' Webster's Weltl0 ::f - ; " ' "R WTa P "B M1N1T IS TUB ONLY TSUR WEALTH." 1 '- , , H. K. BCOTT, III - iaaaaaaa""""- ilfino Ac Scott, i ' '' ' ''. ' -'. Altorneys-at-Law, y DISON & REIDSVILLE, N..C- J. B. WEBSTER, Editor Ud Proprt, .. n;iir office In Wentworth PoP"' ,T"Vy Moulay- Prompt and careful at tir.uto all bnglness entrnated. ; sm, a. y. A. M ThnriltiV nlffht8. coru 1117 . H'-Hnv:ll Lodg Fo ti h f,-oclO:K. vi anvif 'l to attend: Visiting brethren 49 K. 'u.i.UTilic 'l.oW No MaHonic HH"very oviwk. .'w ; k. of -B. and 8 of F. meets in Monday nhrht at :15 a cordial welcome te R. B.CHANCB, DSriXiXiB,-. p., A.TJG-TJS1? 30, 1894; THE LOOM OF"LIPE. aad near and fir - rc.c waeeia go roani cd round. "While i a begianinz I had som Basil v. Aiiuloui - ABd the wool U wounaYatlX 2lri fate 8,'! lOTe wove 1b; What ThkT"? rJ?.M"I! PifejOfijES-; &G0. " The Tailors. . Just Received, the Latest Novelties -IN- KING GOODS 434 MAIN STREET Tunvillc, Va, April oth 1894.' LADIES SUFFERING FROM . ,.; !'.;!-: PROSTRATION, DEBILITY AN U F KM ALB WEAKNESS, GOOD NEWS. The Old Friend And tKetest friend, that fails you, is Simmons Livor Eegu lator, (the Bed Z) that's what you hear at the mention of tm excellent . Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It 13 the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel. It acta directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels'vand gives new life to the' whole sys tem. This i3 the medicine you want. .Sold by all DrnmWst in Liquid, "or in Powder to be taken J3 V ' . ury or maae into a tea. unrolled In eternity. Time with a faU !h:e mygtery. A,a.,i(ls.a, " hands mi :sa? the loomi; with armi:;., I wondotfut wuh be done? ii When shall th'I Jiat thf vhMl.l,.. . "T ,vr , p,vu aua tJle saaUe3 fly 8? T wao1 tor thU :e-i- 1. . , . , HU 1 mi-cim taui iiiren or s Ah ial-eya wdj uui ii one is Aud a.jfae Jay ! Qcd j.'!Mut ;t be iiVtir, the ven re h!.iw 5 1-erih.; end I know; -.i inr.M.i a t,j woven SEN ATOR -JARvirt TALKS OF THE VAIGS kliOLTTTO BE V AUGUJJATED IN' NOR1U iCAROLINA. r. er. JaKVTRVI)lvirtn. the Ktamp In red on Granite.. , Jit H. ZEIL1N & CO., PUladelphia, SoniiBfn! Railway Co. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE) Richmond & Danville & Nokth Carolina Divisions. CONDENSED SCHEDULE a i 4h! 'anl with your address secires Writr now to NATIONAL BUBOlCALl lN-ii't trh, . Atlanta,, u A! I I.t.l fiij. or P. O. Box 74, 7-11 TVotioei Hiiv 'in quail fled aa executor of the estate cf Amy dodsey, deceaard. notice Is hereby RiYt ii t nil vrsoiis indebted to said estate to m:vkf li mediate payment of the same and-alt I'frBOHH havin claims against said i-HtKt 'luiiMt ireHent tueui on or before the 7fn, iinyof M;iy. lfc9r,,or this notice wl'lbe .ifa.i iu hir of their' reeoyery. This May it l. i-.'i "-,'. J.M.WILSON. . Kxct-utor f Amy Oodaey, deceased. IN EFFECT JUNE 17 ,1894 SOUTHBOUND. Diar. Nos. 35 k 9. Lt Richmond,, 12 40 pm Lr BarkeyiHe S 30 pm Lv Keysvllhs. 8 11 pm Ar Danville t 6 31 pm Lr DanTiUe 5 50 pm ArReldavilla Kilnm Ar Ureensboro ; 1 18 pm Lv Ooldsboro Ar Raleigh . LvBaleign. Lv Durham ArQreensboro 2 00 pm 4 05 pm 410pm- 6 15 pm 7 20 pm No. ii. 12 50 am 8 40 am 8 80 am 5 35 am 7 00 am 7 50 am 8 40 am 5 00 pm 8 20pm 5 45 am 6 44 am S 35 am No. 37i 5 40 am f&8am Lv Winston t 0 pm 5 40 am 05 pm NOTICE. 'll.tAitii? nnaMSnd. as executor of the estate ft M h it ha K. Venablo, deceased, all persons ''M-titi'd totaid estate are notified to come f' i war.lami make immediate payment, and ail I'ArsoiiH having claims against said estate ar.- Jicreby- iidtttl el to present tbemfer ray nifut uii or before the 1st day of September, l:,or this notice will be plead In bar of 1 lu ll- ro covery. , A. WDANIEL, Kx.'cutorof Martha Venable. dec'd. Amriiht Htli. 1894: : W. B; BEACHAM, Architect and Builder. AI.Ko DEALER IN . IM 1 LIU N(i MATERIAL. Lv Greensboro 1 nm Ar Salisbury 9 OS pm Arsfa'esvllle . Ar AshevtllA Ar Hot Springs i LvSalsbury 9 15 pm Ar Charlotte - 1040 pm Ar Spartanburg 12 57 am Ar Qreenvi'ln 1 K9 am Ar Atlanta 5 20 am Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta 45 am 10 25 am 1 19 am 4 00 pm 5 36 pm 10 30 am IS 08" nn 2 45 pm 4 05 pm 9 80 pm 6 58 am 611am 811am 9 25am 1137 am 12 28 pm 3 65p-n i(t 60 pm a an mm 2 15 am 12 51pm o u aui 4 (,4 pm NOBTHBO0ND. Nos Lv Augusta Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Daily. 10 4 36. 7 00 pm , 3 20 am . 6 40 am . NO. 12. A ;'j'iuilet.'Hfor)i of rjugh and dressed. Lv Atlanta. Ar Charlotte Lv Charlottn Ar SaMsbury 9 00 pm 6 30 am' 73am 8 28 am 8 ,00 am 6 40 pm 7 00pm 8 5 pm Lv Hot Springs 12 44 pm No. 38 ' 130 pm o 10 pm 8 30 pm 12 00 Nn 8 29 pm 8 89 pm 9 t9 pm BER. J"ir, and Witt Jaws, Shingles, Laths, &cj Always on lmnd. - Wall Taper, Mantels and Hearths. Plan ami estimates on application. ' KHi Uville N. c.Keb. llt.1894.-: "I 'DYE TO LIVE AND LIVE TO DYE." Lv Asheville Lv Statsvllle Ar Salisbury Lv Salisbury Ar Greensboro Ar Winston Lv Qreensboro Ar Durham . Ar Raleigh ArGoldsboro Lv Balelh Lv Greensboro Ar Reldsvllle Ar Danville Ar Kesville Ar Burkevllle Ar Richmond 8 33 am 10 05 am 2 80 um 7 11 pm 8 00 pm 8 30 pm 10 05 pm 9 49 pm 11 09 pm 11 15 am f 9 T5 r-n 9 25 lo 10 am 13 00 nn 1 00 pm 13 01 am 3 35 am 7 80 am 3 00 pm 1 00 pm 5 45 am 10 10 am 10 57 am 11 45 am 1 18 pm 8 00 pm 4 M pm 410 pm 10 10 pm 10 56 pm 11 40 am 3 20 am 4 08 am 6 20 am 410 pm 1109 pm 12 27 am 3 CO am 4 08 am 6 20 am tDally. Dally except Sunday, CAPS m A'D TADIIN 7ALLE7 RAILWAY COMPANY. J olm Grill, Receiver lelgh News and Ob sei Washington. D. C. Au?. 2A. iso.t -'What will be the effect of the tar'ff Diu m JNorth Carolina?" I aked Sen ator JervU list night. i thmt the political effect ol the tarm diu in ssorth Carolina at present fi r - --. n nU nil J!-. . . 10 ouiucnuai uisappomc-n. it Is so Decausetne people have not under stood the real situation of things here, auu ueuauBe ine wusoa diu ha3 been so mucn prated and the Senate bill so mucn condemned- However, when tne people naye learned how the situ ation is here at, Waahino-tnn Dn k difficulties of passing any tariff bill and uavo uvvuiue aavisea 01 ine merits of the Senate b'lli there wM h fL-rnoUnn and its passag, will be of great advpns tage to eur party in the Slate. To be a nttie more specie, it must be ad mitted by an impartial, student of the benate bill than there are ti igs in it mat win not suit iNorth Carolina as well as some Portions of the Wilson bill would havei donei and there are some thincs ieifat of it whih 7n.rii nave made 16 mcire nonular with rm- people, liut the truth is that those who are adyised;of of the true condition of the Sena! 3, marvel that we succeeded in getting through the innate as good a bill as the Senate bill will prove to be when it is well understood and fully tried. But things in this nrnrll o ia o good or bad by cempnri3on. While the bill is not as good a bill as myself, manv Senators, hundrprla nf th of Democrats throughout the country, and I may say the entire Democratic party of . North Carolina wahIH dacira to see passed yet the bill is so infinite ly superior to the existing law that I believe the majority of our people will become reconciled to thpir r.i disappointment when they understand H. - .1! XX ' . . . . tMc uiuerence Detween cue senate bill and the existing tariff-Jaw. It is true that the Senate bill carries a tax on sugar, and that! well understand, will rot be popular in North Carolina: but when the people come to understand tnat while the cost of sugar will be somewhat increased, the cost of every thing else will be so much diminished 1 am sure taey will accept the general benefit without complaining of the sugar tax. For instance, if a family of i.eu wui cacuiate toe increase m the cost of clothing, blankets, hats, farm imDlements. cultrv. ts.hl wr n and. things of that sort, and then strike a umerence, iaey w;u see that although mere win ue a si'ffnt increase in the cost of su-rar, there wi'l be a enfiral decrease in the cost of famllvsunniips "'How much more w"l sno-ar nnt. nn - i - . . 0 account, 01 in's tax?" "The increase in the cost; ftf smwr 1 uuer ine new law, is variously esti- mated. Thoe who makft thn petimitn from a Democ: atic standpoint say that it w.i not oe more mm a Q-at or a ce.:t and a quai..-r. Thoie who mak the esumvc rro-n a Ronuhitr - i st-ui point say that it will be two cents. I uppo-e the tru:'u lies b ;tween the two apprehensions as to"the result in North wiu-oiina, 1 can say, from the informa nuu x nave reV:vl frnm vir Am ual tions of the State, tht I how have ao doubt whatever of th elertion of s L9mocratlC LeffiRlatnrA. nH th Herri ocratlc candidafa tnr and Judges, and a msjority, if not all. vi uur vouzressioaal candidates. " What hk( rnrnori rho tidn In mv favor y" ! t 4I think the nassarft of the tarift' measure, and the hnl.l. nnt.nokfln nrvsii tion of the party in the late State con vuution, upon the monev iuestion. has eitused a decidedly favorable change in tUe current of . the popular thought of Orth Carolina. The nr,n1i nf VnrfS Carolina are nartlal t a straiP'ht.f nr. f v w -ri .a Ward, manlv Coarse, in nart.iex and In. diyiduals. When the Dumoo.ratie Statn cenventioa Ideclared its-p3ition upoa mo money question it did it, in way that can loaye no doubt a; to the position -of the Democratic Dartv of -North Carolina urxm that aad tt-;.rbing question. I regard the money question as the o-rpar. nnoitinn of American politics, and I may add, of trie civilized world. North Carolina 1113 made the moat positive Rtat-kmpnr. upon ttrs ereat otiestion nf imrmtora ia tn Union that has yet spoken, and T k.i:. 1 . 1 uciievu ineparcys utterance upon tu ? uLiiiiL ia in narmnnv wirn tho v oore m. - - j " wi-aj , f 1 VV O ui tue mass 01 cne voters 01 tne state That do vou think nf t.hp onomn'o Usui.' in view of the bold utteranoi? m,r party on the monev minst on r An - - J ...... , yyj believe the ReDublicans and Pnr.iiiicfa a vpuuoua v;a.u mse successiuuy tnronghout the totate. A great many good, sincer0 and honest men have gone into the Populist vHjr uu accounc 01 r.iipir pvtromo Views upon the.money question, and I dan't believe these men will go into a fusion with the Republican . party which has stood and is still standinv for evervthins' that is r-l v-vtvwiV WU the teachings 6f the PopUlist party. The Republicans in Congress and out of it have been the steadfast, uncom promising enemies of silver, aad I don't believe that the Populists will aid either d'rectly or indirectly, as they would aid them by fusion in put ting the Republican party back in power. Nor do I believe the erreat body of the colored people can be car ried from one party into another by those who were once their white lead ers, as in former days. But I believe the colored voter is beginning to think for himself, and hundreds of them this year will vote for those men and meas ures which they think will benefit their j State and their race. So. that, imnn ! the whole, I do not think that fusion in iNorth Carolina will nan nut na vai as its promoters anticinaKd. Subscription 0m Dollar t Tea. IsTO 35 Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latcst U. S. Gov't Report. A DISMAL FAILURE. Newberne Journal. A frpand has nrimit.i. ., t5t f,., itkeu us to tr- j"hc in a late ed torlal tlat he People's Party u a DUcnal Fa" There are manv ri. .'.'m '.. selves PonuU'iZ1 :."J . me best of ourciti 7rrT fc i. eopie'8 Party is a fj;- WhAfft AM 4 W a lr..,. wno were its InrrXZrJ HQ1 Where are r " !ver ana Watson? Ev :;;j.Thwt" "nr, ho knows inr fTl?. f11' We velnd 'a Cab PwilS'rErt V1 cn',Mte of the u!?Vi .trarJy for President at t c last olecUon, but what is he now t ut is a Democratic .on,n,i With LlS PnnnltaM. . " . a l.-r....: "vucui; IS 11141 SO r I ril( aa nn... A k : . . the Sr ly by lJbe Demcr of .ue iMlnttl (.nmrraaa nn.i .1:,. . Iowa ' .v,u4i uiMriui, 01 What docs It mean? wv,. u , means that in th . ' "J '.V f 'ul.wJr Oresham and James B. Weaver f he u ,, : . luc w l party in the field. Watson has not r , for him. ciev n h.. : . him in h cM:r.r. of Georgia don't waat him to represent " .u wuic?!. Look at Alihamn I.V1K i, OiKlgelf tOCOthpr nn.l - struck him. Oat rhra out of hashrt. and hia t.t. .? ooking for a blanket tnhid hi. r.i.i BeSS. That WR "fl hlrrt. '.1 thev had in Alabama1 mat i, i- , mastered every dUeordent element,b&t Oates whipped out the whole manaira. rle; bears, coons, rattlesnakes and all. Now look at Smith ra man Will niobahlr' hAat Rnti'. ul ruV.. l r oenatfi hut. nrhnla Tll1r. a a leal hermaphrodite, a blackguard and a bully. He is for Ben Tillman, and it uianes qa u tterAnrA or :m ki - .v.. mm VTUAU means he employs to accomplish his obJct. Even the papers of his own state denounp. hla . shame and a disgrace. But hnw ia Jr. In r,f. " 1 1 . .iiui uniDiimr borne days ago the People's Party tuet .n solt-mn State Convention and nomi riateda Chief Jut'ee and three Associate wuourcs vi me supreme Court, not pne of whom belongs to the People's Party. They are perfectly willing to have Pop ulist speakers go about the country, in flaming the minds of the country peo pie againBt the Democratic Tarty but when it comes to selecting J idges to decide issues relating to life, liberty' and property, they have not a man for the place. They actually nominated two republicans and two Democrat1 for Judges of the Supreme Court. If the People's Party in not a Dismal Failure, we would like to know wha constitutes failure. True the party has not absolutely surrendered but it bs done worst?, ft has formed a coalition with the Republicans that will rtih its uc-Bb men out or tne: Dartv kn nanip Democratic party- also the establish ment oi a system of fl nance which snau oeot sufficient volume for the ureas oi me people and which shall w aie, soona ana flexible: tLa utilization of silver and gold "upon cuuai terms onnnKiunn tn. gance, and advocacy of economical but uut parairaomous appropriations for me support oi the government. He re&lizea thar hA h.. . m . um,! pleaded to these vitwa whtoh v.o i. ed for nearly a century surviving clvH war ana reconstruction, which em braces in its ranks thnur hail ters of the nation, having an organiaa. lion and vitality that h Of the wondera nf r.ha nniifinai i i and being now in possession of all the branches of the National government. He will not leave it. H :n nh.. strive to .trengthen and amend it, in those' particulars in which It heeds stren firth and amenHmonr. nA g-ive Him Dleasure tn ha i.riends who have dissovered their miss mtie come DaeK ana aid himi . some of the WKWJ1?&CQMPARED a. m.yn.iau&X HILL. ARTTCLKS. Camnhor. nfln1 Sumac, extract of Epsom salts. Castor oil. Cod liver oil, upturn, prepared for smnklner Chronimnm mIah Cottonloth, not over iuu tnreads, not bleached. Cotton cloth bleached. vubbon com, ayeu col- oreq, 0CC Cotton cloth exceeding 100 theads, not bleached Cotton cloth, bleached Cotton cloth, dyed; &c Cables, cordage and Tariff Rate per cent un.iu iey .new. diu. bill. 12.80 10 23.14 io 33.34. 25.51 100.35' 43.87 23.65 20 1G3 65 30.84 35.17 40.80 42.3 43.27 43.S4 l4.S 20.66 35.05 26.53 "30.45 32.39 35 .38.84 trrsnn mri mhA I strayed off into the Populist Dirty, re Bagging for cotten alizing the hopelessness of the fizht ffl Tva"00' rnpv naiTA rush mob-tna. . ,k. . I . onawis, woolen, not 16 to 31 10 to 20 tnev nave beat, mfltrin anri i of strengthening the Republican party xcbuiueu aim an toe rest are in vited to return tn tho nomMt!. ranks and retrieve the mistake which they now see they have made. They will be welcomed &ntl thalr anw. , - vu.i nui be forsroXten in the unitoH sirnrf Ai . refunlted party for the accomplishment vm. vuc great, uestiny to wntch the Dem ocratic party has been called. 32.52 273.66 above 40 cents per pound, 136 Blankets, 80 to 104 Hats of wool, 86 to 106 xiauneis not over 50c free 30 35 , 3f I 35 ter lh Silk, partially manu iacturea, Binding twine, Painting in oil or water colors Statuary, Hatters' plash, Silk webbings, crroe- etnira. A Silk buttons, -83 to 104 25 to 35 WHY HONEST MEN OUGHT RETURN TO THE DEMO CRATIC PARTY. TO The North Carolinian. - Within the past few years go.ne of our best citizens, men ardently desls rous of 'reforming the abuses which have grown up under Republican ad ministration of National affairs, have left the Democratic party and allied themselves with the Ponulist The new party promised so much re- net tnat it appealed strongly to msn who were in debt, and who found that year by year the prices of their pro ducts were declining', and thar. it- k- cm t i kss came more difficult to- nav the dphta contracted while prices were high. It attracted, too, a class of men who were so eager to reform the evils of a con tracting currency that they lost slcrhr. of other matters of equal Importance A HOUSE BOID TREASURE.' ; D. W, Fuller of Canajonarle, N. Y. says that he always keeps Dr. King', New DiSCOVerv in the Imnu mnA Kt j uvwov wvi uu rani 7?, alw8 fouad the vepy Snk goods, 1'esnltA fnllnnr Ua mca. knf v.- ,j I -i..i .. . " "oti "c wouia ouk riDDons. u wvj nibUBULi 1 1. - nrnn Iran A i. A. Dvkeman Dritfl-o-ct. nnrtun w -v. says that Dr. King's New Discovery J uuuuuuicmy tne uest cougn remedy, that he ha used i in his famy for eight years, and it has never fa'led to do all that is claimed for it. Why net try a remedy so long tried and testedt Trial bottles free at TriHn Jk Tn- ... - WW A. Ul cell's, Duie Store. Rfisnkr ka j a. nn a " 60.50 6.47 15 15 -10 50 50 SO 50 50 NO PROHIBITION PARTY TICK' ET THIS YEAR. News an Observer. The fine Italian handa n nir t pleton and W. H. Worth, or their ah sence, are seen in the decision of the Probation party! not to run a State ticket this vear. ; Thev adnntnrl tlOnS tO tho effect that, whiln thara 1m . sentiment in this State in favAr nf n.A. hibicion of the liauor trafflr. vet fh tempcrauce forces lack organization. An.l . I. ..... . t ' A1 . 1 a'ju, lueie.ure. pmp.innir in onnm. plishmg the ends sought, and that hence It is best to ore-ani. a stora C3 MVWW rim nure nrta nmavyiiAriAH f . . ui uiuci uiaiLers uk cquai laiporLane I "'Fyiauw aoowiftuum iu mciuae ail and hastened to act with a party which f tbe temPeraueq frocea of the State on x(iuiv.i uv uttjy wuuu au luiaiiiuiu WHY , m r - - w, uu vv uiuix aii&ll to make monev Dlentifui and r.npan Thi? new pnrty, owing to short crops a id low prices and to some plausible, features in its nlatform: pnlisfpd tha at. forts, earnest and sincere, of active and energetic men who felt the evil3 which they su Tered and were eaager to try the. remedy proposed. Thev imade qu tea stir pr.or ro tne eleetion of 1S92 ana wet nave ior its aim the agitation of tem- perance subjects and the creation of a sentiment in favor of better temper- ouue laws auu hue more enectlve en forcement of the laws now on the statute DOOKS. ! This is the nnaitinn tho rPttl 9 fin n A - jr of temne ranee have alwava idffu and we have no doubt that most of the iir pr.or ro me eieetion ol 1392 j auKA "c u" uouot mat most or the o enthuia3tic over their pros- delegates voted for the resolutions be Tae el c.ioncame ami with it cause they have Been the futility of a .. nKnn.n.ni. , Li .. fRPnarntP toh-ot in noit nnoa All other silk. Writ inc. drawing and other paper N. S. P., 35 Dolls and other toys, 35 Euery, 25.19 Firecrackers 147.33 Coal, bituminous, 22.72 Slack and culm of coal 28.68' coKe, 20 Matches, 33.93 uairciotn, Known as crinoline clotb. Haircloth, known as hairse'tg . Leather, bond or belt ing and sole, Calf skins .Tanannod Leather,all not special ly provided for, Boots and shnaa Manufacturers ef India rubbpr Umbrellas covered with silk or alpaca 55 Burrstone, manufact'ed 15 composition, metal, copper, 6.49 Plates of copper, not rolled, &c n.so Cider, 13 52 Ochre, 9.64 Sienna, 21.14 Umber, on an Spirit varnifihes, . G9.i:6 All other varnishes, 35 Whiting, dry, 143.48 Ground io oil (pntty), 19.50 White lead, 59 21 Nitrate of Potash, ' 21.33 Bi-carbonate of soda, 60,47 Bicromate of anda on Strychnia or atrychnlne,93.79 20 free free free free 45 45 45 45 . 46. : 20 23 20.15 50 12.12 14.34 15 20 27.99 20.99 23.22 10 30 10 25 30 15.48 10 20 N INSTOX-SALEM Steam. Dyeing -AND Cleaning Works 'Ivepairina Specialty, l.Main Street Win8toa. V. fiUC U t I'se Ladies Choice; Plain, . (Strong) aai North State Mills (Sweet) "trFHrtSi ,' UrTdn- v1" !TJh only .gnnffstoanu H .1 !. . . "'nil M'u 1 1 i..n. . - . ,i " vo,",l,la eTerj true no on,;: ' " v"man sbould see te lt "MiY;. 'd9afither- soia or used t-'oodsare. THE VEHY BEST On t!lVf,l ' te n.v ... Mid ire made exclusively rh Carolina Leaf. 'aiiJ,icere61,i,iJdeiiceollclte.l fi' P Sob MamHactnriDg Co., !Dl'RnA,u v-n Condensed Schedule. In effect June 24th, 1894. NO.RTII BOUND No. 2. Leave Wilmington. . . . . Arrive 1 ayetteville....... , Leave I ayet. ville Leaje I. yettville Junction. . . Leave b-nford...,. Leave Climax........ Anive Greensboro Leave Greensboro. . . . Leave Sto'cesdale. . ... . 1 AS nm . . . . . " ...... J -r- r Amve walnut Ueve 420 pm Leave Walnut Cove...... . 4 33 pm Leave Rural Hall. . ............ 5 01 prn Arrive Mt. Airy...'. 625 pm ,.. 7 00 am , . 10 10 am , . .0 27 am . to 30 am . 11 45 am . . " j 46 pm ..2 16 pm 2 5"? pm SOUTH BOUND NO. 1, Leave Mt. Airv Leave Rural II aU.. Arrive Walnut Cove. . . Leave Walnut Cove. . . L;ave Stokesdale Anive Greensboro.... I eave Greensboro . . . . . Leave Climn Leave Snford Airive Fayelteville Junction Ainve ravettev;Ue .. L-aveFayettevilJe. . , A .ive Wilmington. ..... . . .. NORTH BOUND-No. 16. Leave Ramseur 6 Co am L ave Climax. 8 40 am Arrive Greensboro. 9 25 am Leave Greensboro. .;. . .... 9 40 ata Leave Stokeadale. . . IO Cl am Arrive Madison. .11 Co am SOUTH BOUND NO. 15. Leave Madison, .i, . Leave Stokesdr'e. . Arrive Greensbore. Leave Greensboro. . Leave Climax Airive Ramseur. . All trains mixed r id run Sunday. Connections North bound, wi 'i the beaboard Air Line at Sinford: T'chmond & Danvple R. R. at Greensboro ; Norfolk & Wera R. R. at Mrdison. Connections South bound, with the Nar- "olk & Western R. R. at Madison: r'cltnond & Danxllle Railroad at C.eensboro ; Seaboard Air Line at Sa i- ford ; Atlantic Coast Line at Fayette . "'e. W. E. KYLE, Is mut be renicruberccl, However, that wni e tne new aw puts a tax on sugar it exi- nipta the people from pay! the bounty on sugar of two'cents a pound to tne sugar growers of Kansas, Lou'ss lana, and other States, so that under the new law the money which they will pay to the support of their'government 1 Lap sugar tax win unuer no circum stances' be larger than the bouaty they were paying under the McKinley law to me sugar growers, mow tae tax they pay on sugar goes to the suppoit 01 a iew inuiviuuais. ' "In your opinion, what amendments did the Senate add to the b'll tbit im Droved it ? " f ----- - 'As one of the chief tmna that onn cerned the farmers of North Carolina, 1 will mention the fact that cotton baer ging was put on the free ! list in the Senate. The RennhliAana all vntod against putting it on the free list, whil.: the Democrats and PopulSst voted in favor of it. Hpth for train mad nf burlarj. which occunv the fan o relatinn tu westcru ni icuiiure mat. cot7 in oag ging does to Southern farm'ng; which under the McKir ev b"l were r.avprl -2 cents a pound, and under the Wilson bill lo Der cent, the Senate bi'.! nuts nn the free list, I mention these two things becaese they are of snecial ; interest tn Southern and Western farmers. There are many other th'ngs that might be mentioned, upon a carelulireview of the bnl." T 'What do you think of Democratic prospects tnouga tne country at large ?" If the country at larce had timo tn hpf.nm fully informed as tn the, rnor al advantages to resuU to the industries of the country, and to the people, from the new tariff legislation,- I should have no doubt as to the resr't nf th November elections." "If our "canvassers in the- variAna Congressional district, and our cans vassers, generally, will get into the campaign early and give the people full information as to the nature and merits of the tariff legislation of this session,- ! belive it is still possible for us to secure a good working majority in tne next House 01 itepresentarive'5 wnat are your plans lor the cam- Daten?" lx "I e inert to cet awav from hrA tn morrow (Wednesday) and . shall do so unless sometning occurs m the Senate absolutely requiring my presence here kf Kaa KaaR 111 rt 4 la e-t-ill nnir.) iu ft n im nos Lrvbii ilia auu ia pii.iii 1 1 11 1 1 ' daily except fp- hl- t ono-ht to have taken hr tn -4ihe seashore before this, but have beeo Li LI V, k 11.1 Li w icaic uuc cuutug ou y important legislation. Now! that it is manifest that no farther legislation is possible th's session I shall take her to Morebc&i at the earliest possible ops nnrtnnitr. T shall hmi'n thprn a. (v days and will; hen enter th campaiga In North . Carolina. I expect to can vass as much of the State as ; possible before election." "What do yon think of Democratic prospect laJTorUi CaioUna?? - 9 45 am 1 1 06 am " 35 am 1 1 42 am 12 07 pm 12 55 pm 1 02 pm 1 30 pm 3 17 pm 428 pm 4 34 pm 4 45 pm 7 55 pm 12 30 pm .......... ir$pm j. - 2 35 pm 3 00 pm ......... 3 55 pm 5 35 pm pf'CtS. ti:e d vji.chantmftnt of many Of the Populists. The result? were meaner and not at all commensurate with thpir rredict;on3. Since then' their htorv ias hfpnnne nl continuous, rtpfoar Thi V ir tnev maae loua o oasts 01 Pirmn Tennessee and Alabama. In the last named btites Kolb had the financial aa sistance of the New England Renuhii. cans and yet it both these States the Democrats won by unprecedented ma jorities. 1 1 ney are declining in numbers and in enthusinm. Their lo3ses are not made up by recruits. The Democrat wno is dis.- j.tisMed with thp. &fhiuo ments of his party since it has control of the government, takes his consol ation. In" abusing the administration. or the-few disloyal Democrats wno nave orevented tne nartv frnm furnishing a fuller measure of relief tn the people, resolving to select better uemocrats next election ana make the administration more responsive to his views: but he shows no disposition to leave his party. By principle And tra dition ne is lmneued to give no atd nr comfort to the party which he regard as the author of the abuses which he has fought all his lde, and sjainst which the PopulUt party 13 a vigorous lican: become a PoDul!-t ia to aid the Republican party to t ie extent that his vote-and his influence would weaken the- Democratic d a r t v and prevent the carrvm' out the principles which i t has formu Uted and upon which It his gained phenomenal victories.' He bees no Im provement in the policies of . the Re publican oartv: and recognizes that that great, strong organization still noma to tne pernicious principles wntcn are respansiDie iot. me evils unaer winch we nave aunered and are Etui suffering; Besides, he sees the Popu list party growing' weaker. vild'nr tin ics western posseBsessions to the com mon enemy, ana i with no chance to carry its principles into effect; He knows that it will never be able to con trol national legislation, and nn ar. count ef some of its pensions and other -vagaries, as for example, Peffer's bill to lew all the taxes for the. annnnrt. nf the Federal Government n nnn lands. he would regard it as a great misfor tune to tne country if it should come ioto power. He sees that the princi ples advocated by the Popollst Iparty which commend themselves to his judg ment are principles to whirh t n npmn- cratic party is committed, and which it Is endiavori ig to carry lnta effect Amoug them he notes the fight against unjust taxation: the determined oppo sition to the outrage of class legislation making the poor poorer and the rich riehei, piling np by means of i legisla tive aid immense fortunes for the few at the expeuf e of the millions arid build' Ing those choiee and finished products of Republican rule, the trusts and com bines which are destroy!: 4 competi tieoa and throttling pHcm. ttu hih. boleth "equal rights to aU. 1 special privileges to none," having been Blnce the days of Jeffexsoa the war cry ol tie separate ticket in past years. Indeed a ncKec wouia not have been nomina ted two years ago except for the insis tence of politicians .who wanted - a change to become candidates. Dr. Templeton, their candidate for Gov ernor, declared that failure to nomi nate a ticket then was cowardice, and that results were nothing. Now he and W. H. Worth and others, who act with them, believe that If the Prohibi tionists do not nnminatA a t.1ibat msia of them will help out the fnatnn ttnrt Dr. Templeton Is known to belieye that all the opponents of Democracy ought to ignore all great publto questions and make a fight this year on the line of Bauer's proclamation. Tf h had held that view, he would hova .f Greensboro declaring that failare to nominate a ticket was cowardice and that the party ought to stand true to principle if it did not nnll a vnta trav ing imbibed Republican and Populistic doctilnes, and vainly thinking that non-action by th. Prr.hihitlnnlar. nrtH accrue to the benefits of the Popullstic- ivcpuuucau comome, nis consuming zeal for a, straight Prohibition ticket UaS OOZed OUt. Mr. Wnrth n thl.lro this action will get him votes for State Treasurer, In November thev will find that nine-tenths of the Prnhthitun ists haye refused to be led into a party that is made up of all elements to de feat good government In the 8tate. The action of the Prohibitionists at the Greensboro convention ahtwa that (ne wise and nrar.t al mn nf tha nm. hibitionlsts are in the saddle this year, and that the star-gazers have either gone over to the mongrel party or have been given a hack seat.. Tt ia a ownd movement for the cause of temoaraaee. even tf. to employ thp. lanim a era nf tfa former nollMjil lpr tr h.ri n.tM. ly sold pat to the ran power and been vw w-arui wj ngni." , , A GRAND FEATURE Of Hood's Straanartlla. it that orhll. ft purifies the blood and seeds it cours- ing mrougn the veins fall nf richtiMi and health, it al v Imn&rta nm life and vigor to every function of the body. Hence the Tnrulnn ia nft.n bu.rl. ' f ww.m M v.VU Hood's Sarsaparilla madA a'nw nurann - ? . .. ... K . . uic. 1 l nvf n'iimpn inn ri ran yml. ing so common now. 1 10 20 25 45 . . free free : free i free : 16.37 17.62 21.50 69.56 25 71.24 94.75 29.60 10.66 30.64 25 70.34 20 10 35 30 . 52.63 53,61 28.43 35 HYPNOTISM OTHBtLTO. ot are on HrpiZn: u WJg?. y.Ta.tfV Ja"?M monthlr? Aderil: HeVTYork. PUBUSH1Q CO. The Stocking that Fit5 Doesn't distort the fa The toes retain their natural iuvHam Outwcnrs the old tvl The big toe.having room entugh.ttaja uuide ..w..wv, naakt afit fSV0'1'1! -men. if you want to nw mn and .it the sun,- t;.,. ,...- .1 A ' ' , """ in-nicest ntang bet.. ju ever u - a . i iv Averen-a s-.c .-More, u.mv,.'e. Va.. and get a half tiozc,, ,,a,rs of the aWve named celebra ted .ocks No one has ever uwd them who could be persuaded to buy other kinds -afterwards. A full supplr fi Ladi Hoys always on bid, A full snnulv ol th? !a-c ' ular shapes and styles of lat8, Shohs. &c.. Inr vniiim -...I 1, . .... 1 stock ,7"u'u nlcr 'u cn !jnjn now in W. P. AVERETT, Opposite Mr.jonic Teipl;, j. DAN7ILLI, Ti, EXCUSE ME. j Rut I Want You stricken people fleeing from a city of pe.-tilerce and deVth. Recogulzltijj the worth of very many Poptdists, and having for them the highest personal recrard. wa rvnoat ntir assertions that Tk Dismal Failure. To know that I jam still at the old 49.39 31.28 buiphur, sublimated 28.66 sumac, ground, 191 China, painted, Ac., 60 r-i&in, 65 Bottles, empty, 70.01 Filled, 7i.48 Demijohns, empty, 37.91 Manufactures of Glass 60 Cylinder glass, polish-' d, unsdvered, 20 to 64 13 to 48 Plate glass, Hated, &c, 49 to 64 37 to 43 Plate glass, un liver- ed. cast. Ac... Qa tn. ttm 1. mi Plate glass, cast, ail- vered above 24x60, Cylinder and crown glass, Sllyered, 438 27.79 Spectacle lenses. art Stained .or painted ' glass windows, 41 -35 - Roeting, slate, 23 20 Iron pre, M2.77 22.H Iron in pl$s. etc., 26 to 41 15 to 21 ocran iron. 47 & o At Scrap steel, 43 25.19 San?0',. 25 to 53 18to32 Bars of rolled iron, ; 61.77 44.93 Boiler or other plate or ateel. 51 25 Rails of steel, ; 68.24 33.99 snoets of Iron or steel, common or black, 25 to 70 20 to 55 Tin plates, ' , 78.44 43. Tin, oianufacturers of 65 35 1 Steel, ignots, etc, 29 to 50 20 to 40 Wire roda. ha k t Cast Iron vessels, . 26.97 17.98 Malleable iron casting , 31.83 16.37 Hollow ware, 35 33 23.55 Chain. jq m m Firearms, 41 to 80 30 ELECTRIC BITTERS. I This remedy is becoming so well known and so nnnnlar special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sine the Rama innif nt praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittcrs.yill cure all dHeaws of the Liver and Kidnova win remove pimples, boile, salt rheum and otner affections caused by -impute blood. Will drive uial.ria from the system and prevent as well as cure all mrlarlal fevers. Fnr win. nf . ache, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle at Iryin A Purcell's drag store. stand and am daily receiving a beautiful assortment of ladies' DRESS GOODS, I have made a specialty of 1 1 . 1 WASH FABRICS suitable for Anril and Mn The goods and styles are" ' i ' -' TME VERY! LATEST LINNEY NDMINATID BY Tni REPUBLICANS IN TOE EIOUTII. the prices arcistonlshingly the the News and Observer, WlLKCSHflRd V. C. An 01 T".- Kepubllcan convention of the Eighth Congressional district, which met here today nominated T. Z. Llnney for Con- IJicna uu twe ursb oailOC. There was a lively contest In delegation from Forsvth between Reynolds and the Wheeler factions. Botn sides were given representation and the vote stood 18 for Llnney and 10 for Blackburn, of Ashe county. There is considerable dissatisfaction over the result of the convention. It will be remembered that the Populis-1 at their convention yesterday also en dorsed Llnney for Congress. while low. The country has ceased to look" to Congress for financial relief but the Ladie's of Reidsvillo and vicin ity are looking nearer home. They numncs lor relief are looking to 72.18 Nail Railway fi h platen, tland bicktand other saw, 40 Screws, - 47 to 111 Wheel, 83 72 rates, roiled, braziers 23 to 45 26 to 30 44.87 77 7S 36.65 23.77 30 Hood's Pilla are nnreW nt.Mi rw..nA.i 1 . . . . . I kcciij uarmiess, always renaoie aad beneficial. Send vonr Jnh work tn thta nffio wnen you want good wok for a little rriAnnvt When h WM a Child, who cried for Ckatcria, hen she becasae Mfaa, she rfng to Caatoria. ! 9Them abe ha4 CkSdrea, aha gar then Chafe, coDDer 9s AWm, - J - UOId leaf. Silver leaf. Lead sheets, Nickel, Gold pens. t-enitolders, parts of, 30 Pins, 30 Zme in sheets, 29.19 Manufacturers of metal, 45- S hooks and boxes, 30 Cask aad barrels, 30 Blocks of wood, 35 Rice, cleaned, 111.85 Ktce, uncleaned, $4,19 Honey, 44.83 uranges, lemons, and , limes, Com fit a, sweetmeat. vc 35 N uts, not shelled (al mond), 61.34 Nuta helled (almondi (, 42.4J Fdbert-, not shelled, 62.80 Peanuts, unshelled, 726 extract of meat, 17)5 25 25 33 to 67 41.86 20 30 v 30 18.33 1426 25 25 25 14.59 35 20 . 20 25 83.89 41. US 22.42 12ti31 12 to 32 39 30.80 23.28 35.32 20 15 8pirlts, distilled, 91 to 37 65 to 264 A Woman, one hnndrrvf and fifteen years of ago, died In Ireland recently ohe was a smoker and snuff taker. .a&fciortbe WaxLx FROM HIGH PRICES and they.shill hM.whit thiy want. Drop in' You are welcome rhth er you buy or not. . j, t SAMPLES SEKT OK IPPLIC1TI0I. . All goods posi ively C-AaSS.. Truly Your Jricnd &c. J.D.HUFF1NES' ' Reidsviile, N. C.. March 22nd 1891 1 GrO OR SEND TO KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and cuua uj venoumu. enjoyment .wnen rightly used. The many, who live bet ter thin others and enjoy life more, with ks expenditure, oy more promptly adapting the world'a hcut nmdnrta tn I the needs of physical being, will attet ine vaiue u ueaiui 01 tne pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tho remedy, bvrop 01 t igs. ' Its excellence is doe to its' presenting in the form most arrant hi nA r1. ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly ueue uciai properues 01 a penect lax ative : effectually rlaninr thn mt.m dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently rnrlnir nknch'natfnn It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical prpfeesion, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels. without weak- mwi9mr .1 fx ! g 0 mem auiu i ia penetuy ixv iroui every objectionable substance. HvTTin tit Fltra ia tnr aoLa Irv all if mark nfactnred by the Cavlifornia Fig Syrup entire stock for this Bpring Co. only, whose name is printed on every &Aa Summer, so coll Or send at ibvhm aiaat fhA namA nwmn nr u tm innpa an vnn nr hnmihA and being well infonned, you will not (stock to select from. , accept an robstitate ii offered. I . - ! w EIMRIGHT'S, DAN VILLE,VA., And select, a nicn unr-i no-unit-. of clothes. He has just received and onenwJ tho larrrest. rfnri prettiest and most stylish lino of spring and summer . snesiNDirson ever carried in that city. MT. ilUUkiT hRA nwirnd i