Y -"kTi- ---. v.- . : J i I. I mm, in 3S1 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY RARER' IN SALISEUK Y. LARGEST DAILY RARER IN THE CITY. r J s JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor, SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA Wf 4ESDAY. APRIL 29th, 1896. VOL.1. NO. 200. I nrrrv'r-i r x I f i t V. s V ! i. y ' .. i . -. LOCAL DEPAETMEOT. LEPvOY SMITH, - Local Eepop.tee TELEPHONE NO. 55. IT'S LOCAL. 50ME OF THESE ITEHS Wr L BE CF IN TEREST TO YOU. The comedy company will jbegin rehearsing in the opera house tomor row night. J . Eugene jllauser has moved his chair manufactory into the room ad joining E. II. Marsh's store. The Eurydiee club will) meet Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Beulah Bernhardt; Composer, Keubenstein IJev." X. S. Jones and family left this morning for Winston, .their future home. They, leave imany warm friends here. H "Jno. Ramsay Jr. wejit to Greens- uvi .uia luuiniug. ne nas ocen engaged to assist in surveying some property near Greensboro. John S. SrhhdeaFs hand was caught in some lumber at Thomp son's foundry yesterday, necessita ting his retirement for a few davS. The regular weekly prayer meet ing at the Baptist church will be "continued, different members of the church conducting the S service each Thursday night. - "We understand that h small sized fA-'1;.-1J,. ,- i f' l-l Jed Roseman is derklnsr in E. II. Marsh's grocery. City tax collector G. IL Shaver has posted up the names of delin quent tax payersJ ' Sidney, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Jorden, who died yester day,: was taken to Cherry Hill, Davie county, this morning for burial. The little body was accompanied by the family. ! Joe P. Hardin, who for some time was with Jackson barber shop, but who has been Willi Robinson for 'several weeks, will go back to his old chair at tlie Climax tomorrow, where he will be glad to see his old friends. There were three initiations and several applications for membership at the' meeting of fthe Jr. Order, U. -1 nis order l growing rapidly, several new mem bers being taken in at each meetirf j. II. A. Nieding returned last night from Winston where he had put in operation a large roller mill for F. & IL Fries. Thisis the mill on-whifli A. Van Pelt, of tliis city, has been working. Mr. Xieiding says it is the finest in the. State. 1 While returning; from Ebenezer church Sundav a country hid and two Toung ladies were in a rbno-v when the horse became frigjitenei and ran into a ditch. One of the young ladies was thrown from the buggy but not badly hurt. Our in formant gives no names. A Stcrrn Party. ''.:.--!' . There was a storm party at Miss Mamie Barringer's on " Main street last night. Several couples were present and enjoyed games both in doorsand on the liwn until a' late hour. , - . ' " Salisbury and Lexington to fleeti The young people of Salisbury and Lexington, will Veet at Trading Ford to-morrow and picnic tlie hours of the day away on the Yad kin. Several couples will go out from Salisburv. .- ? :; - -XT Tig TRAIN ROCKED. NEWS BY WIRE. - AnERICAN seized. IS CT A B!aze on th Cotton Platform. There was a blaze on the cotton platform at the depot this morning but the drmige was only slight: Seven bales of cotton belon Jlr. A. II. Boyden were scorched. fnta Asheville Xo alarm was turned in tlie firer painful was not considered ser- being pextinjruished b v Hip - dpnnt b& force. - : i . Engpeer h; 3ia Struck In The Head and O nocked Unconscious. y iberv as blood in the cab of the erne fch brought a freight tram dorn tVWestern early this morning. Thi bl was from the head of En ieriomas, who piloted the train frcpo Ixvllle to Asheville. Xejiay evening as the train vss p4ng Wolf creek just beyond th X finesse e line an unknown K-)oid by the thick underbrush ftjrS'&'a rock. Enorineer i Thomas. vJo a'as looking back for signals, vds'stfuck on theVhead by the rock aJ blocked unconscious remaining sj u;Al the.train had travelled sev- ral piles. ,H, however, regained consciousness, and brought the train His wound while THE LATEST HAPPENINGS GIVEN BY THE WORLD'S SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. A Slight Skl.nalsh. (By special telegram- Capetowk, Afjril 29. There was a slight skirmish outside of Buluwago Monday in which a Matabels re con oitering party attacked and sur prised the picket near the Coolie Garden of that town. A few shots were exchanged.' Five natives were killed. The Matabels retiredrw A Spanish Gunboat Seizes an Amertw Schooner and Overhauls It the Schoonrr Loaded With Arms and Ammunition. ro-morrow. 1 he 93rd annual convention . of Xorth Carolina Synod of the A Signal Service fr Salisbury. ' Mr. John A. Iledrick,. who for a rnrr L 1 i , ' . 4 Sm fa wnicjiiu ueen jocaJ agent ot the j lgtheran church, will meet in St. weather bureau at this place,1 'has jimes church,- Concord, tomorrow resignea in tavor of J. J. 'Xewman,. secretary of the Manufacturers -an Commercial Club. . . ."AH rriing at 10 o'clock. Quite njnber of Salisbufians will attend. a Cotton flZIl For Albemarle. nrnnprtv of Dr. H. P. Muriav and i t j . " : 3Irs. Thomason on Chestnut Hill. Several streets will be run. C. M. &H. M. Brown, E. W. Burt and Reed and Harry have i changed ads in this issue. If you A need anything in their several lines tliey can supply your wants. X. B. McCanless and John Camp bell are in Boston inspecting , some machinery wbich is to be used in the tipw milk whicli will consume the waste of the cotton mills here. E. G. Buchanan, of Charlotte, - passed through the city last night on his way to Lexington. "Buck" has beea oh the sick list for over a week and goes to Lexington to recuperate A large crowd came in from both WXorth and South this morning to be present at the closing "exercises of Livingston College. This commence ment has been an unusually success- ' f ul one. - The funeral services over the re- mainsof Mr. II. M. Jones took place from the Presbyterian church this evening at 4 o'clock. The Masonic funeral ceremony. was used at the. grave. ' - ' . Crowell, Hamilton & Co. began makinsr brick at their yard near the . new shops yesterday. As soon as a kiln can be burned work will begin in the foundation of F. Z. Scherer's hotel. -. Special rates have been received !t . j over the Southern to Mobile, Ala., V" where the sreneral conference of the Y A. M. E. Zion church wil convene -' on May 6th. Several from Salisbury will attend the conference. Mr Early Dixoli, a mandolin play lr of no mean ability, will render an excellent solo as a specialty at the opera house next Tuesday night. The; specialty alone will be worth more than tlie price of admission on that hjght J y. T. 3-Brown, of Asheville, is in (the . city wih old friends. He was here several weeks ago since which time he has been in Fayettville and Mocksvillfe. Mr. Brown tvras at one - time one f Salisbury's prominent business mcp. : Rocks -have been hauled with which to make repairs on the deep ditch which runs alJng by Ludwjig's liverymelditch' has ben f hii tiiT lU e n ed The club is having a pole erected on ton nf tfitJi TvVtiaI. l;n lew days begm receiving the signally , A n - , . -v ; - v fe .f Iearne and R. A. Crowell, of Albe serviee and runnmg,.up flags'. Th I i .i. , C(x - , , - . -A as- Mnarle, were m the city today. They service. will be al rood as.anv in tb . . , - . J J - J " . 5 .-. ; - J fare at me neaa ot a movement to State.,', i.. : ,v-,lf-'. .. f eicut it u,uuu uoLion milt at Aioe- Wore A Hask And Was Arr.sted. (By special telegram.) Xkv York, X. Y., April .29. The whole row of seals centre street police court was given up to com mander Booth. Tucker who was arrested last night white sltmiming with Steve Brodie, because he wore a mask. Justice Simmsl decided as no offense was committed to dismiss the case. A Hc.'y Woman.Draws Crowds -' Rebecca Hams is the" name of colored wmani who recently;: came toon to cause a wan of Mrs Julia Howell's house to cave in. : i" ..- . : " here irom!;paavilIej..and Valnf " ciajmed to be' sanctified-aHd aslvWlf . y - - marie and were here to get several iBahsburians interested in the move- ment. . They have 1 nearly the entire capital raised and the mill is a cer- Sentence of Death Commuted. t (By special telegram.) - Pretoria, Africa April 29. -Sentences of (Jeath which were im posed upon Joh n . Hays Hammond, an American engineer,colonel Francis Rhodes, brother of Tthe former Pre mier at xpe calony, Lionel Philips, president of the chamber mines at Johannesburg, George Farrar, pre prictpr of "Country Life" Johannes burg, have all been commuted. Vv (By special telegram.) Havana. April 29. the Spnit gunboat has captured and brosiht to this port. the Anierican school competion, of Key West, loaded rfsh arms and ammunition. It is belierel they are intended for the insurgeols. Details of the capture show that tfie Mensagera sighted Saturday mir Berrachs, on the norlheni coast jf : the province of Pinar I)e Rro a isiw picious looking schooner which atr tempted to get away from the vci I. She was overhauled. Aboard were Alfreds Laborde. Dr. Bedia and tbrvt newspaper correspondents. The G"n- petitor was last from the mosem coast, where it is presumed that took aboard tlie arms and animunifesi found, consisting of thirtv ciirUt thousand cartridges, a number '.-l'. packages of dignamite, many css of manser and Remington-; nfle zxjI accourtements. - The schooner ar rived here this morning ,tove$ rr the managers. The men fouT.L aboard are held prisoners.. 1 1 , nr. J. A. Hedrick to Leave. Mr. John A. Hedrick has decided to move to liis plantation on the Yadkin river. - He will leave town about the last of May. A Protracted fleeting. I A protracted meeting will begin at Thyratire Presbyterian church Fri day. Pastor Harris will be assisted bv Rev. Arrowood, of Third creek church.. Several Salisburians will go out Sundav to attend the services. parts of the city and her services iiyj nttmi1pl liarnrf rrrtif1c ri'f tli4 curious of her race. I ' Last iiisrht Rebecca held ! forth at Abram Henderson's in. Dixonyille i - - - ' - and about seventy five people t were present. Her principal theme is the sanctification of people, she claiming that- everyone can be as holy as God. She is not securing many converts, to her religion. Fape 5 Served on Mayor Ccughenour. ". Papers were served - on ..Mayor Coughenonr yesterday to. the effect that the town of Salisbury has been sued for $10,000 by Mrs. Sara Kim- mons. i The cause of Mri. Kiinmon's suit is well known by a 1 World readers. The writ is returnable at the next term of Ro wa Cpiperior court but the case will nVtbe heard until the August term. . 1 ' Mrs. Kimmons lias as her council. -1 Messrs. Graham of Xewton; Berke, of Taylorsville, and A.H. Price, of this city. J . a ' i art . s ni iiMiimiiii"I-- '-tn.f rrimiid d I I 1 : I K inrrlitu i I iHn m.1 11 1 I I m -..' "T WMF! I" II! r T . Pllilllllf';il 11)111 f I I lllfl . ' llli im.ii Dr. Aleroney Called to aj Professorship. -His many friends in Salisbury will learn with pleasure that Dr. Leroy J. Meroney, an ol(i Salisbury boy, has been called to a professor ship in a dental college to be started in Philadelphia next year. The new dental college will be an excellent one. It will take the place of the old Philadelphia Dental ; Col lege which has severed its connec tion with he Mejdice jChirnogical Medical College and the new school will be a part of the Medico College, it having secured a jUnivcnety char ter. : i . Dr. Meroney has been practicing dentistry in Philadelphia for some time and is well up 'in his profession. May he climb higher is the wish of his many friends in. Salisbury It Didn't Work. j It is not generally known that the Republican convention last Satur day was not so unanimously prear ranged to work as it did, as the re ports were led to believe. Chairman Holton had put his finger on the button and had expect ed the convention 'to do the rest. But it didn't. The matter stood this way. It is conceded that Mr. Holton bears no excess of love for 'Pritchard. And it is believed that he is only .flirting with Dockery. Well he pulled wires around Rowan for several days be fore the convention and (was pretty confident that his scheme to send Rowan delegates to the j State con vention uncommitted would prove successful. But he reckoned with out his host. It seemed for a short while before the convention that a fight must be precipitated ; for among the supporters of Holton's plans was Capt. John . Ramsay, chairman of the convention. But the McKinlevrPritchard-Dockefy re- solutions went through with a whoop and Chairman Holton suffered another defeat. rmn3sxmmVmlL our. new ' gallery, opposite Central hotel. Located in our new building we will endeavor to merit a share of your esteemed patronage, by turning out first class work; by keeping abreast the times? and always giving you the latest and best product of the art. All contemplating having a. -J J pictures made will do well to wait and give us a trial. We will have some special inducements to offer. ' Dixie Portrait Compaxy. - Try to Shut McKinley Out. (By special telegram.) ,.. Sprixckct n. Ill, f Nebraska Sound Money Dernocrits. - J "(By special telegram.) Lincoln, Xeb.y April 2C. TT,y sound money Xebraska Deincrjirir endorse Cleveland, ami" adminir: tion delegates from all coun The present leaders express dence that their d?le fT recognized at Chicago. To Remain Where They Ar ican, convention is being held this afternoon was ".com--menced as soon as the delegates and visitors got their breakfast. All previous political conventions have been held in the House of Represen tatives. The fair grounds are four miles from the city. The prospect is for an all night session owing to maneuvering of the McKinlev and cide whether thev castle or lease one. The lodge concluded to rcpala where they are for the present. would buiPr.- ' Lumber Dealers Shut Down. (By special telegram.) . XorfOlk Va., April 2r.'-.--"-r- -;-. suant to agreement , nearly all fker manufacturers of Xorth Caro&js anti-McKinley forces. Refreshment pjne lumber shut down their tiI Strange Birds and a Strange Snake. While out walking near town yesterday evening Mr. J. H. Buis ran upon twoibirds. of a queer. spicie. He is a great lover of birds and at once became interested in them. They were making piteous cries as if in trouble and Mr. Buis while in vestigated the cause of their trouble ran upon a strange looking snalce. His snakeship offered fight at once but after a little defficulty.he was slain by Mr. Buis. The snake was nearly five feet long but very slim his head being much larger than his body. booths were erected last night and provender was taken out to-day. The BcKinley forces found difficulty in of admission this - securing tickets morning. indefinitely. A Cyclone Struck the West. (By special telegram.) Chicago, 111., April, 29. Rain storms in Wisconsin, Iowa, Eastern j Xebraska and South Dakota, yester (By special telegram.) 'Mo NT pe Li a , Yt. April 29. -7 town is filled with epublics gathered for the State conventt;-. Speaker Reed comes first in oro ei: prefference for the Presidao. while Mclvinlev lias a strong folkr ing ' ..X'X- Wanted: A second hand bicycle. For particulars apply at this office. - Columbia and Hartford Bicycles. eco, $so and moo. k " ' E. W. Burt & Co Agents 30 Bread tickets at A. Parker's for $1.00. . Bake days Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.! All goods delivered. Phone Xo. 37. Gt your steaks from something you can and Roast beef M. L. Jackson. He his eat. Phon.e 7 Xotice ! I have removed my stock of goods from my old stand on Main street to the store room m the Mansion house one door above the World office, where I will be glad to see all my friends and patrons. , Ed. H.Mahsii. Watkins Martin. I At ten o'clock this morning at the bride's home in China Grove, Miss Agnes Watkin was married to Mr. R. L. Martin, of Portsmouth, Ya., lipv. J. Q. 'Wurtz, performing the ceremony. Immediately after the marriage the young couple took the Xorth bound train for Portsmouth, where they will reside in the future. Miss Watkins is well known in Salisbury, where she has visited several times, and has a host of friends here whose best wishes and congratulations accompany her to her new home in Yirginia. dav and last night caused much damage. A cyclone near Spencer, South Dakota, distroyed much farm property and wiped out the little town of Epiphany, fatally injuring three and seriously injuring fifteen. A family of five is reported killed near Montrose and two residences carried away to the side walks. It flooded -the lower districts of Omaha, Xebraska. At Dubugue, both power houses and many residences were struck by lightning. Similar reports come from Desmernes, Clinton, Sioux City, Iowa and Sheboygan, Wiscon sin. - Pennsylvania Will Instruct For Patirsotti. -(By special telegram.) Allentown. Pa., April 29.-T-TJtj- Democrats of Common w alth' aw in possession of this town to-day, the occasion being the Democratic Siite- convention. The convention, l i believed, will instruct for -Pattfcwa: with the ultimate intention of tkr; in its vote to Whitnev. it is afsryl . that the delegates go to the natJaal convention as a united vote, as agre-?i upon by a majority. Reed the Favorite. Will Howard Marry Hiss Clemaions? (By special telegram.) Xew York, X. Y, April 2'9. Iloward Gould sailed on the St. Paul to-dav. Rumors were again rife, that he had m Claim Michigan for Free Sriver Dy a" to i- -. '- (By sitecial telegram.)- ' Detroit, Mich., A rril 27. li more Radiiejil free silver men -&rs claiming a majority of tv.o to one Li the Democratic convention to:day. . An Attempt to Combine Again! McKinlrj (y (special telegram.) AtlantK, Ga.t April, 29. At tie Republican State Convention h F arried actress 1 believed that the Reed, Morton, Qsy? Katherine Clemmons but in reply to d Allison force have combine! t. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard is guar anteed Pure nnd Kettle Rendered. - For sale at a baegaix: A good second hand piano. For informa tion call at this office. : I will have the finest lot of fish on the market Saturday morning. Prices to suit the times. Buis building below Coughenur's beef stand. Swift is the largest producer ' of ard in the United States. inquiry Gould said that such matters were foreign to pnblic concern. Miss Clemmons could not be found aboard the ship. , i , The Bankruptcy Bill To Pass Saturday. (By special telegram.) Washington, April, - 29. The bankruptcy bill which is the regular order the balance of this week will pass the House Saturday afternoon. beat McKmley but the indicate r,?? th's morning are that they will es& be successful. . Why suffer with Coughs, CoIv and LaGrippe when Laxative s mo Qctxixe will cure you in, day. Does not produce the rrnr in the head hke Sulphate of Qubse. Pat up in tablets convenient for tak ing. Guaranteed to cure or m&zzrr refunded, r Price 25 cents. ForV? by Jas. Plummer and y. F. Klmrs & Co. A 7 . r :; t. - . - i v ' - r t 4 ! :L "SA

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