"THE WEALTH: OF THE MIND IB THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." VOL. XXXVII. 1. R. TJEBSTEH, Editor and Prop'f. REIDSVILLE, N. C, APRIL 8, 1909. SDBSCBIPTIOI OIE C-OLLiB I TEiB. NO. 14 HEBREW BENEVOLEISfT SOCIETY. A Strong Wliiimm. Ait OOCCOO CXCCCXO030CXOCCXXD0OX Mr. Charles Nasal Catarrh Mr. Charles Nathan, Treanrpr YonDg C 81.3 3t, Mary's Ave., Omaha, Neb., writes: "I am glad to boar testimony to the value of Peruna as a remedy par ex. cellence for catarrh. 4 "I have been troubled with nasal catarrh for upwards of four years. T would havf beadaehea and at times it would cause bleeding of the nose. I tried at least n dozen douche and powders, which were only a source of ex pense to me, irritating the affeetfni "parts without causing any Improvement. "One months treatment with Peruna cured me entirely, and 1 feel relieved and pleaded to think that I am entirely free from thU unpleasant trouble. . "A large number of the young men members of our benevolent society, learning what Feruna did for me, 'jare tried it and beeu cured of catarrh oT the head and iunps and the Ftomach. "It has cured dozens of colds and inflammation of the throat and lunprs caused by prolonged colds and T certainly think it a very superior and afo remedy to use, always pure to help'' Stomach Trouble and Catarrh. i Mr. William W in an,- Hoyt 8t., I'ortland, Ore., Vice President Patrons ! of Husbandry', writes: , "fUi.wh trouble and catarrh have ' been the bane of my lift- for a number I of vears. but thanks to l'cruua, I am ! MY CREED. would be true, tor there are those who trust me, I would ho pare, for there are 'those who care: I would bo strong, for there is much to suffer : . I would Le brave, for there is much to dure. I would bo a friend to all, the foe, the friendless. I would tm giving, and forget the gift. 1 would le humble, for I know my weakness I Would look up, and lauRh and love and lift. Author Unknown. A great manv people havo kidney aud bladder trouble, mainly duo to m'idect of the occasional pains in the Kick, slight rheumatic pains, uriDary disorders, etc. Delay in guch cases is dangerous. Take DeWitfs. Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are for weak bnck. backache, rheumatic pains and all : kidney and Wdder troubh, rheumatic cams and nig ana antiseptic, aua 1vuFj. Don't fail to getDeWitt's Jijcmey ana Bladder Pills. Accept no substitute. Hecular size Wc. Sold by Gardner Drug Co. THE BUTLERS CONVICTED. Greensboro. N. C, April 6.Ex- Butler were today adjudge! guilty of defamation of ex -Judge Spencer B. " A isms, and Judge Long fined the nior Butler 505an i the junior $250. Not rrr 3 VlMTi What is a Vtonic"? A medicine that increases the sfrengUi or tone of the whole system. What is an alt raUw. . A medicine ZAS i i i a -i- rn nrvrfnr cucunoi. nsiv jwi , j -71 medicine doctors cannot endorse. JX.ACo..lqwcU.Mc . Without daily action of the bowels Ponv r Oyer's Pi'is for conttipatlon. fc3PUTeblood,bUiousnc$s,headache. Ask your doctor about A) cr Letter Concerning Pe ni-na. . Nathan.. for Four Years. Men's Ilebrevr Benevolent Society. - entirely rid of them both. "I took Peruna for a month before I felt sure that I was on the highroad to recovery, but I was amply repaid for my persistence. After three months of its us T did not need any more tnediciue. i vas conipli'tt-Iy cim-d." Thev appealed. The outcome of the trial was a sur prise. Although the evidence baa all the while been of the doubtful kind whereupou to base convictiou. the takiug of the stand by Judge Bynum and giviug such testimony as he did, was regarded as especiallv dangerous to the complainaDt. Few people ex pected a verdict carrying any damages, and thaogh the Jury fixed it as 500, it M as not expected to be so much as that. It would bo hard to ear how senti ment ran here. Though Butler is cordislly hated, he is receded purely as a dea l politician and it is excect- ed that J nage Anams win l' the con? iction. It is known mat ue expects from the federal government recognition for his fine services to President laic an i n is uT who know that ho wouH have receiv- reward earlier hut for this case, l"tlouuts. but it was always known that he did not care so much for the damages as ho did a con victiou. It U clearly a victcrv for Adams. The Butlers gave bond and fixed the appeal. There are exceptions that were asked for daring the trial and they hold that the verdict was not io accordance with the evidence. The will Probably net get into the Horn late fall even if the. i,,,. court U reversed. There was il-t kreut iaterejstin the mattei. au,u,u ..c nch absorbed. Thca you hzve CXX30OO- Ringing Testimonials From - Young Men. Unsolicited Evidence as to the Merits of Pe-ru-na. From the North, South, East and West. Ptaptes and Constipation. Mr. Herman a. Boatiller, Port Cal donia,Capo Breton, Nova Scotia, writes: I cannot eyprea too highly tho great benefit I havo received from your medicine, Peruna. At first I wa i'kep tical as to your medicine, but now I am perfectly satisfied as to the results I have obtained. 1 . "I am thankful to say that I feet C3 xvcll as t ever did. The pimples have all gone from my face. Manalin baa cured the constipation and Peruna haa cured the catarrh." Stomach and Liver. Mr. Joe 8chreiber, J3l Third St., M.U waukee, Wi?.f writes : "I have suffered greatly with stomach and liver troubles. My complexion at one time was very Fallow, my appetite and digestion very bad, my stomach weak, and I suffered from nausea after eating. "A personal friend recommended your wonderful discovery, Peruna, and I am under obligations to him for rec ommending it to me, and under greater obligations to you for having placed, such a valuable medicine on the market. I unhesitatingly recommend it to my friends, who may besimilarly afflicted," To-Day Well and Hearty. Mr. Robert E. Klessel, Pennsvillo, N. J., writes: "I feel better than Ievnr didin my lifs. I am a well and hearty man. Peru na helped to get my health where it is to-day, and if it were not for Peruna I would be in the same boat that I w;3 last summer. ; "I took several bottles of Peruna, and if I had taken it in the first. plac I" would have saved several dollars, bcH sides the time 1 lost, which was over sixteen weeks. "I eansay that Dr. Ilartman' Peruna saved i my life. I can recommend Pe runa to any one by the experience I have had with it." A Good Word for Pe-ru-na. Mr. J. J. Moore, Box l.Vji, Pelr.cr, S. C, writes: "It is with much pleasure that I can spiak a good word for your wonderful remedy, Percna. "As I have been permanently cured of catarrh by its use, it ha.- Imhm; vt orth thousands of dollars to me. wir.b I you mujli success in your work." LIST OF PRIZES FOR CIIRYS AXTHEMUM SHOW. The committee on premimus has vvotked harmoniously and well, and the business men of the to w"u havo shown their interest .by contributing very liberally, thnsenabliug the ladies of the Parsonage Aid Society of the Main Street M. E. Church. South, to present the following attractive prem ium list for the Chrysanthemum Show to be held next fall : Th handsomest collectiou of grow ing 'chrysanthemums of different varietienumber limited to 12. Prire. $g00 rocU cbairi KiTen by The J Young Furniture Co. Secon I handsomest collection of growing chrysanthemums, of different '.varieties number imiteJ to 12. Mot- Hich Gra-ie. 5 lbs. a " - The largest aud handsomest collec tion of cut chysauthemumsof different varieties. fS.OO bracelet, given by J. C Morrison. Second largest and handsomest col lection of cut chvsantbemums of ditferent varieties. Oue pair of $1.00 gloves, given by 11. L. Minor. The handsomest collection of cut cbrysanthemnrus of different varieties number of blooms litnitei to 15. $5.00 lmp, givn by Hall & Chance. Second handsomest collection of cut chrysanthsraums of different varieties, number of blootts litnitd to 15.. f 1.23 silver bell, given by J. 21. Tesb & Sons. Ten finest chrysanthemums of differ ent varieteis. 5 lbs. of Priie cf Reidsville, given by Robt. Hams & Bro, Second ten finet chrrsasthemorss of different varieties. Two packages ct Cecuentico gifen by White & Umt tin. : Eight ficest chrysantbecaumj of dif ferent varieties. 5 lbs. cf Gold Crumb, given It F. R. Peso Tobac co Co. -. . Second cifht finest ch rjia utters - urasof different varieties. 75c. tie. Kiven by Williams & Co. Five finest white chryxanthememi, different varieties crowing. I2.S0 in gold, given by Glldewell & Lane. Fire finest pink chrvsanthemumt, different varieties growing. t2.50 in gold given by Dr. J. K. Hester. Five finest yellow chrysanthemum, different varieties growing. S2.fO gclJ piece, given bv Dr. J. W. UGcebeo. The largest and handsomest collec tion of cut chrysanethmuros of differ ent varieties grown by child under 14 years. One pair of $3.50 shoes, given by Price & Clark. CUT FLOWERS. 10. The largest collection of cut Cowers. $1.00 pair of gloves, given by D. R. Ellington. 11. The handsomest collection of cut roses. Aznrea perfume and sachet. $2 00, given by Fetzer & Tucker. 12. The second handsomest collec tion of cut roses. 2 boxes of Rowo's Dentifrice, bv Dr. JMcadcr. 13. The largest and handsomest collection of ferns of different varie ties. SU.OO pedestal, given bv A. P. Sands. 14. Six handsomest ferns of different varieties. $3.00 pair May Mcnton siioes. given by F. S. Miles. 15. The largest and handsomest asparagus fru. 3 lb. can Carjava coffee given by W. A. Stacv. Second largest collection of cat flowers. 25c. worth of Tomatoes, by R. L. Dixon. 15. The handsour.t collectiou of white embroidery. $5.00 hat, given by The Woman's Store. 1C. The handsomest collection of colored embroidery. $2.00 shoes, given by D. A. Hendris. 17. The handsomest centre piece white embroiderv $2.50 gold piece, given bv Dr. h. T. Smith. 18. The best white embroidered shirt waist. $2.50 gold piecer given Bank of Reidsville. 19. The best display of fancy work. 1 done by ladv over 00 vears. 3 lb. can Carjava coffee, given by Harris & Hubbard. 20. The handsomest embroidered table cover done by lady over 00 years. 52.50 in gold, fejven by Citizens Bank. ! 21. The best piece of white em broidery done bvn Kirl under lfi years. A set of scissors, given by Miller Hardware Co. The best embroidered table cover. I S25.0 in gold given by The R. P. I Richardson Tob. Co. The best display of crocheted table mats. $3.00 spoous. given by Whitte-more-Moblev Hardware Co. The best white embroidered barren scarf. 52. 00 comb and brnh. given by Gardner .Drug Co. The haudfeompsr white mbroir.ere baby cloak. Ont-baIf fozen box ot Colgate's Talcum, given by Britt-tiu'e Drug Store. The handsomest embntdrred fowelit. Ouo t!iorongli-hff i vhit Leghorn hen. ciyen bv Frank Burton. The haur'somct hand-made baby cap. One i!ozn c.ikf of toilet sap. giveu bv Allen & Trotter. The prettiest drsl doll bvthiH nnier 12 icars. trir o!? l.c.O cn bctton?. given bv i. S. Ilarrie. The second prettiest lin-j-sed licdl ly child under 12 yenrs. One fox of Hoyler's candv. given bv Acme Gra ce rv Co. CAKKS. The best pound cske made of Pride ot Reidsville. One-half barrel Pride of of Reidsville, given by J. If. Walker & Co. The best pound cake made of Gold Medal flour. 4-H pounds cf Gold Medal, given by Hotcberson Bros. The best marshmellaw rake. Savory roaster, given by R. G. Gladstone. The best chocolate cake. On wash stand set given by P. H. Williamson & Co. The best ran of light rolls cade of Ballard floor. 4h lb. sack of floor. giTen by J. H. Burton. The best ribbon cake. The Review, one year. The best beaten bifcoit. Webster's Weekly, one rear. The best caramel cake. The Re view, one year. RULES AND REGULATIOKK. J. No entrance fee will te charged exhibitors, tot each rausl r ercta eeason ticket. 2. No person will t allowed to make more than cue entry io a r Ufa. 3. The exhibitor in all caw nst have grown the Cowers whito she eo trel for competition. 4. Cards containing enmbert only will be attached to all flowert for competition. Cards withtbe came of exhibitors will U attached by tbt 1V wr '.,-1 - 1 " ',1 1 22nTrFin& IPsTxdfejr Absolutely Pure It b economy to tiso Royal Eakxnj Powder It taves labor, health and money. Where the best food u required no other b along powder or leavening agent can take tho place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder secretary after the awards have been h. Exhibitors not personally pre sentiug flowers will attach card with name of flower and class in which i they desire entry ro be made. ' 0. No piece of fanry work that has been exhibited at previous shows here i will be accepted. j 7. ail fancv work must bo done bv the person entering tho same. 8. All cakes and bread entered most ba donated to Chrysanthemum Show. THIS IS AN EASY TEST. Sprinkle Allen's Foot-Ease io one shoe aud not in the other and notice the difference. Jnt the thing to um when rubbers or overshoes become necessary, and your shoss seem to uincti. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any subhtitute. Boston's city chemist and bacterid-j ogist is a woman. Miss E. Marion Wade. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kfdnev and Bladder Diceafes relieved in mx hour by Dr. E. Detcbon' Kidney Remedy. It is a great surprise on account of its ex ceeding promptness in relieving pain ! in bladder, kidneys and back, in innle j or female. Relieves retention of wa ter almost iiniuodiately. If you want quick relief and cure thisix the reme dy. Sold by W. S. Allen, DrutrgUt. BIG FARMERS' MEETING. Tho farmers and buiinej-s men and everv one interettel in the advance ment of the eeneral interest of tho to baeco t)U'jiup! of our fef?rtson. tore urged to nttend a meeting of the Muutal Protective Aff.ociation o Bright Tobacco Growers, to be held iu Danville, Vs., on " Friday. April 10, r.jo.. at tlie court house at 10 o'clock a. in. The object of this meetinz is to take active tteps to organize by dis tricts. Let evervbodv atteni. H. O. KERNS. President. E. T. MOOREFIELD. Secretarv. r Absolute! Is the best thing we have to offer. Other inducements are of secondary ins OTtance. Upon this basis, do we solicit your patronage. Citizens Bank, Reidsville, N.C. J Safety GRAPES, from titer most IxcaltH ful properties, fve ROYAL its ndxTe and principal ingredient Qepartment Of PubHC Schools. KDXTKD UY It. A. 1IATK5 J 'FLAG RAISINGS." On Friday. March 2fth. the Retria ville Conncll of the Junior Order P' sented a flg aud Rible to the IJeth lehem pnbiic school. The pool ieopU of Rethleheui live I up to their repota tion in the magnificent dinner fprrad for the occaiiou. Anu in this fuuctioa tho Juniors "quittel thcmK'ltcs like men." When the crowd nfpfmtlel a wel come address was inado ty Hrother Aycock and a response by Rrother Hornbuckle. Mr. Hturv P. Lane pre sented the flag iu a speech full of good thought and noble seutiments. It was a ilroug presentation cf the principles of the Junior Order. Dr. G. W. Brittaln presented the Bible in a happy speech leplete with wit and humor. The speech of acceptance was made by the Countv Superintendent, who expressed iiis carnent appreciation for the interest mcuflcsted ly the I Junior Order in the cauo of public edncatinu. exercises w But the lxit part of the as the singing of the children. Thev how l gol training and reflected credit open their teacher. It was a good day in the hUtcrv of the school at Bethlehem. On Saturday, April 3rd, the Io telligeuce Council of tlie Junior Order presented a flag an 1 Bithj to (he school at Midway. Rev. V. H. White head, principal of New Bethel Arad. my. mad a strong and eloquent ad dress iu presenting tho fisg. Mr. J. M. Sharp Jr. with his acccstctned viccr and force of ieech prxctd the Bible and licaid the j rioeirle of the Order. On behalf of th scLool Superintenceui Hares irccived the flag the Bible, espreficg tl nki in the Junior Order nod making an earnest plea that our jjerplc maL bet ter use of the Improved educational facilities'thatre being provided. The chool hoc at Midwav is of the latest and bct tvr of sebcol architecture. Il U a model of ectnfoft anl convenience. The erection ot such school hootrn U exirtiog a rz:ark ed influence iu the eh vaticn of educa tioual ttandtrds in the county. BOARD SJKETIKG. The meeting cf the Board of E lcc. tion on, tne first ilouday io April afforded a notable iituitration cf edu cational progress. Fr ceo all jart cf the county there wtre large dclega tlost asking for help to tutld new school houses and with petitions for pecUl tax elections. Private sob- crl&ttccj amoaoticg to oter 5.Co have been made to go Into school houet during the comiog year. ThU ts m remarkable demonstration of in creasing interett io education. Oar. people are becoming cosrUctd that the best thing tiy can do for their diilirca U to e-Sccate then. How can any pertcn mk taking socse ceknown rxogh xrme'dv when Foley's Hooey and Tar cou the a 00 more? It U a a! leicedj. contains co barzafnl drug, and cures II- usci oUtinate coughs aud cjIa. Why ef periment with jour health? Insist opoo Lavicg the getoice FclfV Hoo ey and Tar. Brittain Drug iStcre. 2cboly can Tari ti borrow taocej tO 133 banker. soaebotr else, ecxert the Foley' Kidney Betaeiy will care anj eee cf kidney or bladder trcotl that is not beyond tfce tt.eU of m4l cifce. Cores backache and itregoUH ties that if ccgUcted might mult U Brisbt' disease or diabvtcf Brit uia's Prog Store.

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