r WEBSTER'S-WEEKLY.-" UT HE WEALTH' OF THE MIND IS THE ONLY TRUE WEALTHS' I. xxxiv J. R. WEBSTER, Editor and Prop1!. REIDS71LLE, N. C, AUGUST 0, 1906. SUESCRIPTI03 OIE EOLLiB i TUB. NO. 32 LITTLE FEET. j;tl feet, so small that both .tn(f hand r . one ra;""" ' . . , . Pe'f; mysterious jwiu, lit iT-ril in140"1 i cSfntnre st far a woman h loau ; f:u woman has the heavier sr'lt-n. "waits the hardest road. (0r a wiiiie. win mase ine patn orf tlifui j..intv stnnnth and fair? j cull away uie Drancnes; letting only ier0es blossom there, frlit n mother's watchful eyes are from aielit of men. j th-c rlf-ar feet are left without i..r fuifliiiK .hall direct them then? vr will thev. be allured, betrayed, ccluiir'l " 'jor little untaught icet! j what dreary mazes will they itiank''-rs will theyineet? liiity stumbling blindly in the c.rrow tearful shades? SuI tl.f'".pland slopes of peace aud i-.tn'y. .j.f Minliht never fades? :! i1.! v o- toiling up ambition's sc::iJ;ii-t." le r::!!iion VTOrld above? . it; sn!;o nameless valet securely J . It !.-!, ' . . . " 'ili.V i.- by side witli love? in t there be which walk life's tr:irk nnwounded. Tli cii li ml but pleasant wa3's; . - hearts, there he to which this i:: is only. roun 1 of happy davs, ;:ht v are are few. Far more there k who wander Tiout a Jiope or friend; jcli'l tlieir journey full of pains t"i losses. ; . J :ilong to reach the end. . 'shall it be with her the tender Stranger, fiir faced and gentle-eyed, .'in: whose unstained feet the norld's rough-highway ... ntches so rude aud wide? ivho may read tlie future? For onr darling - crave all blessings sweet. ijTay that He who feeds the cry ing ravens k ill guide'tho baby's feet. Elizabeth Akers Allen. MOB LYNCHES THREE. Salisbury. N. C.f Aug. 6. A mob of three thousand men. shortly before II o'clock tonight forcibly entered Rowan county jail at Salisbury, re moved therefrom threfr nf tha fir v v j negroes charged with the'murder of the Lyerl? family at Barber Junction, July 13th, and lnyched tbem. Nease and John Gillepsle and Jack Dillingham, suppoed to be the prin. cipals to the crime, were the victims of mob vengeance. The remaining negroeg. Henry Lee.George Ervin and Bella Dillingham, were not molested and latei tonight officers hurried them off to the woods for safety. The mob began gathering at sundown. Mayor Boyden promtly ordered the saloons closed and with other prominent citi zens, United States Senator Overman and Judge Long who was holding the special term of court to trv the ne groes, and Solicitor Hammer gathered on the jail steps and addressed the crowd which at that time numbered two thousand. There were howls and 1 been he was told that the governor wished to speak to him over the long distance phone. He was then informed by Governor Glenn that a large mob was threaten ing the Salisbury jail and ordered him to asesmble bis company at once, ask the Southern Railway for a special train and report to Judge Long in Salisbury. A tew minutes later he received a telegram from Governor Glenn, mark ed 11.08 o'clock, giving the same orders. The task of collecting the company was at once begun. The first men who appeared at the armory were dispatch ed in search of others, and the crowd quickly gathered. The Southern Rail way Company said that an engine and coach would be ready not later than 12.30 o'clock. At about half past eleven a rumor was circulated on the streets to the effect that the prisoners had been lynched. Captain Hobgood was in formed of this, but said that he had ordered by the eovernor to take cat calls from the mob, but at that J his copmany to Salisbury and to Salis IX SELF DEW Iijor Hamn, editor ENSE ind manager of CniMitutionalist, .Eminence,' Ky., was fierecelyl attacked, four s ao, by Piles, bought a box of kirn's Arnica Sal :e. of which he "It cured . me in ten days and trout ! since." Quickest healer of as. Surcs, Cuts and AVouuds. -jc V, S. Allen's and Fetzer & Tucker's s .-tores.- HENRY COUNTY, YA.. MAX BECOMES INSANE IN ROCKINGHAM. A very-pitiful case came to the ice of the Governor yesterday, when received a message from the sheriff Rockingham county, N. C. that toner Meeks, who was formerly an ffcteof the Eastern State Hospital "'illiamsburg. and who had been only three months, had again p)ne insane. The unfortanate ma 11 be turned over to the sheriff of county, and through him will f turned to the authorities of the Warn from which he came. eeks was thought to be entirely r-i; an,1 in tUa litrhf rt fha frf ,ce is all. the more pitiful. Rich Joi Times-Dispatch. Afu Hair is Sera even stop & you like it? Then whv be contented with it? Hare e? Oh, no! Just put on Hair Vigor and have Jnt, thick hair; soft, hjir. But fipcf nf Vour- hair: from coming out. r wnat .you have. Ayer's natr Vigor will not disappoint you- It feds the hair-bulbs; es weak hair strong. , bestklndofatestimoni!- ' ria tor QTftr lxty year. Que C. Am Co.. Lowell. : o nuobotutri of f SAKSAPAVILA. time there was no move the mob lacked a leader. FIRST ATTEMPT TO ENTER. While citizens were appealing to the mob, two men silpped through the crowd and were entering the jail with hammers. They were discovered and arrested. Thhe.mob continued its yel ling, but there was still no concerted move. . About 9 o'clock Mayor Boyden call ed upon the local militia company, the Rowan Rifles, for aid. They as sembled quickly, but were supplied only with blank cartridges, having no orders to shoot to kill. Fireman McLendon, of Charlotte, a Southern Rajlway emplo3e. was shot in the stomach by a bullet said to have been fired by a member of the mob. He was fatally wounded. Wil liam Troutmari; a negro drayman, was also seriously shot at about the same time. Another man, whose name could not be learned, was also shot. These men are said to have been accidently wounded by wild firing by members of the mob with the evident intention of frightening citizens. At 10 o'clock the mob was augment ed by fully 500 men, who came, it is said, from Wliitnev. It was but a few minutes after their arrival when a crowd of-fifty, forming a sort of flying wedge, made a break for the jail doors, overpowered the officers and effected an entrance. The great crowd oustido surged in behind the leaders and in a few moments 'more emerged from the door with their victims. The nesnoes were quietly marched north ward toward Speucer but a halt was made at Henderson's ball grounds in the edge of town. There the negroes were given time to confess the crime. They refused to either deny or con fess and were so thoroughly frigthen ed as almost to have lost the power of speech. John Gillespie wept piteous ly and begged for his life. BURNING FAVORED. Tiring of its efforts to secure state ments from the negroes at midnight the mob began to vote on the best way to dispose of them. A vote showed a sentiment in favor of burning but this was abandoned. The process of death was slow. The men were drawn up and as the man walked out from them the rope broke. Thev were drawn up singly again and when all were disposed of the crowd of five thousand was ordered to sit- down while the leaders shot. An incalculable number of shots were fired into the bodies of the wretches and one rope was cut in two. The crowd then dispersed and went home. By 12.30 o'clock it was all over and a half hour later nothing remaiaed of the immense threng that had packed the streets, but a few groups of citi zen discussing the lynching. NONE WOULD CONFESS. noorcre Ervin was taken from the jail with his associates and closely questioned. Then the mob led him back to his cell. Nease Gillepie main tained his innocence to the end. The other two would neither confesss nor deny the crime. Ed Barber, a relative of the murdered men, followed the mob with the prisoners to the scene of the Inyching and pleaded with them to return the negroes to the jail and let the law take its course, but the mob declined to heed him. TO APPREHEND MEMBERS OF MOB. Warrants will be issued tomorrow for those members of the mob whose 1 names are known to the authorities and proceedings wiU be instituted against them. At 1 1. 10 o'clock Capt Hobgood was ing packed "I didn't want bnry he was going, lynching or no lynching, unless the governor personal- ly countermanded the order. Shortly after 12 o'clock he was rold by a policeman that the governor had Dhoned to'police headquarters orders for the Greensboro company not to go and a few minutes later the governor repeated this order to Captain Hob good. When the captain returned to the armor3 to inform his company, fifty rounds of "not cartridges." contain ing three buckshot each, were being issued to the men, a thousand round? I of regulation ball cartridgess were be- to be taLen as a reserve. to hurt anybody," said Captain Hobgood, speaking of the question of ammunition, "but we were ordered to protect the Salisbury jail and I did not intend to be caught napping. We might have been held in Salisbury a week for all I know." In his last phone message the governor thanked Captain Hobgood for his promDtness and informed him that the state would pay all expenses incident to assembling the company and geting the train in readiness. ' "A BLOT ON STATE," S AS Y GOV ERNOR. Raleigh. N. C. Aug. (. Governor Glenn was at 11.10 tonight told of the mob by Judge Long, over the tele phone. He at once wired orders to the military companies at Charlotte. Greensboro and Stateville to hurry by special trains to Salisbury. Finding these were too late he countermanded the order. He states that some time ' ago he offered the sheriff the service of militia, but the offer was declined as unnecessary. He declares the lynch ing a blot on the state, and says he will at once take steps to discover and bring to justice the guilty parties. It has caused more laughs and d ed more ; tears, wiped away diseases and driven away more fears than any oth er nffdicine in the world. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. So cents. Tea or Tablets. Fetzer & Tucker. bitter end. The cases against the sur viving defendants, against whom true bills were. found, were continued until the regular term of Rowan cuort. NEG ROES' BODIES MUTILATED. Long before the sun rose curious persons went to the scene of the lynch ing and cut off the toes, the fingers and -ears of the negroes who were bung to the limb of a big tree on Henderson's baseball grounds. The bodies were badly mntilated be fore they were removed. It looks as if a lot of sorry fellows, assisted by a few good citizens, from the scene of the Lyerly murder, did the work. When the court was convened this morning there was a slight d ini unit ion in the crowd, though every seat was taken. There was noticeable suffering written on the face of Judge Long; his attitude was yet determined, but it was changed completely. His refer ences yesterday to mob talk were al ways characterized as vaporings. of the menmost interested here and most anxiou3 to see the trial proceed. He .appeared to fear violence less. His disappointment and, humiliation are complete. The first thing dispatched this morn ing was a continuance of the case un til the regular term. Solicitor Ham mermade the motion and in doing so said tye prisoners had been taken to the Mecklenburg jail 'and the sum moning ot the special venire stopped. Jadge Long replied that he would make the order. He then turned to the crowd and in a clear slow voice full of feeling, said: JUDGE LONG'S ADDRESS. "There was a venire called here to try this case, this morning at 10 o'clock. The grand jury had found a true bill and the court had made an ordersthat two hundred veniremen ap pear at the court house that the case might be investigated according to law. -But last night when the court had become satisfied shortly before that the best sentiment in this county would uphold the laws of the land and stand by the courts in its adminstra tion of the law, a band of men broke into the jail, took three of the prison ers cat, and lynched them, as the court s informed. - "I will say to the citizenship in my hearing that if there is any law abid ing men in Rowan county, and there are such, I would be glad to have your presence here during the sitting of this court, but if there are men here for an unlawful purpose, I say to them that it would be well for yon to disperse and go to your homes. God Almighty reigns and the law is still supreme, mis court wu nut aujuuru until this matter is investiagted. "Gentemen of the grand jury. I am not going to discharge you this morn ing, but I will retain you here. I hope you will keep calm and serene. Retire to your room and proceed with your deliberations and investigations. 1 will call you for further instructions later on. " t SALISBURY QUIET. MILITIA AT SALISBURY. Charlotte, N. C, Aug-. 7. Tonight three companies of the North Carolina National Guard, one command from Statesville. a company of infantry and a battery of artillery from Charlotte, surrround the jail at Salisbury, while sentries with loaded guns and orders to shoot to kill patrol the four streets that flank the prison. There have been threats and rumors of threats all day and into the night, but there has been no demonstration only the general feeling cf disquietude and unrest. Crowds thronged the city's streets far into the night, but there is little liquor in evidence and it is believed the worst is over. George Hall, the ex-convict from Montgomery county who is supposed to liave led the mob which lynched the three alleged murderers of the Lyerly family last night, is in the jail the plan to rescue him from the dutches cf the law, mmors of which caused Governor Glenn to hurry troops to Salisbury, has not materialized. The surviving negroes, Henry Le, George Erwin and two women, are safe in the jail at Charlette and there is no danger of violence to them. The special term of court which convenes to try the victims of aob vengeance, acting npon orders from Ike Governor. will not adjourn until every effort to convict tha leader of Hie mob has wn exhausted. The caa is being worked up and many a ire to are ex w-t tomorrow. The Governor is Salisbury, N. C Au-. 7. The city is quiet after the triple - lynching last night. George Imn and Henry Gil lespie and the wife of Jack Dilling ham, were taken to Charlotte this morning for safe-keeping. True bills for murder in the first degree were found by the grand jury yesterday against Irvln, Henry Gil lepsie and the Dillingham woman, but the mob did not disturb them last night. Henry Gillespie this morning stated that Dillingham had made a confession in the Charlotte jail that he and Nease and John Gillespie mur dered the Lyerly family. MOB LEADER ARRESTED. Raleigh. N.C.. Aug. 7. This after noon Governor Glenn received a tele gram from Judge B. F. Long, at Salis bury, to the effect that George Hall had been identified as a leader of the mob that lynched the alleged murder ers of the Lyerly family last night and be has been placed in jail; that evi dence was on hand against others and that the investigation is being pushed as rapidly and thoroughly as possible. Tiie Governor at the request of Sheriff Julian and Judge Long telegraphed an order to the military company at Charlotte last night to go to Salisbury at once and guard the jail to prevent the liberation of any alleged lynchers who may be arrested. Today J.C. McLendon, the Soutltern Railway engineer, who was shot in the mouth, it alive, but bis condition is serious. An officer is said to have shot tbe enjcicoKr as be was battering a window. Others say he was merely a spectator. Solicitor Hammer is securing names of witnesses of the lynching to plase -. ::.v.s- . . t. Nil .v.v.- -.-.-f. . .-.-.'.V. V.'.." 4i. - v .- .- .v. . -. ".V 4 vi L "W)vv..,.:.-.-.v-v. t s i UOIIEY and HEAL ESTATE If yon want to bay or tell a farm or business property or hare money tor lend or want to borrow, let me know, as I can be of service to you. J. II. A. PRICK. Real Estate Aent, StooeviUe, N. C July J4. 1900. 4 MRS. VIOLA MAMSMAU. MRS. MARSHALL SUFFERED WITH SYSTEMIC CATARRH. PE-RU-NA SAVED HER. 1 Mrs. Viola Marshall, 1117 East Jack son street, Springfield, 111., writes: "Fivo mouths ago when I sought your advice, end you told me that I was suffering from systemic catarrh, I had gotten so bad that t could not bear the Jolt of walking and bad to lie down most of the time. " I be an taking your Peruna and now I feel like a new woman. "I can walk just as far as I please without feeling any fatigue and I have taken only three bottles of Peruna. 'I shall never cease praising Peruna, cor thanking Dr. Hartman for his kind advice." Systemic catarrh claims many victims because this disease is not always un derstood, and therefore not correctly treated. What is needed is an internal catarrh remedy which exerts a healing effect on the mucous membranes of the entire body. Such a remedy is Peruna. The sin cere letters of those who have expe rienced its benefits in such cases arc evidence of its medicinal value. KPeruna is sold by your local druggist Buy a bottle today." Dr. J, W. McGeliec, Office same a formerly occupied by Williams & McGehee in a BASK OF RXIDSVILLK UUILDISO. 'Phone No. 50, Residence 'Phone 5A X Ray and Massage Treatment. Executor's Notics. Having qualified as executor of the will of David Settle, dee'd, notice U hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment duly proven, on or before the 5th day of August, 1W7, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Julv 31. 1VKW. JACK SAUNDERS. Exr. of David Settle, dee'd. Administratrix's Notice. Statement of Condition of Citizens ank, At Reiisville. N. C. close of business. June 13. 190C. RESOURCES. Loans and discount, Overdrafts, secured end unsecured. Furniture and fixtuies. Demand Loans, Due from Banks and Bankers, Cab items, Gold Com, Silver Coin, National Bank Notes and ether U. S. Notes, $239,419.91 Having been apiwintod Adrniuiftra tix of the estate of S. A. Lemons, de ceased, I hereby notify allperous liar ing claims against raid estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore the 10th day of July,lW)7, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery: all persons indebted to said estate are requested to settle the same at once. This July 3, 190T,. BETTIE LEMONS. 1 Admx. of S. A. Lemons, deceaeJ. Ira R. Humphreys, Atty. Hero's Jusf tho Right Bowel Laxativo Gentle, Sure Pleasant to Take A Tried and True, Genuine, ' Nature's Remedy. , If roa do rot hare f re1; e&nf iB3 w!if moTnent of tbe bowel you luck the irlro and first tswctial of rood health. Tbre' mor harm done than mere unoonjortAblrnr. lu- fi-Istiness and biilou A nc. retention of lotxl wastes in the bocrr 1 toions. You makp. tem the blood of a tout tain of t-i Infill vltallt.-'. ' tspation a r Dearly alwari trtth Vital Seek your Nature I penile, natural He sure not to crowd the dell the stomach ! rr of powerful lctnet Vour aafeir alwara aecured if you oc 4a formula is on every box .4 J fUnivi.l v. A 2.645.71 8,647 24 935 71 183 54 3 705 00 2.354 29 G.164 00 $2S8,347.23 Total,' LXJJBOJTIZa. ' Capital stock paid in. $75,000.01 Surplus fund, , 4 9,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses ami taxes paid, 4.730.70 Time certificates of deposit, 108.552.70 Deposit iMit to check, 3.911.94 Cahiers checks outstanding, 3.65L89 Accrued interest due de positors, 3,500.00 Total, t2S8,347.23 State of North Carolina, County of Rockingham,: LRU Watt, Caehicr of the abore named ' bank, ; do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and UJicL EL. Watt, Cashwr. Cometattest : C. H. Overman. Robert Harris. J. t Wray. directors Severn to and soscribed before this 30th day of June, 19C6. occtt FUlman, Notar luhlic. STRICTURES CORED. 7 to 21 Days . LITEST A'D MOST SUCCESS FUL TREATMENT. Jio pain. Call or write. THE SANITARIUM, 127 8. Main 8t., Winston Salem, C. polluvet. 1 rii uicn ao4 tbe circulatory r cavrnsrer lntrad, purest HfeaoJun- The III ofcro- l int lrlflin but f r&urht Lg-5incQc. relief la Acctt lb aid of Lax -eta I fore a o d cate orrass of Avoid all the Un Dd unknown mad- aod your balth ar ike Liiu. Tbe how it to your faro- Laz-eu are put up In a Sat nwtal cae in handy tabiet form one tablet taken be fore meala or on retiring' alwaya brinra relief. Pleaalnr to take the moat potent yet renUe of all rcmedlct a reouloe help of Nature' bowel laxatire which cures eoaaUpaUoa. Bee commended and for sale bj "ALL DEALERS" Mew OUR 1 usmes VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LA OILS. Roanoke. Va. Ufl, rvt.Z..W- 0 Cf ti b& . -r Vw 1 -l it ti tvrii. 5w !--. iurbdniM, ij;fcliar. Ctt 1 Kfea'a pmrry V- .y cf V"r.c-. f t cr btb. Xr resjm r -vt .-jtn t-a. I' .. M 1.'. f!-t.a . m.-Wy. . tA t a ' ' i 'l '" v trr. i. n.t;. rtvtvtm, v. lias become a permanent fixture having decided from the j Large Amount of Business we have done In the month, wc have been in Reidf ville to Remain Here Permanently We beg to announce to the eltfieoe of tbe town and county that we will continue to give the Very Best Service at REASONABLE PRICES. We are kept buy bat will always try to serve joa promptly and In every case Guarantee Satis faction. No job is too difficult for us to do and we take a delight fo Floe Watch Work. Previous engagement make it neeiry fr to be ont of town tome for the next two moutbi, but ail work Uft with Mr. J. 8. Unteher too at tbe a tore during my abeence will receive tbe very tame careful at tention upon my return as if kit with us persor ally, Tbanklnc yon for- your liberal patronage in the past I rolieit a eon tinuanee of tbe same In the future. Tours to terve, Tho Watch Man. X. ' J CBEStfTECTtXAL. ' informed that he was wanted at once RE1DSVILLE, K.C. atp th 10 lheto tkt . b ku.(.uii.CM lixai aiau...

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