down the drain # htwh)! Mtra and oti MoMofomdo # nxMtim your present ear y down in roMio value # taieaiao the fun o( a hew Ford on your vacation # white Per tremendous sates tet gg yve the most tremendous ' trede-ins in our history # ee the one car that's buitt tee poopto... buitt for savings # white we're giving the tongest terms and the tongest dpats in town SAVE! * with Ford's tow prices —teweet of the best setting three* tp up to !55 a year on gas and oit '# e body hnish that never needs was # ep to on accessories POM) gee Youn FORD MALM ENOW - HESTER. A*g. 1!-Rev Geoffrey Knott of Wake Forest, was guest speaker at Hester Bap tist Church Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, Rcy. Paul O Mattox. Geoffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knott, is a Hester-boy and is married and has two chil dren. He is teaching school and ucation at Southeastern Seminary? Rev. and Mrs. Knott and chil dren were week - end guests of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Knott. The Sunbeams of Hester Baptist Qhprch gave the opening exercise for the aduit department Sunday ?choci Sunday morning, under the leadership of Mrs. Rudoiph Corbitt. Their exercise included songs, poems, stories and prayers. Ch* Meet. The Wainut Grove Home Dem onstration Club met in the As sembly Room Friday afternoon. Mrs. Thuri Hockaday. president, was in charge. Mrs. T. T. Hughes gave the devotional. The secretary, Mrs. Macy Watson, gave the report. Mrs. Nat Daniel. a guest, brought a rpRort of a recent meeting she at tended in Raleigh related to the Rome Demonsration work. Mrs. Parrott, assistant home agent, gave the demonstration on "Family Rooms ' She showed slides of var ious room arrangements in many designs and patterns.-Mrs. R. T. Oritcher ied in a lively contest with Mrs. Maurice Pruitt winning the prize. During the social period, Mrs. Diamonds am be had in any price ranee or qusMty. Regardless of price we guarantee the qpatity. Any sire stone. "Gifts For AM Occasions" Guaranteed Quality GEORGE CURMN, Jewekr CoMege Ht. ; Boadie Qurrin and Mrs- Rayn^md Adeeck served ice cream pie and. Cokes to about 25 members. Mrs. Waiter Hunt apd Mrs May nard Oentry spent severgi days this week with My. and Mrs. Buck Ad cock and chiidten at Loris, S. C . where Mr. Adcock is on the tobac co market. Mrs. Adcock is the daughter of Mrs. Hunt, and Mr. Adcock is a nephew of Mrs. Qeptry. Aiiie EHington. Henry Adcock and Steve Adcock of Hester Church eft Monday morning far RA camp at Fruitiand. They were accom panied by ciiftan Adcock, father af Henry. Biiiie Adcock wiii go up for the boys on Saturday. Percy Patterson of Oxferd. Miss., arrived Sunday night for a visit with his parents, &4r and Mrs. z, v. Patterson, and to accompany home his chMdren. Jimmy apd Bobby, who have been spending the summer with their grandparents and aunts and uncies They ieft fpr home today. Y Mr. and Mrs. Oariyie Morris and daughter. Pet. are spending this week cn a sight - seeing trip in Fiorida. Mr and Mrs. Marshaii Patterson and chiidyen of Creed moor, viewed the Z. V. Pattersons Sunday and they at) went fpr a boat ride on the Kgrr Lake in the afternoon. Joyce Pruitt, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs- Austin Pruitt, is dmRg nicety after undergoing an appen dectomy in Gran vide Hospital Ciifton Stem is doing tine after having suffered an injury to his nose iast week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Logan of Rich mond. Va., and Miss Roberta Gresham of Auttagaviiie, Aia., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Logan Wednesday. Mrs. Effie Adcock continues to improve at her home^ Mrs. Pat Flanagan and children of Fuquay, visited her father, Ben nie Currin, and the M. H. Currins Thursday. Mrs. Flanagan was ac companied home by Bettie Currin who spent a few days with the Flanagans. Mrs. M. H. Currin, Jane and Marshall, went down for a short visit Sunday, to bring Bet tie home. Roland Frazier has returned td his home at Virgiiina. and is get ting on fine. He underwent surgery at Granviiie Hospital several days ago, and after leaving the hospital, he, with Mrs. Frazier, spent a few days in the home of their daughter. Mrs. Taiton Hughes, Jr., and Mr. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Baines and children visited their * Sr- ' -IT'-I LADAS' Ladies' Dresses Now 1-2 Price Ladies' Cotton Stips Shadow Pane! Now 1.00 Ladies' Fat! Shoes Values to 9 00 Now 1.49 1 Group Girts? Dresses Sizes 4 up to 12 _Now 100 AM Bermudas and Btouses to Match Now 1-2 Price Skirts 1-2 Price Slim Jims 1-2 Price . Canvas Shoes Were 3.98 Now 1.49 Ladies' Belts Now 1.99 Valuesto2.50 MEN'S Men's Press Caps Were $1.98 Mow 79c Men's Socks Now 50c Were $1.00 Boys Pungarees Were $1.98 ^OW 99c Dress Pants Now 2.49 Values to 10.98 Straw Hats Now 29c Values to 79c Neckties Now 50c Bathing Suits w."49s Now 1.79 Boy.' Sport Shirts ""°L9S Nov 79c 9 Boys' Suits S6.S9M Now 4 49 Men's Putter Fonts Now 1.49 Canvas Shoes 199 *3t PWAMMWA1 Ww /row