Junior Woman's Ctub ts To Meet Wed'day The final Spring meeting of Ox ford Junior Womans Club is to be ieldat8p.m. Wednesday m the :iub house. Mrs. A. F. Cozart. p!*es EDWARD'S T7 CtMUtMtWtCUmtO heepsake k DiAMOND RtNCS WOODLAND Ring Wadding Ring 30 00 CASCADE Rtng IlCM Ring 73.00 ! # J.UV EVEMn. M(!M A!**$300 .n<* 373 *Hm.UV Wadena K!na ! 00.00 Many beautiful Keepsake styles await your choice in diamond engagement and wedding rings. The beauty, brilliance and value of your diamond de pends, not upon size alone, but upon its excellence in color, cut and clarity. By these qualities, fine dia monds are judged and valued. By the name, Keepsake, these qualities are assured. For the famous Keepsake Certificate guar antees a registered perfect gem. We are now displaying the same beautiful Keepsake Diamond Rings chosen to receive the coveted Fashion Academy Award for "