Irvin Adcock At Hester Church As Suppiy Minister , Rebecca Knott Guest Soloist at Enon Church Service on Sunday Morning ENON-HESTER. May 2!.—The Twenty Third Psalm was used as the basis for a most inspiring and beautiful message brought by Ir "The Mao woo rays sne Freight* —Samuel Daria Hardware, tne Ciarksntie. Vo O M ea fri M CHARTER NEW 1952 CITY BUS Schools, Cimrches, Lodges Ask the Driver, or Write H. C Kitchen, V-P. * Gen. Mgr. OXFORD CITY LINES Oxford. N. C. vin Adcock at Hester Baptist Church Sunday morning. Specia! ! music was rendered by the choir. Among a number of visitors at tending the worship service were Mrs. G. T. Tunstail and neighbors and friends of the speaker, i Rev. Ronaid Hicks, pastor, deliv ered an inspiring and impressive message at the regular Sunday morning worship service at Enon Baptist Church, using for his top ic. Looking up to Heaven. " Miss Rebecca Knott soioist. brought a message in song. Training Sessions The Enon DVBS study course wiii be heid at Enon Community House Monday night. Mrs. C. P. Critch er and Mrs. J. T. Yancey wiii teach the course and Mt. Church Zion Bibie schooi workers are invited to attend. The Hester Baptist Church DVBS study course was heid three nights I this week at the church with Rev. ; Moak. pastor of Florence Avenue Baptist Church, Virgiiina. as teach er. } Rev. George T. Tunstaii is in For the man or woman over 40 who drags to work YU Frets UYe Staying In Bed—An Tired Out—Run-Down and Discouraged Chances are you are just not get ting your fui! daity requirements of Vitamins and Minerals from your daiiy food. What you shouid try is FERRIZAN—the New Iodine—Iron —Vitamin Tonic, a true Dietary Supplement gives you plenty of B Vitamins—Iron for your Biood and precious Iodine for the ductless glands. giving you new strength, bucking up the appetite and help ing to bring back your otd-time en ergy and ambition. Accept This Generous Offer today You've nothing to iose and every thing to gain. You must feel better —iook better—work better and rest better—be completely satisfied in 30 days—or your money back. WILLIAMS DRUG CO. MiTCHEH. INSURANCE AGENCY We Write AH Forms of insurance F)RE EXTENDED COVERAGE HA!L W!NDSTORM HAB!HTY AUTOMOBtLE L!FE ACC!DENT HOSPtTAL UVE STOCK BONDS FARM MACHtNERY PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER W!UL Z. MiTCHELL, Mgr. ford, Tf. C. Phone 3445 HAMDMMC MAKES A REAL REFERENCE The Ferguson Rotary Hoe can show you what a differ ence easy handling makes in eariy crust breaking or cultivating. The Rotary Hoe's 3-Point, One-Minute Attachment to the Ferguson Tractor eliminates clumsy hitches. See how simple it is to raise and lower the Ferguson Rotary Hoe with a touch of the Finger Tip Control Letter. This means fast, easy transport to and from the held . . . convenient handling on every job. The Ferguson is the heaviest rotary hoe per foot width manufactured. It works thoroughly, cultivating and breaking ground crusts, at speeds up to 3 mph. Let us show you the rugged design and many other ' features of the Ferguson Rotary Hoe. MCX MOTOR CO. Die) 4457 Oxford, N. C. AAFar a fhK DMMMSTRAHOM DM YOUR FARM FERGUSON TRACTOR ANN OU NCING T. <0. MULLINS, JR. GENERAL CONTRACTOR WiU gladly give estimates on aii jobs. If you #re pianning to buiid or to remodel, see T. O. MULLINS, JR. For first class work. No job too small or too large. ' OFF!CE 317 McCLANAHAN ST. * OXFORD, N. C. PHONE 4182 HOME 114 SPRING ST. OXFORD, N. C. % PHONE 4096 SHAM1N JOHNATHAN AHMED, 2, may think he can laugh oil the situa tion, but he's in a spot—and only Congressional action can get him off it. Held by his mother, Mrs. Ericka Fogg Ahmed, and Hanked by his brother. Munir, in their Glenview. Conn., home. Shamin's problem is this: his mother is American, daughter of an engineer, but his father, Shami Ahmed, is in Pakistan on a geological expedition awaiting a permit to enter the United States. fintemationol Soundphoto) Roanoke. Va.. for the second week in succession holding a revivai there. His daughter, Sue Tunstaii. accompanied her father, white Mrs. Tunstaii is spending the time with the Steriing Carringtons. Chariie Jones, who has for about three weeks been a patient in Vet erans Hospital, Durham, having undergone an operation, recovered satisfactory and iast Friday. May 15. he underwent a second major operation. He is getting on fine. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Wiiliford of New York, spent a few days this week with their sister. Mrs. C. N. Hobgood. Mr. and Mrs. Gariand Fltz and son. Jackie, of Chase City. Va.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Averette and famity. Sunday night they visited Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dickerson. Mrs. J. L. Ciaiborn of Hender son, Mrs. J. Gus Stokes and Mrs. W. G. Dunn and Beveriy Dunn of Greenville. were visiting in the community Sunday and attended the wedding of their nephew. Mau rice Biackweii and Ruth Hedgepeth at West Oxford Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon. Ed Brooks !M Ed Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brooks, of Fuquay Springs, formerly of Hester Church com munity, is criticaiiy ill in the Fay etteviiie Veterans Hospitai. Ed. who was taken iii in Kansas where he was iiving with his sister and was employed there. His parents went to Kansas and accompanied him to the hospitai at Fayetteviiie. Mrs. Casper Critcher spent Tues day in Raleigh getting supplies for Enon Church DVBS from the Bap tist Book Store. Mrs. Bob Watkins visited Mrs. Roy Hobgood in a Richmond hos pitai recentiy and reported that she was responding very satisfac tory to treatment. She was much improved. Enon WMS Meets The Enon Baptist Church WMS met at the community house Fri day afternoon with the president. Mrs. R. L. Daniei. presiding. Mis. Garland Daniei had charge of the program and Mrs. Shiriey Averette gave the Bible study followed by sentence prayers. The topic for the month. "An Exceiiet Way for Exceiient Youth," was discussed by Mrs. J. T. Yan cey. Mrs. Broadie O'Brien and Mrs. Carl Puckett. Miss Rebecca Knott, a recent graduate of Carver School of Missions, was a delightful guest and brought a most interesting message on Christian Education. She concluded Her message with prayer. Following the regular business session, the hostesses. Mrs. Casper Critcher. Mrs. R. G Daniel, Mrs. Lucy Sadler and Mrs. Broadie O' Brien. served strawberry shortcake and punch to 21 members and one visitor. Registration Fee For Farm-Home Week )s Same as for Last Year - The registration fee for the 45th Farm and Home Week wii! be the same as last year. The room fee for the week, June 8-11 is $3 per person. For those staying iess than the week, tne fee is gl per night. Special dormitory space has been provided for mar ried couples. s You should bring bed linen, btan ket. pillow, towels and personal ar ticles. To reserve your room in advance, send your fee n Miss Maud Schaub, State College Station. Raleigh. ROOF THATCHERS IN DEMAN O Roof thatching is still a lively trade in England and Wales, where today there are nearly 900 master fratchers. says the National Geo graphic Society. Properly laid, a thatched roof will last H to 25 years. Twenty-three million Americans live on milk-producing farms. Rev. J.L. Beaty At Gray Rock Church Revival to Be Conducted 3rd Week in June—Club Mem bers in Service _ GRAY ROCK, May 21—Rev. J. L Beaty fitted his appointment at I Gray Rock Sunday. The theme for j his sermon was Faith. Mr. and Mrs. ! Beaty and son. Jimmy, were din- ! ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson j Breedtove. Other guests were Mr. } and Mrs. Otha Ctayton and family, j Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Harris visit- { ed Louis Harris and famiiy in Dur ham Saturday. Sammy Dickerson and family of Wake Forest, visited Mrs. L. T. i Mitchell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tunstaii «f Wake Forest, visited Mrs. Em.iy Bridges and the Frank Hickses on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fountain Ragland ; of Oxford were guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Jerry Floyd Sunday. Members of the 4-H Club were j featured in the service at Gray j Rock Sunday. They .sang '^T.his Is t ! My Father's Wo#*^. acaanwtMd ' at the Piano by Miss Barbara Ann ' Breedlove. Mr. and Mrs. John Cheatham Fuller and family of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mra Ful ler's mother. Mrs. James Duke, and Misses Euia and Bessfe Blackley. Mrs. Cynthia Brummltt who has been quite ill is showing improve - - Coot! Orfrrr' Orira Cart C