TI-J lT IT TJ VtT D DD T C 17 j et; and then harmony and stable overn- 1JL1JU U11 1 1111 1UJL. JT U. W KILTER. The .Taxi. .. i:y NoiEcnof '-Peterson's firccni-o Female College, L nicnt and hnppincs and prosperity will Magazine," is just received, ahead, as ENSBOIW. v I come as a natural and certain conse- usual, of all others. "As Good as a jje 'Spri-,-, Gf i7-" will commence i quence. and they will not come till thnt Mother " tlje. principal steel-prate, is one V on feet ioncritfs, and Groceries, N. G. PERKINS, 'EAR THE DRUG STORE, will keep, constantly on hand a large supply ol . on ",fav. 13H1 ---------- - Xi fi-fJ " . u vnrv mtmiri'j l nu.ra- i "l mnsfaiit v on hand, a larce supui oi , , . . - r -r -- --- .... . . . . -r , - . i " ' . . i ' .- - - . . - . . ... . , iHfa , j . a m m . i w ! cia-v shall happen, lhe best thin- that o rare bcautv. ".ven tnto I'caui i lt. ...,rtnni; lv iteircl. f-h Pi, ( skes. ( andies. rruits, ax. aw: II J n-. iVI A 1 V P. J UVJ VV JJM 1 1 es(. harer ser-non oi zirei, Niigar, tonee. riour, uwu. jo wi. , fwah:nr ai.fct- not included) Tuition in Ac. SATURDAY. JAN. 2. 18.5. . i : . ... the President can do Ls to withdraw the an unusually powerful story, by Irank A harpy and prosperous New Year. tr0oPs- ' the people alone, not interfere Lee Benedict, illustrated by another first- 1. t to sustain : those who are fomenting and class steel engraving. The double-size, PC or. rWdrn -pent the h-dlJavs In ,stablW,i"? dcort, practicing misrule, colored steel fashion, plate, and the Ber- jinu setting up i:surauons there. Let un paucm. uie laucr pnniuu. in le.- h he law take its cours-, and then we shail ors, are ah, no worth the price of the num- i ' - 'V. .. rr.ri r-r.rf-rv, r. ., c-i-Vi -it !w'r I.-: 1 iv;(lr t!-si- thf-re are no out ' ' ' . i .'in witviuiti. - . 1 .- I' i. I ; . v . - , . - . . ' -. - - - - XVayre counrr. Gold in. i ork last A edi.esd.ty was , . , t , . ... will prito less J 'Md tinhapp'lyin tne last six or twelve forty wood engravings, with music, stones, umn,. ' , ii T i . .1.-1 For catal4pply to the rreHueai. x.cv. fiLTl DUUHlillj; Uliu omya, T. M. Junt4 l). RFIDSriLLE. N. C. I. p. WILSO.V JTySt. (Vc l!-2n I iioara ot lru'a- . t Dlack Aljcas at 23, PA '31, 10.,4r, ."4 C2, f All wool Diagonal Serges, in leading anadca. MISS E. SCALES, Principal. The Session open'? the 1st of November anU .... U f i i i r "ur" 11 t' in .nths in certain localities. We' are satisfied Senator Mrri'.'n The I.cgishoire rnts again the 3rd formu!,ltetl thc sentiment of the Mrnday in ibi month. Th present fn- ;c,;unt:y. viit!i tmequivocal intent it dicatiana arc i!. it the Cmventi- n bill will pfll.e its co-de?,naiion of the starcham he passed at c . :e. After ma'.ure deh!- ber and Uie Ustiie the fclectlons of ,,st f ration we can truthfully ny that we are bctober and November. Still, the Sen glad of it. We have never had any ator deserves thanks for mcvLinit this ex fondness for the present Constitution ' pliclt deni-IRl t.ouched in earnest but rr whie i was forced upon us by Canby's nectful lan'U!afre bavonr;'-;. . , t "-'!" " THE AMNESTY ACT PASSEI P.Y SENATOR MKHHIMON ON JTHK WS THE PRESENT GENKHAL ASS KM TRICT OP COLI'MI'.IA BIIJ,. PLY. On Last Wednesday Senator 31 en innn, We publish belo-.v the Arr.nesty Lill of North Carolina, made finite a strong PWOfl V t!,c pre.ent General Assem- spr-rch on the bill providing a new gov ernment for the District of Columbia. novelets, poetry, c. This Magazine IIOOI- i. l'iiRF('V. .MARTIN Mrs. . ... . . . ... "I. : f.. m Piano ana l.uitar to a onus uie i.m ."vv m .ud . pupils Scs.-8'ii wilLiaence Mowlay 4t'u day of claims to fjp both the cheapest auji. rn f I . Ktrlirt0(PS. Rcv. R. Bur OTIC E The terms are but two dollars a year to wt.u a,i proflumaji. of Peace Institute. vinrrlf. enlitfrlhors nrivffrf free, witll KaJeigil, - . V- , - , w,.;,i.v;1!p. 1 great reductions to clubs, "nl fijfr'j lr -mi vms iitc'.i.uUiig an ex'.ra copy of In" Mtt'inzhie, to jif-rso;is netting t'j i-li'Kri. Specimens are sent gratb, if written for, to persons wishing to get up clubs. Wc advise nonn to subscribe far any nia-uzhie until they have seen a copy Peier.on." Address Ciuni.tis J. J. M. llAKiaJ of Kei-lsvilld J. BI. C. J. Mathews. of Ilcnry CV... Ya. RBIS & CO., DE A LKRS ii iple and Fancy Dry Gocxls. have a rc 1 Notious, 3lLry Goods, llata. Boots. , To All Wtiom it may Concern, j Some crop-eared. lxbail. snek-egpr, mangy lice', in disguise of humanity, has circulated a j reiort that we did not intend taking the Iaf Tobacco wc have bought, which we pronoimce . a malicious fabhood. We intend, guntk-men, to take all we have bought and intend, le sides, to prosecute tlie author of the falsehood if we can assertain who he is. Get your To bacco ready and we will comply with all we $1.00, P.lack Silks at $1.0o, 1.2.. 2 0 2 :0 and 3'00. Full line Diagonal Mohairs, all colors, at ::) cents. Full line Empress cloths, all wool, a prime , article, at 50 cents. Colored Alpacas in great variety and popu lar prices Trench Morinos ha new shades, very cheap. Australian Creps Bombajdnei. Tamiae Clodis. Silks Pophns, Tycoon, R5. and all th lcadmg styles and fabrics, in drees g ood AT VERY nOW PRICES. to. K. 1). HAY. oi 1irs. ;roccrie,ciiwniware, and in fact a comnleteaKsorrntnfeverrthine. Our prices PhT!r-'.v. S'JG Chestnut Street, i'hila- r-:arranteed & cfc as the cheapest for cash. t.. Come and sw? an, ronriaceo. y' U.K. WEliSTER.i Madison, X. C Dec. ?. 171. RE MO VAL. An e.iciiange gts off tlie following on delinouent subscribers: Iookinir over X Jtice. Bed Pdankcts from $3 to $1." per pair. Fud 10J heavy Ued blankets at f a pair best in the market. Colored Blankets from $175to$GOO pair Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrain, 3-pry, Hemp ami Cotton CTxain Carpets, at low price. Kugs. Gil Cloths, and Stair Carpeta in graat variety. All the leading branda f H. D. GUKRRANT & CO. HI AVE RFAI'VEI) to the .store hoiuse on nion street, (near comer of Main), for- iblyV Proceed, That this act shall not be Invol. ed in the discussion of the bill construed to extend to any person who is now under sentence of punishmetit before tlie Senate was the question of made in pursuance of law by any Court negro Suffrage in the South. Instancing : of competent jurisdicti n ; and, those States where Conservative govern ment had been restored, he said : T l .11 I .11 !., .-ol-. in frrnt an old ledcer we see a longfarray of i snau proc; aeu iu. merly occupied by Walters i Pro., where c r- t ! u OI me ioun. nutaoor, on tuc , sojI0it M from tiieir lnends and the names of former subscribers who are m- D .vy5NXjArY. pmic. They-have on .hwul a full asaortment , debtee! to us Sofne of them have moved ,f., ..,;,, :n - trsct of away and are lost to tight, although to memory dear. Others are carrying the Bleached aicf Uubhuche'l Cotirns, S.'iirtimjs, Tkkiugs, fc A T G P E.VTLY- K K I t." C ED P K I C E S . of land the'propXof G. W. D. Irvin GROCERIES AND STAPLE GOODS Nottingham Laces for curtains at 23 ctnU i Rugle Laces. Crimp, situated in the cou of Rockingham, i hU 11 Ll'Elte; FLOU K, ..a"d T T , A1 . Hall Fringes, in new cor.tribu'ion boxes in our most respecta- ad oiniiicr the lands d . , . , . . known as the "Alcod in hmron Ivmt fhv rtv lie mvr tli i Prmu.M further TW tbi - -h-iii - J 325 Acres, more or f .f.. 1 -f,,i i. s"10-' ex. lssu son not a member of some one of the uwa a ii i tubab nil v uvui i v wuw 1 . . - several organizations, associations, socie- i 1 j u 1 r. u f,- ,,rt- ti, v.-vr,-f i,.,f. l & ' c h'Sil troupe was slapped bv an mci .,.-ch ,--;,u; -r,,, UCS r tiscmbhes lnsec- lof Richmond iournatist the other day. :.;..,.vi yvx. .r' W- 181 fsaid act f 18'2' lr-ton hnl rfWd the nh.ht nrevious llUILiatAC. It HUl HjLl LUUU Ul 1 An act to amend Chapter 181, Public Rockingham county Carleton, the baritone of the Kel- Boyd inant 'ar- to Jno. N. Irvin, Jas. . p .,,v r i 11." Hall. James Al. i'm and others, and ' r'nvpvp TV I racC containing I ... , ., to satisfy atrn. , i At 'ON, LAKD, &c , Ac. ed from tbr-h-erior Court of Prices as low as the market affords. favor of A. J. II. D. GELtKAsT & CO., j Nov, 14-ly2 Danville, Ya. T. W. PA TKU: -'; -S, Shjf. Pec.iSd. Iii74. ; t!w white man? It was intolerable. Thc j , f , r . ' -t4 acknowledge an encore, and the Lnqvir- conveniion that assembled under Uie au- j j ' t'"Vt C., ,t iT commented severely on the disrespect for amnestv and nrrlnn liitti p v . .... . r . : i -:.. I i J ' ' shown n Kp lmann aiidienri whfreiinnn f.' l l . j F ieai, cnapier 4, section . Sec. 1. The General Assembly do en-! t. on s:fnt 'kc, That full and complete amnesty and i , the operatic singer insulted the" writter E. J.' PARISH, pkopeIetop. FARMERS' WAMHOliSE, Encourage Home Mechanics ! W. Crieatts, Nottingham Iu:e Curtair-s from to 10 per set. " Curtain Damask and Reps. Hamburg Edgings, Leather and Silk Belts. Ladies" Scarfs, largest stock ever exhibited here. s, Fringea. ahades. Gros-grain Kibbotn, all ahadca. iLarge stock of Fancy, Plain and !trip4 , . -Shawls, at $2 and up. Balmoral anil Boulevard Skirta. Indies'. Mises. and Children II aatMy (dove. Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac. A ery many of these goods were purchased by Mr. Fkiuiexi, in New York . I during the past week, at prices very much lower than thc same goods wera baugat m the earlier part ot the season. In the stock may be found mar.v XOVELTfES, to which we invite attntim rOULD respectfully inform thc public spices of congressional reconstruction un dertook to Increase our debt millions. ' The first Legislature that was elected un- 1L, UCf' t iilC I null LIIU Wll ITU CiVf. 1- UJ I" 1 -II in' , .... . , Pardon is hereby given to any and all j A jativ in Terre Haute. Ind.. has a ueriuoK. to increase n ocr ciu,oou,ouo. , . , i - " . . nm - Those bonds were put upon the markets ' md?T he de" solitaire diamond finger ring which has DURHAEVi, N. C, of the country, and of that vast sum less i , dctlatl0s of and em- been in her familyfor 150 year!i. she be- FOR,StA LlSOF LEAF TOE AC lln wnt intn thft nnhlle wnrks i W J' .d all the . ing tLe seventh representatives of the TT AS SOLD VIORE FINE TOP ACf'G. of the State. This was mainly the hand-or asOC'a;iollf ad family upon whose finger it has glowed , - - j societies mentioned in section 1, chapter -rfi cbttorpd iwovk of poLtical adventurers from theiv, , f. ,-. , ,- i ' ... ... , . HtJl, laws of 1K 2 and 183, B.trlo c North. Such things as that were the j T; , , . , - r - ' , , . . , r . , Revisal, chapter 4, section 0, for all crimes, ft OTIC'!. IS HEREBY GIVX cause oi poUUcal and protracted disturb-1 qJ offenctgs.against or in vioUti(m of tUt my so:, .)AMKS w. Landers, has left ar.ee in the South. Wherever the white h Laws of Vorth Carolina exccDt th- my hT TIthout ?y-conse,!t-. 1 frbid any neople liavc been let alone, wherever the i ; " 1 ' "CCpU i KTSon 'nrhonng, unng or g,vmg employment 1 crime of. rape. oi any kind to said boy or paying him any black people nave been let alone, there j Prn.:'l4r1 Th. , -ni-ct OM,i Jnvmey. I also forbid the marrying or issuing that he is making I IV "1 UltTVI TURE, I HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IX THE STATS, Saddles, HarnQss. Bridles, &c, of the very lest material! that can be procured . and at the" most reasonable prices. o North- ' and can. and wii.l. sell for less than you can buy either in Richmond or Baltimora i ern work kept. Home work is the best and Prime Good Stead. 3..Vd ; S id Wahfut Steads, $10.00 and up. cheapest. All work wan anted. . , The Retail Trade will find in Staple a:d Fancy Dry Goods. Notions, HaU, Roots, Shoes. Cr ckerv. Groceries. Csirietiigs, Oil Cloths, Tr T. LEWIS, pi?tus, t hi v loths, 1 runks. cc, tha ssct assortment in the State which we propose th sell at Tim sm roaaiBLB IP- JtlfltWHi:.- V,;u V: Vvicr Fashionable TailOr, ! pon the cost of Goods in first Jiands: than any' other Tarehouse in the State. ..,,,.,.,,,, v j 1 respectlully solicit an examination ol my pek be. ore purchasing Uwkra. '1J ..71 11 j II 111. 1 11.- 11 1JUILIJ CH...V.1.." . - - j Kefereticps Promptness and Prices. , r s; n rcfrilar receipt of the Fashions, and j i' - - j X guarantees all work done by him to give i TSv"rTir"frr A G" ! satisfaction. He has in his employ good hands ; JJ?j JJBlllAiVfi- All work done promptly. l'p-tairs over i Craf'ton A- Co's Store. RICHARD L. HICKS0N, Main Street, DariTille, Tt. : nMf.M, annr Birmnnv k tno : . - r , oi inamage license to saui oov uiuer the pen 13 rv V - don herein rrranted shall nnt Prtonrl fn .iltv of hiw I. 1) 1. A Villus . niy btate as witness me taie oi cicor- aswsthe State of Tennessee J: of vas, witnesil Tcas. - Wherever you find , -3.. or . t f. 1 - t any person included within the last provi-1 " 'ardware! ! Uiut th two rac AND M-d-. y- c ; For tlie Sale of LEAF TOBACCO, . er 181. laws of: VAU'AIILKIU FOR SALK. ; BY ! w ' Mv forward rHnitWm. ' T)Y Yirtue of a Mortgage made to me bv ' pp mc r at a t Tv V. Ti . HHIIF. imdery?'-od are nrcnared to do anv ere nVe dis'urbances beK.een the n; . , , ,0 .. - ... ! JL Joel Sweezey, on the 1 1th day of (ktobif, ' k X 'Vork in titi-ir line at short notwe. and in a vC" AVCtea1-' cnaPier secuon y, relating to , is.72 and terminated 1st of January, 17.1, I rpHIS HOUSE has sold more Tobacco, for ! WOrkmaalikc stvle. Give us a call at FAling- u1"1 j embezzlers and mLsanDronrators of mon- 'win proceed to sell on, the pr. l 1 1 tnulicralcinmiie at that, and eys d bonds . . v - 1 -. - .rifl hvanvhnti. . . , I rp .lie X letter prices m the past three years, than , ton-s 0i,i siA1A. anotion, for cash, on Saturday 30th January, anv house in the State of North Carolina, and ' . . . - .., .1 1 , , ...... , ' . v 1 1 1111 I ' 1 1 ' 1 . v. 1 J v v ' -" I uvconmct wan una act are nercoy re- , adjommg the landg of R. D. Harris, Wm. , They would advise all persons shipping Tobac- uutler n 1 ctlicrs. I co to them to be careful to mark each pack- J. M. HARRIS. Com. ' age witli the name of tlie owner, or some . . , 1 1 . . ..1. . .,1 . . . 1 ,,. i.a black man, it would be condemned by ! nd its r-tification. 1, Wftlllllin?i S.tlill : designated, as great confus.on al.d delay aften l.iin if he were honest and just. What; Tn ron., a.--,ui- ranA tur SU UUll0U 55 "11001. i occurs-because they cannot, tell who the Ti,-u..f,i, . In General Assembly read three , r-,IE SEWND SESSION will open, in the packages belong to unless they have some 1 tiaiv. ixuu lli-ll will wFll r.l r,AH Cfl, rlr. I I rf nn )m, Cri ! 7.1,:....:' .1 W.U.. .V.;,. n.i;i UULl.il H11U I UbWlVU Wll Ultl UtIJ Ul 1'LXlIir I " v.lv i it .-,.vivll J. l.wu , Vll JIJ Ml 111,11 IV . 1 1 IIC 1 lv:i I I.' II .IIJJ' liuu Ii you fan to hear lrom tnem promptly write GILLIAM & JONES. noniiern man or a Muurru man, wueui- ,i,i et he is a white man or whether he is a j - T. .,f c. r,T1 J. L. Robisson, to mere political adventurers agitators. , Qr 174 betlitious men not those wfio have gone j , uie ouw w cas. ineir loraines uu , Speaker of House of Rep. the southern people. These latter are ! R Y Armfiei d welcome there, and the regret is that President of Senate, more have not gone. 1 , m deferring to the passing away of the i CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION j evd influences that have .surrounded the j negro -Senator Merrlmon remarked : I ,al 10 Uie Advertiser says the Longres-1 Tapt. Thos. L. Vail and Mr. S. P. Smith in . , . r , n ,-.sional committee reached Opeka Mon- V. hercver then- baleful influences ha e , . , ,, rn i dav, and has been in session since then j,is.-u unu, iiicie jovi jjvawv;, iiai - ; tIoiiIiiy, l ltli J(anaarr, , TERMS : Ten Dollars per session of Twen- : j ty weeks half at the expiration of ten weeks or - -- apiTriAr : the remiinder at end of session. RL1PS ILLE HlOrll SLliOOL, As ;m educator of thc youth of both sexes she presents to tlie citizens of Reidsville and Tin. hi ki.no bixsio w ilj. co.m.Mi,.nc l c.n vicinity the guarantee of a long experience in TSOBllla V, Jar,!arV 4ltl, 187.1. thc envoi Oiarlottc, N. C. and for testimon ials as to her success there, would refer to a The course of instruction is thorough, com- I A. J. POYD. J. W. PvEID. I POYD Sc HE ID. i Attorneys at Law, j ocd Soli iIo-N in ISnnkriiptcj, WF.NTWOPvTlI. N. C. , Will' practice in the Courts of Rockingham. I fhiilfoid. Stokes and Daviilson, and in the Federal Courts. ! Collections made in all parts of the Stat?. VOI J QUACKS A gentleman who has suttemi frm NERVOUS DEBILITY, weakness. Jfcc.. J. E. SCHOOLFIELD & CO., HAVE JL'ST RECEIVED A XI) ARE SOW UECF.IV1KO. vv of her patrons, as follows : Gen. John A. prising all the branches to prepare young men &c. the result of imprudent habits contracted oung, L'ol. Wm. Myers, Major O. Dowd, : l'r commercial life, or for entering the junior in youth, and who took medicine for month.i on. K. V. Me Aden, Capt. John Wilkes, class in college. The moral and physical hah- without obtaining a cure, has sir.ee cured him- Jan "J. s7 . ImS Roclcingluuii County Justices Court. can le received at any time "I Til a lin Vjrat;. uaftrIr rf fi tl w ci its of stuuents are cultivated equally with their : self permanently bv vei v simple sanitary I -"-" 3-5-0--. iwvm . m. aaui a MB u mental development. ; rules, and an outward appliance worn with ! i'npils should enter at the beginning, but ' the utmost secrecy, and so satilied is lie that . by the same means every can be enro l, that mony and prosperity, and a spirit of attnac Vcc- 1 ne nm aay examina. Jones Henton friendly tolerance. In my State their 1 tlon was entirely of Republicans as to al- Agiunt , reign, thank God, is ovei vou witness as a TTUHMENT. . . --,1 ..-1,-t ,1,. e ed violations of the enforcement act. i V" 1 , and what Uo . : Jonathan Alcorn. J consequence .' 1 tie Mate . , . One hundred and ninctv-nine doll -rs " . .1,..,. ,,.... r. 1,, . r-f u--,,w : vauev aiiair. mer.tionea in iiavs nawiev s , . , , ... is slowly leciipeiatiiig, perlcct harmony! - and twenty cenU due bv account. War- hrtwocn the races, stable laws honestly lctt('r- "P-. negro whose mcer.- runt returnable before P. A. Holderbv. und faithfuUy ad.ninWteraJ. and a suf- talk caused the disturbance was be- Lsq., a justice of the peace for Kocing- fcring and iuipovcrialittl people trying to forc the commktc. To-diy several Dem . ham county, at Kufhn. m said county on ,nnrrM;.r-nt. tfc.-,r' .SnV oc,ts were examined. The committee the 1st day 01 lenruary, lSVo. when and make arrangements to pay their public : where the defendant is required to an- Cio to thc State of Georgia and ; - ' : near and answer the comnlamt. 4 " v VLZ.AVY . - debt vou witness the same thine:. 0o to the State of Tennessee and you witness thf . same thing. Wherever Uiose inQucnces A MCPPKn MYSTERY IN CINCINNATI. JAMES BENTON. Dated this Dec 23d 1874. 4t8 'IT t a rriV" n i.. T, .. r... .in T - 11 ,1 - IE mr mem Jt.-r -l?!-- .- are withdrawn there you see harmony and ' "N S.u.. i-pc. ::-.-in uatnDic aiipy, f ! i3Un.3 returning prosperity and growing friend- at the back of Central avenue, about 10 (RVt'FSSORS TO TALHOTT Jc PROS.) ship between the two races; and I give 'clock last ni?h. Mar' Lce- a colored" SHOCKOE mv Hepubliean friends fair noLice now eighteen years old. was murdered by ' mtVTrr. xhl the ne-rr vote, in my judgment, will sonle onc ilt Present unknow She was; MACHINE WORKS employed m thediousj ot Mrs. urant, a . ' RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, MANTI ACTVRERS OF Portable. Strictly Portable, and. Stationer Steam Engines colored woman, and had started out alon?, saying she was g-Ving to a drug store and would return in a few minutes. She had been gone -be ut twenty minutes when Mrs. Grant heard frantic knocks on thc door, and on opening in found Mary leaning against the door, with her thro.it cut from ear to ear. CIVIL niC.UTS AGITATION. With either Cylinder. Fine or Tuhula Boilers. Civular aw Mills. Crist, Sumac, Park and Planter Mills. Sliaftings, Hangers and Pulky finpiivr. 'Ii. 90 TK -l,., , V,ovvoli 9 latent improved turbine N ater i l.tvi. 1IU1.1UIK I . '.ever le jriven solidly ag-un. Ho-.v nat unil it was fr the negro to support the Republican party at first, because they understood that that party by one meat s or another and for one purpov or anoth er had gi en them freedom ! ' ' What I ask, sir, is hat thc Southern people ask. is that these untoward inthi mces shnll be withdrawn : let the. wlntr people of the South alone ; let them go .., t . t ' . " i . . . , . . ' 1 v - . . . .Millie i II.WC, MtKA un iu u.c puisuu ui men uuc um-icMi . ci izcus 01 uoerun, Uhio, held a meeting of Tobacco fixtures. Wrought Iron work and buppincss. and they may become this morn.nsr and adopted resolutions pro- i5ra nl Iron cau , . r 1 eerv description. p.rosperouv and you wnl hear ol no more testing against tlie passage of the civil disturbances and ri..ts in M issksippi. or r'ghts bill as reported by the judiciary JJ "WlVSH Arkansas, or Louisiana, or 'Alabama, or committee of the House of ' Reprentajves, rrD SI' 7 FY C ' anywhere else. Whenever the uegro. as aa legislation ad.nlttin" un ' '. ' IELE, A. t . -was contemplated by the amendments to jnst discrimination toward any chtss of 0 his ict"s t0 tbc Imblic a first" thc Constitution, .hall exercise the right citizens; praying Congress to pass the p" H , Wn r,--. i-l suflragv acconling tothne provisions Senate su'ppleaiciitary civil rights bill, luul iUlu" " 1 &uu of the Constitution aed according to law, which passe d the Senate last session, or i T Ti b-rn?i:io1- Maj. Moreljea-l. of -,, , -. .. ' 1 lxahvule ; , . 1 . hutherhn. of Damillc, and you will hear no more of. trouble, hen- (.ie equally comprehensive. j A. G. l)abn?y. of Lynchburg.- Ya. ever thai is done the negro question is - m j S3rPlans "and Ihawings for Mills will le settled and Uie conflict of races Ls over. A McLeod county, Minn., man was I ftV.ter Powers will be ' The white race and the black race a lined $12 50 thc other day' for flogging j accurately measured. common interest. Too many of their in- his grown daughter. V t'npreeBdaitcd imliicements olTered to par- . tn-s wlio desire to purchase Mate or Ccuntj terests are common ; they are too much rv a m5take n prcof-readin thel Ki-hte of In-V oeh-brated iiUerestcd hi each other to bring on a Chicago Tribune made Harvard Ut5ver-: Cctton aad Ccrn Cultivator, cohtict. What they want and need b to sjty A benenciarv of the Frewlman's wit1' two muJes anJ one,man will do as , he let alone. Thev nant peee and qui- W. ' 'S. sir muIes b i n .. i i- .ii . r.. . it TEItMS-rEBSi7iI0XOFTVENTYWI-IFJ.SneW1 pamcuiar., ire. u an uiai ! arr atlected. Primary Dcpartmenfc $10.00 Addrris -10IIN LAMP. Pox 33ST. Xew ' Se-ond Crammer, 15.fH) j Eork. i-'irst Oramniar 20.00 ' High Sc'hool, '."). (M ' Commercial. 20.00 ' Board i' to per month. Tlie above rates -due quarterly in advance, j1 tor lurUier m.'omiation apply to Prof T. J. NORCOM, A. M. Principal. Selling Hundred., per Week. hclipse Stationary Package. IACH package contains BO sheets writing -i paper. I O envelops. I lead pencil . 1 pen-hoiiL-r. t. pens and 8 gilt of LADIKS'or titXTS. !' vvli-y. Hemcmber, all the above articles in an ele gant package sent, post-paid, for only .. " onK The prize of Jeweiry is often worth i more than thc price of the whle package. Don't let this pass -ou, try o.u. package, and I vou will never buy Stativ' arv ni-y oilier way. ! W are bound to !!fliU,l'.".a. i-;iges lie-lore i ls7.". Send fur a Suip!e p:A. it will be J the most goodii vou eve bougi.t ! ' li; money ey. Afkk-ss" ! w. ii. n;i:nr. 'I..i .vr;et, ItriMot.im ii 1 si ii v i 1 1 o j V. TU- rZ' "iyZ 'v VA v 'J k ' W. M. HOUSTON & CO., WHOLESAT.K AND RKTAII, CxROOERS and Provision MercJiauts, 'g'heexsburo, n. c. T?XTENSIYE I)EAI.EPS in Paeon. Hms. resses. and all other kind XLiUrd. Sncar. Coffee. Molasses. Sih. SkLi. k. S-ian. Snulf. t'andv I &tf- PTrmi Pr.r npr5 anl maehinery of Hag. Agents for u"'alo Scales Co. :im2 7S i which ihpy'will sell at rt-duc il iri, , eudiraciii" -I PSIADK'S AND EU KLL S 1IGKS, .. '" G1IAIN AND GPASS ULADK.S, GPANl'S -GKNTIM. GliAlN CllADLLS, Smiths, vSliovols, Sihil-s. Turks, K ikes. e , ill TS, Sl'OKKS, L'IMS, Till M BLKs, SKEINS, AXLK8, li. liows. Anv;U Vi-.-, Si-rovv JM.itcw. llamns'Tfl, Jw LI i IITNING CIIOSSCLT SAW.-. !.;.-:., and .,th. r Hand Swa iog-r PI ines, lliitcli' ts, Wn.dcw Gl.i- md Putty. ' LOCKS in gicat varielv, 1'h.t. d I . n 1 V LS au.l FOPKS. SPOON SCISSOKf i!A..';iN(; plow i:u baskets. COOKING STOVES a Specialty. Also a large stock of IRON awl MAILS always on hand. Buyers will find they will save money by examining our stock beiore purchasing aUawhwa. ' tSrWE CASS0T BE I A" D E RS OLD. . J. K. SCIIOOLFIELI) CO, Mai.n S-ueet, Danvtixb, Ta. ivotice, nMCKIEY & SUISILIET'.r, Wholesale and Retail Dealers tn SOME 1 HINd AEW J. M . TESII, Watch-Maker, IF 0V WANT CHEAP DRY" GOODS go to J. B. PKltlSIl & D?w0. to get them. IF ym want chrap P'.nU and ?noe, go to 5e J H Parnh and I'ro.. bef-.r you buy tliera. " , ; IF yea want cheap fl and Caps tr th-m ot J B i-AltRISH and DRO. J.r'?.J.?S HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, own pr:ce. , 7 If vou are wisp and cor,ult your wn it-li SASil, PLINDS, Act;., :? interest, yoa will Nai.o. Hollow Y"are, Hnhs Spk' Pein Wheel Matiocki, Hoet, CkaiaJ, Always Go there first when iekf, circulars saw., Ue.nog, nope, guh. Vn,i onma tn PoirlcTnllfl " Eijjhteao yar in thc tra . m Danville, enables us to supply such goei$ u tk JL0J1 -country reqnircv We aim to U good !go..ds and guaraotea pricea aa Uw aa hny other boose. 1 AND Merchant Mill. I II AVE completed my new Mft Merchant Mill, situated 2 milesAT' 31. 3IOO PEIDSYILLE, n east of Sandy Kl. All of tefemn TFUTT TI? Tna.-hinen is entirely new ; there-r tjt iW-n. . -nfM1!ire,rto make letter Flottr and T T S fin l,n.l . .-..I XJL nrvmr.M to make iener r lour mi ..tt.r hni .,nti titan anv ot?K-r mill in -this ' (vinnin- I minraiitec sauctkin to all pvr- ; sons natronizinir rav mill. 1 have a hew "Eu- "rm i ,. , .-"-"I . , , r . DJ'llimiTI11l- a spiendul . assortment 01 reka'smut machiue. the i.x urana oi mlilii .jj- fff J ' t : . ... a ii rrriTi4 vrinnt? ' u.rrACTvar.a t jIai-E l Mattresses, Crockery, Jnvrir, d ri Sp-tod- : rtt , k Q 6,, tali.ft.ii FU., Mima CtL fW 4 T1. OU on reasonable terms. Give me a d. faction. N. MAU1I, t iiiBtiermin aipanani. -" Oct. lMn 1971. San.lr FVle?-. N. C. Sept. 10th. 1S74. . ' amOpps.tMaM JUll- r t- i

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