';V: 1 Webster's v?" r v . ' ' i ', : ... ' - - "THE WEALTH OF TBS MIND IS THR ONLY TRURZWRALTH." " ' -tUL " m I ur Unison X- C- M . Tt BCOTT. Beldivllle M C i'obaiici Ac Scott, Attonicys-at-Law, y ADlriOX A REIDSVILLE, N, C. Mr office liTwentwOTth PP"' PMUDt and careful at- ''V.V,?,L ;to alU-ualness entreated. mi" tl ' auviti R,.iiiv!H Lodir No, i to attend: 34. A. F. Thursday nlnts, brethren cordially 49 K. kl-vii Lodge No. ' ' . nrd K. OI x. luu a. Mii''n"; of P. meets in Mnndav b lent at lat welcome te I . he8y, thou little tree, of tny bosgas shall be: The Tailors. X - .!ut Il.eeive.I the ; LaicstvAovelties 434 MAIN STREET muxiil Va, April 5th 1894. LADLES IS U WE RI NG FROM nnOD NEWS, The Old Friend And. the best friend, that never fails you, ia Simmons Liver Begu-lator,(the-Bed Z) that's what you hear at the mention of thia excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded inax anytmng -else will do. It 23 tho King of Liver Medi ernes:; is better than pills, and takes" the place of Quinine and Calomel. . It acts directly on the Jjiver, iiidnoy3 and .Bowels and gives new life to tho whole sys tem. This i3 the medicine you want- Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Pdwder to be taken dry or made into a tea. W-KVKRT FACKAGEtt Runp ia red on wnmu. .CO.,l'hilJ(ilpUaJr; PLANT A TRKB. He who plants a tree . Plants a hope: Rootlets u through fibres blindly irrope; Leaves unfold Into horizons free Bo maa's life mast climb Prom the clods of time Unto heavens ashUm. L,aiiHi mou prepnes wnai me glory He wno plants a tree Plants a lov. Plants a comfort that will never cloy Beaatif al and strong, To whose shelter thronr ..... Cenres bUthe with son. If thou canst but know, thou ha dot tree Of xhe bliss that shalt inhabit ta?e! He who plants a tree He plants peace; Pf.f8 8rTn ca,tln. imrgns cease. Leaf and zephyr murmur soothingly; Shadows soft with sleep Down tired eyeUds creep Balm of situuber deep. 7k r KSt I.1?0..? d "n. tnou blessed tree. Of the benediction thou shalt be. Has tire Railway Co. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE) ' , Richmond & Danville & North Carolina Divisions. He who plants a tree -He plants youth; y'for won for eenturies in sooth. Life of time that hints eternity. Boughs their strength uprear; New shoots every year On old growth appear. Thou shalt teach the ages, sturdy tree. Youth of soul is immortality. He who plants a trce . - He plants love; Tfnta of coolness spreading out above Wayfares that he may not live to see. . Oifts that grow are best;; . -Bands that bless are blest. ' Plant! Life dooe the rest. Heaven and earth help him who plants tree.l , - - And his work its own reward shall be. ed to be imported,'' and of certain "manufacture Into -which socn imports ed article eaters or ' W intended to ea ter," which is refined gnatr. It is notorious that these have beea the ends and aims of the Sugar Trust, and now that a law has been passed by which they can easily be subordi nated and defeated,, we presume that in due time the statute will be applied to the purpose for which it was enact- ed. The Sugar Trust has made itself excessively obnoxious to the people of me united states and it remains to be seen what actios the Department of Justice will take in the matter. Hight of all i Learning Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Repoft T5 emu mr-of WOOL PRICES UNDEB F REE VTOOL. WBKnilSTirELKADjB, j AnsevIUe Cltiaaa. There U onlj one Instance w .11 . Wry. said Senator RanioSol whiJi? have 7 lowle4, tSftt all riii1 bles the present attempts tolS ttm h Democratic nart. tV-. oe- after &SttXN bricks wiLhont dren had beiatorn from LIM Tut Vnaa U-.l TT 1 it o umi isi pn KOQ9 Having m-. tor 0 th V.T.'t1:"." r.1trtx and notlca 1. hlLr.' Jl- ixrlaoa. . raymnl .n,?,,1'41 make l-.iT.diaS ralnt t ha all ,1 . , M elal on or byei th it t " ".V th.. ' ovry. - ""iaroitheif iw MARTHA D. ROBKRTSOJf , CHS. M0ALU8T KR?1- THE LAW AGAINST TRUSTS. North Carolinian. CONDENSED SCHEDULE ..ijtai i'nl with your address secires K Writ iiw to N ATIONAL SDBQlCAL ...1 i i i'TV. Atlata..ua.. Ofc r . w. " Atlai.ta. (i a. 7-11 IN EFFECT JUNE 17 , 1894 SOUTHBOUND. Dailt; etoa. 35 a 9. IV otic ei Ha? in(: ihilHi'"'ii aa Executor of the estate .1Aiiiy4itiy. deceased. -notice is herebT vii iit.i Kfl persons Indebted to said estate 1,. imik luiine.liate paymeBt of the aame nml all vernons havi ng claims against said .utiiti: I'miHt preHent them on or before tn .liy ', May. 1 ha5. or this notice will be pit.l in i. tr of their recovery. Thia May 'AU' J.M.WILSON. ".: Kxec'utur f AinvQodsey, deceased. Lv Richmond Lv Burkevllle Lv Keysville Ar Ianvllla Lv Danville Ar Reidsville Ar Greensboro Lv Qoldsboro Ar Raleigh Lv Raleigh Lv Durham Ar Greensboro IS 40 pm 30 pm 3 11 pm 5 31pm 5 50 pm 6 41pm 7 18 pm yoOpm 4 05 pm x 4 10 pm 5 15 pm T 20 pm NO. 11. 1350 am S 40 am ; 9 10 am 9 35 am 7 00 am 7 50 am 8 40 am S 00 pm 8 to p m S 45 am 41 am 8 35 am No. 87. 6 40 am 6 58 am Lv Winston : f 0 pm 5 40am 6 05im JSOTWE, 11 ivini' Mua'iSed.asexecutor ol the estate t M.ril.a ti. Venable, deceased, all persons In Wl t. a to said- eatate are notified to come fur.vr.Uuil make Imineuiate payment, and nil iWsoph liavtng claims against said estate ar. li.Teby in.tltted to present them for pay ment mi ' t b. f.ire the 1st day of September, lM,ir -this notice : will be plead in bar of tii.-lr recovery. A.W.DANIEL. Kvcutorof Martha Venable dee'd. W. B. BEACH AM. Architect and Builder. Lv Greensboro 7 35 nm Ar Salisbury 9 09 pm ArStatesville ArAshevlile Ar Hot Springs Lv Salabury -Ar Charlotte Ar Spartanburg Ar Greenville Ar Atlanta . Lv Charlotte Ar Columbia Ar Augusta 9 15 pm 1040 pm 1 57 am 1 52 am 5.0 am 10 50pu SISara 8 45 am 8 45 am 10 85 am 11 19 am 4 00 pm 5 30 pm 10 30 am 19 09 nn S 45 pm 4 05 pm 9 80 pm 6 58 am Uam - 8 11 am 9 25 am 1137 am 12 28 pm a 06 pm 9 30 am 13 55 pm i 03 pm NORTHBOUND. Daily. Noa. 10 a 36. No. 12. -ALS'O PKALKR IN nniDiMj material. Lv Auirusta Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Lv Atlanta Ar Charlotte Lv Charlotte Ar Salisbury Lv Hot Springs Lv Asheville Lv Statesvllle A Salisbury Lt Salisburv Ar Greensboro 7 00 nm 3 20 am 6 40 am v" 9 00 pra 6 30 am a7 00am 8 28 am . 8 33 am 10 05 am Ar Winston . 11 15.am LUMBER, IWrs and Windows, Shingles, Laths. &C Alnya nh hand. ' Paper, Mant els and Hearths. Hana aitj estimates ou.apitlcatlon. R-iaavillrtt N. C. Feb. lst.1894. Lv Qrcensboro Ar Durham Ar Raleigh A y.iniplHtrt'Htock "of rough and.dressed . j Ar Qoldsboro Lv Raleigh Lv Greensboro Ar Reidsville Ar Danville Ar Keysville Ar Burkevllle Ar Richmond NEW FALL .AND Winter Goods. Mr. John -(J. Knrjght has received large and handsome stock of the latest styles in Foreign . Goods for : . . lientleiiieirs Wear. 11 you are in need of a Suit. Over coar, or pair of Trousers for this Fall or Winter, call at , once arid examine hi " goods at N-2, Masonic Tempje. flain Street. - - Danville, Va. L'sc Ladies Choice, Plain, (Strong) - . aof North State-Mills - ; - (Sweet Tt!PS 1..,., , ' ,. "'""d in N S.1re )ie 0lV 1 '.'"H' Lil l'roHiia an 1:,,teo WT'hVHrolll'1n h T,6,fat5 r'M.ei.tuarli llie enlv snuffs mana- and every true should see to it sold or used VEhVbEST n th 1 kkeu n,&fk!'t. and te made exclusively ,0-n Carolina Leaf. grantee the tR 1 ha VA .1' -r'"'wl "ur v- ' u co"e8ndence;solldtea.l 1 F- Morris Soa Mannlactiirlng Col, . RnAM,N.a. le 10 am 19 00 nh 1 00 pm " 3 00 pm 5 45 am 10 10 am 10 57 am 11 45 am 18 pm 3 00 pm' 4 50 pm 8 00 am 6 40 pm 7 00 pm 8 25 pm 12 44 pm 2 80 pm. 7 11 pm 8 09 pm 5 30 pm 10 05 pm t 9 25 am 11 01 am 3 95 am 7 80 am i 1 00 pn. 4 10 Dm 10 10 pm 10 56 pm 11 40 am 3 20 am 4 08 am 6 SO am No 38 130 pm 510 pm 8 so pm ISOONn , 8 29 pm 8 39 pm 9 49 pm MM! ( Democracy iaoDDosedto uegea- of anv kind to anvhruiv. ita uasic Kiea u to leave everr citizen fre to Seek hte Own, interest an inner aa ha uucs uot interxere witn the rights and iurnbi.au ine Drivuecrea of 11 a npio-hrmr JJirectly ODDOSed to this nrincinlA an an luuuuDoues ana inmhinps Th shibboleth of the Democratic party, therefore, la ''War on Trusts," and it never fails to give them a black eye. Indeed It may be called the anti-rrust party. Even in the tnrmnil ni Knn. uoversy over the passage of l he tariff bill the Democrats in Congress did not turret to inject into it a strong law against trusts and monopolies, and pro- ivid iui mo muiction 01 severe penal- iiesaor attempting to carry on their ousiness lor the purpose of creating a raoaopoly or controlling Dnees. The last five sections of the new tariff auv uuusiituLc a law against trusts and similar combinations. Mr. McMillin,of .me u ays uu means committee, has ueuiareu inac inese 8etions arft "r.h most scnugeac anti-trust law ever n. actea in this country." and that thAv 'carry .into law the most effective means ever yet devised for controlling uvi uuiuiutr me DO war ot trnara " They were added to the tariff bill upon the mjtion of Senator Morgan, of Ala uauia. . v ... xnre legislation agap.st trusts is luuna in sections 73-, 77 and all include ing clauses act constitute a law against' w ui boe tartri Dili wn'ch is now a law. They are as follows 1 bection 73. That every Tjomblnatinn conspiracy, trust, agreement or con- iracus nereoy declared to be contra to public policy, illegal and vnll. the same is made by or between two or more persons or cornnrarinn Afhor f whom is encasred in imnort,lnr amr uo auy ioreign country into the i-iuucu otaiea, ana wnen such combi nation, conspiracy, trust agreement nr contract is incended to operate in. re straint of lawful trade, 01 free Competi tion in lawful trade or commerce, or to increase the market nrioe i n An ir na-rr. nf tho Trn!f-rl Wi-otn, .t ""-vu ubawa ftuy al Lititl or The wool market just now affords a good study for the political wool grow ers 01 the coantry. It will pay thehl w ctuuy isch iwmia,, .ana - to (orget hueir wicorj ana ineir calamity cries in isy McKinier iisteiwd to the pieas 01 Uelano, Harpster,: and Law rence and granted them greatly in creasea aaties 00, T0013 : ia order to raue prices. JJut prices neyer declined so mueh and so rapidly as during the four, years pt McKlnleyism. The decline has been almost steadv. exrcnr that it waa checked for few months, after the electlwtiTjf 189,and that.it was5 changed into Jfcfi advance during we iusc iwq montos. ine aecllne has been irom 33 to eo oer cent. High duties on wools, then, have not caused higher prices as . these -woa-1 prophets predicted. This Is mistake Dumber one. Nothing was more certain,' in the opinion of some of the wool growers than that free wool would ; greatly re duce prices o! (Jomestip wools and ruin the wool and sheep producing lndus tries. For the first time, sinca isir. all wools are now free'ol duty. What now are the facts up to date ? All wools bee&me free on Anemst 28th, We auote the followine- nriooa of foreign acd domestie wools from the American wool and Cotton Reporter; . DOMESTIC. Grades. Prices 1884. JulyS. August 30. A Cents. Cents. . Pa. & W. Va. xx and above 20 to 20 io 21 O.; Pa. & W. Va. t No. 1. 19 to 20 21 to 23 Mich. Wis. & N. Y. . . THE COLORED VOTER AND THE r,lwyerB. A, Johnson, the colored chairman of the Republican executive committee ol the Fourth Oonrreaalorjal distrlot, is leported, to have expressed uuBn ou me suDject 01 fusion "The trend of affairs'! n Alabama confirms III A in mv nnlnlna The colored vote U tbe bone of con ten' tion, the Poouusts need two, thifo . It to win, and they cin't get it with fusion. There are a iarce nnmho r.t colored men in this State who If their own party is disbanded will take this opportunity for complimenting their, Democratic friends for fucnrs rnn.i 1 and otherwise.. They rightly think i-uey can cuoose tneir own Democrats ' wucu a uoms 10 a question of voting Nominate a republican ticket and the uoioreo. man win die by It, but fail to uu tuw na xec two Democrats be in 1 1 u uo Uie8 n choice as to wuiuu Buns nun the best. A n, n,K can blame us? Unfortunately for rh i opulists, they have some men in thai. , 1 - . - . - . ru.s wno nave Deen very abusive of GORMAN AND CLEVELAND. North Oarollalan ,. I do not know who la he rrpdent of the pn Coon ood. atteTnVl hid .meked Jd,? tWnnless It Is Mr. NoelL whJ M bad "J 1 :r 1 mnnth vf n, ." ' ,. ' me gurcrucuenE irr; . uiuiseu after . V n m after th IZZTZZ "arson, them ts.r .C ""Lr vpcnea oerore drv land. .i'Vi.T .r.?" ;u"Vn on watched them ' th pillar of Cloud had esull n1"1 M n!nI.trrteof tb by day and the pillar of SfrttZfZ X ed them by . night, after. "i2,Vlval UOHliZ A nAuftAn lw ik. - - " a-vautauu sis cm wmi bmm. a. 1 uiua a ia itmi ntmr.mv . - . .-r,, J' , - rcaqers 01 r" . --"uuu a captain to lead thm bondage and degradation medlau '?r." and make Im. Jlahn. agalnit th,.. tat- T.?M fcM"C Augaat. low. o, inir?2E Mr ot elr recov;;, wlu Pd 1st Admtnltrtriior ah2BI? h asItH R-Msvill'K igSZk IS- tui. paper win eDjoy. He writes: icauwiare not half &a ttrif n,- 1.-.. ,-zr- and I i n;"'" "iuaooie as j am, - " " "j ry me monotony of "7 u uy relating an .inci ?h LWnflIC rked the inning of Fr"oran. i8 a' hrt a protoc- " " 8 ,maa of Plendid abil. ..j. s irere less a born leader of l?r .ftmbItlou' J masterful tbe S k f,rmers oW have passed their bill ten months atm. a K 1. ri" P.8illce ceveland called i,K ?5xcrm 8sIon to deal v IWU UUKUCC AUU LDH I Q Tl TT 'Pkn S dent refeisad to above is thU S When FA8Ie,4ff ?,miaated first back to Where is tuts man n in .11 Contain !.., .u' . r a iiZrv; " oac into Kenub. eo to 76 ? fcecutorls ffetioe. iican days from pur people, and some of them yet eav i.-l-'? D.an Manning m meir HDeecnes SO 1 am informod fhof I .7 i " wymiuie ui conauct nc a r t 1 . . . : w 1 n&riAnai Mmiu m u , . . it is not to De ucaerscood whon ih. eeciare cnemseires opposed to Demo cracy, mat tney are m favor of ne sruea noioing omce, etc. It will be uru to get sensiDie oolqrea men to uvlre'o w A-uumiSL DromiSfla mean na uinvn much when coming from these Individ- l!,1? Pantlv. liai.4 wno. Iinrnrt-nnat-olir Ia. ..- I -uw No, 1. California Vo. gpring 13 mons. free Texas fine choice Idaho fine Montana fine med choice J8 to 19 19 to 21 12 to 13 13tolQ iitoia 9 tolO 12 to 14 10 to 12 national cam oaten. M,nnin 1... SV fS Ahur P57ma,i, of Maryland, one of th shrewdest to Albany as the truest nf non -vr " hing.. Tosrether fiftv .aii , icua US.- filOM flrwrnaor. I 1 Cleveland : ..Iimia .XVT..!? place the management of your r. A" ,t.!Vlu,X V nuer my control?" ausumie v.- animiniri fia.. i t,u" . y . aD3,,t lhe coaduct of iwu vBuiiiaurna and -. and rhA W.nn,'.i " T.; ?." r wLumitiee implicitly. AS Gorman ' 11 to 12 13 to 15 FOREIGN. C Q m 19 to 22 9 49 pm articles imported or Intended to be lmj I'm - mm . - i n 11 09 pm ported into the United States, or of anv V., article enters or is intended tipntr ; sars-despite the uncertainty surround 9 25 am Australian, bing choice 30 to as Australian, combing good 29 to an Australian, :clothlng 30 to 32 Cape and Natal 25 to 26 Montivideo 25 to 27- English coarse 33 to 37 'Phla la tnan . .i. .u.a tuuecu a abraui'tt miRnnmpnw on for the consideration of HarJonai Wool Growers Associations.. T ioreignnave declined .about 40 nnr cui,, wuue prices oi qomestlC wools nave aavanced about 10 nar wnf -t . . . . K -srM. aurmg tne last two months. Thn n A . . - . uo Hcuurier oi AUirnsr. ir.n. un tuc cuiei ieature oi tns Hnafnn wool market has been th ui a iuuuou ana a oau pounds of Mon tana Dy a manuiactqrer," and con ciuoes that ' it has been, on the whole lair weeK lor trade, and wools in on A..nl V, n I i . -1 . . ve oeen soia at as nigh' a price as at any time during the month; me- uiuiu woois are eneiA v . firm The ieelinff .in -eneral ia - -D T " MWWC Under New'Hork, the Reporter ovement. are tbe mouthnlpcpa nf tv, r i . . v- rupuusL party. rnen. too. t he mum. . w v -m -aiaa ment is current amonff rainv Anlnroi I people that the Populists have tried in r-J rrrct rni a. n J ! I J a. I . uiuico iaoi. lu m vme tne scnoqi f qnd so s bu jjiyc coiqreq cnuaren the benefit nnlT nf taveo ail Ktt a1oaj -t.i mLi. rr yiuiu citizens, i a non anything our Deonl nd tZ'ZZ "u ure .paper,. Winded now, It is more education, both of th 'JL'? l4,;a.b auu i : "Uere is an head and tho ha&d. The nart th.i I'V"".U m7 v,e on the tariff seeks to deprive us of these privileges iin lu,ur01 wsenUng to the pab is sure to meet our disannul ai H. wat ? of it." Qor- ballot-box. - I consider it thft wnrati u re and said, VI. understood of bad policies for a party to dUband hand np"LFr camPltt my it nroaniaMn 1 "uuu..nandj'" "Certainly, certainly mwm. biaubH 4VIWU AUB. bUC UUnillKH III tTl T- a . . . - inn, o m. ' r ' . 'reianu. T SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay street, Sharps burg Pa . sava h a-m .w . p . Df. King 8 New 1) Dnusrtr f. smptl6n, Couirhs and cn ,i . .uSi l S:.. M thriatenVS - x iicuuionia aiter an attack of La Urippe, ,when various otlier remedies and several physlolan had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cook.port, -V,ielaI"i1 Dr- Kl0 New Discovery h io8 bira,m?"e 8o "'an anything he ever ustd for Lung Trouble. Noth ig like It. ree tritt bottl " Parcell's drugstore. - "'" Large bottles, 60o. and 1. : .- i-i . 430 STUDENTS. Mavln ontl-.4 will and teatam entofl) H Wihli ast notice u h.Mr. r .L"""vwf'b.dcaaKi. debieu to the diceaald trVi ? rOB lD I Payment. .nit ... -Ti'0 mf to fmia.dlau, bernra tka i, . wl'' present thtmojor ThU Auasuh. 1W, bPof the,"oovery. otieeV UV Tlrtnn rtf k. . ?urrtor tourt of Ri?.?.L i the i nivi. m . . . . the case of tbe & l'any and others airaliat tnZ 11a,c"lne Com L1"?' . tton muL'inTiS 5.? Set!, Of Haiti r. n.111. ., quired to erne into court , r.-Ie"J f,trtl act! the tirnnort n. ' wills tat ihe'r ar mil and make them, dar ,r I)eTpinhV . ""'ore the Ut ,us tew ueu ojce, even u success were sure, what assurance have, we of a better condition of atffairs ? If reform 18 to 19 1 in North Carolina is to mean what it 1 to 21 1 does id South Carolina, it Is far better 14 to 15 1 that we suffer the ills we know th an tj 14 to 15 1 vote for new ones, the extent of whinn 23 to 25 1 we know not. The Republican ore-anl. nation should be kept In tact , with a view to autces3 not only in this. hnt. in future campaigns. We have a large vote in this State and properly handled will be enough for vou Damn-rata if the Third party will divide vou He- cording to promise in tho next elec tion." ; BA.BGAIN C O U NT E K QUENCE. HLO WAMAMAKEB'S CHEAP BLANKET AD VERTISEMENT-THE NEW TARIFF BH.I,. Washington Post, Independent. 410 pm ia i pm li'iVam 3 00 am 4 08 am 6 20 am Every person who is or shall hereifter .Ik - marle,i tQere Is no quotable be engaged in the importation of ffoods f pric.e8-. Tnere 41-6 good or nnv nnmmnilin t uiauy arKUmentS iaVOrlnr a BtAArl . j iiviii an t iui tiin . . country in violation of this section of 7.? m p.Vces 01 domestic fur 6omptim3 tnis act, or who shall combine or con- t Dally. Daily except Sunday, cirs m m mm valley railway;company. . Condensed Schedule. In effect June 24th, 1S94. NpRTII BOUND No. 2. Leave Wilmington. ........ Arrive Fayettcville..... . . Leave Fayetteville. , Leaye Fayettville Junction. Leave banford..... .' Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro : Leave Greensboro. . . Leave Stokesdale. . . Arrive Walnut Cove. Leave Walnut Covei Leave Rural Hall... Arrive.Mt. Airy....... ...... M. . ...Vy . 7 00 am .10 10 am . 10 27 am ,10 30 am 11 43 am . 1 46 pm . 2 16 pm . 2 55 pm , 3 48 pm 4 20 pm 4 33 pm 5 01 pm 6 25 pm spire with another to violate the same. 10 K""y 01 a misdemeanor, and. on conviction thereof in any court of the United States such person shall be fined in a sum not less than 8100 and nor. v. ceecung o,000, and shall be further punished by imprisonment, in the dia. cretion 01 tne court, for a term not less than ' three months nor erppedinir urcivc iuuuius. see. 74. That the several r.ire.uit courts of the United States are hereby luvesieu witn jurisdiction to prevent anu restrain violations of section 74 of cms act: auci it shall be the tlutv of the several district attorhevs of the United States, in their respective distrip.tji. nn. der the direction of the Attornev Gtn. i,u luisLitute pjoceeutngs in equal!. 1 1- frv .1 - ' - i -j v-" uu icstiaiu bUCU VIOias tions. Such proceediDfirs mav ba bv way of petitions js ettlnff forth the caR auu praying inac sucn violations shall be enioihed or otherwise nrnhihttd. nn .1 r .. vrnen ine to come." Prices of domestic wool, then, h five not tumbled with the adoption of free wool, as was predicted by the protec- wuu pwpnets. xnis is mistake number two. u mignt be supposed that nfrnr ia , rr - wa.wa such monstrous failure Delano, Laws reuce ana tiarpster would withdraw Into their sheila and llGVfir TW.fifi ACrnfri on the wool questioo. This is, how ever unlikely. The re&l'questioQ how is, will , the real wool 'crowflEa iir again oeueye these false prophets. w W0 r pair instead imocratic free tariff Haw and le to bej aston- wanamaker is COINING MORE SILVER. SECRETARY CARLISLE'S LETTER Tois xvju-jvcojuiba.xAVJK Ut-AKIl. WASINOTON, D. C, Sept. 13. Sop. retary uarllsle has written the follow ing letter to representative Heard, of Missouri, undor date of Seotemher lOtht SOUTH BOUND NO. i. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Rural Hall..... Arrive Walnut Cove. . , Leaye Walnut Cove. Leave Stokesdale. Arrive Greensboro. Leave C reensboro Leave Climax Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteville Junction. . Amve Fayetteville.. . . . . Leave fayetteville. Arrive Wilmington. . 9 45 am . 1 1 06 am it 35 am ii 42 am . 12 07 pm 12 55 Pm 1 02 pm I 30pm 3 17 pm l 428 pm 4 34Pm 4 45 pm 7 55 Pm nart.ieU enmnlalned nf ahull have been dulv notified of sneh rw.Mr.ion I Dear Sir: Referring to our person the court shall n Tweed a a cnA n qb al interview this mornin?. I have tha be, to the hearine and determination I honor to say that the mints of New Or- of the case: and, pending suttfDetition Jiean fniiaaeipbia, and ban Francisco and before final decree; the court mav IV'?. e,n?a8ed in coing standard, silver at any time make such temporary re IdQiiars irom. tne Dtuiion purchased uni straining order or 'prohibition as fihall We 406 01 Jalf I. 1890. commonly oe aeemed just la the premises.- iauuwu miu ouermao law. curing ec. 40. That -whenever it shall ap I . "J""1" w " u,Jf Ww were coined L'cai bu nic court oeiore wnicn any nro. 1 rrr uxum fJo, cecaing unasr the seventy-fourth sec tion of this act may be pending, that the ends of jusdice reouire that other NORTH BOUND No. r6. Leave Ramseur Leave Climax Arrive Greensboro............ Leave Greensboro Leave .Stokesdale Arrive Madison. . , . . 6 50 am ... 8 40 am . 9 25 am . . 9 40 am io 53 am .11 50 am SOUTH BOUND NO. 15. Leave Madison. ...... Leave Stokesdale Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro. Leave Climax.-..-... Amve Ramseur. . . . , s ........ 12 o'pm t 25 pm . . . .3oo pm - W- 3 55 Pn ........ 5 35 pm run daily except All trains , mixed and Sunday. . - Connections North bound. ?A Seaboard Air Line at Sanford ; & Danvaie.R. R. at Greensboro : Norfolk & Western R. R. at Madison. Connectioas South bound, with the Nor folk & Western R. R. at Madiot Richmond & Dan villa Railroad at Greensboro : Seaboard . Air Line at San- ford; Atlantic Coast Line at Fayetteville. J U F Wm -an r. x.. Xk. x -Lixj, Oaneral rasner Affent 1J. W. FRT; parties should be brought before the court, the court may cause them to be summoned, whether they reside in the uistrrct in which the court is held or not: and subpoenas to that end mav bo served in any district by the marshal thereof. bee 6, That any property owned under any contract or by any combina tion, or pursuant to any conspiracy (and being the subject thereof) men tioned in section S3 of this act, and be ing in the course of transportation from one State to another, or to or from a territory, or District tl Colum bia, shall be : forfeited to tbe United states, ana may e seize a ana con demned by like vpreceedtngs as" those provided by law for tne forfeitore. seizure and condemnation of property import&u into tne ucuteu states contra ry.to law. - bee. 77. mat any person who shall b mjared ia his business or property byTftny other person or corporation by reason 01 anyuung iorhrdden orde clared to be unlawful by this act may sue therefor in any circuit court in the United States In the district in which the defendant resides or is found, with out respect to the amount in controversy,- and shall -recover . threefold . the damages by him sustatnedV and tbe uuu. About the same amount will ho coined during the present month (Sep- . 1 v 1 .1 ... . ' beuiuerj, anu tuereaiter , snco auioiuat wiu u3 uoiueu as tne secretary mav consider advisabJo under the circnmi stadces. -1 The third section of the ant of Jnlv 14, 1890, provided that the Secretary of the Treasury should coin each month into standard dollars 2.000.000 nunee3 of theiDyer bullion purchased under the provisions of that act until the lt day of July, 1891, and thai thereafter he should coin of thetilver bullion buS chased under the provisions of tbe act as much as might be necessary to pro vide for the redemption of the Treasury notes issued in payment for th hniiinn. and that any such gain or seigniorage arising from such coinage should be aqcounted for and paid into th Treas ury, ine ooinaga issue mine on ia done under the authority conferred bj this section of the law,aod the seignior age derived from it is paid into tbe pub lic Treasury, as required by law and used foe the ordinary Durnoaea nI tKk Government; but the remainder of the coins are held In the Treasury, in order to provide for the redemption ol the Treasury notes Issued In payment for w i t. ine esteemed Commercial Advr. user, 01 .New York, puts It thus : "Because John Wanamaker. the Philadelphia merchant!, is selllnc off lot oi uiauacts at $ 01 93 a3 lormeny, the traders point to the ne and call upon poor pi i?nea ana cneerea. ar; a . shrewd merchant. : He has been known to participate a bargain rush upon his emporium by advertising fonr 2 cent stamps for a cents, with a fur ther discount for those Investing one dollar." ThU is not, however, a fair state. ment of the case. What attracts the attention oflthe people Injgeneral s not the fact that goods have been marked down at Wanamake'rs but tbe asser tion of Mr. Wanamaker literary man that they are marking down because of the new tariff. We are qse 1 to bar gains at wanamaker Ts, and have learned to attach no special significance to them, we go to toe big shop and get our cyclopedia at one-tenth the price the-real owners can afford to sell it for, or we lay n our summer 'suoolv of muslin underwear " with Paris thoughts stitched In them, and we do not trouble ourselves to philosophise as to Mr. Wanamaker's motives not at all. But when that irodlv nun. fresh. from Bethany Sunday school and redolent 01 the odor of sanctity, solera ly assnres us that he Is giving blankets away Jjeoause the new tariff law had sc cheapened, them, shall we, doubt his word P It is Just as well to face tbe truth in this matter. Neither the Mugwumps nor the stalwart Republican oreans can obscure the fact that tbe new tariff law is vastly advantageous to the people at targe ana win nave the efiect of cheap ening almost every article of general and necessary use. The Mugwumps j do not want to think so, and aro will ing at any time to lie rather than ad mit it. The Republicans also, though with different ends in yiew, are equally anxious to discredit and misrepresent thia law. Bnt Wanarrakerls selling gwus, ana in nis capacity as a wide awake retailer he finds it best to tell the truth. Trade U trade. Business is uusiaess. au money taiKs every time. The opponent of the new tariff win und It very hard to argue against Wanamaker's bargain counter figures. certainly" aaid 'Well' aald Vj-.. piwiiiiff me paper ontop of a grate of glowing coals, f-here is the best, dlspo- .. ?Htto.,maXe ot ?" 8uch expositions ttuth' u D? Mantng looked . on -6uav nuiiu Cleveland Jumped out of his chair, and demanded of Gorman what he tteantr by such audacity. Gor man's pale.' Jesuitical fA did Chang until Mr. Cleveland's antrpr exausted itself. Then he quitely said : you put your eampaigo in my hands. 1 burnt tbe paper In accordance with my best ludzment. "flft.n' - t w.uihu ap auiq and manner were so self possessed that Cleveland burst out laiiri,i , .ni AV claimed: "You are the coolest son of a gun I ever? met." From that day to this Cleveland ha3 wanted toi reduce the tariff. Gorman his willed other wise. : ; : KENTTJCSTREDEEMED. Atlanta Constitution. . ! ? Th flllnra a! rvU.l T t, . ' -."iiu.vvi wiuuci orecainriage to secure a renominatiea from the dem crats of .Ashland-district is the most glorious news that has coma from irn. tucxy 111 many a aay. ! it was a jong ana bitter camoahm ureekinridge has fouirht hla hatn t L!lf. . . "V. uperw ttuuibjr . oa splendid audacitr ana nis display of nerve . and eourare nrmild nana knnr.AJ -V-it: ua,c uuuuicu a ueuer. cause, . Bnt the defeat of tha hrinran was decree 1 from tho first; TTnrnv- lo .. I . T " V"- ta taiuuua iui ucr cniva. rv nnt J MVVW IW her brave men abd tairi wnmn vua linuuiuauy U1U1 S. man fiftrer tho shameful exposure of . his conduct In K. Ol I 1 a.i ... . . i" A wjc 1 uuuru auair. caused all ?tha Kaf cicmjuta 01 society to combine against him. The ministry, religious confer ences and the mothers and of Ashland organized in every county a nil w. ... nnJ ..J n. 1 , . . ..v. yi.cu biiu nvraeu ior tne over throw of the libertine who claimed thmt uis proressea repentance should ho j 1 , . r a v - waraea witu congressional liodors. ine resmt shows that in thia r.hri: tian land good men and eood women are a power, in poii;iiGs, and they can. whan they will, poll diwn vice from tne nignest places ana bar it out from our pnouc omces. . we congratulate . Kentucky. , She nss nemy raeemed herself, and it, will uo a longtime oeiore another HreekJn- riage win repeat the experiment of de- ijiog too (Moral TOHbliC sentimant nf the coqntry. Breckinrldge'e career it ended, and any attempt on his part to cKiu U10.01U poBition in society will oe utterly nopeiess., ' A GOOD APPETITE Wilmington Messenger, Excelsior! Hurrah! Tho the University of North Carolina will rejoice at its grand success. Under tbe superb management of President Win-, ston hls distinguished and venerable seat ol learning has more than doubled Its numbers within three vearn. ff i. now nearly up to Its highest watermark before the war. when it had i,winn from more than twenty States and nearly reached 503 In numbers, if starts in ite new year with 430, which is more than were ever thnm at beginning of a new scholastic ver if properly fostered, it will RAAr rQQB Ira oOO la numbers. Next year It will be one hundred years old when a grand celebration. will come offalfdthe "old boys" then Hvlnfl- win h an ra Tr a there. Long and greater success to this chief ornament tn TMnrth n.ii. . . Vu vBiviiua. ine weu-to do .friends and alumni of the University ought to rally around it and of their means give liberally to swell.lts endowment. With ample en dowment It would soon lead anr South ern Infetitution,, and today we have reason for thinking it does as thorough work ay he University of Virginia. - JOINT CANVASS ARRANGED BE TWEEN GRAHAM AND SETTLE- Messrs W. W. Fuller and J. P. Wray chairmen, respectively of the democrat ic and republican executive committees for the 5th Congressional rlistrier to gether with Messrs. Graham and Settle met m ureensoero Monday nlirht ai.d arranged for a Joint eanvass, as follows : DFBHalf. Duriiam. Friday. Sept. 18. OBaMOK. ChapslHUl. Batufdar, Sept. St. Hillaboro. Monday. October 1. White Cross, Tuesday, Oct. 8. XfAJfANCK. ' Saxapahaw WeduMday, Oct.3. ' Bwepsonvifle. Wednesday, nlg-ht Oct. 3. Loys Store. Taaraday. day Oct i. Burlington; TLursday. nlbt, Oct. i. . Mertoq s 8tor Friday, day Oct 6. Osalppee. Friday, Bight. Oct. I. McCray'i Store, Saturday, day Oot. 8. Graham, Saturday, night, Oct. . ORANOK. Cedar Qrove, Monday, Oct. 8. CaSWXIX, ' Ridgeville. Tueslir. Oct. 9. Leaaburg, Wednesday. Oct, 10. TanceyvUle. Thursday, Oct. 1L Cherry Qrove, Friday. Oct. 12. " GCILfOKD. Greensboro, Saturday, Oc. IS. Mount Hope, Monday. Oct. 15. ' the same. Receiver Hermiugfbo'ttoa MUls. EXEMTOttT 0TI1!R having cla mralnar .Im wft"6 UoM recta -- va (ciura inn iTin nav f d a 195. nr f hi. rmiiiBa. of their r.oovVr;; " Wl" ar Gentry, N. C . 8er,t.l7th. l8l. Exeeulorfc w mm The Most Wonderful Book of tho eniury. Uver 30,000 Copies sold in six Weeks. Over 6,000 sold in.Wash togton City Alone. The pranks of hiirS taminni 17? ? T ihcrodinir Cabin-t VlrtX-"" "'""""l based on faois. How they spend their time at the topic's expcn8e:. A mirror thai rrflr-f. mi. ,t: l . - ...v.i uuuii', ItultO mey pretend to do lrt people. .v. Agents wanted in every siection. Hinyle Copy SO Cents. Address i HOWARD NEWS CO.. ' Washington, D. C. MONEY TO IEND. R2.dsvJlle;jf. High Point, Tuesday, Oct. 1. Friendship. Wsdoesdav. Oct IT. Hammerfield, Thuriday, oct IS, arecES. Walnut Cove. Friday. Oct. 19. Ballon. Saturday. Oct. H. Dauburv. Monday. Oct ti. Westflelu. Tuesday, Oct-Sa. Lawson'a Store. Wedneslay. Oct- 21. Prestonville, ThumJay, ozL 95. .. , ' ' MOCUNOBAX. Madison. Friday. Oct. i. Htoneville, Saturday, Oct. 17. LetksvUle; Monday. Oet. t. Oregon, Tuesday. Oot. M. ?AtZ?,rtih,wJldn'liy- "r. Oct 31. aeidarui. Wednesday, night. Oct 31. Subscribe for the Weekly. Ws are ursnar nu ku maae LOANS ON REAL ESTATE atlpercent,intertst. " MEBANE k SCOTT, - i a . O Mar. i3, lepj, ' For Sale or Rent. . -' ' One traetof land lvin? in ihit i- the "Carmcl wood." .n JZiZl.- S Cy adjoining others, containing " l88j ACRES,-30 ACRES lEARED, Balance in oricinal f,...j . .- g-Kl house .and carna l e on 'j7 ihrec cood barn.. Aiw.. XzTZ...1.' yards from church and school-House. ' cH cheap; and on easy terras to a good ....... or ww rent to a good man. Adores. e at L eaksvilie, N. C. j . W. R, CpMBS. -"-I'l. yn, 1094. ! the bullion' m kun 1 eieren montm 3 sju.. ...1.1 f: ....... " T47 standard e n M 1 1 . " , " 1 . i "-s eifc 01 idciq to erect a mono "GRIN LIKE A CHESHIRE CAT.' "Well, well! Didn't ever bear of a 'grin like Cheshire cit?" Why, yod see a man dotrn in Caeshire had a cat which grinned and grinned on tii there was nothing left o( the oak but the grin, jost as some scrof ulcus people, who qon't know of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, get a cough and then couerh mod ouirh until titer la the bullion purchased ncdr ih at of July 14, 1890, have been paid out Jn tha costs of suit, Including a reasonable at- redemption of Treasury, notes, and the torney's fee. note so redeemed have been retired ... . -lanA .nii.ll.l . n,&. t - .... j wiHwiiu. a bis process is si m going on dally, f rrtor to my connection with tha de partmenr no silver had been paid out f.-r the redemption of such n-tes, and none such notes had been retired and celled. I Very respectfully yours, Joan O; Cakmsije. NaM.sIaAagtr 6 This new anti-trust law appears to have been aimed directly at the Sugar Trust. Tbe terms of lt fie exjicjly thai organization. It is well known that it Is "engaged In importing" great qaan titles nf raw RUff-ar:. it la "intended t a operate In restraint of free compethOBrt0 In linfnl trade mr Mimnierx. 1l ai.ll does so operate; it Is intended "tdlh crease the market price" in the United States of "article Imported ot intend Subscribe for tbe VTmLT. ment to but the eouih." Toe 4Holden.J4adical Discovery" Is the most effective an'I pilious, anU-du peptic, strength givbg remedy extant. For weak lungs, lingering coo g ha, spittiog of blood, scrofula, sores, piropjes and ulcere. It U a wonderful and efficacioua remedy. Send 6 cents la stamps for a Book (169 pages) on these diseases and their eure. i Address World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets 'core' constipa tloo, pdes, sick headache and, indes Uoa or dyspepsia. , Always accomnanles rood health ind an absence of appetite Is an badica- tion pi sometmng wrong. The univer sal testimony given by those who have Hsea uooa'8 sanaparUU, as to its mer- u rvmwmg iqs appetite, and as a punuer oi tbe Mood, constitntea tho strongest recomraendatioa that can be qrgiiu rr.r any medicine. i n Pill cjre all liver llte.blllous- Be.?, j .0.1.1100, indigestion, sick bead ache. q. . v PIOUS JOHN AND THE TAR IF. Includes the College, tbe'llniycrsity, . i wQ8chooL. the School and the 8mnmer Hchool forjTeachers. tiiCaee taMoP W year;! board, 17 begins Hcpt. Session Atlanta journal . The advertising man of John Wanna maker, Postmaster General under Har nson, is showing some of the practical eneeis oi a uemoeratldUrlrr. As the representativt of Merchant wannamaker b.e daily extoU tbe mer itsof tbe Democratic Urlff, in the Phil adelphia newspapers. ' Hero U one of hH latest samples: "Everything that free wool and tariff innoenees can do to pat prices on a low, level baa been moch more than dis conn tea In the handsome rew dress stuffs that are crowding to the coun ters every day . This fiftylnch serge, for; lasUnce black and navy blae. worth fifty cents bv anr measure of KNOWLEDGE Brines comfort and improvement and tervis - to personal eoiorment whn rightly used. Tbe many, who live bet. jer than others and enjoy life more,. with jess expenditure, by more promptly adapting .the world's best product to the needs of rjhvsfcal bn tr trill tt.t tbe value, to heal-th'Otrpie pare liquid laxative principles embraoed in' the toai3 a.month. 6. Address PreIdnnf- Win.f HUUN.X:. p-u.yca . ; LAND SdZB. lea- f,itA ..tir..i7r: . . "wcaniMeM, ; 23Ta DAY OF SEPTEMBEE, 1804, IVi? w the Eankof Reidsville, in B14s- a tract of land tua5 loTald oo;"a4s Jolnlna- the laoJ. of B. O. Clalilt T W Hopkins and others. eota" & leii dred and twenty seres, it being kaOwaas speetively from dsy of sale, the porcbaser to xeeote la bond bearing Interestats per eentje aanam from day of aalTfortbe de ferret rtntttti and the'titlto. liadS BBtll the waolef thsparehsso money is paid. Ths sale is .Bbifffff! onnrmallon ef the court. i.. tit ia. . r- ; . K.T. WlLUAit-, A..BcTogi Attm.v w""-"T'oc" -I " ' 1 i Land ISaie.i. temedy, Syrup of Figa. . I 'Tjrtaeof snoHerofiU8orertcV scrt, m moat aecettable and nUu. . I4sdav ajid.r.th lam. niHfet S ant to the taste, the refreahin? and trnW f A.TDKDAt.he , j a e -.i ' . j I dispelling colds, headacbee and fevers tfsnrsi isr enf MSMsmMk, t v 4 . 1 iWO m msv ui m W. IM1 U W S)U I UlCSklUI W3 UI I - : a.l'. " - m . m MM . . A . wm-mm WBHSI. SMS dress goods valnel never r-fon h-ard I . . permanently curing conrUpatlon. r Qeorge . KeraotUe. T. vTf',oUrt,r y f latiHsnn beneficial properties of -a wrfect lr. T" DAY OF. SEPTEMBER. I8M, ,v swu. MfUeVIM All majfl aWHSftEs mJk Ud of Oeonrs H. Kurarvill f ana otners. eontsinlng tweaty- a half cents. I we approval of the medical I Jand tuns all wool earners hair serre- profession, pecause it acta on ,tie Kid- SSTJ. SL S . . , I fsAWa 1 m9m. mt Jm 7 -1 il A. 1 ' . . ntTT nm. riAsir tbMtvn MAAaMnTv i MtjiA4iir:i.eUiu uuwrii wiuuibk i little while in we could harelv meet I then) and it is perfectly free aemana u RM cents: the tree U I uuiccuonawe auosxance. 1 uai fMi7..-X.7.T,.,"ri ipeo- ' I vJr?P o ga u fQiwe BJ mu JOSf I S "M Dood boarlng interest a I ee ttm.Scti(ftl bttga.bat it is man-1 SAJS""8" from the day of sale tot tflV t red by. the GdifornU to&irtoiwi;ZwV5 only, whose name is printed on every f1 woney is pid. tim sais unite t u fcaga. also the name. fimiDOf FLrs-IH!ikonrat' tier. Auasttnti . j isizL j .-j --t. ri i ""'" - . v u. x. wruiAMa wt ucung weu uwrneu, you ww not I v -i- CtommtsaloaeB ... l ir.J Il lKriM a WHiMuawoA4 the twenty-five cents. ' It this sort of thing lceepa ap we fear that Pioas John will have t go deeper Into bis "bari to say nothlng-o' Ing new Sumlay-ehoel : unions under his wing, before be can ever hope to tsw Kouwwr ttepaoucaa capinetg oriuvau utMUUDD tit th . V" I SioiMSid. 7?'.- from I i?"rrfoutii essb. balance tn'sanal -r- 1