WEBSTER'S - WEEKLY: "THE WEALTH OF THE MIND IS THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." VOL. XXXI. J. B. WEBSTER, Editor snd Prop'f. REIDSVILLE, N. C. JULY 2, 1903. SUBSCRIPTS OIE DOLUS 1 TE1B. NO. 27 Our Washington Letter. ,,.,. I. Correspondence of the Weeklv.1 Washington, D. C, June 30, 1903. President Roosevelt has acnounc ed; in a semiofficial way, that he intends to stand by the Postmaster General in spite of the popular de niand voiced by the best newspapers in the country, regardless of party affiliation. Moreover, the President anrears to be afraid to demand the resignation oi is.auu, tuuuucuuu rierk to the Postmaster General, al. hough his unfitness for a place of trust has been clearly demonstrated, especially irithe republican press. To every close observer it is obvious tha the first' wish of Postmaster General Payne is to minimize the scatUal ancjconyert the investigas tion into a perfunctory inquiry such he had - in mind when he first found that some sort of investiga ticn was inevitable. The determine .ati'ou of the President is, however.re gardedvvith considerable satisfaction by the democrats who say that the people will never be satisfied with an investigation conducted along the Payne policy and that they will appreciate that only a democratic administration will be willing to lay bare the ulcers which have long festered under republican admini stration. cern a second time, the assumption being that the contractor had "inn fluence" with Secretary Wilson or with Assistant Secretary Brigham. This year the contractor was guilty of even eraver violations of his contract than on the previous oc casion and Our Raleigh Letter. Special Correspondence to The Wiiclt. Raleigh, N. C, June 29, 1903. The time for the enforcement of this, notwithstanding the Watts liquor law is at handand the fact that Secretary Wilson has placed a personal friend, a man named K. Bowie Holland, in the company's warerootns at good pay to supervise the packing of the seeds. Holland had an assistant in his arduous duty by the name of there's to be trouble. A number of the owners of distilleries located in the country districts, especially the mountain section, which operate un der a license from the United States Government. have notified the Collect or of Internal Revenue that they will continue business on and after July Martine but even with two inspect. 1st, and tne collector, under instruc ors it is alleged that shortweights tions from the United States of Com and cheap seeds were fur oished and missioner of Internal Revenue, at other nrovisions of the contract Washington, will renew the bonds of violated. A scandal in the allotment of the lands in the Indian Territory nas just come to light, and it is said by an official in a oosition to know hat if they ever become public the abuses in this work will rival the corruDtion just unearthed in the Postoffice Department. It is alleged that the Indian agents have certified the country distillers who apply, and the regulation internal revenue officer will be kept at each of these distiller ies a3 heretofore. This means a clash between the State and United States authorities, which will compel 3 judicial determination of the consti tutiona'ity of the new state law, as it affects the "government distiller" at least. The State Convention, or Confer ence, of the Anti-Saloon League and temperance forces of the State meets week hence (July 7) and that SUMMER COLDS Produce Chronic Catarrh. TO MOTHERS IN THIS TOWN. Children who are delicate, fever iah and crosa will immediate re- lief from Mother Gray Sweet Pow der for Cnildren. They cleanse the stomach, act on the liver, making a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for worms.' Sold by all , druggist. 25c. Sample frie Ad dieas, Allen S. O.msted, LeRoy,N. Y. Madame Isabella Ellen Baveas A. D. I VIE, Ittoraey-at-Lai, LEAKSVILLE, -i N. C Will nractice in Rockincham and l ad join in? counties. Special atten tion given to toe collection claims. All corresoondence DromDtly an swered. I 1 w. tw.-4. f fl,-. Tntorr o nere a wees nen ill aii ( m w 14 1 1 ill riii 1 11 i 1 a. t. v x. . u i . . - - . . : c. r-r j; 1 body will doubtless take action re- larger numoer 01 anaians man wust- tM Qew devel ent. The new summer school for teach- Ilavmg failed in his enorts to save r Berry Heath from being smirched as a consequence of his official acts, the Postmaster Gen eral, and to a large extent the republican press, is now trying to make him the scapegoat for all the roiruotion which the T u 1 1 o c h charges and the Bristow reply re vealed. In this connection a bit of inside history is interesting. Ferry Heath was charged with the fulfillment ot seven thousand (7,000) nledcres made by Senator Hanna during the campaigns which elected I Hanna senator and McKinley presi dent. It was for the purpose of fulfilling these pledges, taking care of Mr. Hanna's 7,000 debts, that Heath was made First Assistant Postmaster General. He did his work well and without any qualms of conscience but now that the facts have become public Mr. Heath is charged with the whole responsibil ity white Mr. Hanna goes free from public censure. It is only justice to Payne, more, to say that he went into the Postoffice Department pledged to take care of Hanna's friends, those who had cooperated with Heath and especially Machen who had, by his manipulation o the rural free delivery service, saved manv western republican congress man from defeat. This was the secret, of Payne's attempt, clumsy and misguided but none the less sincere, to take care of Machen and his crowd. ed on the reservations in order that they might profit by the extra number cf rations and allowances issued. Taking these false' rolls, the Dawes Commission, which is charged with the allotment in ...... I 1 T 1 severalty ot the Indian lands in the W ngntsviiie, July 1st, has been College, here. ers, for which provision made at the A. & M begins Wednesday. . The annual meeting of the N. C Bar Association, which begins at will be ad- Madame Isabella Ellen Barea3, Life Governor Grand Lodge of Free Masona ot England, In a letter from Hotel Sara toga, Chicago, 111., says : ' This summer white traveling 1 contracted a most persistent and an noying cold. My bead ached, my eyei and nose seemed constantly running. my lungs were sore and 1 lost my ap net lie. health and good spirits. Doc tors prescribed for me all manner oi pills and powders, but all to ad Durpose. "I advised vrltn a aruggtst ana aa spoke so highly of a medicine called Pervna, that he induced me to try my ANDREW J. BURTON i . . . 1 Attorney- At-Law REIDSVILLE, N. C. Oftice Over Bank or ReldaTllle, Practices in Rockingham and adjoin ing counties and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. j i P. W. GLIDEWELL, Attorney-At-Lav. WETWORTH, N. C. NOTICE. ThU is to notify the public that Jim Kermdie. colored, has left my employ without cane before complylnc with a contract made with mefor.a term of 1H months for the year, 1903, and this 1$ to Murn the Dubllc ajralnst Hiring or naroor- ag htm as I will prosecute , anyone woo hires or harbor? him to tk extent of the law. JXO D I'KITCIIETT. Lenox Castle, N.C, Jana 27, IXa. NOTICE. Charley Stubblefleld, colored, hired to me for a term of two months, aud has quit my service without provoca tion, all parties are hereby warned, under penalties of the law, against hiring or in anywav harboring ald Stubblefleld. J. K. SUMMERS. Ashland, N. C. This June 4th. 11KW. This is to notify the public that Winfield Lenord White has left my employment without cause, before completing a contract made with me for the year 1903, and this is to warn the public against hiring or harboring him, as I will prosecute any one who does soUo the fullest extent of the law. J. E. Ware, Reidsville, N. C, June 20. 1903. Executors Notice territory, has made its allotments accordingly and now finds that there are many sections for which there are no rightful owners. The result may be that the entire work will have to be done over again at o-rpflt pxnense and trouble. The President has -selected Francis E. Luepp, Washington correspondent of a prominent New York paper, to go to the Territory and make an investigation into the situation. huttm nf nmtrnt medicine. How dressed by a a prominent text book ever, it proved such a help to me thai writer, Mr. Seynum Thompson, a soon purchased another bottle and leading New York lawyer, Maj.W. A. kept on until 1 was entirely weu."- ftnthriA w 1 resnond to the address madame isaoeua cuen oavcaa. "The Postoffice Department is not the only place wnere our re publican friends, intoxicated by a ong lease ot power, have been guilt v of monumental extravag ance," said Representative Pou of North Carolina, who came to wasn- ington this week . ' ' There is no reason whv the democrats snoma not get together next year and win tne election on iwu issues, iuc in duction of the duty on those articles which are sold cheaper abroad than of welcome Past Grand Master Nichols and State Treasurer Lacy, who attended the big Masonic meeting at Kinaton last Friday, report a great time. A special communication of the Grand Lodge was held and over a thousand Masons and their families sat down to the biz dinner, which was served in one of the large tobacco ware houses. Col. A. C. Davis was the orator of the occasion. Commissioner of Agriculture Patt erson has been ill at his home in Caldwell county for two weeks, and his physician says it will be a month vet before he can resume his official duties here. A committee of tobacco men will be held in Raleich on Thursday of next week, July 9th, for the purpose of arranging for a creditable tobacco ex Summer colds require prompt treat ment. They are always grave, ana sometimes dangerous. The prompt ness and surety with which Peruna acts in these cases has saved many lives, A large dose of Peruna should be taken athe first appearance of a cola ... i 1 A in summer, followed Dy smau ana viv repeated doses. There i3 no other rem edy that medical science can furnish, sto reliable and quick in its action as Peruna. Address The Peruna Medicine Com- svt i . a a knyf pany, uoiu.rn.DU3, uaio, ior xrw entitled ' Summer Catarrh," which treats of the catarrhal disaaaea peculiar to summer. WASHOUT AT MAYODAN. Practice in Rockingham and sur rounding counties. Prompt attenn tion to all business entrusted to me. Soecial attention to collection cf claims. ! Reidarille Review. MAyodan. June 27. Southbound thu so at the St. Louis nasseneer train No. 1, on the Win Mr. G. E. ston-rialem division of the Norfolk J-J A W w - - ' I "j . . . . . WKh nf Winston ia chairman Ot . the B western ttaiiway.Buv nnmmittee--and a laree list oi ueie- nere iasi uiguv, UU(,WW w at heme, and the thorough invest gates have been appointed. Others are proceed because of a washout on ration and cieanine out of the executive department. N ature nas oUminatpd for a time at least, tne one issue which caused snch grave differences in democratic ranks and now I believe we can all get to gether on a platform which will command the support of a majority of the people." r nA th outskirts or tne town. An un iUVlLCU l.J AbbCUU. i. North Carolinians exclusively Mfe usually heavy rain, out litue saon af a cloudburst, began tailing aoout six o'clock yesterday afternoon and DENTISTRY! The prices at which I am doin? Tooth Work . j i you cannot duplicate In this section of the country. I do the work right and Guarantee It. It will certainly be to your advantage . o cjrne to see me wnen you are wanun your teeth worked on. I l ean save you money and you get only The Best. YOURS, j Dr Griffith. DENTIST. mm in ' Southern Loan and Trust Building, East Market street. Greensboro. N. C. Havine auallfied before the Clerk of tb Snnorinr Court of Rockinttham county, as executor of Absalom Cannaday, deceased. all persons having claims ajainsi ine estate or said decea-a, are nereoy notified to present them to me ror payment on or beforo th'j 10th day oi July, lwi, or this notice will be pleaded to bar oi tneir recovery. All person indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make immediate payment. JACKbUM UAJiWAUAl, Executor of Absalom Cannaday, dec i. Lawsonville, N C. June 30, 1903. A.J nuKTUiN, Attorney. Special Tax , Notice. ALL PERSONS except non-rtU dents, women and those phyaicauy unable to come.are by special statute required to appear IN pkrson and list their Taxes,apd sign the abstract which are required to be sent to the County Commissioners wnn eacn one's name signed thereto. - John O. Staples. ) Tax Lister W. D. Hlghtower, and Geo. W. Meador. ) Assessors. Reidsville, N. C, June 4. 1903. , The existence of a miniature scandal in the Department of Agri culture was revealed this week by a suit filed in the Court of Claims by the New York Market Gardens ers' Association which seeks to recover $18,000 for supplying seed tor free distribution to the Depart ment. It aonears that the above company was found to have furnish organized a half-million dollar comp nnv in Georgia, with W. W. Mills, nf Raleieh. president, and R. F. Dalton of Greensboro, secretary and treasurer The annual meeting of the "South-! ern Association of Newspaper Circu lators" will be held in Asheville, at the Battery Park hotel, July 7 9. A rr,rASAntalive of the association tells A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILBLAIN Sm5that several of the leading dalies nf the. South will iom the organiza- Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- ;on at that time, and it is expected Ease, a powder. It cures Chilblains, to inCrease the membership 100 per Frostbites, Damp, Sweating, Swollen cenL duri tbe next yeaP. feet. At all Druggists and Shoe -Look out for a big increase in the Stores. Lrrtn nf Kranrlc RtilU next fall." 8id WiVV V J " " i an ahaArvant and thinking larmer 10 THE NEW RURAL, FREE DELIVERY ROUTES. 1 XT 1 II .ft? SA A AVI 9 9 WTT me touay. eariy an u. mo muuj whiskey distillers in the eastern and middle counties have arranged to go On the 1st of next montn (July) out oi Dusmesa, or tcmu-c iKa fnnr npw Rural "Rnntes notice of oornorated towns, after tomorrow Ips the action of the mountamer p.l vnr wp.iyTit nnrkacres. cheaper will hft started from this office. Those distillers, noted at the beginning of seeds than the contract provided who wish the advantage of the ser- tbi9 letter, changes their plans and vir must erect on tne roaa Piae a i . ;0;na,;nn nf brandv. under tne eeds than the contract prov: for and cheaper and thinner paper than the specifications called for. Notwithstanding: these facts the contract was awTapded to this con- Dark Hair " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though I am past eighty years or age, yet 1 have not a gray hair in my head Geo. YellotU Towson, Md. hor i one which has been approved by the Postmaster General), as the will not be permitted to serve . . . .. those who have not tnus proviueu themselves with boxes. It is very important that the pau- mns nave ail meir uaa.ii auuicoscu 'Rural Freo Delivery No Reidsville, N. C." They should like wise notify the pubUsners or any pa . . i Watts law, is expected to largely increase on tnat accouni. ai a a niu matter to down the "critter" in1 every form. Llewxam. that thtirr maT-nnw hA takine. ilOO if vou nave a in o J 5100 Dr. Deletion's Diuretic. Mr be worth to you mre than . : MU .A .W We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. IF it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Viedf always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long ; and it stops falling of the hair, too. Sl.M a bottle. All raa1t. !' child whn soil m. i m r r r i Kiwiiinf rmrn iiifTiiLiLeucn wl. tauci IJiit rSlr iL at nresent. to the Ru- d irioe sleep. Cures old and young. r Vv, fSpiiverv Route So. . alike. It arrests the trouble at once. -J . I . . n l J tTT a Allan Hmv- five your number) Keiasvuie, j u ilw. ooiu 7 it th nnhlir! wiU observe these sue- eist. Keiaavuie. s. gestions it will promote the prompt and safe delivery or tneir.maii. Verv resDectfully. J, F. Wray, Postmaster. Reidsville, N. C , June 20, 1903. . - . - r r" w r- TO THE FAKMEKS U KUVMAU' HAM AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. if tout drnnrist cannot supply send us one dollar and we will ex you. express you a bottle. Be sure and give tbe name ot your nearest express office. Address, J. C AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. COMPANY L" 21ST REGIMENT. Mr. Fditcr I wish to find out all about Company 4,L" 21st Kegimen. I think John Boyd was its uaptam. Will you please msei t a request in your paper tor tnia inwrmanuu. Kespectiuiiy, . . Jas. V. Price Went worth, N, C. June 25, 1903. r Moore's Roster of N. C. Troops Ara nnt fftve (JO. Lt. who sees this request will KaaMa to furnish Mr. f rice wun tne desired inf ormation. Editor. A Farmer's Institute will be held at Sharp Institute about the first of August.. ' . ; j A meeting of rapresentative larm ers is called to meet at Madison on July the 11th, at z o ciock p. m,. m Webster s arehouse, to arrange the subjects they wish discussed at the Institute. All farmers who can rjossibly meet with us at that time arp earnestly requested to do so." If vou cannot be with "us then send in We hope your subject. P. B. Neal, v ,Coamittee. f - -:- ,:!. ': lasted two and one half hours. The water fell in sheets, and in a short while the little creek skirting the town was a raging torrent. Just where this cieek passes under the tracks tbe railroad has 'a tank, the j water being pumped from a small nond- Rapidly the water rose to ward tne iraCK, wnxca ruus aiuug , on top of a high fill, and soon it was tearing dbwn this "made" earth with resi8ti8s rorce. Just about this time the South bound train was due, and some one, knowing this, went up to the tank to see the conditions there. Then it was found that the creek had broken through, carrying away a large quantity of earth, and leaving some 25 or 30 feet of track suspend ed, held by naught save tue rails and cro8Rties, The train was halted at the sta tion, where the night was spent. By midnight tbe worK train was on the ground, and soon they were busy erecting a temporary trestle, and so rapidly did they work, that No. 1 was enabled to proceed on her way by 7 o'clock this morning. About 9 o'clock last night your correspondent walked down to take a look at the washout by tbe light of a lantern, for the night was in onRftlv dark. While there two darkies came up, on their way to their homes in "Freetown." On earning of the condition or anairs one aciaea-to epenu m uigui. here, but the other saia te must cross, wnatever toe uauger. uuwu on hiskuees he went, and getting rmonone of the rails, .began to mate his way slowly across the yawning chasm. As he proceeded the track hAffan to sway, and nia menus caUed upon him to return. Saying Carriage For sale. I will sell for cash uay elegantCarriafce. It is I in FIRST CLASS CONDI TION and has seen but little service and in fact is a good as new. It is from the shops Tyson & Jones, which fact guaran tees it to be aa good a vehicle aa can be bought on this or any other market. For further infor mation call on or address MRS. MARION F. REDD. Reidsville, N. O., June 4, 1903. Greens boro Nurseries, In pursuance of ancrderof the Superior Court of Rockin?ham County v in tb special proceeding, entitled: .'John K. Walker and others Ex-Parte," I shall sell on Tuesday the 11th day of Aug., 1903, in front of the Bank of Reidsville, la Reidsville, N. C, bf public auction, to thft highest bidder for cash, a certain lol or parcel of land situated In tbe Town of Reidsville on Barnes Street and described a fo'lows: Beginning at aStoneonBarn es Street thence running North with i ud Street 80 feet to a stake; thence tasf zw feet to a staka: themce Sooth SO feet to a stake; thence West 10 feet to the be ginning and being a part 01 wvv. , vi the John U. Birnes survey. Sale subjact to confirmation of Court. JAS. W. WALKER, Com r. Time of sale 2 o'clock, p. m.. ReWsvllI. N. C July 1st, 10, . , . A. J. UUBlOi fliwifw', r 1 Guaranteed To be Pure And Clean. GREENSBORO, N. C. OUR ICE HOUSE IS UN DER SHARP'S BARBER 8HOP. TRY US. WE. HAVE IT IN ALLQUAJf ITIES READY FOR YOU AT THE BEST PRICES. Tbe most up-to-date nurseries of the dav nurseriefl Kept; in a high state of cultivation by keepmg never a word, he set his face firmly large herd of thorough bred towards ther other siae. wnere "home'' along. . . . . This morning, ongnt ana eariy, the negro made his appearance and when taxed with bis recklessness, said: "My wife was at home alone and I knew she would be uneasy, and I was just bound to go." A lesson here, and a reproach to many of the white race, careless of what wife and mother may suffer, when they are away from home. ... M l J fIL! J lay, and siowiy moved jersey uaTtte, foiano un:na anu Mammoth Black Hogs- TViiiiL Shade and Ornamental trees. Jorv Halve and Cowa, Poland f!hina and Mammoth Black Pig3 for s lie ; the very best that skill can pro- dace. Andress. JOHII A.Y0UHG, Proprietor, GREENSBORO, N, C, rjrHaving beard it reported that we were in the Ice ba-Inesf for only a &I.V.-.- Mm wUh to sav to tbe Ice buying public, that we are in the Ice business to STAY aa long aa tne pexn pie of Reidsville use Ice. GILLlEi&i PERGASON; Tbe Icemen. :i lttfjtf Yga & Atari fct i t i

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