MEN' HMD-SEWED SHOES ' "Worth $3.00 and $3.50, nowgoin at $2.50. We undersell all others. G M.BROW!N The Carolina jacket. REAL ESTit 3T. TE WE SELL We have for sale a number of very desirable TOWN LOTS AND DWELLINGS at reasonable pi ices and on satisfactory terms. ; Also' some good farms near the city. Some of these lots are on Main street and are most desirable for business purposes. We are agents for the Central Land Co's property East Salisbury--which comprises some of the most desirable res idence lots in the city. Prices reasonable and termS easy. Parties having property they wish to dispose of may find it to tHeir interest to place same! in our hands. CH A B I JORDAN & CO. Office in the Overman Building, flain Street Salisbury, N. C. SHIR WAS i prices -2rc, 50c, 08c, 83c. ZBIETQPIIirTTXj STYLE S Tl."VvT HATS .Sou; lailwav. from 5c. up. They are : already going tike hot eake. Get one of them. I.J : ; 1 TV are a real surprise to our customers, -butnot (III) thev would take. Those lOD. to us. AVe know orRMamb urqs & Liaees Are thft wonder of the ladies. They are SO cheap and the quali ty is good. - j . s 1 "We should like to sell you your Ours is ood. The styles pretty and the price low. None lower, quality considered. We sell OXFORD TIES, SLIPPERS and SHOES in all styles. svu t iau tu oee us iui auy niiug in ine iootwear line. Steele Pennyroyal Pills are the oricinal and only FKEKCH, safe ar.d reliable cars on the market. Price, S1.G0; seat by mail. Genuine sold only by lames Phimnier, Druggist. : -4 TOR jrntEIi SrX. This remedy being injected directly "to the Era cf those diseases of t he Genito-Urinary Or gans, requires uo change of diet or rouscous, mercurial cr poisonous metl icint-3 to be taken iiittraaily. WUca. u&ed j m AS -A FtfiiVur a lYii ? any vener-al disease: . o. m ue case ot i those already u rTOH htbiY AructCD with Gonorrhoea cod Gieet, ire Mrcu gSJ tee a cu rc fru-e by mail . Jinstagt; piiv , NO US FJ to puzzle your 1 ' brain reading a long "ad" and trying to remember the prices given when you can come to Brown Clothing Company and get the right prices and always! go away perfectly satisfied. A full line of eyery thing kept in a regular clothing emporium. - Tours most respectfully, :- lern (PIEDMONT AIR LINE) H RICIIMOXD & DANVILLE AND j X. C- DIVISIONS. In effect January 9th, 189G. i r This Condense1, schedule isjniblished as infor mation, ami is subject, to change vrithbuc notice i to the juhlic. Trains leave Salisbury, X. C. : 9 :12 p. m. Xo. 35, dailv for Atlanta anrl Char lotte Air Line division, and all points south and southwest. Carries through rullin drawing room buitett sle.eper between iew ork, W a&h- mgton, Atlanta anl .New Orleans. 8:17 a. ra. Xo. 37, daily, Washington and Southwestern Vestibnled Limited for Atlanta, Iiirmingham, Memphis, Montgomery Mobile, Xew Orleans, all. points south land southwest. Through l'ullrain sleejer Xew .York to Xew Or leans and Xew York to Memphis. Dining ear, vestibuied coach, between Wa&hington and At lanta. 1 - ; 10:15 a. m. Xo. il, daily for Atlanta and all points south.' Solid train Richmond to Atlanta ; Pullman sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 7 :45 p. m. Xo. 12 Daily from Chattanooga and all points; west. Through sleeping car Hot Springs to Jersey City. 7:30 a. m. Xo. 31, daily, Pullman compart-j ment and sleeping cars between Xew York and 1 St. Augustine. Pullman uunett sleeping cars Xew York to Tampa. Dining ear Salisbury to St. Augustine. First-class vestibuied coach Washington to St. Augustine. lullman sleeper Xew York to Augusta. 10:20 a.m. Xo. 3C, dailv, Washington. Rich- mand; Raleigh and all points north. Carries Pullman drawing Toom buffett sleeper, Xew Or leans to Jew lork; .lacKsonviile to ew orK. 9-JW p. 111. Xo. ;i8, daily, Washington and Southwestern Vestibuied Limited., for. Wash ington and all .points north. Through Pullman car Memphis to ew York; Xew Orleans j to Xew York; Tampa to Xew York: Also carries vestibuied coach and dining car. j 12 :)S a. m. Xo. 32, daily, for Washington and the ndrth. Carries Pullman compartment car St. Atigustine to Xew York; -Drawing room sleeping car St. Augustine to Xew York. Draw ing room buffett car Tampa to Xew Yrk and firsj class vestibuied coach St. Augustine and Washington. Dining car betv.een St. Augus tine and Salisbury. ! ' S :10 p. m. Xo. 12, daily, for Richmond, Ral eiab, Gohlsboro and all "points north. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Kich- rnond. Connects at Greensboro with train car rying Pullman car for Raleigh. ' 10 :2.r a. m. Xo. 11. daily, for Chattanooga and all points west. Through sleeping car Jersey City to Hot Springs. I j; 2.30 p. m. Xo. 47, daily except Sunday for Xorwod. 9:45 a. m. Xo. 48. daily "except Sunday from Xorwood. Trains from north:. 70 a. m., 8:17 a. m.; 10:15 a. m.; 9:12 p. m. Trains from south : 10 :20 a. m. : 8 :10 p. in. ; 9 --58 p. in. ; 12 rf)3 a. m. ; . Trains to and from west : 10 :25 a. ni. ; 7 :4o p.m Trains to and from. Xorwood $ 9:43 a. !m. ; 2:30 p. m. , '. . All freight trains carry passengers. j J. M. Culp, W. A. Turk, Traffic Manager. : , GenT Pass. Ac't,1 W.H.Green. , Washington, D. C. Gen'l Superintendent. , I f Washington, D. C. Chas. L. Hopkins, i Trrveliug Pass. Ag't, Charlotte, X. C. i Opera 7f House Five Nights, 5, commencmcr Tuesday Even in Aprl! 21st. in r LAiMilJUiN DRA MATIC Kathleen Mavoarneen. The following from the pen of James Whitcomb Riley, is ce rtainly as sweet as the song it paraphrases. And yet, it is not a paraphrase for we forget all save the tenderness and love it hreaths in every line: "Kathleen Mavouriieen, the song is still ringing, ;' ; As fresh and as "clear as tlie thrill of the bird. In world-weary hearts it is solibing and singing,. ' In pathos too sweet for the tciiderest word. , "O, have we forgotten the one who first breathed it? And have we forgotten his rpturou . art? v . '- ' . : Our treed to the master whose genius bequeathed it: O, why art thou silent, thou voice of my heart? "Kath'een Mavourneen, thy ' lover still lingers," The long night is waning the stars A pale and few. Thy -sad serenader, with tremulous lingers, Is bound wiihiis tears, as the lilly with with dew. "The old harp strings quaver, the old voice is shaking, In sighs and in sobs moans the yearn ing refrain. The old vision dims and the old heart is breaking Kathleen Mavourneen, inspire us again " Change of bill at each performance. On Tuesday evening, every lady holding a complimentary ticket will be admitted free of charge if accompanied by a paid reserve seat tieket. . Popular prices i 25 & c. Seats on sale at Kluttzs drua: store. Tuesday Night the thril ling 'Comedy Drama, "A No wmmi IT WAS CIFFfcRENT THEN. lie looked upon his daughter with a vain and swelling pride : Tie was glad to tee her in the 'social swim. : But he looked and swelled, and swelled and looked, until he nearly died, As he counted up tlie cost when the bills came in. i - Philadelphia North American. . Garden Seeds. Fresh Garden Seeds just received. Peas, Beans, ! ec. To be sold at very '.'.-' i- low pnees at .,' v Bear in your mind I can save you 25 per cent, if my place is a little out of your wav. I am the only man in town that can and will sell you goods on a profit of 10 per cent. I do not claim the largest stock in town and county, like others do, of . course i,t is plain to you when their large expense at tached. I selected myself first class goods at the lowest price and I think I have enough of everything you may call for. If you have noi given me a trial it will pay you to do so.' Very respectfully, "What are you thinking about, little man?1' asked a charming hos tess of a small boy visitor. "Mamma told me," answered the little man,-"npt to take two orange and I was thinking I'd be mighty lucky if I got one." Ilermione "Isrt Jack" good? lie has engaged himself to me, you know; but he says he will not bind me to him. If I can get somebody else, he says he shan't interfere.' Blanche (sweetly) "It is evident that he; feels pefectly sure of you." Boston Transcript. De Tank How startling 2 re statistics! We drank 70,000,000 gal lons of whiskey last year. Mrs. De Tank Speak for your self, please. You know I never touched a drop of it. Peck's Sun. JACOB FELDM AN. J.H. Enniss. .1 J. M. .I I ADEN, ! I BROWN CLOTHING CO-! dealer in real estate, SALISIUj'PA", X. c. h Lead in Low ' Prices! j lcCabbiis, Bostian and Atwell Friend "How does it happen that you have so many Japanese things in your room?" Young Wife- "Just before I was married the contents of a Japanese store were sold at auction. All these things are wedding presents." lias for sale, on reasonable terms, large and small farms, also town; lots and houses and lots in Salisbury;: and several very desirable business lots: just in fiont of the new ear shops, also about eighty beautiful building lots, wel lo cated for residences, and about forty one acre lots in one-quarter mile of new shops. For full particulars call at my office at the new shops, from 9 o'clock a. m. to f onr p. m. ; nd at my uptown ftice on Council street, from 4 p. m. and from T to 8 p. m. The New Reporte.. "Did vou report that suicide as I ' tt -rn trt !r last niorTil?" Jinked ihe editor of the new reporter, a gradu ate of a school of journalism. "I saw the corpse, sir, but found it impossible to write a description of the affair" - Whv?" 1 "How in he world was I to state the man's throat was cut from ear to . 1 11 1 - 'v" ear wlien ne naa opiy one eui. London Fun. Call your attention to their new stock of goods. They lead in low prices as the following figures will show: . ; A man's summer coat for 9c. Suspenders 3c. pair. Ladies' gnaze vests 5c. Other goods in proportion. Give them a call. Ragson Tatters "You don't know what it is, pardner, ter be t'rowed down by everybody, wid no frien's nor nottin,, The other "Don?t I ! I'ni a baseball umpire!" Philadelphia Record. v Wanted Three or four gooI boarders. Rooms large and wtll furnished and fare first class. For price and other information apply to Win. Howard.