EVENING WORLD. PuMisbfid Daily KxceDt Suiirlav. i.NO. M. JUUaN, Editor and Proprietor. KATE OF SUISSCRUT 1UX : Geo Year Months, li'res Months,, i. e Month, Lno Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of tte city rithout extra charge. rartis failing to get their paper will please report the same at this office. Addiess all communications to the "Wrld, Salisbury, N. C." i For advertising rates apply to tr address the ditor. Officer Inniss street, three doors from pub lic square, in Mansion House building. Advertisers'wishing a change of ad. should brintc copy in before noon. Kutered at the postoillce at Salisbury, N. C. as lecond-class mail matter. ' , . - DEMOCRATIC TICKET : 1 For. President : WILLIAM J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. . For Vice-President : ARTHUR SEWALL, of Maine. , hnr tnvfirn r T71 CYRUS B. WATSON, of Forsyth. For Lieutenant Governor: THOMAS W. MASON, of Northampton. For Secretary of State : CHARLES M. COOK, of Franklin. i For Treasurer : B. F. AYCOCK, ! of Wayne. For Auditor : ROBERT M. FURMAN, of Buncombe. For Attorney-General : FRANK I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg. For Saperintendeut of Public Instruction : JOHN G. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. For Associate Justices : A. C. AVERY, of Burke. GEO. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. It,is to be regretted that Mary Til VI j 1 H . un T n A Tr nnrl -i n rv I Mrs. Leuse, has found it neces sary to render her presence at St. Louis conspicious by the multitude of dispatches which she is sending to leading jour nals of the country. But there's no discounting Mary Ellen. Se is, in the crude though forceful vernacular ot the Bowery, a "good un." ' - So G.Ed Kestler is out in open revolt against Senator Butler. It is too late in the sea son of his political career though for G. Ed to talk such nonsense as refusing to' 'follow a boss." What has he been doing since he became one of Butler's al lies? Cyrus i. Watson, Esq., the Dem ocratic candidate for Govenor, will make the first speech of his campaign at Kernersville, Forsyth county,- his old home, Saturday, August 1st. The Ideal Penacea. James L. Francis, alderman, Chi- casro. says: "1 regard JDr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for pougliSjColds and lung complaints having Used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev, .tohn Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years or more and have never found anything-so beneficial or. that gave me such speedy releif as Dr. King's New Discovery," Try this 'Ideal coVh- remedy now. Trial bottle freet Kluttz's drug store. THE CASE OF MR. WHITNEY i . Wrn. C, Whitney, the erst while courageous and favored son of Democracy, has broken the last tie that binds him and his party and, stepped, if his threats are made good, forever from the threshold of Demo cracy. Says Mr.iWhitney in his latest utterance,! "a national ticket headed byj a gold Demo crat must come if the countrv is to be saved." Mr. Whitnev seems to have ao parted com pany with the abiding sense of justice and submission to the majority - which has heretofore distinguished him as a man pre-eminent among men. Let us see what else Mr. Whitnev has to say in regard to his ap peal for a gold ticket, "I was satisfied before we went to Chi cago that nothing could be ac complished in the direction of changing or modifying the free i silver idea, and I said so. Never theless, it was our duty to go there and emphasize the strength of the con victionsj of the Eastern Democrat V A frank admission truly from one who has always counselled the sovereignty of the majority. If the majority is not to rule then chaos must be the inevitable result both to party and government. For to attain any end or ends there must be an organized effort. For years the silver men have fought their battle inside the party lines. There has been a virtual admission for the last decade of years in both the Re publican and Democratic plat forms that our svstem of finance is defective, and 1 both , parties have looked forward-to an in ternational agreement, through which the parity of gold and sil ver might be established and maintained, as the solution of the puzzling problem of. our currency's contraction. With out entering into any argument as to whether or riot the propo sition to remedy these ills with out the co-operation of other nations of the ' world is prema ture, Mr. J Whitney in his un qualified approval and support of the platform of 1892 admitted the existence of weaknesses in our financial system but believ ing as he did that free coinage was not the panacea he called upon all silver Democrats to rally to the support of the ma jority. They responded with a hearty good will and elected the candidate of the! party. If it was obligatory, as Mr. Whitney seemed to believe then, on these men to abide the decision of the majority is it not equally so of Mr. Whitney today? But if he went into the convention pre determined to bolt the platform and ticket did he not then and there relinquish all claims on the Democratic party .and the name of Democracy? To say the least of it Mr. Whitney's latest chat by no means does him credit. i "My mother, my wife and m vself use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever troubled with a cousrh or cold. It is the medicine of our home. I do not know how we could do without it. We feel that it is an indispensible article.: The people in this vicinity too are beginning to learn of the merits of this excellent medicine. I never, lose an oppor tunity to testify to its value for it has saved many a doctor's bill in my family. W. S. Miisser, proprietor .of the Musser House, Willheim, Pa." This remedy is famous for its cures of bad colds. Try it andvou will recommend it to Your friends, sale bv James Plumiaer. For J unius.- Meroney, of Mockville, died .Sunday afternoon, aged 25 years. Cigarettes, it is said, was i the direct cause of his death, lie ; was an in ssant smoker and after his death hjs throat was said to beblackas far down as one could see: lie left a wife and one child. .' j Mr. W. II. Smith, editor of The Argus, Bonton, Pa., recommends a remedy for diarrhoea which he has used with magical effect. "Several weeks acjo," he says, " purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era! and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after using less than one-third of the ! contents the results were magical effecting an entire cure. : I 'heartily and cheerfully recommend the reme- J . on. r ' dv to all suffering , from j diarrhcea." This remedy is for sale by James Plummer. i M Italvr.it is said, has a new magazine rifle4 which holdsonly sixi cartridges but can befilled and discharged in fifteen seconds The bullet has an outside cdver irjig of German silver with a case of lead, hardened by antimony, and will go through a brick wall three feet thick at a range of a quarter ofjamile. The bore is 1250 niches and the trajectory is so flat that the rifle can be fired up to a range or G50 yards without using the folding sight, which is set for as long a range as 2200 yards. , i j come time ago the one-year-old child of Mr. M. E. Lindsley, of Franklin Forks, Pa., had a. very bad attack of colic. She suffered great pain. Mr. Lindsley gave her a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and invten min utes her distress was gone This is the best medicine in the world for children when troubled with colic or diarrhoea. It neve fails to effect a prompt cure. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant" forjthem to take. It should be kept ini; every home, especially during the summer months. For sale by Jas, Plummer. . , i"Do you remember," asked the young lawyer and promoter, "that voii once said I would never be rich? I rather think I am on tlje road to. riches, at last." "I never . said vou would not be rich" answered the el derly cynic. "I only said.you would never have any money of your own, and I still say so." Indianapolis Journal. ii it It nay Co As Much For You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes tnat he had a seveie kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney! and, liver troubles and often gives i almost in stant relief. v One trial j will prove ouri statement. Price 50c and $1.00. At Kluttz's drug store. ! Democratic Congressional Convention. j Notice is hereby given that the Democratic Congressional conven tibn of the Seventh district will meet inj Salisbury, N. C, on Tuesday, the lth day of August, 1896, for the purpose of nominating a v candidate fori congress and one elector for i . v . . ... i President and Vice-President of the IJnited States. t I By order of the District Congres- sional Committee. Salisbury, July 28th. l.-r M. II. Pinnix, Chairman. . J R. A. x)kowell, . Secretary. Democratic papers of I the district please copy. l - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. jThe Best Salve in the world for Cjits, Bruises, i Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rjieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains,! Corns and all ijSlfin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c per box. ror sale bv Kluttz & Co. FLOCi::- Ro6r King, Majestic and Ne w South' Superlative Patent Four 4 yame flour under i different brand? Advertises itself In The Sack 4nd its excellent quality is Fpun-'SLln The Oven and Upon The ribl. Ask your Grocer for it. WORLD -IS THE PAPER FOR ,THE PEOPLE O- -0 IT GIVES 4ews -AND Liater THAN ANY OTHER NEWS PAPER EVER PUB LISHED HERE. o- -o PRICE ONLY LlO PEE Y w Better GENTS VDTTD' T UiV l u TENTION is called to the fact that we carry nothing but pure... ID 2TJ(3-"S Our line of Dmsrijists specialties is complete and prices low down. Give us a trial............. Tru""ist. The Perpetual Building and Loan Association OF SALISBURY, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, President, 1J. H. MASJt, Vice-Presnlent, F. J. MURDOCH, Seo. & Treas. T. C. LINN, Attorney. Twenty-first series now open. Nine serais real estate. Stocks -payable in instalments ol" k ceuis a snare eacn weeK. Assets June 1st, $66,470. Office in Davis & Wiley bank. For Sale. I offer for sale a valuable Mmberaa farm, containing 220 acres. Tnis farm adjoins Wm, Lyerly, .J. M. Haden ano others For terms, etc, applv to D. M. MILLER, mch 6 96 Salisbury, N.p. DISTILLERS BLANK ENTRY OF WITHDRAWALS for sale at the World office. Working Man's Friend ! New store and new man just opened up. A full line of new and pawn broker's, clothing, shoes, gents furnishing. Prices to suit the hard times. Come and look for your self and be convinced. Suits from $2.50 on up. Sample coats 85c. on up, Pants from 75c. "on up: Ti r Jjoys knee pants 15c. up. Shoes from 85c. on up. I would give you more prices-but the space will not permit. SMITHDEAL ROW, NEXT TO DR. RAMSAY, ON FISHER STREET. ARE YOUR FEET RIGHT AUD LEFT? Htaolactored under United SUtei ud Foreign Piteatfc C Knit right and left to conform to the shape cf the foot, thus preventing man discom forts and insuring great durability ' f THE UP-TO-DATE STPCKIN8. ;'jfj Are your feet right au3 In, y Wear the celebrated Waueii hose and have 'no more corns. They wear lodger than the oth er kind because they fit the foot. Sold only by Smoot Bros. & Rogers. -1 Go to BURT'S for 0 SHOES Causes and Effects- HOT WEATHER, STRAWBERRIES, CHERRIES AND POTATOES. NOB OB Y EX&MP1 . TRY KLUTTZ & GO'S , Ten Gent Diarrohea fixture - and be entirely cured. For Sale ! That valuable property sit uated on the southeast cor ner of Main and Horah streets and known as the old Horah place. Fronting 200 feet km Main street and running through to Lee street. J Also that beautiful lot sit uate on i Fulton street and, kn own as Uie Wilson pro .4 perty. These are the most desira ble lots in town. Any per son thinking of buying would do well to take ad vantage of this opportuni ty. For prices, terms, &c, call on J. S. McCUBBINS, Jb. JOHN A. RAMSAY & SON, CIVIL ENGINEERS and AR CHITECTS. ' Office in the rear of court house. Gives attention to railroad construction, .surveys and mapping of mining pro- pernes a specialty, surveys anu esti mates of water power, prepares plans for drainage of swamp lands by open or covered drains. Tlans for th re tionof mills, dwellings, &c.,and at tends to the purchase ot ail Kinuo ma chinery, tiuilding materials, tc. HESS BOTHES. PAINTERS, , PAPER HANG- ERS and CALSQMINERS. - v u Satisfaction Gfaaranted. I 4 t