Sweet C!over and Honey Sweet clover seed and pure honey (comb and extracted) direct from producing point at lowest possible price. Quality guaranteed. Write for prices and circulars. JOHN A SREEHM R. D. No. 4. FALMOUTH, KY. (3-2-8tx) —Sweetened condensed milk, di luted with hot water, has won a piace as a highly esteemed drink among the Chinese of the Ewatow district They prefer this mixture to the ex cellent fresh milk .containing a high percentage of butterfat, available from the water buffaloes and other cattle mainained in considerable num bers by the farmers. —Dean Hammond, of Cornell Uni versity, deplores the invasion of Tut Ankh-Amen's tomb. How would Americans like it, he aaks, if the Sar acens 3,000 years hence broke into George Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon and if the bones of Abraham Lincoln were carried off to Constan tinople and placed on display i na Sar acen museum? ROYSTER'S BONANZA 8-3-3 AN!) FARMERS BONE 8-2-2 TOBACCO GUANOS. Announcement Our sales on Royster's, Zefi's and Patapsco Guanos have increased 25% up to this time over previous safes. THE REASON! Royster's, ZeU's and Patapsco Guanos have pro duced tobacco of the highest quality and the safes aver ages the most satisfactory, The tobacco grown with these ofd brands is of the richest quality, the cofor right and the weight is there everytime. The brands don't bum the pfant, causing a great !oss in weight during the curing season. This is a big gain to be considered. The ofd German potash is used excfusivefy. When better guanos are made than Royster's, Zeff's and Patapsco are now making—Royster, Zeffs and Pa tapsco wi!i be some of the first to produce them. . if you have not bought gauno, fet us figure with you. !f you have bought other brands and need more, !et us sefiycu. Test it out. Maybe you wi!) discover that these ofd brands we self wit! give you better results for your faithful years work. We soficit your business and promise you our best service. Yours trufy, Lyon Winston Co. Car foad Nitrate Soda. Use it and increase your wheat and corn yiefd 25%, GQ 53 33 h-1 C o > n r' ^ c oc ^ vs/ . > > n o n > GC GO GO ! LI NCOLN SERVICE Lincoln owners know that Lincoln cars m ordinary usage demand little attention other than the replenishment of gaso line, oil and water. That is because the service requirements of motor cars are in inverse ratio to the quality and char acter built into them by the manu facturers. Periodic inspection, proper lubrication and minor adjustments, when necessary, are essential to the proper and prolonged functioning of any piece of machinery. With quality as a prime factor, it is the secret of economical and dependable transportation. To insure the operation of Lincoln cars as a source of uninterrupted satisfaction and enjpyment, through the medium of adequate and convenient service facili ties, it is the purpose of the Ford Motor Company that its entire dealer organi sation be equipped to render efficient and intelligent service to Lincoln owners. Thousands of Ford Dealers in the United States are being equipped with specially trained Lincoln men, competent to make minor adjustments and of providing for ordinary service requirements. Under this arrangement, a Lincoln owner, whether touring a continent or crossing his own city, may with conth dence enter a Ford Dealer's place of business and be assured of prompt, coun teous and intelligent treatment by an organization with a personal interest m his welfare. < ^ It is not intended, or necessary, that all Ford Dealers be equipped to do major repair work or overhauling on Lincoln cars. Adequate provision is made, how* ever, whereby such work will be done in each territory, when necessary, by dealers who are especially equipped to render high grade service in keeping with the character of th,e product. We believe that the Lincoln will run farther and require less mechanical attention than any other car in the world. It is significant and a matter of utmost importance to prospective owm ers of quality cars that the incomparable, world'wide facilities of the Ford Motor Company should make the ownership of a Lincoln even more desirable than ever before. LINCOLN MOTOR COMPANY FORD MOTOR COMPANY * Detroit, Michigan CRENSHAW'S Ford Sales and Service. FARM HOME IS KEY TO RURAL HEALTH (Indiana Fanners' Guide.) With so much in its favor hy way of natural endowments, it is to be re gretted that rural life does not al u.jg average up to the possibilities within its reach in the matter of health and human efficiency. People who live in the open country are sub ject to many minor health troubles induced through exposure, poor hous ing and improper sanitation. Colds and various forms of grippe take ! their toll of working hours, in many instances, without actually putting a person to bed. Poor air and lack of ventilation in living and sleeping rooms may not put one on the actual sick list but these rob one of vitality and capacity to endure days of gruel ling work. Poor sanitation brings its own toll of Trouble which may be any thing from minor intestinal troubles i to severe and dangerous illness. Ty j phoid fever is now classed as a "rural disease,'' of .thcsd conditions which af fect rural !ife unfavorably are easily preventable. The home and its im mediate surroundings is perhaps the key to the situation. Thousands of farm folks are poorly housed. Then bodily comfort is well sustained, so far as shelter is concerned, but poor air is too often the rule and proper ventilation the exception. Cold sleep ; ing rooms in winter that are close ! and stuffy in summer exact their toll ! of human efficiency, lack both in stances. Weils of suspicious charac ter, lack of sanitation in the! disposal of human waste, damp and unwhole some cellars—these features of rural } tub me altogether too common. ! It is easily possible for any rural) ! household to rasie itself above the ! I average conditions along these lines ) and enjoy the benefits which must} [necesasrily resul.t There is no bet-j i ter way to set about doing this than ! to check up the factors as these exist! in any particular case. Heating, ven- j tiiation, sanitation—each should be studied with a view of remedying de fects. Better health, longer life, and greater happiness and prosperity wiii be the outcome. There is no better investment that can be made than cne that 'ooks to the improve ! ment of the home and its environ. CAN YOU TELL The Difference Heiweeir ^!cnnny am! Recollection. 1-heie is very little difference be tween remembring and rcaiiing as ap plied to the'acts of memory. Recall ing ig the physical process through which we are able to call up the im pressions winch constitute memory. Remembering is the result of recall--. ing. The act of remembering is not so , simple as one would suppose. It can really be divided into thre^ pnnses; : the primary act of remembering. ! which we do without consciousness: t the recognition of what we mmnn-j ber; and the power of recalling. Our ' tmmoi.. is most able when we are, young. We more easily remember-; things which happned recentiy than ai.ue.b whicn happened tong ago. but his is only true before we get old. In old people, current events do not male so deep a record on the mind, be cause the brain gradually loses its .Miit'y to receive impressions. That is why older people find it easy tc re membr the minutest details of events of the past, and cannot recall recent happenings. \*e omen try to recall things .and cannot, and then nave the recollection pop into consciousness shortly after, we stop trying. This lapse is due to the fact that the sensory nerve cells, which must make a perfect,c.ontact} line to the brain before we can recall any impression, ai'g tired. American . Boy. _The Canadian federal government j has purchasd a large larm near ; Guelph, Ontario, to put returned sol- : diers on the land. Theltond To Happiness. You must keep well if you wish to be happv. When constipated take one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Thcy cause a gentle movement of the bow els. HELP YOURSELF GET WELL FAST