"TUB WEALTH OF THb MISD 18 THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." . t -f i VOL.. 'XXXII. I R. HEBSTBR, Editor tod Prop 7. RKIDSVILLE, N. C., MARCH 24, 1904. i soisciiptioi on dolus i mi NO. 12 1 ( uMuaia ur oui' .inui, ani new appoints wjU . renir.i to rv- , - - Inm.morvof 'JR. Gonto.. who thi k 3; --suction an i em- ,11. at IUWh. District Attorney; I l JDItF- fjR TTTP TPOd7rD PAT TTT mond. Va.. Feb. i'.y4. Governor's orJ-r aa 1 direction, to b?a transferred to (tr-nTil! hi' - w VVVyJL JL TV . , . ;ac-rtam th vact condition of the actual place of residence and it then. rhre j sorrow in mv onl todav ' " - , . ,, . ... . 1 uwr-. TJt word, rawwjri cannot cv. ! .nrr't'r,y- physailv and Jiaancwliy. fore becom- necry that hi aUt-I I nifich. I tuoarn i r i1 S-n-ml!y ..op.l that the A. fc ant sliall take char?- of bet oftW at ' Lik . -mi dumb .vrtnr dov to N. C. P.ai'rui will -vi to Kal.i?b. f deatb, An I groaning 4 if &rrM for breath. By pain oVrborn. Th- bittern-- of dath is pat When on who lov'd u to th ia-r. Is dead, is dead, Whu on who-? hwirt 't: tn Trncv to his God, a well as you, Alan !' ban died. A product of tb Forior Hilh t Scotaln 1. Un i of jrrunit- wilLs, j And rul mn. Who 'iar' 1 to .call thir ov.U tbir OA a VU.e.- I ho ly biou hVd I the nhfoae, And maMe' ot -Scotland, days aotie, A slaughter j n. Vru'l Scotchman to the Last, I'umov'd eve;- holding List, I-ji f t,he a. T" uifive shore in all its form.- to one oi the several bi ldr. McIW There has U.n nn cr.tr.n wt.i oJt to was' withdrawn a day or tlis market inct iat Tbnrdav, tb i t-Ro l-'orf K was appoitn-M n-Cfiv- dy on which Sully, th chuf bull,t r, tf jinc- tin at la-t rwo new op-rntor, Jailed. Tli. lo-al bnven propoition have Wa mad-bv oth- h re hare inc.. thu b--n nrin r. offeria midi btt-r term! to r!e only J . to i:j inU, and th farm'rV Star. and; are now in the hanis of who brought cotton here either fvik thf Oowraor. awaiting action. it back houw or stor 1 it in th w-are- The monit-:. of tie Democratic hous Unr. to waif-for hiiHwr tiri-.. - - - wy - - - --- Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe. Cured by Pe-ru-na. IN I ':kM, t if- xfonrL., He turn' I his n't, sunshine an 1 Stat- Comniitt-, which m't !irf lat Thursday niht and call i tin State Convention, to jnet on Jun "J-'rd. at (jreenb-)ro. nil not contribute any thin to th- -Hearst movement," which is trying t t-a ai'ivt- on it in Some of the cotton sT'w-r h.T-atmt have not yet markete I their croj or have been waiting fjr the jiric to move up to H or ') c nt-. I know of one who raUe l loO Uil. and who has not vet sol i a Kile of it. Rut tb. v North Carolina. If any of them favor are rare exception, for the grat rua. edi Ah, :n I stoo l aronu I h is bier, How jinny revl lotions dear 'o'tie lxick to me. o: weet concourse, of kinily ded, t'nvcight. HUpplying manv ued, M ". did not ee. '1 in lonelinivM h ili"d Wirhout oa loved one at hi.s id. TIim parting hour, 'Yet doubt not. Death coli, sullen sfreain Sl.vk not hi- truwt and faith supreme, In heaven's jwwer. Now loving huandt hav placsl away Tlv lifelew form, the rteaelenH cLy", Tliere to renuiiu Kntil the final trump hhall wund, Wjifjj he with life immortal crowned Shall live again. Duval Porter. our raij-:k;h lkttkr. th.'norninaton of th.e New Yor tor an 1 - mil i :uire -C ongres-m an, thev kept their-opinion to ti;emsdve. The forty-old who express 1 their prefer ences all waste 1 Parker, Cleveland, Gorman or..Gray. the favorite stand ing in the order named.- For 'Governor, the Stedman men were in the majority and Lt. Gov. Turuer; came next. Solicitor Rrook. the maiugr of the Stedman cam-paiga.-.)gt'id : - We are certainlv going to win. - Mr. J. A. Hartnes, of Ire dell, declared bu belief that Turner would show up as mauy votes in th convention ai either of th oth'r can didiits, and in his opinion would eventually secrne the nomination. Th story has leaked out that when Mr. Hearst's visiting manager ap- prixiched Gov. Aycock, the other day, the Governor remarked to him that if Hearst .should be nominated he would vote for him, but that he would feel humiliate i iu doing so, whereupon th agent adjourned himself to a more congenial clime. The StUe Convention will probably b? in session two days this year, on account of the. change made by the State Committee in the order of busi ness." A resolution, offered by Hon. J ophus Daniels, wis adopted which requires the election of delegates to the; National Convention and the aioptiou of the platform before the nomination of candidates for the State offices i taken up. Raleigh. N C., March ,. ,19CM. The 4 ignominious ritre(it of Mr. Re n iver.'-Runch" Mclio-, who strutted up 'the hill with such a lightning M"ickstep as to electrify thv wholf? State, was the most ruiTM-ntiug exhi bition' f cowardice witnete 1 in ma ny years hereaboa ts. Of coor? . he nlln't help : himself,, for he i"i In't have a leg to stand on after the Gov ernor Chief Justice and Attorney Gen eral (assisted by one of his own law ers) got through with him; for ' 'tis conscience makes cowards of us all;" iiiet ;t is hard to sav 'reviewiiiw iIim m.- t--h , , pumug on. at iiKesooro, on inurs- whole tl,M-o from start to finish, j nay of next wek. of the hottest po whether there was after all a greater l if, ..i l.,' ; .. .'; .--k4jj u iuiiui enrs m mis jority sol I early i it ti e m;imii aA n- aiized only 10 to Pi cents. Cotton may again go up to or h) cents, and as I said in tli-y letters last week, if I ha 1 any Mr on hand t cents would buy all I had. There is such a thing as boiling on a little to long to a good thing. The lawyers defending the negro Daniels, whose conviction of the mur der of Senator Simmons father has been affirmed by the State Supreme Court, are now trying to take the case up to the Supreme Court of the United States, ou the ground that discrimination wa- made against some of th veniremen drawn lee;-use of their color. But it is doubttnl whether they will .succed in doing hi. Llewiam. A lazy liver may be only a tired liv er, nr a starved div. r. A stick is nil right for the lack of a lazy man. Rut if would be a savage as well as a stupid thing to beat weary inan or a starving man because he laggwl in hi, work. So in treating the lagging liver it is a great mistake to lash it with drastic drugs. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundrela torpid or slu rgish liver is but a symptom of an ill-nourished 1n i v wli'H- organs are wearv with over. work. Let your liver alone. Start I with the stomach and its allied organs, of digestion and nutrition.1 Put them T I Ml. ill I 1.X 7 T I VAx? 7t TV " 'I ! rs Jr0P 'yK ! morc ' Z J cases of s .-s i i . . mi . r ' y : .s- SJ !jrz7w eti . . i WJ M -X. "V "V . . I It ' V III 1, MffMWWW M - HON.W. H. PARSONS. i rv o .t ,f - . f t'j ; , '' t n -rii-'i.Vt iy " - -''r .,. tn : 't.n,. f 1 run . .. 1 . . t ia grippe tvraai a., x x le. :.f -n azz.usi f t! t. u ux, V'. '.' ''I'ill MiitntWrt. Si '- .!. uai.uf jctw. f t e. f..- :J, af rt-Cr 1 -f J. f l.. Mtir ! n, t;, ,uv-.f ..t n. va.-v f than all other remcdie combined. in projier working order; and see how All the indications point to the-r ,; i 1 Medical Discoverv quu-klv your liver will Ucomc active ali I en-rgetic. Dr. Pien-es Golden has made maiiv Court of Tens i!m. ltri-a.li -r-4;-i.rraI in I ..nfi-ri Aruo. I i f.,M letter from trr. II Mrrt-t, N. W. V..,ln t.n. K tl. ,.r..m,0rf,t s. at' lu.nu i : tof the rccnmmcpJMtlon of person I tcltndt mn4 many Hnme i.f monUlt a to the eifkiy of Pensnm In the treatment of the oumrnoi ymptom of the zrlppe with whkh ItiMi e been sf (Ikied for four month 11. r ' lndd to underjo a treatment with thttJuUtr tele, hrated formula. I feet a decided chartZe forth kHKr ttet ejjt omlr V,?!:, 11,9 "PttM'X food la toolBX P Ihettomsch MBd hMi bUm decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encoartreJ that I am on the road to complete restoration. V-WT rol'lrlc?d I Tcxat. where I hare had the honor to com. ?i brigade ot her eteran Caatry In a four yean' mar. may accept this voluntary testimonial to the merit of I'eruna at a ene ot oiliretlon on my part for It wonderful efflotc;" It. Panont ! - I I -.- ' "Z ffs.fl till i ' I Uh m ..f re ii .remr.lv in tl,.- ..rl l that i ..-.il,.-. l..!e ,t uiUj... - - - '! i i IMMI I "".IMI'. 1 marvelous cures of lier trouble" by j !:.-- th n.lit i.n- pr.-ln.-..! ,v !.fcp.irat !;tek of courage or -brains. V.-!i, the old . crowd i b;ick again i r- irit,wl..if ill .... . . t... . "vuu. iim ii'itimi ui Mir t (reruns OI digestion and- nurtition. It restores i the normal activity of the stomach. in- creass the secret Uiiis of the Mood mak ing glands, ch-ans vs the sx stem from poisonous accumulations, and si re lieves the. liver of the burdens iuiHiMd upon it by the defection ,f other nr-pans. for hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all Kinds, you cannot take any thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I had a ttrnltl c.ucli fnr weka. Thn t t'-Hik Aver's Clirrv loi.r. and only un lott -otii(l)'l) v riiint n Mn. J. r. Hwroitni. St. J.tenh. Mtch. VH-. JI.W. J. C AVER CN.. htate. The Republicans of the Sth District meet on that dare to uomi unto a. candidate joV ('ongTess. -'Zig Zag" Linney aui " Drummer Boy" Rlackbnm ( who really lives at Gfevns lxro in the'oth District), have Nen fighting ani abusing each other so badlv that it is i.)ssible lMth will l. 'laid aside, in which event it is aid THIS WILL INTRRKST MnTHLRS that 'CJu-i'"" Pric, of Saiisburv. mav ' be 'nominate j. The Democrats of that District appear, to be greatly divided also, one county al-e Caldwell ) fur nishing two . can Udatcs. Newlan land Iowcr. The official h-vii of U. S. District Attorney "Oscar J. Spears ha at- last fallen 'under tli- axe. after more than a year's delav, and -tocia-y there i a vancy in that offi.' here, friction letween Judge PurneR and Mr. Sjiears was. the primary cau. of liis losing the job. but there were other reason- that contribute! that result. vnpi-Uot.-r than th- r in.tlj , 1 Vruiu. j ..r , t har t V feu l ..t j. it -t, . tn.:-rl i-..mm. It U Jl-l tf..r- ts n iKr lie. nt ... -f m r,ij, w 1 i -t uy t:,-ul ali ! c t r-cii. 1 mti. 'Mih V.t k i i Mr U it rtiiua, n3" d i 1 t.r.sl tl,t .ar, I.arxl ..tJ,f t.Mt: I f .:i sl tl-i'rrtti, an 1 i-,n ;ht it r-irt , 1 r;r tf If .! .Iv. r-l ani. j r .myt iv .u. -.. ru;: ff..t-i t'. t..-,.f vfvnAv : a! . if. Jl ti ,,mB - , - fM;l .l!.r,. ,t ..f J..Jf . IM-Ii ul A llf" t. llif'tnif. l-van f 'uu. i r .t riar t . .r 1. run slrenstitn it r-notatr.. n..r v ;. i1. i.r - A reward of $10,000 has been denositcd rm t rr m ft m. mm t f m - t ! bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonial is genuine; that we hold in our possession authentic letters certifying to the same, livery one of our vs- ,,ttiuiiti a rc-genuine anu in ine worus of the one whose name is append-f Mother Gra 's Sweet Powders for Children mire Feverishue. Ra iStom-, ach. Teething Di-orders. Rnike up Cold, move and regulate the Rowels an 1. Destroy Worms. Thev never tail. Over :;ooo testininni.ib gists. -.v. Sample mailed t' dress. Alien S. )linsf.-d. .L WHY NOT? Let us BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME DO Yor WANT STKKXGTII? Coughs, Colds Yt)U Will haatan rarnwarw K w taW. Ins ono of Ayor t PiUs t bedtime. If you want to increase your strength you mnt add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food tlvat you eat must ! digest'.!. :iiini. lated and appropriated l.v the nerves. Mood and fisu ldore U-iug exjudKil from tlie intestines. Kodd DvMiii;i itiss;ii. His successor h is not vet Ccr'' ndU x" fl"' I'i'VsiraL If give v i . . .. . streugth ti and builds nn tin-tri'iifth , ttt in the human sy.M-m. It i. pl.ml lutaker, of Halt lax.- N . H. arbor- to the taste and palatable !U,.i the ou!v ougli. ot rranklm. George H. Lutler, combination of digestants that Mill of Sampson. K. A. Johnsson (colored). l,,iJ,f t-l and i nable the Mstciu to ofW,,...an,otl,,s,r, -n.n.W- j.,. in, eonneect ion with the plac-. The j L. Sapp. FRKAf-i Inside and Out By Furnishing You With fr ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES o 0 o 0 I OR THi: INSIDM AND MASTIC PAINT 1 Ok TH21 u!T:!:. THIS COMBINATION CANNOT IJIv HMATMN. IAV NOX NIGHT. Giles & Montgomery Hardware Company, Headquarter lor all sort of Hardware, Farming Implements. Hugjjie. Waon and Harness. Kei!-::e. ... N C. Established 1880. 24 Yeai-s Sold Basiriess Experience at .Your Service. M. ANDRE V S. WW li We are now conducting one of the largest Furniture and Music Establishments in the South. Rcliabilitv, Good Values. Monev Saved, llmt'sthcjudumcnt of and the feeling of the Public relative to'Andrcws and his Established Business Principles. - - Low Prices for 1904. - - TJhe advanU-- we have in the having is like laying for cotton wU:i '.iU: :t worth : ;c. Wc caught the raa-ket n-h: :or quantities which will se uji through for the ear. Qo-Carts and Carriages. Oar Srst seisca's shipment oi Cart has arrived. Wc have the let line made. Call in and lock over ibec. Andrews' Perfection Trav Trunk 1 !be '.-.: at! Tie hrA that l-.'.u 'be ; tre band ll it !le . Ste 7' . I B. M. ANDRE W S, We ck Kisy Method YzTzlizre s Wc rirc Crm 7:ii Saa;. Lj ' GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. - si