fee - ;.;.s'.i - tf ,3, l" 11 A- M I ft THE REIDSY1LLE NEWS in Organ deroUvl-to the ink rests of'.c Piedmont and Dan Ri cerSect ion. PUBLISHED KVi-.KY KAtLlibAV AT it RE1DRVILE, N. C. Ticbms : $2 a year ; Fix moikhs T. l0. S. I5KTIIELL, ) Editors J AS, V. RK1I), , mid Prtq.rirf nrs DIRECTORY. Arrival ami Departure (f MuiU nt Reidscile Post-Ojjlce. i Madison 'caves every (lay (txeept Snnlav) fit 7 o'clock, a. m. Arrives at v. r. ock, a. m. Arrives at V. M. Leaks ille leave Wedncsdavs and Satur- i "A.M. Anives ta:ny Uys ut 5 , a M1MATt ;;Wtam-s,u' at 7; A. M. Arrives at I. r. , Lawsonville leaver Saturdays at T A. M. Arrives at 6 p. M. ' ' Mails going North ni! South close at 0 t O'clock . M? Stmday Office hours open nt c8Ki close at 0. Arrival- and-'&iwtn of Train 'at Re id ace ill C : lfafl geing Noith rriv& 4.35 leave MO A?. ' '.South ' ' 12.2C "i1y: Ex. North " 12.0-1 VlX) P.M South 4 CHURCHES. Rev. jJACOB DOLL preaches in the Presbyterian church at Reidv die on the 1st. ! and 3rd Sabbaths of each month i.t 1 1 ocl ck j A. M. nd at 8 P. m. Prayer mating ovory ' Wednesdav nhsht nt s olock. P. M. Betlibsda 2nd abd 4th" Sabhat.hs of each i r' Rev. P, H.FONTAINE preaches at I IteuUville 2mlaud -!th Sabhatiis, and Sat--1 orday before 2nd Sdjh -.th nt 11 A. r. Lenksvillc 3rd Sumlwy, and S durd'ty pre- j ctdmgatll a.m. " ; I'roTKlence 3rd Sihhnth r.t eii i-. m Madison lt Smid'iy,.and Saturday prece ding, at 11 a. m. nrece- ! Wciitvorth 2nd Sunday nt 7 1-. M. 'Slianni Fridiy before 1st Sunday .til in- nanoe s I Ttorv -It u imuay t .d p in Hardin-iS: 'ie's N.-hool housu ultern ue st MuwDyis nt :.5 p in Rev. W. V. N' R.M A N j.rcnchc t j 'Cnruiol l.,tSl)l-u', II A. A. KethleUai 1st S hi,. i i a ;;."..) !..:.!. - 1iwet 2nd S-bb th t 11 a. m. Kc'uLsvillu 2nd S-'o'. .th it .i. r. M. "XVentworth 3rd S.il,l,sy, ;,t 11 A. .M. Kuflin -Uh Sblf tii nt il A. r. i iVlh-un 4th Snhhut1! a !."' r. M. iHVHoifv ille cHch olh 'it 11a. m. Rev. J. D. ARNOLD prem-hes t Reilsville 1st Sabhu.n "t 11 A. V.. Runin Srd idjbUh -.t 11 a. A. Rev. (.'. MILlTHi pit eii- . t Wentwovth 1st Sbb..l!i ut 11 A. M. Uid 7. P. U'nksille -'nd y.-ibb ah nt 1 1-A. M . Mndison 3rd and -Hh S.ibl-it;i ut U A. M. mid 7 P. M. ; Rev. L. E. STACY piwhcs t Ekn Situnhiv b !')iethe 1 st Sunday in each month i t 11 A . M . Mount Zion S turd-'V i-:''.r;' thc 1st tidny in e'tii mon'h : l 1 P M. licthesda 1st Sund-v in eaeii month at : 11 A- M ., "v.o -S.nul v .1 1 Mo am noiii .11 Wesley Chapel Si.v.iuo iy be: ; iLMy-l'A-aksvilk 4th i.nd-v i.t I 1 A. M "-! 1 i . . 7.0O Y- U. 1'rnver-iiH'etini; every Madison 7 "' P- ' WnilU-.i'V 11','' .11 -.1 i MASONIC LoPMN, . M M I -NO Vi'ioNS V.iMi.ihi Ea-lc I. o. I. Kiriay c.f every n.oiith -.1 . ;"i,;aV ), Wrjitwort'n lnlge. No. - b "" r. .... dw iinlh Sahba'ii m oieh m PUT mi- ' thc fust week of cue a We.ai-'i'.V 'L' l-i:'n'i:.n' e.nu-i t ' 'cbK-k. ' . y. , Dn Uiver Lodge. -o. -lllV J'ore SfCOMd Sunday ill ov ery ue ' LenksvilU- Ixnlge. Saf ir i s full moon. . , . Mount IVthcl Led''.-. MM. .ch loontb mid on the Anno -lo.o .John he liapti .t "d m. 1 !,!' list. . ' Chavokec Ijodge. a i'.'. tAiporior Court for K l.eh in'ie: Ki'i-J. ron oh the 3rd Mondays I . . . M:.v an- 'llie Roanl of ('uutv t mua-ioia i -RoekiugVuun mvetni t-w ln-i Men i .y tro h month. DAVlb S. RFllh Attorney at Law, Wentworth, W. C. ILL attend to all buines his cart. , entrusted to T. J. NOUCFM, . , i i .,.. Attorney and Counseucr al 11K1DSV1LLH- X. ' Pripv,,....!...,.;:;'- of claims. J. . Fi 'I' A. J. BOYD. BOYD & RKll. I Attorneys at Law, Hollrllom i HnnkrI' v" VENTW0irilL X. C. N-1 nraetiec in the Courts of lbx'in:z-KariuuiUstokcs-andlavHF.n. pi m the Federal Courts. -CoUections made in nil parts of the suU. g, FEUD- WATKINJ?, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, nd Pnbllc Alminlior- Wl'I'Wilt'ril. r. PROMPT attention given to all bu. - m rustclto hi.ca.v m the t oint Rockingham and adjoining eounoe and Djst. and Circuit Courts at bm - lt. Jlmicc in Mailisou. N. C.. open lnt Saturday of every meudi v7 X. MKBANK, Attorney at Law Wm. P. Robinson Wentworth, Rockingham Co., Office in Court House next tL - Kegister's Oihce. iTJ A fTlCi in all the Courts of lb H - Jr ham and Stokes cv.uuties. am m u iSct and Circuit Court, at S- N i;.--Ofliec at Madi.son. N. t .. AiSSof Price's Hotel, open on i.t Satur front of 1 I ' - - ' tt " - - - - P . iiii; ttgiii.rss or miss; mji 4'rifn om.v tihk VOL J. G. s. Ik NIIKNlflL. J. V. S-iA-.rr-, MKNDI:N!IALL A staplks; Attorneys at Lav, Uraenshoro, .V- 6. TIT ill mdhVo in r -... i TT ftokes, R-tndolph -an-i Alamance: U. .' ? collection, hn of.;,; St Ue an-' to case in jJankrumry. iI5ey one dor North of Court Hi l - , - r n t rr Reid Boarding HotlSC, WKNTWOItTH, X. 0., j Qt1 H.ST A NTIA L ACCO.AIMDDATIOX : affoided to admitted guests on reason- ; at,lc tt8rmsi- ' 1U' , 77TT yn-W i " -r cp . HAkRI HOTRl ! KKTDSVILLE, X. C. rpiJE PRO Pill ETOIi IS A IAVAYS (J LAD 1 X to see any of his former natrons, and : as many othws vvho m iy lavor hnn vvipi a call, promising to .spare no pains to make; thiV V0luIorla,,,e- i ' Ht' an-s..,J- " Howmrrr (of 'world ; - ,i0W'Tl lor nLS courtesy) h partner in the ' . N ' who gives it his undivided attention J. M. H A IMM-. . . IV? AnAUnVJ 1141 iUtJl Ulldi 1L H!llHi WfNSTON. X. C. IllIS Hotel is situated on Mam treed SiM'.tli East corner Court I louse SouaveJ l in,.iv..ct !.,.,. f ....,1 'IV. I. U' ' . Most eonveiiient to t! ie hain of both Winston and Sa!;ut. portions! Persons stopping with us u ill iiu l no tr-.;iblr m . getting convevance to ai.v pari oi tlicsuiToundiu'-C eountrv. PFOHLU' STOCKTON. V.,.K. Vhlesaie and Pet ail D--'alers in .'t-n- vai Merehandiie., Winston, N. I '. en. I o . Dr. Juo. SI. PHYSICIAN AND SURuLOK, WKo'nV! u;r;'. . c.. ".il attend rhomptK.:.) all v oiessu'pa ; calls. 1 ! Da -l5 L: t m m m LEAKSVILLS. PJ ei. " .. '" i.-t'c" . J-: -'-tr.-.-n. .i: ..... ,. - U . . I O .1:1 I ! t!ie montb, and 'feetii w i jJ: p.,.. t 'nited Si tes. e cviet 1 ait'd plate lor Al ! :: inveu'or 1 to.' .al 'iV'-tn an i 0-X- t :.m: end. r.-ed b the rrs-ioi). mi'i' one i-r iinjirovi iuv 1!-. Denial and M "!i : i. ., i i:.S i. -. . .' r-:.- ON hi 'i'lKv- S ANir rK- i'n- i ; ,.ri ,. d-sii vhi- '.s":'' ,. a';-' one.'tU-. I I " 1 llOllljOl'iillni n... 1 1-r.dii Ki'idsviiii'' i- M ; 1 (( i'b , ; ; o . s b' .i ,f ii ' a i o it lOMFOlffA !'d.F , ,-n the Mad C-e ( :i;id Madi-.:. . I ' .-,-ai- i:;,': .': s;.l5 ;V. u. M ' :. .'e. 1- a.n-.. (''"v'! S. lb :.m'.. i p. . A b. TO OUR COUNTRY HSRCn Don't 1m Himil.-s'tP"'1,-1 v . . - coNn:cTtoNi-.i:iK- ;- old E.stabli-he-i Uoe.ve. Lor is .) . no s mm Ut' M .in Mteet. Fichm .;id. A- a. 1 '.'' Dotns Felow the Foliar Savings Fanh. .....sfflsr. -'-:;;;;; ;::: l lohblo! Penned Stcain':o..ly 1 ak- - ,,..r, ''"'jVns .r.idss.Krx C,F..). 1. TIIAXl'i'N. Late Jlnir .. d'iiaxton. . C. M ' '' v oi" Vi:':,eay. n . M 1 . il : Sl.li- I l .-. 'v, vv ;oi.:-d I HI. V eAv'.a.Ieti niWP'N W MHIOLA, Notions. White Coeds. HOSIERY. ETC, tMiovernor or loth St. llich.noiul Va. E. F. TAYFOK'S OFF S I AND- C. .F MAinrAV - t,f Henry Co.. V.i c. - - j. o m ., - on .l.M. llAKl-- of lLid.dil,. J. BI. HARRIS k CO, DKALFKai Staple ;v Fan. y 1 ry -S,,;... Millinery "K.i. l'--muni l.roeeiK-s, C-ucensware. and n, ' ..,,.1..,.. .sortmelit "1 tvel'V el.:- a ,o.. r . , .i ...... l hi' eney. i-.v'ua- .'uarnmuoi a.- ou..M for cash. v oin. o.v, - ! 1., IEI H I of Umhn. N. C. with N. C. n to kin - z - u i, P. .v.i,- ana ueia- n iio.v - i m ..; , . - :'-- -;' '- i an..r ns.vr , , ,;iV,v. hks a d .wn ' j,.. a .d one -. -u.e p.-je . ( ... Ui ' ''T ' ' l'A.NVF i.L. UU'dNFv.., n", ; .. ,.a.,. ;-;;r ' ';,;, ( ;!d tldng. woul-b.g b- woiih a ' tF- e va e-.a, - ' ,'.,' .-. - '.' iv nt'-actee o i ' , .,, ' . ro1" .1 tub' l i" :'K'1'1" ' ' ' "..'ii, ' s -, , , u ',.. be on-'- n I . aiU ,b,a. l:a- and respeet.nlh ;. v . ., ,n i , f , , liatvfn:v.,e t ; t '. ' . - IlEIDSVJLLi:, I'.M'.tlTjit'i i.. ..i.ic your .v.,..:n'x: i-.u.: tie -!! rc:rrc-t h" bjtu-r waves rj) cv.t in vm;r bj-rast : rcstle all vainly. .,,i--ri-h the l.-nnij. : el J:j th- fi'.-rce M. -.It- loes nut - u!:,e your lr.-t. to:... r 1 "u rusn Uvi 'jvn;- wood and f- iv.- throutr'i : T!1(. -,, ;.',,.,;, c , i n .o.l ,,rmK n, Uu- troe-, w.v, SI J wLi.p,-, 11 !;lst Vwr with y-u. ,, Mf , !,- -r ' ;'-'S : - -ha! ' '''i1'1 ni-- 4'"' i,d sh, lii-cr, hero h,-r foot ot- I stej)s passed :" The very win.nn- of the glade h-friend :;,e : "7hlH ,v-'lri t!i' -she took with me the hist." T1 , . '"i' '-priiig. its roc.iy hel o erflowmg, ii,'uil ,aur,ur bow iuy knee vnis hent to drink : the !!.',..,! rrow- Alon- :r l" of its mo.v-y hrink. Tire f(.;";; t;-, :it up vv iiri autuini IV', their riehe-t robes before I lei Stood still and listened to your whispered story, In the tleep calm that bushel tin- wood lands wide. lecfu'i re.ctinj: .y spirit f.ave you men ai.ud v ,nr : Y.'.u- ; .e u . . your ont.n. tin-e mi n; n ic- in- .1 ft U: '. :!- luse Oil V: . t. (',; v 11 V" -u'li .1st -S nIl' : I:;,:-. in,. I 11 ii!iv; ;m; ! wt'.v, a- on the .a Uili.'' ! n '.'our wr.ig )!1 t';o .- i r 1: i : .. . .ru-ek's- o . e.0W f s le.t i.,e t , me .SUo.V.iU-iv e cone,! on n c 1 :f 1 -'r... y 'y Ltroi'vii irii!ii'.i)hhnt wli-ax t 1 he' :;ui. ., .1 wiih thh ku rapji I In'.' W',:o:e o.e a- with a iU'u'... l'it;oit ra-':.e'( :in-; ...!' the e'.nt t. ,'oW. tbi-...g'.l d.C tl'.-uedii'.'-. .'' '. . ! b', :; ' ' v, ! ;v; . . . . i . : ; N A ! .. ij' - N.-w Vor:. S no am ili:i. a patient in a pnvab" :i near t.-j.'v. Sia '! mil died ee'xs ato. -''any ears p.-o. !... v. hi Iredeil e.uiutv. North C p-. ' : 1 . e a r poetcd 1'P-d.vi i'i:ns!.'i' 1. 'a-'pi-.ise hit' was me. in wis .- i i errv. loo niiUe o! - ' 1 dv son. Nion o tramn f tlie ooo I man toow petu !. nee i mar ( iie v . ri:rT man vv n toe an v attendimj; ti ns i a v.oi:; g" s ,u.t Wool, and s- anient was ti e'r a- eeieneiit th.it no rival vvai su o-red ; . ...oi between them. h.en the girl leached the ace of fifteen her devotion r fvotion to voung ' urrv li.eoi,H-iSO m tmiest tnat bi i' n.ir. nts. wishmL: to . nor i .' -. ..: 1 i- -lb' ::.'. . ! - ! : at t i ' e ' -. ... j , bp, ! rp.av bitWeep, the . ..? . . ...,,'n. oe,. dan t .', ). . a lia.ei o o ovte.l to. and d. -eine mee.iin-s were I ... ntinaed f r three yeni At the ex h.at "orio 1.. tne liaml o! tne . p;dv w as souubt by th i.ep st-te-man. :rad to f onio a lier ac: ems,. en trie- r. ere . . , ,. 1 w'th vouu'r Cerrv. 1 ,b,. voi.iv man turned and shot his val. who led thc pursuit, killing him . -...i.. a lio vouiv conpie le the i si an o . , -. . ... i . . .v. .1 their mpbt. After a rm. new ..at u iad-.d vonr Is ri.o.n. '' '''' ' irrMMBtnr;t-T' n -1 . - a i t o . i . - - The F, 'Minor of Noi'.h n . oi red 1-v bis arres in ..,v. lured by the tempting . :fe . . i .1. Snddelllv 1 ti mini . i bo.o North. 'ero;lna. it lil.s.-.l .onnos.si lla:t Uc U.Vl UH hacUhanged his k,, of . perathmv tb-.e day. at the time d . - ,t' rb.- fertile il it uem io , m what is now .v. - w boated chase Curry Look tvtuge witn in, b,..roihe.l in e AlleJ.anv Mountain,. near the hcadw-.teis b'' the atawbi. and there, outlawed from .all s-cety. he became a highwayman, and speeo-ay aehieed a dreaded notoriety by the ... i ..', ,.-,e,ir oT h'.s darine rx- nao v o.o:v - a ,.,... a : ' - . , . , .mi. - I niiiio 1 1 1 1 " , . x- . a..- .i . ' .. v. m ' - ; , i M-t: " r o t ' i - 1 - i .. .- v fi'.n ;.,,o'. eant pe.ued n. - .... ... , a-,; ve , b e i. ' ! ' , . . ; , . - - ! n..,. .o.:. a . ' a . , . I . o. o ... ' . " . , . ... , bol - '";"'- .. ; ... b ' " .:-'.:.-'.: b' " . ...P.. U lav ea-' a -" ..n-.-ooi- , .a m - - ' . . . . o -'.' - . . . . i ... ,-i i:s' :,.ul 1::l'M' .. !- ' 5- ; ' 1 ' V.v" L:':i !' "'2.' J - v.,-ri:i.i :'':!S'' : addn.va . r- .a., ,,.., V.a; : sj:.fxsm.l tro-. .ne - e'..h- , i;, .a . .. ; ... . :i: -1 ' ' ' ' ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER :?. 1875. e ti.e ujo-t popular r-"-'1 tne CMtietiu :vt. . ,1 , ai.a 50 i.o LCauiiu jm: r tw-.--;ve e:u-s. no was ? tm--'- y eit-e:'.' i : tin; LrJ-.'aturc. yri' 'le NV'1 cll-i- lini;ni'-.i1'-il for pfrcrli''iiid injpasion- ca t'UHi'.icuee. U- lame a leaticr in he ra:ii;.s -of' hiiyr-, was a member it 1 tno eonvcntpi: at i-anied tne State ( 'on.vututioni''aiifl''m'-rented his iis tricl the Scnt'H ausa-i; Jl ill's niot i.!-tto acquaintances were the- SUngsfoVii brothers, men of we dta aiM abHtvti- . A close inti- macy sprang ujib voeitjthem, and Hill, i ' : ' history tdlimrli t'utt he was Ihe no- house, fell in love with a young l.uly, ; brides weddoit Aspasia when she "w bbtls,a .r : toriouVxoar'-rXatllHa-olina. whose father was a well-to-d , Second ; was thirty-six, and yet she afterward I him. to testify her (hsgust at us evtst .... .i. mow ,1 hnr,n,,,r. for thiitv vours or more held :,n no.lb ; encc, and U) admomh others te beware strong men reuueiu um to nai-.i ..e seat in the Heult. out lull refused, and tl.e brotlrslca'a'od t re: Sending t NirtlfHaciina thev procur- I V eu a rcqulsit'iou fik''lTCst and a co- py of the reward offietd for his capture, 1 he four brothers po -rfrd and deter- . 1 if , 1 ! I . i 1. ' mmeu as tney wcreu Knowing u,e character of the nWRlb uhom they ; were to deal, spcurihe assistance of ; a dozen men, and siartiunding lr.s house attemnted to effect m capture. On ; approaching the iaai itranee and do- manding his surrend one of t'-.em was shot dead, and tl others were Ia n u eronsl v woun ued -nu tne attacK i. v as alandoiK d. The (ioven.nr of A an additional icwaial and hastily; paekwig rf vet out with his wife I'pper Arkansas, v.lir'; he knew of i the existence of a ball of desperadoes who-a members he hnli reason to be- : liev !"'l..'-.r'' iib ;i.ii'cr,'rM' 1 t mi iiuvi ui w'.v.'vt luii. jit u.i5 i 1 talvC-n at Conway CourjAlouse and Irak- iug his wngon and adiriV li.shing bis wife ' and children to keep ieu- places ; he ; stepped forth in the ftee of his pursu- ! other side of the picture, after a fe w just h.aif her age) became attached to ers. and in a few eloquent words told ' nionth,' release from marital bond-: 1 her. and slie was held as tho first lady them win- he (;i.:t Xorlh Carolina, at poain married, ard al the lime had not ' and most beautiful woman at Court up the same time assuring his -mrsu-rslhat ouy tl.c three children by the first wife, to the.'period of the monarch's death he w l ""vi- Jsj$ mZXUy- yWtiiMi.-a L.Vj iAUil lile,, irce-.wij lit power uL, llallia, T.f. ' M'hA hcbt.or uHiWfSf LcUilfci a8el cea'so to be .g. i ,nutu rSMe -""V " and (,!:'. rre'soii e, and ue lv.or' to di i. rn heavily. and rS ,rc .o t.ie gam- . idin table as a mean.i of support, tine ; Set -temher. 1.', '.vhily seated' oav m at break! hst he told hit, wife that he had j amition oi deati, and lclt that; j should be killed tlo cl. iy before, sun- j t. 'ailing his s ,n Wiiiam, a bright ov of fourteen, he :-nr.Je him sw ear to ; I the man who sho'.U kill his father, The t lrch.it Coart - f Pope county be- c in session, he atrrt.ded it with a o.;nv oipu named Howard. .lio V;tl v ; :U..-d to his, el -.lest laughter. As Vacb.d ii e village I I'd: soon as tnev reac l.e-an to drink',' and i .fcbited an iinu- sual dispe-fitionj to e;ua'. edvi.-vevv one. he et. ;' He insult- ! finally threat- ene.l to clean -the '"'lit Horse ; he da-hed int tin- vo :rL r Merr.ation of Judge. j: Y uii"- lhevan! tried m. to tlie con- and lawyers. restrain him. but o bring dike a tigei lie turned upon the vouth air! felled i at the vame tune tlraw ev !."unf-.i ' ini un ev iaimf-d :y J be nun, in a moim im e.-oieme an fmish: drew a knuc ani buried it in the - lv..M''o d' jliil. He so .a al u r. 1 1 o V; I'd llit Afka Is and several - venrs later was heard f at San Anto m liio. Texas, where hi oincd the Con- - federate forces untie command of t lo f P ol - '-- :UJt- i aas met ' . ' .o-Sflrt:.. ,n,.,.-c in- - , atn lie naci iai-.tro. and fled to Ku- hen stance shot the toflr ri- rope. He joined French army ana in - served th-ough 1 ranco-i russian re - v. ,r.; out was subji- to temporary m -a: et v. Finally 1 r.se became hope ie-.s. and he was pi i i- bic frionds eu o , ... m an asvlum near '.lasgaw, eotiauu. ,.a ' vFner(- he receivdv ' Tit v; -..vi. rib-. An ol'l ,u,,l ii Kdrdonavl, huii-tii a pair OiM.iu- i- fl... .-. lie a - .o - .(ilie C!.'el-pro;c-CUT. .--- i . . . - i .-.-. ami aim. 1 t i 1 . LI'I'I1!'!. " .....llilll1.. I '. .' - . I , i -l or' s 1 -e - .... .... .. ' I, .,. i . . I....!-:,.,, l..,, ,,,-f.- -tnl : .i Uh"...' icruiua.'-'" . .. . i,,. - . . Vi aioo g. I i - - -' -s t ; ui e.i , o o --- , . . 1 , , no v. .is .. - s-.i.-. .... T-n b,. i,-. ,vbJ is" 1 km;v. what i ,., ,in a dv'mg v-sle en---' - to... . b' c'v 11 V'H ' ...rien' was -.vo. . .. ov. . t- .. i. .... , - " - - .. ' ? o both to marr,miT --n. - ;: ..... .;:r; lier-. , . ...... sv b ;'' ' : , T , ... . .m... ' , . 1., mwmm.tbsaF-1-id. .-h . ,,. ; ' ter relaied t.iC Ca I ,v 3 ' ' ' ' -' k rr-Hbi.-c . . , . o.-oC. . . a !-e in -: s .- p ... '-- ..... . .. . - , .. . .. ..: .. tbe -t. 1 nt em ;. ttie c -j- - ' ' ' ' 1 - ., ,. .. .,; :. - - s. - . . ..... ' . .. .. I i . . . i r , ' ';., i,l. "- . ,.n I! .. . . .., "liii l v oal m.i.l. I e. o jf -,m ...... m ,,,vk. " vi:Airis. !orv T ?i ;:. 77- V it?i J. S ' 7 It u;ay not bo generally knov.i:. yet : is probably true, that t" e m i ! uf . !-t l.yi-ne aUhoiyh wr-itten : 'lu- ! '.:. . had the ground work of it mo:v iii a singular inarriaoo. which t;ok p-lace lit Cincinnati, the notice and the attending circumstances at tho time bo : i t mo topf-a uy ainiosi every paper m the i-otintrv. The matter was as about a., , rTfT r:,::J.,"t.wi:. sucei. iu-.KaiK, . . - , . r. son ot nlP-nti n tiic ho eo-ode wen- mar- ! rieiJ. i'oth soon found out dint thev were not happily mated, and alter a marn- ; ap- of several years, durinj; wlac'i time t they had three children, two boys and . ' .1 tb.,, ,.,t...-.!i.i nM-AA1 fA ftinlillw' a g!U. uiey umuuuv ,0 .... band, applying for a bill of d.vorce. on the ground of incompatibility of tern- , per. Ihe divorce was granted, ami th? ; wife went home U her lather . who had. through indorsing, lost his bi all his liropertv- The daug his own misfortunes weighed so heavily mind, that dur unou tne iatner s inn a 1 I moment of mental alienation ne took ansas iniblished his own life, leaving his daughter pen iliii s arrest, niless, to rough it with thc cold charity few articles he ' of the world as best she could, id children for The woman, a brave little creature, tried every way she knew how to gain an lionesPliveliliood ; in fact, working so hard t-iv'm;: music lessons and doing ' . . . . . 1 ( ' I II .1..1 . . r s , , -.... I'iiavi ii" l i1'- 111 si in 11 u-m,in i 1 biMibu i t a ' -1 iiv- 1. ...... - - that her lu allh gave way, and hiving no monev to pay her board, must starve j 0r i to the poor-houe-. To turn the . vcrtRca iw nm w au Whleh lValC :ere;c'!cd the eves of the (a.st wi;e. and she, m her .rouble, went to the former partner of her heart and told iiim of her sad condition, and ap- plied for the position in his household. The husband knew not what to say. hut, after tnving her ample funds for lier immediate wants, asked her to call auain at bis ofTiee 'on the followincr niornmg. n:mi.":mg in consult nis who about the' matter in the mean-time. J 'roomily a. per agreement wife No. 1 v;s on time, as was the husband, ami from there they went to the resi dence, where the two, wives had their h-st conversation, einling in their r.gree- . moot for the first u'ile to come and ac- cept the vacant place, ' which she did,. seeming deligbte 1 at bav-'mg a pea ccful ie.me over her head notwididanding , the- very strange circumstances under : which such a shelter was given. Xe- ces-ity demanded that the entire past to thc floor, should be obliterated, and the new -to the greater-, preponderance of water a pistol, he housekeeper treated as any other help, the southern hemisphere, the great -'it kill you '." that she must care for the children . est accumulation of water is round the ier own offspring and the other chil- divn tl'.e same as anv hired nure would do tha she must cat at the second la- hh- to-eare for her charges. All'tbesc t'e;.r. os nd evu n. ire hu- n,iiit did the o -or vvaioan show, no - .void or look exhibiting the Fast ei- tleiice ol discontent leiice ol discontent. N hat. however. 'moot bnve Lc-eo the true' ft nlace that she had once trieb snc , i.c1tl thought so a. - 1 ,, ".c troni LIU- : i t ;1 om o, , , . whole . iii ,. versai ;t wui' "v - t m ou. b-o..,. a'.- P cLs. is strangei m... v, .,, ,u, ,-ho era wa reudynarrt .- - . . r , i nt cu v in i " rag..,- - - wife was taken very ih. n- i- ,1 bv tl e nh'.sVvl and be. -i th-ul-Tb "r 'i IMT II HOI - - 1 saw s tiwiU Uvc Uv a fc at :i,' ,U sot 'U' 'TZrZ'rZ , -ex.cptingbrrlta-o.m.io.... eor.te'. - - ' ' , ', pa , !...-. -.Vf t: : 1 '" ' ' ., . v. : . ' e. il-'-.o '....' .... . .-i . , :. W .';- ' '..: . -- . - t.V.'. ' - i ,.:.;i u.e : ' ! - ' . ... I 1 -i .. l i ,i . . .. - , ...... , . ; ,f i - - 1. , NO. 35 5m-:i, for I ri.iit, ri.., I.n!i s. llh-n .f Troy was over lo.ty wl0n she perpetrated the most 1ai;i. -,'s do; melt on record- ( 'ntijerine U. of lh:sh. v tlnrti I II re e M K-n she sei.ed h,- Kro ': ; -vid captivated thedasldnj; ( rl Ml'. I.iia wasjtliirtythreo'wlton h," u. n tho heart of Augustus, over w-!.om. :.',,e m dntaned her ascendency to CiA- i 'i u.i.s jms!. unrry- ttl,cn An. ; lo" fl'1 U!ul,-r Il( " NU, whic h itmt ; .:nor. . . ----- nuiushcd lciuitation for boatP.v. ! Anne ol Austria was thii t v-eielit when she was the h .mlsomest ueen of ! Kurope, and when Ihickin-ham and 'Richolieii were her jealous admirer--,. The day which sees women as earo- M i ch()OSC viltuous husban(ls as mon :,mve bcen tho past (1 se,ect v5rU,ous wivi wm Jn k thc ,ciaircv. 0uf-10J1 ()f tj)C anc sines and ' Xinon de 1' Jvncl s, the most ccle lter's and ' braied wit and beauty of her day. was the idol oi thc tnree generations of the golden youth of France, and was seventy-two when the Abbe ded lends fell in love with her. A wedding agency is projected in Paris. There will be a chapel and a branch of the mayoralily, so Tliat civil and religious weddings can take place under one roof. Carriages, lawvers, priests, ball room, music, and even the .,.,.,1,1;.. r :n r. a, ,1 W ' O I- V Will III- III I INI I'l I , - - - - - - The extraordinarv Diane de Poictiers was thirty-six when Henry Second of ; France (then Duke of Orleans, and j : a.itc-1. Men will rave at Iho i.m back sk'nts, but' so they will and have at ev- cry fashion. There was the kangaroo droop, the Urecian bend, the tilting skirt, thc bell crinoline, the decollete bodice, the long stomacher everything l Wav back to the ruffs nf Queen Bess. or the barrel hoops of teen Anne, has been sneered at after the same man- ner. And vet, niau have a sort of l ina;m( rnn.,v a... ,k a m.i- turcs, after all. ' 'fi':i I2;i rlli'.s t;in- r. In thc preface C his recent excel lent book, '-'I he 'Abode of Snow," Mr. Andrew Wilson, well known as the au thor of one of J.he most interesting works on the Chinese Empire, revives the old theory of M. Adheinat that thc earth will topple ovet one of these days and send the oceans sweeping' over the . continents. l he tboryis that owing . n.i . ... . 'South 1 ole ; when tlie accumulation Has readied a certain point, the bal- ance.of the earth must be suddenly de- s'royed" tlie centre td spliericity ab ruptly change far from the centre of oravitv, rnd tlie whole earth, almost instantaneously, must turn transverse ly on its axis, . move me great oceans, ,e globe. me ve- and ,,i tthemaMciaos the whole free of the rrorvd nhvsicians , i- ... a ;.. iIP.j e! eorv. which i. ha e Dcnev eu o. o.. - . not easily e .ntro verted, even,: it it be baFeorie. llN t U one liljepuN F. .oiM- .; .polls this, mon.'.n'- a ' ' "" 1 b i i "'- re ;.eke.; v. a vo- . 1" 1 , ,r! rf a - ---- -iltttt 111 VV- I" . . M HM I 1 II Til W td'.a'itago i coo i.e..,. . u hours '.s ,v . I hear d a io'-m -ay t:. s mr ti. t vou were a con a v: ei. .1 ,. ,.i- iievi an 1 a bar. v.ai o - r i "s r,-,;oo. "F.!thod. l,.ts0.o l .,..,1 ibe ilOUV.:- " , , :1b' ii in: op a ivi:itTiiu $ One ii.in ,. thne ' 1.IK) ' lieh aldi(ionaI :-i'riion....50et. T i nve iiKnth . . .4.00 i iiionlhti 6.u I var : ...io.o-!) ' edi inn. Kt .iL--rtion 6.00 Ka-h additionn? ...,.2.00 Ihrtr ni'Miths .... 20.A0 Six niontlLS SO.'K) (:'-' yew 4o.(W K n !iiii. f thb, tyjK cniitiiu-s a square. --.-! : ..., '; Ik--.; noiKx-H 2'Kts. jH-r Ium-, :r.,l s , t;..--u i- !. nsiul contract. Traa--n-'t :i i , ri: m'. nl jv:i!!c m ailvana ; ye::rlv ndv-ti.inent.N 'iuirtnly in sdvaiuv: A Wrrrk mV : linn. What week so shocking to behold ns tin wreck of a diss lute man the vivror of life cxhoistexl. and yet the first step in an lion tnhle career not taken in himself a lazor-hoiSe of disease ; dead., but by i heathenish CUsUuin of society, not buried' Koines h tVe had the initi d I.MN.-r of their title burnt in to the palm of their hands ; eve:: for murder. Cain was only branded on the fon.ii(. .1 . I,,, ,,, ,)u. uK,,i ,r,m, ;,f th? debauchee or the inebriate, the Ibfh him nkh stigma rfmV iiTrnw- . , .11 .... i..mw nil ( l ,us ""l"' his joint, scud trc rs along bis mus- , ,r , .;.fr,,. ;r , . , fitilpa ,, -. . UO UI 111' llilll oj'Ull .iiriwii.J " died brutes, or to degrade him to tin reptile's crawling ! 1 low she disfigures his countenance, as if intent upoii ob literating1 all traces of her own ! image, so that she may swear she never made him! How she pours rheum over bis eyes, sends foul spirits to inhabit hi breath, and shrieks, as with a trumpet, from eveiy pore of bis body, "Heboid a I least;." Such a man may be seen in the streets of our city every day; if rich enough he may be found in the saloons, and at the tables of the l'p ! per Ten but surely to every man of purity and honor, to every man whoso , wisdom as well as whose heart Li un blemished, the wretch who comes crop ncd and bleedii.g from the pillory, and redols-ut with its appiopu.iae pn.." 1 i would be a guest or a companion i.u VtWiUVl IVV -. i lesS om:,,MNL a,", " 1 1 . T... .o I 1 l.o n I tt (F Thr eorj I ,K'iM'- i(.Cnds of the Norse have a j or .,nJ i)cautv quite their own. ! ru.rr. -H H stren-'tl. and majesty in them ; Lh (t OI..( hardly" finds in the graceful , -i p. -T.' ,l - '.ij-xZlmm , ZTtof tZX&J,MSt ., i. .1 i hnnt. tiuuuiiii vov in, 11.11 , , ,r r.r fWn than of delicncv. lThc wUd rov-ing Vifc of the Viking, SWOV( always in hand, storms abovo nrnn.i nnd tho restless, wander- . ' sur 'n beneath ; a perpetual ... i r flt nnrt tPmntt dcvel- j opea a ceopi stern poetry in him, and j touched bis troubled life with "the light that never was on sea or laud." The Norse had grand elements of char acter, with all their rapacity And cruel ty. They htormed through life, scorn - I cd oaso and luxury, and loving iiotliin I so much as the surge of the sea and j the tierce excitement of battle Soine I times one finds in these legends and stores a profound, poetic meaning ex pressed with the most perfect beauty and grace. An old Norac King sat in hi great ball one night, when the tem pest was roaring and whirling wi'.bouf The great fire threw its glow far out iu to the dark recesses of the hall, all the brighter for thc storm and darkness around. While the king talked with his counsellors before the fire, a bird flew in and passed ver them, and out it thc "real o; -n w mdovv. a-eam s Such," said the king, "is the We ot r .1... .1.-t ,.r.v in'll 1 14 fl'Mlt. man; out oi im: . m and then lost in the blackness and stoiui - j ' " ' ,. ....Pan old court , a t, i Aete W Mndcr ;l (;rccian or Itahan sky. 1 - ... ..-1 a iMtW .l-- " ,i ,. t'ev Mr. Windso r Notions atothcFo..ir t 1 1 11 T- TI 111 H " ' -a ,W '" ' . ...... ;,u , aiful p .,i Win" V,imi -- " 1 " "f ' - ,.,.. of his daughter AF !,,s-, m tie nnai " !( Her i reast .u,domCbi. en - r, shocWmly burned, and .ut.i - , was .Ite u . ' i i ..! a she . ..il Oi l. .I"'., in- i i.. A,i. 'nkc'd her matter i i t:i'.- v. inie. -o.- - - l0(b.dwithbor.aau, -J!l- 1 .bevaid: -M"S t , i .... re- ' '"' ' ' :i : , As her i ',.(' tr.eo o- ."r;i ! JiV. x-h' 1 up m ber u,.iM v,ordbedear h her foil . . an ed'ort w! .'Pe r'- ..-.-O'-'J: i ,,-r i n " " i"..t r. ;v. . " - j her i-iVif-r lil'al . ov- . a .e, c'fch- br a isp'l le i'.b 1 r i i of wvery month

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