston ^ost) Somebody is jumping on om* Tisr Heei brother, Joe Taylor, about using the term "yidow woman." Joe ban abundant authority for "widow w& nnE&." Some 900 years before Christ, the Lord Himseif thus addressed the Phophet Elij&h: "Arise, get thee tu Zarephath, Which beiongeth to Zidun . and dwell there; behold, I have ccca manded a widow wontan there to .sus tain thee." !(1 Kings, 17-9.) An between ,the Lord of Hosts and some two-bit, shallow-pated, spatted and surcingled purist of this time, w? reckon Joe khows where he is and in sitting pretty. SUBSCRIBE T(i OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER $1.50 Per Year in Advance a$seS <* / " OXFORD PUBLIC LEMER EVERY SUCCESSFUL MERCHANT AND MANUFACTURER ADVERTISES. THAT'S ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS THEY HAVE HUCCEEDED-THEY'LL TELL YOU SO THEMSELVES. ,' For beat advertising The Oxford Pubiic Ledger is the best possibie medium—going into hundred of homes of aH ctasses—homes that constitute the buyers you wish to reach. - ' Watch the ad in the PuMic Ledger and see the adver tisers who voiee their agreement by using its cohi mns. BONANZA-FARMERS' BONE-ORfNOCO BONANZ FARMERS' BONE-OR!NOCO BONANZA- FARMERS < ANNOUNCEMENT J. Crawford Overton, Oxford Route No. 6, says: "I began using Roysters' FSR Brand Guano a few years ago and have continued its use each year except one year 1 was induced to use a brand costing less in price and 1 lost not iess than one thousand dollars by reason of trying to save a few cents. I returned to Roy sters' the next year and have continued to use it ^s have the others in the targe Overton family. Roysters' guanos have been absolutely satisfactory. We have al ways gotten the highest averages for our tobaccb and it has helped us to make money each year. We recco mend it to all farmers." ^ [ Yours truly, J. Crawford Overton. j Lyon-Winston Co. OOONIMO-3NOS .,SM3MMV3 -VZNVN09 OOONMO BONE-ORfNOCO BONANZA-FARMERS^ BONE