f:a!lihct) in 1853. Y . 3 : i niPniiTrns: HIPOKTEHS. T.'IIOLCSALE OLOCE&S f.) tRCIlAX'S. Cor l'j'ii and Cary rts. Fu-hmond V;i, a, .S'.i'eial attention t- Flour, Ua.oi and b.-ai 'lbvc-). r-dl ttocK of , .-..--.. v . bltUULUlr Al' YS ON HANI) r.-.port.r;. I the- U-t .rii.! of A-nU Jr OkaIUU '-uno t o ; An other rem.es mist not ,je k j IUzz.ro IW.MI o.. and i w,; the ci,Hl and fever fit is or,: hut the' VlM.UorSW 1 ACTQKl. ; "llamy" Ja!l r 6 ,W ; Y3 A n Cf3-f T n; 1? A D M "I ih'-fil " irUMy OTl aj t:t umolh-r iim. ! M K HK A A nil! 1 J akc'" 0:ic'- a Junn the season of chill. : .m, yj H M SMITH & CO o t 3 11 a i M S t r t c c I f?i('hsuoail, Va ?-iauufacti!ern ot the IJibL and Moo! rj.irovi'l. ,v'traw Cut tt-rs, Well rixtUres. Corn Mills,. Wheat Drills. Uud iinph'iiieiits gtn rally inviituis of Smith 3 MutMti, IToume I'owkr the bfst in th M-fii.l .Sol- Agents"'" fur- the sale ol ;ti.rr."s Thke.-uzk.- Ci.eanex aiil IUuoeu. Also Manufacturers of to Lace factory fixtui t ts of all Urnd. v'atalogue's and disci itivc circu lars sent to anv address. II ." M. SMITH & CO. !Hanufictu.ern, P, 0. 15'ox S, Kiolmfond, Ya MEDICINES Ac, Puredl Ladd & Co WHOLES LK DltLTi'JGISTS llniiHNn, Va. Dealers In Drugt Medicines, Paints and Oils of every des cription ! Window ,C!ar,s of all kind, &c. kc. Our stock is very laref and complete, Mnbracin oory article in oar line t.f t.o.siirens. Our loii experience as in i!e famili.r with the want? o in' trade, rii.d we rn-Gdr-ntly in Tiff an e vtminalion uf our fr onts and .ik'( We sell very low for caslf. or to punctual entjistoiners! I'roini't and -faithful attention giv c V orders. ri'RCKIdi, LAbD&CO.. ' 12 If. Main street. , . Jlichmond, Va. V IIOLEALE DEA LERS IK vmx GOODS NOTIONS &c 12 Jo Main St., i;iniMOM:, Virginia. ,l',xv in receipt of tUtir rail stock : :d large and complete. Trices! wH uuranteed. . V. A rson's" VT K N 1 T liliE WOlllvS. is i OC'.o and AVaicrooins, 18 Gv.vtrii-;r :'., RicliUWlid, ra. Stock la rgrt and varied, Mateija, vv.:rkinai:s!iii Ai'd nui.-n, eoual ripv. Prices ilcxp, perhaps fuiiil clve.iper thau timil.i" v.oik Iri'in ii'!i';v aid distant pi-iei 8 j Ma erial pr.ne pally tile pr..duct- our lores;. iMich a1 w-,dnut, Oak If-.oi.ir. Man!.- (inin. iV;c. - 1 J-eivl f. r pliotofrriph and ifiti I (Jrdcrs executed with prdiKptncss iilid slopped at the lowest V of smr of - tVei'.r t. Custom i ip ) i ,i ill c!ieaptie.s tfj work I. -1i.a 'n W.WKISS, O L Con-! i.! iVartiins 6c Corylll I , x TI ARDWAKE. No. 1 3uT Main Street, " i fu.QiTiiutiu, . j SHi,,r-V U"ds li'b'";K,!' ?c-. nW Ri-.nd ' I'mltirr C'.th, G-.tni, I ' . rL r i tm H..1 I i lur ! ! .,1 " ! !,ic. : Richmond, Va. 'A L. Elet t. ;A. J. W-rttV-lit. Cay lire wry I Foi met v i t.loit X AVatVUts. El'ett & b ewry. Ml plt.N b . Ii KG H ES I.. ELLET & f O . t uk Insula I eier io ' i N. 1211 Main 5t , i:.vltruoi:fi, Va t m' i a r tjRnc. s J .ojrMiY LxrriTK. t. f Kuttn Taj tloi wi'.i bo f-ud ii. our' . Miar Il.lv l. u t be liui.iH-pctl i' .u tint Cora I-!!, -t t'u-lJ ri4u:.ti tUf, j . j i lwnt tt LostU.C A'Z Yih'm Sno.t' ll-fCii . i.i , Va j ' , " ) J?-..r- IV-ow tne I'o.Us 5aViP - t i'.u.k. jt Ho'- f tl.irv v ara ats.ndini. and hr pujr.qtfjrioal niaw.iifct f ta iuinttbte pojuh'e I'f 'it t firii. ti.T aiit-k. Crvk- ri 'nti ti i l l'-a 'in'e pnea ONE BOX Perfect Cure .Cftilh Fever . I'KR r i: r t i r i: v k tiv f oy CHILLS AND FEVER. ,VI QU.;: o 1 I2V AO AU.ii:M( : ' ur. Bellamy's Fills. This invahiaJde iiiMkine involvs a l'teri.v. New Tkk atmet of CHI Lbs an.l KKVEIi, anj will ert'octiial!) ciire au.i r'Xit out t aU(1 fc40I , tllv , vl t i in i , Lver. th-v will I'OSITI VKf.V WAK1) ' AND PJt'LNT AN ATTACK mak- ir.p a residencd in the most, inf rted ni,tricts " iKT.vtiy .are.- ! 2. The "hJeHaniy" Pill is alio a sure rem-- j dy in all cases of IN T KltMI'I J ENT KEVKJI. ! REMITTENT FEVER. TVI'MoIH FEVER - i SICK HEADACHE, INDIGESTION1 rod ! i ivL-iwvnn,i ,,,.t., .. ... ; Ll LR COMI'EA JM.s (F ALE KINDS. 3. After you am entirely dLscoura-il and hopeless and all other roniedies liave failed, make one more trial, procure one Do of Rel lainy'a I'ilU and take them. The proprietor giiarantees you an absolute and perfect cure.. Reference is made to the extraordinary cure of Professor Ii wrer.ee. Principal of the Insti tutes of Elocution at New York and Philadel phia. He says as follows : 'About ten years ago, while residing in N. Jersey, I had a violent attack of chills and fe ver. The chill would would come on regular ly about ten o'clock, and continue for nearly two hours follow ed by a burning fever for more than live hours which no medicine would re lieve ; and I became so weak that I could hardlv walk flero:-S fllf numi aiwl SINWfr i f airs in i,e!i8,th'ae thai1 1 1 minutes. .Mv tile liecame a rnrdi tn 1 minute. My life became a burden to me. 1 loatnecl every kind ol food and even water tasted to me like copjera8. I could get no re fresliing sh-cp either by night or by day"; the medicine prescribed for me by "physicians gave me no relief and I was fast sinking into the grave, (hie day a lady persuaded me to purchase a box of liellamy's Pills. I took three at twelve o'clock noon and three at night. After taking the tv o doses 1 lelt better, and that night for the first time in time in three .months blept for fully eight hours. The next morning I felt much better and took three more pills. As ten o'clock approached I pre pared myself for my daily chiif but to my in tense jy my unwelcome visitor did not come; and after eating a hearty dir.nev at one o'clock I look three more pills and at night three more. The next morning after a delightful night's rest 1 arose at seven o'clock, feehiig quite well; and although still very weak, yet 1 was able to enjoy my l'ood, and" whether eating or drink ing, everything tasted sweet and ph-asant to nie. In about seven davs' time I was strone enough to walk four miles and felt perfectly I cured. Ten vears -have elapsed since then. iii" i i .i 1 , anu i nave never nau anotiter attac ot Lnuls and Fever. "P. LAWRENCE, "Acir York Conservatory of Mui, u East 14th Street." In conclusion, the proprietor has only to slate that lie will guarantee to cure any care of Chills and Fever. No fek will ever in such cases bo exacted. The patient is at lib erty to pay or not. All that is desired is. that he will forward a certificate of liis cure at an early clay. Price, ONE DOLLAR Per Box. Sent by mail to anv address on receint of nrice. jr. H. THOMPSON, General Agent, IcEIDS ILIjE, K. C, Ndd by all Druggists throughout the States and Territories. i ri' SERGEANT & McCAOLEY, GKEENSBOKO, N. C, 1 RoraicTOKS OF niK NOKin CAROLINA FOUNDRY, i j ?viacl.iiie and Agricultural Works and ! inanufacturera of the Tropic Cook i n j tovc () V E b : 1,000 " Now in Usf. felj :0m . t44 Retil Prices iDctudirg aT it, Ware ai.i pipe: No. 7, 26 dollars. N. H. a d.i:iir. - " ' ) B KELLE1 : VA'AIC HAN'T DaiiT.l! Va. 0vtr rt'-.' aiul I i jbt returned from the. North w"1" ; : f New (iowta and latest Strles. .Will e'! j ; t..i cau 2 per cent cheaper tlian mj house ! iu the t-Minh " fhej Kent. Be Woikmeo. AU work war- ? ' I'eiW.a n-t aatiifiea with their cWtbisj ar r.. pieced inn to take them; j i mP Ke!lv'e experience cf jears as etter 'forSmit Bros. f i-M'tiuiote rd the fact that ' . "le ti" In i ; own cuitinj and fittirg enable j lout t. wanant all work and pnaratifee kalis-! Wt.i, -w cubtciuers. Ilaa been .'5 jrara i m '4u iiuhe!f. j S Will; hesir fr Iitc ard on asj Win- ! icited saiL.... S3 tf? R. W.GLENN & SON, Wholesale and Retail t JSTS, Eau Crcensboro, N C WfOTJLlJ rt?ToctfoIlv announoe to t! peo- T pie of , i - Rockingham County OCil atvUJicir patrons trenf-rally that thov have now alrltfllll 1 1 LI ?AA Til i Bl I UIOl IU' .4-v i . . -- 1 . t f - ."..ll tin a'i will c ana win continue 10 aevp ua nuw, Pure Drugs, 1 and Druggist's Sundries, which they will at the lowest ca-h prices. J ,Vull';'1 a!'J I' ial attention to their CRYSTAL PALACE WHITE LEAD Knrn to h-. lh: brxt in u.ie. It is a chemical VriniJ-OUi"' homoy-io-ou and not dcHinixjsa- ! o 'l1li',i' "f1" f'-"- hence Ukj oil will not dry out and the paint -'chalk oil. a w ill a other Lea Is pure ,.r impure. It is mivi .iu i mi.' ;4 i iii. i ouiii jwrc eiMi, iieiicu ih work will look nnHi haiid--.ni'-! . It forms hy exjKisure a sort of eatrmti which preserves the wood and always looks h right; it has a rreatcr hrilliancy and lustre than any other, being ahno -t e-juai to China fih-a'. Tliev are alo agents fjr Mainifacturvrso- COLORS. Philadelphia and wish to call special attention to the superiority of their Colors. to all otheis especially their Greens, Umbers, Sciennas, Car mines, &c, &c, ! both iry an,i b oil- An thy k trial a i ... . . e . J A re aLo Agents for the Osborne Varnish Xnnufaciiiriiig o f Newark , New -Jersey. Will sell either direc f rom the Factories or from our stock here. We warrant these Varnishes equal to the best either English or American. Also keep con stantly ou hand a full line of UITVTAL. 3UTEKIAL, consisting of Artificial Teeth Cold Foil, JLc. together with a full line of Tooth, Nail and n il aHruhes Toilet Soaps Extracts Cjlog.ie.s A.C. ( Jive them a call. A full supply of S. S. White's Dental -Materials at manufacturers prices. 2otf , KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT t f THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bri l tJ Cisese And a positive remedy for t GOUT. (J RAVEL,. STRICTURES, DIA I iihlE-S. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY 1 v Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irri tation of the BLADDER. AND KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHEA. 1 t Leucorrhoea or Whites, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Colculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU Permanently Cures all Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS. AND DROPSICAL SWEJ .LINOS. Existing in Men, Wom.-u or Children. figT NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE-a Prof. Steele says : One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Bueliu is worth more than "ail other Buchus combined." j Price. One Dollar per Bottle, or Six. Bottles j for Five Dollars. Sold by Drnrcists. Dei-ot, 104 Di axeSt., Ni;w Vokk. i A Physician iiv attendance to answer corres- pondein-e and give aivice gratis. ftrj"ti.d stamp for Pamphlets, free. TO TIIK- i Neryous and PcLililate i OF ROTH SEXES. 1 -Yo Charge f('r Advice and Co)uull.dion. 1 Dn. J. 1). I'vott, graduate of Jeffer son Medical College. Philadelphia, atithor ol' to v oral valuable w orks, can be const. U- j ed on all diicaes of the Sexual or Urir ea on au uiicaes ol t:.e bexaai or Erin-; :ary Organs, (which he has made anespe-i ; cial stttdy e-'.her in male or It-mule. no ..... . - .. : niattor iVom wl.at cause originating or ol' how long tand;r.;. A practice of uO years enables liini to treat disea.ss with ' success. ( "tiros guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can for ward letter describing symptoms afhd en- closing. stamp to prepay jtostage. Send : for the t'n'nV to lltuitu. Tnce 10c. J. V. DYOTT. M. !., i rhysitlan and Surgeon, 104 I'uane S;N. V CO -I Z 1 O H f. W jT 'jj Li-. J2 J. 7L r-i PQ 4 CHEMICALS A lew Idea! SHUTTLE 70R 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy. the WarU-RencwnBd SMlSBifiiEHasle! BEST IN THE WORLD! ESTThe Hisrliest Pre mi am won swarded to it at "VIE 1ST 1ST A. ; Ohio State Fair? Northern Ohio Fair; Araer. Institute, N. Y. ; Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Miasissiuju State Fair; and (ieorgia State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST- SEV FJ8 !i-Aj, and doins' the lurjrest and best range of work. All other machine in Cue "Market vvor? In dirrct COMPETITION ! ! tPur Ilenim inrf, Fall ing, Stitch in , Cording, Bin ding,- Brtiid in Enibroidzrin rf . Q t ill ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is un surpassed. Whoro Wts havo no A gents v:q daliver a Machine for the price nr.med above, at the nk.i.rest Rail, Iload Station of Purchasers. Needles far all Sswing fa-. chino for ou!s W0 .'lii V lil.it liiAl i! 1 .1 l.Vv ...I . , . GOTi; for Circulars, Pric: .r. and. Copy cf t.: factor, oiio of tr devoted j zevj-iLZ cninos, Fashions, Gronev: News and LI:sccl!a -T. Agents Want;- A IIIi 1 Wilsoii Himi A, To Manufacturers TOBACCO Literal Cash Advances HAN INJ uiwur a-ei facilities fr tho :f ?'!ar.u!itturei Tolaf'i". I rej w. . i.rit -tr:'-i7!mt"ili cf me. for w,'n'-h UliV full .;ini-t jt..',-s will always le ohtaniiN. b.leial rash advances made o:i siiipineuts. and nturiis o!' l a'aiices irotr.ptl y rt-uniti d on 'ill eonsignmu.t-v. iuunouiikti'iy ai'U-r tlc tjuick -si!e. ai beat marvel i-ate, a::J !! -amid,-returns. J. V. STAFI't R I ). ToKaeco Cvniml.-Aitai .Meiv.hant. IVc. 21-.IU1 ".1 txciiaaige i'late. lJaltiUiure. 1 - Unil.ual. J U .,-, S a .! 1- S IIOLUNh O i:o-ts i ai j.i: K a - kK'.CJ. 1 i i ' l i ti IKs, 1! ; is. i si. j k UK b wer eti-1 Ma.i: Irec!. ' . J'a: i. is t't r tiv n ii.ilaJ a n ; i ert: ?.f! --i an 1 man S.Ai E'KN J. Ib"K NN lLI-EIi. CasWi'Il C- ntv. . (' (JEO. V MILLS, Ilei.rv tt untv Va. t Sewing lactone ri' 1! CHEROKEE REMEDY The Great Indian Diuretic. Infinitely- Siperir to Hnlm. Nine ttatfca of the ha ean famdT tuffr di- : recti or tndirslr, at one tine t.r other fram j Tb 'Grand Prineipls tht operates in these ! di-is or irrefniaritie o' the fenemtive f wo derful medioioe- is tie power that they I rm wh'Ie the icti'u - f discretion, nod ot . p-isspfcs fc forif tag theturb'i blood. nd ex ; j'ick ueatmect. are comparatiTel? nuaper- ' pelline corrupt bnmotsfruu tL ijitfn. ous. i The i-iea tht r-atients cannot treat them-- , srUes raceesfil!y in taee ce has loo.- ago i ! bea exploded A good and rel-able medicine, ' prepare i bj an experienced physician, m ' the original Iud'au Kec pe, tuat is fcuaranteed j i to effArt a dpeedj and effecfusl cure, can be . ' j safely reiied upon as the pr-c'ipti ns of th inuM skillful pmcitiuner. Such aciediciae is the relebra ed "Cberolcee Kemedy. Full (lirtrcii ns accompany each bottle, and i if thfj are ut faithful y toHowed, a quick and permanent cure is jtar&ted. l'rite two dollar per bjt.'le. Tlie Clierukce Itijeetit'ii, , should always l-e in conjunction with the Rem- edj fer bth mcipieut nnd bstiiate eases of I (iCDorrhoea. Fi ice two dollars per bottle. j rWmk-rP f'urp IforSemVal weakness. (petmatorrhoe). is i J simple vegetable medici e that waa used for : oiudv y ars in the prncfice cf te physician i J who tir?t ge the.rtmed to tbe public, i has EflVc-ed cure thar wool i sen eely be cred : i ite 1 exceDt on ocular evidence of the fact. t I Full directions with pamphlet couUi,ig all jpa.ticularsof m,; o -ds, treatment &c., ac- ( i company each botao. Pnee two oollais. company Soil everywhere. Cherokee Pills. f; These pills are prepared espec'a'ly for the cure of those irrpgul ir.ti s to wbirh la-ii-arf euhject, and wilt t'e ftt.nd fafe, reliable and ef i fectual, for the cure of suppression. Green Sicu i ne3-, Fain in the Hack, Hysteria, S ck llead i ache, &c. 1'iice one dollar per box. ! WRIGHT'S KEJUVENATLNG ELIX- ! ":- - . For the restoration of Nature's forces, it j ivef new li?'e and vigor to the aged, an ' cau. i es the blood o yeuUi to course through lie veins. It pffeetually cures Impotency, Palpi ' tation of the Heart, Loan of Muscular Power, ! Low Spirits. Disorganization of the Generative : Organs, and all he train of ills that follow in ; the pith of the t-. angre-.Ht'r of ture's laws. Price, two dollars per bottle. It will reuai'y I e undcrtood that in tne brief gpaee afforded by the advertising columns of a public print, it is impoossible to give all the ', particulars of te diseases that may be cured liv tne f'herolce Medicines. That they are I destined t,j bee 0 i a a m:y m.i r is plan :lv ' i c:ii5J-' f thjr Greai n trin ic Merit I The pamph'e' and circolnr that accompany i the m dicines give all the information which cannot be given heie and the remedies may be ha-def any respectable Druggist. John V. Henry, 'urran & Co., Wholesale Agenls, New Yk. Metropol tan Mad. Co. Pro rieiors, New Y -rk . Li, 1 MS I KE K t S 11 A I It li EiSTO 11A T1VE OR INIMITAPLB IIAIi; C 'L -BISO. NOT A DYE. Heix street's Ilair Coloring' is not a Hair Dve. a- d its operation p nut by any chemical ffect but by natural lfstota ii n cf the g'nnds. hu g.ving ti e hnir tb color it ongin.illv hd. NATURALNESS When h:.ir is dyed its c lot is le;iden-hued a' d unnatural, but when r stored by Haimstreet' 'lair Coloring, ap pearMQCoi.8' crfectlv natural that no ou caii detect the u--e of any Kesto-ative. 8 ATNLINEV Vbi the lie'tormive cts piomptH on th hair, it leaves no -tain r mark wh itevei on the skin It is c ccped of ingredients thai form a pnd'ect dressing, as well a a c 1 rinz, to that no oil-, &c , are necessary . This Most Effective of aU the Hair Re'sto rere. is for sale by all the Drui?gi-ts, at .50 cents and i. 00 per bott e. Numerous certifi cates Irom tho&e who have used it are in the pos'.e&sio j of th proprietors. . 3)ctrupiilita:m 31tjd, ., Xrw York Jofin t Heliry, Currun & C., ' hleale Ag'L-nts, , 8 9 ("olU'ge Place, N Y. PARK'S BALSAM OP WILD CHEBBY AND TAK. Balsam Nothinz is more s othing to thei1- ! ritated membranes than 'he pu-ejBalsiEis of ' wh -eh. this medicine ia cotnpostd ! W ld Cherry, The true bark of wild cherry j is an unfaibng specifi 3 tor all throat and pec tor;l diseases I Tar The wonderfal healing properties of ! Tar, wl.en united with the other ingredients. r'ndvr park a Haisam the m st efficient Cough j M edicine evtr offere ,te the public ! C"nupti'i. The many casi s of connmp j ion that have lcen (Carod justify u- i.- the i a5rtio't that it ia the very be t Mediciu6 for i ;hat disonse ever discovert d. i CERTIFICATES OF CUKES. bt"pheQ Fisk, of Ne York, says his daugh ter hd consumption, aud uhcrcl,s had form ed in her lungs. He was induced ti try Park's Ral?am, which e fleeted a speedy cure. T. Edwards Fleet of LronVly.ays 1 thinV it is the best mediciue f r affections of the unsrs I ever us- d G 8 Faiicher, of New Yrrk, says I feel fu"-v persuaded that Park's Balsam h.s saved mv ife. . ' Wr hnve in our .passesMon hundreds of cer-t;i.-ate- from iithera. and all of the same cheer ing impo' t. Price, 50 Cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by drurfgiststa and dialer ever.v wlire. d le.e a!! orders iftJOH- V UV.S Y, CR RAN C. 8 tld a College Place N w York, KleTopclitan Md,.Co Pn p'rs EGYPTIAIV RAT and VEIiMIN I'or KAtermiriatiuK' ''a DESTROY Eli M'-CP, W;tt.T P,!i's, Ii'oa l:.-s. I.'el An-s, ie Str'rgtb ".V-l en a Rat ta-tes the Ejfptian I) s-treye-, his d-at!i warrant is ijtne'i ti.re ; I- ca-inot fail to kil.. It o so ereatei g ea th r t ao l U- V ti w ! -e-th f. r ater i ,i tf.vr-. aid n-- di -tea tli" 1 c -n' t he . ' u 1 1 ' -.!...::. I I l ( i g t. C t . t - I j..' C 'f I 1 tl .ri ' I ' K it- it . u h:- t oir" , t It " . t r 1 I i ' t e-a e a w ' t a i j. -.ii -i t ' r i r . r lh ,1 ( I J' He- f"f' - ar at i .-' P I , i' Uli li H tl i(i - ia a -elv i T jr -ro pi ! i .- -. ...J r - t i .tf r l'f t' tl -Vl r ' .tu- . i'u i.r u. .1 - a; t. cot- iu h- a 1 l: - t. . : i C. i i In j i i . ' ti p. .-!. r h-i .; r ' ti' r j-. p i i r.. aciiat g i ;!"Hii:-is t"r d- - y ri iif i.i r-: r-a n; V ra Sf siiir a d is lit i. c i like i o o:h'.r. I'i.- ?n ' i r" v'r ' A , . I l.t.. '' 6 1 -Id hs Uragisti tr; cefi a't .Jolt.. Y Ileniy. ( tn ::!. kV 0",, & ud 0 '.,lii-jjre i'iue 5. V ax-- tl V '. i"Jl. i a 1 . m. . . . It i : u Mt-lic.ta. C , SU i'rq-.i HOLLO WAY'S : TILLS and OINTMENT. ETry Man TIH Oirn Physician" j oto toe uiniment ani nils unouia oe usi . in the folloti cae: Buiions Bra Chp-j pe-l Hands, Ch-.HMain-. FistuU.Oont I.ambago : Mercurial Eru piirci-, 1 ileo Fbecmadsn. j jiejjwi rra hi 1 las ha1dta'kin Dieae, i Swelled Glanda, f"tr Lefs, Sor Breast, ore j Heads. S- re Throats Sons of all kinds, (Sprains, Stiff Jini. Tetter, U ers. Venereal dorea Wound- of alikiod . Holluway 's Kxpe torant for the abso lute cure of Conghs.. Colds, Sore Tbroat Hoarseness, Pains ia the Chest, and all affec tions of a Palmonary atnre. CADTIOX.lUe careful and aee that each art cle h the UoHoway and I ot, trade mark on each. l'rice 25cta, 62cts,and I -0; great sa T ig uving lage size, Metropolitan Vied, Co, Prop'rs, 9 College Place New York John F'. V . , tleFide AgVUU, New lurk. TliE YOR'i: V)K MA. SO And f;im"lv MnaraiiM . A mQ th PaM(CB,inn; j . . . , i" now in J account of all mat ters pert ining to the aft, supplied by its Urge corps vf b c contributions, both at home and abroad, and is one of the bell ' mediums of Masnic inform tieai. Price 2 d Uars per year in advanc with mssoii- j ic Curomo, two doiii.ra and a half tivnd 25 cent for sample copy, I ' Address VOli'E OF MASONRY, , N IPS West Monro St.. Chicago, 111, un" No 8 College Place, New York City. R. R. R. RADWAVS READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rea '.ins this adrsrtisirosnt naad any on SUFFER WITa PAIK. lUDTTAr BEADY KKLTKF IS A Cr. rCH ETEPJf PAIN. It was iu flrtt and U Tlio Only. Pain Remedy that Instant!? Htop the most exemciatinir r'nn. alljiv Inflaromationx, and care Onutrpfito . wl.e;hrr or' !b J.unit. stnmach. Boweia, or oth land or ortan. one application. - IK FBOX OKK TO TWENTY VITTS8. no nater how violent or excruciating the pain tli RHKUMATll-.. a-rlilrtn, Jnflnn. Cr1pp!.J. Nrrvsoa. Neuralgic, or pro3tratU "tli dbeai! tua tuiTrr, RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF I "Wrtt. A ? FORD IHrtTAliT BASS. INFtAMMATIlM OF TUB KIDNBTS. ' INFLAMMATION or THIS BLADDER. ISrLAMMATIO.t Olf THE BOWELS. CONGESTION or THE LUHOi. SOKK TCSOAT, DIPKHCI.T KRK aTIIITI, PALPtTATH! OP THE HEART. UTSTEUIC3, CB3UP, IIPTH KUI . CAlABaa. iyFLCENZA. nEADAOHS. TOOTHACHB NI-XRALGIA. P.HErifATISM. cold CHTLI.9, aofb miM, Th aj.plicmlun 01 ihe Tt e n rt y KllcTto tli d? r or part where tbe ain or d.ilicu.i.-- -tU: willa2 ird tiM ami fiiminrt. Twmty drops in half a t':ml Icr of .-r H a ' :r womt-n'o cure CRAMPS, kp, vi.-i. Sot'!! it. I!K R1 HLRV. UtOK ITPAmerTK. isHBiiri, DVSE.VTKRV. COI.IO, ISI i Til bl Vti.a. .ida'.l IXTlfRNAL PaINj. TrarrlT honkl hvnvs rnrrv ft bot'l' or ""t:il Iteddr llrllet" viil: ihir.. A f. li.-: li via r will preifti iicfc!i"t-- 01 p.-'i- fm "h.:i .1 o xratT. it U belter than Frcav 'y-vt .ii.i - stiiudiant. FEVEP. Ai:T AGTJ2. rKTTSa AVT AfiCE rn-o.' rnr fl.ty e-t TI .. t n"t a rt-HicuIijiI niri'ni in ir.n v.o t.i t -a: v.-. '; fun I . - .-- i'.: A if tie. and all Muiarh m. r.ii.j-- fe,r ". Tv f 'li. Yc ami cUior I-'i-jit lsi.i-il !v W lr n I'U.LSi mi ijuipli us IU.iU'. 'S i:i a.. Lltr. Fitij- uttr p. r ho tio. in hi a BEAUTY! ! S7 "j.Vo Acr rr nr. v.iru nt.cor: iv-:.Fi-,t '..F KI.f.SH AMI WKl'lll f 4 la-Jrt KI.S A.-iF,- DR. RAD WAY'S rsap TH2 C1ZAT dlood puiTtrizr:. uasmao Tfin vot Af-Toyrsitrxii ' ns.: Jl'I:F M Kl!"li) ASK Tar C I! A O. . V. hOL'Y i'XDR OF T n liiti.X 5-aAi Every Day n Increase ii WA ii Waijit is Ssen 23 Fell. R-rr Crop tf fliR FAKSAPAri-LrAJf RKHf.' VE'Tr-nirai4ati':Jn.ri(h i'.c IM-xxl. Jit. L'ri't. t her Kial;: (it '.1 1ui ot b kv.-t?a. (?- vir r af ii-.- lt. It i-ftt ann tli1 v. am cf ii; l.lr w!:h'tiw Uid - d ms!criai. P-'-ro. ivi hi'., Uo:ir.tniMfl. t. dtfHr illsrffjic. Vi-r ! ' threat Mnutli. Tu tin tit Kc'rin !hei"r!And' s-.iitl ?inr srtr ill" vtiti. .- "Sv i. 8sraaen. dlac'iar? fnui ib Eat ."J1 '1 e v."r.-?t ' ' of 'un AinU. K' upiiKtu. t'-, r ff.it..., ;..-iii.i ! t?aV -W.r:a. Hlimji Sir -a. Acriij !:t.-..-'- ?rot. Vi rm i t I'-ff f Irt-U. Tuno". I" 1 lis ;.!.nrip!. f wr :iii sa err live ruife of l..i -.!. "ter'of l'x'ci: t.hlr v'r', -d a few day' h -mil . - .v4 in .in - ncrsrm oliif It for r-'tr bi ivaitt I vf aw it r i-Ptciit o ;r !5cnrti i trM. I fih aiici'.t, Usii besorai'!; ;i '"'d by ! wala -,:ni Vr1rtm)'l!icUr'iijic.r,;;na.. prsraf. ir : In a ioii' i wjtM, trl repair tl: tai.c i h ti'w natcri'l ira-'e fr m iioa tlir i.I.kk! h 1 thi 1-. ;.ESAlAniT.I.I.?i vill Ih .(io; n ur , (f.-iim; f..r rht-a omo litis r:rialT i-uinvvc lt . f purincatiim. and fii't'T'U.iit dlCittt'abtB,' lb IobIijI ffiui. isr:.a!rWil bs rt.;d. in.( vety ir.f ih i'.i; eia will lt-tliini-ilf Oriterand-isrower. ;i.- :so 'Usc-uiR? tit:fcr, appattio Itr.provlu. uud tUssH an i woH-fct nereartii. .s.-t ci.'k- d.- the JjriPi&tttii? P.L'ourmr i 1 n,t,.4)N n-Rn-tliil afcei.ihi!liat!irau! i:tirt.c. Sit ,;.!!. diiainiionai, au4 mU lie.ix-; but ;i l t iily pori.i ture icr . Kidney Bladder Complaints, l: :rnry aWWft it !faae . Oravrl. Tas!. Tr:tjy, - .'Pj-ai; '.' Water. In:ottiieicel t'rui. Urijrbt'a Hi- Albuminuria, an ! in !1 cc Vuwtt t:i.Brr ..: u i ! dcnoaits. or tii wntr Uli.t'-lt, f fit, ua.Md w s'ta!K-e like t!i hi e "f a' ' 'f thf-iU ilka nub ilk. r titcrfl it a morbid. dt k. Uiloiu. t;r--, nsiU w!t!i;. Imit 1it jo.'t. tir 1 !,! t-r U li.tniiti .nuo;i ti'-n iauii4 i..ir. aiU ..i.. i in. tin Sotall vl lit ttacW awl alm iHt Isils. t: ' I Tumor cf VZ Ycarf Growth Cured hj Had way's Resolvent. DR. RAD WAY '3 PerfsctPisrpliTe&ReplaiiiiPills t .- c:'v tta',. r 'e.-an'.ly eoa'1 i'h -! ku. it irv rsu!t. purtJv. c tiw and firwitrimu. Maiir i 'P !! t-r t war rt aiuiwurrrt jf the StonweS. j,,-.i r. Bi.we.a. tidiw.. Hiacdt-r. era Dlacaoa. eadebp. lio;iiJ-att"r- Ctstvr ue--. ladtyaattuB, tJ B':i 0'aT, Bilioji r'epr. tnAammaiioa uf WW a, . V, a.l 6ii 0. r.ir4-eni nt oi Ota Intrl --(-a Warratwu U rn i cu-r. Parrty - jt.!.?i,i;juii.iij o ;Brcur , uuMKiivf deiicr. " 'K fli.,! of F (Wr MT.LS tr free the rra- m- a-'t t: !itri-i ii-n Pr;c.S4 'aU h-ij' klo hV i!ttfio!ira ' I"- 4 ! "l.-K AN'll IRI't d lPftf --. . tn KAtWV A C.. N. 33 Wrr aa.. Stt T m.a l .tt trcrtt ttuMiMiada WlU be at rv THE DECKVITII j PORT ADLE rarxdly Sewing Machfafu e I maai a m4 i aa W(tbSai-6idincfae4. aa4 aataaaatieCtitrh rwaMMr. AftaOMr MaetttaM rcqatr im areapst of from to i Trr ariuh raaairM Dai Tw4 Hcaea K k a loot atmptiCTty wi w-mri. rorimimw raarMfor Circular (be bay saotber aatd an it Mackl fr -ira aMariaf." Afwttay wanLrd umrwlnn ia A mmpii. If 5 in aaraaf' aniM Mr fan price foramtrle MaaMnea, ar o&miobe elaet4 vrttDaix VacblM a ?cr TeraaaMatetta, vart wrUfci erttar, oft Dr. 4 Walker's California Yin, esrar Hiltrrs aro a pnrrk "cjouWi i: t panuion, niatlo chletir from Wl ir. l-.ei ls l-tur.il on the lower fanjrts! t.f Scr:; Nv:ui.itiHunt.-uit8of CiUifor- :.i. lac ji-tliiiKti proprtio of wUUU are extracted therefrom without lh Vtf A.ein l. ThO'quettiou U aluwst t;u.y rkt U. WU.tt is the caiiM of'Ui ;;.;:!! a. rU-.I ancceaa of ViSEdAU Bit 1 i;is! ' Our answer is, that lhy rwuvv :.ie ca;:se t.f iIiho;im nmVlho patint la t orrs hi henlth. They Rt tb gMl :-"om j i: ilier ami u hfe-Ririuc priueip!t. a peiicct Keiimator and fnvljroriitr ..f ;iie sstesn. Never bofor in lit v.-'"; v f ' the world has a madiciiM brg (.ouuHitiaxiel MinHuiiig the reiuaxkald tpiai'uir. t.r V 1 kn a a Uirntia ia LoaliifllaV ;i-k of everv disease man ia br U. Tbtf sue a genii P.i.jcativa as wall aa a Toi. ! -i evir. p Cov.irertitm r Inflaiumauan l t'i.e l.Ai-r iu.d Visual Organs ia BiUotu li-ase The pi-oporUcs cf D. VTAtxxn't Tiseoak ItiTTV.as are Apenut.liapUrwti, Canninative Nutriliuu. Lasaura. UinreUa, Sedative. Cmir.tur -lnitant Sudortfel, A.ltr tivr. and A i.ti-liiiim. .. iii utciiti i .'.tiasuiius prucl.tl,,i Vix EGA): Itmrits.thf most wonlrful lu Yigorairt tt.nt tvtr sus:aiucd th- iakiN n. f i IY-rsoti can lake these Bitters mMrti.111; t i.i t'i-.'ioii'i. and rtiiniti Uin( .iiwp-1. prnvi!Mi tlitur I Nines iu not Ut iK.v.v'i i v ii!'.;;ei:il poison or ether nc.uio. .ill I nia.ii Uiibled bvfnii4. l'ilioni, Ileiuitteut nnd lutn- .i.'ti lU pever.M, v.luch r.iy picva eat in the vaUrya tif om-iirtal ni .10 ul.'o n the l.:iitt HtntW. n'wei-i'v. H of tltC .MisshiSp!, Oil' MiaVMiU;1, Uiii'ii.-. 'I i?itmvsfc, (.'tiiiiL'ei i.Uit!. Ai kH'i -is. Kfd, C'nltHTttlit. Hrjtztm, Kio (rnntl, '(Mil, A!a)Kim.i, Muhiiu, rUvat.uU. K. a;e. Janu-s. nntl niMtiy othnta. wii ;.rir v;i.t tnlmlariei, tiiiottKhout mm n t rt ennntr.v !iui:ir the StnruiA-r at; 4 .ii:ir:m. mid i ci.tm Udiiiv fn tis.:in ?--is of trptHuai hc.il ii'l itymn'a. a;i .v:--r':ait. 'iireotiip.-'lkil ' xicttaiii .D.-v'MtfHU 01 ibir Ktm:u! 1U, :! i-.hr r ;!t,l.i if.!ia'. "''-. en. li) thei- I P a; : . u 1 .1: a .f ;! I i i:wt . -!! n-JMlt. T"v A Hi; ifi- ' t ' I 1 u. li-.' p'l; .'IK V ;iw . -i: Y. '1i i t r i : i ; . i t . - -. i'i. .! tin r.. . -CI : ' : -l! . l: ' . . . . t . , ". .. ', ''a- a, ' ,11 . s: . i..-si ; ' - ' .-. ;. . tf '-.r I l.ii. . ' ? i . .tfltil",r? i - . i'- I'::.- J i :. a K ' : ,' ;-. "-t v . . 1 t----T I t) .ill. -.1 i. . i :. iiitt ttritltii-j 'r :ti5tT. v ":::tj -.'.fl , ., U 1.4, . 'r: i nivia . . i . i t if -i.i I.. i i.- i-: , i i V li ., V ii-ritl.. j A !Mt . . - A 'f i 1 m ..: jris ji. I. - a !.:i t-'i'i, l'i"',r!n . .: . ' -:'ti-- i- irS.M'-. i.i , i i i..- ik ! l IjiU-i ' r) . a 1 "1 ill- .- - vtii ai .; .li. lit U:m: li..- a ' . ' ! I i. . '-I . i'in. 'i;p rd lhe: Voruj, . k:::i-' a; tj.c t.-i -.f n ,tuy tl.-, if i :K'-i i.i l . f'f-i.'ti i-i! nii jrtittl. - . -1 . .-as . '' ft mi'mfv. t i , 'a.. ... i,,-.- :i,e r.v.uai tn. m .v.r, ,; i i- i; .. : - l IViiut!.' ojiiplaiikti. inyuf i. s;. ; :..fi'i.-tt : at thi ar. t. if- r.iai- . i. ...r Tiff '.mi Ml' Hlyv tK-.v.'fwJi ,.ti-r ) a .!tu?ideit aa it Hjp.ae thai' i !i.i-;a -iH. tri'fjt!lj'. t i -.t :iv Mn Vifi HIo-hJ hIiki- . , : . a-( !i;!.'-lla: tfcrw"- i . .. a hr'Utr. r vt-. .-'( i .-a.-a - v !m wti.-uc-uj jiiU - i',wir tt tiM K ie:i ViMl WhfM. Kw i .kilU ii f -J.e .T-t . r. -I. ?f- ; . .. i : -. t ;tf W . ;!-- ,,. ,' . W A TC H 1 A K K R, ' JEW ELB R AND OPTICIAN, GrectwbordjN.C., tw I lire: ifffS! 58-5 iff z af I a! fir 1 ;s ."-ft- V -VV 1 - t.i 3i erd eccKwrra s. m. c,, W2 Bwaw.