r am. "Win THE WEALTtf OF THE MIND IS THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." VOL. XXXI. I. R. WEBSTER, Editor and Prop'r. REIDS VILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 3,1903. SOBSCBIPTIOI OIE DOLLIR 1 TEC NO. 3G R RALEIGH LETTER. Raleigh, N.C., Aug. 24, 1903. -tt. tTip first time, there will be rui . t?. ",r - S:; - me time ai V". s i -.u Octcbcr. But they will r Wv K11T T HOI TT I I - it 1 1 i i v .nt conflict. Instead of interfering ith one another each will, help the otter, and the two will draw the largest crouu ui .rise in the market or manufactured bave ever gathered in the State sj by thc Jocal companies , which are capital city on alike occasion, and. authorized to build independent c0 visitor can afford to miss e ther factorieSf etc, as they shall deem ofthebigattairs.- . best and most profitable. The The regular Sate . Fair of t.ieitobacco producerS warehousemen Xorth Carolina Agl Society opens -d others interested believe that a? usual in i nxiivx vxw in Ocber, beginning this year on the ictb, ana juagmg Dy wnax rsee and am told by Secretary Pogue, another record breaking event is in prospect. s For 4 or 5 years each Fair has surpassed its immediate predecessor and this year's ex hibition may eclipse all others, though it does seem almost im possible to surpass the last few held, they were so excellent and so large ly attended. One of the new feat ures this year will be the big "captive ballon" by which visitors may make ascensions several hundied feet in the air and return safely to earthy The other is the great Masonic Fair, which is to be a State event under direction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, with CoL Noble V. Martin, who has had much valuable experience, in other States, as general manager. He has al ready arrived in Raleigh and with a corps of assistants in now actively working up the practical details. The object of this undertaking is to raise the balance necessary to secure the erection of the splendid projected Masonic Temple, to be bui.it in this city on one of the most beaatiful sites, on the principal business street. ' About $20,000 is needed, $90,000 having already beer secured or pledged-, through the sale of stock, etc, Grand Secretary John C. D ewry has been made treasurer of the Masonic Fair Oommittee. He ' is one of the most enthusiastic and dt voted of Masons and no one in the State has been more actively efficient ; in fathering the cause of the Temole. He has sent out pledge cards to all of the 14,000 Masons, of North Carolina, urging all to give something, however small ihe' amount, in either money or goods of any kind, towards mak ing the Fair and Bazaar a financial success. Donations in merchandise or farm products of . any kind can be sold for cash during the Fair, and applied to the Temple fund. The Fair will be in progress two weeks, Aug.- 12-24, inclusive. The meeting of the tobacco farm ers last Friday at Rocky Mount was a pronounced success, nearly three thousand being present and repre senting most of the various tobacco growing counties, Col. John S. Cunningham presided and there were many .speakers, aft of whom denounced the methods of the tobacco trust, and agreed that the time had arrived when the growers -are bound to adopt measures ot self defense. Several plans were submitted or suggested, that pro posed by Secretary of State Bryan Grimes being finally adopted as the. most practical and etiective. i nis plan provides for the organization of local tobacco corporations at all the tobacco markets to be composed - Sick " I first used Aycr's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848. Since then l have taken it every spring as a blood - purify i n g and nerve strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are v&k and your blood is thin'then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine,. AyerVSarsaparilia. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. 11.00 a bottle. Alltfractlst& m, .hit hA think of AVer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this grand old tamily medicine. FoUow hi advice ana we will be latiined. ' -i .... . J. C. ATEU IX., ixweu, ow. of stock holders,, the shares being sold at five dollars each, land form ers who cannot pay cash for stock may buy it with tobacco.. These local companies are to buv the pttenngs of tobacco on the ware houses floors m the usual wav. thus insuring a buyer to compete markets The tobacCo so bought is tQ be stQred aw f & this mode of procedure will prove effective, and that next jrear, if not before, the trust will be forced to pay a good price for all the bright tobacco it will be able to secure. It is hoped, however, that Virginia and South Carolina growers will join hands in carrying out this program, thus controlling practical ly the entire territory in which thisi character of tobacco is grown. The theatr'cal season opens in Raleigh next Saturday, when the splendid production, "The Tele phone Girl," will be given at the Academy ot Music. Manager Baker has booked for the coming season the finest list of attractions ever presented here. Tbe Academy stage has been enlarged and the theatre generally improved. Visitors to Raleigh will greatly enjoy the fine plays this seasons. Governor Aycock is in Asheville, this week, where he will review the 1st Regiment of State troops in camp there. Raleigh is warming: up to the dispensary fight. Election comes off Ot. 15th. Next month evange list George Stuart will speak here in favor ot the dispensary. Llewxam. . A PURGATIVE PLEASURE. If you ever took. DeWiu's Little Early Rislii8 for biliousness or con sti potion you know what a purga f ve jit asure is. These famous little pills cleariRe the liver and rid the system of all bile without produ- en:gT unpleasant effects. They do nt gripe, sicken or weaken, but give tone and strength to the tissues and organs involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex , says: ' No better pill can be usad than Little Early Risers or CDnstipation, sick headache, etc." Sold bv L L. Sapp, THE NEED OF A TORY. REFORM A- Charlotte News. There vas a case in the Record's court today,of a 10 year-old child, con victed of stealing aver a hnndred (jollars. He was bound over to the Superior Court, his father being his surety. In, Lexington, a 12-year-old boy has just been sentenced to the chain-gang, to work on the roads, for 12 months. The State of North Carolina is not doing well by its youthful criminals in havingonly the alternatives of the lairor the chain ganj and the going scot free. The good women of the State have time and again urgued the establishment of a reformatory, to which these young criminals may be sent, in which they would not be surrounded by degrading associations, a place not having the debasing memories of the jail or the convict camp, where the child, perhaps for the first time in its young life, could be taught the differece between right and wrong and helped to a better instead of vitiated to worse life when the term ot imprisonment is ended. ; It is one of the economies that the State cannot afford to make, the do- ine without the reformatory. W here young criminals ane hardened by the contact who me vice 01 iue jaua auu convict camps, the State will have plenty more trouble with them before it is through. But there is something so sacred about chiijihood, ere the character has been fixed, .even when the tendencies appear vicious, that a crreat State should surely make some provision better than any it has. for tne reciamaiion, 11 possxuie, 01 iuc voune offenders who have broken the laws of the State, who will now be in-. inred in their characters whether they are punished or set free! We have in our shelves many remedies for constipation and bilious ness, but the never-failing, common sense cure is found only in Ramon's Liver Pills and Pellets. This Treat ment cures by relieving the cause of the trouble; the Piuk Pill arouses the liver, while the Tonic Pellets tone up the oreans ana insure naiurai ano health? conditions. Complete treat ment two medicines 25 dosesfull dirAfltinns only 25 cts. Fetzer & Mims. BILL ARPS FUNERAL The fuueral of Major Charles Henry Smith, "Bill Arp," took, place at 10:30 Wednesday morning. The stores were all closed and the people of Carters ville filled the Presbyterian church where the services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. E. White, assist ed by the Rev. Mr. Christian, of the Methodist church, and Rev. Sam Jones. Mr. Jones made the most beautiful talk of his life. Rev. Sam P. Joaes tribute was as follows: - "My neighbors and brethren, I count it a pathetic honor to mingle my tears and sorrow with yon today, and say. a few words of sympathy and love to the bereaved family and tbis stricken community. "Only a few weeks ago, the press told us that for five minutes' time eyery wheel ceased, to go round; all tne machines stopped, not a stroke of a hammer was heard for five minutes. Wherever a limited train was making its schedule along the line of road at the appointed time the passenger felt the pressure of the breakes, the train stopped, and all was silent on the road, in the shop, in the offices. This was given as a token of respect for the lately deceased president of the "Mr. C. H. Smith, "Bill Arp5"! as we called him aud love to call him still, was known around the world, and today we stop and bow our heads in sorrow and respect, and millions join in this token of respect and love to one whom they never saw per chance, but had learned to love be cause he had. lighted their burdens, soothed their sorrows and helped them to meet life's difficulties more heroically and more joyfully. In the past few weeks of his illness I have been traveling from Boston to Nebraska, and many friends would look me iu the face and hold my band and say 'How is Bill, will lie ge well?" "Oh, if he should die how cpuld we spare himhow much we will miss his weekly message of philosophy, ?acts and love. No man of all my knowledge had more friends than he and none fewer enemies. If he had given his life to money making and money keeping and had accumulated one hundred and fifty millions of dollars and then in his last moments willed it all to the peo- nle of the United States, they would onlv have cotten two dollars a Diece from his vast fortune. But with his pen he gave to America and to the civilized world that which each man would not take thousands tor. "What he wrote has made many a man a better husband and many a woman a better wife, and many a child a more dutiful son or daughter. lie was a kindly husbaua and un selfish father, a geneious kindly neighbor and we would all today pluck tbe sweetest, most iragrant flowers from the gardens: of our hearts and lay! them 00 his casket; and say to his loyal, noble! wife and childrenwhom he loved. : "This is but a small token of the love we have for him and the reverence and re spect vre shall ever have to his , t 1 1 r-il T 1J memory. 1 lovea jdhi rp. x wuum add a prayer God bless his dear. loyal wife and the children and grandchildren, whom he loved. We knew him and loved him ana tnese Days Was My Life's Limit. Agony From Inherit ed Heart Disease. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Cured Me. Ore person in every four has a weak heart. Unless promptly- treated a weak heart will easily become a diseased heart- A little extra strain from any cause is sufficient to bring on this deadly maladv, the most common cause of sudden death, , Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will tone up the heart's action, enrich the blood and improve the circulation., My trouble, bejjar with catarrh and I have always supposed it caused the trouble I have experiencea with my heart. I had the usual symptoms of sl:eplessness,lost appetite, con stipation, palpitation cf the heart, shortness of breath and pain around the heart and un der left arm. My mother suffered in the suqe way and I suppose mine was. an inherited tendency. At one time I was. in agony. I suffered so severely and became so weak that my doctors said I could not live thirty davs. At this time I had not slept over two hours a n&ht on account of nervousness. Ihe least exercise, sucn as wanting aooux, would bring on palpitaticsr and Mattering ot the heart so severe that 1 would have to give up everything and rest. Nerve and Lrrer Pills cured me of constipation and heart symptoms disappeared under the influence of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cere. 1 am in better health than I have been in twelve I ears and I thank Dr. Miles Remedies for it. think they are the grandest remedies on earth and I am constantly v recommendisf them to my friends." Mrs. L. J. Cantxzix, Waxahachte, lea. All druffsts sell and cuartttee first hot- tie Dr. Miles Mem eases. Sena lor Ireebook on Nervoas and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart. lad. . - 1 i grandchildren of his will sit in the years te come and read the stories and hear, the lessons of their noble grandfather with an interest that would eharnr an angel. My hitbest expression of love for him as a neighbor and friend wouH be the wish that if I were transferred today from earth to heaven, I would ask the angels to locate me on the same treetVnd a nearby joeiahbor to the new home just made for Bill Arp, my honored friend. "To you my neighbors, I say hard ly a home represented here today but has had its sorrows, its burdens this year; this has been a sad year to Carters ville. but wo are better be cause of them all. It is said the violet never sends forth us sweetest fragrance until crushed by a cruel foot. So our sweetest sympathies, love and kindnesses are never .called forth except by the deepest greifs and sorrows of life. Let these sympathies and sorrows like cords of gold tie us closer together every day, let them twine like the ivy about our rugged natures and blooming in its beauty, let all our deformities be bidden from the view of each other. j Putting food into a diseased stom ach is like putting money into a pock et with holes. The money is lost. All its value goes for nothing. When the somach is diseased, with the allied organs of digestion and nutri tion, the food which is put into it is largely lost. The nutriment is not extracted from it. The body is weak and the blood impoverished. , The pocket can be mended. The $tomach can be cured. That sterling medicine for the stomach and blood. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, acts with peculiar prompt ness and power on the organs of diges'tion and nutrition. It is a posi- ive cure for almost all disorders of hese organs, and cures also sueh diseases of the heart, blood, liver and Other organs, as have.their cause in a weak or diseased condition of the stomach. NO PLAGIARIST S 4 Y S- REV. BROUGHTON. Atlanta Constitution. I.. Rev. Len G. Btoughtoo. pasior of ihe Baptist Tabernacle, was informed "yesterday that he .had been, charged with plagiarism in his series of ser mons on Womeu of the Bible," which were very similar to thise treated of in a book by Dr. M. R. Wharton. He denies the charge with much emphasis and challenges any one to read his sermons and compare them with those in Dr. Wharton's! book. Dr. Wharton, who is now residing at Eufaula, Ala., states that his at tention has been called to the matter by his publishers. He does not him self charge Dr. Broughton with pla piarism and says that many preachers very often handle the same subjects in the same style. ' ' Relatives of Dr. Wharton s who are in uie city, say tney nave noticeu a similarity between Dr. Broughton's sermons and Dr. Wharton's book on "Women of the Bill." When seen last night. Dr. Brought on repudiated a published interview! with him in an afternoon paper and; said a great injustice bad been done him. N In reference to the charge of pla giarism, Dr. Broughton said: DR. BROUGHTON'S STATEMENT. 'For the first time in my life I am charged with using another man's stuff. It has always been very hard to find a man who wovld father any thing I said. Dr. Wharton and my self have been for a number of years the warmest personal friends. I am! now preparing my seimon for next; Sunday on, 'Mary of Bethany the Model Saint.' 1 have Dr. W harton 6. book and regard it as a very fine; treatise on the 01d Testament Worn- en. 1 nave Deen iniormeu mat tne sermon most in question in this alleged plagiarism is the one on! Deborah. I challenge any one to read my sermon and that of' Dr. Wharton's j line for line, and then say there is the least similarity between them. Of course, the Bible history is similar,! but that is all. - r j I did not know until yesterday that Dr. Wharton had a book on the Ne w Testament Women, with whom I am now dealing. Last Sunday! preach ed on Mary, the Mother of Jesus-- the Model Mother.' Next Sunday will preach on 3iary of Bethany j- tbe Model a feaint. and tbe next &un day on Mary Magdalene the Model Sinner.' If Dr. Wharton -has any book on these characters, I have never n&ard of it before. I have in my library Dr. Wharton's Famou$ Women of the Old Testament;' also F.B. Moyel's book on 'Old Testament Characters;' Scriptural Worthies,' by Whitman; Moody s book 00 Old Testament Characters, and tbe 4Wom en of the Bible,' by the American Baptiat Publication Society. I have carefully read and studied all of these authors that I might be as thorough as possible in treating of these Bible HERVES GAVE WAY 4 PE-RU-NA CURED. I XM:a:.Schneiden j I Mrs. X. Schneider, 2409 Thirty-eeventh Place, Chicago, ILL, writes : I "After taking several remedhi without result, I began la January, 1902, to take your valuable remedy. Peruna. 1 wes a complete wreck. Had palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, female weakness, no appetite, trembling, sinking feeling nearly all the time. You said 1 was Suffering with systemic catarrh, and I believe that 1 received your help In he nick of time. 1 followed yout directions carefully and can say to-day that 1 am well again. I cannot thank you enough for my cure. will always be your debtor. 1 have already recom mended, Peruna to my friends and neighbors and they all praise It J wish that all suffering women would try it. I testify this according to the truth.9 -'Mrs. X. Schneider. J Mrs. Fanny Klavadatscher, of Sum "ml ts ville, N. writes as follows : ! "For throe months I suffered with pain in the back and in the region of th kidneys, ajid a dull, pressing sensation lln tho abdomen, and other symptoms oi pelvic catarrh. O 9 ! if But after taking two bottles of Fen i ina I am entirely well, better than I evci wa3." Mrs. Fanny Klavadatscher. . Send for "Health and Beauty," writ ten especially for women byDr. 8. B. Hartman, President ILirtiaan Sanitaj turn, Columbus. Ohio. womisn. 1 rave cuuea nistori(ana geograpljical information concerning them from all these sourcee, as any one would have a rigbt to do in pre paring on any subject, much less a Bible charter. My opinions .have been influenced by all these sources as naturally I bad expected in ready ing and investigating; but my conclu sions and treatment are individual istic. I deny any plagiarism or any thing like it. I have at different times preached an Old Testament women all over the country, but had never before grouped them together a3 I am now dome. "Take my sermon on 'Lve. It will surprise any one to see now vastly different Dr. Wharton and myself have treated the subject in both our history and conclusions. In treating of our common mother, it would be almost impossible not to get . a few historic facts and conclusions which were not simUar io aonje respects. . tha i-g0 ahetd,V7,th 8cr.les 00 '.New Testament W omen, praying and expecting the Lord to add His r a - blessing as He has done.' CANCER CURED BY BLOOD fALVI-ALL SKIN AND BLCOD DISEASES ALSO CURED Mrs. M. I. Adams, Fredonia, Ala,. took Botanic Blood Bilra. which f fectually cured an eating cancer of the nose and I3ce. The sores heafed up perfectly. Many doctors had civ- cu up uci uitw us uuveieet. auot U 1 I Tl areas ot cases or cancer, eating sores, suoDuratincr sweliines. etic. havr been cured by Blooi Balm. Among - " a 1 nth pra Mm T-t M Oiiornor Warrmr I Stands Ala. Her nose and lip were from the eating sore. Doctors ad vised . cutting, but it failed. Blood Balm healed the Bores, and Mrs Guerney is as well as ever. Botanic Blood Balm also cures eczema, itch ing humors, scabs and scale, bone pains, ulce'-s, offensive pimples, blood poison, carbuncies, scrofula, risings and bumns on the skin and all blood troubles. Improves tbe di gestion. Etrenthens weak kidneys. viuu, Ya.w per rKu uuiuc, Vllh (VimnlatA fi f wvntmno (nm Kama " uMwtvuo w uwuis cure. bamp.e tree and prepaid by writing liJooa mlm Ca, Atlanta. Oa. Describe troubje and special medical advice sent m sealed letter. Sold by V. S. Allen, druggist. For Sale. A valuable farm, two mile? from Milton on the Milton and Yancerville road: well suited to era in. tobacco and other farm product. For further information write or Inquire of W. P. WEBSTER. Jul y 22-41, Milton N. C. TEACHERS WANTED. We n d at nine few m "re Taach ere for Fait schools Guod positions are bin filled dvlv by uv We are rec?ivin more ctlli th;8 year than evr betore Scboris and colleges supplied with teachers freofcost. Enclose ptrap for reply, AMCKICaX TtUCHKRS'S A8SOCUT105, J. L. Graham, LL D . llanaieer, 1&2 154 Randolph Building, Mem phis, Tenn. For Ront or Salo. After October 1st, my home, on East Market Street Eight rooms, with city and good well water, also large barn, fine garden, orchard and vineyard. For terms, apply to Mrs. Maroarkt Cottex. Guilford College, N. C. In pursuance of an crder of the Superior Court of Rockingham County, in the special procHdl!!sr, entltlec: - "John It. walker and others Ex-Parte I shall sell on Tuesday, the 6th day of October. 1 003. in front of the Bank of ReldsvUle. In Reidsviile, N. C, by public auction, to the highest bidder for cah, a certain lot or parcel cf land situated In the Town of Ileldsvilleon Karnes Street nd described as fo'lows: Hejriinln? at a Stone on Harn s Street thence runnlntr North vlth s ild Street S0tel to a stake; thnce East 210 feet to a slake; thence South $0. feet to a stake; thnc Wess 210 ft o the be- (Tinning and being a part of Lot No. 7. of the John U. U nie survey. Saie subject t confirmation of Court. J AS. V. V A LKER, ComT". Time of sale 2 o'clock, p. m., Reldvll!e, X. C. Sept. 2nd. lwn. .. A. J . HURTON. Attorney. MORPHINE. Can Horp&lnQ andOtiier. Drug ffabls Be Cored? it li 1 o Kocn Inn on nlsn physicians that there is no cure for tke rug habit. Thifi is true so far as tne rank and ole 01 the medical profession are concerned. The reason. therefore, is tbat they are ignorant of the full scope and nature of the disease; but fortunately for the canto of suffering humanity we have dem onstrated tbat the morphine or other drug habits can be cured and guar- antee an absolute, permanent and painless care to tho?e addicted to the use of drugs if they will take our treatment and follow our instruct- 10ns. Each case submitted to us receives individual attention and treatment from an experienced nerve specialist. e do not detain you from business. for' jragg u destroyed od appetite for food is restored. . Write todiv for" nnr fW hnnkUt an(i frPfl ir;fli ir,,(mpf.t. Alitor respondence strictly confidential in plain envelopes. Address mr . . Manhattan Tiiebapectic Ass jr., Uep t. B., 1135 Broadway, ew lorlc City. Raymond's Pectoral Plaster i v I -Mt n. . as 1 ne uniy T! llTlrtr 1! For WJHEOOFIH(S- 'COUCH I One Tettimonial out or thousands: Baltimore, Mdl 1 . 'Mvr v, wva xtavinontl s uo Last winter mv baby six monta old bad tbe Whooping Cough, and I got ur. Ayu tne druggist to get me two I'lasjers, and la three weeks the was entirely well, so please send me one right away for my sifters baby 2-5 cents enclosed. MrsCall, J31 tlrllng St. Read and follow directions careiulJyv For sale in Reidsville by FETZER & MIMS, W. S. AUEtf S -