-THE WEALTH OF THE tMNL THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." I. R. WEBSTER, Editor aid Propt'r. Subscription Om DoHai t leu. 1T0 29 - - - - - - : , : . I I A KcidTin k;c AUorneys-at-Law, V m,i,ON-AIIEIDSVILLE, N. C. promptly ,v,r r.fflee In eaKfal 'at- Hyjy'u',i :?i,v tr. ; Thursday Vi vit A.M ... ai il .ir .' a N,.v-rr - illini, brethren ' .. .. I r.l- U . tin -t.rtirn. . 3al welcome to n P.. B,CM1""" 10TEL NORMANDIE, Danville, Va. proprietors, SiUed in the Heart of the City, A WcU Kept TwTbollar House i nnbcr of Good Sample Rooms - - 1 Stiiits, Clloars & Cuffs. .lust Jin'.'Wy 5. "35 The Old Friend And . ;tho Lest friend, that never fails you, is Simmons Liver Begu- lator,1 (the Bed Z) that's what you hear at tne mention ot .-xma excellent Liver medicine, and people Ehould not be persuaded that anything else will do. It i3 the King of Liver Medi cines ; is tetter than pills, and take3 the place of ' Quinine and Calomel. . It acts 'directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bo-web and give3 new life to the whole sys tem.; This is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggist3 in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. WEVERY PACKAOEt H the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J.1I.ZKIL1N & CO., thiladelpUia, I'm. THE ART OP CHRISTIAN L1VTSU. When yoa read, when you write. When yoa sin, when yoa walk. When yoa sees ir aeiigut To be kept from all evil at home and abroad Live always as nnder the Lord. Whatever you think, both In loy and In woe. Think nothing you would not like Jesus to know; Whatever you say. In a whisper or clear. Bay nothing you would not like Jesus to hear. Whatever- you write. In haste or with heed, Write nothing yoa would not like Jesus to read ; ' ' Whatever- you sing. In the midst oi your glees Sing nothing thataod's listening ear co aid dwylease. . i Wherever yoa go. never go where you'd fear liou's intention, if asked you, -'.What doest .thou here?'' ! Whatever the! pastime In which -you en- For the cheering of youth, or the solace of age. - - , . Turn away from eich pleasure you a sarins Wera Qod to look down and say. "What art. mou aoing t . SOVtUBfll 11 Railway onSi.-d a complete and line of Cjbrsi-Bisjm- Shirts, W.ll Vit cu! win s attached, to wear u- collars. They are a neat lin' oi. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Our white (PIEDMONT AIR LINE) : Richmond & Danville & NoitTn Carolina Divisions. SENATORS ADOPT A REvSOLU TlON INUUttSirdiT aiit. ui.mv IN LAND'S ENERGETIC STRIKE POLICY. Washington Ueraia. Correspondence New York CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 17 , 1S91 SOUTHBOUND. Daii.T. in us. so a y im1 terns i ... A1 rmffti JTffi of f- III S, (Oinitrt auu. v - f "sniiHlannandftnd made l,v llio host iimnuiacturers. v. lui vc just opened a com-jiltiU- line oi : SPUING HATS! Allwtyles, Hizs, colors , nd 1 I.v Richmond Lv Burkeville Lv Keysvillo , Ar lanvllla l.v Danville Ar Reldsville Ar Ureens,boro Lj Goldstoro A Raleigh Lv Raleigh Lv Durham Ar Greensboro 12 40 pua 2 30 pm 3 11 pin 5 31pm 5 50 pm A 41 pm 7 88 pm 2 00 pm 4 05 pm 4 10 pm 5 15 pm 7 20 pm No. 11. 12 50 am 2 40 am 3 20 am 5 35 am 7 00 am 7 50 am 8 40 am 5 00 pm 8 20 pm 5 45 am 6 41 am 8 35 am No. 37. 5 40 am 6 58 am Lv Winston t6 0 Im 5 40 am 8 05 pm Lv Greensboro Ar Salisbury Ar Statesville Ar A she villa Ar Hot Springs 7 35 pm 9 Oi pm DUDLEY lira & -THE HABERDASHERS, 43t Main St , - DANVILLE, VA. . a v ; i ' ' ' '.?: ; ' ' W. B. SEAGRAM. AicMtect and Builder. l.M.o DBALERIN jil I MATERIAL. A coin'.--t.i stock of rougn and dressed LUMBER, I),.rs ami' Windows, Shingles, Laths. &c, Alwavs oti haiid. Valll;:ipt'r, Mantels and Hearths. Tun!? and estimates on appUcattoo. 'r.'I HviUe, N.C. Keb. 1st. 1894. Lv Salsbury 9 15 pm Ar Charlotte mm via. Ar Ppartanburg 12 57 am Ar Ureenvllie i n mu Ar Atlanta - Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta 5 20 an 10 50 pin 2 15 am 8 45 am 8 45 am 10 25 am 11 19 am 4 00 pm 5 36 pm 10 30 am 12 06 nn 2 45 pm 4 05 pm 9 60 pm 6 53 am 8 11 am 8 11 am 9 25 am 11 37 am 12 28 pm 3 55 pm 9 30 am 1 9 Tim 4 02 pm NORTHBOUND. DatlVs I - NOB. 10 4 36. NO. 12 7 00 pm l.v Antrusta Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Lv Atlanta" Ar Charlotte Lv Charlotte Ar Salisbury Lv Hot Ppriuga Lv Asheville Lv Wiatesvllie Ar Saliabury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro 3 20 am 6 40 am 9 00 pra 6 30 am 7 00 am 8 28 am 8 33 am in 05 am 8 00 am 6 40 pm 7 00 pm 8 25 pm S 30 pm 10 05 pm No 38 130 pm 510 pm 8 30 pm 12 00 Nn 8 29 pm 8 39 pm 9 49 pm 9 49 pm 11 09 pm Ar Winston H 15 am t 9 25 am 9 25 am Lv Greensboro Ar Durham Ar Raleigh 10 10 am 12 00 nn 1 00 pm 12 01 am - 3 35 am 7 SO aai ArGoldsporo 3 00prn 100 pm Lv Raleigh Lv Greensboro Ar ReidsTllle Ar Danville Ar Keysville Ar uuraeviue Ar Richmond DYi TO UVK AND LIVE TO DYE." W INSTON S ALE51 Steam Dyeing AND 5 45 am 10 10 am 10 57 am 11 45 am S 18 pm 8 00 pm 4 50 pm 410 pm 10 10 pm 10 58 pm 11 40 am 3 20 am 4 08 am C 20 am 410 pm 11 09 pm 3 00 am 4 08 am 6 20 am tDaily. Daily except 8unday caps mi m mili um RAILWAY COMPANY. John O-ill, IReceiTrer Condensed Schedule. In effect June 24th, 1894. NORTH BOUND No. 2 Cleaning Works. Leave Wilmington. . Arrive Fayetteville... Leave r ayetteviue. ....... Leaj'eYayettviUe Junction Leave Sanford Leave Climax ... Arrive Greensboro .; . Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale Arrive Walnut Cove .Leave Walnut Cove.... D '"' cnni.Hv Leave Rural Hall 5 01 Pm Rcpainjig- a - bpcciaity. An.ve Mt A5ry 6 25 Pm OFfKE I i:l Main Street Winston. DYE WtbRKS- Sale to. , SOUTH BOUND NO. 1, ise Ladles Choice Plain, Strong) '' , aai NarthState Mills (Sweet) . ' tiTl . ma M j tlit ii,. In the r On A Leave M,t. Airy. Leave Rural Hall. Anive Walnut Cove ! Leave Walnut Cove. L I Leave Stckesdale. . ......... Arrive, Greensboro Leave Greensboro ...... i Leave Climax ....I..... Leave Sanford. t Arrive Favetteville Junction -. Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville t.tjinds are the only snuffs manu- d in North Carolina and every true il North Carolinian should see to it lather goods ar either sold or used rate. . Kods are' THE VEK1 BEST t;" market. and are made exclusively Leave Madison. Leave Stokesdale. . . . Arrive Greensboro . . Leave Greensboro. . . Leave Climax.-. I Arrive Ramseur pi th Carolina Leaf . R.F. fKrufrantee" the quality ef our goods. ;rlrs aiid correspondence sdlicl ted.! . - - 7 Morris I Son Manufacturing Co.; DURHAM, N. C. President Cleveland's coarse in enin nlovinsr the ooTr and authority of the r..vfirnment to reDress lawlessness and interference "with interstate commerce oni iho p.rrvnv nf the mails nas re ceive'! the unqualified indorsement of the Senate oi the United States. Senator Gallinger, of New Hamp iected to the adop tion nf Senator Daniel's resolutien of indorsement vesterday, was anxiou3 to have incorporated in it some expresssuu in favor 01 arDitrauon, aim umci ocu f-rvia vcotp in favor of the same thing Tn fWerence to the views of these Sen- atnra fip'riitfir ftaniel this morning sub mitted an amendment to his resolution adding' a Clause to in expressing the ad f the- Senate to th nrinciple f nrhit.ration. Senator " Daniel said this amendment was offered after con sultation with both democrats and re publicans in the Senate. ' - The ouering 01 una .niucuuuicm opened up quite a lively discussion, and it soon became apparent that the sen ate wanted to make the endorsement of the President full and unqahfied without complicating it with anything else. Senator Gallinger favored it, but the other Senators who spoke criticised it. Senator Carey, of .Wyoming, thought that it would weaken the reso lution to adopt the proposed araenu Qnf in it. and Senator Doloh. of Ore gon, insisteu tnat tne ocnaie suuuiu. adopt a simple resolution muorsmg uuc action 01 the rresiuenc. lie went so far a3 to say that if he had been in the President's position he would haye adopted the same course, even- though he might have been in doubt as to his constitutional right to do so. It looked this morning as if the Senator fiom Virginia had become afraid of hi3 resolution, and now pro posed to throw a sop to those who were defying the laws, committing murder Hurninor pars. He regarded the rrfinfirtifnr. aa a covert condemnation of the Pullman company for refusing to arbitrate, and he wanted to know something more about the merits 01 toe nco hefnrft vnruifir for such a rosolu tion.. ' AMENDMENT VOTED DOWN. cicnatnr Hawlev favored a resolution drawn in simple form, brief and to the Doint; and said the first clause of Sena- 12 44 p n T tor Daniel's resolution was all that was 7 11 m J necessary. The Virginia senator mere I ' ' r.rn wit hdrew his amendment and ex O UU I'LL . . 1 1 - a 1 ' - - Al,f .Knrn rha -m,.t;nn tn thf tirst. and the last v.Iqiisps. This announcement was greet L i with cries of "That's right!" from :wt 'ocvoril SpnutnrS. .' K"1-"" " ... 1 Senator Gallinger was not satisueui to give up the arbitration clause, how ever, and renewed Senator Dan el's motion to amend. Senator Llawley i n,St. oa Aii Snfttnr Piatt, who li 87 am Ra!(i the question was whether Prest- dent Cleveiauu or j. rc&meuu was the Chief Executive ot the United States. He said he would rote agains: anything except a .square, manly, straightforward; indorsement of what President Cleveland had done. Sena surman said he would vote for an arbitration proposition any day in the moot hut h w&3 oDDOsea 10 11s at rooi.mpnt. tn the more important reso lution of indorsement, which ought to be adopted by itself. ! A : rising vote was had on Senator niiinrroT-'a amendment, and It was 0 .1 fn,t Jnwn . hv a vote of eleven to ni,.fT.fitM Mr: Daniftl's resolution, as modified by Wm, was then adopted as ohct itntfi fnr Senator Peflers reso em ou . lution, and the. resolution was men ,lrx-1 irithnnt a division. It IS aS tii IVJ J "v iuvv - Upaolved. That the Senate indorses tv. ; nrnmnk and virnrou3 measures adopted by the President of the United States and the memuers oi nis aumiuis rinn tn rpnnlsn and reDress by mili tary! force the interference of lawless men with the dae process of the laws of the United States , and with the commerce among the States. The action of the President and his admin istration has tha lull sympainy . ami support of the law abiding misses of thei people of the United ; States, and ho will Hp snnnortedbvall departments of the government and by the power anct resources ui uic ciimc, .mmju. ff rionrvp: asked that! the Presi dent's message to Congress in 1SSG on the subject of arbitration be printed in the Record in connection with this de bate, and it was so ordered. ' CONGRATULATING MR. GORDON. Senator Cullom, of Illinois, took oc casion, later in the day, to personally PTr,r(t his approbation of the course h. President. It was in the course of a speech on the pension appropria Kui H rpcrretted that lawless r5 . , cv,.ii,i nrpvail at anv Dlace In tne airl esoeciallv within the Commonwealth which horn part rep resented. He te'ievea tne nauonai authority was paramount however.and that it was the duty of the President to enforce the laws of the United States without saying "By your leave" to the i , ni a rtt nr t an v one else. Senator. Gordon's patriotic epecu ui yesterday seerrs to : have struck a re t the eountrv. ruuusito r-- - . th whnleof todav hundreds ol 00 pm I telegrams from all parts ot the country j 55 pm poured in upon himv congratalating' z pm I f . Kia nftprnp and hia' Dledze UHI -j . , of the loyalty ot the South to the Un nnr all circumstances. Most ox thse telegrams came trom the North, and many of them were from veterans of the war. FOR AN INVESTIGATION. Thttrp was no reference to the strike . v. nrnrxodin74 on the flsor ot the . 1 ..L.M0mn,t nn In. House louay, out tue yuuiuiuw " .v-. .itr nn at their meeting tni3 s- ami ftpra lenrthv discus sion, derided to aik the House to adopt a resolution provuuus u m.,,m- , 7" 00 am 10 10 am 10 27 am 10 3"5 am H 40 am , 1 4O pm . 2 16 pm ! . 2 pm . 3 48 pm , 4 20 pm . 4 33 P . q 4; am .11 06 am j ll 35 am .11 42 am I .12 07 pm .12 55 pm . 1 02 pm . x 3 Pm . 3 7 P,m . 4 28 pm j ; 4 34 pm . 4 45 pm . 7 55 pm I j north bound-No. 16. Leave Ramseur 650 am Leave Climax 5 4am Amvr Greensboro ; 9 25 a Leave Greensboro 9 40 a Leave Stokesdale : 10 53 m Airive Madison I " S am I "7swt1ibound no. is- tative Mallorvl of Flor- (aji.vru . rtwr w- w Ida, was delegated to draw up a prper . L, 1 .1 .HMm;f-i-AA dlln4irs. re-oiuiton, anu iue uumuinvcc UJ.. ed until three o'clock this afternoonr when the following resolution wa8 adopted, and will be reported to the bv Reore- U (5V W sm v w " - - corrto tma 3ar. nf California. WUO n ubiv w - j v will ask for its immediate considers- Whereas the constitution of the United States gives to the Congress of the United States alcie the power to reralate commerce among the several S3 , wk..noc coi.l unmmArM haa been. and is now. interrupted and interfereo; . . ... . . m MMnA with without tuo autnontyoi oougicw:, therefore be it " Resolved, That the uommittee u r.terstate and Foreign Commerce De, and is hereby; directed to investigate said interference and interruption, ana the causes thereof, and inquire as to what additional legislation, 11 any, necessary ; to prevent a recurrence tbereoi. . It will be seen that the preamoi as serts in the strongest manner the au thority of the general government over interstate commerce, and if the resolu tion is adopted by the Home tomorrow it will be equivalent to a practical in dorsement of the course pursued by tHa Ticirionr It la theDuroose 01 tne committee if the re3olntion U adopted to proceed with- the invescigait on as ihle. with the object of re- v . , . nort n? to the House in time iur on c a - . i action to be taken on their report. ENCOURAGING NEWS. Tkroa nt thp crpat cities of the United States are infested with armed troops- Chicago, Sacramento ana l03 Angeies. a r-a numjrnlli other districts in which federal troop3 are operating and .... t v a, -.1. making the strikers, passively, at icasu, nhv t.rm laws, but from reports re ceived at headquarters here no riots are in progress, nor are auy iiummcut. The developments of the past forty eight hours have produced the belief in the official mind that the backbone of the strike is broken. This belief is confirmed, in their opinion, by the ac tion of the trades unions all oyer the eountryln.refusing to obey tne oraers iaaiipd hc.thir commanders and go out on a sympathetic "strike. It Is recog nized by tne worKingmeu an uvci mo country it is thought here, that the hard times have thrown thousands of men eut- of employment, and these would be willing to take their places the instunt they threw down their tools. ilost encouraging reports concerning the strike situation everywhere were received by the President and General Sehofield today. A telegram was re ceived from General Miles this morn ing stating that the. night had passed quietly, that no uisturoances mm occurred up to the time of the filing of his despatch and that there were but few idle persons upon . tne stretsLa. Similar advices were received 8t the Post Office Department, with the ad ditional information that trains were running on all the roads. CALIFORNIA QUIET. The officials were greatly exercised over the situation in Sacramento, Cal., up to the time they received a despatch from General rcuger iqis morning, av a fnoml fmm ramnrtM received con- , (U . V.. . VV, . . . 1 m y - t- cerning the attituowt the strikers,that an organized opposition wouiu mwi, the troops when theyjentered the city. General Rugers' despatch this mornt ing, however, stated tha he naa in vested the city without trouble, aud that jast as soon as the railroad compa nies could nanas tne trains wouiu re sume movement. A rlfisn itch was also given out mis mnrnino- in recard to Oakland from the same office. General Ruger ap nrphAnded serious difficultv in aaining an entrance into that city 6n account nf thp. ftranized resistance which he rl the strikers to irive. General . . - m .1.- 1 ! Kucpr has no iears in view 01 iuc iatn ef trouble in Sacramento that he will not be able to enter Oakland witnout difficulty. General Sehofield was also advised that the train which left St. Paul nvftr the Northern Pacinc lines some days ago had arnvea mugaen, Utah, and would continue on its jour ney at once. MUST MAKE UNUSUAL EFFORTS. There has been received at the Post Office Department any quantity of communications from railroads con cerning obstructions on.tneir lines ana consequent interruptions to iramc. Postmaster General isisseu nas repueu to all ot these in a circular letter, as follows: . . "Whilrt T reeosmize the difficulty you hv rea3on of obstruction by i ----- - strikers and demonstrations against the company's property and employes by riotous mobs, I still feel constrain ed to urge upon your attention that in theseunusual conditions railroad com panies are expected by the government to put forth unusual efforts in the pers r-mania nf government and public lUiiu.i'uw w & ... business, and, in fact, exhaust all their available resources in fulfilling their obligations to the government as car riers of United states mmis. "The fact that managers ot rauroaa companies may' anticipate mat tueir trains will be obstructed and property ot be resarded as suffi- ucoi.a vj , , - cient justincition ior inem w viniurw trains from service and make no effort to transport mails over the routes which have ben declared po?t routes, 1 orViiMi thpir are receivine com- aUU IU1 ni.ii. j - ' - peaitioii as'proyided In the statutes of the United btates. "The obligations of mail carriers w the government clearly demand tnat they shall leave nothing undone to malntahi uninterrupted anu mail service. The readiness ui iou-, c-.. nofinnol a. ii Mmr i ties tO a33lSt ObAtC rtllVl and protect them in the maintenance i such service emphasizes this obligation on the part ot mall carrlers,and suggests that while violent oD3tructiou be restrained the obligations o! rail roads to the public and the government should not the less be exacted to the utmost possible extent," Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSQULfEL dent of the New York Herald says that during the last campaign Mr. ruuman marip. a aneec tet hU emBloves. We quote from that communication : in tais speecn ur. r-uuman eaiu iu his employes substantially thl?: "My men, 1 nave no wisn to unuuiy Influence your votes, or attempt to per suade you in any way that U not en tirely right anl proper ior me to uo. 1 want It understood tnai every uu m Pullman is absolutely at liberty to vote as he pleases and I wish none ot you to regard what I have to say In the light of an attempt to coerce yoa Into voting any way agamstyour conviction. "Bu"; this is a ousiness cawpaigu. u Cleveland is elected it means an end to the protective tariff in this country and furthermore, as a result ot tui: , the hi-r.Tj.r. .lU.isr.pr which this count.', ha3 ever seen.! It Cleveland Is elected bus ness in this country will come to. a standstill.! The railroads will have oothing to do and we -shall h ive no cars to build. You can see for your self what th'13 means. It means Chat Puiimin will have to shut down or to run along ;on half pay. In other words the cold UCt 13 JUSt Wis-: mat any ma., in Piliiman who vote3 the Demo cratic tickjet is simply voting bread and butter out ot his mourn anu oui, 01 mo mouths ot his wife and children. If vou want 'to do that go ahead and do it. But i appeal to you not to commit such a foljy." , The3e of courje are not Mr. Pull man's exact words, but fairly repre sent the burden of his harangue. When Mr. Pullman had finished reading the clipping of his speech to his visitor he turned to nim ana saiu : "I have done as much for labor as any man ! living, ana 1 nave aiways tried to treat my worKingmen eq-iaie-lv. But I am sick and disgusted at their treachery. Normally we return ed in Pullman from 2,UW to z,ouu re publican majority. I confidently ex rrPtPrl that we should do as much for Harrison. I had not the slightest Idea that the majority would fall below 9. nnn in nnv Avp.nt. You may Imagine my surprise when the returns came in and Pullman had cast a majority of more than 2,000 for Cleveland." THEN WAGES-WERE REDUCED. Mr Pnllm'in'a manner became im Li & l - a pressiye and leaned forward and said slowly ana viuuicuveiy ; "I ma de un mw mlr.d that that was the last ef my sympathy for working-1 men. 1 made up my miuu tua uij employes in Pullman were not worth caring for, ana cnat 1 wouiu u ucu and cut wages to tne Dotiom wwiu, would get Dusiness 11 uusiueas cuuiu harl If the workine people of r'ou- man wanted to vote against their own interests ana against my own interest I made up my mind that they could take the consequences. Now let us SCO Uln muj It should be understoou tnac me cui, of fifty per cent ia the wages of all Pullman employes, tne em. uut which the present strike grew, had just been announced. : rr- re mitted nor. IndtetC-, 3 had hall a dozen such from tb&rtf&le State. : The enmmlttee has acted and. tha conven tion has been called, in ray judgment, tn call the committee toe ether bow would not only be useless but 'on wine. No matter what was done friction and dissatisfaction would be the result. Be sides, tor me as. chairman1 1 call the committee together for the purpoae ot approaching the Popnllsts when I have had no Intimation whatever from that Earty that they desired coalition, would e humiliating to the Republican party so mnoh so I cannet afford to do it. As to districts and counties, the question ot coalition is entirely in their hand.. I have no idea the committee would in terfero on that line, if called. WV claim t be in favor of local self-gov ernment and should adhere strictly to that policy. The State convention is the only body that cn settle matters ot policy for the State and there is ample time between now and the 30th of- August for a deliberate consideration of all questions before the people. I hepe the convention will be fully representa tive and that the people In whose hands these questions are may through their r.atlves. be able to settle them to the satisfaction ot an uepuoucaus. T hive filth lu the loyalty and wU-' dom of the peoplj and expect to-see our delegates come togeiner in a gener ous public spirit and labor for the goed of the party. Let each man teel his own interest is promatcd in promoting mat 01 tne party msdcauut muuiu i.u flame ot strife, use his wisdom and ln fluence to reconcile contending ele meotsadjust their differeaoes and re store our party to a state ot unity. very iruiy yours, J. B. Eaves. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ThP. hp.st salve in the world for cuts bruise3, sores, tiloer, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chiU blains, corns, and all sum eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 2.1 cents per box. For sale by Irvln A Purcell, drug gists. MERELY DEBS. DYING PARTY FORSAKE i 8tateavtn Landmark. The Third oartv held its count v onn. ventions throughout the State on the 4th inst., and the reports from these meetinea enable one te form a nrettv dear lde of Its strength as compared with two rears ago, and also ot the spirit animating It.. It j has shown uo growth; its boasted accessions have not appeared,. ana it nas Gonereo a distinct loss in the enthusiasm and interest of Its members. - It nas gotten its growth, and all that awaits it now arc decline and extlnutlon. It willjgo rapidly the way ot all third parties; the way 01 &Ci diers who get caught) between iho lines ot two opposing armies. Wo wonder, as we consider ic at this time, making desperate efforts m held the handful ot recrbits it c&otured two years ago, without a reasonable bopo new of adding to their number-. as we consider the evident deprcsiiua ai the truth as to its strength dawn upon It, we wonder that anyhody should ever have telt. any concern abv ut it. Is morale is already gone, its oumers diminish as the canipi'tji progresses, and after this yes.r it will not be a factor worth taking into Re count. Its members will be absorbed into the two old parties and that will be the end ot It -history will have re peated lt?eif; there will remain a n co'd f the noiati it invie during the few brief years It strutted upon the 6tajf-; another fungus growth will ba ca.t ashore, , while the current moves ou, and that will be all. Now that it is manifest to the thoughtful observer that the Populist party has reached the-topof the hill and that always leads down for it, we feel at more liberty thai! when it seem ed more formidable and when there was thus mere liability at being mis-, understood, to say that the doors ot the Democratic party stand open to all honest and well-meaning men and they will -be cordially welcomed Into its folds. There are some men in the Populist party that tie Democracy does not want. Some of these are vicious, ill tempered fellows who left it because they could not run it; others Lti! 1 ' i, 1 are amoitious, uesignmg men woo knnw in their hearts that there was nn substantial grievance against the Dem ocratic party as a governing power but wuo tnougut mat oul ui an upneavai they could turn a penny, honest or otherwise, for themselves; others still are natural agitators jwho are always against whatever Is and who love tur moil and contention for their own sakes. Apart from all these classes are the buik of the members of this Populist party honest and well-meaning men who have been led astray. They really thought that they were on some errana 01 good to maniunu 1 ) The Stocking that Fits Doesn't distort the toe. The toes retain their natural positions Outwears the old style. Thlig tochaving room enougKtajl inside Tnciowln Mile com; bastnaa, 4c, tea t Ut oiU Ut w Mucking. u PTC vantM of rumm njr uaukt Young men. if you want to save money and at the same time have the nicest fitting socks you ever wore, write to Averett'a choc Store, Danville; Va., and get a half dozen pairs of the above named celebra ted socks. No one has ever used them whnj-nulii he nrrsuaded tn huv nlhrr kinrl . aftc. ards. A full supply for Ladies and Boys always on han-J. A full nmilv rvf IK latl ini mrt&i nnni -- 11 :' i f ular shatir ami stvlrs nf Ilat Slioh. Src. lor young and old men and children now fh stock. W.P. AVERETT, Opposite Masonic Temple, - " DANVILLE, VI. mil EY TO LEND. We are priar ed to make LOANS ON REAL ESTATE at 8 per cent. lntertHt. MEBANE St SCOTT, ; - Attorneys. ReMavllle. Mar. S3. 1891. EXCUSE ME. Nothing honest ever this movement, and in fact underlay these men havo at? it EAVES AND PRirCtlARD WRITE. Charlotte 0erver. Capt. J. B. Eaves, ot Rutherfordtom 1 25 pm 2 35 P"1 3 00 pm 3 S 35 pm PULLMAN IS CARRYING OU T HIS THREATS. mixed and tun daily except All trains Sunday. . Ii ,-;.o KnriY, i hnnnd. with the Seaboard Air Line at Sanford; Richmond & Danville R. R. at Greensboro ; Norfolk & Western R R. at Madison. I Connections South bound", with the Nor iLii, f- Western R. R. at Madison; Richmond & Danville Railroad at Greensboro ; Seaboard Air Line at San ford ; Atlantic Coast Line at Fayetteville. W. a. ailiA) QeneraLra38enger;Agent J. W. FRY; J the North Carolinian. Vohodr who wants the right has any nmmtliT for Mr. Pullman. H U not actios for prmciple.ont is simpiy u-rj ing out a threat maa In the last PJ dential campaign, lie ha refusid all propositions looking to a settlement of the d tnculttee; is spending nis. w fashionable watering pi ices io.ibc c i , evinces no interest in tne "5(": which bU greed Irtaugurated: anu h unmoved at the scene ol carnaie and anxiety tbat tells upon the country. If Mr. Pullman nau consenieu w hitration. he would have had puonc sympathy and support. Bat wheiln the lace 01 tne appeii maue n editors and puMie offlcerf, he -scorned the iinhiavJ decision of rf the Reoublican State exe cutive committee, was in the city yes terday, and talked very freely with the Observer about political affars, but not for publication. He, however, fur nished- it with the following corres pondence, which will explain Itself after the statement that the,; resolution referred to ot the Republican conven- f!,n nt thp twelfth district was one Tallin r nnan Chairman Eaves to assem ki ia r.t.p. committee prior to the State convention of August 3 )th: MiwsnALL. N. C July 6, 1894. Hon. J. B. Eaves, Chairman State Reoablican Executive Committee, Unrherfordton. N. C My Dear Sir: I herewith eocie a .it-inn whloh adonted at our ludicial convention at Waynesville on aAaTT Tn nursuance of said reso j tai - .t . lution 1 write ana modtrespeuLiuuv m ct3f that vnn rail our comm tt?e to2eth pr at. Raleish On the 31st or sooner (I prefer the 27th, as I will ,be engaged ; s-mirt- nn the 31 t 1 4 lJ . r - . u " Wp ask this in order that the be6t plan may be adopted in the approach ing campaign to secure the defeat ot the Democratic party and the triumph ih nrincinles of our party. You will agree with me whed 1 say that a majority'bf our party favor the adop tien ol such a policy as will enable us to defeat the Democratic party. This re auest is not made for the purpose ot interfering in the slightest degree with rrtnr iiremfirativea as chairman, bat simply in order that a majority ot our party may be permitted to be beard on a Question ot vital importance to oar pirty. j it is an eviuem laci. - ( less we at ouce get our committee to- j getber,! those of ui ho favor a Joint riirht will be completely ignored, as the Populist hold their convention on the first day of August, which will be thirty idays before our convcuton meets, !and they will be compelled to act independently of u, a3 we will not Vw. o flr.xi-.lttil an nnnortUHilV tO COQfer irc auuiwv " -f - ,ith thom Suf.h beincr the situation I most respectfully submit that It is your duty as chairman 10 can tne ouuhuimot ur ond thprehv Five an oppor- h.nito m all nartiea concerned to pe heard Ion this Important question. v. o aWiM fnnnd vou to be a Datri J D.miMtiin and disnnsea to treat UL1U 1 w ...J gr ' - .11 oinm.nti fairly, and I confidently 1 tn mil to erant our request. this letter permit me to v tliit f do not endorse tle personal attacks that are being made upon you .1 t .3c,ir. vm-t that no one regrets more than mvelf that such a thiug cKrvni.i iwmnr. Truitin? that I shall ha vp a f-iv.ir.iblo reply. I have the hop or to be Your friend, I J. C. PRITCHARD. New York San. Doe3 he' own the Earth, Or merely the United States of America ? If he! does, ' . Where in the thunder did he get It And how ( ' It he is running the ' Government, What does he want to sidetrack for? Whv does he desire to blow The cylinder head out of the Constitu tion, And bust a cog in the by-laws ? Did he ever hear 01 tne Declaration of Independence. 1 wonder. And that all men are born With some sort of riehts That others ought to respect To some slight extent ? would he pull the tail feathers out of The American Eagle if it dared to squawk Against the A. R. U . ? Hs woold. Or slug Uncle Sam if be rode in a Pullman ? ' . You bet. , " What are we here for ? r To tubait to Debs, Or to submit to law? .'.. It eternal vigilance is the Price of liberty, What's the price of Debsism ? And how much ot it do we get ? I we are a nation, i Wfe mnt h ati aborniaatior; In! the Debsistic eye, and we ought to be 1 Ditched, Ain't that so t Does he give a damn for The Union So long as his little Picayunion Comes out on tep ? t Why doean't be take a tumble, to hints pm f. And give the rest of the country. A chance for Its white alley? What has this great and glorious Republie ol oars i Ever done to him? is it Pullman or 1 ' Patriotism Which actuates him ? T hn what rxir forefathers. Fought, bled and died to establish ? ' Or is he Debs, Merely Debs 1 merely been victimized by a lot of self- seekers and agitators, irom tne nation al and State leaders down to the coun ty riog roasters and the little neighbor hood bosses. For the men who have been thus misguided there is room within the Democratic! party the party ot the masses of the people. Let these come hack and no questions will be asted. There is no evil ot government that this party has not the wilt and ...... a. a the ability to cure ana in its numane iftMnn it invokes the co operation of all men of good will. ) Except in a case in which there i some mighhty principle at stake it L not worth men's while to persist in fighting a manifestly losing battle. The Populist party stands for no great prin ciple, but only foria lot of policies which would ruin thie country if they Bhould ever by any bad forture be put into effect. On the other hand, even the Populist leaders confess that the principles of the Democratic party are sound some of them claim Indeed, to be the Jeffersonlan Democrats. Why, then, not abandon a sinking ship which floats a pirate flag afad take refuge in the ship alt of whose timbers are sound a rwt nn whoRA flaor la inscribed the de- written there peiore a r-06unt was ever dreamed of: "iqua: to all; special privileges to none." But I Want You To know that I am still at the old stand and arri daily receiving a beautiful assortment of ladies' DRESSGOODS, party rights AHOUSEHOLDj TREASURE. D. W. Fuller of Canajonlrie, N. Y. says that he alwaysjkeeps Dr. King', New Discovery in the house and his family has always fdund the very best ...nin fniinnr- ita u'se: that he would not be without It, H procurable. G. A. Dykeman Dr iggist, Catskill, N. Y; S.J.VS that- fr. Klniz'l Siw lL-uovtry u undoubtedly the befet Cough remedy, that be has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for It. Wny not try a remedy so loifg tried and testedt i Trial bottles frcje at Irvln & Pur cell's, Drugstore; Regular size ouc. and Si. 03. ( . Gea. Gordon iayt if the necessity should arise he could march to Wash Ington an army ojf ex-Confederate m1 1 .... ik.rt nn Tm Aver forfl. 1 uiei Riwiii .. . - roandea, every ?ne w wuviu fight to preserve jtbe union ana com mand respect ior itne oiu nag. NOTHING SUCCEEDS CESS. LIKE SUC - RCTHBRFORDTOS, N- C, July 11, ,'94. HON.IJ. C. PRITCHARX, Marshall, . c.i Deir Sir: Yours of the 6th inst. pnfl.lnf resolutions ef the judicial .nnri.nrinn at Wavnesvilie. relative to tozether. to Vpt..g " . 1 r --r,t ih . thorp la an r dssatieiac . ft t it - w . ft. Jf...nurrinr mppfintr of the com HUU iuw.Miifc w m . , ... - j aim a . . AA thia he. nrOVPU I luitirc- 1 - . - rr ir-X.' w- leuek- from the ludic al dan aswng miWrtlnthat n fhowed" that U mating of the emmlttee (ave one did more than that. He p? i .1 rnf T .k ln r,nlT to 0ne I bad aSJSrV wrSua--e.1 th W An.l thp ivpb whih la most satis factory and receives the greatest praise, U mat which is woo by a man or an article ?ifrer others have failed. v j Th5 tact tuat previous efforts have not auccee.iid, proves tne aiincuity 01 tfae Uk. Hood's Sarsaparilla ha been marvelocsly succeuinl in curing an troubles originating In Impure, blood after other remedies and prescriptions ... . . . b .ik. have zauea to t nave any euec wu- ever. . . . Therefore we sar to those who leei almost in despair beeaoM, after long years of Illness, they nave failed to re cover the coveted health, da not be dis couraged, but give Hood's sarsaparuia atrul. V.r H It frnm ni to raiM I alSO OOPeS In the hearts ot the sick and suffering. We do not claim that uooa jsarsap-v-riii. artii onMmnhnilT or everTtbJDaE. ... . - t . Iv.111 t A. it will not accompiiaa imjwsiui"k;i But the experience ol tnousanas 01 others who have found health la Hood's Sarsaparilla when all other means bad f.,ilp i la 11 rifles as tn tbas pre- tenting lalrly and plainly the fact in regard to this medicine and to nrge upon yoa that you place it tn your uu- m i I nuetice. ... ; . j SMMJm &c, &c. I have made a specialty of WASH FABRICS ' suitable for April and May .wear. The goods and styles are THE VERY -IRTEST while the prices areastonlshingly low. ' , . Fne country has, ceased to look to Congress for fioaticial relief but the Ladie's of Keidsvilie ana vicin ity are looking nearer home, iney are looking to Huffines for relief FROM HIGH PRICES and they shitt hM what.they want. , Drop in, You are welcome w.ncin er you buy or not. SAMPLES SEHT OH APPLIC1T10S. : All goods positively CASH Truly Your friend &C. J. D. HUFFINES Reidsvnie, N.C., March 22nd Wbm Baby wmick, We hmr CMorfa. Wbea ab ni Clifl4 cried tor Outorta. Th ehe beeamtf Wm. sae dam to Oa-torkS, Tks site bad CStoe be gav tlic Oe-torfa KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when .t.i naeA. The many, who Jive bet ter than others land enjoy life more, with 'est expenditriMv by more Pfomptly hPKt nrodncts to the needs of physical being, wiU attest the value to healU of the pure liquid rilea emhraced in the remedy, Syrupjof Figa. Sn the form moat acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the reireaning mnu. wu.7 beneficial properties of a perfect Ux- ati re ; enectuauy cieamunis u.ii j:.ti;nv H!da. headaches and fevers and permanently coring constipation. . .ti.tiM, mUlinna ilul Mitt with the Approval of tliec,J' profession, Decause n mew r -w .' jk D...1. aithnnl wear- ening them and His perfectly free from every bieclkBAble substance. - inM ! fnr male br all drug- jJS?,in- x i wti. but it is man ufactured by th California Fig 8ymP Uo. only, wnoBe;nme f"- t package, au toe naaw, and being weU informed, you will not accept aj tubatitato if offered. GO OR SEND TO E WRIGHTS, -' . DANVftLE, VA., And select a nice spring suit of clothesv Jle has jast received and opened: the larfjeet and prettiest and most stylish line 01 spring ana summer SUITINGS AND TBOUSBRS ever carried in that city. l m -natn a j m .. J"T Mr. ;-iXicuuM r- nas receiveu. and summer, so call or send at : once so'joa can nave tne enxuu stock to selec t trom; i: I i -; ! . 4;

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