I 7 V f : I V i ft1' best ' 33 might at eice let themselves into fields of corruption ancL "clover. This has proved disastrous. Let us go back in this.as in other things to the usage of our father.. " 1 . Laurs DEATH OF YICE-lK.-IDENT SVH,- Jenny June tb'- Hutchin- ; SON. Rolliway in i the Shepherd i son in the in ;?ne flatter anc Vice-President Wilson died in Wash- in the if'.de and vS'(;'niv Vor- ! Fall and inter Tper IMreiiorj. ington at o'clock yesterday morning. Miss lall:ard in tne Hollis in j Middy Mor ale BEHAVIOR IN CHURCH. In consideration of the paralytic shock ' gan in the Tmes, ar- ' he prom. , he sustained sometime ago, and tne inent la(jy writers 6f w Q'"' , sudden stroke of that spinal affection " - with which he was stricken down but The behavior of some of our vounn ' the other dav. his death was not a. to- ; ,.-Av7.i dins the THE -GREAT TEH " Reidsville News, people in churcli is a source of pro- Sc'ther unexpected, notwitnstand v-,wi f i 4 4, , dadv bulletins from his neosicie express- ; found regret and annoyance to the sood , - , i in f the confidence o! his prrysiciaa as STOCK OI SATURDAY, NOW 27, 187 o. I fit l7Cnc hi ). fCK 1 . . 1. j , , 1 to ins speedy recovery. t,ie hf"se of Cod. The good go there. Henry Wilson was justly numbered i to worship and adore. Him who is the amom- the reat men of the country. 4r ?lonry I13' TriE ii os,? kespon'SIB: m BVTERPRISE IN ! 9l 1 '.V ...V ' ' 3 " ' KIM'l'O K. author of our being, and the "Infinite. He was essentially a ' self-made man." ; k ' , ' , , ! ptDf.,i .i i' ... t. t.-.. having been born poor and educated, J.flo n;rt (wt Association rlIIE most popular of Newspapers in thi j X country is j THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, j sent with the REIDSVILLE NEWS at $3.00 ' & year for both papers. THE MARYLAND FARMER, A Month ly Magazine derotod to A griculture, I I6r ticulture and Rural Economy. The Terj best Journal for a Southern Farmr. Termt ifl.'iO a year in advance. '"piIEXLVSOXIC JOURNAL, Greensboro, IN. C. E, A. Wilson, Editor and I'ro- prietor. Tereas 1 ropy one year, $3 00 ; 1 1 oopy six months, $i i5. No ciub rate. A1LY AND SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS, 'Danville, Ya. J. C. Luck and J. R. Morris, lroprietors. Subscriptk .n Daily $5 00, Semi-Weekly, $2 50, invariably in advance. ' Di TO THE PUBLIC, wisdom, power, holmess, itsst-ce, cjood- , , , , ' , With this isstfe our conntct'on with ' ncss an(1 truth to lift up the heart in , v.e:(,ht rears of nrn he was elect- Hie r.e'dsvil'e Nk,v- ceases. We have tnanksgivia.r and in praise to Him -'from ed to the Legislature of Massachusetts disposed of our interest to Mr,. 7. ,1m K. ' whom cometh every good and perfect He rose rapid'y as a politician , he was Welder, the former editor of the pa- . , . , 4. r rr".r;-iious i r-Y-e-odr in 1P48. gut and to iirmlorc a contmuanca- of L ...p.cuou.s ,u j .u , .k. w a per. Imii cht danger to the sen'o:-editor's ; ,. . , . . , , . : and four years later he was president . , , c . . , ii s tend: mercies and lovm: kmd .ess. J 1 health irem c-r.n u:ea c Dhncmni', ' of the National Convention of that par- . tin; lease oi wmcn, 10 - new cei , n-,.'- tt -." Tet floUlors. Nuv;i(- This Associflc." f for fiind square in casn. Class reputation dealing, i Its 3IaiK liable Wizens of Texas But a few tickets nev; unsold, st's should be secured -it once. nnd the demands of profevdonal duiies ' "" ,n vn'L"' lJ ty at 1'ittsburg. He was a member of , JJ to.dav Uu- on the junior fditbr, have induced us tnormng. fresa every evening, and re- the Cor.stiUilional Convention of his ( first ami if.,remJ)st of itsJracter in the i" adoj)'. tli if; step. Ve tnke tliis op- peated e;ery moment of their lives." State in Vio?-4 ; and in I8."5 he was i-n-,tc(j tatc. and has Home Kn- found cratitude lor the liberal stn-norr ., ere't ir. t!w eunte of tfie I mtou tates 1 u:iWo;tliy. a i nd tneouragement, and the nmnv " : where lie figured promiuentlv and con- , The FilIovin- enJor ls'i4 ood words from .our cormtv men.- Thcre a,c ot,,ers ho- th, arc.not : sistentlv as an cAm mA of .hverv tin- ! ,w. 1 1,..i.;,. citizens of ! .. . . ... .. . ...... . i a I heir memory will ever bo pleasant. pro! ess: ng hristnns, have l)oen taught til slavery was abolished. During the We have labored faithfully to deserve at a mother's km e to lisp the pr over's ' war he was chairman of the Conimit tla iii, in sparing no effort to gre llock- qC infuncv ,lKfl trained to a solemn tee on Military Afirs, and Is said to iugham a first-class country newspaper. setlsc of U;elr obll,..,ltion. io ,n do. have been of almost invaluable servic iiow we have succeeded the public must r K , , i to the Tnion cause in that capacity. p';u'.ii;nL'j: ujmii wiju, ouui icci lij.il il de'u'rmine-. We rornmud the News f and Mr, Webster to the liberal support : is a Sol Lll'1!1o tu nP wil!l chil- of our friends and.t'.ie public, and trust dren to - the tabernac les of the Most that, his efforts to perpetuate our coun- High.' - - tv paper will meet with deserve' .1 and ', , 4 ,. , . i . . ! I here are others who go f r more ht- sui.'Staiitial success. All exitipg con- s tracts for subscriptions and advertising ; era,' and 5nte,lectual f'M-ymeut, but will be completed by Mr. Webster, so ninety-nine times out of a, hundred they that no loss will result to our patrons too have a profound regard for be pro- from tb.e change. Craving the indul- ! p.ities of the occasion and the decen- gence ot jiardon from political and So cial friends or foes whom we have un- , i . 4 ' ings of other-, eveii tho' they have no J , c..l.ll ttu- dering gratitude for abundant and con- ! vcv' exalted spnse of their religious du tinned kindness, we make our adieus to ' ties. Indeed, h is the very rarest thing the jnibf c. Denison) Texas, chceiful give cur tes timony io the hoiiorafclt-and impartial manner in which the f$ Oraud Gift Concert jnf the Texas Concert Asso ciation y.as conductet as to the very satisfactory ma.er "m which all , the I'nited h;tat.,s was doubtless due in ,' t;ie ,)lC;it.es and j.roires of the Asso- Scho'olfielcl & ; ''IMIE S)UTII. a Journal of Southern pro JL gress. Terms of subscription, .5 J0 ; . sample copies 10 rnts. Publwbed weekly : by th Siulb Publishing Co., South Building, ! ls-2 Fulton St.. comer of Church St., New Y.ik. rpHK DAILY XKW,S. Ualemh, N.C: Iib I X hshed by tiie News Publi.-hir.jf Company in the News Iiujlding, No. 5 E. Martin St. 1 near Fayetteviile Street, opposite Citizen's ; Dank. Hates of Subscription, ift adrance : One year, by mail, postage paid. S 00 l Six liiumhs," " " " 3 (K) ' Throe mouthi" ' " Od One month, " ' 75 ; npilK ILiLLK ill SLXTlNtL, Publmbed JL Daily, Weekly aawl Stmi-Weekly. O-n-, i J rgaSIf Noifyi'' ('arolina. Slie Priut- r tug and Din-ling Lstablishment. P. Donan, Lditor. Uattti of iul.cripfion : . I huly Sritinel 1 year in aJvanct, S 00 Daily Si montiis in advance 6 00 S-iai-Weekly in advance 5 00 'eekly Sentinel n advance 3 Ot) Ii is elevation to the Yiee-I'reskk ncv of elation (-.;-re earned .;t ; ana. luui.ei , do most heartily eJ:e the Second Crand(ift Concert, t be given v. no utile uer-rce to Ins.: ''Ciuous labor.-, ;n behalf of the anti-slavery party before the war, as well as to his activity, ab::i- ... 1 1 " U !.!! . i- .1 1 i , huu .eai in uL-n.iu OL toe I iiiuii i .30 vdiile the war was 2' tino on. ' Vft. u-i , r p v- 1 V- N v'inn, M)r. City bf Deni- Mr. Wilson was a native of New ? ' T . ... , s n ; .! uce W . D. IVk, W. W ala-js, cies of life and will respect the feel- Ilampshire, but moved to Massachusetts in his early manhood. He was in the G4th year of his ae. !1 e was a man of extraordinary robustness of brain. He was bold, as well as warv, as a par- ieo. I Loving. ,13 . Woedyavd, Y. A. Tibb.i, W. D. Hor.,' J. C. Taylor. L. M. Jcliiison, Aldefien, City of Deni son. i ! INVITE TIiF. ATTENTION OF IU'VI-rdS TO TliV.lii h.V. of Goods just replenished by heavy purchases for the Kail Winter t'rads. The h r e a ery full line of CA'K : aid A SB nny HftTl i n Penny Karcd $10,000 GIVEN. AWAY. 7K will sond the aieldsvllle .ews I usual price $2 .0) and the Iouitf Tlllr Weoiily 4;ouricr-Jin'naI usual price $2.00. pjstage prepaid on both apcr. for one year, for &J.00. Tho Weekly (Jouner- .Journal is the grtvit National rannly rsevr- paper. U win, on iwuiwr .i&i,, jioio, I distribute impartially $10,000 in Valuable irvsents emoiig its subscribers, and orerj subscription m.-iu through us will be entitled ' to a registered and numbered receipt fur tin 1 distribution. Send us t3.0J and' g-t Iv.tli iapcrs. THE SUNNY SOUTH. sincere in tne opinions he expressed, and, with all his. bigotry as a sectional partisan, he has left behind him in his party many men more daievous to the. country. The vacant Yiee-1 'residency w'.H now nouncemtnt of Mes :-. DetheU lleid ; week that one guilty of such qonduct ; be fiUcd by thc Pres5fent pr, z,, , C)f r !'J..i:i LLlJ n i-lnK ty leader. lie always seemed to be' :ULluu suf" 'l i Ixc-ir hit ot pnzefis unpreccuenteu. HO. S. 11FTHK1.L, IAS. Y. IIKID. 1 in any country or age to find those pro 1 fussing to be ladies and gentlemen mis ! behavin" in church. Judge Kerr well , :,i u - , . i 1 aid in his 'charge to grand Jury last As will oe seen lioni tlie above an- ' " 0 J J 1 Cv the tvpe. press and fixtures and good reflected unon the mother who bore I the Sena'o Ib'fh Ji'h; - wui 01 t!;o iei(li.vme .M:vs has passed : V:;m. It is a vldtnt breach of ood ! 5 into my hands. It has been just six months since-1 retired from the field of i mrnahsm. During the interval I hav- never ceased to vcani lor mv old place aUentkm "f the 8ra,'J J;,,T as called ; don. has had a very depresCmg elfec in the Nkws oaice, and heme return to ' b, it, that the guilty onemight be llI "vtairi financial circles in the , social aV when seut express or -.t ' -Nortlicrn. cities the New 'York j-J .-' ""' 3Wgi; ?';" Tin-: L.vTi: ma fai s chf. morals and good manners and a grave ' r,,, r0;i.... ,c -n :. . r-. , ine iailme ol iiuss:1!!, stur"; violation of tiie law; of the stab:. The ; ("o., a house with a world-wide reouta Capital prize 50,0( ; lowest prize to a wiioh: -ticket -uOj j'oest prize to a coupon j ticket $10 lb-ke of win le ticket viiich'Con'.sts of nvo coupon: at ?i each. I (jash sent Jtr pickets should, in on ery c.t-c. be sent per express ov oy a bai:k drjift. Sums under $.",. simply, enclose in an envelepe, never send by registered letter or bv money order, as from lailge experience the Ass ciatitm find it j both unsafe and unreliable. Sent at tjhe risk and expense of Cue As- HARDWARE AND CU'L'LlH Y--ALL KINDS. BL'iLDFRS M T Kill A Ls, UtO.N US TfiO'.S, . BLACK Si-ini'S TOOl.s, COACH aND laboVnor pain.J to make the i .-et, as we said in tiie otitet, sonic 01 : fohowino-Vonderlul strain : ""neither labo News, under the blessings ol provi- ouv thoughtless young people seem to ' niany advanced in years, could, hardly ideitce, a benefit to its patrons. j cluirch w;tlJn0 other object than tell a more impressive tale than this. lbpecttm.y, - ! " . . . t irr.,., d In its day no house was nmre h aiorc! une. to A, 11. C0L?TfT. Secret v. j l;eiii; en, ;-' ''' Pt!cad their advertisement. Si'Al.'E.. "AOVKL- AN :!"i'ON-:- LAIlGFT AND I! ANOSO'd F.T 11'iV.K A It Y l'A Vp.l IN AM KMC A. ILgii.t.iAST Anxocncemknts ' The l'lh.- ine; lr v storie v'. s.xiu .Ihj ef:iiini;'iire,i. ruid will !e th' luioiii -iv 'rhvi'.hn of any Uoin.iiK-es v; i iii!ilis!i:- i n an A ur-r;r-in j'Min si. ' Fti15; ISonro ; rr. Xert 't ., S , A ihriiiinir Nai ioui.l Uoinaare. la".- ;; : tb A-ltninistralioiH 0 I'res:-! -i.: . i :: ',, $ and -bihusuii. and the KxoVuun-i . ., i;rra'.t in is:i. W.-'.tteu 'oy n h cd Statesinn:"). VrJll-n in isilo-l ,r. Th M -ru ;''' '' A stiry of th"' i M Nap -a - Kli'ui. I'-v Nl. Cna !. if tie" M !, i:s.rtn p:rs. in il"- Wmi I. A lwilliaiit i-ty f- h! : a' iui ww l-v Mn. .Marv Y. Ity.-; 1. rs-.t-, a t';; fid 1 est 8t,ry-Writer o!' tho Ap. .. 15. YK1KTK1L go to io turn it into a place for fun and amuse ment. They play tricks upon each oth er and laugh and giggle, and whisper, and write notes, and throw paper -wads, in tlie House of the Most High, while others are engaged in singing his prais es, in lifting up their hearts in prayer and in preaching and heaving His holy word. This is really shocking to the moral and religious sense of all right- linded. Jt all results from tiiought- A I10TAT1.NC, .jrmciAKY I nder this head in our issue of 23rd of October, we''spokc of the great ex cellency of that ordinance of the con venii'.'i'.which prohibited a Judge fr,m riding" the same circuit oiler than once in four years, Wc endeavored to show from the natural frailty, of humanity, how a dodge confined to one cicruit soon formed bis partialities and selected his ; 111 favorite and abo pointed to the Bad- j lessncas, ho doubt ; bin in this matter j aoovc cs Tor the last seven cars. as " thoughtlessness itself is the gravest of an inustralion of ; the shameful evil ; fcl--3. w hich ties ordinance -v;s intenled to jjCt Ul0se who "nave not sufficient re remedy. Nor is it the conit dudge 1 s,)Gct for others or reverence for Cod .done for whom this is wholeicme pr:- ; conduct themselves as la die, and 1 vision Sensitive proud and upright ' . . .,. , . . , . ,N1 , , , , t gentlemen in I lis house, have at least iman.nriv on the bench, uke the Iml.an . , . - . , t i 1 ' enomdt regard for their own reputations tree, become s very straigu. as to bend c',u over and some times do gross injustice.; and that of their parents to stay away from the fear of laying himself open to ; altogether. the charge of partiality to friend .. Take it in what vciw you please and : T 11 C Y ADK1N Tu UlU'ER. i or more successful. For long yeais it I led the way in enterprise and thrift be i Uveen Odd England and New England, 'a. t. e:llettcq, . t rv, c e?a'-r Iealcis in UKT ii New York and the Cast, mi chants of clerks, captains 01 mate-.. mates' of seamen, building splendid ships and covering the waters with the best products of all tb.e continents and commercial ports of the woiid. If any -tliinf were needed to convince men 0! change, mortality and uLer. extinetsn; on earth, it is a simple' record like Cue The old all dead, and their successors not success! m. FINANCIAL TIIOCBLCS. If it may be accepted as true that .." misery loves company" t'ue hard-up m- 1 dividuals and communities in this coun try may derive some satisfaction from $ ft. j'l i 5 r y ! G o o c Is loi i o : s , No. 1211, -.Main "W., Bichmon''.), Va. OilDLilS I'iiOMPTLY KXbrl Tbi). T. Itt'FFiN Tayi.oi; will l,e found in efr- ' jrK. -Ji;tr Clerk of Trrtt ,nr y I '. n. ' ; . ! ' ri!i'.. r Sir. A!ciii;niii.t,rcr. X-'J'liis will l)p a d(.'.j,'s .!;U( rc;i:i- fi',c.. 1 if hLi-i''i;r 1'iTinj- a; v trm'. ! .a Ivan- d"..: ..! :r and luai v jinnsnut M akin 2 altc aether one o' je largest stock- of Co.xls in this m.e in D tv. '.Mi. :xa ui iaJr- v. !,i "ft . Watkirss Cottre!!, YilF.'i M. SCI:" CM.: OF 1 SMt A h L. No. 1507 .u-n Stheet, cl'iin s -H.cs. a ncr.or 1 a.;dlerv Cue N, T id Urand liackirio IV;;g m;d Host. It!' ' 1 1 1 cM) pl S3' m qkiSg ruptuui was r v. , N'T this is. .a most excellent provision and , A , . . .', ,o ' Hedrick, tne m:m who was ch alone worm 10 ine oiau- imui- tn.u. .... -.. . . , . , , n,.'otl with the murder of Jennings in j aoum the cost oi the .-Convention. Oman-, , i r ,Yv.n ...... ' couniv last summer, was tried bet ore ccsto-rs t k this env of it. wbeu coi- ; - , . , ., r 1 ,;r. in il ,. Uiwl d'uuge t !mul tins wee m ro:stue .-a-lar less n'c m. the land .0 i . : .. .... vtA,.finiAi, f:i.-,rt, n,ii 1 - 1 1 i III! 1 1 ; I III 1 1 L. i t . II... ''1' . ' i. than now and when a DnOSw a .gi t .mfcix,,. W knew f-t f Joyce appeared with s-ucitor Hobson j art of statute law down to th' inaug uration of the N ew North Stut,v and the lotfcn a::hv Constitution; but '.m had no idea of how far b -iek it extca 1 cd until in tiio course of our reading the other day wc found that .we derived it from our ibigiish uacesUv.---. M re the knowledge that' the panic l.p..- witll, ed its way over the-.vasty deep and that ' they are feeling its effects most severe :, lv in some of the old countries of the -'world. It is stated that there have u.r(wl . been heavy losses in. Great Britain on the Turkish and fyjyptnn secinties. the bolder of the bonds being out o pocket about $170,000,000 on the for. mer. since' last April, .and about $50,- aml Candy ? ( vC n o i ; 11 and 13 ' a li c r ? , an 11 fact ore. r a i. k. ; Ann have in fctore ? ccnpiote Assortment f the Best Make reft. 'CHMOaD, va. c. I 1 000,000 on the latter. At th Line VUUr.ELL, ADI & .C0., DRUCfll S T S 5 121 d Main Kfrcei. vma' Tl.i.lxnlh, . rich Man, va. HA!;i;r.Tr Parlor, Heating . . nT ' i;ny there ;uve been teruH'v hea j ' .rf rf?" ' ' Co-kV Teach -I'.d'Tluxrou ftir 1l.et",!tn vaIue?" r1 "V- :,-"T'- Mlf''-' "vn''7 1 01 h,t, i-t.Hi. . nil ou x ion 101 tne oe- y 0 for n-;t!i!i nriiigs " af tn'ers ranM- fense. The jury were out f .r about, ' ll!ch arc held largely in Bngland and Iv exc ut h ' -A '.;!:4:i c .... 1 l .1 -o 1 cven hours and finaliv brou-bt mi o.uaanu ami auogctner me 5 oil' OUt iOorC , IS than lltfee h in Iron years ago the Brit -tisb parliamenL pa-. :A an act in ihe.-e words : t.o ma 1 of ia.v .-.'l.t'.l be t'uuv forth a Justice et e of the cf.m mO!Kileli cry of , bails in 'his invn coun try." Agian iu '.' Henry iSth chpt 2lt'i no .Cisd.i.e r.; - uo (.'it r man learned verdict o;' ma:iiaeghter. The Jdge in passing sentence declared thaia liis opim'on the oiionse wes murder in the fust degree, and .--enteid t! " prisoner to 10 years hard labor Tn the ponueu t'arv. lie Judge is not alone m his view, 'ibis seems JLo be the genera' impression made upn the public mi nd from the testimony in the cause The prisoner seemed to be very little con cerned while the Judge was fixing his late for the next ten years. It is stid. civ.su the l1ic.' ! .U-tlCC ot I a- size howr-vfr tUrtt h iln r.nf rinnl It o with.u any county wiiere sal .I ns was born' er doth inhabit, upon pain to .forb.ii lor ivesv uifeuce contrary ,t this act the sum of o-,e hundred fr'nds are busily engaged in obtaining signatures to his petition. i 1 m 1 'f : BNl.TTii The S'-vJit of New York says: -Fx-Judge Tourgee.of North Carol:- Una. has written a novel entitled Toin- in the iiv cl' the 1 . .shall us0 or e- (.:" ' at ali. and is confident of procur ing the Governor's pardon and that his not bv an means an encoura un" one. K( V:r;' The Xew rk Tim-.-i. loval as t is does not like this mystery at Wasing ton. It "it is quite clear that he President cannot declare war again? t :pai:i without the cor sent of Congress, but whether the train is being laid for that contingency is Lnothev question. Jt seems to us tint the administration would do well to annouco its piansamd thus to prevent the inevitable disturb ance which otherwise will take place in tb.e commercial world" -n nlustratu n c- how to run a great news Fall andWiier 1875 OK S ALI AT m. r w a- m. a xv t- t a y v 3 c,---r . Ill 1 w h rk. s x 5 i PANV1L L.P! , I K G I NT A . 3o1 pifcc-i Calico from i t" I" ccM. pie, Uiack tc.V SO. 374. 40. .V j',;- iii tut ir ei'ui is t ) c u.i iH'iiiie;,'. 1 i i'.-ni!!ii.'iit. A eu.-.i'ivr of ni;u.ixl! v hr-.i'.ii'it siifr' t .ri'-s n ' " r 111 i-iich van.-ly ! ;oark!ii;g 11 io .'.! .H'Mi -.'t-. feri?" Nili.m v.ption $.!') pr year. ( .:' : :o: I upWnK 2.5'J t-fi.-h. "('h.il'. .f .0 ai:-' apwaru? Y.'Z each. L t ra iv.j.r 1 1 oil" vvar. r club of t' '. '0. A i ire s J. li. SLA f.. A thorn. 1 1. wavkklky m VGAink. KOH r A M i j'Y iKTMia-riOX A0 IMIfU M r.NT. i'.'.iltai hj 5 .0 . liiT. (iFFI'P. W.AVHHI.KV rnrl.IHIilKfl' Hoi'sk; 'iKiiz:: I'ox. 1 1 ' r ut lT. ihx . T'iSMami. T.:.s ppor U tV !ars;-'.t rkl err p lh hs !.! in th s countrv. lt r,,i,!.ntn r Mid U'i will ho ajiprtorei! j., 14? m.ni fali j- lous ''ircli'S, 110th. ii iiiiiii'ji 1 i o:r.' Innt'.wi i l!'i :ts ,--ii. 11 V ill fimiVl aMlili.-b Frti'j- lu'itu-: a'.ivt anv i: :i imi ! :n( tvfii.ri". i-oniKtiug of '1 ai. Jflst rv. Hi-o-raphy, toother 'with Music and JWry. I h- apor contains no ultra scnt;mcnfi. Mi l ni"'id!s with tj:.Lot politics nor roi'. jn, nut in eharaeteriysu by a high m ,ra! tnt. It rwcilates- a!l or thu nyuntrj, frm Maiut to L'ahr'jrnia. '! i-mw A 1 uajo in Aclrar nf ropy, pont-paid. f-.t 13-mo'iUn . t".0" One opy. j't-pa ;i. f ,r ' :uoith . . t.-V) One r..py." po;t-paii. 1" r :: -a :i,.!r '. . l.li 1 Subi-rJer 'u th- pr"V!;,c-a. iha sariia. A iii'Tr T'i'i.;,, c;nni?iicc -vry Ja-iuirf aii'l July, but ;f a nr-rson 1 rnrncn 's at any. ; maul er in the vnlurru:. and pava t r. r .! i,jte now. TT.tu to wb.i.h ther -.o.a. :-ents, f .. -40 pieeePia'd I)r ' 's jery stjriish) C&shtneres; Ihaj:-.nji, Baitra-Mi cenls ?'-ui :n Black SJk fnr.n :!'.t.- $2- call particular attention. Also pounds." This was afterward., t-vtendod to nil Judges-lt' . "".Y.'j'V u ,'?; v" AT o we see taa. oar o vn :i i 1 . i-r .! lis'i uncestors hae ever gaurded wi'.h jealous c j re tiie pi.rltyof the Judiciary. Ibit these new lights of cirpet-bag- gensui auu nc-ro'iMii. ,v!io hite witli all . gbl.and the hero an ex-colonc-1 in the London Ti .-,,- and dieir hea:ts e erything which bears the Confederate army. . AYe have not seen :yi-h. Thev spend millions cvcrv marks o!" venerabl" age .Id laws old the book.it is stated in more than one ' year, not mereiv on extraordhr-v cust m.vold jusfu e.ol 1 families, old .iptarter.tb.at' the authoiVann was to pop- isonsjike expeditions to Vfrici ' - - -1 - '.iii i at nana m the statement just pubibhed that the London Time: pays $7,0 no a day for reports of the Print e of Wales' progress tht-r igh India. In puim of money and news facilities the most powerful news- ettc." the heroine of which is a npgro papers are the New York llcrul i td London Til- IN ALL iiAbrnE5. nvien it cost 55 t,w Wiito ap-J'Bed Hanneis. 4 " - , ') ) mi. ..- nil ; KKTS. from 0 cents : ic a ery fi-e artic'o. Broun find Bached DoinesUci, & M , mo-th.-i. he will hav a j a t'tK- pa'.. "Wiiicj a.siibKtT.'her or-'cr a reri"srl yf hi uoi ripiion. be ftii'.u'.ti t'-J '.11 wi.at ira th ' !..; :.umh-r to l-rii. at w:th;e.t b';it;i! ' r our book. Oibf r-. ut we hli bi0t when tiif m ;iCT is revive i. I Mouthly parts. .' a year, in all cuu. i Wrt wu! scr:J or.'.- copv of vrewkl v Wiim- icy .Magazine ind ila!!-'i" M .nthly taa- imp" ohp vtsr. for six dollar. Any f.xitc sending us s.x 'Iraiara can hT full assortmeat of thrWarerley Magz:ne and -'I'etfrsoa'i Ja- iyV laazui" one year. V'it (.even do'lar. we w,!' trei th Wi rerb.y Mapazine and ei'b.er ' Lady 's 'Jawtt of faahion." Atlantic M ;nthiy'," "Harper'i x..'..t:;n." "VVaklr.r "15air," r "Up iy'fe IJo'tk." or.e year. All if Vtrt rowernirjj tht papr eui bt aiort i.t the puljiutr. W c rake bo disco unt to clabf. ruthlessly indl ularlze iiiisce 1enat I y j, , .4 i.um-Mi a l ill 1 c '. ll L l fc"llov,!' ;tU '1- hi bars- that they, iobs aim all ridtbd :-riy. Shoes ilnd Hats. W sell at Dcttoui PrkM. ESXBS & WOODING Oct 16-3a2i or THK l,hVT MATERIAL AND MARK BUYERS AKE REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. i . 1 .y most penoc- syiia. oat m routine news of every d..v i'.iteicjt. Of all kind d,;c as neat. qik:k and cheap as can $ do any where. J. E- SCHOOLFIELD.i CO Colonists, Emigrants and Trav 'r eers Westward, Fcr map irirctilarn. condensed time tabl , ani central information in regard to tran 4 lrtaticn fardiU.s to all points m Teanessee, Arkansas Missouri. Mmncswta, Colorado, Kan.-as, l.xas, low. New L-xico. Utah, i and 'aiifomia, applv te or address AX.HERT . A'litN. Ceneral K:uifraxit Agent. OrBc No 2 11. I. Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. No on should go West without first get ; thig in Goinaaumcaiion with the (Jeneral Agent, and lc:ouie informwi as to superior advantages, chtap and quick trauaportatioa ! of faunlus. household goo-is, stock and ; farming lajpicments generally. A'd iafor- raatioji cheerfully giren. 1 V. L. DANLEY. ept 2s-m2, L V. T. . 1 A

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