I I WEBSTER'S WEEKLY. ' 1 - : "THE WEALTH OF THE MIND 18 THE OJSiT WEALTH J9 bi, xxxii. J. B. WEBSTER, Editor and Prop'r. REIDSVILLE, N. C, SEPTEMBER 15, 1904. SUBSCSIPTIOI OK DOLUS 1 TE1L NO. 37 VEIi AND OVER a GAIN. T,-r and r again. So matter which way I turn, ilwav- finfl iu the Book of Life c,jm. li-sHon.- I have to learn. jrt take my turn at the mill; I'mtift grin-l out t,,e Koden grain; jBU-t work at my task with a reso- inf' win Ov r an 1 over again. V r annot mcaf-ure the need of . v. n tlio tiniest nower. to flT ,-h. " k the flow of the golden sands ity Th.t tin tnrougn a single nour; 1 - f- T Pat Ui(' fll" ' 1 "h i: v iuuji mil, : .1 II Vnii the anrl summer ram lf;i.t i! ) th"ir part ana periorm it au (n-. r an I over again. v. r ari l over again TV hrook- through the -meadow flows, . n ov. r and oyer ajrain Ti.t- iKiiifl-rous muiwheel goes; ,,)( l.ing will not traffiee, Th itili doing i' not in vain, V ri'l a hiding' failing ns once or twice ! Mav r)tn- it we try again. Selected WASHINGTON LETTER. W,i!.i'u'ton, I) .C., 'Sept. 8. Since v la-t l' ttcr great activity has mani- . .r. 1 it- If at the Congressional head- In.irr'T' "I nil" nviuiniauv iai lu ' e .1... t, ; . i itv. Instead of leaving here and lining me .auuiiai vjimmiiee hi .i x-.. . r 1 : 11. i u-.v Vork city, as was contemplated month ago, it has been decided that in i-t of tlie effort for the reeov- trtv will tie made here. In the-suite it r, ,i,i, -it flio Ritrirs Ifinsfi is a Iatpp. I.vnuu on which are marked the close :-tri'-ts in tlie dinerent orates wincn :. t'i ! earnestly contested prior to .(IV. ( iin;Ti'Hiiiii!i Cowherd will make i klv visits to the home of the Dem- r.it:r .National uommittee- in the iVntury Huilding, opjosite the Wal- Tf Astoria in Now York, where will xifii(l d during these weeks not 4 than f',000.000, and probably an r f i,()0.(K)0. in making tlie Anier- ui jmoi.U' acquainted with Judge hirU-r an 1 acquiescent in the prin- . 1 1 s nf tin platform upon which he hitiiR In the ro:-rm in the Century 'uiMiiig the chief man whose word is Lw for the time beiDg is not Taggart Sheehan or .Murphy,' or Delancy ici.ll, hut it is August Belmont. It h- who stanls at the wheel and di rt all movements.. lie raised the luoii.-y that paid the cost ol the St l-miis convention, and he is financing' K iiati' iial canitiaicn. He is a r-',v '.. urn lent, sa unc i cms man. at i - - - c.i!i-i r1it ive and bold, who will i loir imoi'v until-he knows nist III- it i. tni IT!..- rtf-t fift'iirf ii-ill Vin ' ; III? Hll I UV; L II lil 1U lu',.. N"v ork sure, for I'arker. N -v York has not al'.vays been !" :ivi'il". Her vote was. hot cast i r.-' Washington' when he was rt"l m i !'., the. State not having I a-i , ! t-:o;-;;1 law. North Caro- ln '-"l Kh'oV Kland did not vote " y ar i ither, because' thev had not '"'. 1 tli" Const itutiou. . iv.o riitions of- tlie Democratic i!!:l-:!srn hook will soon be isued. :" will, appear next week. - The "'is l.av.. hwn revised and correct Hi" lirt edition will make about I'Unlrel printed races, and will ".ufarg-r type and better paper than ' K.-puUican text-book. Tbi? second h:;on will contain the letters of ac pt.imv and discussions of the , tariff pt a:il wae questions. tiitor I'aris (iibson was in town lay an 1 he reports that there is " t i.t. trouble out West. In 't'.t;in .1 S. n.uor Clark's son threaten-, 1 t. ' r"!i tor Congress and if he does so ' v a produce a financial element k Me 1 .to'-his personal popular ' :Il t e very likey to elect him and 9 Sometimes the hair is not rropcriy nourished. It suffers r food, 'starves. Then it ,al's out, turns prematurely eraV. Ayer'sHair Vigorisa HairVi li-Tiood. it feeds, nourishes. hair stops falling, grows 'ong ; and heavy, and all dan- , appears. ',T. VT Wl' mlnjt oat terrlt.ly. Iwii r'i M ' ' " """'"l It- Hut ATtr'l Jl;r ''. ' .''' '"r T1 the failing, and tuo -'l-s. K. k Winn lir.iilr.- V J J. C. ATER CO.. t.pwell. 1 . for roor Hair 0 gor carry the State for Parker. It is be ttered that a very heavy Democratic vote will be cast in the cities if the Clarks become personally interested. Then there are troublous times fore shadowed in Colorado and Washington while Nevada is confidently set in the Dembcraitc column. Very little money will come out of the Democratic campaign in an effort even reduce the Republican major- in Pennsylvania. But Democratic leaders there are determined to di minish the names on the assessors' lists and it is asserted that every fictitious name on the list is known to Democratic workers and that the as sessors will be asked to strike these names off under threats of arrest and prosecution. In many wards in Philadelphia as sessors have been more discreet than usual because of the presence of de tectives aud in some instances they have refused to pad the lists inobedi ence to orders from Republican leaders (declaring that they would not take the chances One of the most notable gatherings the United States has ever known is that of the eight International Geog raphic Congress which meets to-day in this city. It is true that very few of the universities or colleges of this country maintain chairs of geography though geographical instruction is in the curriculum of almost every insti tution for higher, education in Europe. But geographical science has made a wonderful advance on "this continent and the assembly of the Congress here is doubtless a recognition of that fact. The most prominent Americaus in con nection with the Congress are V. J. McGee Chief of Anthropology at the Worlds' Fair, Grove K. Gilbert and Henry Gannett, of this city and Prof. Wm.'M. Davis of Harvard. It will be a moveable Congress holding its ses sions from city to city throughout the Unite i States and Mexico. An interesting incident which will attract the attention of this Congress i is the discovery this summer ol a groat mass of masonry on Capitol Hill, within 8QP feet of the Capitol itself indicating the existence of a buried city quite known to archaeology. The discovery has been made by the exten sive excavations on the site of the new palace to- be erected for the offices of the members of Congress. This site lias been covered with buildings er ected on virgin soil since the begin ning of the "last century, j-et now far below the foundations of these houses have been unearthed fragments of other edifices unknown to history or tradition. As the North American udians did not build cities of masonry the question arises whether there was a people upon tne rotomac coeval with the Aztecs and Toltecans and if so what was "their name and station age and race." It is called mimic war this march- ins and countermarching of battalions . regiments and brigades across a hund red square mile of Virginia this week; but it is hoped that something more important than diversion will result from- the expenditure of the million and a half of money appropriated to the manouevers by Congress. Thirty thousand men are there and their officers are trying to solve'the problem! of handling largo bodies of soldiers over the diversified surface of an act ual battle-field. The Brown and Blues have doubtless indulged in some com- plicated movements in the effort to force each other in different directions without any display of force. The Blues, numbering 15,000 under Gener al Fred Grant marched from the Poto mac westward against the Browns of 15,000 under General Franklin Bell operating in the Shenandoah Valley. They have pecipirated themselves up on each other and cut each other up fearfullv like the angels in Paradise Lost, that annihilated each other without the slightest damage. i Up to date in this third battle' of Bull Run. the Browns have held the Blues at Kay. It is said that they em ployed the same tactics which made Stonewall Jackson successful and fam ous. But Gen. Grant, -who is iu his father's shoes, and possesses many of his characteristics, may vet be able to stem tlie tide, of war and claim a technical victory. The visiting militia 'from the Northern States express themselves as delighted with the cool nights, and satisfied with the sleeping and eating arrangements- A STITCH IN TIME. Tliis old" adage applies to diseao as wll .is ti r?rs i.is nf Rvri-ili . Elixir will arrest a cold or an attack of I'ncnmoma or LaGnppe and pre - vent their development. Keep a bottle "of Rvdale's Elixir in the houso. the "stitch" can be taken in time." Chas. Fetzer. SUFFERED MY Two Robust Women Who Owe Their and Usefulness to Pe - ru III J ; -v ! Mrs. J. E. Finn. MRS. J. E. FINN, 82 East High St., Buffalo, N., Y., writes : The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen: "A few years ago I had to give up social life entirely, as my health was completely broken down. The doctor advised a complete change and rest for a year. As this was out of the question for a time, I began to look around for other means of restor ing my health. 7 had often heard of Peruna as an excellent tonic, so I bought a bottle to see what It would do for me, and It certainly took hold of my system and rejuvenated me, and In less than two months I was In perfect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a dose or two of Peruna Is all that I need."- Mrs. J. IS. Finn. Pelvic catarrh is a phrase coined by Dr. Hartmsn, covering all that large Clas of diseases that used to be known STATE NORMAL OPENS SEPT. rJX President Charles D. Molvpr. nf th gtate Normal au1 illllUstrial College. in an interview to-daj- said : 4 'The State Normal will begin its thirteenth year on the 2Uth of this month. Its enrollment last year was 537 and the enrollment this 3ear will exceed that number. The new dormi tory is now nearing completion and the three other dorimtory buildings : will accommodate 420 boarders. Forty or ntty students will board in the private homes near the collepe and the local patronage is usually between 75 and 100. "The faculty will be strengthened this year by the return of Dr. Dixie Lee Bryant, who has just returnwi from her three-year leave of absence in Germany with the degree of Ph. D. won by a year's study at Ilcidel burg, and two years study in the Va varian university inErlangen. "Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson, who with an assistant, has had the senior and freshman science work during Dr Brvant's absence, will continue witl the college, he and Dr. Bryant divi l ing the work heretofore done by one of them and an assistant. "ut. Anna ai. uove. tor sieven years resident physician and for the pat two years engaged in general practice at YonLers. N. Y., will re turn as resident physician of the col lege. A numlxrof former graduates will return for such additional as is necessary to secure the A. B. or S. B. degree and among the btudents for special work will t-? several graduates of other instutious for women. 4,A youngw oraaa who graduates in course I. or IV. can ) nd an addition al vtar at the Normal College and take Iter degrt-e or !:e can u:r t!.e ; Universitv of North Carolina and in one year earn the dejrree. Application for a dmisjdon to the collfjre have come from PennsylTania, YEARS WITH A COMPLICATION or Ruth Emerson as lemaie weakness. Ti lower port in l of the aUlomen I ralhtl by anatoiit the jxdvi. Tin crran crr.t-.!nc in this j-rtion .f tho t-nlvar l.n..-.n r thip. lvi.c rira-. T!i-f art e-v-ri-f thci i, vtrv ut dual' an I v rv u?j.s,-n., catarrh, i'cw uvLiui i:i"pc tuurciy South Carolina, Florida ? Mai a ua. mt as a Large numUT , Caro-: ina applicant could s admit- ted, it has been nece.s.. .i exclude all applicants from otl er Statea." Greensboro Record. WHISKEY MEDICINES. The temperance press is emphasizing the danger to the home in the ujm? of "medicines" which are loaded with whiskey or alcohol. In thin repfct. as well as in their remarkable charact- er of their en res, Dr. Pieree'i medi- si " ---7 v If J I T V. . VT ""w"'giTe SS jounda of txlr floor ant ! Dr.' Pierce's Golden Medical Diacovery ... and "Favorite Presrciption" contain nnd of Wn TU- " no alcohol, whiskey or other intoxi- cant, and are equaly free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. Every ...... . . w sle s Common fcen.rt .Meiical Alvi'-'r, pent absolutely free, on receipt of stamps to pay expend of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent ptamps for the Uiok in plain iper covers, or 31 tampa for cloth tinding. Addres Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y". THE WINSTON FAIR. A lettter from Wimdon telU na tUt the jic-ople there ar making xU-oiTe preparations for the Big Fair, which ojvn Oct. 4. Winston has the reputation of doing things on a big -cale, and if rejort an- true this year theV will OUtdo them 1t Th raanagfm-nt la " r r 1 twi bands of music, and arraii-l br of the ma-t f-ntertaining fn- attrac-. tions ever n--n in 1 1 Suth. Tif Midwav this var w ill c;t r arr .f 1 ground. Th- cuuntry j-.i h' ar-jfjf "- r ;t r; ' :-"' ? ?' i'-"1" t'iorjugbly mt-rf.-t-l. anl w;ll oairoiJowr a !ttr tcrt.-.-t tl u an the gocnl ty t.'i u.ocan :. r.xcur-. sion rat on all ma I Th usnji men of the city are arraninc for a M?rie of danc-a ani reot ; tion. All wIm) can do nhcull atunl the R.g Winston Fair. FEMALE DISEASES. Restored Health - na. Thankful Uomcsn Wtio riac Gcen Cured by Dr. Ilartman's ! rec Treatment. MU Rath Utr.tn, '2 brr mor Su. r.affKl . N. r ju" : "I turftrcd for tmo yrjrt .r trrtzvtsr and palntul mecttms tfoo, sod Ptruam currd mr A la tlx ttkt. I MB!ct tell ) eu bow grateful I tecL A ny rr rxj which btinrt txitih snj Uttgx to the mttlkteiS I s!m sj m ntl com friend, and t-fjy market It to filled It h uvtie and tnjariovt medUlnet thtt it ha picture to know it $o rc.. blc a remedy at ou r-c Uftrt the pobllc" Mitt Ruti Cmeron. caurrh of i!m n:r.: W'l. 1 difference m tde!;l,ttirv n ill la re.::iy Jike. p. runtd not trpre theo co !v tTr.- rtrjjy raltlc tlr. ; frame ympl'.m. lu: by a rrni'ii &1 of iu ran 'ufy tr at:-i"t.t !oe : Urcc tnu:iltud ft women rprn:ti!4y going freta d u r t dtr totrohf l J trrairamt, ith list! or no reu!u In Peruna t h women r.nd a p tu.Tj i and iermantit rut. ImlUO'-n vf !'e-r l. Pi run a La ctr? f : be rsnlJ a it, grratrl remvjy f r catarrh la th ui!i. At Crl sora;elIt ..ri trlci Wderjy thl atd ln1ted that their remedies win jut pool. This wsji fouai to bvlmpoatlble.t-w rrcr, ari bow Ixlta tiozit ir pnr.sfB up every Ke. To ueceifnlly pa!m oft as !rn!at:o or i rrura o ir a hurt time 1 ur i$ t a ni' jT.akini tej.r iu: r. "je whi ha rtir i.irn . p run a ran ! f ! I cm t;e loiiiaiion. r' w -i idrazzUt fju!d e'.lr.ei f tlrt. l!r pr-ha r b'-n'd l U ryr ' :V.y .,- lpakave ..f Peruna I - i " re that l t-Mtiu-r .n!v r vff a .d !r- Ir. lUrimn. If. i tt ..f Tbc lUrtn.aa Saa:ta4;uu.Cw:-u.U;,U TO OUR FRIENDS AND P.TRN, . We want to v that we lt. tn trrindlny vner rh. at dr.r-.r : ff. iA . r - - r . - - - - . - .crop vara and found it l ard to give ati?acion on account of the quality of the wheat, hut we haTe a fine quality of wheat th yxr, and f guarantee perfect Kativfactton for Tery buhe I of wheat ground at our rail! that 0 junda or we will pay ft. 00 jwr buh I for It. We weigh CTerr bushtl of wheat w grind, and ( farmer hear la Ulf zM la mcanriDg Ida wheat and I rsnt it to n, jt Wr!;! f.j jCnd. to the ,nnei. te C ur and I ran ozt of , th Jtorl Ste P,an K of wl.at. " nv ai he do. tle i x-cn la. We don't do like t.'.a ta.Il, U;a to r::jroV I,::,'; ::, r: ! don't do it either, ur.b they late! 'ovrr V trj-sii la of vLit l. fh- 1 ! ' 1 . . . . . .-:.t. v 1 . l" ",u' "ri .,"-r ' t fore yoa carry it to tVr r.iM ul wt ish it wlien yea Irmg jt to r, arsl ! you will vi ber u pt tb -.t r- clt. If a miller I. a f.rdy p- ;r. t - at Vj x, t nf 1 t rr'w take oct ' r 4 juun ! f f iur t t! , j,.at.b. jrir. . v-.i .. 1 to ! man tf.at c t 1 1) - n .11 a a 1 1 ott. r. Tlaakmg cn f. r :at fatf r.e U rrrr-aic. R' ;-tf cl!r '.-.-a. J. II. WALKER A. Hi iIUi t.Till, N. C . Ac?. 2. :'4 UN THE WING 5;i. la. IfkH. Eiitor Weekly vI aa irtia ott ea ray t.oal Fitr f4! Ut $ tootly pt!!!. rem tu r-xt lerv tt t.aa ia! a rUv. It da'l now l) roc&trr wilt 1 to ta trr4 ror rrt it fna lb VTei era taarketa. Tlt U la Lie fam!r. ToUcro la tMa Mglt Labi Mnic l tea CKwtly rat aal cxrl Tt ntrr ar rl aal lSer will a & 14 of ota art lAif tU w).er they bae rr& cp aal I wa prr;rati ia fcr Ut. Tle ir-iatry e-ema to t UJfl.letolfcf la xi Ikp that farascf will U a btt pr iu.l fauDf tia tt ta Ua tt eral Jrara There i rjoife a aefi. rirdeT cm. Ja the t. rtJ-ra jaft.fOnrx r oaty a Ut Kriiay titbit Tl trtira!ara. far a I c tMlara tl.iru. ar a fu'lowa: It a;-;r tluit Tora llara-r'a wife atl J, N. Ilartr. !r !at)er-in lar. t1 t.a.4 mtu tt . m an the wl.ipl f.rr; le r.re rst wartaat ariat i.izt. a:l iVjty .l.ersff J- Nifhi U ett la amt J. N. Harner. H rri.vl arttt aat NirhoU fit an! rl a Mr. Prt la ai l Ida. tn ilir retera tly total HaiXer In Ibe f1i; Hi'.l rrUtet TTM U wbra Nf ! '. atUtc;4isl i rrt biro HartM-r l.ita 1! r tU th- makfle of the lfi arts. -ticg tb- main artery. Mr, A. J, Tith-y and two otbrr tiea t a Ni! U 1 a m to rirry bin Ube. t.t ! di! b-fore rf!inc there, ( at r.e r U yet at larr. He i - a ery t:nrrrt.o man. in IKC l iiarl a Mr. lsrn CUymn to ieatli. an! I learl t)iat ! 1. wlea le rtt to !.t hrf!J Nifh tUt !- 1 a.1 kllbi one axaa anl !e as Other. Tt abnr laformatia waa f lira roe ly Mr. A. J.Tlllej aa1 I am aatii fied it it correct. !le;wrtfc!lr. U. II. HARDY. At Roxboro A re;rsrt Un aajf that Haraer tuia Iwea irmtfl. IL HOW Tt P1XTURK A VIGOROUS RODY AND Ml?D. Hltb .f !r Jt an1 ola14epral w mi tl- Ualth 'of U iU&wlt. Th train, ll-e t rw-rt- ih iKa-. in f acf.etery r?jran c f 1 o;n ile I'rfTrli fcr ttirjiM. TJ t't:a !. w rr fo dirt at1 aM.asi late fi twZTv tl trtrlh o( !! an 1 rutb 1. ( n ir- bin t! r nu in trtf t! an 1 f Riale M.?uar!j Tal ill !!p . v ff -sr tr-it !e T1 intsre t-fi 4 i ,f'' :j it n at t i?-w ;-? b-.!, f nl tt .M U. M 'ii.vh Tl!i.i.rr !U MfH j fVfri Jt'Jr',?' 7alli. l 'u. !t cf re lit- .!;t. : I . J !. trial taniu a Ir4 ta Iwun lxt Wachovia Loan & Tiust Co 11 Of: Winston, - - N. C. la adiitioa to dot r e i general Risking and hav iz Bua":r.fM. t!vo act x Trustee, Guardian of Orphan Children and Ad- rhinistrators of Estates. It caic a SpexUl Rci ct cf thia lice of nctk, ! with an tx;Ticr.ce of c'.ctctj 5 car, a tLcrrocjjh kr.oIc-Jr;c cf the CzV.rt incilcst to tbc Ur.ll.rj cf ota'.r. ar. 1 the aW,;ctc irnrnur.ity frtn lo-a wL;;b : gna'antcT! ! y :t Large Capital. cr ; rr- 2:-J 1 1 icrc the; .1 in t-c 1 . .a ilj r. . . . . 1.. Ihrc t.or., X: a m $600,000 $3,445,451.19 Ar. ! a-cVvf