Welding the Crank Shaft or any vita! part of an auto engine or transmission should be entrusted to specialists in this iine of work. We are prepared to apply our knowledge of and facilities tor welding to any problem that presents itself inan auto. We mend the break by welding wed." GOOCH MACHINE SHOP Oxford, North Carolina. ! Arinl? Kur-Fa-Cite A high-grade varnish stain for furniture, ] floors, and B woodwork H any color. S Granitoid ] Floor Paint 3 Put it on to day—walk on it to-morrow. Shines like enamel. As you dip your brush into the heavy lead body of you instantly realize why it covers (hides) and protects the surface so much better. There isn't any magic about it—Kurfees is just better paint. Good painters use and recommend it because it contains more pure lead* per gallon. Look at the formula: Z,6w/ - #0% - - 20% 700% It's surprising the small amount of Kurfees required to paint a house right. Let us figure the amount for you and show you the beautiful color selections. ,%Mr/ees ^r^ry PMr/)05^—%%/nyre HOLEMAN HDW. COMPANY. Think This Over isn't it reasonable to suppose that the largest battery maker can produce and seH better bat teries at a lower figure than any other maker? WiUard Batteries are the choice of 134 car manufac turers. These men know bat teries and their knowledge is based on tests and facts. Their judgment shouid be of va!ue to you. '! t Oxford Battery Co. 8 HOUR BATTERY CHARGING THE NOVEEETTE AX INTERNATIONAL EPISODE (By H. Irving King) If you should ever go to Paris be sure and drop in at the Cafe Smithers in the Rue de Jacqueminot. There you can get Johnny cake, baked beans, brown bread and Indian pudding such as w ill make you fee! yourself at home—if home for you happens to be New England. And this is how it all came about: Eph raim Crane a few years ago went over to France, consiredable length of time in Paris and became a fre quenter of the Lion d'Or, which rather languishing restaurant occu pied the place now known as the Cafe Smithers. a most flourishing es tablishment. It was not the cooking at the Lion d'Or, which was only fair, nor the wines, which were pretty bad, that attracted Corporal Crane to that lit tle cafe and made him linger there, but Clotilde, the motherless daugh ter of the proprietor, Monsieur Bou lais. The pretty French girl held the raw-boned New Hampshire youth as the pole star holds the needle. Clotilde and Ephraim swapped les sons in French and English and got so that in a remarkably short time they could not only converse with each other understandingly, but could write little notes to each other in a combination of the two lan guages. But alas the time came when Cor poral Crane must leave. Cotilde wept at parting and Ephriam would have wept, too, but for his desire to appear "hard boiled." They prom ised to write to each other—oh, ever so many times. And Ephraim was to come back and marry Clotilde or she was to follow him across the briny deep—they had not yet decid ed which. Ephraim recalled an other parting which he had had with Mary Ellen Dodge the day he left home to be mustered in. Gracious, what an untimely thought! He won dered if Mary Ellen was waiting for him still. She had not written very often of late, or else her letters had gone astray; and he felt with a lit tie twinge of conscience, that his own homeward-bound letters had not been as frequent for the last two months as they might have been. And—and—what should he say to Mary Ellen when he arrived at Gran iteville? On the way over he had time to think things out, but the more he thought the more he was perpiexed. And then he reached home and saw Mary Eien—and it was all up with Clotilde. But Ephraim was a New England boy—with a conscience. He had never plighted his troth with Mary Ellen, but he had with Clotilde and therefore—! He wrote and Clo tilde wrote , of course; but they com mitted nothing like the devastation on the international paper supply which they had agreed upon. His youthful looking, well-to-do and very capable mother saw that something was "on the mind" of her only child and lured him on in a wily way until, one night, he broke down and told her the whole story. "Humph," said Mrs. Crane, "Clo tilde, hey? Can she cook? I'll bet she can't. French messes, perhaps; but nothing that a civilized man ought to eat. And I said I never would have my boy marry a girl who couldn't cook. Mary Ellen Dodge is a fine cook. Ever eat any of her apple dumplin's " Ephraim groaned. Now, Mrs. Crane, as she been said, was well off. "Eph," said she one dayafterthe disconsolate youth had been getting j thinner and thinner. 'Eph, I have always wanted to go abroad. As you won't break* off your engagement with this French girl, suppose you take your old mother over and let me have a look at her." So one fine morning behold the ex corporal escorting his mother to the portais of the Lion o'Or. M. Boulais came to welcome his former customer with all the effu sion of the sprightly Gaul. "And—and Clotilde?" Ephriam ventured. "Ah! my daughter—yes," replied \I. Boulais. "she is married yester lay to ze sergeant of jeandarmes." Mrs. Crane liked Paris immensely, :ook to studying French and insist *d upon dining at the Lion o'Or 3very day. There were great possi bilities in the place if properly con iucted, she told Ephraim. For two months the good lady lingered on m he French capital in spite of her ion's impatience to get back to ffraniteville and Mary Ellen. Then CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly in / duenced by Constitutional conditions. HALF'S CATARRH MEO'CINE con sists of an Ointment which g'ves Quic^ Relief by iocai appiication, and the Interna! Medicine, a Tonic, wr'ch act^ through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. . ^ Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo. O. ASPMN Beware of Imitations! Unless you see the 'Tayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and, prescrib ed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia 'Headache Lumbago Rheumatism Pain, Pain Accept Bayer Tablets of Aspirm ' only. Each unbroken package con tains proven directions. Handy box es of twelve tablets cost few cents Druggists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monojvcetica cidester of Salicylicacid. (1) one day she said, "Eph, I am too old to keep gadding about—but you go back home and marry Mary Ellen Dodge. Grandpa Smithers, who kept tavern down at the Corner's, was a mighty good hand at it and always lamented that he had no son to carry on the name and business. I've been talking matters over with Mr. Bou lais and we both have decided to go into partnership, and change the name of the Lion p'Or to the Cafe Smithers. And that's that about the Cafe Smithers. Mrs. Boulais was' not present at the wedding of her on and Mary Ellen Dodge, but she sent over a most beautiful present— and so did Clotilde. Vice President Aims t ) George L. Berry, President of the Internationa! Printing Press- ; men's Union, has hied in Ohio as cand:date for Vice-President on the Democratic ticket. REPAIRING Buggy and Surrey B^ Lite OXFORD BUGGY CO. KH Sick Headache "I have used Black-Draught when needed for the past 25 years," says Mrs. Emma Grimes, of Forbes, Mo. "I began taking it for a bad case of constipation. I would get constipated and feel just mis erable—sluggish, tired, a bad taste in my mouth, . . . and soon my head would begin hurting and I would have a severe sick headache. I don't know just who started me to taking Ihedford's ELACK-0RAU6HT but it did the work. It just seemed to cleanse the liver. Very soon I felt like new. When I found Black-Draught so easy to take and easy acting, I began to use it m time and would not have sick headaches." Constipation causes the system to re-absorb poisons that may cause great pain and much danger to youi health. Take Thedford's R Black-Draught. It will stimu- Q late the liver and help to ! drive out the poisons. ^ Sold by all dealers. Costs H only one cent a dose. ^ g the most skilled druggist and a legitim^ price when the Doctor gives you a prescrip, tion. We give you all these and the bl possible service. We want your business and give you the best we have to p^,, our appreciation. 1 J. G. HaH ! Druggist. ! Eyaight And !ts Care is a matter of great importance, as you depend upon it for ai! your labors and pleasures. We are Speciaiista in the examination of the eyes and fitting glasses, with many years of experience. J. W. KNIGHT Call at tun ^fice when in doubt about your eyes and giaases 6 COLLEGE STREET, OXFORD, N. C. g WHITE S VULCANIZING & RADIATOR SHOP ^ Oxford, X. C. G. M. White, Manager Ft's a Great Satisfaction to the ear owner or driver to know that his car is equipped with tires of max imum service at minimum cost. The tires that xve seii anti repair are that kind. Carry a coupie of "spares" syith you on your iong or short trips. They tan be depended on. Saunders Motor Co. j31 HiHsboro Street. JACK L. SAUNDERS —and— CLAUD L. SAUNDERS Experienced auto mechanics and were with E. H. Crenshaw for several years. Repair work on aM kinds of cars. Ac cesories in stock. GfVE US A FRMi Auto Repairing i Your friend on the right was having the same trouble you are having. We worked on his car and now he is We Understand Automobiles—Have Had Fears of Experience. Our prices are )ei<)" the average. CALL US AT ANY TIML. CLARK & GRIMM PHOME327. PMCK&MMGE