PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY -^_ AND FRIDAY. , -- OXFORD, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1924 16 PAGES TODAY NO. 21 THREE LOCAL GREERS %E TO GR!EF IN ^MUNICIPAL COURT OF HAVING rossEssiox. ^,Hob3o<"' MenRaiH ^t lbe fate and Hotel and Cap ^\,verat Galhnis Of Fighting ..i,nvs of quiet inves ^^Itha'view ofcoilecting gdent evidence to convict. Chtef ^and his force on Saturday #?ood , Bee Cafe and raided fhe t^b^ ^ ^ Hillsboro street and found ns of Whiskey. Theat^ ^ te'os Contos. John Carras ^Lre Kokinos followed- The and &eo . arranged before in Municipal Court last ^ afternoon. Each of the we-e represented by an attor ^\Lrs D. G. Brutnmitt. B. W. .eyries. . Graham. Jr., each ver^d m the Greek " mrS'tM - defendant Contos if it was that he offered to bribe Chief a^th the night of the arrest. s";"""' .,,,t It an excited tone °f Chief Hobgood was called to the , j oud testified that on the night ft arrest the defendant Contos i .M he would give him $1.0 Ih if he wouid throw the J of the back door and say °L more about the matter There are good Greeks and oad Jb and we have in our com 5tv some of them that are as the days ore long, but the three that were arrested last Satur day night on the charge of retailing whiskey have been under suspicion for some time, according to the state ment of the officers. * The three men were adjudged smMty of retailing, and Moyor Stem sentenced each of them to the roads for a term of six months, i^acli of the defendants noted an appeal, and they were released under a bond of 33M each to answer at the April Term Granville County Superior ontos furnished a cash bond. Carras and Kokinos gave a mort MNMG FOR IH!RD PARTY CONVENTION rieuateorhaFoUctte Will Probably Re tim f'atuiidate For Presidettt. St. Paui. Minn.. March 12.—A can foraXationai convention ofpoliti <*"' organisations favorabie to the ''third party" movement to be held in St.PauiJune 17, was issued here Mahht hv a conference of dele gates from eight States. The purpose of the convention as S'Wd'.nthecallis to nominates Resident and vice president and a^fpt a Xationai tdatform. Thirteen <'"?anizations were represented 3t ^"fonferenpe. Senator Robert M. LaFoiiette of Wisconsin, was most j''''nmnent;y mentioned as the pro ah'^ehoieeof the June 17 conven noa for dm presidential nomination. KACHERS ASSEMBLY AKD UNVEILING nteca of all school ^3te Wednesday and p occasion being the an ' ^of the Teachers' Assem MR'.'eiiing of the Aycocx thati^''* ^'^itai square. More it^rc -^'i-tets were sold toads 3nd Seaboard 'ron; county itt* hy ^t*' R'-'to. rhefoliow were present W w"R" FI. Credle. Prof, itood.'.t ^ L. Liven iergi,i)''\..^^'-''-3'-'esCarrieFnl Webb, Elia - '-'"h (jic 'i?Kcn. M... , iot J. r,. ho th'cene Cov h. Mrs. ^.TT. Ctttr s. Jo RRctte hr He'en Prudcr Hcan Edna '.-.iY