LOUIS LIGHTEN STEIN, Merchant TaiLm. SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA nONOAV. MARCH 2nd, 7894. JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor WORLD NO. 151. The Wbrld has the EVENING WO^ED LOCAL DEPARTEMENT. LEROY SMITH, TELEPHONE NO. 91. largest circulation of any paper publisher! in- Salisbury. Our books are open to inspection. Two Colored Children Dead. A little child of Jule Malone, col ored, died Friday night and wi s buried yesterday. Last night in the house next to Jule’s, a little child of Wilson Mc Gee, died of croup. A Map of Salisbury. T. S. Mauldin, of South Carolina, and S. F. Coit, of. New York, are To Help the Orphans. Rev. R. W. Boyd, ' superintendent of the Barium Springs Orphanage-, preached two very able sermon- at the Presbyterian church yesteVij y. Mr. Boyd is here y et today seeuri ng subscriptions for a new central burld- ing at the orphanage. 1 STREET GAPS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS, The Commissioners Will Be Asked for a Fran chise Tonight. The Promotors ot rhe Scheme. PEOPLE THAT ARE AMONG THE PASSING THRONG TO-DAY. HAPPENINGS THAT ARE OF INTEREST TO SALISBURY ANS. here engaged in making a m; the city. They represent insurance Ar a meeting Saturday night in I the cilice of J. Sam’l. McCubbins ! some of the leading business men of ! Salisbury organized a company to C.F. Ritchie spent yesterday in Concord. I). R. Julian went to Cleveland this morning. W. L. Ilorah went to Charlotte Miss Mattle Lanier has accepted a position as saleslady at I. Lichun- stein’s. . "A iff fire company will have .it? regular monthly meeting tomor row night at the Mayor’s office. The session house in’ the Presby terian church yard is being repaired by a new roof. Ernest Rufty who lias been clerk- ing for W. A. Eagle for some is now with J, M. Brown. time The Shakespeare Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 with Alls; Maria Woodson. King Lear act second. The Women ante 1 nion meets at the Y. 51. C. A. at An Office for Mr. Thompson, ip of I ^’d- Thompson, assistant chief j en si ne G , ‘ of the Southern retur 'ed line and electric light plant. Tonight this morning from a trip to WWr-; a committee will appear before the ingtor An order has be.a givenitown commissioners asking for a j Biis moinin”- for the erection of an office for Mr. ifranchise for the company and mak- corr* paines and are making the plans the city to enable the companies fix their rates. flr. Foust Wil! Not Return. Mr. I. II. Foust, ex First National Bank to -cashier of Bic | ( - rec ted. . of Salisbury. 1 Jno. 51. Trott came up from Char Thompson, on the railroad property j ing a proposition as to the lighting I G^J-ove and . L. W rig i north of Salisbury. This office will I of the town from the same motive ! 11001 Were ^ ere h-t night, j be used by hen until the shops arc , power by which the cars will be Miss Mamie Barringer has re was released today from the State:™ 8 Eyc S,R * U Nearl> Qone - prison where he has been for twenty^ ^ r ’ * jec Dowlas, of thi run. J. S. Henderson, L. S. Over- ! man and Rev. F. J. Murdoch appear- i ed before the board of county com- punty,: missioners today and asked for the one months. Mr. Foust will not re- ’ ^^ ^i 8 morning for CharPt te u here rght of way of the county roads for turn to Salisbury however, lie was ; ^' e W ^ have his eyes operate d on by | the corporalion to the Yadkin river, it joined in Raleigh by his family and Br. W* B ^ akefield. their home will be elsewhere. A Wedding At Thyatira. from a visit to friends in Davie. John Bailey spent yesterday in Davidson county with relatives. Miss Daisy Thompson has returned from a visit to relatives at Sapona. [ being their intention to run the line Miss Mau^e Bernhardt has re- Seven weeks ago Mr. Pc whs' was j at some future day to the river. It!turned from a pleasant visit to Tyro, attacked, by pneumonia and Wen ip 1 is understood that two companies 1 Miss Bessie Dunham has returned v I Sallie r " 0 ' eredf ™ m ^ ”1 apply for a franchise from dm ! from a visit to relatives in the eouj- Mr. J. Ilairison aim Miss Kalin . s! g bt W Di . ar iy I ost . 1 b ., ard tonight. The promoters of ', Carrigan, two popular young people M1 . PowIas hip ^ b)j: . ,■„ -^ | Ihe idea repre8en . tfa g the cdmpany | y ' of Mill Bridge, are to be married at | bewe g tted b ,. ^ ^ u j,, w - ake _ j fim deferred to consist of Dr. F. J.! Frank BealI > 01 L “™’ 1 > e““0 111 , Murdoch, J. s. Henderson, T. M Sight to spend a few days with Kluttz, W.L. Kluttz, D. R. Julian, fnenda - high noon on Wednesday at Thy tira church. After the ceremony an I field. elegant dinner will be given the Tw0 runaway.?. 1 emper- vcunt r couple and their friends. AT A' A 1 J Several bahsbury frauds of the street about no , )n t6 . da It was quite a lively time on 1:30 p. m. prom ptly. The school in lower Iredell county taught by Mr. 11. A. Bost, closed voung couple will attend, the w'ed- dir g.. Mr. II. G. Tyson’s horse rar’ from ! Boyden and Lee ip. B. Beard, N. B. McCanless, M.C. i IL C. Hardin and little daughter Main j Quinn, J. Sam’l. LIcCubbins, W. 1 Mamie, spent yesterday with relative' I Smithdeal, G. W. Wright, A. IL in Ruffin. 51,00'0 Reward Chief of Police G. H. Shaver last week and Mr. Bost has returned n . n received a circular letter from b. to bis home at South River. i . ,,..... 1 Jody. )i Washington, e has • ./you, wist; to save money with- ya reward of $1,000 for the recovery ut going .o any trouble read E. V/. of his wife who left her home at Burt & Go’s new ad. on second page. ‘ Washington on January 31st, while They will save you ten per cent. Dr. J. S. Brown, of Bear Popb , was here last week. Dr. Brown con- templates mo. io Salisbury to practice and his visit here was with that purpose in view. Deputy Sheriff Robt. Monroe left yesterday morning for Asheville for Bob Boyden, the negro who is want- ud here for the burning of the cala boose and who was caught in Ashe ville Saturday. Bob will return with his man to-night. The Home Circle has asked Rev. T. F. Marr, of the Methodist church, to preach a sermon to them in a few weeks. Whether the sermon will be preached at the Methodist or Pres byterian church has not yet been de ¬ elded. The Home Circle is one the growing orders of the city. Mr. J. J. Stewart, we are glad noils, was able to be rolled up to S. Overman. If Attorney General Frank in front of Marsh's store to tl alley [ the franchise is granted it is expected j p orne 0 f Charlotte was hi x The wagon was j Biat a company will be formed and] reiver was not i stock oubsciibed immediately. The .•apilM squired will be. not less than j at the opera house, broken up but the hurt. Jay night. Ed IIuichmsGD, a popular down a double team near by ■. demented. Mrs. Cody’s dementioil would probably not be noticed, states the 1 letter. A. cut of her accompanied the letter received by Mr. Shaver. A Schoo! House at the Vance Mill. Messrs. Loflin, Earnhardt and his office this morning in his roller chair Mr. Stewart several months ago wm I. Os- Sa+ur- knight street, damage Sloop began work tins morning on a school house near the Vance Cotton i Mill. The children in this neighborhood have been without a school, but enough money having been saved from the school fund it has been or dered that one be built. The school bouse will stand be tween the mill and Mr. John I. Trex ler’s. Capt. Green Talks “Shops. Capt. W. II. Green, General Superintendent of the Southord, passed through the city this morning- on his way South. Capt. Green was asked about Charlotte’s reported bid for the shops land lie said. “It is not money we I are after. There is no location so stricken withp analysis and for a while ; suitable as this and that counts more his life was despaired of. His many ! than all els friends are glad to see him improv- lis ¬ Mrs. Richard Henderson arived in the city Saturday night and will re- main here with her father for time. Lieutenant Henderson some the crew of ordered from Royal, S. C. country man started v. » the ; capt. Haughton** Bad Luck. I’ C. . H. Lei a s and ' "vigb t w. It was stopped befor - any I capt. Ferrand Haughton, who is'Rosa, .irespending the ai'te.inoon in was done. j running in Capt . Murphy’s place had Charlotte. ’ I the misfortune yesterday to lose his Julius A. Peeler Dead. 1 1 z 1 i i . i I pocket book which contained some- Mr. Julius A. Peeler died of con-j Biing over fifty dollars. The purse sumption at his home in the West ' was lost between Asheville and Salis- Ward yesterday afternoon at half|h u r v . past three o’clock. | Mr. Peeler was 44 years of ago I A New Depot- arid leaves a wife and one daughter,! The latest rumor in railroad cir- The funeral will take place this - ( B es is that Salisbury is to have anew- evening at 4 o’clock from the Bap-• depot. list church, conducted by Rev. N. S. I A party in a position to know Jones and the ' .“mains will be inter- j whereof he speaks tells us that plans red in the Oak Grove cemetery. I are being considered for the erection 1 1 or a long time Mr. Peeler bad ! o f a two story brick building near been a merchant in Salisbury having j Bio present site of the carshop conducted a small store on Fisher . street, and for several months he had been running a store on north Inuiss street. If you need an extra pair of Pants go to Brown Clothing Company. Half price will buy most of them. That Gold Chunk. Somebody has accused the World of reporting the discovery of :■ 57 pound gold nugget in Montgomery county. This is incorrect. Six months ago the] Would stated that a chunk shops would not have been located j ing 57 pounds, with nuL here, but the Norfolk line made it j inches long in it, was found, imperative that they should be idea-j still says so. ted here/ I iTr. Campbell Chained, with 1 Capt. J. C. MoCanhss, veracity we are willing to A new stock of Hats justin. Come to us—we know they will suit you Brown Clothing Company. '‘Major” Bean Turns Humorist. The Sophomores of Davidson Col lege gave their annual banquet Fri day and one of the toasters of the occasion was E. II. Bean, of tins city Commenting on the different speakers and speeches the Davidson corres pondent of the Charlotte Observer says: Mr. E. II. Bean followed with a He response to the toast, “College Spirit.',’ states that the ground now covered He spoke of the necessity and im- by the passenger depot will be used portance of college spirit. as a part of the shifting yard. We hope that this is true. For marks were interspersed with amus ing jokes. Salisbury with her added dignities will need a new depot badly. Two Local Bits From Charlotte. 1 . The Charlotte Observer has No use worrying—you can always buy odds and ends from us at half price at Brown Clothing Company. the following items of interest to Salis- burians: E. ILBean came up fromDavidson College Saturday night to spend a few days at home. Mr. Jos. McNeely, of Salisbury, I D. Holmes, manager of the Singer I formerly of Joe Baruch's, in this ; Ma jlinc Companv at Charlotte, was weigh- cit ^ leaves to - da y for Chattanooga ^ Saturday night. N I to take charge of the black goods ! , : Miss Inez Randle left this after- * ] -. I department at Loveman s—the store] ■ I in which Mr. S. B. Waters is one of ] "O"" for Ce ‘ lar " ,11 and . J the head salesmen, and Miss Carrie V to Vis:t relat,vc8 - The risk atP ones mi ^ uier - ^ r - McNeely is a the in-^ 00 ^ C ^ G1 '^» and his friends are glad Lawyer Marshall Caldwell, ef Con cord, was here this morning on his way to Stanly court. Editor F. S. Starette,of the Moores- any and al) times, gave us beer Mr ' K-S-awbeUahedesen-edlyl {ormat i on and he obtained p ort ;j popahr superintendent of the V ance j ^ gentloman who carried th. clmnk . etton mills who has recently been j from pla( . e to p]a0e until the Indiana re- a PP ointcd 1 '° the sanie P osl ”° n 10 C be I The error came in in the difference ! Trott & West "™ ,x,n S to set Sal! i Proximity null at. Greensboro was betwee „ a chunk and a n(igg()t . presented with a beautiful gold chain | ]to which was attached a masonic’ A uew and fan liY/if emblem, Saturday afternoon, by the 1 Shirts just i reived at the Indiana has Fort Monroe to Mrs. Henderson turns from that point. Judge Henry R. B: left this afternoon for Albemarle employees of the Varice Mill. The where he will' preside over court chain was presented, in a neat little which convenes tomorrow morning. Court was to have convened today speech by Dr. Murdoch. Mr. Campbell and family left this it from i - O know that he has gone to such a lucrative position. It is said in bar circles that Messrs. | (for Salisbury. Mr. Trott returned! j from there yesterday. He was ac- Icompanied b - bis brother, Mr. Henry ’ Trott, formerly a conductor on the j AV anted—Three or four good boarders. Rooms large and well) it yesterday for Concord. W. B. Clifton, ex-sergeant-at-arm* morning on his way to Morganton. Western North Carolina road,, and I The Trott referred to is John Trott , T . . furnished and fare first daw. For| a native Rowan e ° u ” , y ^oy who has but Judge Bryan could no reach morning for Greensboro where he p r j ce an j other information apply to ^* en conducting a saloon in Char- there until this evening. will take charge of the mill. |Wm. Howard* i lotte for the past several years. For | there until this evening. Kraut. Cheese 15c. A fresh lot of canned goods. Seed Irish potatoes at. 500 lbs Leaf Lard for sale by IL

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