MFFS FOR CLMSfffED ADV& RATES PER LINE, CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS: One Insertion .. Three Insertions .. Six Insertions .. Three Months (On Contract).2c Six Words to Line, 8 Lines in Inch; Minimum 20c; Blank Space at Regular Line Rate; CAPITAL LETTERS, (this size) Count 4 Whrds to Line. COMMUOMS OF CL4SNF1FD Casii must accompany all outof-town orders (Stamps accepted); "Keyed" Ads are held strictly confidential. Ads will be accepted over phone from telephone subscribers, and billed date of first insertion. ALL COPY MUST BE IN THIS OFFICE NOT LATER THAN 6 P. M. FOR INSERTION FOL LOWING DAY. PHONE NO. 28. SMOKE FOR SALE, 3 GOOD WORKING mules. Apply OXFORD ORPHAN AGE. 2-23-4tc KODAKERS—BRING YOUR CA3U $ra troublea to BRINKLBT'S STUDIO. Also bring, cr send your Qlms if you want them de veloped and printed right. m31-tf riioUDI E CASE GOED AYATt H, ! Walton movement, was stolen from t my premises two weeRs ago. he- { ward for its recovery. LEE HICKS, Oxford, Route 2. 3-6-4tx MiXXTELs! GRATED AND TiLE AT RAYS' LUMEER YARDS. Large assortment. 3-9-tf —-- : CAXXAS FOR SALE—LARGE bronze purple folage, red flower; ! $1.00 per dozen roots. MRS. JXO. W. HESTER, Oxford, N. C. 2-27-4tx THE KENT HUE YOU NEED DRUG Store Merchandise try PITTMAN'S, and see if you don't like his ser vice. tf COMPARE GRADE A\D I'RIt E OF building materia! of any kind, you'il petit as RAYS' LUMBER YARDS. 3-9-tf (,ET YOUR COLORITE AT 1111 MAN'S, ail shades carried in stock atall times. tf (OTTOX SEED FOR SALE—SI.00 per bushel. HESTER & SNIDER, Jno. W. Hestep, Oxford, N. C. 2-27-4tx GET IT AT RAYS' LLAIDER YARDS you'H get the best for your moneys 3-9-tf LOST OXE IH.At K AND WHITE spotted male pig weight about fifty pounds. Notify TOM CUR RIN atL. J. Hicks Blacksmith Shop, and receive reward. 3-5-2tx FURMTURE UPHOLSTERED and rehnished. Also baby carriages uphol stered. All work neat !y and promptly done. MACK EDWARDS Phone No. 211-^ Oxford, N. C. SIEXOGRAPHER DESIRES Po sition, can begin work April 1st. Address "M" Public Ledger. 2-27-3tx. PLASTERS FOR ACHES AND FAINS in back, chest and limbs, mighty strong, but no tuncomfortable, at PITTMAN'S. 3-13-tf PITTMAN SAYS* "IF YOU LIKE HIS service tell your friends about it and if you don't like his . service ell him." This gives him a chance '0 better his service if his friends te)l him where the sore spots are. ti IP YOU SEE IT ADVERTISED YOU can get it at PITTMAN'S, the drug store that dotes of quality mer chandise and good service. tf GALVANIZED ROOFING AT RAYS LUMBER YARDS. It's right when you get. it at RAYS'. 3-9-tf DAY BY DAY IN EVERY WAY OUR business is getting better and bet ter, due no doubt t