The i World has- the any paper published in are open to inspection. baltsbury. Uur books - m m ' - m ' . - - m m LOCAL DEPALTMEjT. LEROY SMITH, - Local TJepoiitkk TELErnONE XO. 55. ITS LOCAL. &OME CF TKF5E ITEHS WI' L J5E CF IN TEREST TO YOU. a A fine Jersey cow of Mr. T. J. McCubbins' died yesterday. Woodson & Bernhardt liavebad a n innp n aofii in their store, yll is number 83. The second quarterly conference of the Methodist church will be held to-morrow night. Several Salisburians attended baptizing at Grant'sxreek yesterday. Twelve were immersed. W. J. T. Robinson has erected a tent on Inniss street for the sale "of lemonade and cream candy. V , II. T. Tomlin has moved into the house on Inniss street formerly oc cupied by Mrs. r. A. "West. Several of the Sunday ; schools Ot the city have changed their hour of meeting from three to four o'clock. The Book Club will meet 'with , Mrs. Shober Tuesday afternoon at Author. Isabella Bird 1 Bishop. . 'Sir.. G. V. Reed, who had his ba.-k .'wrenched at the car shops- last Fri'dav is hnpro.vins: lvit it still, kept .from his work. Rev. T. F.-Marrhas- accepted an invitation to deliver the literary adds-es before Kernersv'ille .-High ;,-lio,.! on' .May lIU'U J. A. Davi" ami wife went to largest circulation of Sir. A. S. Barrett, of Newton, is in the city and will remain here abput a week. 1 , He is thinking of locating here but has not yet decid ed. Mr. Barrett is a roof painter. Sunt. 'Burke, of the national i cemetery, will soon have tin roofing placed on the small houses1 near the lodge. lie also speaks of having a cistern' sunk to furnish water to those visiting the cemetery. ; f ... : ' ; A. L. Lingle Esq. dropped in to see us Saturday. He says the ioint discussion at Yost's Grove on the 1-ftli. between Ambrose Hileraan, of CabarrUs, and himself," will be a rousing affair. A large party from town will go out. Mr. M. J. Shuping, who lives near the Aldrich mine, tells us his family as badly frightened several nights ago by a negro man entering his house.. The man is half-witted and was only wandering about vhen he entered the house. i ;Mr. Bill Howard, who is store keeper for W. T. Pinkston, had a plank pn which he was walking to give away last Thursday and he fell several feet. His left foot was! bad bruised and he is now walking with the aid of crutches. Several cars broke loose from the switch engine on the Southern yard Saturday everning and ran into a ebi.1 car which in turn crashed through the double doors of the paint shop. J No damage was done except the tearing down of the doors.: CIGARETTES KILLED iHin. WIS SHOOTER 5KOT A TlaS is Stricken With ApopJexy, Caused by Smoking Cigarettes. Tw y Darkeys Whili Intoxicated Monkey With a Pistol. Result. Mr.1 Ed. Meares, of Lin wood, will move to Salisbury next week. Mr. Meares has been on the road for some time for a elothinbr house but hris accepted a situation here. We welcome "Nr. Meares, who is already well and favorably known to Salis bury, to our midst. ITusrh Horah, a -young man 1$ 3'ears of age, was stricken with apo plexy in its worst form yesterday' morning arid died within two hours. He had been enjoying very good health and had hist returned Satnr- . j -"t ........ day night from Danville where he had been for several days visiting his brother. Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock his mother heard him naking a curious noise and artukenivs: him asked if he was sick. lie replied that he was -feeling very well and had been -sleeping soundly. lie their began talking of his trip to Danville. His mother and sister noticed a strange sound in his voice but paid little attention to it. Shortly after leaving the room, however, they heard a struggle and returned to find Hugh unconscious. He never regained consciousness and died at 9 o'clock. Drsi McKenzie and Wright were pent for but could do the unfortu nate boy no erood. i 3? They pronounced the cause of his death a stroke of apoplexy- in its most violent form superinduced by excessive cigarette smoking. He had been an habitual cicirar ette smoker for many years, but some time since broke himself of the hajjit. . Then he began again and smoked them until they had accom phshed his tragic end. Hugh had a laree circle of friends in Salisbury. The funeral service took place from the; house this afternoon at 4 o'clock and the remains were interred in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. - Two negro men, somewhat under the influence of corn juice, - we're wandering down Liberty street last i - - - - night about 9 oclock. One of them, Robt. Green, had a "pistol in his hand and was threatening to kill a Voraan before he left town. Any woman. It didn't matter to him. Just so he got to shoot at her. When near the railroad Green i - said to his companion : "You don't j believe it will shoot, do 'ou?" j "Pull the trigger and see if it will, suggested his comrade. Green pulled the triggej, the pis tol fired, the ball struck a rib in the side of his companion and glancing upward entered his throat. i Ibftn the two men went on to- ward tneir loaerinfrs at tne new Southern shops. FELL 150 FEET. While Deirrg Drawn Up a Shaft the Rcrc Broke and o Rowan Boy Is Hurled to a Horrible Death in Tennessee. LIr. J. IL'Moyle received the .sai intelligence to-day Jtliat his nephew John A. Smith, met with a horrible death in a Copper mine at Dncktown Tennessee, on last Tuesday. Mr. Smith with another man was . being drawn up a shaft in a bucket when the rope broke and the tvfo men were precipitated a distance oIl 150 to the bottom of the shaft. Death was instantaneous. The bodies was interred Wednesday. Charles Smith, a brother of the unfortunate man, reached Ducktown from McPherson, Ga., three hours before the interment. Mr. Smith was 25 years old and was born and raised in TJowau county near Gold Hill. A gentleman who saw the man after the shooting savs the wound bled profusely I A warrant was taken out for Green this morning. Mr. Stewart Better. i Mr. J; J. Stewart Jr. tells us that his father is resting better this morn ing and that his condition is much more encouragihg than on yesterday. Mr. Stewart's change from his criti cal condition of Saturday will be gratifying to his friends. A Deal in ReaSty. ' Geo. NV. Wright has jjnrchased from the heirs of of J. A. Clodfelter the building in which he has his' furniture emporium. The price paiLw for the property was &f,:00. Synod to Meet in Concord. The ninety-third annual conven tion of the North Carolina S nod of the Lutheran church will meet in St. James church, Concord on Thurs day, 30th of this month at 10 o'clock a. m. ilii- 1 hi- i:;ornin-i. 3Ir. lavi? in..-! m tcMIH!!T'!V. - Ai r. -I Oil!! i lime w:; in : ' it - m ! i v i ;:;'! ' - "i -tcrd.n :tU!rH'cl tt Afternoon Services. I ' ):'-.'..... I The "I. A. H' circle which has ((iiirt which 1 about' sixty members in Salisbury has a Sunday atternoon ser vice which is held at Chestnut Hill Methodist church at o'clock each 4 Sunday. The services are well at tended. '' ; ; stricken with usd for a He Services This Week. j .) :- - Hev A. L. Coburn, pastor of 'i Chestnut Hill Methodist church, yes terday began a series of gospel meet ings which will continue during this week.. Services will be held each niiht beuiuninir at 8 o'clock. O An April Wedding. Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. Chas. F. Marsh to Miss Beulah Davis, both of this city. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride on 'Wednes day evening April 20th at. S:o0 o'clock. Both Mr. Marsh and Miss Davis are well known and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends in and oiitrof the city who wish for them muclv happiness. Wonder What They're After. Revenue agent Chapman, of Greensboro, arrived in the city thi?. morning. He w;is accompanied by' revehue ofiicers Tate and Mebane. - They left, accompanied by Deputy Collector Thompson, immediately for the. country. ;ii-condition. lav. it 1 1" . A ' is n:r onii'M nous :V-K rescue Jr-wn, ; -vith which lie It i : liandscme 'ood.-a well diu'Ler wliose t'ot was m;iv;hed several v-. eeks ago was in tlie citv- Saturday. He' was threatened with blood poison and has suffered much pain. The plans of thenew Shaver block r and the new front of -the Methodist cliurch drawn by Leon E. Sea v, have been. placed in the show windows of Kluttz & Go's, drug store. W. J. Leonard is; again at the delivery window of the postoffice. --He is "subbing" for J. W. C. Kluttz, who is kept at home by tlie sickness 'of Mrs. Kluttz. C. F. Snider arrived in the city yesterday from Charlotte and is makmg preparations for the opening up of the Dixie Portrait Company headquarters on Main street. The school on Chestnut Hill taught bv Prof. II. C. Corriher will close this week. A picnic will be held by the school at the Yadkin river Friday. There are o'nly about thirt' names on the fcchool roll now, , a good many scholars having quit on account of measles. Jailed f m- SteaSinc- ! i - ' John Williams, colored. Avas before--It he' inayor Saturday niLrht charged with stealing 70 cents from J'. A. lJusher Saturday. '.Williams was .. jlaced in jail to awaitt the next term of Rowan's court.! Two Deaths at the Courtly Home. t ! Mike 'Dixon, aed about To years, who has been an inmate of the coun ty home for several years died this morning. , Pollv Towel), another inmate of i the honie di'jd this morning- at 2 o c lock. The Sermon Postponed. - -I The sermon to the Royal! Arcanum,' which, 'was to have been preached next -Sunday night, has been post poned on account of the' fact that it will be the last night here of both Revs. King and Jones. ' The sermon will be preached the fourth Sunday niecht in Mav, Rev.' Jones havinsr consented to return from Winston on that Sunday for the occasion. fir." Jones Critically Til. Mr. II. M. Jones is in a very crit ical condition today and his death is momentarily expected. Mr. Joni's has been confined to his bed for some time and he has been very low sev eral times but has rallied on each occasion. Mr. Burt's Patent. i ; Mr. E. W. Burt has received no tice that his new attachments for sioe cartoons has gone through the patent office and has .been giveni a patent. 1 ins is an improvement on the ticket holder patented some time since by Mr. Burt. "Chick" on the Diamond. Yesterday's Richmond Times lias' an interesting article on the ball: i team of the L"niversity of Xorth Car-1 i " olina .'which will play the University I of A'irginia this .week at Norfolk. It; has the following to sa' of our young" townsman, Walter Woodson: It isi possible that AValter Wood-1 son will be taken as substitute catch er. His strong point is throwing.! He also hits and runs bases - well. Much credit is due "Chick" Wood-; son, a$ he is called, for his hard; work in captaining the "scrub" team,; which j after all, is responsible for the strength of the 'Varsity. Look Out For It. It was the intention of the editor; and owner of this papr to have put it out in am improved shape this evening. But oh account of una voidableidelay in scetting the material the enlargement has been postponed for a day or two. - 32 bread tickets for $1.00. Goods delivered. J. . Solomon. 4- Frozen meats of all kinds at Jack s'pn's meat market. Swift's Silver Leaf is the most popular Lard on the market. The Feather Weight Stiff Hat is a daisy at Brown Clothing Co. Their Last iermon . Both Rev. X. .S. Jones, of the Baptist church, and Rev. C. B. King, of the Lutheran church, will preach their farewell sermons next Sunday morning. Refrigerator meats are the best.. Try them. I : : - For S alh 10 shares -Salisbury-Cot ton Mill stock. Apply at this ofhce.i . . As has been previously stated in the World, -I'ev. Jones has been called to a pastorate in Winston and Rev. Kinsr will begin a tour in the interest of the new Lutheran Semi nar'. Both of these divines have impressed themselves on the town and community and Salisbury gives them ur with reluctance. Xew refrigerator and the nicest meats in the city at M. L. Jackson's. Somebody is buying the latest fads in Shirts, every day, at Brown Clo. Co's. The "sizes will soon be broken. Come: while there is a chance for you. W. F. Kelsey's public hack is still running day and night. It meets all trains. 30 Bread tickets 'at A. Parker's; for $1.00. Bake days Tuesday,: Thursday and Saturday. AIL goods delivered. Phone Xo. 37. - Trexler Still Threstenins His Daughter's Life. Xatt Williams, the young .man on whose account Miss Frances Trexler" was shot by her father two weeks ago, was'in the city Saturday and talked, to a Would reporter. . He has been to see his sweetheart sever al times since the shooting took place and has also seen the old gen tleman once or twice. The old man . has renewed his threats to kill his daughter and her mother dare not leave her in the house alone with her father. : Trexler has won the contempt of nearly the entire neighborhood. Several neighbors are endeav'orinir to raise enough money with which to purchase an artificial" limb for Miss Trexler but are not with' much" success, the neighbors gener- I ally rcfusinc: to 'donate anv money until Trexler has been punished for his crime. The case, we'understand, , will be brought before the graidjurr at the next term of Rowan's Super ior court. . Why suffer with Coughs, Colds, j and LaGrippe when Laxative Bko 3io Quinine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for tak ing. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For sale by Jas. Plummer and T. F. Kluttz & Co. Columbia and Hartford Bicycles, $00, 80 and 6100.: E. W. Bum- & Co., Agents Swift's Silver Leaf Lard is guar anteed Pure and Kettle Rendered. We have the sole agency for' the? sale of Dr. Brain Treatment. tee given funded. $1.00 per box or six for $o.00. - Sole agent Jas.' irlammer. ve-uie soie agency iur me? i . n. j. est s ierve ana ?atment. Written guaran to cure or, the money re-

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