Published Twice-a- week WRRQ SLEEKLY... 'jaTT ii : - - - - '- " "rffJS WEALTH OF THE MINL ) IS THE ONLY WEALTH,91 VOL. XLL F0U5DED BY j. B. WEBSTER. : : v REIDSVILLEK. CM MAY 27, 1913. suBscHiPiioi oib mm i ma. NO. 42 Miss;ssippi Member Makes Warm Class Night Exercises at Reids- Speech on Japanese Subject. ville Seminary. of. -Missis The closing exercises of the Reids- lif iresentative Sisson, . i -9 , V 11 - 1 J , ' . made his aDnooncea Japanese vine ceniusry were nen last rriaay Jo the house. President 1 night in the Seminary chapel. Pa- Si! I .,.nh Kridav ' after Mr. Sisson recently trens and friends of the school had en war speech", called the Mis-; joyed beyond meaaare ti e several junippian to the wuite Mouse ana f aeugutioi emenainments expensing plicate diplomatic cego- i this occasion Miss Yv ilsca Wailiagtos Bill's Progress Slow. Washington, May 24. Democratic leaders cow hare no hopes of getting the tariff bill into the Senate for de bate before Jnne 10, or probably later. The real work cf getting schedules in ebape-for presentation to the can- a ti.i njialitco Mil a - a At. ' 1 . - J r fi. I . I wito Janan or icnama me gave iser grauuauuz recuai. wnicn Sisson disclaimed making a "war renecrea so mccn creait upon ;er musical talent, and Mi?s Hines, the head cf the music department. The baccalaureate serraou of Dr. Rowe at j.atiU; miii'i. Mr. ac intention of -M-ecli, out auacsea uie p'jait.uii. , ti.d the treaty making power scper- baccalaureate sermou -.H. the law-taaking powers of the j the First Baptist church the preceding i-ovtreign States. j Sunday was appreciated by all who Mr. Sisson declared he took this pc-i heard it. The concert 'Tuesday night gUinn not "because .the Japanese were by Mies Payne'a music classes and the involved,'' that he would :ake it to- elegant literary address at the Metho 'ward England, Frauco,Germanv or any dist church by Dr. P. P. Claxtcn were . . . . fl A t 1 rther cation, ana tnac it cmy required i aa ci a mjzii type an cool heads for both coun Rev. W. E Abernethy Preaches Scholarly Sermon. ' Before an audience which taxed the capacity cf the audiroriura ot tha Oraded School, Rer. W.E. Abernethy. cf Greensboro, preached tlje annual sermon Sandav nicht to the ci&lna. ens has Frogregied as rapidly as lead- 4 c!as?; Precedin? the sermon the era expected. , Some changes in the ihxociaa wa8 delivered hy Rev. D. ratea on manufactures of wool may be j t Cnig D D of he PresbJterUn recoamen.ied by Senator Stcae'a scb cinrcb uie fcriptcre lesion was read ! cosinmtea. It waa said the changes ; r- m ivii,,,. wouid mase reductions. Some dturch, and a chcireomposed of the changes, it became known, are to be j Kst -ciefs of.'thA r!tT .1,1, Mr. Francis Womaek at the piano, render recommended for cotton manulactu- j to be in- jiationcft tries to arrive at an amicable, fair But none cf these occasions showed the high class cf work actually bi-ixig . . ttlnmtit nf nil i fKiiio ' i?Ana lir liic tfl:nrl oolf an fro 1 1 a a "If any nation." lie aedfta, "should the Class Night exercises last Thurs decide that thej will dictate t-3 03 enr day niglit, with which the school year Un1 laws, then we would be unworthy 1 clceed. of national existence if we submit to j The class, composed of six, appear- 6ach ciictaticn. Does any cue claim j ed at their best, &sd received the j that this is a declaration, of war be-jheaity applause from a very larze and cac-s I announce this truth? appreciative audience. Ever camber j "It is no declaration cf war for the ! was wtli- rendered and reflected I I'-r r-i i Stales govercmett to :ecliae I credit upon both school and class. j rers. They are expected creased. Wool and sugar continued subjects of considerable riiscosaion, bat the best information seemed to bear out declaration cf administration leaders that no changes on raw wool or sugar wooid ha made by the party unless in the Democratic canons. Darwin P. Kingsley, president of tha New York Life . Insurance Uom- ei inspiring music " Sopt. Andrews presented Mr. Ab enethy as one who had shown true greatness by bis capacity forseifing his fellow-msD in the ministry. Mr. Abernethy announced as his text Matt. 22:42, "What think ye of Christ"? The audience was not long in discovering that they were in the presence of scholar and thinker. Mr. Abernethy unfoiied his' theme under pany, win nave a searing iicnaay oe- : .je headings: fore the eub-ccmiinittee compesed of j I. What did Jesus sav of himself ? seaatcis v i!Iia;as, Siuvely and Oore, j What did His on p:ovisious of the incoaia tix sc- gay cf Him? ,111. What does subsequent history contempcrariee t:cn r : .7 i 4 , . :-t it !' i:,j: v. aii'v f;v rr'.ue n at t r. !e tho rights of a . sovereign j The Salutatory vsas delivered by Neal Warren McGcire, of Caswell the dictatiots of j. foreign It the United States ivern- ! onll deliver a Stare over to r cits of a liooi of aliens from n ti'on, then 1 maintain that the --a I nvtrnriicnt would have prtrsri : its Huthority. . Is the -mere ac- t Lt ot this principle '-a dscla- ri.ti--!j t c 'cothiog has been toi t!.. : Iff.:.! 's.y mind than to cmharra?s cr to 'tf ;:.l to render more difficult- the ;;:( i - j 1 solution of wi'atetef 'differ til or imaginary, may exist L'-;..i imaginary, ni the friendly' covernmer.t cf 1 . . tci. ' tii 1 11.0 iiivi''ii Ja;r.ui an ccr own government.'' - y.r. Sisnon pleaded for tho open door on treaty sessions cf tiie Senate. liit t!o President aud Senate can ttike t-uch a treaty, let Ui tear dovu every dcor of secrecy. D&t require the Pre i-ideut to publish every letter and telegram bearing upon a con- teoi)Uted coonty. His addrrss was well prtpai- i e i aad was delivered ia a manner that j would have sd.owc'i well for a grade-; rtt c: 'cue A ti.e first colleges cf the Stare. He was at ease on the platform and yftve ras:)C lor his friea is to hope ; tor iivtt thinss Iron: him as a speak-; f r. ! Tii? Clas? OiAticu was delivered by Jam s s E d v in King, c 2 Caswell coun - ty.w His cratiou thoved, careful study'! and was well, received by tha audi-' ' euco. He .wa? -inter: rfpted sever. 1 v !tin.sby ti;e tpi lacse rcr the hih j sectimc-nts. esprfSAd. The Class History was rsaa by Miss Annie Wilson Watiingtcc, of Caswell j county, in an especially graceful man-j ed the history of this- hich relate to insurance com nanies. To ECCommodAt Kingslsy, the sub-comcaittee will re- ; open the hearings it had planned to ! cicsa to lay. " i Chairman Simiiiuas :oce:veJ many ( telegrams today in connection with I to manufacturer.-- pre ;mm:ttec and rec riing the questions pared by tha c tha fills 1:2 of brief.-. Many ha; 0 been nii kr the impres sion that no anwsers tJ queries or briefs opposing? schedules would he printii lor the tnefir 01 the Senate attT the hearings rdo e Tuesday nunounced today h ni3.ttar would bill finally was IV. What has He dene for man? T. What Has He done for woman? VI. What has Ho dona for the children? The able ministar applied the test to 'the' llisters claims of being the Sou of God and shewed the unreason ableness of attempting to account for Synopsis of Dr. OaxtonY Master ly Address. Reference- was made in the last U- sae of ;The Weekly to th brllliact ad of United States Corns:! wiener Claxton delivtred at tfce Main Street M. E. Church on Wedneslay eight, May 21. Dr. Ciaxtou was the Commencement orator for the Kelfisvilla Sm!nirv. He delivered one of the Cntst addrfss es ever given In Reicsvilie and the Seminary is to be congratulated upon its ability to secure so distinguished a speaker. Below is given a brhef synopsis of the address, which was stenographic ally reported by three students of the Commercial Dfpirtmens of the Seml caty. We regret tlsat lack cf fpice prevents our giving the address in full. Dr. Claxtcn expressed his delight at being back again in the South' among his own people aad that he could ad dress a Soothem audience. Although he announced no particular subject, his them was education and fcr near Iv an hour and a half he held the great audience charmed by his elo quence and by the practical facts pre sented. The New Schedule a Hardship to Reidsvillc. The cew chednl which weak into eCect last Scndar diicontinntcg 33 and 35 at local trains an j patting on two new train., 13 and 14, which rca ahead of 23 and 36. work a serlosa isconvenlence to Reidsville, its effect being to cut out two express train, one in the morning and the ether la the afternoon, and pot ccr growing citv in a clans with Baffin and Bensa In express sertice. The new trains, IS and 14, tanning from Danvills to Salisbury, do not carry express, and so oar express service is limttd to 11 and from tb North and S and 44 from the South, all of which past ReifsTiUe before neon, leav ing the town without fxprett ter vice 13 out of every 34 hoars. Think cf a manufacturing city like Reids villa being unsbls to fend an expresa package either North or South from 11 7 a. m. till 5:53 the next morn ing. when rwo express trains, S5 and 26, pass ilogh in the afternoon 1 it Is an outage that Reidsvllle's bos! nets men will cot submit to without a vigorcas flght Not only does this new arrangement affect car expres service injuriously. in a acmccracy like ours everything j but the parcel tost service also. The waits cu education. There can be no J new trains, 13. and 14. do not carry solution cf any problem, civic, poHtl- mall, and v. So and Sft do not stop, cal cr industrial, withent education, j parcel post packages of any size or of The political welfare of a gcvernment j a fragile-character cannot be put in a likh curs depends upon education; The I pouch and caught from the mill ciana speaker cuid ha could think of nothing it V: t p t!::n frtwl illitcrar r ant irtrtr.. the rise and triumph cf Christianity rEI2ce escept illiteia-y and ignorance ner, Sh3 tra famous class entrance into the Seminary, thron Secat'j-r SirrLCus that printing cf sn; continue until the disposed of. Hearings bsicre the su'e-commrttee cottlnusd tOiay J. O. Ward well, of Boston, rpiesenting the Great North ern, St Croix and Berlin Falls Paper Companies, bafore Senator Johnson's, sub-cemmittee. ured that retaliatory cr ba thrown eff at the depots and so the p"s?afca hero has to wait cu the Southern's whim as Ions as tha npon any other nasis tan that Jesus ; w-th . evv educated people. J local express office does to serve the is the Cfcmr. lie nas mace. the woild j Dr. Claxtcn talked about public Ipablic. " . . .over, lifted men ircm slavery and sn- opinion and the might? influence it I jUst Khar the Southern has agaiuit psrstition, elevated womanhood and;wjede palnc opinion U a several-1 R-id&ville that it fchould put such an wueie ua gntpei nas uue nave luebe ; not discussing that public opinion is J reduce our growing city to the Pelham tilings teen accompiisiis.J. in nosing merely the opinion of a majority, nor Mr. Ahenethy told ot the testimony of ' he was j abominable schedule into effect and his father and mother to the sustain ing power of the rieen Christ and gave his own experience as well. We will not attempt a eumraarv ot his discourse, with its wealth of clas- rivtii auu uioiuiiai iuio ut-a .t u i. a a u f six lrcm their first j "ties against Canada on the higher j WQrd painting. It was one of the 'tin that it is the sentiment simply of those who maka ths greatest noise, cor vet that it is that popular expression which is generally a statement record ed by history and repeated by. poster ity. He was talking about enlighten ed opinion the best thought cf the host. nrn o Keen tliA rnrifta nra treaty on the very momftot all-thtir Tictorfa and defeats, 1 rough j rades of paper be extended to prinVcerW9S ever preached in, ;Keids-Uoncbed bv Ur-l.a aid.aa4:tboagh theirfW" i,ntllre&tnctlcns were "-i ville, and some big guns have come' ry . effcrt' i3 mafte to keep the infin- cf its (ii-patch. Let the clotnra cf the triumphs ann sorrows, up to that good; Strata be removed. Throw open the : hour. ... doors. ' woes. Mr. .Si.saon made alengthy argument purporting to sljow the possibility of corporation control of land which would be .-made-, possible, by allowlnx the importation cf "cheap alien labor."- Plants Big Tobacco Crop. Mr. Hardin Hairston was in town Satoday. Mr. Hairston ia one of the largest tobacco planters in this section of the State and says that he is setting this year two million plants on his "Briarfieid" farm and that an equal nnmber will be planted on the "Chat moss" farm. Martinsville, Va., Bulletin. From her portrayal of their the class had learned lota of ' lessons that only the school of ex-j perience teaches, wnich school, by thaj way, needs to have our careful atten-j tion along with the "reading and! writint? and 'rithmetic," a school' which issues no diplomas. Miss Wat lington's paper was a gem of its kind. The Class Prophecy was given in a very humorous manner by Henry Al fred Badgetc. also of Caswell county. The committee took under considera tion an amendment proposed by Mr. WarJwell. L. S. AUerscn, of Lewistown, Ida ho, representing fruit growers' inter ests, urged putting fruits on the free list because of the need for a market owing to the growth of the American fruit industry. Senators Randsell and Thornton, of Luoisianna. resumed thie fight against 1 ; free sugar before Senator Williams' ! subcommittee. After a prolonged ses sion Senator Hands tell said be did tais way, uisnops, rresiomg raaers, j ecce tzom the jury box, it cannot be Doctors cf Divinity, etc. Mr. Aoer. 1 gnccessfully done. One of the jndges of the snprema court of this Stata sev eral years ago wrota an opinion that t I The Service 0 4 Of this office has been put to the test for 25 YEARS I With the result that it has been for many years, and is todav, the V t plished anything. Congressman Godwin Explains Why Wilson is Slow. LEADING INSURANCE AGENCY' n RocKingham'and Caswell counties. Francis Womack "The Insurance Man" t Uui i ww 1 1 . a. . . 1 m 1 tie naa reiurnea S3 uia ujaier i-t . , -n-lnot know whether they had accom- ter years 01 so&tjuue nuu uuteu wun pleasure the elegant group of build-, inRs that represented the Reidaville Seminary. Mr. Cnrtisa was f till Pres ident and trom him he learned the good luck thaf had come to his former classmates. The "Last Will and Testament'' was read by Robert Payne Richard son, of Reidsvilla. with the dignity of a jurist. The arrangement aud specifications in this document weeid have done credit to one very much more experiened in these matters and reflected credit on the composer, showing, as it did, the earmarks net of a youth but of a statesman. We congratulate him on this production. The Valedictory honor fell to Miss Wilsie Audrey Walker. In her address she spoke an affectionate farewell to teacher, pupil, fellow-classmate and citizens. She brought tears to the eyes of many and mada them realize that, truly the ties cf school lifo were strong audcaleulatad to last through life. Thus each member cf the graduating class took part tn the program. Miss Lucy Penn added to the pleas ure of the evening by rendering sev eral selections, which w-e very much enjoved by every . one. A selection from "Madame Butterfly" and "I Hear You Calling Me," were suns with much grace ' President Curtiss delivered the bac calaureate address in a very scholarly manner and presented diplomas to the class of six for having completed the literary course. To Miss Wilson Watiiccton he pre sented, in addition to a diploma for the literary course, a diploma as spe cial graduate in the school of mnsic, she haying shown herself so well en titled to this honor by her elegant recital a few nisthta ago. Mr. Cnrtisa announced the fntnre plana of the Seminary and thanked Damn, May 21. Congressman H. L. Godwin,, who is at heme for a few days during the recess of the Honse I and panding the consideration of the tariff bill ia the Senata. said today that many pecpla desire to know why the President has not yet sent to the Senate fcr confirmation the names of the postmasters the various Congress men have nominated. Speaking cf this, he said that the President, on account of the congested condition of the public business, de cided to made but 150 nominations a week, these to be taken from the coun try at large. Nominations are not made by districts, but by States and all States are treated exactly alike. Up to this time only three cr four nominations have bean made id a dis trict. The operation of this rule is rather slow, but ail will be confirmed before long. nethy is a man of striking appearance, and reminds one not a little of Judge H. O. Connor and the piotores of John C. Calhoan. He is a son of the lamented Dr. K. L. Abernethy, foun der of Rutherford College, and inher its a full measure of the intaleectual strength -of that Methodist giant. The evening's services closed with the bendiction by Rev. W. F. Womble, of the Methodist cbnrch. DR. HENDERSON TONIGHT. Dr. Archibald Henderson, of the University of North Carolina, who i to deliver the annual address tonight. fhas achieved the nnprecedeated feat of publishing five notable books da ring a pariod of twelve months. On February 20, 1911. was published his "Interpreters of. Life and The (Modern Spirit;" March 20, "Mark Twain;" May 25, "George Bernard Shaw, His Life and His Worse:" in August, 1911, was published by the Cambridge (Eng. ) 'University Press his series of mathematical researches entitled "The Seventv-seven Lines cn the Cubic Surface;" January 15, 1912. appeared bis translation of Emile Bontrox'a "William James." And in addition to these Dr. Hen derson has found time to publish in leading magazines on both sides of the Atlantic some thirty-odd essays of such diverse figures and topics ai Ib sen. Meredith. Mansfield, Mark Twain. Wagner, Tolstoi, Woman Snf rage. Bridges, Oberammergan and the Passion Play, London. Plagiarism, eta Rare Courage. Republicans Planning for Next Campaign. flatly opposed the opinion of one thir ty years ahead of him, and in doing this he declared that public opinion had changed. And so our democracy will be no bettar, and it need not be feared that it will ba any worse, than public opinion. Our society is no longer fixed and satisfied.' It is mobile and liquid. Time was when there was little hope of rising higher than our ancestors or danger of falling lower. Things were fixed then but they are not sow. For, one generation wa have been "doing tbicg," and the South is cczntng into ber own again, and south ern men and southern intelligence are being felt In the affairs of the nation. Southern public opinion is belng felt In Washington today. North Caroli na has furnished the Secretary of the Navy the Minister to the Court of SL James, and many important positions are now filled by Southern men. The president is southern born and bred; four Cabinet Members come from two adjoining states and cne half of the Cabinet is filled with Southern men. Southern men are measuring folly op to the standard, and they are being sent by ao educated democracy. . Dr. Claxton spoke of the great task given the democratic south a task on like that given any other paople.coun try or nation on the globe. He referred to the race question, which' he said might be workeJ oat within the next five hncdred ysara. He woold like to see the white ma nJ brought to the pilot cf Divine pa tience through edaTatlon, and the black 'man to the place where he would hear his pirt of the burden of autonomy. In concluding Dr. Clastan cocgrat- and Biown Summit class, is hard to divine. No town on the main line cf the Southern has shown greater In crease In freight and express business daring the past two or three years than has Reidsville, and there is no. reason why we should be discrimina ted against so flagrantly. If the pres eot arrangement It means & serious-loss- to Reidsville. A day's delay in express service often entails Idleness npon hundreds of operative!, and may inconvenience an entire city. Wilson Scores Lobbyists. the friends for their interest ihown hr attending the exercises of the schooL For a rare degree of courage and f cheerfulness in the face of certain j Washington, May 24. Lealeri of death. Mr B. Sanders Walker, the! the Republican party laid preliminary Macon Ga. banker who died Jbis j plans today for the Congressional cam- $ ulated tfce graduating clws and tald : morning, demonstrated the real atti- paign cf 1U14 and the National pslitt- f -I bring to too tha grteticgi ot the Nation and the Golf peed or all the pacpls cf whom you shall find pleas ure in serving. The concensus of opinion of the large audience was that the address was a great effort of a great man. It was a rpsecb that will linger is the minds cf all who heard It. The thanks of the people of Reids ville are doe the Seminary for giving them such a rare intellectual treat. cle. Several days ago Mr. Walker cal battle ol two years later to regaia took a bichloride of mercury tablet in j control of Congress and possession of the place cf a headache tablet. When the White House, he discovered the mistake and sent forf Ai a result the Republican national the phvsicians he was informed that jeemmittee will meet CO days after ad his death was certain, that be weald jocrnmeat of the extra session of Con live a few days nntil the flow poison jgress and as extraordinary Repotllcan permeated his system, but that there j national convention la expected cot was no hope. Mr. Walker went about f later than a year hence. his task arranging bis private affairs and then held a reception for bis friends and remained philosophical and cheerful in his family and among bis friends nntll the death grip seized bira. Charlotte Chronicle. Changes in the taste of representa tion in National conventions and re form of methods of party procedure, which have teea rabn tc c-itici?m, w ill be dispsrt d cf ii.?-. c e agencies. Doaas Reguleta are recommended hr many who ear they operate easily. -'tbout griping and without cad after - .c's. 25e at all drug stores. .Washington, May 26. President Wilson stirred Congressional circles today with an emphatic statement de nouncing the "industrious" and "In sidious" lobby in Washington at tempting to create pnbllc sentiment against certain features of the Under wood tariff bill. This wss accepted at the Capitol as referring to the ana enal efforts being made against free raw wool and frt-e sugar. PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT. The president issoed the following statement : "I think that the public ought to know the extraordinary exertions be ing made by the lobby In Washington to gain recognition for certain altera tions ot the tariff bill. Waabfngtou has seldom seen so numerous, to la duitrioos cr o Insidious a lobby. The newspapers are being filled with placed advertiiexiants calculated to mislead the judgment of public men not only, bat also the public opinion of the country Itself, There is every evidence that money wlthoot limit Is being spent to sastaln this lobby and to create an appearance of pressure of pnbllc opinion antagonistic to some of the chief Item of the tariff bill. "It Is of serious Interest to the country that the people at large should have no lobby aad be voiceless In tcete matters, while great bodies of astote men seek to create an artificial opin ion and to overcome the Interests cf the public for tuelr private profit. It Is thoroughly worth the while of the people cf this country to take know ledge of this matter. Only public opinion can check and destroy it. "The government lo all its branch es ought to be relieved from this Into) rable burden and tbf constant Inter ruption to the calm - prcg.eM of de hate. I know that Jo this I am speak ing for the members of the two booses who would rejoice as much as I would, to he released from this un bearable situation." I Possum Rode the Engine. Spencer, May 24 Engineer Hunter caught a fine possum 00 bis locomotive when be pulled lntc Spencer one nlgtt during the pat week. The animal bad hoarded the train at some un known point aad was rldirg tbe rods coder tbe pilot when found. Be was captured and Is being fattened.