11 M-! flv Uio u H.secl.- 'S WEEKLY . us we Our nnn i . . weegs rest. His hmrh.r u. m APR. 11, 1893. Malloy,lef t several dayPa for' PouT Srmf;. "tend tbe busing -f i mat city. to rMlre.euf the they ate unTllTkr ., u UaV" ar, J ,11 . ,thooftn of ' und-ubiedly the prettiest lot -a vouie auu tee tneu). The results nf nhirm......!.. enoi. .. ... I -!- "rwul',w' CI- " uu Li if. (iKr in.l.... ara it iih 1 1. 1 m , (PH11.C8 - - . . 1 L. ...t.nd Tor jiiBcniuu loiua ,.( W r . ...unit; lif,,.". , r.'lrtmc reHt-jiiHlbl for opJo ,1 County Matters '7 ' existence a , medicine, it v oi Jr..nMf l-;.v U.-' oi the age Ih all that an Starr's. hi 4 n(3 5 w.. per yard. New York Racket. . . -I- I - t- aft-. . tilL-j fur . rlrcAa ami '4 i .rn,,. I). Ilumaes. aniit?' -Vets , a quart at .tjifionary-of all kinds go .,!p"KI,,r,:- in ' "ur w jewelry, r Hiitchercont , w ''ewly,- p'niut candy r( lj(jy VI '. I-.. puuuu HI JL.ei. ; atid Kf" "that ami joods in tlKlit. llnicherMju, Jii-.-t ! W. 'J I llt'-" er are 'PcJllr'if rai ifie- f.. 7. .". .mat riflar bmuu tru o:pod pu- Mr'. T. J. a , n,.i.f.. a. t . .. home of hl futhnr. Mr l.i o .... c bVrerf8t,eIHfJy"nf ,u"' HmJ 've a .aujuv uave our neart.felt tnbathv In r,J. ' tlon 0U B1H.C H you do nor. ...v. M, biea ak I r u Jno. D. Hiiffluej. - Our old fri.,i i v...i it- . l -e tateuient that a ..ill introduced ii. thB late LeglUtnre tu prevent M.h uruwiri oleifjf Diant- hPi.- ir ...J: " Hams, formorf; Vn;-V- COtton mill her. thlnL-. "r."" j . -...uwp uic 'mi warn , ' n cure nitrri tht --ww. iik .r iriirflipaM u-..aI i to the ountry VenbJ."g r iuiaai.i.u n If' r- u. I coujp-re for the trade 1 ,lZVLy '? Mr. w..iii -I.. . wu'". - ' 1 1 IS I II H a an riOii 1 tUa l , virr TieW Of ''ie. ine twut r, the problem of Inewlng thrpuriha d,!nc''- ask u tl.I Jin poorer of the mwe8, he gay. The C'ne,K We H1 farmei r can not be ground to tbe earth H?1L. uaM.niaU pu and .ho., . . " ... .wlMnii' t ho rv, , , "ouuier oi y iuiiuii;i'irf(i pixltict. yoo can't Idoe. The ImnnriM TCtll , - - "uiuj iiireic cumulated la the blood durlnr the cold n i -peea, or when the mini n . t fnie. tt.H th or. cinir air is i,f. i he hdy hi liable to be overenm t,v .t-t.in... . j. y r iHrDe aerious awease. II.- ieuiarkabl succtm achieved bv linor. s.-.,.ti. j the many word- of nii ir k this uiedi- do TOO i. w . . - u.uuia uuiigoo . . .. - uaivauarnia, ail Come, hrnfhpr finn.... . " ...... . . . i mi-1 - Ia. V . , I She will return with Inteioan h ' frit.' I i 1 t ,J .. iii. LUll l. let tn l.srri .1... .. 'LK-t Irlllttri Vml Inf.-. .. qualitv of yo,,r fertilizer i- the nnine if tcoiifmv. Jf youve Nature inferior bT'l uio. iie will wiv?: vnn f... ,, . of tobacco ,1-sr fail if . . u a i nil r. r j r i a r,...i . . u is .. . , - tcu? a m pawner nr r.uuc i kur laalt that rh'ri I I lo Hid : Mi ioHuf t... hard. Thi ,oM fhZ L de fn o " UC WKeU ary'0r T7JB RRhTJLTOr A TBIAL. ' tANNKITOV. Ivn i.t k ... , 8 " i nave ilSf-ci mmnni Liver 1: jni.r, ture.l bv II. Z ih.. .e- rvv I...:... . P na, and found i,.t ri...i I T "ur i tne oet med Iclne I ever un v v c:Jo juJ. Clieaper mi 'tiii'U before. , aunt ft trrio or valine? If 1 . . ..,1 l I... . r(..uii rut- a,ii y auii;irc.ii nil,. liiiU i-vcr. . Had a full HUp'ply of base iirffiwks crt q'let, etc., at J. ujk etore, at lowest prices. ; x a not ira.f.injj' oulte as. ,.3ie merchants are, but none j:.Jrr-!l him. . . iD'oa'i glovo lLtlng corset., New York liacket. isl Uri Ocar VVi ILer, of Dan. lys; liH auuuay iu town wun on to t!ie best ;70c cornet New' York Racket. irt 'M oiur up to aate straw Ji.'ilie. 'that' right! HutchersoD. f. rifs ! eiubrolilerlea ! La ,; A lull line. .'. Jno. I). Hulllaes. ' .Iji wuh griods pulcable fr y.ini wear and general use, Jt Henilrix'n. . j if colored or negligee jrautitsaoil no loistakr. llutcherson. lirzetour miinmotli stock ,)Js iid trimminirs Jno. IK llullines. , .,TOW iMrmKement on the lien a rights. 1.1, - " "rei u 1x1 ay naVf tamped it through " me uoine iici Mil. J - Itoii want clothing, alines hara :p, trunk-, furniture. irnta iinjf, hardware. rinwiA. 1 Kiocerles, drvVooda. etc. Call r i,n,i quarters and you will be bj.toi price?. , ,b New York Racket. "Pete" th" Ininciu,. n.i i v . , . - .......hiiS LuiwtM ooy at the Government building, practiced r-.-r. wiocuijf upon some of his country cousins recently. It was at 01 a public school, and the Colonel, though delaved by taking the wTon road, gave the audience the best he had in his shop. He was given, an ovation. .. " The most beautiful line of figured doted and striped mull, lawns, prince's j V.. . r vrmis, piaias, caghmers, and children', misses and ladies sau' dale, Oxfords and shoes can be found at Wootton'a Kacket Store, to please most any one. -. Gemetrr Ktrecr. la hi . siderably. Our young friend, Mr. ich Neal, Is addinjr three r four nice cottages. Mr. Sam White Is buildinc lan tenement hnnm nimr k ..t.m kj buab will aecoturaodate several families. All this ..I auucipmio.il ot the reopenine and enlargement of the cotton mill, we suppose. If V I . I 1 M?ti . ... J . - " j . ' ' ' L ii. riiiii ill rinr. . . . . r- - v. 1 . mi&zvrrv oacco, take no ri-k. hut Hble Stonewall Guiuo," manufac R 7 bV iTS x? Ti'ls,-y & of Halfilli.tlJ Vlil . .r ...... LMjii..t HiiJ. w agent for it, and agents will um he Knnriiinf. ir f,. ti.i... ... , .t. uiu aim is, aiiehe If ii h wavK a nlnjniim i. . lrl ........ i.. ' L- :. v" k .M-ar the ..... , j,-, wrn.p They Hrc prrwiye of the ii most feelings of u.e neart. .0 full of truth. ThhTwas ji-.r, ,,r Beautifully iu the services l'IIWlUr'..l at .K.. ... , ., 1,, rriminve Haptist ctiuirh M-oenrlv hir tr.u-uKiu r-: 1 .me iiciyies JitiiNfer, fi. v. A. S. Vorhsou. of Mar-1 t..,svil:e. V',i Many hd-s of Oei.ef i were re. ro uted .n the congreeaiioo I vivvlnz the leHChtugs of the B;bie 111 . dillermt lights, but all join, d hearfilv 1 in singing u.e old hrmr.h. -J..M inV., er of Jlv Si.iii." -An, .w.... . . ...H01.111- 11ace, 1 'Jesu. I LoveThv f.t.ftri, , etC. Modern lltltnna '. I these grad old songs. And this brings, to mind a. rriL-inr . .1, .1 . I LIST OK ASSESSORS KOR ROCKINGHAM 'I he following r v iim.3.,... ... . , . ; - a were in UOUIieil DV the Ciiinlii ,h,. ' -"'"IU"!iouers' - ..11 irccui pension : Ieakville r. s ii.....:.. o 1 ' - u- 'ones. . ,. "rner. Jot,., n. Pri-,.. - J.w"'.:.ernon aVO tOWIlfchitt Inhn T .. J w n . ... ' .neauor, S W.Carter, W. A. Smith. ' RurHn townshiit w i - A. Gibson. J S ' . J- KeifNvi l. towviishin H v d. i i . . Bennett, W, C. Srapl,. VVillimsO'iri' fownsli'p -W. 11 orannocK, u I., bright, I-aac P.ar SOtl. 8 ma-onville fownsh'p- T. W. Hon. ventworth township-T. E. Mor phl, R. A. Moir. J. . McCollum. I. li. Knlirhr W A n - der n m ''r,k,!, remark, made by El. . f ew Bethel townsblp-J. p. Wilson, der J. M. Harris, a Primitive Bap'ist. 1 A' H' Grrew, Jimea M. Bennett. Ill reaillHir U hirmn . . . . 1 f 'ujiuis uau isi in reading a hymn fron the pulpit last year, lie said impressively that prays tsr and preaching ended with this life, but praise continued In heaven. We think some able preacher has written a book on the .theology of sacred song, showing the unity of true believers on the vital truths of the gospel as voiced by the singers of the dillWent creeds. All lovers of r.h ionnr one can number t.hom n. i.e fanu, 01 ttje sea, may be interested 111 BRIUHTSXINO DP. at Williams, Hopkins & Go's. Low prices will tell. They have already made the second n.irW .y - va i,tutUC3, in a lew days the v are expecting a lot of wv- " cm winii iiin.rif fiiiir M,n 1 " PerhaT rr .. it.!t . 11 1 only useful t f-.TJ-'v AT " , s emulsion is make comdv ar," ?.!Sl?in?the.B nd ana nil nut vTTf" t angular women, the constimptive. and me scroftilr.110 vaxaiic me Diooa ot -but JtSffififSr. U d 311 nard. Stubborn n..o-f. when the ordinarv coti crh Rvrii , tail. The oniirrV. "it,V j r J Ac! , opctmcs entirely mdnia g? at ;im?ers after the Grip and Pneu- SrSdtl? aflcured balsamic toS food mil' lengthening influences of this beneficent looa-medicme. nameiv Srntfc t?u: r , ,.en t UU and HoC;; 17 oi oa-nver ruiica ui Aime ana ooda Refuse substitutes. They are never as rood. J.NewVorfc. All Druggists. Soc. and ST. tbe last exhibit shown taxes du- amlin' in to imthh 4ia nnn vi. t-, . . need r. teii tbe bonds? ' ntbJng against Mr. Howlett and no quarrel to make. In fact I am molmen to lik tira. bat x rather ne would not say I deceive people if he can use any other language that will answer his purpose as well. Very refcptctfullv. OlTIZEX. - In rh-lr .'((;., .n , are cured bv rjie 'e of l V. I. If , ou are d bihtattd 1 ,!U now,-, or if ) ou need a toruc .o reg.ri llegh aod i .S' appetite, strength nd vigor, take V. p. P.. and you will be strong and heaithv. vr .h.n.. ii-'iciuions and Jon manhood, P. P P. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Pota f'uml is the kin.? of all nidiinH i J. P. is the e-reatest blood purifier in uwu. rorsaie py all druggists. km h WHS FOR OATS AND CORN. TITOS X VERMIFUGE le old-f a;Vi ion v1 an1 al ways reliable remedy for Stomach disorders. Oho bottle has killed 614 worms. Thousands of people living to-day vwc uieir me to uns iucaicme. i.ne same good medicine FOR CHILDREN trlflf it Wfli fifW vnm Oct-. . -J J fs' Irvoardnmrlst or storekeeper doea not I iE. A. S. FREY, Baltimore. Md. w our samples offline i. illli?.- etc, - r . N'ew Yurk Racket. k'through tbe blood, Hood's 1. nut ouiy cure scrofula. tie, but gives health and cMiule body. .' In supply of plant bed cloth., CU Wli Will Mi ll Ut. hnrim.i - Wl.t,ll Latnbertli & iluliinea. --Oar stock of shoes are the largest ... t auu we can assure you they arexine c-ntinuation.of bargains. ..1 uw our snoes it you want tbe latest styles aud best value for your money. . New York uacket. English Spavin Liniment removes I hard, soft or calloused lumps and b!mi8hes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,. splint?, sweeney, ring bene. chains, an swollen throats. etc. cave 900 by use of one uoine. warranted the most wonder m blemish cure ever known. Sold bv LV C All... .1 . . . . . - -n-imiu uruggisi, teidiyiHe li G. T . I. . . . .. i iuj c.., up, so call at uitea to thera They mav have got f Ur juumig.ii you want, the ten them from a U weler, a peddler or I four UHlirV will I Many neoD hiv ininraii eyes irreparani y by using spectacles un Uuitea to them Thev mav have, trot. four w mvy vvil ttvv fwtork iUctet. tii h i new ior of plot'-" ' finike any lili'p;it-iir clienper thiui nvi,rr eUe. ' b'JK lot of iiiirtiii Mud niii.1 fek. l'.!,.. i.- 'V'T known. Jno. b. Hum T I or tin. i. i.i.. . .. r' v. v.ulo Ul 8np. -i! on . Umberth A Uulllues. Jon seen -that 25 CL, Hf ll-l '. ...II. "jai 'nitchersonVi l .tl.an 5U cts., be- iJ.l.Htun- ami in.. uieuress makers, have uepartment iu - M'iow,)stltfrH).; Prices u Kuarai tetii. lie P. rri3li has ninu in c- . . It bU u noble calling of er hos; of frields """ tnucti success in '''Uble to buynew. ui Ulun .f .. .i.. j.rn " "Oka- 3yu have got new one. Prl es all beggars :nA 7 , as lr" as it is l ; 1-' in shoes could i 1 liros. stock : ,i d ,evvr so'J on this ."'tjyare now go- ; -VtYurt Uacket. ' Carpets; car. Ijrnuhiug4 suitable Hen I ,i.... . ; i n n u a sure ... 1R aC(lllir.tu CBr?'an. fell r0s .paagniilnent 'wSl ''l-Vnown "7y Zk?m,V V ,..r lf8rtl)t Mr. 'nr, of our fil . . rt"d 11. C. wt expected to fri ht'ir Steiuleuian fii rr,,,-?"'ror t.!i . " "nt of am ili .. J V '.urou money. ""'-'iieriion. .!i .' thrilli,,., hloc rnivht. by iiit it win evening for boy p dJ nGrnsboro us7 whv- v.. ..... J chsijsrd the t ... H 5r want. .H-tj. and re- .'"j of hh ;. tl... '.PPearaoee of 'i u.r ""J nrev.n, r vi... . " . i eerit ili'or lo Both ladies 10 "07 other I Irt uiU' not Kno how to lit them. Soioeti mes lir,f frvu .mow K., 1. 1 .L. - J csii auu Lite or.uer hanmi u ml . I ... ouiiir rimex both are allVcted. I'kL nn outlet J. M. Tesh. the oiir.ii.i;!!! tn r roiiwith irlassefi thr Will ivli rhn 9 I . , V- I V bUfJ CA - lection, whatever it m ly be. Rheumiiisui Cured In a. rQTT "Alystie Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in l.to 3 day?. Its action upon the system is re- uiarkabie and m v teri.,u. Tc removes at once the caune and the disease im mediately disappears. The first d.e greatly behellts, 75 ct. Sold by Vet zer A Overman, druggists, R ndsville, N". G. "A man whn nnnn hoa a r. n case of grip never entirely recovers muu a, saiu a genceman to the Jiec drd. of Greenshnm rim Athn. . . , . . U!jr. J had it some years asro and nnw r t..iif cold at every clianife ot the weather. r . - , . .. . ... oeiure i nan me grip a .'bad cold' wa noimng to me -a littl annovintc, to be ure,.Dut it never interfered with my work, Now the least little cold upet me aiKM am simply all knocked our," Hi experience is thatof thousanls who uave uau me same uisease. It is mysterious and terrible malady. The . sale of the Hermitage Cotton Mill wa confirmed at M..ekvillo n the ych Inst. Mr. W s Hiohmonil Va . nnrl Mr . - wnuiiUDlB n aie nrm oi liowell, Urr & Co ) of Char lOlte. two of the mirnhudera nf ihn r.,m " tr " v..-..-.. . .. .i.d ui-ii spent Tuesday here. The contract has oeenawaraen air. v. G.Je tin mars for one minion OriCK lor enlarir no- rlio building. The mill will be started at once. The Weekly sviBnathiz a. irh the Stockholders in the nld their Irt., but. rejoiods that the millhas fallen into gord hands. If VOU own nrnnertu in Uollan l' the best wav to Increase Ira tu'lna u f strive to enhance th5 prosperity of the wuoie lown. ininK or -it: twenty rears aco an acre nflnnd nnii h... . - - - a v nave ioot now sens for in some parts of town. The ditT-rencA In valna - ' . w io nun ditlerence in population and capital be tween the two periods named. If the man next to yo-i Improves his property I he value of yours is at rhn ama t;m lnerened Wnrl- trf T?oI,l j.,111. .v. ikiutuii; auu you will be doing good work for your. ecu. . . Our friend: Cant. Tnrta tha rt .1 1- . " - l3, of the Pomona Hill Nurseries, spent iar rruuy in town, tje put in a u ,e day's work, booking a multitude of or ders. It is pleasant to noe this, for all this money will be kept here In North Carolina, and what our people buy from the Pomona Hill Nurseries i adapted to this section and if ic don't turn out all right, they know who nev er fail to do the square thing and he f J. Van Ljindlav. We aio gfad o know that Capr, Port? will f bic Relds ville again at an early day. j Hunting's Circus filled Its engage ment hre Monday. The weather was very disagreeable Sunday and contin j tied so until Monday morning about 10 o'clock, when the alnndi UffAd anri m.. VUU Kilo sun , smiled upon the magnificent pa- raile. Whlnl, urna nna n hA V,..,. - , . x uc.i ever given by ajiy show here. There was a tine crowd In tnWn and rhn . K.,., ...... liberally. p itroniz-id. All were pleased with It.' There was only one ring, so everybody could see everything o.7 the H-".iam. mr. Huntings motto is (uality, not quantity,' and he lives up to lt.v He is not a 3amum, but what he has Is the best everibing now and neat as a Din: fine horoa ft lions, tigers, and the best oerformer We take uleasu enWrtainment giyea here. A novel part of the parade was the handsome advertisement of the fl. I,. Belt Furni ture Co , of DanvilU. carried hv rh eleDhant. ThU entrnrlainr firm iwlA - .r..V.M tl o itself both upon the quality and quan tity of Its , stock, and will "Be glad to welcome everybody to Its free show Whea Iq Danville. nowinir a lirrlp nf rhn . . r- v..vy uit,tiy oi that popular food. Where did i: come from? Prow CentrAl and SnnO. ica. 1 bey grow there ia long pods," and the pods contain from fm,- .. ' . .vui uye Kernels. Ihev were earripd m n. world In the early days, and In the sev enteenth centu-y they constituted the Chief staDle of Afrie. Ynn min you look it up that che slave dealers of i - Hi LIIUvSH I1AVH II a I ura rra . . 1 1 v..v.a wilii peanuts ro be used a groes who were imported from Afric to this countrv hrmitrhr. .-xrn n.A H vrvl I LI - IJITIft nut. and thev warn Rpjfrr0,i nA - sic 111 Virginia. Auu now this coun' try is raisins the e.rnn and . : "" oi auici iuhu Kiirewnnca rha i . ground and used for various purposes and shiDDed all OVer I hA tvnrll Thi. country now nrodue.ps4 00-1 o iri knuk.i. - 1 " 1 -v U'i -IIC18 of peanuts annually, or 83,000,000 pound'. The total worid'. supply amount to about 600,000.000 pound 11 ,a csnmaipo rnat iw,t'00.000 worth Will sell at AK i kiu ,. vniiureii Coat 8 in sizes from o to 13 vears old r m apiece. Boys coats for boys from 14 to . vt. . CT . . . 4 i. . m i ii nor .a wn... . u, get a nice coat cheap. They ar de- n.ai, no uouse in this countrv hal iinilvrll J vi,n . 1X1. A HAND MADB830B. Try a uair of OUT ha.nil.ma.1 ni - , " nA-uiijc mivHS-S if your merchant does not keep them send your order direct r ....... - . --- uic. 1 Will take your beef hides, tallow, etc, in exchange at highest market price. Our people should encourage all home eiiterpnses t ere by keeping our money at home with us and building up our Statu A Uell no of... ... . fr C"1U6 va ue received vi vua uiuil K3y . Respectfully, S. W. H. mlth lannerof all klnd i-.,.i , , r "ir' ana iuiiii i iriiirer oi annu ha , .i. . . no i uci, eic. Guilford College, N. G , Marca 28, '95. AN IKTERBSTI2TO EVBNT. t A.XerL lnterestl.ng drama "The Last Goaf will be played at the Opera House Easter Monday night br local talent. The' play is said to be a good 0ne' aQd we have no doubt but that it will be well rendered. The proceeds will be equally divided between the Traded unhnni ort . .... - -v. ui8u iuuu oi tne Presbyterian church. 200 lbs. PTSLKE1 MANUFACTURED rv fcyiLLE Fertilizepco EIDSVILLE N.C ANALYSIS JMONIA .7F-- 103 , Ir t i 7o- CITIZEN AC1ATN J. JEUi tor : I see in mnrlufio,,, icti.y i,. my nrticie in reference to of peanuts are eaten "err win the 1. TJt VrT Zn'r& ,9"or, united states. Thev are val.mhle Bun : " . ' ' "u.w'e w'ch I can CRITICI8INQ A YOUNG LADT. "She would be a pretty girl but io fine thlio . , . ...1fc. "What's that?" naVod r-.o-i-. George "Her face is always covered Wir r, nn iv)n m ...a li . i .. ...v.i puiiiic fcu oioicne8. G'harlev "Oh, that's easUy enough posed of. Used to be the same way ...j.., UU1 taugui on to rne trouble ua- kql no or it in no time." George "What what was it Charley "Simply blood eruptions oua a snort coarse of P. P. p. i tell JOU, II, s ine DOSS hlnnd Knrivnin. Ti,. . w .KV. I . 1UC governor had rheumatism so bad that . cuuiu near mm hn o- i. - . ..1..1 bicitr acruHS : , Vruir7 every tIme he moved. He LllCd ir onrl vnn b-.-TT . .. : . J iiai h urn l?.8..1"0"- " ! ody would thank them afterwards. All toedrug stores sell it." United States. Thev are vuinahi oi. ior tne on they contain, which is hard ly inferior to olive nil &..ntua- i.., ..iivviii Ill(r-4S eating fact, is the reUil nrifte nf r.i.. peanut. Other com mm I attrcted by overproduction, hard times and trie lise. but who ever smi),r .. nuts for Ies than live cent-; per o iart at retail ? . DEAFNESS CNNOr HB CtJR ED Bv local umi.ii' ir, ii i..- QJ rv. . - r ' nicjr tailliui reach the diseased p irtion of the ear IMi,.... !,.... ",nc '-iy one way to cure deaf ness, and tiJHt is bv e.on&ririir.iiot - - .......hjuui iciu eiiies. Deafn.'ss is cau-ed by an in flawed condition of the iiiiierma lir.l ri it of the Eustachian Tube. When this tub'? is inll uned Villi IkVO Q rnmr.!;!,,. - j , ' IU Ul 1 1 h ' , luiperic-cc bearing, and when It IS eiltireh -clo-ed. deHfiie ij i l.n -i ( i ijg i n suit, and unless the iufl unm aion can be taken cut and this tube restored to ics normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cisel out of ten are caused by catarrh, which U nothing but an inflimed condition of the mucous 'surfaces. '- We will give One Hundred Dollars" ror any cist of deafness ( tarrh) that cannot be cured bv Mali' Cau'irh Cure. Se.id I 1 1 r i'ilclllur. free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Oar3old by druggists, 75c. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY If so, write to '-F," care of Web. STER'S WKKKLY. Ueid.,ville.' V. n who has a pian on foot w hich he thinks will yield tiandsomu dividend. An ac tive. DTOifleSSIVH hU4i.iid man urlfK o ' ; nivu capital of $2,000 or more ii the man he uiiiionceu. nnat he savs about my lushing into print, non de uniine, etc., amounts to nothing and leaily deserves no nnrino ...:i - --wv.v, UU1 1 Will simply stat that if be has the lemoteor puouning my nam i wi 1 he c.jr ocueui, to nun or tbe public he has in. un mission rn trot ,t fn.n. n. .., - - ....... unn ruiuir mi- paper nuu puot,S!l It tO the fo i . A j f r. 111. 4.1..... M, i . . . . J . uic iicai rinra ur ih,. . ruisoioners to nay a tltell mIpv t.v tax eollecLor 1 himnlu i. ifi.., ...... . . ... 1 J ' pill oi .-eu ii.u m oi tne. town chart r wK;..k i . ...in . . " ""-U ieau . - lnat the m-ir,.- , mill Olllul .own ouicers snau receive as their eon, pensation such saiarv . . , - " ur com- missions as the Town Commissioner? tuny ucierunne upon And really the Chief of Police is bv , .. . ... ...a me iax collector and - ro legiiiui a, iuuu several year ul"- u "o KeiiLietaan oy the naie Adams wa elected, and" on aeon n" So inj-iccHru llie COmtUlS8loni a tO reueve mm oi police duties which thev -V i aujr 'w tnac l have ever seen, which custom has continued unui mis year, it was not inv imeu- c...u ,., iuwfs or misrepresent i-i m . . reaay to admit man mo misieaa i stared I ha-the town would save $460,00 by tie con oui.uauuu, f. el 111 SikJ IC. 1894. 11-11 as Chietof Police re ceived Howlett as Tax Collector received or should have received . Howlett as Street Commis sioner reeiyifd ' of I ot $180.00 1(X CO 210 .00 $1,120.00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Your attcn-ion Is invited to the fol owing advertisement-, whioh m.nn.. for the tlist lime in this week's W-ue of tne vveeaiy. New Quarters and Latest nnvlfia t - .... i , . ... . in i-Mnui auu Jjumrr innn j Hi .d., .i.- ... ... " " --j.i. , tue x auor. A Collect-on Aijency Himlia'8 uoaectinu ageuc . D llars and Sene V. Ti fiuKKi... Spec al Bargains iu Furniture, ClHu r.filrald .... T rr o . . a 1 it- iv rn.. o. i . ouiirn x kjo. Watches. Diamonds, etc iV. II. Leonard. Ad ni iuist rotors Notice George De- Immense RiJncr.ion in So'jndid Goods Rth von $ Co. r AQOODSIO.V. A grea; miny f.trm-irs are b?inninr to real. z ! the mistake they h ive been inakinz n b-.ivi.iv inw imj Lrrii-.. especially for tobacco. They saw that cueap lertuizers wou'a make a large plants the h'gh grades, but iq i;,y of thoin lost sikfiiC of the nil tun umirhi - - ... v..ku - Jl-l l .. . requ reu ana wneu tne tobacco wag ngtit anu cnany tney laid It to the bad se&.anna Rut wo am nri.i.4 . - - f v. ... i i f .1 1 ILC that they are beginning to find out that I. ...I... J . : 1 : . . . . ii laaes yoo leruuisr io make joo. rich tohacco. Kven In poor reasons bv the rhrht kind-of frriliar er treatment some good tobacco can be made. We predict that in a few mom years farmersr msiead of cal.ing for the lowest priced fertilizers, will wanting the highest grade jhey can find. Our aim has been, not to make a fer tilizer that would run the plant up like a water weed without character and substance, but we have endeavored to make fertilizers that would grew strong, healthy plant, which will not only weigh more aod sell for more money, but are not se much liable do disease as plants grown contrary to nature. To those who have never used our fertilizers we would urge that you give them a fair trial; It might be money to you, and there can't be any risk when you hear so many good' far mers sounding Its praise. Very respectfully, REIDSViLX,E FKKTILIiKR CQ. Total, 1895. Lamberth s Tax Collector f and Chief of Police $606.00 J. S. Grafton asst.. Police and St. Com., duties add- I ed with an increase on i salary amounting to i 60 00 SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA: "Since childhood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous bniio . - -'vi.u C.AAX ua-useu me xerribl 8ufferinff. rhysiciana to help me, and I only grew worse under their care. At length, I began to take AVER'S Sarsaparilla, and Kvery soon grew bet ter. After usinir half a dozen bottles I Was comnlotolir cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on anv narf. nf mv Kri lor. the last twelve years. I can corrjially recommend AVer's Sarsa- parilla as the very best blood-purifier in existence." a Jlyersvilki Texas. SPRING 1895. Latest creations in Silt anrl w.i --- "v A1C35 MoveUies, just received and open to in " spection. Others arriying daily. would invite an early inspection of the very choice Silk and Wool Paris Nov elty Dress Patterns. No two alike, hence each purchaser has exclusive coatrol of style. It . is my plan and purpose to show the larg est lines of Silk and Wool Dre s Goods this season ever placed before my trade. TO What Your Neighbors Say About Reidsville Fertilizers : Owing to my unprecedented success du- r iniT U t ... wic pasi year, 1 was enabled to clear out all old goods. Hence what I place on sale for the present season will be composed of nothing but the Very- Latest Styles And cteations Ruffin, N. C., March 4th. lSq. ReiJsftile tertiltzer Co: Gentlemen I hkVe llSPrl vmir lirtiliir I three years and am well Dleas. .1 T nau less tioubie with rti-iri ii, ...... I. . - . - - - . u 1 j 1 j.i 1 . 1 T 1 . iini-c i ocgan using it I am satisfied it gives body and character to tobnejo that other fertilizers I have .used do not. My tobacco grew off thrifty and was in a healthy condition from the very start. I shall continue its use. ' Respectfully. John L. V illiavs. LTVJ (By: TO-DAY, tlie 26th of March. I have opened up the largest and choicest col lection of pure Raw Silk and Wool Mix I ed lo.ty inch Dre-s Goods that it his I ever been my p eamre to exhibit to my j customers. These magnificent dtess . cuffs ere far suDerior to a iv that was of fered last season at from6s to 75 cents. JUDICIOUS SHOPPING Together with the CASH, has enabled me to otter this magnificent collection of grand wearing bnk and Wool, 40 inch dress stuffs, at the uniform price ol 50 Cent i per Yard. Th"s rare opportunity will not admit of anv delay nn the part of those in search of early spnng goods. I have also a beau tilu! lu,e of cotton and wash fabrics at from 5 to 2? tents Der varH m i... I rices and beautiful styles were never excelled. Again I insist on t e impor tance of coming atome. Isoibir,. j,ke n ever before offered. Remember the price and kind, Full 40 inches He, pure Kaw Mlk and Wool Mixed, latent stvle at 50 cents per jard. ' Respectfully; itc, Ruffin, N. C, March 1st. iSoj. I Reidnille Fertilizer Co: GENTLEMFN -U e user! I - v-a AVw (( and Champion brands rof guano on our to bacco crfin of 1 9.cA lA. k t land With ither fortiU I -" " miii yuuio inane as goon tooacco it not better than any used in our crop. We want it acain. Respectful y 'W. F. Durham & Son. Mr. 'Ihomas W. Hopkins, who lives near the Cuilford county line, and who has represented iockinpham cwunty more than oik:c in the State Legislature, says that be used a little of our fertilizer the first year we made it, arid has iiheti mure and more of it every year sin. c ; an.! the nure he uses of it, the better he i pleased with it. 1'I.KASANTVILI.E, N. U. P. 15. Wr.Vht last year (1894) and found it to be as rood as any I ever uj-etl. an.l will it airlr. and recommend it to my neighbors for ma king good rich tobacco. Mr. Thomas .'!. Pntchctt, 0 Rocking ham county, states that the liroad Leaf To bacco Guano is the li- onm. f..'r ,,,., . -S u 1 ' ' U'I IMII.I.HJ he ever saw. G. W. Carter. T. V Rni;n w Hubbard. T. S. walker.. K. I., ir nrrllfft an1 Yf. P. SaunnVri fiav oil ttcmA ... ..-n,k and state that it is as good as the best Wentworth. N. C Reidsviile Fertilizer Co: Centlemen I am of ih. your Banner feriilizer acts better on my land for corn than any I have ever used. Kcspectlully, J. G. Mitchell. Mr. J. W. Moore, of Kerry, N.C. who is one of Rockingham county's best farm ers, and as solid as a stune wall, sys that he has never seen a better grain fertilizer than ours. Casvvki.i., N. C. Jli ulr. ille 'c t tili-rr Co; Ge.ntlf.mem - I have liiirr! vimr r..nr.... - ,.,x,, imiukci and find it as goo.l if not letter tlum any u l t U"- 1 :o mm it a little high, though I am going to use it ag.iin this year. Respectfully, I! Conn. Messrs. Wm ( larl nn1 TV. A i ..i v - iiiios uoill living neat Reidsyille. state that the Uanner fertilizer is good. Mi. Clark savs he don't want anv better. Mr A.n,. I j t - - - - -. .....wa ms3 11 anu sys ho recommends it to his neighbors Mr. S. II. VVar iis it ..1 . , , - -.w nvi Biaics iiiai it is as good as any he ever used '1 hey all say they will usd it again this year. TnoMi'SoNvii.LK. N. C.. March 12, '95. Riitinille Fertilizer Co: Gentlemen - ,,SCJ your Uroad Uaf Tobacco Guano, also your ( hampfon and Kuval Fcrtil . i"ull.ll crop in 1894. and thev did well. I do not think there is anv better fcrijlirr on the market than the Royal. I expect to use your Kuano aga-n this year. J. II. Combs. - THE OITLY wosTJva Vknt I Sarsaparilla L AVer's Cherrv Pectoral enrea Coooha ami cnM ! GCOOO eiti'J.OJ I Tot a', Subtract and wa h speak of. 1 am suprised that Mr. Howlett should try to put off suota a. statement m un uiu ou ail 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 cru n r nnKii. t hl8aeal to prove that there was no Rav ing in the cnsoliduion he left our . wnole uolicernan. to wlr u, . m ion. . ' -hi 1CI ir for 1891,, bit counted him in m.s Now whose motives nr. IV. .1 .. - ' . v .u uucl:ii ; But all other items are eliminate. 1 th.s uuehtion. the imnl nl.l,, . 1 p...l Ij'ltS.. tlou is, does the town ave the $4(id no by the change? other police have nocn- w uu nun 1 ne question. He states that I was in error when 1 aid his co nmUsious as rv nrtnu,... wee (400 00. I assert that I wag not in error, and statA nn n,n , due the town and collectible f r 1894 was over W 000 0 and S per cvnt on that is &400.0U and if he . . .nn . L . ... . ; " wiilt-ri ;t in lftiM ne win etiarge for it in 1895 so it coi-tH the town the $4U0 0 to col lect the 1894 ruxes. If I r,,, or misrepresente.l let him .hou, . i wnat the taxei were in 1SU1. He says in his "iunoericj " he thOUcbt it Was tha Inwn 1.....: ' .i.iiii'-.-ioil ers duty to look after the town' ntt.r. est ana did not know that it ue duty of the tax collector to have u'u taxes renewed, I think ex Shenfl Q! lawavand Rat.kin can Info-m ibis question. Mr. Ili.in .. . Larubrth wi.l get pay wlveer WcU lects the Uxea or nou Let us see, Mr. L" in both agreed in rntiwt . anil it will Le hi rJnfc- t,. ..i a tbe tauesand if me commUsioi.era do ttielr uutv and Mr. I.nhniK :i. .. ' ... i.-i.., ulv iu collect they wil reouirB bite ArMi bondsmen ro nv t n- . . . . collectible taxes and if be allows the taxes to run out of date be wUl be in a position next year to inform Mr. How lett whose duty It U ta get tBrH, back in date. I danv Aiunrimr th.r .1 1 - HKSlUk bond sale was made on account of Mr. nowieu a negligence la not collecting the taxes. I stated thr f 1.-1 . mm linn uau been no back taxea thora urnuiA k been no need of a hand c.i. k.. i don't think I it .. ki. that be Uued. tbe bo a da, neither did I tfnentA htm An .a. . A Grand Bisplay e are now read j to sliow tb grandest display, latest styles JwivT1 JJ?ke8 of . Clothing. Hats and Furnishing Goods ever th Nnr-H 8eCt',C V fif fth Garolina- VVe have" jnafc been in tin Northern market and bought all the newest novelties that .tTvPiM . h?U8h- in ,ar quantities for cash. Hence re cen ed benefit of all discounts. VVre are now offering some of the GRANDEST BARGAINS iKii in 8hoTn in,GweMboro- ItwU1 Pay you to come loQ rtrovsh our new store. Our stock is simply im- i1,' t st.v,fH ar correct and all the best makes. The pkicls will suRPKisK ervbody. We have always led ia fine nJ n? styiearid lowest prices. We have fitted our large and well lighted store all anew, and we are better prepared to wflir on you than ever befor.-. It v, iU pay you to come in and. give us a look' before you buy. Very Respectfully, C. M- VANSTORY & CO., Toe Leading Clothiers and Hatters of (.rcensboro. SEED ! SEJSD ! SEED ! Seedine time has come, and we are tbe people to satisfy your wants and to save you money In baying. , Wiater Seed Oats, White and Black Spring Oats. JUd and ciapIiDetSIo ver, Orchard, Herd, Blue Gas, Timothy and Tall Meadow Grass Seed. All of which we have a large line. Ovdera and correjpondence solicited. Plerc JNO. D. KUFFINES. MisS Llllv MnTiim-sn ..,1 M e-n; . , . "u .mis oame j'ar- nsh are with me. Thev win k- i,h . ,uti i.icnus. 1 . Ke.dSvDe,N.c, March 26, 1895 Vo not understand that the above are all the testimonials we have.. WE CODLD FILL UP THE WHOLE PAPER With them; bnt our only duidosq i tn furnish a few from ' difierenc rarts of tho country to show to those who havo used it that they will HUN NO BISK By." doing so- Those who have used Tit need nothing to recommend it to them They know what it will do. ; Some may think lierhtlv ofonr oAaim'h 1 - wvaau ft UUU W our fertilizers will grow . Healthier and Eicher Tobacco Pausmkn W. C. Witcher and A. L. Corbin, of PltUylyanla W n of Halifax , T. I. Cobb, ef CaaweU. J-viia , v. u Danville, Va., March 20, 1S35. Than other fertUizers. bui all tta oov for yu t give them a faik sauare test, and ifour claim is not . sustained wo will surrender. ii ; Very, respectfully, REIDSVILLE FERTILIZER CO. l 1 V 1 I um qo oQauvy 1 stated