The value of United States ex ports of tobacco products during 1952 was $58 9 million, or slightly above the $56.7 million exported in 1951. but more than five times greater than the prewar (1934-33) annual average of $10.8 million. BUS!NESS ADDRESS AND MA!L post cards. Make over $50 week. Send $1 for instructions. Lendo. Watertown. Mass. 3t M 19 22 26 pd GETTING MARRIED?—Blood test. physical, license and ceremony in 3 hours. Call Mrs. Perry. Dur ham 43571 days. 97266 night. lOt M 15 to J 16 pd AWNINGS—Canvas and Aluminum —made tn order. Call us for free estimates. Penny Furniture Co.. Hillsboro St. Phone 3077. M 6 tf FOR CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK —Plowing. Disking. Tilling. Ter racing. Grading, Post Hole Dig ging. Ditching and Excavating Dial DARTT.-9M* or 4446, - F 27 tf i LAWN MOWERS — Have yonra E ground the Universal way. Also " motors repaired. W. H. Blalock. R 409 Cherry St. it M 12 15 19 22 26 29 pd MOTTCE gOU CAN SAND your Doors ai i most as easily as you can scrub them. Our rental senders are easy to use and they'll bring back the beauty of any floor quickly and flawlessly. Economy Auto Supply. Dial 3044 tt M 22 9EAUTY SHOP equipment, used Ciose-out sale. One beauty chair with shampoo tray, $50. Turban type electric hair dryer with shampoo tray, $50, 1 large floor fan $75. 1 va.rity with wall mir ror and chrome leather chair $25. 1 electric permanent wave ma chine $75. Sale all or separate: like new Apply West Piano Co. Phone 3767, Danville, Va. 3 tf !NLA!D LfNG^EBM—Asphalt and rubber tile, plastic wall tile. Frje estimates on your needs. Penny Furniture Co. Dial 3077. J 16 tf OUNTA1N The bind that children and grown-ups want. We have a Ball Mat Pen for only 91.50; regular Pena at $r$5, and Sheaffer Pena Man 99.75 up. Come in fog yours today. Geo. Currin. Jeweler, College Bt. Dial 9599. 9 9 tf ThoreW Mo Priority on WELCOME SERVICE" — the hind you get When you bring yoke car to ua for servicing. A trial will ecnvinoe you. Welcome Service Station. J 9 tf RMTR9SUTOR POR PANE BANKS-MORSE PUMPS AND EQUIPMENT — Puhtpa. Engines. Rammer Mill#, Cera Huakor SheUers, and other Farm Rtulp ntent. Bee ua for your needa. MONTAGUE'S HARDWARE. Hillsboro St. 9 9tf WASHING. OAEABfNO, WA^INU Will prolong the life of your ear and keep It looking like new. Alao have ua cheek your tireo at regu lar lntervala Gran villa Servtoe Station. Dial 9949. 9 9 tf WAMED WANTED—Your eiectric wiring And repair business Cat) William Cannady. Dial 2807. ^ JgjMM 2t M 22 26 WANTED—To contact parties terested in renting two nice downstairs apartments at 215 Forest Ave. John C. Wiiiiams. 3t M 22 26 29 WANTED AT ONCE—Settied white man between the ages of 20 and 40 to work at service station. Ex perienced man preferred, but not essential. Permanent. Wilson Tire Co.. L. L. Wilson. 4t M 19 22 26 29 EON MMT FOB RENT — 7 room house 128 Front St. F. L. Pittard, Clarks ville. Va. 2t M 22 26 pd FOR RENT—4-room unfurnished upstairs apartment. Mrs. W. R Frazier. 502 Hancock St. Phone 3314. 3t M 19 22 26 pd FOR RENT — 3-room furnished apartment with bath. Call Mrs. Frances Reynolds. 5538 or 5602. M 19 tf FOR RENT—Unfurnished upstairs apartment. 3 rooms, private bath, private entrance. Mrs. T. N. Bur well. 508 Broad St. Phone 3256. 3t M 12 15 19 22 pd * FOR RENT—Large upstairs unfur nlsheS apartment. 205 E. Front St. Phone 3728. Mrs. Ruth B. Robertson. Oxford. M 8 tf FOR RENT—Two attractive, roomy offices, centrally heated. Cooper building. Call Frank Hancock & Lions. 3138. N 4 tf FOR RENT — Chut Saadfag Ma chine. by day or night. PENMY FURNITURE CO Dial W!7. Hllls boro at- N SO tf FOR RENT—1-room house 1 mde east of Oxford otf paved Hunts boro Road. Convenient to work in Oxford. Water convenient. Wired. School bus. Rent reason able. See J. P. Hall at Hail's Drug Store. 2t M 19 22 FOR RENT—6-room country home 10 miles south of Oxford. Schooi bus. water, bath, lights. Rentai reasonable. See J. P. Hall at Hall's Drug Store. 2t M 19 22 FOR MM FOR SALE — Potato plants now ready. Come and get them. Good season. Have Portoricos and Nan cy Halls in abundance. For over 40 years my brother W. L. Peace tnow deceased) serve!, the people of this section with plants. A. W. Peace on Raleigh Read. 1 mile south of Court House. Oxford. Phone MM FRYERS FOR SALE—Cali Mra B L. Hightower. Durham Highway. Phone 5656. 4t M 19 22 26 29 52 R fNTERNATfONAL COMBINE —with motor, good condition. $515.00. Terms. Farm Tractor & Equipment Co.. Inc.. Henderson, N. C. 4t M 19 22 26 29 GUNEA^GGS for hatching. $1"" per setting. Mrs. A. N. Critcher at Ledger Office. M 5 If L!VE BRANCH MINNOWS for sale at my home on Coggeshali St. Biliy Steagali. Phone 4154. A 21 tf FOR SALE—Cletrac tractor, power hay baler, New Idea hay loader. This good equipment priced to sell. See F. E. Young, Mgr., Coon Creek Farm. M 13 tl FOR SALE — Registered polled Hereford cows, open and bred heifers. Also some fine bud calves, Domino and Mischief breeding. See F. E. Young, Mgr.. Coon Creek Farm. M 13 tf BALTIMORE MINNOWS for sale— at Ellington's Market on Cherry St. M13tf FOR SALE — Fishing Worms, the Red English hybrid type. Cal! Little Kelway Howard, 3279 or 37H. M 10 tf <_ FOR SALE—Fieri!um custom-made Venetian Blinds. Cali 3077 for free estimates. Penny Furniture Co., Hillsboro St. M 6 tf NEW ELECTRIC SEWING MA^ chines for sale. Nice mahogany cabinets. Penny Furniture Co.. Hillsboro St. F 6 tf -.-— FOR SALE—Dry Blocks and Wood, for heating and cooking. Call 6922. City Coal Yard. N 29 tf USED PIANO, Fischer Mahogany upright, new white keys, clean, nice finish, reconditioned, tuned, guaranteed 5 years, new bench to match, free delivery in 75 miles. Only $150.00, terms $10.00 down, balance $5.00 monthly. No tax, no interest, no carrying charge, write or phone collect 3797, West Piano Co., Danville, Va. A 2* tf ^*Tho!M'3M3 GE APPLIANCE SERVICE fectory-tretned MrYtcemm m*te O-K Ap * good mvMtmeat. Be certetn ol Mrrtcz—Celt FINCH ELECTRIC COMPANY a*nsn DULLES HOME FROM NATO TALKS - JOHN POSTER OUULES, Secretary of State, is greeted by Henn Bonnet (right), French Ambassador, at Nationai Airport. Washington, on Duiles' return from a meeting of the North Atiantic Treaty Organiza tion in Paris. The Secretary reported the meeting was "successful" and "realistic." After dhe sessions. DuMes toid French ofHciaia the Edwards Stresses Vatue of Reiief From Church Fo!k Reports Made at Annua! Meeting of CROP Com mittee Heid in Durham At the annua! meeting of the North Carohna CROP Committee (Christian Rurai Overseas Program) iast Thursday. Dan K Edwards. Durham attorney, praised the Mar sha!] P!an for its work even though it was impersonal and could no! be seen by the people. , Edwards declared - emphaticaby that "Food add clothing relief { does far more than any governmen- I tal agency can do. Gifts such as these by the churches and their people to other peoples touch them spiritually and mentally. Gifts com ing directly from the people on our farms is a warm, thoughtful thmg. This the peoples of Europe and the world can see and appreciate." He went on to say. "Not only does such giving relieve human suffering, bring them new courage, but it has given millions of them new hope and a new desire for freedom." Edwards commended CROP for its work in this fieid. In the lest five years CROP has distributed relief supplies in Europe, the Mid dle East and Asia valued at some fifteen million dollars Edwards, in speaking before the experiences as a former state legis lator and mayor of Durham and one time assistant Secretary of De fense and Deputy NATO Represen tative in Europe. "We cannot live alone. What has happened in Eu rope must happen over the entire worid." said Mr. Edwards. "We must see to it that friendship and the good neighbor idea are made available to all. The people ot the world can be reached by the Amer ican people if our personal gifts are made -when needed." L. Y. Balientine. commissioner rf agriculture and State CROP chair man. presided at the meeting. Rev. NOTICE Vance Morgan, Jr., having left my employ without just cause, this is to notify all persons that they are forbidden to hire or harbor him. Anyone doing so will be prosecut ed to the full extent of the law. This May 15, 1953. O. L. BOWLING, Jr., Stem. N. C. 2t M 19 22 pd . .. . H A. ** *MybUa