I i i 11 Published T wice-a- week 1 at j u 9 7W WEALTH OF THE MINI) IS THE ONLY TRUE WEALTH." POUSDED BY J. R. WEBSTER. REIDSVTLLE, N. C, APRIL 15, 1913. S03SCRIPTI0I OHE DOLLAR k TESR. NO. 30 7 a. m. 7 p. m. 0 p. m. 15 p. m receive r from ad. receive r from 8 south e GAf.1 A lontana Subscriber Appreci ates The Weekly, t lkf:. Mont. , April 7. 1013. !;: i'..r or Webster's Weekly: i :!;" llorsford Bros.' paper !;-, Mcnt.. to Hurch, Mont. i i r?vjth voa wiil Son ,r. one. dollar to py np oar ion tv.r another year and tc House Stands by President Wil son's Policy. Washington, April 1-'. President Wil-nu woo his fight for ultimate free raw fengar in tha Democratic caucus toay by a vote of four to cue. The Louisiana men laila l in an ellcrt to secure protection. The bill as sent to Maj. Stedman Recommends Jno. ! Simmons and Overman Pulling Wife of a Fomer Reidsviile Man pi?. For a short time they lived In this cit an i had many friem! Mr. Lorn as, who h& been raaocg biaee mm cn 'the Goldsboro train -Jxajor bteciaan recommended the j Washington, April 14. senators Goldsboro. April 1 1. Ti. is morning; f0r tLeferm years epetIIv well Oliver for Reidsviile P. 0. for Watts. Killed at Goldsboro. following lor appointment, as post masters: llobert S. Gallawav, of Win- Simmnne nn.l (Ireririan nr!T rill-f1 cl;nrtlir with President Wilson rtlatiw to the Prince, !trr o'clock K. Clrveland Ifccown amon- railroad u,u. who ex- a nrcmiaeut youua tcir.! stcn-Salem ; Caleb D. Oshorn, of Os- President' attitude towards accei-ting man ct this city, accompacltd by a yesterday alternccn alter learning of -C3? t ... -v feels lite home to wi and I j : - -1 it grow. V. ntr-r J;39 'jut brcken- liere and f ir:i-i ---r-i will begin plowing as soou as 'ti ;r.r is oat of the groani. Wheat. 1 Ulfy aim nax are nuwu 111 ..u. a:; ; -J a up. and some riax as late as me fcr.t - part of July, and harvested in if.;.t.-.:ii!;er and October. Grjin urows fat during the sum mer, owing to the fact that we nave ab -ut t iziitef nil oars of day light. There are still government; home stents open for settlement. .This is a good.' place to make money if a man will litVtle. ..'";'- preach diversified farming to the pot.lp lack tliere. Right now I notice tLev are growing wild over tobacco b.-aus' they received a fair jtrice for thtnr crop last seaflcn. Mv o.berva liou u that high prices for tobacco mean "poor run-down, worn-out lar.ii-. - .Pitrdon me for writiiiK nl length, but 1 tel intereRted in the welfare aa i prepress of the people of my ua tiv.nite and wifli tliat I was capable 'pfi-ayfng scmethlng that would be of Wi filing von and yonr paper much yn-Tt's?, l romnin - HeBj)Pctf ullv, T. F. HORSFORI). President Wilson's Tariff Views. H?a Senate will p:o?irte for a twentv- i -f v" th the icr-. hiW. I like nfe ff'Qf- reauctiou iu the presett r;vfcr The Weekly, lor I can i 'ioty with free fugar at the end o t.m-ii wjih the prozrefi of .ray j t,Jtf!e years. unty uud many of. my friends, j Undeiwood led the flht against Hepresentative Broussard to tave the President's compromise plan and the vote wasdecisive. Brcasard present ed the original programme of a reduc tion of the tariff to 1.42 a hundred, leading to free raw fugar in nine years. He was defeated in the caucus, HO to 1"). He followed this with an amendment for a gradual reduction of the tax. but always eliminating the three year clause This was President Wilson's compromise to meet the sugar planters of Louisiana. Representative Hardwick. who was chairman of the committee which in vestigated the sugar trust, led the fight for immediate free raw sugar, hut he was defeated by a vote of 156 to C2. - Forty-cue Democratic members of j the House mat taday at the call of j representative Ashbrook, of Ohio, to ! consider making a right against free raw wool, to which they are opposed. I They sought to effect a combination ; with the .sngir men iu opposition to i M12 removal or all rihtics'.cii wool and! sugar., A resolotion was passed at; the meeting, proposed by Represanta-! tive Lobeck, of Nebraska, that they would not be boun i by the Detnocrat ica caucus and would unite in opposi tion to Uuderwool in the work of cp posing free raw sugar. Republican Leader Mann will te furnished with au early copy of thn wool schedule. I! t'ie insurgents can agree witii the Repnblicius they may unite iu a fight against tho Wilson- ford; J. H. Bowen, of West DurJa:!: Finlev L. Williamson, of Burlington, and John T. Oliver, o! Reidsviile. The Major will make rccommenla tiocs for Elkin and Elon College Tues day. Greensboro News, 15tn inst. ith the Gor.MiCro t?l? dcubia tmgedv. Mary IX Carter; n. i. Prince, who i The Pope Better.' Rome, April 14. The Pope has rallied ina wonderful manner from the sericus attack which he suffered vesterday. He appeared to be on the point cf death last night; the physi cians' reports tonight stating that the danger point for ti:e present at least, lias been passed. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POW DERS FOR CHILDREN. Relieve Feverislmess, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regu late the bo a els and are a pleasant remedy for Worms. Used by Mothers for 22 vears. They never fail. At all druggists, 2oc. Sample FREE. Ad j drees, Alien S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. I i for Goldsboro yeeteiday afternoon.' Greensboro News. Commencement of the County Public Schools. two Senators' recommendations voous laiy visitrd ior ieaerai appointments in rortn noepitai, shere Mrs. -Mary u. carier j prtUCe who i brother of Carolina. EGtii Senators Simmons . Lomai wa? as pttitnt endergoing Clevelaui Prince, anl who Js in and Overmis alter ieaviiiz the White treatment for a sprained ankle, the re-'this city, wa nctiflel ycterdy of tiousa Hiii their cenferene was en- salt of an automobile accident, aud the tragedv of his brother. He left tirelv satisfactory ana most pleasant, 'shot her dead in her room. Senator SimmoDS was asked if he die-. Soon after the two entered Mrr. cussed the appointment of Col. A. D. ' Lotnax's room the yenng lady was re Watts as collector for the western dis- 'qutsted by Prince to step into the hall trict of North Carolina, and he said a moment, that he wanted to have a that Watts' appointment was dU- word in private with Mrs. Lorcax. cutsed in a general way. No indorse- and hardly had she complied with the j meuts of the Iredell man were filed request when two pistol shots tang f with the President today, however. jont in the room, and through the hall 1 Senator Simmons was asked about and when the startled floor nurse and the miner in North Carolina that Col- others hurried to the tcene, they lound onel Watts would be given the United! Mrs. Loin ax dead with a pistol shot States marsbalship for Western North through the head and Prince wrjthing Carolina and that W. C. Dowd. of in agony from a like shot, self-iutliet Charlotte, would bo appointed collec- ed Immediately after shooting Mrs. tor. as a matter of compromise. Lotnax. Her death was instant. "I have never hear t of the story be- j There was a noticeable Intimacy be fore," said Senator Simmons. "Eoth v.,, .. . T ... Senator Overman and myself will reel tween h,m and Mrs" aud ominend Colonel Watts for collector many of the more observant suspected of western Caroliua at the proper j that an infatuation existed 'mutually time. J an always nfiaid buisuess men who am uneasy have something to he naci-v about. Tl! farnvfir lias n?ver been protectad i e a 'vpr needed to he protected. "Co.-r of productioir'is never the SHU-- in any one factory for two years together. ' - Hv! i, t vou see.i competition aigap- J t'.ir ; T!i! ;- American peo'plu are . taking lit ice a-t never tiefore. Wtut the paoj)le wear and eat most 'e ii b. ic clua p. PR 2C 0 Bryau-RedOel i free raw wool. tariff soheme againtt LADIES CAN WEAK SHOES On size smaller bv using Allen'B Foot-Ease, t lie antiseptic pwwder fcr swollen, teiifpr, aching ttt. It makes walking a rieltght, relievos corns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest ai.d comfort. Sold everywhere. 2.jc Don't arcept uy sut.sritate. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsied, LeRoy. N: REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Rockingham Savings Bank & Trust Company, At Reidsviile, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business April 4, 1913. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured Furniture and fixtures Due from Banks and Bankers Cash Items Gold Coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency National banknotes and other U. S. notes $103,293.! 4 381 .05 2,1 89.65 13,71 3.48 31 4.07 780.00 1,922.02 6,1 34.00 $1 28,727.41 Total, I.IARII ITIF; Capital stock paid in (Surplus Fund Undivided profits. less current expenses and taxes paid Bills Payable Time certificates of deposit Deposits subject to check Savings Deposits - -Cashier's Checks outstanding Total, State of North Carolina, County of Rockingham, ss: 1. Scott Fillman, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovy; statement is true to the o'st of my knowledge and belief. SCOTT FILLMAN, Cashier. . Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 10th dav pril, 1913. R. H. TUCKER, Notary Public. $15,000.00 300.00 1,446.65 5,000.00 12,557.1 2 55,400.02 38,608.1 7 415.45 x ' $1 28,727.4 1 ,rrcct-Attest: A. P. Sand, J. R. Moore, Wm.Giles, J:rctors. 111 i 1 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF ank of Reidsviile, REIDSV1LLE, N C, At the Close of Business April 4, 1913. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Banking House, 7,210.02 Furniture and Fixtures, 2,668.74 All Other Real Estate Owned, Due from Banks and Bankers, Cash Items, Gold Coin, Silver Coin, including ail minor coin currency t National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes, Total, LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in, Undivided profits; less current expenses and taxes paid, Dividends uncalled for, Time Certificates of Deposit, Deposits Subject to Check, Cashier's Checks outstanding Reserved for Interest, $349,975.69 8,736.17 9,878.76 3,000.00 41 ,508.47 2.385.99 6,000.00 2,840.85 20,1 00.00 $444,425.93 $50,000.00 35,908.19 21 0.00 208,689.62 I 36,990.08 495.07 I 2,1 32.97 $444,425.93 Total, State of North Carolina. County of Rockingham, I, J. F. Watlington, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. F. WATLINGTON, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this, 11th day of April, 1913. W. A. TROTTER, N. P. Corrcct-Attest: W. B. Wray, J. H. Burton, E. M. Redd, Directors. between them, bat, few if any, gave it a serious torn in their minds. Humors, however, began to go the ronnds, as rumors will, and Prince about four months or so ago went west for his health and paople forgot it. He returned two weeks ago. and Thursday night'he and Mrs. Lomax. in the lat ter'4 automobile, left the city together after midnight on a "joy ride," and Friday morning the wrecked auto mobile was found on the road near the park. Yesterday Mrs. Lomax was ectBred as a patient in the hospital foi mrsing. At this hoar Prince is still living btft unconscious, aud there is no lope for his recovery. The murder and at tempt at suicide was a shock to the whole city as both were from -promS nent families. SHOOK TO GREENSBORO PEOPLE ; The tragic death of Mrs. R. A. Lomax at Goldsboro yesterday was a shock to numerous Greensboro peo- The annual commencement of the pabtic school of Rockingham coouty will be held at Weutworth on Friday, April 25th. Ad elaborate program Is "being arranged which ill appear to Friday's issue of The Weekly. Among the distinguished speakers who will participate in these commencement exercises will be R. D. W. Connor, of Raleigh : State Sapr. of Public Instrac- Uion J. Y. Joyner, and others. At the same time and place a aret mass meeting of farmers, merchants, manufacturers and other citixtel of the county will be held for the par pose of organizing a league or society for the betterment of the agricultural and educational Interests of the coun ty Among those Invited to attend this great massmeeting and who will make addresses are Clarence Poe, of the Progressive Farmer ; II. Q. Alexander, State president of the Farmers' Union, and others. A joint program is being arranged which will be announced later. This prorulnfs to bo one of the most important meetings eve' held In Rock itighaoi and will draw an imsaenfa crowd from eyery point of the coanlf. FAMOUS STAGE BEAUTIES Look with hoiror on Skin Erup tions, Blotches, Sore or Pimples. They don't have them; nor will aoy one, who nses Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Ecztma or Salt Rheum vanish before ir. It cares sore lip, chapped hands, chilblains: heals barns, cats and braises. Uuequaled tor pile. Only 25c at Allen's aud Brittain's drug tores. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Bank, At Reidsviile, in the State of North Carolinaat the close of business, April 4. 1913. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, $349,931 .94 Overdrafts, secured and unseemxi f,23Z9S North Carolina State Bonds, 3.C00.00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgs- 6,000.00 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures, 27349.2 1 Demand Loans, 24,0554 1 Due from Banks and Bankers, 49.0974Z Cash Items, 1,90112 Gold Coin i.505,50 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, l,OwJ0O National bank notes and other U. S. notes, 5,500.00 Total, $470,680.56 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in, $75,000.00 Surplus-Fund. 40,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, 4,037.78 Dividends unpaid, ' 252.00 Time Certificates of Deposit, 187,853.27 Deposits subject to check, 157,280.1 5 Cashiers checks outstanding, 58.02 Certified checks, 33.28 Accrued interest due depositors, 6,1 66.08 Total, $470,680.58 State of North Carolina County of Rockingham, ss: 1, Eugene Irvirt, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement b true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EUGENE IRVIN. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 9th day of April, 1913. P. H. WILLIAMSON. Notary Public Correct Attest: Jas. Robinson, R. B. Chance, R. L Watt, Directors. i ii i El i 1 l - -