EVENING RGEST CIRCULATION OK ANY PAPER IN SALISBURY. LARGEST DAILY PAPER IN THE CITY. JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor. SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA, FR JUNE 5th, 1896. VOL. U NO. 230. 2 Qll 1 . . .kT-N Jtl V JC.1JU yyUiiAJ , . . LOCAL DEPA-PTAIES T LEROY SMITH, - Local Reportkk TELEPHONE NO. 55. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. ..w CO"wrURCIAL AND MANUFUCTUKcKa OBSERVER. TEMPERATURE : 7 a. m., GO, 2 p. m., 75. WEATHER FORECAST FOR TO-DAY : Fair and warmer tonight and Saturday. ITS LOCAL. i, AOME OF THESE ITEnS WILL BE OF IN TEREST TO YOU. I ' Mr. Hess Sullivan is suffering from a painful injury to his Toot. W. J. Bostain, of the Rowan Knitting Mill, is confined to his bed by sickness. The one year old child of lt. Harris Cress, of Bear Poplar, died last night. Mr. R. J. Holmes Jr., had the misfortune to loose his fine colt that has been so sick. Mr. J. C. Bunn, watchman at the Lee street railroad crossing, is kept at home by sickness. The Methodist congregation will haye services in the opera house Sunday morning and evening. , Lon had a piece of ' lodge in his hand and is kept front his work for a few days. ifln Mary Poole went to Mt. TaboTftthis afternoon to take part in the edtertainment, which will take placrere tomorrow and Sunday. The 'Would is in receipt of a corn- : Z C T TT,. .assumed management of the Rowan ; House, has been confined to his bed for three weeks, but is again able to be out. Regular meeting of Fulton Lodge o. yy r . A.V- iv. iu. lonignt. Vrork in the third degree. Mem bers are earnestly requested to attend. Visiting bretheren cordially invited. If the weather is pleasant tomor- row the carrier pigeons from Phila- I delphiathat have been at the ex- press office for several days, will be liberated and started on their return "iiome. Julius Krouse, of Lynchburg, ar rived in the city this morning and left this afternoon for Xew London. He is in -the' employ nf W. S. Xicol son Co., who are putting the roof on the cordage mill at that place. Mr. Archie, the newly appointed oHtOr r.f th Watehman has not. vpI v..- ' J gotten out an issue of that paper. He is awaiting some developmects and. the' Watchman will probably not make its appearance for a week or two. TViArp will be an lmnortanl, met. - r . j t i of the Lpworth League at the y. M. C. A. hall tonight. A full at tendance is desired. The delegates 11 report frm the conference at Statesville and officers are to be elected. Miss Edna Lowe, who is teaching a branch of the graded school at vu ' r . . Tlio sphool enmruittpp montll. 1 lie scuuui cuuiiuiLtee inumwoi. iiom . love for his old houscj at home w as bigami,who is now in Rowan's to0 greatnd he set ut on his re " jail: " lwill be published tomorrow. tarn t0 Salisbury. Mr. W. D. Walker, who recently ! The distance from Atlanta to Sal- Charlotte were very anxious to JLwJe oAers so. fGive : high grade bicycles on exhibi tain Miss Lowe for the next session a cai j Prick. tl0n t0 on ie instaIiment but having been elected as one of! - Plan- . the teachers in Salisbury's school she will remain here next year. The red orange which has been i hanging on a bush in Mr. J.H. Buis yard for over two velars and which ias ?ttracte tne attntion oi passers by, was blown off several .days ago by a hard wind. The orange had i been ripe for two years and was j very sweet having lost all the acid flavor. Robt. Ransom, of Weldon, was in the city this morning on his way to i;pe mis mnt hpr m tht- V patern riar " 7 i ! of the State. Mr. Ransom is a son of Hon. M. W. Ransom, minister to Mexico and has been appointed sec retary of the legation in that country. Minister Ransom was also in the city en route to Northampton coun- Firemen. Messrs. Chas Swink, M. V. B. Capps and G. G. Seyffert, who have been selected to solicit sub- scnptions for the Firemen's Annual Tournament, are meeting with very j good success. ! Milis Closed Down. j ! j The Salisbury Cotton Millls closed down yesterday evening and will re- main idle until Monday. The Rowan Knitting Mill closed I yesterday evening in order to give the menders a chance to catch u? with their work. The mill will sume operation next Monday. re- convention Tcnorrow The county Democratic conven- tion meets at the court house tomor row at 12 o'clock. The convention j is for the purpose of electing dele-! gates to the State, congressional and senatorial conventions and to trans- act other business that may any come before it. Returned Home Only to be Killed. j Last Wednesday a dog of the ! hound specie belonging to Mr. L. H. Clement was sent to a gentleman in j Atlanta. He reached his destination safe, but on the following day his isbury is over S00 miles, but the dog 1 reached here Sunday morning al- most exhausted, lie returned how- i ever, only to be killed, for it was j found necessary? on account of his condition, to end his life. Salisbury Boys At the University. The high standing in class of our boys at Chapel Hill, this year, should be a source of pride and gratification to the citizens of our town; for they j received the very highest honors in thir olasps Mr Archihnkl TTpn- derson of the Sopjiomore class, in addition to leading his class, received the distinction of having conferred ! the electric light company is making upon him the grade of sumsia cum steady progress; the Southern rail laude, being the only man in the way is adding over 300,000 worth class to receive it. Mr. Burton I of improvements in ourmidst; a Craige of the Junior class, continues to stand first as he has done since he i entered the University, with Mr. Theo F. Kluttz Jr. pushing him close for the leadershin and tieinor - -- - I o him in honors for this year. Mr. Walter Woodson graduated with a very creditable record. Our Freshmen, Messrs. Julius Caldwell, Warren Klutts and Earnest Wood son stood finejn a majority of their i. i ir 1 1 tt classes, wuuc sii. lienuaa xieiuii I , deserves honorable mention in the medical class. Call and see our new $50 bicycle. E. W. Burt & Co. ! No Advance, While I have made improvements .Lw anri .m t ta in aA1L a nf i class ana "up to aate in every re uj. r 1 ! sreet. I have not advanced m dimops j Remember good i cost at Feldman's ( is and below .1, Veterans to Richmond An effort is being made to have a large crowd of Veterans attend the annual reunion at Richmond on the 30th of this month. W. L. Kluttz, secretary and treasurer of the county Veteran Association wishes to have the names of all who intend to go, at their earliest convenience in order j that he may make a report to the ex ecutive committee-at Richmond. Reduced rates have been secur over the Southern. - "' North Carolina College Gets $300. It will be remembered that Mrs. Catherine Keesler, of this county, died in Iredell several months ago. There were certain mysteries about ! her death which caused susoicion of poisoning. There were also com plications about her will that invited litigation. The suspicions of poisoning were displaced and now the will has been amicably disp08ed of. Mrs.Keesler bequeathed a share of her estate tQ the North Carolina college at Mt. Pleasant. A com- promise which has been effected gives the college three hundred dollars. The City Fathers Heet. The city fathers met at the Mayors office in rariilar month! v session lat, 3 J night. The session was taken up princi pally with routine work. The following school committee tor the ensuing year was elected, J. C. Lowe, R. J. Holmes and S. F. Lord, Mr. Lord takes the place of J. A. Hedrick who has moved to the country The city taxes for this year wTere levied. The taxes were raised from om fifty-five to sixty cents on the dollor. This is the highest notch allowed by the law and was reached after due consideration on the part of the board, h The Other business transacted wras of no special importance to the pub- lie. We Are Growing. Go anywhere in you will see brick Salisbury and masons, stone cutters and carpenters at work. On north Main street three hamL some stores are going up ; on south Main street a row of elegant offices will soon be erected; on west Inniss street ground has been broken for a nice storeroom ; on west Fisher street new stores are being erected; on south Church street the Metho- ': dist church is being enlarged and having an architectual front added 1 to-it; on north Church a $10,000 Toller mill is being erected ; on south ! 1-ee street ground nas oeen cleared for the city hall ; improvements are being made at the national cemetery ; j new steam laundry and another coU ' ton factory has just been completed, ! and there is not a portion of the city ! but what -one can see new dwelling houses being erected. During the summer months only parties leaving orders at J. S. Mara bles market on Saturday, the same will be tilled on Sunday morning. Meat will be kept cold in his refrig erator until delivered. Beef from one to five days old, tender as a spring lamb. Model Meat Market. Three rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished. One door below tele graph office. Apply at Capp's har ness shop or at the house. T. S. Boy lin. E. W. Burt & Co., will m a few i , , , ' . , 3. invp cfveral ladies and frentle- 1 se eiai lauies d,u .1 geuue ; i Ask your grocer for Swift's Silver l V- r A Sprained nd. Mr. A. pf. Robinson, of Louisville who is in the city getting, up hotel registers met with an accident Wed nesday night that disabled his hand for a few days. He fell down the stone steps in front of J. S. MeCub bins office and the wrist of his left arm was badly sprained. His right hand was also injured. debating club had its regular jig last night in the office of Mi Stewart. The ouerv way ! "Resolved that a man should vot(i his convictions irrespective of party lines." After a heated discussion on both sides, chairman John L. Rendle- man decided the question in the affirmative. Electric Lights. The" plans of the Electric Light amVPower Company have progress ed so far that they invite subscrip tions of the citizens of Salisbury. The shares are $100 each. The subscription books close on June 13. One fourth of the amount subscribed must be paid on June 25th and the remainder in three equal instalments at intervals of three months. Dr Murdoch will be President; Mr. Pike, of New York, will be one of the Directors. A subscriber in Massa chusetts has been named as another Director, but his name has been witheld until his acceptance of the office has been obtained. More specific information will be given by the President to those who pro pose to subscribe. V hat Can Be See i. The first thing that catches the ieyes of the hundreds of visitors to the new Southern shops when they pass the little clump of woods just this side of the railroad grounds are the great slate roofs of those massive iron buildings. Then we see a reg ular network of teams, carts, wagons, plows and large iron scoops each drawn by two mules, all busy as bees, grading off more ground. The nearer we get the larger the build ings look, until we come right at them and then we see three enor mous iron and steel buildings, all built or. the same plan. Just this side of these is the round house; also built of iron, and having a capacity of holding 15 engines at once, and out in front of this is the pit for the turntable. T network of laying piping from the river to the shops will soon be gin, and also we will see a large force of hands at work erecting the big iron bridge over the Yadkin riv er for the double tract between Sal isbury and Greensboro. It is indeed interesting to watch the different departments, of the work that is going on, and it is with j pride that our people look at the work that the Southern railway is doingamong us, and we believe the near aid Vhen Salisbury will be the greatest railroad center between Washington City and At lanta, Ga. I have the best refrigerator and keep the best beef of anyone? in the . i ill , J Jacksox's. Model meat market. On and after Thursday, June 4TH, I WILL OFFER ALL OF MY MlL- linery Goods at Actual Cost. Call early and secure Bargains. MRS. JOHN A. MURPHY. For Rent : Good dwelling on Fulton street. M. L. Bean. Just arriyed. Xew shingles flooring and ceiling. To raise cash at once will offer shingles at 82.00 per 1000. P. H. Thompson. A P k ' , ar .er 30 Bread tickets at for SI. 00. Bake d; ys I uesday, Thursday a?id Saturdj delivered. Phone J i r - -a Jofin t NEWS BY WIRE. the latest happenings given by the WORLD'S SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. Cotton Reports. (By special telegram.) New York June 5. The cotton market lost all yesterday's iraprove- ments. St. Paul Ahead. (By special telegram.) New York, June 5. The "St. aui was 8i ureaKh T I'M .. 1 i ocean record held by "Lucania." Thirty Cubans Drowned. (4 special telegram.) Tampa, Fla., June 5. Cuban keePer for lhe Atlanta Coffin Fa circles are agitated over the arrival ! t0IT' last night of fifty-four members of i T3 - iTTT H 7;. , T 0 v Benj. lhompson, J. S. Gleaton,, the Bermuda expedition from Hon-1 i- , f, , , , , r Bismark ( apps and Bert Rutledge duras, via Mobile. When the Cubans ' A ie , returned from Greensboro last niirliL were disembarking they were chased ! by warships. More than thirty! Cubans were drowned. Th; Fire Fiend. (By special telegram.) Bostox, Mass., June 5. The mammoth ice house of the Boyleston Brewery at Boyleston station was al most destroyed by fire this morning. The damage is great. Killed By Poisoned Arrows. (By special telegram.) Bb itish, West Africa, June 5 The French Niger expedition from Salaga has been totally routed and many of its members killed, by poi soned arrows in Bergen county. The remnant of the expedition ar rived at Keims on May 12. To Settle the natter. tBy special telegram.) Madrid, June 5. A jury of hon or, composed of all the Generals, will be appointed to arrange the dis pute between Marshall Martinez de Campos and General Boreno. President Dole Refused. (By special telegram.) Sax Feancisco, June 5. Hono lulu advices are to the effect that the English government made a temporary demand to President Dole that Valney Ashford should be allowed to return to Hawaii. Dole refused. Diplomatic officers of the United States may be invited. Another Cyclone. (By special telegram.) Pkndkk, Neb., June 5. Destruc tive cyclone and hailstorm wiee'eed V il TI 1 , ill I , i i - -v , v n h t S tt ,-, 1 mm. m n mm. , Of j j several persons north west of this city last night. To Re-organize. (By special telegram.) Berlin, June 5. The Reichstag j adopted a bill to re-organize the fourth batallion. Spanish Atrocities. (By special telegram.) Havana, June 5th Information that Spanish soldiers assaulted a Cuban woman and two girls comes from Arroya, Cuerra. The woman and children were afterwards killed -, 3 mi and burned. I he same party met five negroes with carts loaded with fruit, ordered them to dismount, and bayonetted them. Col. Radriquez and two thousand insurgents are within 24 miles of Havana. It is reported that Col. Cermudez has crossed Atroch , w ith i a large body of insurgents. Equestrian Statue Unveiled. (By special telegram.) Gettysburg, Pa., June Git i m . - iare numDer OI veterans ot the late ! war and others assembled at the battle field today to witness the un veiling of the equestrian statue erec t(K 1 StatG m onor of Genera1-S 8 I Meade and TLmcoefc. Ppnnsvlvnni.i's 7 - All goods most prominent soldiers in the j Swift's Silver Leaf Lard is guas I Union army. 1 anteed -I'ure and Kettle Tiende Find at the Cars. (By special telegram.) Milwakek June 5. Late la night a car on Hewell street extet sion was tired into by unknow n partie and motorman John E. Breen fatal if and conductor Schwartz seriously i- in red. Thirtv shts v. fr tnwl . j passengers were in the car which war riddled by bullets. Two striking-mo-tormen arrested on suspicion. $25 Reward. Chief of Police Shaver has receiv ed notice of a reward of 25 foe Alfred Craven, who is wanted in At lanta on a eharore of fnrorrv am) f f "ezzlement. lie was recently boot- uev' K J-fMHiowaj, pressidtng elder ot the Greensboro district wa in the city today on his way to Jack son Hill. , Misses Mary and ''JBlanch Bere hardt and Pearl Thompson c.um home last tight from Kee Mar Coi- . lege Hagerstown, Md. 4 - Mrs. Dr. Lash and Robt. Murphv, who were here to attend the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. X. P. Mm phy, returned to Walnut Cost last night. G. M. Horton and family left la ior lDeiroom?in pm woonq, s. 1. Mr. ilorton nas been lierte since work began' on the new shon as foreman of the wood workers. Miss Helen Gould has contributed $100,000 to the fund for the relief of the St. Louis cyclone sufferers. Goo for Miss Helen. It appears now, that while politi cal equality may be all right in 4 theoretical governmental sense, tli those in mad pursuit of votes ant bringing about practical social equal J ity. While wild geese are on the wing, they are talkative and noisy, bi& ! wben aliSht to feed as the generally at night, they are so quiet, that one may pass within a fei - 1 yards of 100 of them and never no- tice their presence. Beginning in Texas on May 1' 120 people were killed by a cyclone Two days later thirty-three wens killed by storms in Kentucky an i KmiKa I hp npvr. rrwt v.taw - a,u xt u - ka. On May 21, ten were killed it, Oklahoma. Two days later five were killed in Missouri. On Mar 24 forty persons were killed by : storm in Iowa. Eighty-six live were lost in Michigan and Oklahoma, the next day. On May 26 eleven lives were lost by storm at Caira 111. Add to these the 418 lives lost, in St. Louis, and it will be seen ho- bloody the month of May has been- Savannah XewrSi If anyone can sell cheaper let him know it. J. S. Marable's prices are Stewirg beef, the best in the city, at 5 cents, per pound,roast from 7 cent, down, front quarters and soup meat at most any price, choice cut loin at 8 cents per pound, choice cut rou4 at 10 cents per pound and correct weight guaranteed. v. Another elegant set Encyclopedia, Brittanica for distribution. A gooi. bargain. John L. Rendleman, Attorn ey- "Wy suffer with Coughs, Col3 and LaGrippe when Laxative iUxs mo Quinine will cure you in ose day. Does not produce the ringif in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for talk ing. Guaranteed to cure or monger - : refunded, Price 25 cents. For safe; as- Plummer and T. F. Klutsit ! & 1

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