WEBSTER'S EEKLY. 'TZZ WEALTH OF THE MIND 18 THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH:9 VOL. XXXVI. J. P. WEBSTRB, Editor and Prop'r. REIDS VTLLE. N. C, MARCH. 19, 1908. SDBSCRIPTIOI OIE DolLIR 1 TEAR. NO. 12 . ' . . ..... . , , , -, . . . . .- ... ' mmm JUST AS THOU WILT, AND WHEN AND WHERE. Lord, apeak to me, that 1 may speak In living echoes of Ihy tone ; As Thou hast sought, so-let me seety Thy errirg chillren lost and lone Oh lead roe. Lord, that"! may lead The wandering and the wavering feet: Oh. feed me, Lord, that I may fecr Thv hungering ot03 with manna sweet. Oh, strengthen me, that while I stand Firm on the re ck, and ftrong in Thee. I may 'stretch out a 1 tviug hand To wrestlers w ith the troubled sea. oil,. teach.' me, Lord, that I may teach Ilio precious things Thou uost iru- , part : An i wing my words, that they ni3y reach T! .' hidden depths of many a heart. ( 1 . fill me with Thy fullness. Lord. t.'ntil mv very heart o'erfiows, I In kuifliing thought and flowing u f mi. , Thv lave .to tell, Thy prai.se to show. oh. use-me. Lord, use even me ' j .1 ur as Thou wilt, unlwheu and s here ; ; -'Until thy. bi-ssid" laep I see. ' Thv rest. Thy joy, Thy Glory share, j trances 11. HivHgal. TREATING VR0NU DISEASES. Many times women call on their lamiiy physicians suffering, as they iiuagiue, oue from dyspei).sia, another I Irom heart disease, another from liver or kidney .disease, another "from nerv- . I ous exhaustion or prostration, another witli oniu here and there, and in this way all present alike to themselves and their easy-goicg and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and' dis tinct diseases, for which her assuming them to be such, prescribes his uills and .-potions. In reality, thev are all only symptoms caused by some uterine disease. The physician, ignorant of the cause of sufi'ering, -encourages this practice until la.rgc j)ills aio made. The suffering patient gets no better, but prol ably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications." A proper medicine like Dr. Pierce's J'lavorite Prescrip tion, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease', thereby cl i j n-11 i ii tr all .those '-.listresiug syujp toms. and instituting coujtort instead of. jn)longod.misery. It has been Well said, that "a disease known is half cured." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, 'carefully Revised by an experienced and skillful phy sician, and adapted to woman's deli de of native cate system. It is ma medieianl roots aud is perfectly harm less in. its effects' in any condition of the system. LANDIS FINES MAN ONE CENT Chicago. March 15. U.Ujifed ' States Judge Kenesaw Mountain Laud is, who startled the fiuaucial world by impos ing a fine of $2'.(X)0,CK) upon tlie Standard Oil Company for rebating, went to tire other extieme yesterday j bv finding an offender 1 cent. , j The culpit was Ceorge S. Miller, a working man. who bad tried in vain to collect a debt of 2 irom Dr. D. S. Wil kins, ot .No. i:501 Cottage Grove Avenue. -Finally Miller wrote doctor a dun on a postal, card and choice in the words he used. Wilkius ' had 'him arrested, but the doctor him-! precious than jewel. Irv them for answering the argnmeuts as to "per srlf had- an unpleasant quarter-ot' an ; headache, biliousness, constipation scnal liberty," "irohibitiou doesu"t hour before .Judge l.audis. .land malaria.. It thev '-disappoint vou prohibit." etc.; as set out by those 'Tii..- m-iYtitmm i.en ilfv in this penalty m .cst's" said' Judge Landis. is live ars' iinpri'-onment. " Tie n, as Miller troiubi l. the judge added. but I.will ; tine vou 1 cent and you need not -pay the costs." Miller paid the-hue and walked out of court. DOCS It Send OUt gOOd blOOd 1 or bad blood? lou know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One f rivjue tit cn of baJ bt.Knl U a 1ucUh liver. Tin rHhi-s H.nstiUiiu l.Uiiu MjttaiiOf hf U,fi tsrtH.j into tlie lsoi. Ket p t lie Ih el ojitu U)i A jer 1'iiU. Md hj J. C. Ayr CO.. Lovll, Kut. Aio xuAauraoturera cf J HAIR VIQ02. 1 tO 1C AQt'E CI RE. C W O CtlEKRV PECTORAL. a W hare no secrets ! W pobUsh the formula of alt our nei.oiun. Does Your Heart Beat A HOME - MADE MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM. There is so much Rheumatism here in oar neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice by an eminent author-J ity. who writes for readers of a large ! r.cf0.n .jii -u. i.tt.i ! Eastern daily paper., will , be highly j appreciated by those who suffer : 1 I Get from nay good pharmacy one - half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion. one ounce Compound Kargon. three j ly inteirnpted by OQtbursts Gf applause, ounces of Comjound Syrup Sarsapa- j The meeting was declarea a perfect rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and j success by prominent members of the take in teasponoful doses after each ! Anti--aloon League under the auspices , . . j a , ... . fof which it was held, fceated on the meal and at bedtime ;abo drink plenty j platforiIJ with tlie (1jstincuisheu jurist of good water. ; were Chairman H. G. Feuntll. of .the It is claimed that tltere are few vie- Anti-Saloon Executive Committee; tim of this dread and tortnrnriQ diJ bedell Mcares, Esq.. of the Wilmiug- 1 . -ii r . , j .- . .sease who will fail to find reay relief ; in this simple home-mae mixture. ; laud in most cases a permannt cure is tlie result. ( This . simple' recipe Ms said to strenuthen and cleanse the climiiiative tis-ue, of t he 'Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste mutter, wlm.h caus-e not onJy Rheu mutism. but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that: their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who sutlers from any uri nary trouble -whatever, should not hesitate to makp up tins mitxure as ,t is certain to do much good, and may ! mvb vnn frnmmnrli ti isprv and snfl'pr- ! : . ... i i 1 ii) mier wiiuw. , , , . . 1.1 ... : Our home uruggists say they will j eitlur snnnlv tlie i ncrert ients - - I M pregcri.jtion TeA(iy t0 take if our j readers ask them ! Y. M. C. A. ADDRESS DELIGHT-, FUL SOCIABLE OLD TEACH ERS WILL RETURN-NEW TEN NIS COURT. Biuhgam School Mcbane. N. C March 14. IPOS. Mr. Seymour W Whiting, a leading merchant - and prominent Christian layman,' of Raleigh, will deliver the address before the Vonug Men's Chris tain Associaiou, Sunday night. May loth, during the Commencement Lxer- Second Coming of Christ " Tim .vfntinn rivo.n at it hist meet- 1 ing, bv the Kalisttiemc hiterarv o cietv, in honor ot some ot the voung bi:lies was : i?rftat snoows. An ,n. ten'fiiii? fenfnre nf tfii- veninc was a "mock trial." after which refresh- j meuts were serve 1. Piaptie.illv all nf tho nhl tnarliPrs I will return to Bingham for the session 1 of IKCH-OD Rev E A Rnad R S i Prof. O. W. Boland, C. Accts., Prof, O. L. Baity aud Prof. Walter S.Craw-1 ford, A. B . have already been engag- r.ni Rnaris ti.ia v(.V hn.n ilPular and successful Commandant of i canets. tror. rsoiaui. nas given tne i greatest satisfaction as teacher of Mathematics. His poetry, also. bas been attracting much attention and Crawford is a well known educator in CaroIiuS, having been intimately identified with the work of the state and school for a number of years. Mr. Baity is able in tine Penmanship, Bookkeeping and Shorthand. A site has been seleced for the loca- tion of a new tennis court which when i tlie Krea sweeP ?E Prohibition seuti completcd. will doubtless add to the ! ment all -ever the South. He later, already creat nonularitv of th, Buno however, quoted the internal revenue at Bingham ... - . ' tk- of. TrllE LUCKY QUARTER Is five one yna pay out for a box was notiI)r- King's New Lite Pills: They that's more bring you the health t he price win te ctieeri uiiy remuueu at . fc. Allen s drug store. GREENSBORO CENTENNIAL TO BE HELD OCT. ll-lti. Greensboro, N. C. March 13. At a largely attended meeting of the board ; of governors tor the :centenuial cele- i brat ion of the foundation of Greens-1 boro, held last night it was decided to! ' hold the centnennial October 11-1G in-j 1 i elusive. The meeting was an enthu- j siastic one. great interest being man- ifested in tlie movement inaugurated! j to make the centennial worthy of the r city of Greensboro and of Guiiford i county. The board of governors is j 1 composed of the following: Mesrs. j Scales. R. D. D nda. V. S. Tbom oaipcu, U. Al. van-; stfry. Cj. Daniel. M." . Thomnson, - L. J. Brandt, J. I. Foust. G. S. Brad i shaw and Caesar Cone. The board a p- pointed a committeee to co-ooerate; I with. tlie finauce committee in solicit-1: ing funds todefrav the expenses of t tit centennial, the amount of $10,000 be f ing desired. A CARD. This i to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund, your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs aud prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grim ; j cough and prevents pneumonia aud cousumption. Contains co opiates.? ! The genuine is iu a yellow mckage. Refuse sutstiiutes. L L. Sapp. JUDGE PRITOHARD ADDRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE. An audience of between eight hun dred and a thousand ladies and gentle men, completely filling the parauet and first gallery of the Academy of Music, last night heard United States Circuit Judge Jeter C. Prichard, of Afehevill. in the 0.DlDa A(lir' of the State m-ohibirion oanmaiffn in this 'City. He spoke lor a little more than )an l,onr af1.9 giyeu the closest at- ton bar. who had the pleasure of in- tro nciUfl the speaker. Rev. Fred D. Hale, Rev. A. D. McClure. D. D.. Rev. T. A. Smoot, Rev.G. A. Martin. Rev. C. F. Whirlovk, Rev. T. 1J. Noe an i other pastors of Wilmiueton cliurchesr Messrs. -D. L. Gore, Joliu T. Sholar. W. M. Cumimug. W. II. Spruut, R. W. Herring, Esq.. and i others identified with. the prohibition j movement .in this cityl" ; ..Chairman ireuucll callea the meet- ing to order and thanked the large audience lor its ,D; eseiice. Rev. Mr. .Noe otTered a very fervent prayer, in voking divine blessing' upon all that might be said or ooue and Mr. Meares followed with au 'introduction 01 the speaker, caiefully reviewing his career ieniit uri aUf ft mau nf 0IltaIter. ; jU2 courage. Mr. Meares spoke lor n m rl , - i I , i n h tuihn t 1 i itt "i C- Oil ahon t fifteen m incites anri whpii Jndce Pritrharil ume lifl was irieetefl with r, - rne most eniiiosiasuc ai)piause. juuge Pritchar(1 ,.,obe from Lan user ipt and I 1 1 J n l'-' X 1 J C t i UllII.lV VI X A W AO-J I IIU X J - V of Jus argument, but all agreed that 'ie Iriade a fine presentation of hissub- lecr. tie nan no -wora ot anuse ior anyone and counseled against bitter- ness and vituperation in dealing with the question, in hand. He returned the compliment, so brilliantly paid him in the introduction by saving that he knew of no one in the State lor whom he hart a higher regard than Mr. Meaies. taking occasion at the same time, to speak of his pleasure at visit ing tlie Cape Fear people aud of speak ing to th-Hi upon the great campaign which was about to be launched. He first took unthe busineess feature of the -argument advacned by those op- posed to prohibition and essayed an !aU;Swer to the argument not orly from ja material poiut ot view but from the l,ulul ul uew ul tJUU moiais. uuiu ! ber of letters from towns and cities in ! the State which are already under pro- roiuuioii ere rean iu mijjjmji i n is euu- I tentiou that prohibition doesn't hurt business. He also dealt with the issue of the i demoualizing influence of strong drink upon the indsntrial workers of the C01untrv- la-"iDf. Particular stress opon the cotton milling industry and kindred enterprises in the States. er tt.uuauu" V -eprieu iiom ms 1Van,nsor!Pt ,t0 ive ,sldo. llR!,ts r,om the late local option election in Ashe- T7 . 1 "1 a 1 1 ? Vllle m hch J00 6Uch a P1"01"' , 1 , . " fFom merohants and Lusiness men to show that trade along what he chose the "more legitimate" lines hart not sunerea upon the advent of prohibition. He also read extracts from tlie police court record in Asbe ville to show that there had been a decrease of crime since the lid went down in the mountain metropolis. Kanas was cited as an example Of pro hibition and reference was made to : MiuiJinj iu mat iiutxux j theret had been a vast increase in the ' amount of malt and -spirituous liquors manufactured and sold, pleading that j these millions q turned into other i. channels, making for the .building up of a stronger Christian manhood and a .,..;...;, ,1 , ifii'T more .prosperous country. His closing rematks were directed at ; who opix.ised the anti-saloon move- meut. lie toll a hrstrate anecdote at I the expense .of the "personaf liberty' : t'J0 to laughing for some moments after. He made the remarkable statement that he believed the dav was not far dis tant when Congress would turn aside First Class . Farm ImpIemBhts at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money v. hen you buy Implements that wear well and vvoifc welt. The Kind that wo selL We is.-ue cue of the best and most complete of Faraj Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, 'descrip tions and much interesting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. Write Tor it. The Implement Co., 1302 Ecst Main St. RICHMONO, VIRGINIA. We are headquarters fcr V. CrTmp and oilier Roofing. Wire Fencing. Barb Wire. Poultry Netting, etc Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. from the tariff, banking and currency and the other great public questions noon which men n& parties are divid ed, to discuss in the National halls of Legislation the issue of prohibition. He spoke hopefully of the passage of the law now pending to prevent Inter State shipment of liquors into prohibi tion territory and closed with an ap- peal to the men and women to go to the polli on May 26tb ana roll up a big majoritv from New Hanover for the cause, promising that Asherille woold send down from tne mountains a majority of two thousand. At the " conclusion of the address, Mr. Fenneli again thanked the audi ence for its attendance and stated that in the near future ex-Governor Aycock and other prominent speakers would be here to discuss the prohibition question Deforethe people of the coun ty.' ' '..-.. Judge Pritchard. accompanied by Mrs. Pritchard arrived in the city yfsterdav morning from RichmonJ where Judge Pritchard has been pre siding over the Circuit Court of Ap peals, and they were entertained at the Orton. Judge Pritchard leaves this morning for Durham where he deliv- fis an address thLs afternoon. Many of his friends called yesterday at hist hotel to pay their re?pects. Wilmiug-1 i t-n Mar. A LIFE AT STAKE. Your life may be at stake when vou notice any sign of kidney or bladder trouble as Bright's disease and diabetes start with a slight irregularity that could be "quickly cured bv Foley's Kidney Remedy. Commence taking it, at the first sign of danger. L. L. Sapp. MR. WATSON QUOTES SCRIPTURE Editorial." Hon. James D. ( McNeill quotes Paul's advice to Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake; Hon. Geo. L. Morton draws the line between Church and State ; and now our good friend. Hon. Cyus B. Wat sou dips into the Book of Proverbs for an anti-prohibition argument. Hear him: The man of all others who now and . then needs a stimulant is the man who (daily wears himslf out at hard labor, j The man of natural heavy heart. "It is not'for kings, O Lem- uel. it is not for kings to drink. wine. nor for princes strong drink. J Give strong drink to him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be-'of heavy' hearts. Let him drr-'-tt- and forget his poverty and re memher his misery no more." Was it not David who used these words? We don't know whether it was David who wrote these words or not. They are found in the 31st chapter of Prov erbs. The Dart Mr. Watson omits makes a strong case for our State pro hibition bill, and we will quote iu full: 4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink : -5 Lest they drink, and forget - the law. and pervert the judgment of any of. the afflicted. G Give strong drink uuto him that is ready to perish. and wine unto, those that be of heavy hearts. 7 Let him drink, and fofget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. ' .. . i Tlie fifth verse, which Mr. Watson omits, disproves his theory, for under cur form of government every citizen is a king (and every bov a prince), who must decide the great issues of right and truth, an I the admonition to such is not to drink that which makes them forget the law or pervert the judgment of any of the afdkted, or "all tlie sons of affliction." as the margin .u-aur. Onr State -prohibition bill provides for the exigencies men tioned in verses 0 and 7. strong drink for the sick, which can be obtained at the drug store, duly (guaranteed under the Pure rood Act; while wine tcr those "that be of heavy hearts," can be made by any of our citizens for their own use, and sold in 2 1-2 gal lon packages. Cider can be old without restriction. (Which takes care of the surplus apples.) If our friend will read Prov. 20:1. L23-.21. 2-32, he will 6nd 'there, what Lemuel s mother taught him is clapped to the echo. "At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingetlf like an adder." is the sad experience of many a poor fellow whom Jlr. Watson ha been called on to defend at the bar of justice- And how graphically the ter rible appetite is depicted in the words : 'When "shall I awake? I will seek it yet again." Seek what? The tnff that has dethroned the man and eleva te 1 Ids animal nature. I that the way for the laboring man to fcrgvt his verty? As for the otkr objections Mr. Wat son urges against prohibition, we do him the justice of saving they ate consistent with tlie pot'Q h took in the fiht over the Ward Bill in liX (trrn h nrred t-o strongly that it j would hurt the Democratic party. His fears liate proTen grnndles- Prohibi Absolutely Pure From Grapesy most healthful of fruits, comes the chief ingredient of o li The XT. to tion is not a partisan question, and if it were, tlie Democratic party could not afford to espouse tlie causa of the saloon. We respect Mr. Watson's con victions, bur dissent from his view that the Democratic party is in dan ger of losing the support of the busi ness interests by heeding the moral sentiment of the State. Water and oil will mix when tiW railroads, mills and other industries join tlie saloon in punishing f"he Democratic ..party. The galoon is the enemy of business, never its ally. There is not a store, factory, shop or office in Wiustou-Salem but would be the gainer from the banishment of the saloon. Nor is there a man enga ged in the liquor traffic but wouH be better off if engaged in making two blades of grass grow where one grew before instead of selling liquor. Cer tainly the worll would bo the gainer. THOUSANDS PERISH. Thousands perish every year from consumption resulting from a cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate racking coughs aud expels the cold from your system and pre vents consumption and pneumonia. It has cured mny cases of incipient con sumption. L. L. Sapp. ELDER HARDY FOR KITCHIN AND OVERMAN. Mr. Editor Io answer to yonr ques tion. I will say that I am for the Hon. W. W. Kitchju. of Person county, lor Governor of North Carolina for the next four ve.'if. Mr. Kitel in is au oieu -hearted, honest uuii as a citizen. He is a vry able lawyer and l.-e i? honest in that nroicssion. H does cot hesitate to plead the caure o rl.e roor au 1 the needy when the caue it a jnt oue even when larger fees could had on the other side. He doe? not take a fee until he has labored with his client to show him that Ik baa a gosxl caus for a suit unless lie fully believe his cae to be a good one. A a Congressman he ha been a faithful servant! and won the jcet esteem of the citizenship not only o' tlie Filth District but of the whole State and the United States. Having been fully tried and foond faithful In every point, who can ar but that he is the man whom the peo ple should tro.t a our next Gorernor? I believe that Kit chin i the man I also want to say that the Hon, Lee S. Overman is the man to succeed himself in the United State S- nate. This is his first tfm, but it ba not been filled witbont its good trait. He Is a faithful servant of the people. In my travels in th different actions I bare beard nothing but good word for Mr. Overman and I feel sure that our people are sat i.fied with his pat rceord and no nei for a clsange. If a wagoner h a nore that pull just right anJ every time h? Ded him to pell aal pleas?" him in every way, can he afford to chance Lira for another that he Las not tried? The other may do jut a well, tut he can not do better, anl it would U tad judgment tJ trade that tried and faith ful borse for an untried cne. Ettn so with tbu ca.i. Mr. Overman is tried. trtj anl faithful and the State of North Caro lina will make a mistake it she trades him for one cntried. lowevtr goi le might be. Let have KitbcLin for Governor anl return Overman to ttie United Stat Senate and we art sare of faith- only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Costs a little more than th injurious tiara or phosphite of lime powden, but v iih Rojal you are sure of pure, he&lihf ul food. I ful service iu these two office. Very respectf ully. L H. HARDY. Rtidsville. N. C. March 12. 1908. Soothes itching t-kin. Ileal cut or burns without a scar. Cures pile, eczema, salt rheum, any itching, Doau's Ointment. Your druggist ielli it. THE CLUB. Miss Minnie Williamson was the gracious hostess of the Tuesday Aftr .noon Heading Club on the lfth inst. I In response to the roll call, anecdote ! relating to the writers studied that afternoon were told, after which, un ' der Mrs. R. IV Richardson's leader ship, an interesting hour wan 'spent in dicsussing Macaulav, Carl vie, Ruekin, George Eliot, Dickens, and other an hors almost as celebrated. The maga zine articles. "Amoug the Fisher men." and 'The Scotch Crofterf," were found to be very entertaining. After enjoying delicious refresh ments, the Club adjourned to meet with Miss Katherine Ellington, March 24b. OAOTOI1IA. Better Work Less Labor. By using Imperial Plows, Empire Ccrn Planters, Hallock Corn Wetdcrs, Fetilizer Drills. Disc Harrows, Four Hoe Cultivators, And other good Farm and Garden Tools. You will find the best at Fuller Brothers, Dealers in Danville, Ya.

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