Dm - ' ? t V 4 A'" t J1 ? C in 1 I I i I I I 1 -1 Y i r i . 3 3 L ir ZJ W L 1 o LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY RARER IN SALISBURY. ' LARGEST: DAILY RARER IN THE CITY JNO.' M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor. SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA; TUESDAY. MAY 19th, 1896. VOL. U N0.!7. V ... - V - ? - - 1 : I': k ' S LOCAL DEPAETMEKT. LEROY SMITH, - Local I?epoi:tj?i: TELErnOXE NO. 5o. IT'S LOCAL. iOME OF THE5E ITEnS VH L BE OF IN TEREST TO YOU. Ill Jy Ikrnhardt is kept at home with a sore throat. JIr. E. C. Miller is confined to his room by bickiiess. 'eeves Ilader, who became uxl denly nek yesterday, is out again "to day. M. L. Earnhardt is engaged in building a dwelling house in DixoiL ville. I'raver jneelinir services will be conducted at Mi. Green Cauble's to night. ' J Tomorrow being a legal 'holiday, both the banks of the city will bj closedi .. AVeareiglad to know that Mis. C Tlf rnharlt, who lias been twite ick for several day sr is better today. AVe understand that Mr.'Chas. F. 'At well will be a candidate for the Kepublican nomination for sheriff at their county convention. Lloyd iSwiccgood has secured a position with Stewart Brothers, State printers at Winston, and will leave - to-morrow for that place. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. V . A. Morris died last nii ht and was buried this morning beside its sister who was buried Sunday. llobt. Bostian, the negro man who was knocked in the head sev- eral weeks ago, was up town today for the first time since being hurt. j The Would officoeems to be an ill fated place just at this lime. Another compositor, J. S. Williams, was- .taken sick todar and had to leave his ease. - The family of Dr. J. M. Flippin came over from Thomasville this morning. They will occupy Mr. P. P. Meroney's house on Horah street near X: Wallace's. - Mr. T. D. Roseman has returned 1 from a business trip to Texas. Mr. Uoseman savs that free silver has i ... j swepi ine oiaie, anu tuuu iuc pcu- L pie are almost a unit on it. Not the -r new woman but the coming girls will serve ice cream to- morrow evening on the lawn of Mr. P. P. Meronev. Encourage these -fair young workers in doing good. You cannot be promised a refresh ing rain but vou can be served with ... refreshing ices if you will come to ' the lawn party tomorrow evening on - the lawn at Mr. P, P. Meroney's. The members oi the running team of the fire company and those who have been requested to join are ur gently requested to meet at the Mayor's office tonight at 8 o'clock. Do not. refrain Jfrom doing good when the opportunity offers. Help the young ladies at their lawn party tomorrow evening. They will have a variety of tempting ices,cakes, etc. W. J. Todd says that it was not during tbe" balloting that Judge Russell called him a d d spy but during an interim. The difference , is immaterial but we make the cor rection at Mr. Todd's request. t , Mr. II. G. Miller, while out sein inf this morning near Zeb, was bit ten in the hand by a water moccasin. The moccasin left three fangs in- his hand which were taken out. He has suffered but little with his hand al though it is considerably swollen. - Mr. P. Haut Meroney is authorized collector of the and will call qn those who a dulv Would are due us from time to t'me. Mr. Meroney will also attend to receiving sub scriptions, job work, etc. Mr. II. T. Simpson has been ap pointed a delegate to represent the Salisbury Methodist Sunday school at the conference of Sunday schools and Epworth Leagues Avhich meets in Statesville on tlie '29th. The Comedy Company did not meet last night oh account of the absence of a 'number of the caste. NTew lays have been received and it is highly important that every member should attend a meeting to be held to-night. ; The committee which is collecting money for the firemen's tournament is meeting with fairly good success. They -would he glad, however, if all who could would call at Swihk's store and not necessitate' the com miltee calling unoii them tor a set- ' A. . tlement. . .: "There Dy. His Love O'ersljaded." The infant child of Mr., .John brandon, w ho lives on the tarm ci N. ! McCiinless'l 'near ,ftovn, died this morning. It was buried this afternoon. Many Stra-Rrberrics on a Srtiall Scale. V.r. Ed. Fesperinan, of Franklin, one of the largest strawberry raisers in 'the county, has brought to the city about fi ve hundred jquarts of berries since Saturday rooming. A number of these were shipped to other points. In Bar Circl.s. Mr. John Movie, wlfo for a long time conducted sn salooon here but who has been in Winston for several years, is in the city making prepara tions to come back to Salisbuiy and conduct a saloon in the room ad- joining IL C. Trott's bai: on Inniss street.. He will open up n July. Gov. Carr Pleased With Rockwell Fa m. Gov. Elias Carr was evidently pleased with his I recent i visit to I Powan, as may be judged from the following in the Paleiglr correspon dence of the Charlotte Observer: Governor Carr tells me he has never seen so fine a herd of cattle as the 150 on Capt E. B., C. Ilam bley's farm' at Hock well, i Rowan count7. One hundred cows are now being milked, and these yield on an average seven pounds of butter i each per week. Says the Populists of Rowan M on't Vote For '-" Russell. 3 Capt. John Beard, chairman of the Populist county executive committee was asked this, morning what he thought of Russell's nomination. "I am not at all interested in it," readied the Captian. "Will the Populists of Rowan county vote for him in case the Republican and Populist : parties fuse?" was asked him. "Speaking for the Populists of Rowan, I can say that they will not," he replied. This is the seiitimeat of nearly all the Populists with whom we-have talked concerning Russell's candidacy in connection with fusion. Attention,. Consumers. ; R. W. Price has the neatest beef market in the city, i He has recently refurnished his room; has a refriger ator of his own design, which has proved itself a complete success by keeping meats cobb and fresh.' By crivincr his business I his 6vt.. nersonal iroticinn bis nnstomers are a"S"-4- sured they will always find the very best. NO ADVANCE IN PEICES. I have bought 27 steers and heif fers as good, if not the best, lot of cattle as were ever sold on this market. Buy the beef and be your own judge. r M. L. Jackson. Swift's Silver Leaf, is thc.most popular Lard on the market. TWO WOMEN BEATEN. An Infuriated Hob in Se ch cf a Political 5peak- er Visits Two Houses and 1M is treats . theWotnen. ' Much Excitement . in the Neijhborhood. There was, as we understood at the time; an organized effort. on foot in the neighborhood of Yost, where A. L. Lingle and A. F. llileman were advertised to speak last Thurs day, to intimidate Mr. Lingle before he had completed his speech. .The discussion, however, was not held and Mr. Imgle left the '-appointed place on M r. Hileman's failure to apjear. . Our correspondent from A'ost writes us of the search of a mob for Mr. Lingle and, failing to find him, their assault upon two wo men. He writes as follows On May 14th, there was quite ah excitement in this section. A mob made up at the speaking; grounds at Fink and Yost to see after A. L. Lingle. The mob went to Kifnick's and failed to find him and assaulted Laura Hoseman and from there they went to ;Gus Schenck'sj and again thev failed to find him and there as- mi saulted Schenck's ' wife. ' The mob will be looked after at the August leim of court. This mob was hot what .i.t should have been. A Big Storm Reported. i A big storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning is reported to reach here tonight. At the present wwting the indications are that the, prophecy will be realized even be fore night. r The country around. is parched and a good rain at this immediate time would prove a blessing. . Downan RiwlnUi Walter .Williams, colored, while j undtr the influence of whiskey, took a tumble down the embankment next to the second bridge over; the South ern last night. He fell a j distance of about twenty five feet and was pretty severely cut up about the; face. He is laid up to-day but is not seriously hurt. , Contractor Hamilton Builds for Salisbury. Contractors. A. Hamilton came up from Concord list night and will remain here thijs week. He will soon begin the erection of the stores on Fisher street for Shaver and Wood son. Work on the hotel Mr. Hamil ton is building at the new!' Southern ' . i shops is progressing rapidly. Another Change. At the called meeting of ihe town commissioners yesterday evening complaint was ma'de by Mr. T. L. 1 Swink before whose doorj the com missioners recently ordered the coun try beef wagons to stand. The board thereupon ordered a change and the country man with his beef wagon 11 i . r '; ( fi will nereaiter stop in iropt 01 tlie old jail building near j the Lutheran church. The commissioners granted , per mission to J. J. Allen to repair the Rowan house which is being fitted up by W. D. Walker, the present proprietor. A double veranda will ''-'i'i''"' be placed in front of the house: Please Read This. Ge to J. S. Marable'sitent in the old Washington building" opposite the Opera house, He has a new re frigerator. Has tested the same and it does the work to perfection. He will handle the best stall fed cattle that the county can afford, regardless of cost, and he will sell the . ame as cheap or cheaper than, er before. No flies on his meat, ; and correct Flour: Rolled Ivin Mjsljc and New South SuperlafeVe Paten Flour. Same flour undtr different brands. Advertises itseV In The Sack and its lexcellent liaality & Found In' The Oven and IVpon The Tnblp. Ask vour Grocer Xr it. dr.- vAin- bfAf mast: and rflB Ut. I W . 3 io, w tr 7 ' A T ! V'. sausages ai.jach.wu . i A lKrtJBLE TRACK.'. The 5onthern! greasing; Business JS'ecessitatei . Doua - , 'rack Between Greens j t iand Salisbury. f The Southern is soon to lay a double track between Salisbury and Greetvsboro. . This XVe learn from .a reliable source. A new iron bridge whicl -is to sjan the Yadkin for the doubJe fe-abk 'Jhas beei built and will be pfsced in a few months... hfSouthern bridge force which has-been in the citv severaldays left " -y :: I--- 1'. ' vesterdav but will return to' erect the new bridge as. soqn an the.3 have placed twQtherbridges. The doubjo-track viir be to accommodate the immense traffic which will v. be brought oyer this road. It has i time that been aarent for some a single track. -between thesajpoints did; not "meet the. "re quirements of the Southern's enor mous traffic both freight and passen per and it! is to this end that the in creased facilities will be provided. Tratfic, by this means, will be very muc facilitated and serious delays oncount of wrecks, blocked tracks and such will be avoided. They Psy for the Fight. ft ' ". - ! - i .!.'.-" Mil-is and Rosa Kaziah, the parti cipants in tlie fight on Council street Sijnday jnight, were before the Mayor last night and -paid into the city treasury $5.05. rtrs. Holder Buried. . . Eugene Holderieturned from Statesville last night, where Le went yestefdayjto attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. William Hold er, wlio died Sunday evening. Mrs. Holder., ' who 'went up yesterday moru'ing, is still in- Statesvillev with 1 her son. H The Executive Committee fleets Tomorrow. The; Democratic executive com mittee of the Seventh district has been! called by chairman Pin nix to t J - - - mee in this city tomorrow. The com nitteej will select a time for hold ing : convention to recommend 'two dele ates to be elected bv the State convmtiort to the Chicago conven tion 1 The ity Hall 1 o Be Built at Once. f - ' ! I another column will be found a Lidice to contractors calling for bid? for the new city hall which is to be ffected .next month. The plans for lie budding were made bv Mess. Tinfiey and Seav, of this citv, and it wl be a! credit to the town when conleted. Jist as soon as the bids' are the, lowest bidder an- opejed and noii ced work will be begun on the ing. It is something that Sahburv has long needed and our cor nissioriet-s acted wisely in de cid g to build it. TheJVatchmat Suspends. ie Carolina Watchman, pub- j , lisl d here in the interest of Popu lisi, has suspended publication. Ed or Atkins has not been , in the cit for several weeks and Mr. Mott, of -edcll who was getting out the pa r became discouraged l ist week an quit work. ie Watchman is probably one of th ddest papers in North Carolina, ha ng been established in 1832. It is e property of a stock company in ie county. rom 200 to 300 bushels of corn fo sale. Apply to L. E. Heilig. -' V" 1 ; our T0tm cottage for rent, 'West CI irch strecw ; rLMcCuLLon. q Bread, tickets at A. parterv r for $1.00. B e ,. dayg. goods T-i.r.av and fear i PhAr H4iyUrtford Bicvep uommbia an $60, 80 amistJET & Co., Agents L , . , , : - ioroidden from haulino- Partto and leavincr it on nnr deacLMyone doing so will be lia Unlulictment: v NEWS BY WIRE. ... i: THE LATEST HAPPENINGS OIVE ByfTHE . ' WORLD'S SPECIAL TEU4WS. -y: A: Uniform Ponishment for the Navy.; - V (By fecial telegram.) i i- .. :. Wa s hi ngtox, I). C.', 3Iay 1 9.- After careful examination' the Presi lent has ajvpryed the report of- the navabloard, appointed to prepare a codev of uniform r punisliments for 11 al offences.. Here after the navv will eiijoy.with the army advantages of nnifonnitj of iseiHehce that may be . jmpdsetf i;,by , 4 court martial for offenses similar in character. The new Code will bnublished in a few days. On Weyler's TraiL , (By 6ecial teledm i ; ' j Havana, May 19The Tnsur gents have burned $34,000 "worfh of leaf tobacco at Tumbadero, Guira melena and ' Valor.. It is reported that. Maceo and Gomez intend to' sweep through Weber's trocha. Bicycl s'ts Injured. (By special telegram.) Maskilonv OI1107 3Iay 19. A group oi belated twclists dr.W to the, roadside near Strasburg last night giving an unknown driver the righ' of way. Their lanterns were lighted. The driver whippetf up his team and pushed through the wheelman, fatal ly injuring George Spraukle and TT I'" . . ! 1 1 J iiarry r uiik aim seriousiv injuring three otheis. An A reement Between Tobacco Makers. (Byspecial telegram.) ..." - St. Loijis, ay 19. The probable fight between the Waring (Cigarette WtWri?-oti4 lhiX4tlur.tQb3cr makers will be ended at an early date. John D. Horsely and H. II. Burroughsof Lynchburg Ya., arid A. S. Buford, P. T. Conrad and J. D. Williams, of Richmond, Va., leading manufac turers, are here the guests of Liggett and Myers and the Drummond Com pany. The leading tobacco men here are to arrange the basis of settle ment. Everything is conducted secretly. " Arch Duke Charles Louis Dead. (By special telegram) 'Vienna,. May 19. Arch Duke Charles Louis, of Austria, the eldest brpther of Emporor Francis Joseph, heir presumptive, is dead. i Iowa Will Go For Free Silver. (By special telegram.) Dubuque, Iowa, May 19. The advance guard of the Democratic State Convention indicates that the free silver men will carry . the con vention. , t A Larjrer Army For Germany. (By special telegram.) Berlin, May 19. The Reichstag this afternoon passed a resolution granting the government credit for two million marks foKthe purpose of adding men to the military force Germany in Southwest Africa. of In Honor of the Coronation. (By special telegram.) . WASiiiNGTON, D. Cn May 19. The Russian minister has sent, the President and members of the Cabi net and a large number of public personages, invitations to attend the ceremonies to be held at Beauvoir subsurbs of Washington on the 20th honor of the Coronations of tlie Ctjit. "TIOSCO W. Ma v. 1 0 .. Tl. J TA i and Duchess Connaught arriyed from St, Petersburg to-day. The r m represent his mother. ueen victoria, at the corbnation ceremonies Admiral Selfnde of tne L. S. X:, whose flagship, the United States Cruiser Minneapolis, is lying in the roads a Creonsf.u7f a'so arrived to-day. A Freak Not!un of W'eyler. f (By social telcgrani.) . . ' r -'-'- ' Toipa, Ha., May 19 Ckn. AVeyler's rocla nation forbidding the exfQTU, ion of tobacco from Cub;; after ten iays has ciiuseil great con ternation araon.!; tie large man uf ac tifS: Tain pa f. Many cf heiti iiav latgp quantities "of , tola too pin cliased in Cuba and thev. fear thev cannot get it out in the tlme ij..-, scribed. A scarcity of bonded wart houses has causeda large amount to be, stored in Havana. Fleet sohooiri wtil be required to get it out;V - ilf.. Schlatter Heard Fro in. ; , ". c- '-- . ; -'- .. - (By telegcam.) - k--.v- j k r k, iuay. j it. r ranc'R Schlatter, the henler, hps been hearo! from sixty miles from . Lordsburg,v near the Mexican line. It is -report- , ed that J. Sloat Fassett,- of New York, has been healed by him. A Wise Report. sperial telffyrn.) Wasiiingtox, May 11). The Secretary of the Interior has for warded to chairman Sherlnan, of the .house committee on '-Indinn :ifTnifh favorable rqort of the 'iVlier bill I providing for the abolition of the H offices of T'ommsssioner of Indian affairs and assistant Commissioner, and substituting therefor a loard of three Indiau Commissioners. Cotton Reports. - (By sj;u-ial teleraui;) ; . Xkw YoiiL, May 19.---Cott6n quiet and steady. ' - . Liverpool,---Weaker owing to WThitsuntide holiday. . J 2 It isMcCabe. (By special telegram.) Cleveland, May 19. was elected bishop on the ballot. " . -McCabe fifteenth Still at Work. .r (By special telegram.) . Washington;, May 19. The Sen ate has taken up the District of Col umbia, appropriation bill. , 20 Imprisoned. (By special telegram.) Richmond, Iay 18 Twenty men ' who are imprisoned in the Midlothian mine twenty miles distant; whieu is burning, will probably be suffo cated. ' The Running Team Takes up Quarters. The running team of the lirer de partment hastaken up quarters in th e room above, Sides and Howard s workshop. This will be made head quarters for the boys during their practice for the tournament in Au gust. The team consists-of sixteen members, besides Captain P. II. Me roney and Foreman Walter R. Lin ton. It is composed of the swiftest runners in the city and our boys aie coniident of carryjng off the laurels on this occasion. i Notice to Contractors. ! Sealed bids are invited" for the j -. , - i i ' erection and completion ot City ! Hall building for Salisbury, X- C. The right. to reject any or all bids is reserved by the building committee. All bids are to be submitted by VI o'clock a. m., May 30th, 1890. Draw ings can be seen at. the office of Tirisley S: Seay, architects, Salisbury, N . C. - Wr C. Couj.WExoui:. Cnni uiu r torn. o je w potatoes andabbage received to-dav at, 7 A Paekkrs. ny suffer with C,r,rhc. ni.t. Quixixe will cure " you" ih one in ti. ??,M0t Prod"ce the ringing Vn he head hke Sulphate of Quinine: 1 at upin tablets convenient for tak ing. Guaranteed to cure or monev refunded. Prieo 95 ,,ntD - tJ ttuu mB wnen i.ivtTrT, 1 1.