' ^jpORTANT NOTICE! Three things you ought T' ww'-How good a a,5 rides; How long T, last and what a %d-hand value they ^ W. L. CURRIN ^RCiLlNA LETTER J of Adsit, is X, xoran Royster, of Big Roc!: Jia town Wednesday. - R B. Cote, of Petersburg is ^J'reMbesonR.ute4. Mr John AA ntts, .fg'his People on Route 4. IraSdat Tuck visited reia i/the county last Sunday. ^"wsCtevetanfi lord's baby died ^ ifter a weeks ilness. LtVe regret to hear of the illness U T.ihnFord Route 1. ofMrs.Jonnr nr. R. F- ^Fer and family vis friends in town last Sunday. ' John Puryear, Route 3, was, ^Jsiness visitor to town iastweek.l _M,. John Watkins, of Oxford, in town iast Friday. _\t' Back Vaughn, and Johnj eJof Route 3. was in town Friday.! " John Rice Route 3, was in : tmvnMondar. -Mrs. J- M*. BattershillandMrs.^ ^'chandier motored to South ^ Boston iasc Monday. ^ ^ -Rev. T. W. Fogiemaii attended j 6 pastors conference in Oxford, last; Monday ^Mrs. Cornelius EHixson. near . Virgihna .has been quite sick forj sometime. -Mrs. Nathan Hali who has been < iickforthe past few weeks is able , toheout again. ; -Littie Stella Wiiborn, who has^ pgsa very sick, with acute indigestion j ^ prncticaliy recovered. ^ j —Mr. Newman Jones of South , Boston visited his mother last week [ Mi ! -The Womans Club wiii hold! theirnext meeting on Saturday, at] the home of Mrs. J. C. Daniel. -Mrs. Eiia Wiiborn and family , hsited retatives in the County Sun Jay. ) —Mr. 1. W. Sizemore our popular ; Standard Oil man is confined to his [tome with an attack of measles. ! -Miss Ora Walier of Oxford, was the week-end guest of Miss Hannah A'ewmac. —Miss Dixie Sizemore, of Oxford Coiieep visited her parents here on Sunday. ! —Air. Cieveland Fords, Route 1, died iast Saturday after a weeks ili —We are peased to report that Mrs. Boh Seat who sufeired aS&troke of paralysis about ten days a?o is decidedly better. —The woman's missionary society wiii hoid their next regular meeting, A' the home of Airs. Viola Jones on Wednesday. ! —Air. Easley, who represents the Craddock Terry Shoe Company of Lynchburg, Va.. visited the mer chants in town last Thursday. —Airs. K. B. Loyd returned home ''omDanviiie. last Monday, where has been with her husband. Mr. Leyd is doing fine. —Alts. A. P. Bohanan, returned Thursday from Richmond she has beegi at the bedside ''-"''brother Air. Filmore Crowell *hoisimpeiesslyiH. —Mr. Peyton Puryear. apromi ...... t.uzen near Virgilina, died 3at -Ler an illness of several daye ''-Ruaiysis complicated with ' wi]} be missed in " ^-'d comntunity. Mr. R. B. Loyd, of the Farmers Hardinan. concern, had a sudden at tack of a appendicitis last Tuesday. He was taken to Colmands Hospital Wednesday for an operation. Ha was operated on last Saturday and was doing well at last account. —The following were among the visitors in town last Saturday: Chas. Moore, South Boston; Mrs. John Puryear, Route 2; Mr. B. Vaughan. Route 2; Mrs. W. N. Clark, Route 1, Miss Claudie Clark, Route 2; Miss Tally, Route 2; Messrs. J. E. Cole, and D. G. Cole, Route 4; Mr. Andrew Yancey, of North Granville; Mr. Ber ry Stem, Route 1; —The funeral services of Mrs. M. A. Brooks took place on Thursday in the home. It was conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. W. Fogleman assisted by Rev. C. E. Newman. In the death of Mrs. Brooks the town loses one of its truest and best wome#i. She was a bright happy Christian and notwith standing for two years, she had been almost an invalid, she was bright, bheerful, and always found so much to be thankful for in the midst of he}r afflictions. BUNWfss ncnow (The New York Herald) George Randolph Chester, who died Tuesday, was one of the most successful practitioners of that busi ness school fiction which is native to the United States. The creator of Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford sto ries discovered early that a large part of the public likes to read fic tion that dramatizes the hours be tween 9 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. In Mr. Chester's case it happened that the character for whom he found the widest audience was a ras cal, a promoted of questionable ac tivities, who was also generous and human, as rascals often are. But the business school of fiction does not continue its portraiture to rogues. Not a little of its energy is given to recounting the rise to fortune of the exemplary young man. It is this type of fiction which has worked in the popular mind to pic ture the salesman as the romantic figure. When he appeared in the sto Weak Nervous "I was weak and nervous and run-down," writes Mrs. Edith Sellers, of 466 N. 21st St., East St. Louis, 111. "I couldn't sleep nights, I was so restless. I felt tired and not in condition to do my work. I would have such pains in my stomach that I was afraid I would get down in bed. . . My mother came to see me and suggested that I use I felt better after my first bottle. I had a better appe tite. It seemed to strengthen and build me up. I am so glad to recommend Cardui for what it did for me. I haven't needed any medicine since I took Cardui, and I am feeling fine." Nervousness, restlessness, sleeplessness—t h e s e symp toms so often are the result of a weak, run-down condi tion, and may develop more seriously if not treated in time. If you are nervous and run-down, or suffering from some womanly weakness, take Cardui. Sold everywhere. -J E-105 Mta Repairing on the right ^shaving- the same rauMe you are having. ( ^ ^ wor!u)d on his car now he is_ (2 ATISHED ^ ^ stand Automobiles—Have Had th ^ Experience. Our prices are beiow i^'^age. CALL US AT ANY TIME. CLARK & GRIMM /HOM 327. BUICX GARAGE jfies of an earlier period it was . "drummer," and the characterization . ! made of him was often not to his crc- ] ; dit. Nowadays the hustling young ^ salesman of the business story is al- ] ways about to exchange his sample ! case for a glass-topped desk and a chair opposite a big map peppered over with colored pins. Mr. Chester's most popular stories weSe the exception in that they did j not conform to this type. Rascality has always been a favorite ingredient of the story tellers from the first days of the novel, and Wallingford I merely happened to be a rascal in I business. As a type the American business story—and there really is no other business story—glorifies virtue, and particularly virtue as leading to success. j Its literary quality as a rule has not been high. It has b^en and con tinues to be read because it recog nizes that the chief interests of the } average American are his business ! and his family, the two are easily in- j tertwined in the business story. Base- j ball, which might be ranked as the third interest, has its own story type; but recently the business fiction writ ers have been making concesiions in VAPORUB for^// Co/cf 7roLFb/es favy of golf. Pretty soon it will be M hard to separate gold from he bus iness story as it is to separate golf crom business. CIDER WEDDING BRIDE OBTAINS AN ANNULMENT Los Angeles March 18.—Mrs. June Nichols had her marriage to Robert Nichols annulled by Judge Guerin all on account of a glass and a half of cider. That cider was why she got mar ried. She came to court a "kissiess" bride. Mrs. Nichols testified that she irank the glass and a half of hard ci 'HP If you want Flowers of any kind, for all occasions at any time— CALL 160-J ^ Mrs. A. H. Moore. der at a party near Vernon. She lapsed, she said, into a sort of wak ing dream and when consciousness ca.me sh^ found herself Nichols' bride. She parted from him at once. rage a REPAIRING Buggy and Surrey By the ! OXFORD BUGGY CO. j 'Ai -ORANGE BUS L!NE Durham Oxford Henderson NOTE—Weldon Line Discontinued. !§ n ! I v Durham for Oxford and Henderson 9:00 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. *8:00 P. M. Lv. Oxford for Henderson 8:00 A. M. 10:30 A M. 3:00 P. M. 5:30 P. M. Lv. Oxford For Durham 7 30 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 1:15 P. M. 5:30 P. M. Lv. Henderson for Oxford and Durham 9:30 A. M. 12.30 P. M. 4:45 P. M. *7:00 P. M. y T v. Durham ^ for Oxford and # Henderson jp 10:00 A. M. i g 8:00 P. M. Sunday Lv. Oxford for Henderson 6:30 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 9:30 H. M. I v. Oxford For Durham 8:00 A. M. 3:15 P. M. T v Henderson or Oxford and Durham 7:15 A. M. 2:30 p. M. *10:15 P 1M *For Oxford Only. Oxford to Henderson . Oxford to Durham .. Henderson to Durham .... . BUS LEAVES FROM—Malboume Hotel, Durham; Hotel, Oxford; Vance Hotel, Henderson. -$ .50 - 1.50 -2.00 Exchange Call 99-W, Oxford, for Special Trips. W. #. AVERE7T. ANNOUNCEMENT Roysters Fertitizer Zetts Fertitizer Pataosco Fertitizer 8-3-3.'Tobacco 8-3-4.'Tobacco 8-3-5.'Tobacco 8-3-3.Tobacco 8-3-4.Tobacco 8-3-5 Tobacco 8-3-3 8-3-4 8-3-5 Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco If the above analysis is not just what you want we can furnish any analysis you may pre fer. We can furnish all the above grades of fertilizer with Cotton Seed Meal mixture. Numbers of farmers have been using 8-2-2 Roysters Farmers Bone, and Zells Special Com pound 8-2-2, and Patapsco Planters Favorite 8-2-2 for growing Tobacco and we have these brands in regular and Cotton Seed Meal Mixtures. We consulted those who know ho" to grow Cotton as to the best fertilizer to use and we have the information for the farmers who have no experience in growing Cotton, and can furnish fertilizer \yhich will produce the largest yield. In the Cottdn growing sections the plan is: More Cotton to The Acre and not More Acres to the Cotton By using Fertilizer of proper Analysis, Cotton yield can be increased 25 to 40% on the same number acres of land with no additional cost f or labor and cultivation. We have Corn Fertilizers and the grades you want. We have (Jetton Seed Meal, Acid Phos phate, Nitrate Soda. These old reliable brands ROYSTERS, ZELLS, PATAPSCO Fertilizers have been faithfully serving the farmers for the past forty to sixty years and they want the far mers to know that they are furnishing in these fertilizers the best producing mater ials to be had and want the farmers to know too, that in using these old brands you are going safe for the best results for your money and hard year's work. During the few years we have been selling these brands of Fertilizer our trade has increased 500 per cent. There's a good reason. LISTEN—When better Fertilizers are made Royster, Zells and Patapsco will be some of the first to make it. \ We have low Cash Prices consistant with Mgii grade fertilizers and we would like to have your order, but if you have'nt the money we will heip you farm and do our best for you. We have Cotton Seed Planters, Corn Plant ers, Fertilizer Drills and the largest line labor saving implements in Granville coun ty, consisting of Wood and Steel Beam Plows, Cultivators, Disc Harrows, Spike Harrows, Mowers, Rakes, Matox, Axes, etc. Just few heating Stoves to close out at big reduction. Just Few Horse Blankets to close out at big reduction. Just few Buggy Robes to close out at big reduction. Large supply of feed stuffs, Hay, Oats, Horse and Mule Feeds, Dairy Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, Beet Pulp, etc. Seed Oats and other held seed. Try our Dairy Feed and you will continue to use it. Just unloaded 300 barrels of that best hour and every pound guaranteed. Full line heavy groceries. Many thousand yards of Plant Bed Cloth and the price is low. Every item in our Store is a necessity for the home and farm. We soiicit your patronage. Yourstruiy, Lyon-Winston Co