fWUMEMS corns ^ should not be "dosed." Treat them externally with— Over Mi/Zion /on t/wZ KearZy —The Ruhr Valley produces 68.9 per cent of Germany's coal, and 66 per cent of her steel. Hurry, The Scourge Of America. Everything that is great in iife is the product of slow growth. The newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler ^he work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting suc cess. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night, oaks require de cades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a pholosophy livies through generations and centuries. If you are sure you are right, do not let the Radiators & Tires Repaired You know how worrying a leaky radiator is, and how expensive a new one is. We can relieve you of the worry and save you the expense of a new one too. Our vul canizing department is prepared to Rx your tires so they will deliver a good deal more service. Give us a call. We have a complete stock of Chevrolet parts —see us before you buy and save money. y Oxford Radiator & Vulcanizing Works G. M. WHITE, Manager. Next to Crenshaw's Parage, Oxford, N. C. voice of the world, or of friends, or of family swerve you for a moment from your purpose. Accept slow growth, ifit must be slow, and know! the results must come, as you ould aceept the long lonely hours of the night—with absolute assurance that [ the heavy-leaded moments must t bring in the morning.—William Ge orge Jordan. KEEPS tMU)REN WELL AND STROM . *nr*HIN, pale, impoverished biood ! makes children frail, backward ! * and delicate. Gude's Pepto-Mangan creates a ! bountiful supply of pure, red blood, { restores bodily strength, brings back color to the cheeks and builds firm, well-rounded flesh. For over 30 years Gude's Pepto Mangan has been recommended by leading physicians as a tonic and blood enricher. Your druggist has it— liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude's Pepto-Mangan 72vz: