T v r .. V- 4 . . U U I i 51 IE CJ3LJ. L I I ' , - : -. - ' - -a -t ." i , . i " f- .1- .f VmJ ..-... j - - ' .- . . ' ' . ' . : : - - 1 - - -' : LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN sktlSBURY : SlRGEST DAILY PAPER IN THE CITY. , , . . ; ; ; r . , 1 ; ; : ' : : : . ' , -. f$T" -: : . -M ... .. , .- r ' j i , : : . 1 : ' 1 : 1 1 : -T- i r-- 1-'-' " r : r ' ' .v , JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor. SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY. MAY 9thVr1896. . ' ; , VOL. 1.. NO. 209. . .- . . -. . - . , : -1 . ; : ' . ' - '.- , - . J : ,.? t-' ' t . -i.:- ; -'-f ... '"-I.: , , , ., '.,,,.. - , - -. ,,r ; r. ",, ... . i - i i- - ' - . . - - , - : I ' ' ' ' 1 1 V . " T ' ' : 1 1 m " " " 'i t : LOCAL DEPARTMENT. LEROY SMITH, - Local PiEror.TKi: TELEPHONE XO. 55. Tried to Break In. ; Some one tried to enter the resi dence of Mr. L. A. Peebles on Ken- street Thursday night. They were heard at the back door just as Mr. Peebles entered the front door, and werj frightened away. ' ITS LOCAL. 0ME OF THESE 1TEHS Wl! L BE CF. IN TEREST TO YOU. Likes Salisbury's Streets and Shade. Dr. J. 13. Mathews, of Winston, spent laft night and this morning in the city. "Salisbury has the pret tiest streets and best shade of any town I have ever saen," said Dr. Matthews. t The May term of Rowan Superior court convenes Monday with Judge j lioke presiding. Mr. G.'W. Wright, who has been kept at home for several days, was able to be up town today. - Telephone lines are being run to Rowan Academy Closed. Rowan Academy Which Prof. E. II. Miller has so successfully con ducted for the past session closed last evening with appropriate tere- monies. An entertainment bv the THtf EXECUTIVE COM.V.IITEE nEEtS. The County Convention Cal ed for June 6th. Chairman Boyden will Resign at ths ileetins of the Convention. the scholars was very much- enjoyed the hU'am laundry and the place of j by all present.' I , business of Link it Ra;land. sud- Mr. C. A. Bostian was taken denly ill yesterday afternoon and had to go home. . He is able to be up today. The Methodists will conduct both ! Dr. McKenzie to Read a Pper. ; The State Medical Society will ('-. meet in Winston next week begin ning Monday. I At this convention a paper on"In testinal Indigestion" will be 'read bv morninig and evening service aixl j Dr. W. W. McKenie, of this citv. Sunday school at the Y. M. C A J Dr. McKenzie is one o: the bright- hall 'tomorrow. est youirg physiciatis; ' in. - .the State and his paper will doubtless be inter- Found: A key attached to a shoe button er. Owner can t recover same by applying at the World office and paying for this notice. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. John The Executive Democratic Com mittee of Rowan countyj met today at lli o'clock in T. C Linn's ofiiee apd was in session about one hour. The county convention has been called to meet on Saturday, June fch and the primaries were decided to be held at the different precincts on Saturday, May 30th.. r" There were twelve present out of sixteen, besides the chairman and Secretary. Chairman lioydeja , will tender his resignation when the con vention meets in June. He hais made a very efficient officer, and it is with' downright regret to all good Demo crats to see this step taken, by one who has served so ably land well, with great credit to himself and honor to the party he has labored for and striven to uphold with honesty and intensity of purpose. The meeting was very harmonious, and every thing looks bright and prosperous. So gird on your armor Democrats one and all, and on to victory. Dravy your sword of truth and honesty upi: j holding our grand Democratic princP pies and we cannot fail, j A FATAL; ACCIDENT. NEWS BY WIRE. esting. Winter's Hat Made Several Trips. j AVhen W. L. Winters was arrested on the train by officer Clement at Famngton, of the Vance Mill, which i Hickory several weeks aff0j he left ue(i jesiciuay muiuiug, wua uuiicuj h,s hat, a large white one, on tlie this morning. at Christ church. train; Winters was brought here JUr. Theo Parker, who has been j and placed in jail but his hat kept on visiting his brother, Capt. L. D. travelling. It stayed on the train Parker, returned to Mt. Pleasant this j until'' several days ago Mrs. Win morning to resume his studies at the j.ters made inquiry and found it in college. ! the baggage car. H A j Mr. T. A, Coughenour left last night for Richmond with a car load of as fine attle as ever left Rowan county. They will be sold in Rich mond by him. " "A broken down actor recited several poems on Main -street'.' last night to a number of bj'standers. Retween each recitation a collection was taken up. L. S. Shirey, of Mt. Pleasant, who was here yesterday contemplates moving to Salisbury and engaging in business.' He was here for the pur pose of. securing a storeroom. Church High ichpol Transferred to the Diocese. In its report of the Diocesan Con- vention at "Charlotte!, the Observer ' r . has in yesterday's proceedings the following: 1 j 1 "Rev. Dr..3Iurdoch spoke of the parochial school for boys at Salisbury, and. requested in behalf of the Salis bury Convocation that the disposal of the property be entrusted to the discretion of this Diocese. On mo tion of Mr. S. S. Kasi the Diocese accepted the transfer." ) A birthday party was given' by Mrs. Barkelly at her home on Chestnut-Hill last night. Quite a number WHI Probably Show In Greensboro. ' I- W. R. Linton returned last night from ' Greensboro, where lie spent t i . vesterdav making arrangements for the --appearance of tlid :' Fly 13y Fight of young people were present, and ! n , . ; i TT ' ." 1 1 ' i-rollv Conijany next rweek. lie met the evening was mucn .enjoyed. i with" a warm welcorni from the fire- Tliore will be a picnic at 'Mr. P; men of Greensboro, ip whose behalf 31. BrownV, at Bear Poplar, Mon-; the performance is toj be given, and day- Prof: E. A. Miller will give j the company will probably go to his .'schooT 'aii outing on this day. j Greensboro next Tjiursay. More The public is invited to attend. ' definite information ill be received 1 by Mr. Linton tonight. r. ;' , Mrs. 31. J. Owen and family left ! ' -' ''--" J : . : tins morning tor J inev church, ia- vidson county, to attend services.. fir. Boyden Lines the Committee; 3Ir. A. II. Boyden to-day dined the county Democratic ; executive committee and several friends at the Mt. Vernon hotel. For thirty years Mr. Boyd in has in one way or an other been connected with the execu tive committee and for twelve years has been chairman of that committee. So to-day after the adjournment of the committee, they, with several . of his friends were invited to dine with him. An elegant dinner was served by Proprietor Frercks and twenty good humored and well satisfied guests left his table vr hen the dinner was ended. Mr. Boyden's hospitali ty is the: same at all places as in his honored home where his old fashion courtesy and true gentlemanly de portment,5 sets every one at ease and with gracious tact draws from his guests that which shows their char acter to best advantage. This din ner, and the gathering of the clans that have been with him shoulder to shoulder in the fight for the "orood and true," will long be remembered, and the name "Baldy Boyden" will long be cherished by the old yets in the service of Democracy as well as t ie younger blood, w'io have learned to admire and love him.' i A Young nn at New London Whits Chopping a Tree is Felled by "the.Treand His Neck Broken Only Married EtzhteenMonths. ,: , - , ': t.- ,- ' Mr. J. A. lahaley,- who ' came np fromNew Jondon: this morning, gives us the particulars of ? , sadf ac cident'that liappened there -esterdaj' morning. rjrv, , ' Jim Ricliardson, a young man who lived near New London, was out chopping a tree. , Tie had cit a tree to the ground, but instead of falling: all the wav it lodged against a small sapling. The sapling struck Mr. Richardson under the chin and knocked him dfcwn. When he a rose he attempted to push the sapling aside and as he did so the large tree was dislodged and fell upon himj crushing him to the earth. The trunk of the tree fell upon his head, mashing it fearfully. When the parties who first arrived on the scene reached him Richardson was dead. He was a worthy and an indus trious young man and his sad death is deplored by the entire community in which he lived. , lie had onlj7 been married eighteen months and his wife is prostrated with grief. The funeral services were held this evening. TfiE LATEST HAPPENINGS GIVEN BY THE WORLD'S SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. Frank P. Slavin in America. (By special telegram.) New York, May 9. The Amer ican Liner, Paris, reached d oek- at seven o'clock this morning. One of the first passengers to land was Frank P. Slavin, the heavy aeight pugilist. He was met by sporting friends. f Tralnwrcckers Behind Brs. ; - . - a-.- .... k:--(By sec!al telegram.) Rome, N. VY., lay r9-2llildretli IlcfjCiert and Plato, thV eonviotcd .train wreckers, were aken'lo 'Auburn prison today. They bade friends ind relatives good bye last evening, j t Apaches on the Warpath. (By special telegram.) Tombstone, Arizona, May 9. A band. of renegade Apaches under the leadership of "The Kid," are on" the i. . warpath near the Mexican line. Three prominent residents of this- territory are reported killed. L . . (Sentence Not riade Public (By special telegram.) ' Havana, May 9. Naval - officer forming the .court martial which tried the men captured onjbdaipl tii American schooner "Competitor," sentenced ihe prisoners last night .but the sentences are nfrt to be dis closed until signed '-by' Admiral Navaree. 9. their A Painful ccident Mrs. J. V . Mauney met with an accident at the cohered bridge on on Inniss street last night. She saw a team of horses coming toward her .at a rapid, rate and stepped aside to gel out oi tne wav. As she am so her foot turned on a rock and she fell, spraining her ankle. The sprain fwas quite painful. - '" Swift & Co. Shut Down. (By special telegram.) Kansas Citx, Mo., May Swift ifc Co., will shut down meat packing plant indefinitely next Monday owing to heavy losses caused by labor troubles. Thirteen hun d red persons will be be effected as business will be diverted to other The Brooklyn On a Trial. " j (By special telegram.) PriiLADKLPiiiA, Pa., May Q. The Cruiser "Brooklyn" left Cram psV shipyard this morning for the builders i trial trip. The con tract calls for twenty knots an hour, but it is expected that f-he will make twentv-two. Til 2 Milwaukee Strike Grows pe'. (By special telegram.) Milwaukee, Wis., May 9.- About one-hundred cars are in opera- points where the company has plants-, j tion this morring. The cars have been stoned and many rails torn up. An Extra Feature. The Would felicitates its readers on the series of splendid articles oh the Settlers' Convention at Southern Pines this week, contributed to its columns by Wiley. Cap Capt. W. Murdoch . Wiley was the only one on the ground who made a re port of the speeches delivered, and written in his! own delightful manner, they have added a most interesting feature to the few days. Joe Jcxr:es Nominated for the Georgia Legisla ture. ' Would for the past A Bad Mule The mule which ran away and killed Mr. Chas. Deal near China Grove Wednesday, is a vicious fel- Annua! Convention of the S. C. A. P. Association. (By special telegram.) Washington-, May 9. The an nual Convention of the Supreme Council of the American Protective Association which meets in Washing- ton on the twelfth will be the most important towards organization of any meeting its history. Two ques tions of policy will" be passed upon; one relating to the pari to be played in the Presidential campaign and the other a project for establishing per manent headquarters in Washington to influence legislation. There will be an election of officers, and a de claration of principles drawn up for publication. Financial questions may be also considered. Wires were cut this morning and se rious trouble is anticipated to-night and to-morrow by friends and sj'm pa'thizing" strikers. Public feeling against the company is . very bitter for refusing to arbitrate. Call for Nat onal Bank Statements. (By special telegram.) Washington, May 9. The call upon the National Banks for state ment of business has been issued to-dav. A Witness Has "-is Throat Cut. (By special telegram.) Dublin Ga., May, 9. While testi fying in the court room ted ay a wit ness had his tnroatcut. A most ex citing, scene occurred. The court broke up in great disorder. Sentenced to Death. (By special telegram.) Madrid, May, 9. Dispatches re ceived here from Havana say that low: According to the Standard it i the men captured aboard the. Amer- Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven. I. Frank, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lentz, died this morning at 10.30. The little one was only 11 months and 19 days old, and died of a complication of m ea sels, bronchitis, etc. The burial will take place tomorrow at 10.30 at Bethal church, Franklin. Ser vices will be conducted by Rev. C A. Rose. " t has oeen atnts .oid: tricKS since iur. ....vx . ...1, " 1,vi left last nip-ht for honie o I An Attempt at Kor.se Breaking. Several others-will go over tomorrow to attend the foot washing exercises. Miss Beulah Bernhardt left this morning for Charlotte,, where she will spend some time visiting friends. From Charlotte, she will probably go to other . cities. on a visit to friends. Mr. W. M. James, who' several months ago opened a grocery store on the corner of Main and Liberty streets, has decided to abandon the mercantile business. He is selling out tacost. The Hickory Press learns that during the summer months freight train crews from. Salisbury will turn at Hickory instead of Asheville as heretofore. This will give the men a much shorter ruu. Rev. C. B. King will preach in the Lutheran church tomorrow mnrnincr. There will be no night 1 u services at this church. The in stallation of the newly elected oflicers will aifc, take place tomorrow morn- Wednesdav night About i'2 o'clock when the ladies who live ' at the old hone of AVellington' . Keisler, with Mrs. Keisler, were asleep, some one came to the back door and attempted to effect an entrance; Mrs. Keisler began calling for the other ladies and aroused them. ! The intruder took flight at the alarm md hastily retreated. 1 The sale of Mi Keisler's personal effects was held on that day and it is supposed that the wbuld-be burglar presumed that the money re ceived from the sale was in the house at the time. ; near the same killed. String beans at McCulloh's. Eat Jackson's refrigerator beef and live to a good ripe old age. Columbia and Hartford bicycles. $G0, $80 and '$100.1 - . E. W. Juht & Co., Agents I have placed in my saloon a new refrigerator and am now prepared to keep both Portner and Augusta beer on tap at all times. Givelme a call. 11. C. Tjiotv 1 nere was a meeting or laboring i 0 1T wr -i 1 manan'eaole ana ran-again, iiiv 11 - lit A'ii. vyi.j, vti.., ? i uiinvriia v ; .1. . ;.f .1,,; - i , .i r u u lilt l uul iiif- uuum. night tor .tne purpose or .nominating ; " t v , . i c A n " i the men was only slightly 'injured cratic primary for the State Legisla ture as representing the' laboring element in that county. ! A committee of seven i appointed i to '.nominate a candidate- returned! the name of Joe II.. James, a Salis bury bov'whdm' the Atlanta Consti tution speaks of as a very intelli gent and honorable young machinist in the shops of the Georgia, , South ern & Florida Railroad. ' . His name was received with favor by a number of those present but it was objected to on the ground that he wras not as widely known as some men who could be put up arid his name was finally taken down and another rnan chosen. rini'c ,initli : were tnea ov. court jiarsnai vesicr On Thursday two men were diiv-iaay? have been sentenced to death; became un- . . . tnrowmg j One of! Messrs. Shder and McMenius. machinists of Philadelphia, who have been here placing the new dyeing machinery in the Salisbury.. ..Cotton Milk have finished-thejir: work and The raa- ' chihciy Ls now at work. I it to a wagon: when it Is it a Clue? ! liy f j ecial telegram.) : Xkw Yoiik, . Mat 9. It is sur- i ; Miss Essie Dorsett left this morn- ; j ing for Thomasville where she will live with jicr graudinotlser. and the othci escaped without injury, j niised bysome to-day that owing to j Mrs c I F1'oc? of Monroe, who Thpv wore thrown from the vr.K'on ' lhe lirlding of the mark "K. on ! ' . . . -vr... i. . ui unuvii.num uit M.uiij ; came in to attend .the. tilarsh-Davi.' id'Vce where Deal wis Uhe underclothing of the .-mysterious ! , , , ' , jnact, w.ilih, j.Lii w.is . ! nu)tM s, returned nome this morning. jus. xuvien v. iio uommiiieu suiciue j in Calonade Hotel, j is the lina.nce J I have bought 27 steers and heif fers as good, if not the best, lot of cattle as were ever sold on this market. Buy the beef and be your own judge. ; Wanted Employment: of any kind. F. II. Meyek.1 Ask Tour grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf Lard. For the best bread and cakes go to J. N. Solomon, on Council street. Hrs. Price at Ciiaf !otts. "Mrs spent s. Charles Price, of Salisburj', ye?tertlay with fMrs. Mor. i " head. She came over to attend the ... t ft ' j. - (. 1 1 vnw T r.of T n i-l J ; rrnflr. ate Bradford, who created i ' , , , T- 4, t- 1, ".i 1 . . ; anteed Pure and Kettle Rendered.- such a sensatK-n in Brooklyn' two j ' vears ago Daughters of before which the King Convention, she read a very bright mi P . ,T-v 1 . 1 paper, mere are iew uaugnters ' so well equipped mentally, as. Mrs. Price, and so; capable of writing: in terestingly," jand 'a beautiful lunch and charming hour or so were en joyed yesterday at Col. and iNIrs. Morehead's by Mrs. Charles Price, Dr. W. B. Pritehard, of New York, and MissAddie Williams," says the Charlotte Observer, of our townslady Mrs. Charles Price. by disappearing with thousands of dollais intrusted to her ; care for the purpose of speotiiation 1 on Wall street. " Miss Bradford was heard from in the West and then in Europe. , Foil Saj.i:: A fine milch cow,gives i 4 gallons of strained milk a (lay, very Call on P. W. Brown and try your uck on the wheel of forturie. Ask your'grocer for Swift's Silver Leaf Lard. Bread tickets at A. Parker's Bake days Tuesday, Saturday. All goods 3Q Bread ti for ii.oo; Thui Vnc ucm -i:yrrf' tiiyue - , Cottcn Reports. (By special telegram.) Nkw .York,' May 9. Cotton slight1 y higher. Liverpool, Mav 9. Cotton de- clined one p jiut. gentle. Apply to N. 1'. 3Iui;rnv. 1 Gt your steaks and Roast beef from M. L. Jackons. He has something you can eat. Phone 71- Mrs. J. W. Mauney can accommo date boarders either table or room, or both at her,home on Main street- McKinley Has a riajority. (By special telegram.) ''' Washixgtox, May 9. IcKinley now has a clear majority of fifty of the whole number of delegates to meet in St. Louis. Opposition is fall ing to pieces. The vpte now stands JSIcKinley, 51?, Reed, 103, Morton, 58, Quay, 57, Allison, 35, Bradley, To be elected 1G and unpledged. 8. 98. ' ; Wanted Three or .four ' gooxl boarders. Rooms large fand well furnished and fare first class.. For price and other information apply to Wm. Howard, Why suffer with Coughs, Colds, and LaGrinue when Laxative lino- mo Qcixixe will cure vou in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for tak ing.. Guaranteedcto cure or money refunded. ; Priceil5 cents. For sale by Jas. Plummr and-TT"!?. KlutU & Co. r - ' ' (ft ' i.