irubiished Twice-a- W titar -3 WE TTS 7? TT 9 WEI fed ' nTHE WEALTH OF THE MIND 18 THE ONLY TRJJB WEALTH." FODHDED BY J. R. WEBSTER. REIDSVILLE, N. C., APRIL 8, 1913. SUBSCRIPT!!)! OIK DOLLlfl A IKiL NO. 28- . " 11 1,11 : 1 I r. Attor rt. Sir tj .fa 0 in- eln si ra. la. Hi. flu :i- V ( 1 1 bat 1 by Jr. itK te. si; 1U- r R :de ra i Olll pt 1 w ill of cux il'. edt1 lit I- SO BR train IT. i't la no 7 V. S p.- V.; I p. i ;. 5-". 7-a, a. ni a.' in- V" t ui. Ui . Ui rt or fr 01:1 iS 1. i'r"t" .otith r tme .vault jines to ft- rt( eh A rt- rov 1 ' from the Madison Herald. i1 n ry fir? lr thi- . O. McMichael.of Went urchased au automobile. L )QS lias parabasal the Robsrt Fuqaa, near In- ,u'-. Xiii pripe paid waa.soaae- Wilson was brougnc nome n;Khc from the hospital at h-re be went recently to juration, lie stood tbe ry well iutloeJ, we are and it is' hoped has been relieved. - i c):nai8ioner3 laesaay e 1 the contract for build- ,, w graiad school building ,; strict t3 Mr. J. M. Hopper,. 1.. The contract puce was i :))) at coverinz only the 1 material is to bi furnish school boar.!. The total bailliag is to be aboot it.' vi yo, tin ) 1 by t! or oil - v. a- a f-j j 3 1 i of measles, Mrs. rtm di-d rather-suddenly near I'restonville last Fri Snf! was recovering nicely ti:k cf r.ieaslas, it was 1 her fiaidca death came i.ock to her family and .-'was o'A years cf a&e and 1 the late Joseph . GiiJIio, Uim'-hearteJ. Christian . ! by all who knp'.v her. I.u.-band, who is oua cf ,vn citizeus jot that sec- . i viTe:l by u 'large fa-iiii- Two Boys Killed While Burglars zing Store. Greenville. S. O. , April C Upon breaking into tha basement of a fash onable dry goods store nhoctly after 3. o'clock Sunday morning Leonard Smith, 17 years old, member of a prominent and wealthy family, and his 20-year old companion, Rawley Martin, engaged in a pistol battle with three policemen, who had con cealed theroselvesin the store in antic ipation of a borglary, with the result that the young men were shot to death and One of the policemen severely wounded. As-,, soon a? the? had .entered the store, it was- testified to at the coro ner's inqoetit, the boys placed masks over their faces ;. took out their revol veis and hell them in shooting posi tions, and, flashing their pocket Ian- tern, advanced toward the eta ir case leadina tq the second floor. As they drew .opposite the counter behiud which the policemen were concealed, Policeman Mavtield arose and called to the boys: "'Hold up jour hands. bOTK." Without answering tlie chal lenge, it was tefetififia the boys opened fire. Thov fired two shots,, it was tptiOe:i, and then the three police men, realizing their danger, opened lire.. A total of til teen shots were ilred. An examination of the revolvers .showed jouug Smith had tiiMd once,. Martin twice and the policemen twelve timfs. together.. North Carolina Sunday School Convention. The program for the North Carolina Sunday School Convention to be held in Greensboro, April 22-24, is neariag completion, and promises to ba one of mocii interest and helpfulness. Three speakers of int3rrational rep utation have been booked r this Con vention in addition to the eplendid array t)f home talent to be used. A large, new ware ho nee with a seat ing capacity of three thousand Las been secured for the regular sessions and a largo platform will be built to seat a c nor as choir of three hundred voices.. Messrs. Tullar and Meredith, the well-known music composers and pub lishers of New York City, will have charge of the maic, which insures life ta this a paitmect.. Who are dele ga tea The counties can Eend. two delegates for caci torn fehip in the county, thoagu ikey do not need tD be elected by townships, but can come from any part of tha county that seems most con-veaient. Each Soudav School of all denomi- Thc New Tariff Bil! Presented. Washington, April ?. Remoral of all tariff from man? articles of food and clothing; broad reductions in the rates of duty on all necessaries of life: an increasso! tariff on many luxuries; and a now Jneanir tax that wduU touclt the pocket of every America a citizen whose net iacoraa exceeds 4, C0(', are the; Striking feature! of the njw Democratic tariff revision bill, presented todf y to the Honse. Sugar would be frea'of doty in 1916, the bill proposing aa immediate 25 per csut. fedactioa pd the removal of the re maining daty in 1D1& Raw wool would be made free at once, with a correspondingly ljevy redaction in tits taift on all woollen goods. FREE LIST. All tlvew other articles are put on. the freeilstr namely : , Meats, ttoar, bread, boots and shoes, lumber, iron ore. milk an.1 cream. coal, harness, saddlery, potatoes, salt, ! saioe corn, cornraeal, cotton bagging, agricaltaral implemeats, leather, wcod pulp. Bibles, printing paper not worth more than 2 1-2 cents per pound, type writers, sewing machines, typesetting machines, cash registers,- steel rails. ! fence wire, cotton ties, nails hocp and first - Democratic Ccn,gre$s Since 1895 Convenes. IV f rr War i'. no an; Of III" .Mc'Jj e tl :n '.o it ;n :ih. Carolina Raised Millionaires. in whicli oi: man can I i! iiollars, snd many oth !i ii!u?t have valuibia re . . ua lerstand tliivt before . MM ii 1 1 1 3 Ssctions (lover - ,v s worth nforo thaa oua hrs a:ii he male it mostly i . -' '.i ri'CH of E.igeheli Conu ". j i was prnbably worth a in ii lion dollars, and he ; ? th? soil. Other.- were Watts' Endorsement For Collec tor. nations can seud.two delegates. They can be pastors and sacw!tiatadents, or two others, vcLauteerin. elected, or appoint!, and should i.cre desire tai come frcuu largor eshocls ttey will be ! bandiron. iish. sulphnr, soda, tanning takea cjixs of as 10133 th?ro is room. mateiials, acetic and eclphoric acids. Colleges, ana HigU Schools -can 'send lumbar products, inclaidng two fojr eery fifty studeut?. - brocm handles, clapboards huts for All who espect 1o attsud thould wheels, pjts, laths, pickets, staves, 1 KAii-l irlinir ram ps. tn. th Xr.rtli t-,n-t Stunzies. iina Snuday School Assaciatiou, or to C. C. MeLean, Chairuian of Couitait- r: Ui-y.n-i 1 tiiey in. 1 13 it oat of the jr..! tv- -'.urre ' . . t!i'-i aul the labor of that ! . th hroaght to. tit the con 'rv to the development mturi". resources. We have "ticVTl v the same natural resources , hut our lucation an 1 labor are 1 drJ r ;u now. Tho education c'li fit'V'l tiifli control and direction live lRt rr do a not ht the control dir-iM iou of free white labor, tree white labor is all right if it e.lccate 1 a:rl the education is nil t h thoroughly adapted to" labor and modern condi- cf. f.-A-ctitio farming andtomoi- tou lit! of in instrial nnrsuiti. iMireuiclo. or aav run v Dr. 1 Ma b'jri. scald or bruise, 's' Kclectic Oil-the iy l'vvj sizes 25c and stores. A 6ammarv of tho ea loreetnent of the trade 11 man shows the following signature to hisi ietlMioa: Tlie Gov ernor of Novtli Carolina., the Lieu tjnant Governor, Sivea other Stita olIicorH, tfift.a jaJges ot tlie Snprema Court, nir?! jujges of tho Superior Conrt, 1 solicitors, 10 presidential electors, 7 out ot 4 dtlrgatf?i to the National Democratic Convention, 4t of VI Democratic State Semtors, IK) of the Dcunocratic msiuhers of tho 110BS3, 53 of th3 GO tEGiubers or the Democratic State Committee includ ing the chaiimauaud tho secretary ,'85 of the 110 Democratic clerks of the Superior Court, G9of the 81 Democrat ic sheriffs, 70 ot the 81 Democratic registats or deeds. (VI of 74 Democratic county treasurers, C8 of the 79 Demo cratic chairmen of boards of commis sioners. In addition to the above Watts has been endorsed by letters from 5.32G other leading Democrats, manufactur ers, bankers, ex-ofiioe holders, and ministers of tho Gospel from every county in the State. Seuator Simmjns and Overman, within tho next week or 10 days, it is thought, will descend upon the White Uoafo and the Treasury Department and lay thesa eudoremoots before President Wilson and Secretary Mc Ailoo, and then await the final result. Washington Dispatch to The GTreens boro News. Three principal items are taken front the free list and taxad : Roagh tee oa Entertainment. Greensboro. N. I au 1 nucut aiamcnas ana precious C, that homes may bo provided as tnne9- forfi- coal tap Products. 10 p.jri arly as p.-;ssible. leant: volatile oils, 20 per cent; ppices As a specialty i if) he made of the ; from 1 ceDt t0 2 rents Per pcood. Sacoudary Division, there shonld ba a ' r u . -T T . r. nLwnf-;...- fm.i.etno Free Hookworm Treatment Bwr of teen ages, go ecu 1 some bright boys an) giiH. Rockingham .County. and Blind Tiger.. On yesterdsy the Board of Cosnty j Judge Carter on the Pistol Toter , C(imm'E8ioa8rs accaptei the proposi- I , ni. iT. tion of the State Board of lioalth and arranged to j havjB. a six. weois cam paign - for the nee-"examination and The carrying of pistols dees more. free treatment of; hookworra disease. in my judgment, to make ns lawless ' One day each weeS: the hoakvForm spe tiiau anything I know. It causes more oialists will ba ateAQlkof tlie follow tronbla along with blind tiger liquor j a places : Reidsv.iLLa, RnfBn. Spray, and the remedy for this lawlessness is ; Maiison and Bet.!irs Cross Roads, a qnick and publio conscience that No charge wjlli be naads for examina will punish tbpse violators. I tion&.or. for the-treatment. Every one If a man puts a pistol in his pocket should ttke advantage of tbe work The Service 'Charlotte's Experience With the Webb Law. and keeps it there long he will shoot sometimes. That's what he put3 it there for. It wonli ba foolish to say that a man puts a pistol in his pocket without expecting sometime to nse it against his fellowman. And the man who carries a pistol long enough soon loses Ilia courage and iiis virtue.. I den't believe any otan ever carries a pistol twelve months without become ing a coward, and a coward is macli no a dangerous than a brav man. t H th ) th IS otlirr hac hppn nut c test for 25 YEARS ilh the result that it ha! ctn for dav. th. LEADING INSURANCE AGENCY. Rockingham and CawpII Pontics. - . j JThe combination of Federal Webb law and State search and seizure act j seems to have pat a crimp hi tbe m j dustry technically known as blind- tigering in Charlotte. Throughout Saturday and through out Sunday not a single arrest was made for intoxication and for the first time in many months, perhaps for the first time in many years, the Monday morning docket of tbe recorder's court will be unspotted by any charge of djrpukenn.ess; agaicst any person. If the neVphibition laws are not responsible it's a mcst striking conci duce, for tbe combination went Into effect last Tues Jay, April 1. The presumption is th it that the tigers are stumped by the new array of lejial forces against them and that they are racking their brains for pome plan by which to beat tbe latest law. Char lotte Observer. 1 None But Denatured Hatpins. ncisr Womack ranee Man".-; Trccton. N. J.f April 5. Tbe new 1 hatpin law went into effect toiay alter Gov. Fielder had signed it. Un der its provisions all hatpius or other devices of apparel capable of inflict ing "lacerations upan the flesh of an other person" must ba provided with K j tips or guards. 4 'The -law provides for a fine of from " i $20, half the flue to go to the i tf. making the complaint. Women Mier States traveling in New Ua Ghw 1 Biners. it provisions. stT. Price, 11.00 is going on. Stokes county has already had tha work ant over tjjrea tiiocsaad people were examined. The work has been provided for in Forsyth county and the dispensaries. begin operation Friday. Tills work has been conducted at ready in G5 counties, is now m cpra lion in five counties, and several counties are on the waiting li.t along with Rockingham. The State spends approximate ly The coward will shoot when the dan- three dollars in tho county for every ger is fancfni. Tne brave man will !0ne spant by the coontv. Since the w ait uutil it is real. hookworm campiign began about three This pistol carrying travels with the ! years ago 122,650. person have been blind tiger. No wonder wa tolerate it; treated, and 218,C16 persons examined among the lower order of :ur society, j jn the State. It should resait in much We must break it up W hnn a man ; good in our county embarks in ths liqusr business, he makes a business of crime. Armed with a pistol an 1 inflamsd wit! bad liquor, a mm is ready for crilne. No blind tiger liquor is goal. It is so adulterate 1 as to DHi.i threa sall for six. It has to bo done that wav to deceive the buyers, who are bat little better than than the sellers, because they are conscious aiders and abettors of the criminal. I'll tell you, when you break down tbe prohibition law, yon are breaking down all law, because it breeds a papular contempt for the law. An Unusual Announcement. Stripling's Son Unable to Secure Employment Atlanta, April 4. "It's a bard world, and Atlanta is a hard hearted city," said William Stripling, son of the convicted former DnIUe police chltf. this morning, after be bad hunted in Tain for two days for some way to earn a living. The young man. who is only seven teen years of age. made no effort to conceal the fact that he was tbe sen of Ihomaa Edgar Stripling, the Jean Yaljean or Georgia.' As a come qnence. be tsys, nobody feemstowant to give him employment. He has been seeking work for two lay, and has even aeled the Associa ted Charities to assist him in finding something t do. This brief annonncement appeared in the Sanford Express the other day: "At the earnest solicitation of many friends, I have decided cot to be a candidate for postmaster." This is signed "J. U. Gunter." This good old world bai been standing & loog time, but this is about the first an nouncement of tbe kind ever made. Tbe best part of it is that Mr. Gunter does not appear to be joking; be sim ply makes a statement of fact, no doubt having it in mind to become a candidate. Had he left the word "not" out, It would have been la tbe usual form. All candidates ran for office at the solicitation of friends. Sometimes, fearing tbe publio might doubt such assertions, the aspirant gets up a petition, but In these days little reliance is placed in such pipsrr. Ten men out of twelve will sign a pe tition In order to either "stand in" with the candidate, or to get rid of bis importunities. Mr. Qunter should bi made postmaster of his town in stanter. He is honest at least. Greensboro Record. Washington? April 7. Congress opening in extraordinary session toiay under DeiKtcratic domination, was enlivened by tbe activities or a healthy youth, the Progressive organization in the lIoc-&, sa l an invasion of pet)-tion-bariuc-saffragettes. But even these novelties were overshadowed by preparations for the event of tomorrow when President Wilson will deliver his tariQ message bv word of month to the nation's lawmaker?. Victor Murdoek, leader of the new Progressive party in the lower branch, aided by bis small bsnl of followers, attracted unusual interest, and at the very outset stirred np a fiffbt over the seating of Representative H. Olin Young, of Michigan. The heralding Of the coding of the President of Ihe United States, however, was the prin cipal tut jeet of official and unofiiciai disenssioc. Th3 senate hesitated when a redclcfcioa, adopted previously by the House providing for a joint sessoc taajnrroT ealis4en to President Wilfon. was presented fcr its consideration. It wi?fn a stonning proposal. Not lii the lilt time of any veteran statesman present had suoh a thing even been coaiilerei). Hiftory, they fnpposad, ha i cta?d on that custom a csntccv aud more ago. Firs' au erTait was tuada to bav3 the resolution lie ujer nn:lr the role bat Vice P,fesidiit MEJshall ruled it was a resolutlca of tlie highest pnvjlege. ' Before it was adopted Senator Wil liams, of Mississippi, depiecatad the Presixlent's decision to enter thd hails of Congress and sneak his rain i to 110 irfjjirz 0 irjiir.-ciiioincsw lis expressed the hope that suoh an event never would occur again iu the ad- iniuietratiou. He doubted tbe widom cf the move, averring thaJ it could not aid in briuging about the legisla tion for which the peojde were clam-oriug. Iu the Hous3 tho- resolution was adopted without debate, as .soon as Majority Leader Underwood intro duced it. There piacs for ths. Presi- debt's welcome took on a gala aspect.. Members Scrambled for the special tickets to tha galleries which were is sued fcr tomorrow, the occasion being, looked forward to as an epochal eves in the history of the administration. Organization cf both bouses was pattly concluded today, the Soca'e havingt little to do but maak time. Spaksx Clark was re-elected ever James R. Mann ( Republican and Vic tor Mardock (Progressive), and other alScers of the House were also re elected. TAR HEEL CRANK IN THE GAL LKRY. Ja3t as the S,3mte was taking a ra cess until 2 o'clock, a man who said hi3 ramo w&s George Clemmer, of Monroe, N. C . arose in hia seat in the men's gdllary and demanded at Vice President Marshall that ho be recognized. Clemmer. who appeared to be about 25 years of age, said that he was U13 !herall of the Prince of Peace." He sti 1 ha had orda giving himself this designation. Ho was taken t tlie ulljce of the C3ptaia ot police wJ cre be wa3 interrogated. He is locked on as a harmless crank. Clemmer said to newspaper men: "I have a message from Jeaai to deliver. I have t) deliver it, if I die." Asted what it was. he refused to say. Clem mer told Captain McGraw that he was an evangelist of the Methodist Church. South. He seemed Inoffensive enough, bat was tcrce 1 over to the Sixth itreet police station. Turing Savings. Tue- State of Virginia teems to be op aaaiost totae of the tame- inequal ities tm Iter tax levy system thatwa of North- Caiolioa are afiHctel with. U housing one plus's of the sanation Tlie rtw-hnjOD j Times Dispateh says: "Saeings bank deposits oogbt not to be taxed directly. The present tas system in tbat respect as in many others. Is defective. To tas tbe sa ving of the ladividaal Is to penalise Uhrift aad really to impair tite bank- ingbasioes. It tends to further con cealment of subjects of tsxaticn." Diacussiog tbe matter farther onr contemporary cites the experience of the State of Connecticut which im poses a tax upon the baaka and ex empts depositors from laxatiou upon tbeis deposits. The rate is one-fourth ol one per cent, Tod in Sxing it tbe Leiiatore sought tomaknthe burden of taxatioa distioctly ler than tbat borne by individual! or other financial institutions. Compared with tbe rate 'of ono ir cent laid dcjsn uuon the fltoefc o! other bnaccial i-orpofntiont, tbe rate cf savings batiBs is most rea scoabie, as it ia in cotapariftou with the rate of four mills,, which individ uals pay upon bonds aed like invest uents." In North Carolina, the State tax is one ier cent, on Eatings ruJ other ttank deposits, uu la haad, lonln and other soturtiies all of which tnmt he fcUrned at their toll value, causing tho owner to pay three to five times as much tax as the own er of ether classes of personal property and upon realty. If lrjstead of our svstem all p;oreilv were assessed aL its real value and the'tax rate reduced ' to one Tourth what It is now, the owners cf moaey, bonds, etc., wonid not attempt bo. evade ihn taxes and the aggregate !ioa this source would be greater th&A It is at prer.t. And it tiic sivin, banks wete required to pav a sroal) tax on vavingn deposits and the deimeitors were untaxed, somewhat after tho manner of tho bnilld-is and ioan stock, tlut State would get jast as much tax in the Ipiig son and the sav ngs baxxl would hv. their deposits vastly iacreasol. Cbarltte Observer. Why to Stir the Scii in Dry Weather, Reidsville's Laurels. Dyspepsia is America's curss. To restore digestion, normal weight, good 1 health and purify 'he bloui. oss nor- Retdsville sent'out a d if patch to the State papers claiming the Honor for having drawn the first blood under the search ani seizure law. It is not onnioal' for Reidsville to carry off the honors for tbe tale of whiskey, according to her court record. Tbomaiville Dayidtonun. An Old Bible. Spencer, April 5. A Bible published in England in 1S21 it in pottetf Ion of W. H. Walker, of Spencer. Tbe boos tai been in tbe Walker family for nearly 6(0 years, and was brought to America more than 100 years ago by John Walker, grandfather cf W. II. Walker. ITbe book it well preserved, is clearly legible. It Is prized very highly. So far at is known this it the oldest Bible in North Carolina. Mr. Bryce. tbe British Ambassador, tells brief story to illustrate the ex alted opinion tbat he thinks Ameri cans generally have of their national ity. It was in a schoolroom, and da ring a review of history since the creation. "Who was the first man?" the examining teacber asked. Watt- ictgoa." hastily replied a bright toy. quoting a familiar slogao, "0rt in All moisture in, tij sail ooaveyel through tobds, cacAis, or cipUUriet. The closer-grained soil holds moisture more readily tliau the coarser nd lumpy soil. &y rnakiuz a flue mulch or blanket tc rover the mare compict soil below It prevents the moisture from pasrJag off through the small biir-liXo oapillaries of the firmer soli b3low. it you let this loose blanket or maleh stay unstirred for soma time, i( baa a tsnleucy to crust an I form oipillarie with the bottom soil aud let the moisture to pa?s out There fore, you have to stir the mulch agsjn and break up tho newly formed capil laries anl cent luce" to do so as loo 2 at the dry weather lasts. G. W. Scalty, Falrplay, Ark. Maj. Stedman Confers With Sim mons and Overman. Washington, April 7. Congieftiaiin Stedman held a conference with Sen ator! Simmcms and Overman this even ing with regard to recommending postmasters for appointment in hit district, and within the next few dajt he probably will announce tbe names of the successful candidates at Wlu-itoo-Saiem, Mt. Airv, Eikln, Chapel Hill. Eton College. Madison. Leaks vJlle, Burlington. Spray, Roxboro, Oxford, RelJiville, East Durham aod Weit Durham. Simpson-King. Dr. Hannibal N, Simpson, a popu lar and successful pbyiician, of Stone vUle. N. O.. and Mit Elizabeth King, tbe attractive daeghter of Mr. Joseph W. Klog. of Spencer, were married Iat Tcetisy afternoon at Broad St. Hotel. Rev. T. J, Glenn, of the Stcneville Christian church, otSci sting. Mi. aod Mrs. Simpson left 00 the N. & W. train for Stoneriile. Henry County Bulletin. war, Ant In pese Adam was t papil sa talking rift" Wrnn. LADIES CAN WEAK SHOES )d size smaller by nting Allen's F t-Ette, the aotiseptic powder for nln lender, acblng feet. It tastes .?m dligbt, relieve corns and 'ui , ait pain, and givev rest aod ..-.'' i. J everywhere, 25c Don't " rocle FKEIC 1.

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